@Atlanta Hawks

Atlanta Hawks Summer League: Zaccharie Risacher, Kobe Bufkin, Mo Gueye, Nikola Djurisic, etc. (Pt 2)

Atlanta Hawks Summer League: Zaccharie Risacher, Kobe Bufkin, Mo Gueye, Nikola Djurisic, etc. (Pt 2)

on today’s show it is part two of two with myself and Glenn Willis talking all things summer league and a sprinkling of Dyson Daniels talk at the end of the podcast we’ll have all of that and more coming up you are locked on Hawks your daily Atlanta Hawks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day Hello friends welcome to episode 1762 of the lon Hawks podcast I am your host Brad Roland coming to you on a Tuesday here in mid July and today’s podcast sponsor by the folks at the game time app download the game time app right now create an account and use promo code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply I also want to tell you at top of the podcast to uh make us your first listen each and every day please subscribe to the show and listen to the podcast on Apple or Spotify or overcast if you are watching on YouTube that’s a great place to find the podcast as well please like this episode as well as subscribing to that platform and this is part two of two with myself and Glenn Willis so if you miss part one I recommend starting with the beginning of this conversation it’s more free flowing in that aspect so part one is the place to go but if you listen to that already it’s a good time to dive in now to part two more summer league stuff and at the end a little bit of Dyson Daniels talk as well as we kind of expand to another young player that will not be at summer league but still will be very much in the mix for the Hawks coming up so anyway here we go with part two myself and Glenn I want to build from there and talk a little bit more about like what you’re looking for skill development wise because especially for the returners like Kobe and and mo having seen them a year ago watching them a lot and intently it’s why I’m having you on because you see these things that I don’t even see X’s and O’s wise and little little things and then also seeing especially Kobe play in the NBA last year is there anything that you’re identifying especially with those two guys we’ll come back to the to the rookies in a second too but um like what are you looking for like kobby working on in summer league or that he might have shown or figured out in the last year and same with Mo because you mentioned the position Mo earlier that’s a question I got right away I’m sure you’re not surprised like who’s going to start for summer league I’m like well it’s going to be the probably the four guys and maybe wior that that’s your best five but if you do that that means moay is playing Center and moay is listed as a four which I appreciated by the Hawks He’s listed as a four of the summer league roster they think of him as a forward but he of course has Center size and you referenced earlier they played really small last year in summer league and this is a roster that only has one true Center on it and he’s probably like the 12th man on the team so if they want to play the they want to play it’s probably gonna be a lot of mow at Center so what are you looking for from those guys in particular yeah so I recall Kobe’s first game last year they played the Kings and think if you don’t follow all the summer league the Kings played two games in their own summer league that they hosted before they ever got to Vegas it was basically the yeah it was basically the Stockton team that played in the G almost like a whole season you know so that was a real struggle and that team came in with actual reps together and you know which which is unusual right and so for me I thought Kobe like was frustrated with himself on reads and things like that stockt I mean say Stockton because they were basically the Stockton Kings uh that were doing things that you just don’t see typically in the first summer the game together and and so so for me I just think it’s going to be interesting to see him could run the offense involve everyone but it’s the leadership so when a guy maybe on the weak side of the floor doesn’t line up correctly or or get the exact right spot for the for the skip pass or or whatever it might be just him like helping that guy hey no like you you lift it too soon or I need you deeper in the corner or I need you on the level with me as if if Kobe is running middle pick and roll and he’s working his way to the basket typically you want that guy on the south Flor to kind of stay level with him you know or lift to the same level he’s on or what that and so for me it’s I’m looking for kind of leadership there I don’t really have any questions about his ability to do things like R to play make a play all those sorts of things I I’m looking for him to keep everyone connected keep everyone communicating with each other and it’s the soft skills that I mean they I me he oozes that stuff anyway when you watch him play up up close like he does he really does but these are this is a new group of guys he’s never ever played with before and so I’m just excited to see that then on defense like you know setting the tone like you know in what bit of NBA play we saw last year I made the comment on Twitter one time that you watch him play and you feel like man this guy could be a defensive culture center for them one day may maybe you know because he does all the little stuff on defense and just leading by example on in the court and and helping guys understand uh you know we’re trying to do this you know and and helping them understand that so for me it really is the soft skills the organization the leadership and all that stuff I don’t have any question about his ability to kind of do the basic stuff you you want a point guard to do on offense from in a summer league setting especially yeah some guys need reps and I don’t think he’s really one of them like I think that he to your point maybe you could say because he had the injury last year he didn’t play as much as a lot of rookies do but when he was playing he was like the every down point guard in College Park and getting a lot of reps and I think that you know he he also was a two-year college player he wasn’t as as fresh faed as some guys are and you know you know this but quit Quinn absolutely loves Kobe and part of why is that he it’s just the makeup stuff like he just knows where to be he’s he’s very advanced as far as like professionalized guard play at the age of what I think he’s still 20 he’s he’s very young 21 whatever he is um so yeah I’m with you on that I think I wanted to lean in that earlier about him kind of he’s kind of there for everybody else almost doesn’t mean you’re not it doesn’t mean you’re ignoring Kobe but he just makes life easier for everybody else and I think that of course you want to see him do do the stuff you want to see him do like he’s gonna run a lot of pick and roll he’ll be he’s gonna be the main ball handler um but I actually wonder you mentioned it earlier about Ree but even jurich um who’s the secondary guy like you remember this like a year ago AJ who’s no longer on the team of course uh they they kind of were trying to shove AJ into more of an on ball situation in summer league and that’s kind of why he went to summer league and they acknowledged that at least and off the side any way they were like kind of telling people like me that and it didn’t really work AJ just didn’t take to it he he didn’t look great in that in that role I’m not comparing he him and Reay but I actually going to be fascinated this is your point earlier I’m just re I’m re reprising but are they going to want him to be a little bit more on the ball just to see just because look the reactions in summer league don’t matter they just don’t and and the example for all time is Trey in Salt Lake City when everyone decided he was gonna be a total bust and now he’s a multi-time All-Star player it it doesn’t it doesn’t matter what people say in summer league but there’s a chance if he does that and doesn’t look good people will freak out and I I get that but that doesn’t mean doesn’t mean doesn’t mean you don’t so I actually would be fascinated to see especially if Kobe’s off the court who has the ball like is it going to be jurich is it going to be Jarel Joiner will they have re a little bit more or is it g be more like maybe I don’t you probably be better describing this than me but do they want to situations where he’s not he’s not the point guard not handling the ball but kind of doing second side actions and that kind of stuff yeah I think it’ll be mix I do think you want R un balls some this is a setting for that right and the same thing with jurich and uh and even leveraging you know wiler is a a young vet like we’ll say right in in kind of doing some of that stuff too and you know and and it’s it’s funny because I think there are some things that Quinn values offensively that they didn’t really get to last year like he he historically has valued split cuts and they they just didn’t really have the Personnel to do that last year and they they worked they ran a little of that Summer League last year but but um it wasn’t as emphasized and so I’m I’m curious to see are they going to run a lot of split week side you know split cuts and stuff like that and and Kobe’s for that because Kilby can work on ball off ball Etc and and you can see jur doing that too in research day as well um and so that’s going to be interesting it’s nice that this year I want to like summer league starting a little later than than normal and so maybe there’s a little bit more time to get a little bit more stuff built into what you’re doing as opposed to typically it’s one practice and you go you know kind it’s still it’s still kind of that way I think but uh you’re right like in theory you could have at least been working with some guys maybe not your whole roster but you can at least have some guys in maybe get a couple of workouts in Atlanta and just just everybody knows it doesn’t just behind the scenes they usually gather for a day or two in Atlanta fly to Las Vegas maybe have one practice in Vegas one real one and then play and then in between games you can do some walkthroughs but they’re not full-on practicing probably so it’s like you better be ready to as far as your installs are concerned it’s kind of it happens very quickly today this show is brought to you by game time and I love baseball to the point where I actually host a podcast about the Braves on a regular basis it’s a huge part of my life each and every summer and the game time app is also an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball that makes game tickets for you faster and much easier and prices of the game time app actually go down as you closer to the event they have awesome deals all in prices and much more taking all the guest work out of you buying your tickets I’ve used game app in the past many times when using do you actually looking for Braves tickets or Falcons tickets United tickets and much more my favorite part of the app personally is the all in pricing there are no 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but even even like you know miles nor is having a guy like that on the like you know he played in college Parker last year like you know they have eight guys I said they have they have eight guys who played college park last year out of 13 eight and that that helps a t that’s the whole reason why you do that and I understand a lot of those guys are not big names if you don’t watch College Park and look I I always admit I don’t watch every game in College Park but the reason you do that would be if you want cohesion on your roster like a lot of those guys are not prospects in the traditional sense but if you want to be able to like run some stuff that you’re already running with your system having guys know what they’re doing is very helpful for that yeah and and it’s also an interesting thing because I mean you I mean how many years now on Ro if you and I been going to summer league watching these teams that bring the same guys back like second year third year fourth year right like you look at what like Miami is doing producing guys like dunan I remember watching Duck and Robinson play his first summer Le and like I mean I was like this dude looks like he weighs 145 pound you know and you know but what they turned like but it teams that have that stability of these kind of g-league we’ll call them or or what have you that are in that system and committed to kind of helping and those sorts of things those are those teams that tend to produce these undrafted free agents into actual NBA players right take those guys it may take two three years in some cases four years right um and but you see those guys come back like oh still with this team second year still with this team third year where before now the Hawks really were kind of a brand new summer league roster every every single year there was no continuity of those types of guys that were in their development program and in their system so to speak so it’s I think it’s very encouraging from that standpoint to see that continuity carry over because that is to me an absolute requirement to start to start producing these even if they’re peripheral players like in your organization through that route of undrafted free agent played in your son in your on your Jil team for two years in a row started to kind of understand habits principles all that sort of stuff and the next thing you know you’ve got a you know a Highsmith or a Gabe Vincent or you know who like whoever those guys are that’s what it takes like if you’re completely like throwing a brand new set of guys together every summer in Vegas you’re not going to get the the systematic kind of things that stick that are there persistently there that stick and help these guys come through and actually develop into what you’re asking players to do and and I think it’s encouraging to see this this continu a roster kind of carry over that I think that that hopefully will uh kind of allow the Hawks to start producing some some Talent through through that route as well it also helps you with how you want to play stylistically for example the Hawks are bringing a pair of 610 power forwards who can shoot miles Norris and Rob Baker who played in College Park last year um guys you know I know miles was on a two-way last year for for a bit but like not super high-profile names but they let you play a certain way like they can play five out with this summer league team um between M and those two guys any of those guys that’s playing Center for you you probably have five Shooters on the court and that’s in some in any League that that would help you but it just makes life easier more more Lanes all that stuff good spacing play faster summer league is always really fast anyway tempos are really fast in summer league because guys are just flying around you mentioned earlier but it really is about guys at the core it’s guys who are trying to play really really really hard for their next thing like obviously the lottery picks are safe re we already know what’s going to happen there Kobe’s already locked in but like it’s about the guys below that who are trying to make their make their team or make the next team so guys are playing so hard and so fast and they’re pressing a lot of the time too honestly like and guys will admit that if you talk to them like they’re just it’s really really urgent for them and I get it and that kind of comes through the screen or comes through in person for you and I watching in in the building so it just helps to like kind of take some of that stuff away and just play basketball and know know where you’re supposed to be um I did want to before I’m gonna ask you about D in a second which is different different uh thing Daniels is on the team he’s not playing in summer league but we’ll end with that um on Reet in particular because of course he’s the number one draw we all understand that even on a team that has other guys um is there anything that will like encourage you if you see it or something that’s you’re circling with for him as far as like not just on ball off Ball but like skill-wise like because look we can watch him on tape and we have but but this is his first professional American experience with the Hawks big stage he’ll be under the microscope the first game is going to be build and understandably so as Ray versus SAR there gonna be a lot of pressure on I’m sure he’s gonna feel some pressure what are you looking for from him like as a player as a prospect that we kind of either haven’t seen or that you want to see more of yeah I mean so I I think the things that will things that will be asked of him that might be a little different is play faster shoot it and he’s already said like like in one of his ref we gotta shoot it you know yeah he knows I’m sure they’ve already told him I’m sure it’s been very communic by the way Zach we’re taking you we want you to shoot and bomb and bomb and bomb because like if you want I know you watched him a lot he shot a lot of Threes but it wasn’t like he was bombing in the way that like NBA wings are asked to do and that’s going to be a change not not a bad change but something he’s gonna have to kind of like get used to doing yeah the other is I think um it’s just kind of making a play on the move I think that’s where it looked kind of rough at times last year you know is uh oh I my Defender closed out to me chasing off the three-point line I’m GNA break the paint where’s that help depend or coming from is it coming from Baseline side or is it coming from the elb you know and knowing which way to make that pass and so that fluidity in that processing uh I think that I’m interested to see how crisp or or not that is I think that’s interesting to me and the other part is just he’s I mean he his area that I think generates the most risk for him as a guy with the Optics of being the first overall pick is the physicality right and he just what didn’t play Super physically last year he’s barely 19 years old he’s 19 and what maybe two months now three coming up on three out I forget where we are in that but he’s on he’s less than 19 and a half years old and for me I want to see how he deals with he’s going to be playing against guys are 26 27 28 29 years old who’ been in the g- league played in Europe just trying to find their way back to the NBA and I just want to see him encountered that physicality I think it’s going to create adversity for him early in these game in the first one to two games and I just want to see how he responds to that that to me that’s a big deal like yeah do he like kind of back down you know sorry to pick on your Michigan guy oh well I remember watching DJ Wilson play his very this is a total this tells you I watch I think I was there I think I was there too honestly because I was looking at DJ so yeah go ahead but but he was you know playing for you know the Bucks and and they would give him the ball at the elbow and his Defender would push him past the three-point line like 12 feet in like a second and and when you’re watching that you’re like come on DJ like you’re you know and so to me it’s like a guy like letting the defender take ground from you when you have the ball like just that’s the kind of stuff you look for and it’s in that area could be kind of ugly first game game and a half or whatever it is but I want after that happens on two possessions and the guy’s kind of pushing him around what does he do in the third possession he’s like no I I don’t even care if he takes an offensive foul and like puts his shoulder into the like I want you to like be aggressive and so it’s all of that kind of wiring that shows up incrementally across these four games that tells you a lot about where he is right now and that’s the stuff that I’m looking for on defense similar kind of stuff the physicality fighting rebounds not getting pushed off the low block when he’s the low man and trying to kind of come in and help rebound and stuff like that so for me it’s like yeah on ball reps run a pick and roll run the second side stuff all that sort of stuff shoot the ball 0.5 it you know all that stuff but for me is like I want I know I feel I should say I feel sure he’s gonna get pushed around yeah guys are gonna try to push and you’re the first overall pick guys I was gonna say just being even before you factor in the fact that he’s he’s kind of slight physically right now which everyone everyone agrees on Landry even said that they all understand you got that he’s also he’s from overseas that puts a Target on some people play differently and also number one overall pick the combination of those three things he’s gonna get everybody’s best physical shot all week long and I think I would imagine they will have told him that and warned him but to your point how he responds to that when it happen because it’s going to happen someone’s gonna go at him and whether he can I’m sure he can I’m not saying I’m not I’m not worried about him handling it it’s just like it’ll be interesting to me how he reacts in game one game two whatever it is because you know game one maybe we’ll see it may it may not happen on Friday it might be Sunday but somebody’s gonna go at him like through his chest at some point this week and then we’ll see yeah some somebody’s gonna put him on the floor straight up put him on the floor right prob gonna happen and and it’s funny because all these rabbit holes you you and I could do I still remember watching Lori markkanen’s first for the game John Collins just pushed him around the whole game like just pushed him around the whole game and of course everybody’s like when I’m watching that I was like man can Lori play the for like you know you’re watching that of course like look how good he is now right so so that’s a great example of why you don’t overreact but it does tell you something about where they are right now right which is which is helpful and informative and all that sort all that sort of stuff so that’s honestly the biggest thing is how’s he you know when someone starts getting physical with him how does he respond is is something I’m anxious to see yeah I agree on all of that before we get out of here and I’m Gonna Let You Go I promise because we could go for two hours like always avoid the rabbit holes uh this is not summer league related want to stress that he’s not playing summer league but I want to ask about Dyson Daniels because he is a prospect that’s kind of in the same family as this he’s he’s gonna play in the Olympics which I talked about on a podcast a couple days ago um he’s on the Australian team uh we don’t have to go along on this but uh he’s of course an important part of the return for dejonay Murray what did what do you make of d i you and I have talked about him offline but never on the podcast because we we never had a reason to so uh Le at least since the draft was concerned I know I liked him in the draft I think you did too what do you what do you think about that ad because it’s GNA be obviously very interesting to see how he fits in especially on defense where he should help yeah so so for me I think it’s a huge acquisition right I I I think the collection of things they get back we’ll we’ll see if Nance is on the team or not I you know my quick aside there is that I think Nance fits more into the kgu offensive F template than Clint does I don’t that means anything well we have to truly just kind of wait and see on that but for Daniels having a guy who you can say we have our guy who’s going to defend the other team’s best guard every game every single game and he can do it you know I did some film breakdown shared on Twitter like a game where he played defended James Harden and Paul George you know in a and I mean he’s so good you know he is he’s so good at that but he’s never been elevated to being the primary Defender have on that’s a new it’s going to be a new thing for him right they were they had her right they had other guys right on that team that were doing things and things like that and and so it’s gonna be interesting to see how he deals with being the team’s best point of attack Defender the team’s primary option kind of to take on that role I think the sort of the secondary and tertiary benefits you have is I have no idea if DeAndre H going to be on this roster or not well you know we’re very early in the offseason and all that sort of stuff but and historically Hunter has been forced on the ball right and I still think right now his best role is off ball help Team Defender help Defender all that sort of stuff so if you do end up bringing Hunter back I got like Daniels optimizes Hunter’s defensive role a guy like Daniels makes everybody else’s kind of role easier it helps you like maybe keep bogey in a little bit of of more optimized kind of defensive role that sort of thing and so just I mean you know it’s kind of funny I was you I I on the fourth I talked to our friend Caleb on 929 game and I was like Ray is 69 he’s 19 you know gay is what 21 I think he’s 611 Kobe’s 6’4 he’s aged 20 and Dyson Daniels is 21 he’s 6’8 you know and so that the just the size that they’re starting to kind of fill this right and all these guys aren’t necessarily going to be in the rotation year one right but they’re starting to kind of build this depth of young guys with defensive size and right now Dyson Daniels is at the head of that pack I have a question like can he be an all NBA level Defender I I think it’s crazy to try to answer that question right now because again we’ve never seen a guy we never seen him go out hey Dyson 33 34 minutes a game when you have the team’s best players on the court you got him all 33 like he’s never been asked to do that before so we’re gonna have to kind of wait and see but he has the tools he had he has that frame he has and the technique his ability to defend with his chest and keep the ball in front and keep away I mean he he does so many things at an A+ level it’s just like anytime you it’s just like an offense when you see a guy who has a lot of Promise You ramp up their usage on offense it’s like does it scale right that’s the thing we’ll see with Dyson this year is does it scale all the way up to being the guy for a whole game depending the other team’s best guy the whole game does it scale and and we we’ll see how it goes but I I think it’s a great uh return yeah I I respect the player dejon maras I know Hawks fans might have different feelings that are all over the place about that but but I honestly I hope this is this is a trade where both teams feel like they did they got something good in it um and of course I know Hawk’s already reing for that Lakers pick to be a really really high pick well I mean that’s what should that’s what’s supposed to happen I mean it’s one of those things where as soon as that goes through you become an anti- Lakers fan that’s and I get it because that’s it’s unprotected it’s a r situation but yeah know you and I we agree and you know we talked about jante a lot like d Jon’s a really good player it’s not like they were giving a they were not trading a guy away that’s that’s not worth anything Jon has huge value that’s how they got two first round picks and for me the equivalent of another one in D danels like there was a reason for that he’s really good um no we agree on Daniels though I Ty and I were effusive in Our Praise of his defense and it’s it is true your your point is the right one though like he’s got to prove he can both stay on the court offensively and also scale up to be that could again he doesn’t have to be an all in an all defense guy for this to be for him to be a good player but but like m question is like in three years will he get to that level right you’re right and having K helps having Kobe helps like Kobe will take some of that having V presumably helps with some of that right and so all of that kind of helps where uh because the good teams don’t just have one guy you know so no there’s um there are different archetypes I don’t want to name them I mentioned Chris done a second ago because he’s former Hawk but like there’s these guys who like play at an all Defense level when they play and they play 20 minutes a game and it’s just it’s easier I’m not saying it’s easy it’s easier when you’re in that kind of small role he could just be a lightning fly around guy I think Daniels is number one he’s bigger than a lot of those guys are like guard siiz you know Dennis Smith and his and his revamped role is like this where he’s like remade his career to his credit about being this like really great on ball Terror Defender D has Wing size which which is part of what makes us so attractive defensively is that he can also defend wings like real siiz wings and I love his defense I mean I I I’m sure I’m going to be infusive again and again and again about it I’m very excited you know how I feel about defense in general uh we share that belief of valuing Defense but uh there are still questions like how is it how is it going to work on offense how is it gonna scale um how does he fit him with what Quinn wants because you know they didn’t draft him but they they also they did they they did want him two years ago I I there was some reporting around that I heard that at the time Kobe was the guy they ended up taking because he was gone um but yeah it’s just really but I’m glad you mentioned it there’s this it goes both ways like right now I’m fighting this battle with Hawks fans about I’ve been saying that they need more shooting and all the replies are like what they have bogy and Garrison I’m like well yeah they have two guys at the same position who are their plus Shooters same thing with defense it’s like oh do they need Daniels they have Kobe and V or whatever and it’s like yeah you need more you need more you need more more more you can’t have enough shooting you can’t have enough Wing siiz guys and then for this team in particular with Trey and their defensive foibles the last several years having multiple Defenders is like what you you got to have it I mean and it’s we’ll see how they all break down we’ll see what beat looks like when they bring all that stuff but they just having options is huge and last year they had no options last year they were so thin so many places and so different ways uh Daniels offense yeah it’s it’s a question I don’t know if he’s ever gonna be a a good shooter I don’t know we’ll see but I like the defense a lot yeah yeah but the thing is he can handle he can pass he can move the ball the ball doesn’t stick with him right so the the other step it’s all it’s all there and I mean this might sound crazy to NBA fans but you ask NBA coach like what’s the more important guy who can make shots or guys who’s willing to take shots and they’ll they’ll put those things probably equal like what drives coaches crazy is a guy who just won’t take an open three right and I don’t care if you’re 32% shooter like you got to let it go right and D Daniels shot 38% from the corner last year you know that’s a solid number you know from the corner and and all that and so I think I think quin’s thing is like as long as he’s taking the open threes then we’re good you know and I know a lot of people were saying like you know New Orleans had one of the best shooting coaches in the whole league the last couple years and and you have that question and so but you know um he’s 21 so we’ll see this 21 we’ll see is the answer to most questions about 21y old 21y old players but uh no I’ve always liked him I will raise my hand on that um all right GL I’m going to let you get out of here I appreciate the time uh I will hopefully see you in person in a few days uh out in the desert well I’m sure we’ll talk about some basketball um in person I’m not going to drag you on inperson podcast I’m not really sure what the logistics would be a that but um anything you want to get out there plug share I know at29 is is rocking and rolling I uh I I even hesitate to ask you and Toler to come on the podcast sometimes because you guys are doing other things you have your own podcast yeah so I mean we’re going to I think record uh soon uh and we’ll see like where the Hawks are in their transaction activity or inactivity at that point in time so you look for that find us over there U if you’re going to be at Summer League let me know love to say hi to you um at well Sund SP in find me find me on Twitter or X whatever you’re calling it and uh and let me know we would love to say hi and all that sort of stuff and you if folks want to kind of some come sit I’m GNA I’ll be watching at least the first two games uh in person uh I may have to call after that depending upon day job stuff and everything same um yeah but uh you know but but the first two games should be be a ton of fun so yeah Ail on 29 and find me on Twitter and X you know all that sort of stuff and then uh yeah we we’ll go from there and I presume eventually you and I will get back to our our player player capsules and we probably should give ourselves a week or two weeks whatever it’s going to be to see who that yeah I I uh just if you’re a new listener Glenn Glenn’s been gracious enough the last couple years to do this player capsule series with me we talk about everybody on the roster and kind of own episodes we already did a bunch of those this year so if you listen want to listen to those a lot of those are still very relevant right now we uh touched on a bunch of guys um and we still have more to come we’re not going to do Deonte anymore that’s the only one that we won’t do that we were gonna do of course but we still have to talk about Trey and Jaylen looking at my list right now aong woo uh Kobe buffkin bogie and v c are all still all still coming it’s fantastic like August content when nothing else is happening so that was part of the reason why we we slowed down and did those a little bit later but uh those are all awesome conversations I’ll say that I just appreciate your um interest and willingness to do those do those shows with me but yeah we’ll get back to those at some point I will probably have a cooling off period at some point as well uh and I’m not saying I wish I could say for the whole summer league I will be there for the first three games and then I have to go home because I have a day job thing too so uh maybe one day someone will pay me to do basketball only and I could just like be there for the duration but until then I have to come home but uh we love we we’re For the Love of the Game here on the podcast Glenn I know I know know feel that yeah summer league is where I see a lot of my friends the only time I see them throughout the year a lot of my basketball folks things like that yourself included uh my my one of my best friends in the world Dane Moore who covers the tber Wolves looking forward to some time with him he’s too the Wolves had such a banner season he was too busy to see me this year you you know how that goes Brad uh and stuff so and and then others other other people look forward to say sometimes just saying hi and asking how they’re doing how they feel is doing all that sort of stuff so one of my favorite things and then the basketball watching is is delicious for for the way that I’m wired so yeah there you have it well thank you Glenn for being here everybody else please subscribe to the show I will have full coverage of the summer leue games that I’m at and the ones I’m not at at the end but uh that’ll be coming up very soon later on this week so stay tuned subscribe like this episode of the podcast if you’re watching on YouTube also subscribe on Apple Spotify Etc follow Glenn’s work at29 Willis _ Glenn on Twitter Etc thank you again my friend we’ll see you all next time

Brad Rowland (@BTRowland) hosts episode No. 1762 of the Locked on Hawks podcast, and he is joined by Glen Willis (@willis_glen) for Part 2 of a 2-part discussion. The conversation focuses on the Atlanta Hawks at NBA Summer League, including Zaccharie Risacher, Nikola Djurisic, Kobe Bufkin, and Mo Gueye, plus a sprinkling of Dyson Daniels talk.

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  1. Brad talks too much!! Asks the man a question, then keeps talking and won't let him answer. He babbles on and on……Goodness!

  2. Brad, you said there was going to be “Mo Gueye propaganda”, but I really think he has the most potential of any of our young guys. Is that propaganda?

  3. Too many Euros. How were so many drafted when they aren't even good and has no personality and can hardly speak? The NBA is deliberately changing the game to benefit world-wide interest and the product sucks. This Hawks roster outside of Trae is trash. Once he leaves it's over – and as a Hawks fan we probably won't even notice. Basketball is becoming the new baseball.

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