@Los Angeles Clippers

That’s what I’m saying…

That’s what I’m saying…

by trancatt


  1. Giving a 3 year near max NTC to a guy who openly says he’s not a number one option is nasty work

    A four year max is similarly nasty work

  2. Life_Crossover

    But that doesn’t explain why they offer that initial contact? Was very low to his standards.

  3. PG has a platform to take all his shit with his two yes-men hyping him up. Clipper fans know he didn’t deserve the contract he received especially at this age and as a 3rd wheel. If philly doesn’t win this year, they will try to ship him out with a contract no one will want.

  4. thelifeofjays

    Sixers always take our washed assets it’s tradition. Brand, Doc, now PG.

  5. PlatinumPlayer

    Brian Scal on NBA radio this morning, doesn’t believe for one second the clippers offered the initial 2 year 60m that PG reported. I do wonder if that’s true or not. Regardless, I personally don’t think a 34 year old should be paid that, nor do I want my favorite team to sign him to that. I do think they should’ve just done a 4 four NTC deal then ship him away, but the move tells me the FO is exhausted of this saga and ready to move on. Just bizarre to let a guy walk but I’m glad it’s over.

  6. turb0mik3

    BJ and Rashad LITERALLY just said this on the Arena… haha. He gonna be 3rd option in Philly getting 50m a year… lololololol.

  7. CP3sHamstring

    What’s crazy to me is all these people in the media acting like Harden for $35m is an overpay but PG is easily worth $55m a year lmao. Keep hearing that PG had his most efficient season yet and these mfers can’t piece together why when talking about those 2.

    The only thing that had an increase in efficiency was PG’s spot up shooting, and that is a direct result of Harden’s addition to the team. PG was a 65 eFG% when he shot without dribbling. That decreases to 55% when he dribbles 1-2 times (i.e when he decides to not shoot the open shot right away) plummeted to 45% when he dribbles between 3 and 6 times (when he turns down the open shot and decides to ISO).

    His ISO game was a mere 1.03 points per possession, compared to Harden’s 1.14 and Kawho’s 1.20. But he chose to ISO just as much as spot up, which was 1.29 ppp.. which was absolutely worse for the team but they let him do it because of personality management or some shit. He should not have been ISOing as much as he did.

    And none of that even touches on his unwillingness to guard, fight for boards, his horrendous passing, the turnovers, the fouls etc.

    He’s now just a spot up shooter that nobody other than the Clippers F.O seems to realize is just a spot up shooter, including himself and the national media lol.

    There is absolutely no way he is worth $20m more per year than Harden and it’s debatable if he’s even better than Harden – he sure wasn’t in the playoffs.

  8. My memory of PG on this team will be him hitting the side of the backboard game 7 vs. the Nuggets and him missing not one, but TWO clutch free throws vs. the Suns which allowed the Valley oop to happen. His mental game is nonexistent. The second the pressure turns up, he fades away. Series could’ve gone to 7 with a chance at the Finals had he even made one of them. And this is the dude asking for 50 mil at 38 years old. Joke of a star

  9. LLUrDadsFave

    They didn’t give in to Pee and his delusions.

  10. Slow_Maintenance747

    Clippers knew how much of a choke artist he is. That’s just the reality folks. This man can’t be counted on when it comes to when it matters most. Thank you Paul George for your services. But time to move on.

  11. The 180 on PG in this sub is wild. Got hated on so much when I wanted to trade his ass lost off season. Wonder if this sub will do a 180 on Kawhi when he’s gone too lol

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