@Los Angeles Clippers

Paul George Explains Why He Left the LA Clippers | 2 PROS & A CUP OF JOE

Paul George Explains Why He Left the LA Clippers | 2 PROS & A CUP OF JOE

somebody who was in LA but not with the Lakers Paul George uh he spoke on his podcast podcast P um no relation to playoff P by the way every time he struggled people were calling him pandemic P pandemic P so insulting man this game was sick uh but he spoke about why things went the way they went with the Clippers and why he is now a member the Philadelphia 76ers the first initial deal was I thought kind of disrespectful right 2 years 60 so I’m like wow no then I hear wind of like you know what they’re going to give Kawai so I’m like just give me what Kawai got like right y’all view us the same like you know we came here together we want to finish this together I’ll take what Kawai got they didn’t want to do that so this was before the allstar break so I’m like you know what I don’t want like don’t even let’s not even have no more conversations like let me let’s just play this year out because it was starting to get into like my like my mood now I’m you know I mean like I didn’t want I didn’t want to have that energy carry over into the team season in I finished healthy 74 games played and had one of my most efficient Seasons so now we going to negotiations now they bring it to 3 years 150 all right we’re in the ballpark you know what I mean now now we can have conversation here I presented the 3150 no trade cuz in the meeting they’re like you know we want you here longterm we want to you know when you’re retired we want you to be a clippers for a lifetime like all of this stuff so I’m like cool cool they didn’t want to do the no trade do that wow so then now I’m like all right well then it only makes sense for me to do four years to12 right like at least pay me my money if y’all gonna trade me then y’all gonna trade me but at least like now I’m not in a situation where I could have got more had I just gone a free agency so they didn’t want to do that so now I was like now like now I’m I’m I’m I’m open to entertaining what’s what’s out there I love Steve I love Lawrence but at that point it it didn’t even feel right to come back with that type of energy and and be comfortable playing back in La 53 million a year it’s pretty sweet H if y’all want put no no trade claws in my my my dip I need 53 for over four my dip dang by the way just just to think where they were in 2019 when him and when him and Kawai got there the same time and it was like oh man they’re taking over like it it is finally time everything that everything that could have gone wrong went wrong like he didn’t say any lies in what he said though he was efficient this year he did have a strong year and he stayed healthy he he wasn’t lying that wasn’t that was not incorrect it’s pretty detailed negotiation he uh I mean he put it out there I need that 150 dang for two years what’s 150 for two years that’s that’s 75 a year dang yeah I don’t think he was going to get that but um it just 75 when you see what the perception of what every so casual with it though right like hey I I’m I’m a need 75 million over to two a year I think there’s only banks who are used to hearing that you know that’s it’s Banks and like the NBA maybe maybe Major League Baseball a little bit hey man I was watching a show on History Channel called menn not made America I don’t know if people watch The History Channel but I was watching it they was talking about Rockefeller and they were talking about JP Morgan and how electricity made its way and then JP uh uh wasn’t uh it was kegi and trick that came up with you know Mass producing steel that’s how you know carnegi from Pittsburgh or whatever the numbers that they were throwing out there like yeah he wanted to complete this this bridge that that connected the the Mississippi like connected two different places uh a bridge to go over to Mississippi River he came up short he was in need of 20 million more to complete complete the the project like what and this man want 75 million for for a year playing basketball this man sitting there cegi was going crazy like trying to connect the East to the West come on man he’s trying to do all I’m trying to do is is create a different Lane you know everybody us a Raad not as difficult Paul George is bragging about only missing eight games last year for 75 million a year dang okay over three years who cares who car 150 over three like who cares yeah it’s 50 million a year it’s still um and the fact that he went into the detail that he went into is is him trying to let everybody know he didn’t want to leave yes he didn’t want to go so the fact that he broke down because I can’t imagine why anybody would want to talk about their negotiations after the fact unless you feel like you got to get their your side of the story out because people feel like you kind of alienated the team easy to do anymore I mean there’s no reason to false report anything or create a a different narrative I mean if the team sees it and feels a different way about it than what the player feels then you put it out there and that you know it is what it is but there’s so many outlets now for players to you know opportunity for them to put out their own like it’s not even what they say it’s not even about breaking news anymore it’s it’s it’s almost you know it’s like you just talk about the news cuz these guys are able to break the news on their own like that that’s breaking news that he’s putting out there right like like for him and and how that applies like ESPN didn’t break that or Fox didn’t break that like he brought that news to the table so when you have that type of access where you can distribute your information the way that you distribute your information it now becomes interesting to see how these organizations you know how they how they respond to it most times more often than not it’s generally a very very tongue and cheek type of response to it because there’s no real reason to go into the depth and the details of it he’s not a part of your organization anymore it’s kind of like the saquan Barkley push back or criticism you got from the Giants fans that was outlandish though that that was that was to me I mean q your QB former QB if if they said we’re not paying Brady Quinn 40 million to be a quarterback and then turning around and giving a running back 12 million we’re not doing that I mean wouldn’t I hit you the wrong way that would hit me the wrong way I I think how the show portrayed the conversation was really interesting only because the question immediately came up when you were talking about sequan Daniel Jones once you remove saquin like what’s the identity of the offense that’s a problem then like the money you’re spending isn’t money well spent if you take away one piece and have no identity agreed and so then it makes it look like well we’re probably not investing that 40 million well if we’re talking about giving up a guy what 12 13 14 and and and all of a sudden if we lose that we lose the identity of our offense and I know Joe Shane ends up saying well that’s you know we’re paying this guy 40 million for a reason it’s like yeah you are but just FYI all the best quarterbacks in the league they’re getting some somewhere between 50 to 55 to be able to throw the rock around the field dang and they’re paid that for a reason because they are viewed as that and so like when I hear those comments of Paul George and like what he was looking for and that transparency be hide the conversation the reality is that’s the NBA like that that’s your quarterback you need that Superstar you need a couple Superstars if you really want to shot at competing for a for a championship and so like that’s the going rate I mean it whether it’s quarterback NFL money or NBA money for Superstars that that’s just what it is that’s the market and so it not not to get off to a tangent on on good giant good Insight when I when I watch that I go oh this is kind of eye openening in the sense of well you’re kind of out loud admitting a mistake if it only takes one decision that is not even half the amount of money you already invested in something else and are saying well we don’t have an identity and we’re not willing to spend this on that player that’s a problem it’s one of the reasons why like it’s hard for me to be optimistic about the Giants this season because even though they have in free agency tried to replace saquan in a variety of ways and they bring in League neighbors who’s a playmaker they don’t have Waller anymore either he’s retired like you start really looking at things going it’s a lot of pressure on Daniel Jones to to you know be one of the top guys this year and by the way if he’s not this isn’t to disparage any player who’s going to be coming out in the draft next year a quarterback but it’s not viewed the same way as it was this year it’s one of the reasons why people think that a lot of teams took a quarterback this year in the first round of the draft it’s why you had so many go because they don’t feel optimistic about the outlook for next year and if that’s the case puts the Giants in a bad spot does not yes do you see uh Malik neighbors getting ready for training camp you know just uh just partaking a little bit he’s going to be in that running for rookie of the year if if Daniel Jones is he GNA have any money by then or oh dang that guy was throwing a grip of cash at the strip club was he throwing it it was only ones oh okay just one you sure no

2 PROS & a CUP JOE – Brady Quinn, LaVar Arrington and Jonas Knox react to Paul George to revealed why he was unable to reach a deal with the LA Clippers and headed east of the Philadephia 76ers.

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  1. All this coming from a guy who never been to the finals and known for coming up short in big moments..4 yrs 212M's lmaoooo PG smokin angel dust

  2. It doesn’t matter that he left the clippers. They won’t win with him or without him. He won’t win with Philly either.

  3. Lavar should so Andrew Carnegie some respect, the man built 1700 libraries across America so the government wouldn't waste his money back when there was a 70% estate tax when you died.

  4. Im sorry but know says OMG Paul George is playing tonight how can you still consider him a top player. These teams need to start saying your not a top player anymore an you haven't won anything so why pay hom so much. NBA SIMPS LEAGUE!

  5. Not gonna lie I don’t like lavar anymore. Ever since earlier this year around September he legit made fun of Jonas for not playing football past high school and incinuated anyone who didn’t is soft etc I just don’t like him anymore he’s so fake. The fact that he got bent out of shape and personally offended on a podcast and had to come at Jonas is disgusting lmao

  6. Yo know how dumb these dudes sound , supposed sports experts and can't get a contract the whole world saw right smh!

  7. Lavar is used to them NFL contracts where they want you to destroy your body and pay you crumbs unless you're a qb… When NBA and MLB get a bigger bag and live to tell the story without brain damage or being partially immobile in your older years. NFL Union is a joke. They should be the highest paid of any sport.

  8. Why this guy keep saying 150 million for 2 years and saying 75 per year, he didn't hear what PG said? it was 150 for 3 years and that's not 75 million per year.

    I guess they don't even check the segment before posting it, this is a horrible podcast.

  9. Just say you left for the money PG, who you think will believe anything other than that? As contract demands go, YOU DIDN'T EVEN GET THE CLIPPERS TO THE FINALS….STFU! 😂

  10. I definitely feel PG on the No-Trade thing because I remember LAC selling Blake Griffin the same story about being a Clipper for life, he signs that contract, and they trade him before the season begins. PG was just trying not to be lied to.

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