@Miami Heat

Miami Heat Know Who Tyler Herro Is and Moves are NOT Done

Miami Heat Know Who Tyler Herro Is and Moves are NOT Done

welcome one and all to another edition of the defo show with Luby here on the five reason Sports Network brought to you by water cleanup of Florida the heat the humidity the rain oh my it’s here and it is not a friend to your home or office but what is water cleanup of Florida 954579 0356 is that number to call to get your friend to come to your home or your office and alleviate all your water or fire issues 954579 0356 with over 60 years of combined experience Michael Robert George their entire team is At Your Service 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again they were there for my wife and myself we’ve dealt with a lot of service industry companies and look in the end they usually they don’t always but they usually get the job done but it’s usually a pain in the rear it wasn’t with water clean but Florida was actually a delight they are fantastic in the communication game and in the restoration issue game you have something with your home office when it comes to water damage fire damage or you’re trying to prevent it which is smart in this day and age act ahead of time they are the people to call 954579 0356 check them out on their website Atwater cleanup on all the socials I’m telling you if you have the Schmutz water clean by Florida has the guts Miami he have had the guts for a long time in South Florida Florida and they’ve hung around as being relevant and they’ve hung around as being a title Contender no matter what they’re seating well this off season has been very quiet for like the third or fourth year for the Miami Heat while a lot of other teams not only in the NBA but the Eastern Conference itself has made Moves we talk with Mr Miami Heat Mr five reason Sports about the Heats off season and what may be still to come on the dvo show with lby Ethan scoop scol that joins us on the five reason Sports Network Ethan scoop scolnick of course The Man Behind five reason Sports Network and the ultimate Authority when it comes to I I don’t want to just say the Miami Heat maybe even the NBA he’s great with the NBA I mean as many shows as windhorse has uh I don’t think he can uh really come close to the knowledge and the depth of knowledge that is possessed by this man when Ethan scoop’s going like scoop how are you my friend good good to be with you guys I don’t know about the Wind Horse thing come on oh no you’re right up there I mean you can have your Peter vessis and all of these other guys I’ll take a scoop skic opinion anytime all right um we were talking about this last couple of days I touched on this we were trying to figure out what what is the sickest of the sick level of degeneracy that that you can come to and I you know thought about this time I was in Atlantic City a couple of years ago might have even been last year and and I see these guys pouring over like mounds of of paperwork and what looked like it was computer printouts and technology and they had a ton of handwritten notes and and I thought uh wow these guys must be expert baseball handicap and I walk over to him and I say hey you know some stupid thing like hey you like anything tonight I overheard your conversation and uh I’m expecting him to give me like the uh you know the California Angels or whatever and it turns out that they were handicapping NBA Summer League basketball is that the lowest level of depravity in your opinion when you’re betting summer league basketball proposition bets like over unders on Zack Ed rebounds what do you think I mean is that a real gauge of anybody’s ability to play and should people be betting on this I did it the other day um I don’t know if that counts uh oh really went went over on uh on what’s his uh the second round pick pel Larson went over on his points uh didn’t no no it really is so I I don’t know I mean the fact that that I’m on here with you after all these years and and you’ve and they basically something that I’m doing that you think is beyond gambling depravity I wow things have come full circle think about it yes this is scarier than project 2025 scoop well nothing scarier than that but it might be part of project 25 Peis larsson’s o what was the over under total 10 and a half points oh my God and he went over 10 and a half points and and what did he do he ripped 29 down he went under oh he went under with nine Jesus that’s classic all right well I guess that that kind of addresses that question right in the the other thing that I think is a little bit sick but but it’s interesting I I don’t know what it says about the human condition or the nature of human beings in general you know not to get overly philosophical about this but but why do we care so much and seem to uh get some kind of vicarious thrill out of finding out that some player that left our team also got screwed in the process and and lost money and you were all over this thing Luby was telling me all of the detail that he had that he claimed to be his own he later admitted on the show came from you on this whole Caleb Mark thing well I don’t know if it’s that anybody’s happy that Caleb didn’t get his money I I or the money he could have gotten I think it’s well a couple things I think one um I think people were interested in the fact that the heat were so interested in bringing him back uh you know I I didn’t you know the way they’ve been with with some of their own guys the developmental guys is they team tend to take a step back lately sorry about the Barking Dog by the way yeah they they didn’t make they didn’t make an offer to stru um you know Vincent they didn’t end up retaining they made him an offer but it wasn’t what he wanted uh this was a significant offer and I I think that you know as I I was finding out about the process it was pretty clear that Caleb was not represented well um by his agent that oh wow essentially the heat Master P did he sign with masterp out of jant well well yeah pretty much I mean well look the heat it does remind me of the Ricky Williams thing a little bit also the Dennis schroer thing I mean look the the thing was that uh a few years ago where Dennis schroer you know got offered a big contract his agent turned it down he ended up taking the minimum now Caleb didn’t end up taking the minimum but when they were going through the process the heat were very clear to him they were like okay this is the new CBA if you opt in your contract to $7.1 million we can give you this okay we can give you 40% raise first year 8% raises there after up to five years total so they basically offered him four years for 58 on top of the $7 million to start they they specifically told his agent who by the way is not inexperienced this is an agent who had Kevin Garnett at one point he lost Kevin Garnett and he sued for him but he had he had significant clients in the past he doesn’t have any now um maybe there’s a reason for that well and it’s unlikely to get more in the future based on this precisely and so basically you know they made you know they said to him listen this is the offer for now but if you don’t take it if you opt out we can’t offer this just by CBA rules we’re not going to have available plus we got to move on with some other things and they said don’t come back to us in 24 hours he came back in 24 hours he asked for the same deal they turned down he thought his Market was somewhere out there around you know the 13 to 15 million range yeah and then he came back and the heat were like I can’t we can’t give you that anymore like okay we could do something there were things the heat could have done they could have done a one in-one deal one year in and then maybe keep his bird rights pay him later okay they could have uh pretty’s basically matched what Philadelphia gave him ultimately um and then they wouldn’t have resigned heith and yet uh but by then the agent never even came back for that he came back for the big deal which they couldn’t give him he didn’t come back for that so the guy goes to Philadelphia you know I talked to Caleb at the end of last season he wanted to stay um I so it’s not a bad second op option for him I mean you know he’s goingon to be playing with Paul George and Joel embiid and Tyrese Maxi uh he’s a good fit but it’s just it’s just a it was just a bad situation on the agent part um and as somebody in the organization said to me look maybe we dodged a bullet we don’t know I mean I you know it was a significant amount of money um and it wasn’t I can tell you it wasn’t a total consensus in the organization um but the but the majority of of people who make decisions there’s like five or six who are involved in process were good with it and so that’s why they went ahead and did it so we’ll see look they signed hey heith um he gives him somewhat Caleb gave him not the athleticism probably better defensively uh he’ll help uh but you know the overall thing is that the roster uh looks largely the same at least the character of it that it did last season was there some unknown factor that contributed to the dramatic falloff of not just expectation that that was sparked by his great run in the pul season just just a little bit prior and then uh kind of did a Vanishing act last year uh was there some underlying reason for that I mean was it something team related something that happened with him or or was it just a case where a guy showed a bright promise and then was unable to fulfill it in the followup and consol well I think def a lot of it is the is the new CBA um and I think what we’re seeing is that uh there’s really no middle class now um you know the way that this thing is structured is it’s like you’re giving guys who aren’t really max players Max money crazy money to keep them now the one team that sort of is held off has been the Pelicans with with Ingram but for the most part like you’re giving like all max players are not the same but they’re being treated the same and then what happens is then it’s like okay what money is left under the aprons because these teams don’t want to pay certainly the second apron the heat won’t uh the first apron a lot of teams don’t want to go there the heat are there and will stay there most likely um but so it’s basically like okay then okay who do we fill in and what kind of minimums can we get and there’s just you know that class of kind of the and it’s crazy to say this middle class but like kind of the 12 to 22 million player like it doesn’t seem to exist right now I mean if you look at the teams that that signed um that signed players this this off season in the free agency they’re all teams under a under the apron uh the teams over the apron really didn’t sign anybody now the heat knew for instance when the heat made the move for Terry rosier um it basically took them out of free agency like they they knew when they made the move that it took about a free agency it was also going to make trading more difficult because they were giving up one of their tradable first round picks so they made a conscious decision at the deadline last year a couple weeks before the deadline to give Jimmy some help that’s what everybody said that they wanted they went and got a player that they thought would help them he was starting to he got hurt they’re counting on him being 100% for training camp we’ll see how that goes but they they knew at that point that like they were not going to be heavy players in free agency and I just don’t think uh a lot of Heat fans kind of understood that at the time um Heat fans just wanted Kyle lry gone now if if they had held on to the Kyle Lowry contract let it expire they would have had some money to play with uh you know in free agency would they have something with it the way the CBA is I don’t know but I they would have had options uh Rosier was essentially their trade acquisition slf free agent um and they have him on a two-year contract and they’re gonna have to get performance I mean it’s just that’s just the way it is and they’re gonna have to get fit and that that plays into the whole Tyler hero thing well and that’s what I okay so if you look in the the early days of the I guess free agency period I don’t know if they’re still allowed to sign people or not but we’ve seen movement trades and whatnot more than like you’re saying free agency you’ve seen the Knicks make moves you’ve seen the Sixers make moves you’ve seen um the Celtics go and reup their group um so you’ve seen a lot of movement throughout the East and the heat are just sort of sitting there and people are to me people are forgetting them and it’s fine because you look at the same roster everyone adds they don’t add you assume that means the roster is getting worse which a lot of it to me was just if they can say healthy they’re posture was better than what their seating was but again that Health concern is a major concern um the way people are talking and even you guys are talking it feels they’re sort of like it’s done and to me it’s just and I understand everything happens at the beginning even like the NFL and then it sort of just goes away but to me the he were always good about letting things simmer and then maybe later trying to pop with something to me the hero thing it’s not an experiment per se but it it feels like it’s run its course a lot of us have sort of agreed to that but he’s still there and you’re not hearing anything about his name they still have a lot of the other guys that could go into a Traer Duncan Robinson the two younger guys in hakz Jr and yic they still have picks going forward like that still sits there is that something that could be a possibility going forward or is this R you really do think they run with because to me I they’re in this weird position where every wants to put the middle of the East ahead of them I think they fit right in with the Magics and the Pacers and the even the Knicks who may have a better roster on paper but I still don’t trust a lot of their hope for prey guys and anobi and bridges but they’re not in that top Echelon they’re not like do you see them trying to make a move to get there or is really this where we are is this where they are I I mean I think they they’ll opportunistically look for things that can improve the roster or the fit I mean that’s where I’m at with it I I you know right now they had one spot I mean they have two spots but they had one kind of salary to use and they used it on heith um now will they trade Tyler at some point I I I still think that’s possible um they’re not against it I somebody in the organization but they’re not gonna give him away I mean that’s the thing I I I you know I was somebody some of the organization texted me yesterday and was like I have a question for you and I said okay and he said okay he says what is running it back I said oh what is running it back because that’s all we hear running back talking to me specifically it’s not you yeah talking about um you know you know the nature Ruster he says cuz I’ll tell you that only seven guys are still here from the finals two years ago so what is running it back and I said you know what running back is it’s trading Tyler yes I mean so you know what not running it back is it’s it’s trading Tyler yeah and he laughed I mean they know like they know where the fans are at with this um but again uh they’re not going to just give him away I mean he had value they were upset last off season that people’s perception of his value was not where they thought it should be or where where they believed actually was was some now the value I think after what happened last year missing more time you know really struggling in four of the five playoff games like okay um and one of them is excellent but the other four um you know I I think that his value has dipped there’s no question um now also though uh you know the contract as some of the other contracts are exploding doesn’t look so bad uh but as I said there’s really no middle class in the NBA and his contract is an upper middle class contract and so it’s like okay teams are looking at it like well unless they dump players that they don’t really want or need anymore do they want to take on a 20930 million a year contract for a guy who is not maybe going to be a star for them um it’s not as bad as the Zack LaVine contract like he fans like want to trade a a semi bad contract for a worse contract that don’t really understand it like trust me they’d be frustrated as hell with Zack LaVine after about five games okay I mean he’ have one big scoring game wouldn’t get back on defense three times and uh you know and then he’d be out with bad knees be like why did we just trade for a more expensive Tyler like I I don’t I don’t understand so I I just think I think that you know look they understand the one thing I heard that was most encouraging is I heard the words from a high level person saying we’re not delusional okay they know that on paper they are not a contender um but they think they still are positioned to become one and I I I feel like you know the again the trade deadline is still out there okay you know we’ll see what happens with Jimmy they think they’re gonna get you know you know uh Uber Jimmy basically this year because he’s in a contract year but they should give out t-shirts on the opening night contract your that’s kind of what kind of fall Place design yeah looking like a you know page some legal document on the front of the shirt that might be a money maker for five reasons which I would imagine the fans are screaming you know saying hey how come we didn’t do anything in the offseason how the hell are we going to beat the Celtics uh so so that that certainly stimulates a lot of interest in it uh one final thing on the Hoops I wanted to get into a little bit of what’s happening with Miami in terms of dolphin Mania and and the whole Tua Saga but uh you know it seems in Congress scoop where you have TNT getting out of the game because the uh rights fees don’t justify the uh the money that they can you know acrew back even if it’s a lost leader for their episodes of Matlock uh still I mean they they’re getting out of the game I mean they were very successful on it very well respected for doing it gave them a lot of identity so and and Luby keeps alluding to declining ratings and so you have uh networks unable to uh you know pay themselves back for the enormous rights fees but but where where is this uh money going to come from I mean uh but when you’re looking at all these staggering salaries Hano hav has to be rolling over in his grave I mean the starting lineup is making $200 million for the Celtics this year uh so you know it seems to the fans you know and I don’t want to you know seem like I’m you know Robert dairo in the movie to Fan where where you’re like they don’t deserve this kind of money certainly they do but what where the [ __ ] is it coming from and can it’s sustain itself or or u i mean are we under the illusion that that the game certainly during the regular season is not nearly as popular as uh as it should be to justify these kind of lofty salaries yeah I mean I I I think the money will be there um I mean if you look at the rights fees that they’re talking about I mean it’s it’s significant um the regular season product is an issue I don’t think there’s any question about that um you know the inseason tournament to me was it was cute um they they need to change uh the Triggers on on on what you get out of it I think to keep people interested in it um you this idea of just giving the players a little extra money I don’t know really sits well with fans all the rest of that uh you know I’m disappointed about the TNT thing because it’s very hard to find you know it’s very hard to find something that fans were universally behind and and and I think that there’s no question that TNT’s coverage was Superior to ESPN’s coverage um and we’re it seems like we’re always going to be stuck with ESPN for one way or the other so you know I think you know my hope um is that they bring a lot of elements into it no matter who whether it’s NBC or whatever um you know but but look I the money is going to be there like I mean this is the same thing it’s like everybody talked about baseball and how it’s become more of a niche Sport and it’s not a national sport anymore and all the rest of this the money’s still there like I mean they you know they’re basically you know they’re you know reruns of South Park get get uh get better ratings than game four of the World Series now but like but there there’s still the money there for the players I mean you’re still still paying Otani which you’re paying Otani and all the rest of it so I I the league is g to be fine um the the problem and there are a lot of young Stars I mean there there’s I mean you know Luca obviously didn’t get over the hump but there’s you know he’s there and a lot of these other guys are not going away I mean just look at the Team USA roster like uh there’s there’s plenty of star power in the league and that’s just the Team USA roster that’s not the rosters of all all the foreign players that you’ve added to the mix who’ve developed their own personalities we saw Giannis you know get grease to the to the Olympics now and obviously I mentioned Luca others Canada has a loaded team like there’s there’s a there’s there’s Talent all over the place now but the league needs to incentivize the regular season somehow to incentivize people to watch it um and and right now it just seems like uh again it’s just this is get to the playoffs and and see what happens and um you know Allstar Weekend was a disaster last year like that needs to be fixed um so so I you know I I think silver has a lot of work to do um and as I said the new CBA is a mess it is just really bad like I I I don’t know how either side agreed to it it kind of feels like the players just wanted weed legalized and it was like all right just we do whatever the hell else you want um that’s it’s a isn’t it Ian it’s basically they got like I mean I and I’ve never seen a situation where like the NFL players seem to have done better in their last CBA than the NBA players that’s rare like usually MLB they do great um but so you know look I I I cover the league for a living um so I’ll still be engaged in it but I’m not going to admit that the regular season product is good right now it’s not no shop it down there in the Miami arena you know to see some low-level team uh you know you know the Heats Arena to to see some low-level team in a regular season when three guys are sitting out on both sides kind of rough all right a couple of other things real quickly we haven’t had you on since the Panthers won the Stanley Cup you were Downer on the ice scoop and and you’ve been covering Sports here forever and uh you know you’re now immersed it with the five reasons in covering all sports here in South Florida like nobody else does so U give us your characterization of what the whole experience was like it was pretty awesome I’ll say um you know I’ve covered I we talked about it before I think I I covered uh the Heat winning in Dallas um the Heat winning twice at home I covered the Marlins at Yan stadium was in the I was in the elevator with Brian Cashman Alone um the elevator was going up to see the boss he was looking down um uh but uh it really is a unique experience to see players celebrating with their families on the ice like they have barov like holding his child after he’s holding the cup um it was yeah and the thing about it was this team was just so uh damn likable um you know and and and they really did something that I I think was almost harder than winning the cup like a lot of Panther players particularly because they’re again foreign Finnish Russian Etc were kind of nondescript to the general public down here and you know hockey kind of lends itself to that too because the helmets because you know it’s really skills are harder to separate and Define in hockey like in basketball or football like football okay positions are specialized right so quarterback does one thing defensive tackle does another thing right so you kind of get to know them by their skill sets and all that you know and then you know in basketball you see everybody’s face they’re everywhere you know everybody knows this guy can shoot this guy can dribble this guy can defend in hockey it’s just a bunch of guys run around with a puck to a lot of people you know what I mean or skating around um but it’s like I feel like South Florida knows them now like I you know what I mean like like barov it took a long time for the general public to kind of understand who he is and what he’s about um and I think that’s like he’s just kind of like a lovable personality like without a ton of personality but there’s like enough in there yeah um and kachuck obviously uh you know has a certain personality and and uh the way Reinhardt came on this year and then and then the best story arc uh is honestly Bob because if you think about it like two years ago I was in the arena and people were like chanting Bob must go and now they’re chanting Bobby Bobby Bob it really is one of the most remarkable turnaround stories he does come and the coach is go ahead is great to deal with oh no Paul Maurice I believe I was going to say uh B Broski somebody observed this I saw on social media he does come off like lotka from Taxi doesn’t he a little weird yeah a little bit Yeah my name uh you know is Jose Manz or whatever um yeah it was great story Paul Maurice we misjudged him completely scoop we’re not ashamed to admit that we call him the French Joe filbin uh we thought he was kind of vapid there you know and one of these guys that you’re like oh gez you know talk about a retread here to losing his coach in hockey history and we got to hire him to fix what’s wrong with the team but wow Bill Zeno great job as a as an executive should be the sports executive of the year I think in all sports uh for uh the way that he not only transitioned uh from uh you know what he had to begin with but uh then continued to make move after move that really turned out to be very prolific and you know and fortuitous for the for the Florida Panthers all right one final thing here I don’t know where you stand on this but um I don’t know the dolphins not committing to Tua and the 50 million a year for like four or five years what do you make of that where where where’s that going and and is that going to have any big impact on the team because it seems like and I have no knowledge of it it just sounds like the way the rener is going in the conversation that you see in the media like nothing’s happening until after the season well I mean first thing I I wouldn’t rule out something getting done the day before training camp oh okay all right I well I I’m I’m not saying that based on inside knowledge I’m just saying that based on experience here that the sides uh you know tend to get a little bit more you know you know not desperate desperate they’re motivated yeah a little more serious right beforehand and and and you know we see that with negotiations all the time I look I I I would give him the extension that’s where I’m at um I I believe in him I don’t think he’s a top five guy without support but I think with support um he’s more than good enough I think to get them over the finish line and I just again um how many quarterbacks have they been through since Dan yeah I I just I mean this is not easy if it was they would have they would have found one other than one year of Chad Pennington and like some flashes of Jay Fiedler like I I don’t and and like tanah Hill’s seven years well this is the year he turns the corner like I I just you 2016 I guess he did and he got Hur I I so to me I mean you have somebody a players believe in like I that’s that’s the thing I mean they’re not faking it okay it’s it’s obvious they believe in him leadership uh they believe in him as a player and and the coach believes in him as a player and people who believe in the coach but don’t believe in the quarterback it’s kind of weird to me because literally this is the single most important decision that the coach is making um I would extend him all right I I would extend him I I just I think you know I I it’s one thing when you draft a guy and the guy is clearly not like Daniel Jones right then you overpay Daniel Jones and all that like because of what because he had like six games I mean Tua has has won for them again I know until December I get it there have been some circumstances um but I I I’ve seen enough to to say that you’re not going to do better in the next couple of cycles and um and I I would I to me the money is cost of doing business so if there’s anything you can you can get in there so it’s a little more cap friendly but again the NFL cap is not the NBA cap the NFL cap you can play with Brandon Shore does a very good job with that people don’t really know him as well as they know Andy ellisburg or whatever but he he does and I I would just I I would pay the man and I I just I have a hunch they’re going to the night before training camp but again it’s just a hunch could you have ever seen yourself betting an over under on Martin mup points in a summer league game if it existed at the time the guy we had bet the under should have met the under after Martin said there was an under on foreign players that Pat Riley would add I I still remember when they showed us an artist rendering of the guy because there was no video of him and they literally held up a watercolor it looked like with a trump trial you know scoop you’re great man we love you all the best to you and all the people of five reasons uh and thanks so much for joining us here on the show it’s always a pleasure my friend thank you guys all right Scoops skic ladies and gentlemen look as most of you do he’s on a lot of the programming here on five sports network uh he’s inv or he’ll jump on which he does from time to time with our show we appreciate it Ethan scholnick is as good when it comes to Miami Heat information as anyone and he is not actually he leans heat because he knows them well and time and time again they seem to find a way no matter what the situation to be relevant even to be a contender he’s been hard on them but he’s been honest look they have told him they and he’s just revealed to us and I’m sure he’s he’s said in other programs here on five reasons they know what they have they know their roster on paper isn’t as scary as the Celtics or the Sixers or the Bucks and to NBA people especially in the Northeast the Knicks roster and maybe the Cavs and the Pacer all may seem like they have more to offer because they’re young and they’re new and they’re different they’re aware of that they they have tried to do other things and they still will try to do other things but they also are good at growing from within I said it before Ethan joined us and if you look if you follow the heat as much as you’re frustrated that they’re not improving and it’s not an exciting off season every year their young guys seem to get better and they seem to hang around their issue is injuries I mean that’s their issue and it’s the issue for a lot of teams in the NBA and it was issue throughout the playoffs the Celtics outside of porzingis who he knew was going to get hurt because that’s his whole career everyone else stayed healthy and the Celtics went through the East their record was great their games weren’t they weren’t dominant in games they were dominant in record because they were healthy and everyone else was hurt and that’s really what the Heat’s big issue yeah they need to get better that third star hero is not the third star but the rest of the the rest of the roster you’ve seen these guys play you’ve seen these guys play in the playoffs so everybody as good as whatever the Pacers the magic the Knicks the Cavs have to offer they they are they’re not in that same group with the top three the Sixers bucks and Celtics but again the he’d always find a way to do something to make themselves relevant it is Butler’s contract year you would presume that would be a better Butler bam every regular season has gotten better the problem for bam is after the austar break he falls apart because it feels like he’s carrying the load defensively and it’s just too much for him to Bear we’ll see and Hero has actually been a good player he’s just not a star he’s not a third star on a contender he’s not and the heat know that and we know that so we’ll see I I am not writing them off from making a move I’m not spring them off from doing something because if they are admitting that they’d be delusional to not understand what the roster is and they’re not one to settle for not being a contender it feels like something’s coming down the pike we shall see we’ll talk more about the Miami Heat yes the Florida Panthers are champions we’ll talk more about them the Marlins are a disaster we won’t talk much about them but the Miami Dolphins are fun interesting back-to-back playoff team this is a huge year for GM for head coach for quarterback for the Miami Dolphins so we’ll definitely talk more about them as things come on you have college football coming up in uh next month there will be college football it’s more than a month but next month August there will be college football so that’s great Wimbledon all that we’ll talk all of that check us out each and every morning on South Florida live the YouTube or Facebook page check us out on our national podcast we talk Sports and More on the believe Network ble search after hours and here our South Florida skewed content the defa show with lby on the five reason Sports Network hey folks Tony cetto here let me ask you a question what do you look for when you go out to eat good food obviously friendly 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land lovers barand for both pickup and free delivery you’re going to have the best wings in the world you’re going to have a great burger you’re going to have their amazing soups again land lovers Raw Bar and Grill it’s nice and easy just go to land lovers barand for both your pickup and free delivery thank goodness for land lers for making you always feel right at home

Defo and Lubie talk with Mr. 5 Reasons Sports, Ethan Skolnick, about the NBA/Miami Heat’s off-season.

Lots of moves have been made around the league however, the Miami Heat have not been a part of those moves. Ethan talks about why the Heat have done what they have done and what are the possibilities moves are on the horizon for Miami?!

Plus they discuss some of the other moves around the NBA. They also discuss the Florida Panthers first Stanley Cup title, and the Miami Dolphins stalemate with Tua Tagovailoa?!

#miamiheat #jimmybutler #tylerherro #nba #offseason

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  1. We dodged a bullet with Caleb. That would’ve set us back like Tyler Johnson’s contract did, like Herro’s contract, and Duncan’s (even though I actually like Duncan but $19m a year is too much)

  2. Keep Pat as an advisor but for godsake have him step down. Last star he brought without Wade was Shaq… that was almost 20 years ago. Team is always cash strapped with role players

  3. Currently the Heat have signed maybe one knew player to the team as far as i know
    I think thats what they meant when they said run it back💯

  4. Going to need a lot of guys to be much better next year…. Herro, Rozier, Jovic, JJJ…. Need more health from Jimmy, J Rich, and Duncan…. Need a Rookie center to be productive…. That is a lot of questions…. Doesn’t look good….

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