@Houston Rockets

Houston Rockets Summer League Roster Set: Reed Sheppard, Cam Whitmore & AJ Griffin Expectations

Houston Rockets Summer League Roster Set: Reed Sheppard, Cam Whitmore & AJ Griffin Expectations

on today’s show Houston Rocket summer league roster is set Kira Lewis Jr the newest name added to the bunch plus we’ll get into our mailbag questions and topics Summer League goals predictions and expectations is it possible to keep all of the Rockets young core on this team and any potential trades on the horizon that and so much more it’s all coming up on today’s locked on Rockets this is Mission Control Houston ignition sequence starts 6 5 4 4 3 2 1 what’s up and welcome to another edition of locked on Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball as always I’m your host Jackson Gatlin n Honan and credential media member I’m also the host of locked on NBA Mondays be sure to follow along wherever you listen to your podcast or on YouTube just search locked on Rockets be sure to like comment and subscribe that’s the best way you can help our show out is to comment anything below swing by the video and just say go Rockets it helps us out a ton now today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more this summer with FanDuel because they’re hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that means there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit to get started and as always thank you so much for making lockd Down rocket part of your day every single day whether it’s on your way to work on your lunch break in the gym shelter altering in place from Hurricane Barrel whatever it may be uh thank you for being an everyday and and on a serious note though uh to all my houstonians anybody else who is in in the path of of of hurricane Barrel I hope you’re doing well I hope you are safe and sound and that you know the hurricane didn’t cause you too much damage or disrupt your lives too much uh I I lost power for a couple days uh only recently got you know got power back got internet back so now we’re back up and running uh but I know that there are still a lot of households a lot of homes uh without power without electricity all that stuff so I do hope everybody out there is doing okay uh in the midst of all of this uh it is hurricane season so it sucks but that’s that’s life as a houstonian right um on that note let’s get into Today’s Show so we’ll do a little bit of uh kind of Rocket some housekeeping some news here at the top with the summer league roster being set and then we’re going to get into uh our mailbag questions a lot of great submissions thank you if you commented on social media if you swung by the YouTube channel commented there uh thank you for dropping in questions topics ideas uh probably going to space them across two episodes honestly because there were a lot of different topics a lot of different things I want to be able to get to uh when we start up the mailbag questions but let’s start with the the housekeeping stuff here at the top the Rockets summer league roster is set it’s fully announced uh so obviously The Usual Suspects the guys that we expect to be on there so re Shepard cam Whitmore AJ Griffin is going to be participating in summer league uh there’s also neali Dante the the uh young big man out of Oregon that we talked about that the Rockets picked up uh just after the NBA draft concluded and then there’s also uh the other guys that the guys that the two-way guys from this past season so Nate Hinton Nate Williams uh Germaine Samuels Jr they’ll be making another Las Vegas summer league appearance for the rockets and a couple names on here that I wanted to highlight uh the first of which kir Lewis Jr right been at the NBA level for a few seasons now hasn’t really carved out a home has had you know opportunities with the Pelicans and then the Utah Jazz and hasn’t really been able to find a home anywhere you know the likelihood of this of of kir Lewis Jr impressing enough in summer league and then getting a training camp invite and and you know carving himself out a spot on this Rockets roster I don’t know may maybe they find him you know a two-way slot because the Rockets still have two other two-way slots open and that I would be fully open to but you know he’s an electric guard right he’s got a a really great like ability to get north south on the floor when he gets downhill he can attack the rim uh you know collapse the defense but his outside shooting is just wildly inconsistent and it’s really hard to be kind of a bit of an undersized uh guard even if you’re explosively quick uh if you can’t shoot at the NBA level if you don’t have a consistent outside shot it’s going to be really tough to find yourself a home anywhere uh as well as some maybe some defensive liabilities here and there but uh honestly I probably think that the Kira ludus Jr addition to the the summer league roster is probably more so the rockets and like Rafel Stone and their front office doing a favor to like somebody’s agency or something where hey you know kir lewis’ agent rolls up on the Rock and hey can we can we get him on the summer league roster and get him a chance out there and maybe he doesn’t have a shot to make the Rockets roster but maybe another team sees him sees his production and like yeah we’ll give you a shot at you know uh uh a vet minimum contract or a two-way deal or something like that for a fringe NBA guy who’s kind of already become a journeyman even though he’s only you know 22 23 years old that’s the kind of opportunity that you have to take is you have to go to summer league you have to prove hey I still belong on a roster or there there needs to be a team out there that’s going to take a chance on me so the likelihood of the Rockets being that team to take a chance on him slim to none but this is also one of those things right where you build up connections and you know you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours and if the Rockets are doing this as a favor to to Kira Lewis or to his agency or whatever then you know they come back down the line and they’re able to you know help them out out elsewhere down the line I don’t know you know spreading you know positive word you know words or or you know saying good things about the organization that kind of stuff so we’ll see how that ultimately pays plays out the other name that’s interesting on this Rocket summer league roster is none other than Fabian White Jr uh uh product uh Lum uh former cougar uh he was a guy that I got the chance to cover and talk about when the uh when I was originally uh covering the uh cougars a few years ago so uh that’s a kind of cool to see a familiar face familiar name pop up there uh Fabian white was always really cool guy uh with the Cougars so glad that he’s getting a chance on the Rockets summer league roster and I’ll tell you what right now if you guys like the way that tar een rebounds the basketball in you know when we’re watching NBA games just get ready to watch Fabian White Jr go after some of the uh the offensive rebounds in summer league it’s going to be a ton of fun to watch uh on that note though let’s go ahead and dive into some of our mailbag questions here right out of the gate going to do my best to get through uh all of them across this episode and our very next one and then some of these questions though I do think are going to need to Warrant uh more of a dedicated episode rather than you know trying to cram it into you know a one or two minute reply here in a mailback episode so like the very first question out of the gate uh from my guy Jeff W uh talking about Rocket’s cap space situation and if they use the cap space next year to bring in a star how would that impact the ability to sign Jabari tari and other guys long term Jeff great great question we’re going to have to visit that on a future episode we’ll probably sit down and do like a kind of a a cap Logistics episode down the line so I will highlight probably some of these questions but if I’m not able to get to it in the mailbag episode I want to just highlight it and say hey we’re going to get to it a little bit down the line so thanks for the question Jeff I we’re going to tackle that in a more long form format uh down the line but uh let’s go with this one uh summer league stat predictions for Reed Shepard AJ Griffin and cam Whitmore for my guy t IO uh look for I I don’t want to set like unrealistic expectations for any of these three guys I do think that rather than specifically like looking at stats for cam Whitmore I want cam Whitmore to look like the best player on the floor when he’s out there right this was kind of the same thing that we saw last summer for Jabari and tari right they finish their rookie year they come in as kind of you know sophomores uh and they just look like the most dominant players for the couple games of Summer League that they did play on the floor I want to see cam Whitmore go out there and he should be beyond the shadow of a doubt the best player on the floor for either team in whatever games he’s playing during Las Vegas summer league now the extension of that is you know right I want to see him score the ball efficiently the main thing that I’m looking for for cam bit more I want to see his playmaking right I want to see him continue to build on the playmaking that we saw glimpses of throughout the season and really saw him kind of flesh out over the final like two or three games of the regular season let me see cam kind of create for his teammates right we talked about uh or eem Oka already talked about the fact that with Reed Shepard he can play on or off ball right I I’m curious to see how much Cam Whitmore is going to be in charge of and responsible for running the offense in summer league right because he’s a guy that you give him the ball let him have some you know some pick and roll action right let him attack the defense let him try and generate opportunities for his teammates using that scoring gravity so for cam Whitmore not really a stat prediction there more just kind of expectations for him uh AJ Griffin I just want to see that he can still shoot the basketball and play reliable defense right so if you know ideally a world where he’s shooting you know 38 39% from three knocking down the open shots that he’s getting maybe he shows us a little bit more maybe he puts the ball in the deck maybe he’s you know steps out of his comfort zone a little bit but I basically just want to see that the Rockets took a shot on a guy and he can at least be that reliable 3 and D presence right that’s what I’m hoping to see out of AJ Griffin and then for Reed Shepard again I’m not going to go I’m not going to inflate the stats I’m get it going to get too crazy with the expectations for him but for Reed I think something realistic like 12 points a game and like four or five assists seems pretty doable um I don’t expect Reed to be the kind of guy that’s going to like be filling it up 20 plus a night whatever now if he catches fire right and if he’s if the way the Rockets set this team up if he’s able to play off ball if Cam whitmore’s got a bunch of gravity and he’s able to create opportunities Reed still has a chance to put on a really impressive summer league but I want to sit here and like try and say okay this is what I’m predicting for him I want to see these numbers I just want to see him be comfortable out there right I want to see him create for his teammates I want to see a steady a steady diet of him playing on ball and traing for his teammates versus him playing offall and seeing him come off some off ball actions some screens some pin Downs as a shooter and seeing if the Rockets can get a little bit creative with how they open him up and what they do with his shooting gravity so those are kind of some early you know preliminary expectations hopes and stuff for the for that Trio of guys kind of the the Rockets big Trio if you will now coming up going to get into some more of these mailbag questions we’re going to get there in just one moment first today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel look I love sports I love them so much I never really want them to stop right but as the playoffs are winding down you get fewer and fewer games and maybe the sports just aren’t sportsing the way you want them to FanDuel lets you keep the Sports Action going all summer long whenever you want all you have to do is open the app and dream up big bets anytime you’re in the mood and this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long so head on over to and start making the most out of your summer FanDuel official sports betting partner of the NBA and continuing on here at lockon Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball all right so continuing our Rockets mailbag episode here let’s get into our very next question similar to the one that we just answered but I I’ll I’ll piggy back off of it a little bit uh what are your summer league I think that I think we I think we forgot a word here but we’ll go with Summer leag expectations for not only Reed Shepard but also the guys from the Vipers and neali Dante this is from uh AK Infinity uh yeah kind of a little bit of what we already talked about didn’t talk about Dante at all for Dante right I mean he he’s being brought in to uh be a lob oh my God I don’t even have the lob threat on the soundboard that’s that’s that’s a travesty why is it not on the soundboard oh no there it is lob threat okay there we go Dante’s being brought in to be a lob threat right he’s going to be a defensive presence uh so seeing what he can do seeing how he can kind of man the middle that’s going to be exciting to to kind of see is there something there that the Rockets may want to tap into right can he earn a two-way contract with the rockets and and be somebody that maybe Oka can grow and groom into a legitimately serviceable kind of versatile defensive uh defensive big man who can provide some Rim protection but also switch out and guard on the perimeter that kind of thing so just trying to see his his versatility as a big man is going to be a big one for neali Dante now kind of already talked about expectations for for Shepard and the other guys from Summer League so won’t rehash all that um from our next question from uh Zack reima uh forgetting the starting lineups who do you see being on the floor closing games uh at the start middle and by the end of the season well yeah so we I mean just very quickly right the expected starting lineup at this point is Fred vanite Jaylen green Dylan Brooks Jabari SM junr alren shenon um I will say that for closing games and we already saw this last year em Oka is all about going with whoever he thinks gives him the best chance to win a game we saw games where shingon was benched we saw games we saw plenty of games where Jaylen was benched we saw games where Jabari was benched and it it wasn’t even necessarily that those benching where due to those players playing poorly it was much more about putting the right group of five on the floor to win a game so it’s more about which matchups are favorable for the rockets at the end of a game so we’re going to I you know I fully expect there to be moments this next season where we see Jeff Green closing games where we might see Aaron holiday out there closing a game or two we might see we’ll definitely probably have some games where tar een is out there closing absolutely um I think the most obvious name out there is is it’s going to be really tough to keep tar een out of the game especially in those closing lineups especially defensively just everything that he provides from a sheer impact perspective tar een is the most impactful player on this Rockets roster internally all their Advanced analytics all their data suggest that he is the most impactful player on this Rockets roster so I fully expect him to probably be a part of the the closing lineups more often than not um and this kind of dovetails into uh are the very next question we have uh brought up here from ham ham shamam I I hope I wrote that down right uh who among our five bench guys is most likely to win a starting job during the year and who among the starting five is most likely to lose their starting job so I’ll say this for the bench guys it’s very easily and obviously tar een has the greatest chance to win a starting job um there are I mean there’s a very realistic pathway where it if tar hadn’t been injured this past season I don’t think it would have happened but there would have been some pretty loud claims probably throughout the season for tar to start over Dylan Brooks or potentially even starting over jabarus Smith Jr just because he’s that impactful of a player and there were various stretches where Jabari coming back from the ankle injury didn’t look as good Dylan looked like he kind of lost a little bit of a step in the kind of back third of last season uh and there were definitely some moments where he got a little to little too Dylan Brookie for our liking uh offensively in in in how aggressive he was looking for his own shot or maybe making some ill-advised decisions on the offensive side of the ball tar is is ready to be an NBA caliber starter right now the question is how do the Rockets open up those minutes how do they open up a spot for him and the two obvious candidates well the one obvious candidate is Dylan Brooks right is there a world where the Rockets potentially as early as this season start to phase Dylan Brooks out of the starting lineup and in incorporate tar een into the starting lineup I don’t know how realistic that is I don’t know necessarily think that like Dylan Brooks would become like a locker room cancer or anything if he lost his starting spot but the Rockets also really value what Dylan Brooks brings to the table his leadership the intangibles that he provides he gives the team kind of an edge right he’s the villain he’s Dylan the villain and he’s in that starting lineup to be kind of a tone Setter for this Rockets team so I don’t know how quickly they’re going to be ready to move on from Dylan Brooks if he’s still on the roster and kind of you know shuffling his role to where he comes off the bench instead of starting uh now if the Rockets do look to offload Dylan Brooks right and open up those minutes maybe let’s say maybe AJ Griffin hits right AJ Griffin hits turns out he can be a really serviceable piece for this rocket team and they’re ready to anoint tar een the starting small forward then there’s a a pathway where Dylan Brooks can easily be traded he’s got a very you know relatively team-friendly contract he’s a very serviceable 3 and D Wing uh all NBA caliber Defender the Rockets could get some kind of value back for him if they wanted to trade him midseason and then give tar een that starting starting spot so I’d say the most likely candidate to lose the starting spot is Dylan Brooks uh the most likely candidate to earn a starting spot is tar een I’ll also go with one more caveat in here and just I’m GNA have to throw in Jaylen Green’s name and you know whenever I wind up talking about Jaylen green and just the reality of the situation I I I I you know I wind up seeing the comments on you and stuff and it’s all the Jaylen green shade and all it’s just the reality of the situation jaylen’s going to have to come out and really impress at the start of this season right he he can’t at this point for his own career sake right for his sake as his you know for his future as a Houston Rocket he cannot come out and have a slow start to his season like he did last year his future contract extension depends on it his future with the team depends on it he has to come out and hit the the ground running and he doesn’t have to play the way that he was playing for the entire month of March that would be incredible I’m not going to I’m not going to say don’t play that way but the realistic expectations for him are just be consistent right you can’t have the crazy highs and the crazy lows that we saw last year right because that inconsistency is what really killed with killed the Rockets So if there’s another name to at least Monitor and have on the radar that could potentially lose a starting spot it’s Jaylen green because if he doesn’t come out of the gate strong if he doesn’t have a good strong start to his year where he’s playing at least closer to the level that we saw him finish at last season then there are a lot of names on the roster ready to step up and take that place it could be as simple as sliding Dylan Brooks down to the two and putting tar e in the starting lineup it could be as simple as going with Cam Whitmore over Jaylen green hell it Reed Shepard could be ready to take that spot right right right out of the gate so there’s a lot of pressure on Jaylen to be the best version of himself I hope it works I hope he hits the ground running and starts the year on a strong note uh that way the Rockets don’t even have to entertain conversations about potentially shuffling the starting lineup or or trading him at the deadline I’d love for for him to just come out and play like an All-Star and then we’d feel really really good about that that pairing about ALR shingun and jayen green for the future moving forward so those are those are those thoughts there uh coming up we’ve got our final segment and final mailbag questions for here in part one that we’re going to get to uh and we’re going to get there in just one moment first today’s episode is brought to you by better help look comparison is the thief of Joy right and it’s easy to Envy other people’s lives it might look like they have it all together on their latest Instagram post but in reality they probably don’t it’s really tough when you’re comparing your behind the scenes with everybody else’s highlight reel right you don’t see the struggles and everything that other people are going to 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for part one of our mailbag again be on the lookout for part two down the line if you didn’t hear your question get answered in this episode be on the lookout for it a little a little bit down the line I am trying to get to every single one of these um let’s go to uh my guy Bryce what’s up Bryce uh any trades possible before the season or do you think that we will hold off until the trade deadline during the season I’m going to be completely honest here uh this rocket team is is likely set right the barring any crazy situation where like maybe Devin Booker Pardon Me Maybe maybe Booker doesn’t like what the suns are doing The Fringe additions or he’s not looking forward to running it back in the desert then maybe he demands a trade aside from one of the young superstars of the league demanding a trade and then the Rockets wanting to throw their hat in the ring and get get involved and in a Pursuit like that I don’t think we see any more action uh the Rockets already have their 15-man roster what feels like is going to be their 15-man roster for the season 15 guaranteed standard NBA level contracts um and everything the Rockets uh front office has kind of done throughout this rebuilding process and even you know last year is they maintained patience and they maintained optionality and that’s what it feels like this next season is about right is they are giving the Rockets young core a chance to show the show what they can do in this next season to show you know to can can Alper and shingon level up again can Jaylen green become more consistent what does year three look like for Jabari and tari right how good how much better do a then Thompson cam Whitmore look in year two how does Reed Shepard look in his rookie year and I think that this next year is going to going to be about Gathering as many as much internal data as they can on the core 7 and figuring out which of those pieces are here to stay permanently which of those pieces they really like and which of them are a bit more Expendable which of them are the guys that they’d be okay with parting with in a trade right already talked about earlier in the episode The Importance for Jaylen green to hit the ground running right if he really struggles out of the gate then he could be one of the first pieces of the young core that the Rockets actually look at trading at the trade deadline so I don’t expect any trade between now and the start of the season honestly it feels like the Rockets are very content to run things back with this roster and again it’s not just running it back because you’re getting you’re adding what is hopefully knock on wood a healthy Steven Adams you’re adding tar een who was playing basically on one leg last season uh you’re adding Reed Shepard to the mix everybody’s getting a year older a year stronger a year better um a year wiser they understand Oka and how he coaches and what his expectations are and they get another offseason with him and the coaching staff so I think they’re content to just run things back as it stands uh so no more trades on the horizon for the rockets at least I would be shocked if we saw any substantial trades maybe couple Fringe things but nothing I don’t think anything Monumental is coming down the pipeline uh this next question uh do the new CBA rules affect teams draft picks that are owed to other teams for example if the Suns pick being moved to the back of the first round since the Rockets own some of those picks does that rule affect those picks as well uh from Brandon B thanks for the question Brandon um at at least I my understanding of how the second apron works and like the cap freezing is that second apron teams are unable to trade their first round pick seven years into the future so if you’re at the if if you’re still in the second apron by the end of a season because again that’s how the NBA calculates like all their you know repetitive damages and dos and fees and all that stuff is if you’re if you’re in the second apron at the end of the season so again teams that look to salary dump and avoid the luxury tax and the first and second aprons they have to make all those moves by the NBA trade deadline which is why we sometimes see teams you know cheaping out at the deadline whatever because they want to avoid those penalties at the end of the NBA’s fiscal year um if you’re in the second apron by season’s end you automatically have your first round pick seven years out frozen so any team uh at the end of this next season so the end of 2425 if you end the in the season in the second apron your 2032 first round pick is frozen and unable to be dealt so the good news for the Rockets is this rule the second apron you know uh uh strangle holds all that does not apply to the picks that the Rockets already have from the Phoenix Suns because those picks if once they’re frozen they’re unable to be traded now the real kicker here is once that pick is frozen if you spend two of the next four seasons in the second apron if you’re a second apron team then you have your first round pick 70 years out moved to the it’s it’s not only Frozen it’s also moved to the back of the first round so it’s moved all the way to the end so uh the good news for the Rockets is none of these second apron rules impact the picks that the Rockets already own from the Suns or from any other Organization for that matter because you’re unable to trade Frozen picks the moment that asset is frozen it cannot be dealt it cannot be moved you can’t do anything with it until it’s unfrozen by not being in the second apron anymore so that’s that’s one benefit for the Rockets it does not negatively impact them um but those second apron rules man those are they are a doozy um next question from Han should the Rockets tank tank if they don’t have enough wins in the middle of the season to compete for the playoffs in the situation should they trade both 21 class players for 25 or 26 class picks because there may be some Keystone players in these two years of drafts they can make the rocket succeed um I mean what’s not I mean something look Han something would have to go horribly wrong in the middle of the Season or to start this year for the Rockets to feel the need to Pivot to tanking this upcoming season right that’s I I don’t think that’s not realistic that’s not how the Rockets would function um and again if something went disast disastrously wrong like that then we got bigger problems on our hands the Rockets are not going to Pivot to tank they’re not going to you know try and blow things up this season and hell even if this season is is disappointing relative to expectations I don’t know if you just simply say oh yeah just trade Jaylen green and Al and shenon for draft picks in this upcoming draft or in the the 2026 draft um because like once you have a player that is of the caliber that Al and shingon is or a player that has shown the potential that Jaylen green has again hopefully you know some some more consistency for Jaylen green this next season uh it’s really tough to deal those players once you kind of have a known commodity versus the unknown of a future pick because you draft rookies because they think you have a you believe they have a chance to succeed at the NBA level if you’ve seen a player have a lot of success at the NBA level which again Jaylen greens had some incredible highs Alper and shenon had a massive year three you’re not going to give up on that even if you had a relatively disappointing season but no no the Rockets are not going to they’re not going to I don’t even it what what is next year do they even own next year’s still one of the picks that is being conveyed to the Thunder too I believe it’s top top 10 protected it’s the Rockets first round pick next season um if I’m not mistaken if I’m not getting my years mixed up on the Thunder deal uh I’m not going to reference that right away but I Rockets may or may not even have their control of their own first- round draft pick next year so that kind of Deads that conversation pretty quickly um one more here we’ll do one or two more here let me see uh do you think Reed will get real playtime game one of the regular season from Joseph F yeah absolutely we talked about this recently but Reed Shepard’s skill set and because of how polished he is as a player I think there’s a very realistic scenario that that come game one of 82 of the NBA season tipping off whether it’s on the road or at home at Toyota Center that Reed Shepard gets rotation minutes right out of the gate um the Rockets are incredibly you know they’re incredibly high on what he brings to the table they really like his skill set and think about last year think about how difficult it was to watch the rockets in the minutes where Fred Van vet wasn’t on the floor all they need out of Reed Shepard is to be kind of a poor man’s Fred Van vet for 10 to 12 minutes a night that’s it that’s all he has to do if he can do that right out of the gate he is guaranteed getting backup minutes for anywhere from again 10 to 12 to 15 minutes a night right out of the gate because then there’s not going to be that massive drop off from what Fred Van vet provides the Rockets to what Reed Shepard can provide them okay again we’re not expecting Reed to step in and immediately fill Fred vanet’s shoes but I think as we watch the season progress we’re going to see Reed get more and more comfortable with that role and I do fully expect the Rockets to utilize Reed in very similar ways to how they utilize Fred Van vet which means playing him off ball right let Jaylen green run some offense let a then Thompson run some offense it can go through out per and shenon in the post or when you need to generate some high quality offense when you want to run you know your steady diet of pick and roll between alpie and and Reed you can go to that as well right that can be kind of a bread and butter play for the Rockets to go to so yeah I fully expect Reed Shepard to uh I fully expect Reed Shepard to get uh minutes right out of the gate uh let’s go you know what I actually I want to save this one for the next episode do the Rockets or did the Rockets give up on a men’s ability to play point guard by drafting Reed Shepard that’s a juicy one uh I want to unpack that one I’ll talk about that one on the next part of our mailbag questions uh so that’s going to do it for this episode uh as always appreciate you for checking out the show if you woo pardon me if you haven’t done so yet please consider subscribing whether you’re listening to your podcast or on YouTube just search locked on Rockets be sure to like comment and subscribe and if you’re listening on Apple podcast five star review helps us out a ton but be on the lookout for our next mailbag episode we’ll do part two we’ll get to the questions that I didn’t get to in this one uh but as always thank you so much for watching watching thank you so much for listening and we look forward to having you back right here at locked on Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball [Music]

Houston Rockets Summer League Roster Set: Reed Sheppard, Cam Whitmore & AJ Griffin Expectations

Host Jackson Gatlin (@JTGatlin) discusses the Houston Rockets finalized Las Vegas Summer League roster headlined by rookie Reed Sheppard, Cam Whitmore, and newly acquired wing AJ Griffin before diving into part 1 of a Rockets mailbag, tackling questions like Summer League expectations, starting/closing lineups next season, likelihood of any more trades before the season, how the new CBA affects future picks and more.

#Rockets #NBA #SummerLeague

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#HoustonRockets #Rockets #NBA #JalenGreen #AlperenSengun #JabariSmithJr #TariEason #AmenThompson #CamWhitmore #FredVanVleet #DillonBrooks #JeffGreen #JockLandale #ReggieBullock #BobanMarjanovic #AaronHoliday #StevenAdams


  1. Somehow we got power restored where i live in Woodforest but the rich Woodlands area still has no power. Stupid Beryl!

  2. Tari might be better in a vacuum than Dillion, however Tari has severe tunnel vision when he has the ball. Dillion at least passes it. Also, Dillion does have a better offensive package than Tari currently so we'll need an uptick in offense from Sengun and Jalen to compensate for the six less points Tari would average.

  3. you dont max green and sengun now to get allstar player next year then think about how can we keep 7 core player ?? your funny

  4. I don't have time right now to listen to this whole video — can anyone hook me up with the vid time where the "keeping the core" discussion happens? I'm jonesing to hear that. Thanks y'all!

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