@Cleveland Cavaliers

Cleveland Guardians are extra inning kings, top MLB Draft prospects & Nick Chubb’s return to action

Cleveland Guardians are extra inning kings, top MLB Draft prospects & Nick Chubb’s return to action

now now like right now you with the best now Jay Crawford Adam the bull Garrett Bush tyus Powell Jason Lloyd FL da da you’re loving him Mikey McNuggets and so many big names it would take me hours to say all of their names the ultimate Cleveland sports show starts now booya hey everybody Welcome to the ultimate Cleveland sports show along with G Bush Jason Lloyd I’m Adam the bull you get a cut I got the haircut yeah I trimmed it way now look at that summer cut yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m not messing around got that I don’t like it man I don’t like when there too much hair around all men go up two ticks on the meter when they get Haircut Two ticks two ticks you when you get that when you get a fresh cut your girl look at you differently like yeah this is the guy I like this is the guy I felt in love my wife was feeling it that’s right she was feeling it no doubt about it what she I’m talking about I don’t know I was asleep I have no idea what Happ shut your mouth I like you Steve Mike Earl and Anthony all behind the glass today who knows what they’re up to they’re always up to some Shenanigans back there I don’t know Steve you’re known for your whoa I got a the finger from Steve man and the guy who’s behind you driving in a work wow yes was I mean I can’t I don’t understand I am so frustrated by bad drivers and bad Parkers let me just rant about this for a minute even though nothing’s going to change I don’t understand why people tailgate I’m a fast driver a fast driver I’m usually I’m not I’m not Jason Lloyd fast but like close there’s been times I’ve had to scoot around Jason on the highway because he’s taken too long to get on the highway but I I’m moving out there I’m not some Schmo driving 55 in the left lane all right I’m going fast I don’t understand why people tailgate this is not New York City where you got no choice because there’s 80 billion cars on the road there’s never a reason to tailgate in Cleveland it’s just stupid and dangerous it’s way more dangerous than driving fast because if somebody steps on the brake something happens whatever you go slamming in this person is driving behind me like a lunatic I was have been going 75 at least honestly which is way over the speed limit and this person behind me I move over this person’s flying up that they must be going 90 100 I don’t know that’s why they tailgate gets you out of the way but you’re not they weren’t even in the left lane if they were in the left lane maybe I’d get it they were in the right lane as you go you know how you go from 90 and then you got to go over to the right to get downtown that’s right at that you know split off there he had something he had got something for you bro it was a woman it wasn’t a guy oh you know woman driving that fast yeah I was I mean know it was hard to tell I think it was a woman but it was like tinted windows I don’t know what was going on with but this person was a lunatic but even worse than that people that can’t park let me tell you something cars these days are are so big we don’t fit in a lot of these like a lot of these parking lots you really got to park perfectly because all the cars are so big otherwise you be respectful for the person next to you I always when I park no matter where I park I always think can the person that uh the cars next to me yeah can they get in their driver’s seat if they can’t if I think they can’t get in I’ll find somewhere else to park cuz I’m not selfish people don’t do that the trucks drive the massive trucks yeah drive me crazy if you want one of those massive things go park it out away from everybody else it’s ridiculous because they don’t fit in the spots it’s so annoying and then they but people with normaliz cars that take up two spots I want to I want to punch those people in the face well now do you take in consideration like no matter where you park I still ain’t got no room so like if you you looking at G Bush I mean well because you’re big yeah yeah me too I’m fat I get it so I’m respectful of other people like make sure there’s been a couple times I’ve had to have my wife pull my car out because I couldn’t get in like don’t park so close how does that work how’s that conversation start do you just do she kind of know do you give her L I’m like you you know she’s got to pull the car out I’m too fat to weo in you give it that look like the other day I’m at the where I I go get my haircut you know where I go get my haircut we did the show your show there once and shout out to Jen who owns the place and and and place is great but their parking lot in the back is terrible the spots are particularly tight I almost I I I thought I was going to have to ask her the girl cuts my hair to pull my car out for me I was just able to get in like you I’m going to try this one more time vasel on Sho barely I’m like anyway on a much more serious note obviously word came out about Bernie Kosar situation the Parkinson’s and he needs a liver transplant um I I texted Bernie this morning you know to ask him how he was doing and you know you know Bernie I mean even when things are not going well he’s going to say he’s doing great so you know was he uh I I said Bernie you know how you doing how you feeling how’s it going and he you know responded that he was he feels good and he’s very confident and doing good but obviously we’re all thinking of Bernie cuz we know him personally and wish him the best he’s been through a lot yeah yeah yeah I text him yesterday and you know he said you know ah I’m good Big G you know what I’m saying you know I’m just holistic health you know choosing what I you know so I said man you know you you’re a tough son son of a you know what you know you you get through it and so um you know I told him I was praying for for him but uh yeah I I told my dad and I was just he he he kind of seemed when I I looked on uh the internet and he kind of see my face kind of turned a little bit yeah and he said you what’s going on I I said you know you know Bernie you know has having some health issues so yeah man um you know so hopefully prayers to him um and his family and and you know we we support you over here at ucss to get through it so we we you know always thinking of Bernie Bernie was at Jim Donovan’s retirement party oh yeah channel 3 a few weeks back and he started share with us a little bit then yeah about some of the stuff that he was going through I had no idea it was devastating obviously so yeah of course best wishes to Bernie hope you get on the the hope you get the transplant you need and live a healthy productive life yeah Mike I saw Bernie at the David and joku charity softball game and if you didn’t know anything you would never have known because he was moving around he was in spirits uh so I texted him yesterday when I saw the news and as you mentioned in typical Bernie fashion he said I’ve been hit a lot harder by some bigger dudes than this I’ll be all right and in classic Bernie fashion uh he was in high Spirits despite the fact that he’s going through some tough times right now but from everyone behind the glass as well we are sending our well wishes and prayers to Bernie and his family that this this goes smoothly and he makes a strong speedy recovery back better than ever yeah we love you Bernie get well and uh there you go so we’ll we’ll be thinking of him no doubt about about it on a much less less serious note it’s time to talk some sports starting with a wild game for the Guardians last night Mike would you give us going yeah we’ll get into the Extra Inning dub in one second but first a quick word from FanDuel you guys know I love sports I love them so much I never want them to stop but as the playoffs wind down we get fewer and fewer games and the sports just aren’t sportsing like I want them too but FanDuel keeps me in the game whenever I want because all I have to do is open the app dream up some bets anytime I’m in the mood and the sports come back to life and this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long so head over to ucss and start making the most out of your summer FanDuel the official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball and the ultimate Cleveland sports show 98 the Guardians win in 10 Innings last night um in Detroit and uh it was a game the Guardians had a 6 nothing lead a 73 lead they end up blowing the lead 77 and then they win it in the 10th they scored two in the 10th uh the Tigers came back with one in the bottom of the 10th it’s so funny to me that we’re I I’m seeing fans now complaining about the way the Guardians are winning obviously as a team they haven’t been quite as sharp lately but this is baseball like in football I kind of understand when you complain about that because it’s an indicator that once you play better teams in the playoffs you might lose that’s not the case in baseball like you it’s there’s es and flows of the Season you can’t no team plays great all year long it just doesn’t happen it’s impossible so yes they blew a big lead they won the game that’s all that matters to me well to that point the day before I had to call uh my mechanic to get my son’s car in it’s got to get some things done and first thing he says to me Indians can’t score a run against the T Indians can’t score a run against the Tigers what’s going on with this team yeah man it’s one game one game do and I love the passion that’s the positive I mean I love that people are there’s people more interested in the Guardians than we’ve seen in a number of years now that’s great yes they’re just tuning in BO look this a expectations is the great koliz that’s true you know they’ve seen it happen for a like it’s a stain enough period of time where the Guardians have won yeah they look up they got five All Star so now in my mind you supposed to smoke people every game it’s not like that but that’s what the expectation levels are but I will say this uh the thing that I am a little concerned about and when you know we’ve talked about it here is when is the shoe gon to fall for lively right how long is he going to be able to pitch and every single time he has a mediocre or bad outing yeah people are going to say oh oh is he turning back into the old B Lively or or is this is is this is this the new him or what are we doing here yeah I think that’s fair uh it’s hard you know it’s the third time through the order mhm yeah like you know he’s not an elite he’s not an elite pitcher he’s he’s pitched like one this one he’s not an elite pitcher and when you see the lineup the third time through when guys get a third look at you that’s where you’re going to run into trouble and that’s where you know again if you if you want to look atad of the postseason he’s not going to see a lineup a third time through I promise you that oh this in a perfect world he’s not see him a second time okay in a perfect role he’s not even starting the playoffs that’s not the world we live that’s probably starting he’ll be starting maybe game three certainly game four of any playoff series if he’s starting game three that’s a problem but but you can’t let him see it it you can’t let him see the third time through he may not see the second time through frankly it may be one time through and then out depending on but you’re also going to face a lot better lineup than the tig absolutely and which is why you get them out sooner although G orella the former Guardian seems to kill the Guardians every time he don’t hit anybody else I mean he’s doing nothing this year he’s got a ter terrible numbers across the board but he always seems to play well against his former team yeah uh uh you know I thought and Ben Lively was in a situation and I’ve heard some managers talk about this it it was interesting I heard um in fact it was the Tigers manager AJ hinch he was on MLB radio yesterday and Mike faren who’s been a guest on this show asked him about cuz on on Monday’s game he brought in Shelby Miller to close which I thought was pretty surprising and and Mike faren said the same thing he goes hey AJ I was a little surprised you brought in Shelby Miller you know why did you bring in Shelby Miller and and he talked about I don’t know where I was going with this I know what he said why why second time through the order third time through the order I man I just uh brain fart I can’t remember why I brought this up but it it I anyway he he I thought it was interesting the com ments he made about you know hey oh I I remember why I was going with this that he said Shelby Miller had struggled a couple of weeks earlier I think against Cincinnati he came into two games where it was blowout yeah and he wasn’t focused because they were just trying to throw strikes get out of the game and that blew up his numbers and you don’t think about that all the time and you know Ben Lively most of the games he’s pitched have been close games I’m not making excuse he pitched poorly in the end but he had that big lead you wonder if he kind of just said all right let’s just throw strikes here out and he wasn’t and a guy like Ben Lively is not going to win on stuff yeah no Ben Lively is going to win on smarts yeah on outthinking the hitters and if he gets to the point where he’s like well I got a big lead I I better just throw it right down the middle essentially he may not be thinking that consciously but he’s not may not be focused on the game plan as much that can lead to the results that we saw after that yeah yeah I always find it I always find it strange that you know know if you win a game from coming from behind you get more love than if you blew the league and then still won yeah right like you like oh listen can you imagine did you see the Guardians came from six 60 and you’re like but yeah like we always give we always give deference to starting off slow but ending strong um you know I I was a little concerned um because they just don’t play like I’m looking at the Tigers and I’m like all right Tigers is decent um you’re not nothing special I was just I was I was in my feelings like oh we about to lose two in a row to the Tigers I don’t like I’m looking at Minnesota Minnesota’s playing a little bit better I’m like no I I don’t like that bro but they pulled it out at the end and if you can to me it’s about winning series like if you win a series consistently um I think you you you can feel good about yourself one game here or one game there to white sock or the tigers or the Royals it is what it is we just worried about winning Series yeah I mean and the twins have done a better job of late of beating up the bad teams the Guardians have not beat up the bad teams the Guardians played very well against good teams they’ve for some reason not dominated the bad teams and that’s why the twins have closed the Gap a little bit twins actually have the best record in baseball I believe since like April 28th or whatever they’ve played great this division is the best it’s been in a number of years because Kansas City’s competit Kansas City’s a decent team Detroit’s competitive and Minnesota’s good and we know how good the Guardians are but uh you know they’re going to go over 60 wins I think before the allstar break i’ bet on that they got five games left I I think they’ll win 60 plus which is pretty impressive yeah I mean despite some picad dillies here that you can you can go about go on about uh they they’ve mostly played great I think uh yes the starting pitching Remains the biggest concern with this team whether Ben Lively’s good or not you know now the positive and I don’t think uh were you guys here yesterday n i yeah oh you were yeah so you guys I’m sure talked about a little but uh it was great to see Gavin Williams that second start I he was fantastic yes in that game but um uh anyway but there was there were definitely some positives last night angel Martinez is playing great he hits his first home run I mean the guy’s been unbelievable Naylor hit a home run last night you know sometimes when you blow a big lead it’s hard to get the bats going again they got the two runs in the in the 10th inning and Emanuel CL uh who gave up the unearned run cuz the runner that’s you know nothing he he shut the door as usual gtis pitched great again Barlo did a nice job yesterday the bullpen continues to be pretty strong Bullpen only gave up one run I think right this Angel Martinez like he’s been fantastic so far if say for instance they put him in order fulltime and he’s a everyday player what would where would they bet him because he don’t seem like he’s a leadoff guy I mean you’re not going to take Juan out of he’s B second he he could be he could be a a prototypical number two hitter and which really they don’t have they haven’t I thought Freeman could be that guy I hoped he would be that guy he’s been up and down this year now he’s more into really a part-time role right now yeah if you know if Martinez continues to hit they’re going to keep running him out there yeah I mean right now he’s got to play every day yeah yeah I mean the way he’s shown great plate discipline yeah uh what is he got eight nine walks already in he eight did he walk last night he had eight entering last night I can’t remember if he walked last night uh according to ESPN he still has uh still has eight walks in nine games I mean walks in nine games pretty crazy so he’s hit the ball eight walks in eight games eight walks in eight games yeah even better so I right now you got to play him every day again I’m going to keep advocating for making trades we got what what’s today the 10th I correct 10 20 days 20 days uh to do something we’ll see what they do I said the other day it just feels like the way that they’re cycling these young guys up it just feels like it’s a showcase yeah absolutely that they’re showing and Angel Martinez could be the guy that could be it could be they’re showing teams this is what we have what do you like who do you like you’ve seen a little bit of T you’ve seen a little bit of Martinez you’ve seen some Freeman you’ve seen arus you’ve seen rokio obviously Noel schneeman Noel yeah and and let’s F I’m sure right now the fans you can’t trade Martinez you can’t trade Martinez trade arus trade well okay Martinez might have more value now you know whatever yeah the way Martinez is played right now not dying to trade him at the moment but if I get the right player right AB it’s a weak it’s 100% I would get the right guy I’ll his we be we be thirsty we we are thirsty for if we get a young dude that’s balling oh we all over him now you can’t get rid of him I hear you he’s the future I I hear you and right now if I could get a good batter get a good hitter or get a good pitcher and not trade him that would be preferable but I’m not going to let Angel Martinez one good week stop me from getting a good player that’s that’s it we literally did that topic yesterday B yeah is he an Untouchable Prospect and no no I’m serious we did crazy what did what did CH say well it then pivoted out of that but the question was is Angel Martinez he played his way into being an Untouchable proect I’m sure 40% of the fans said yes we did that yesterday yeah where were you he was sitting right next to me it was such a bad question he don’t even remember he just disregarded it it may have been Monday I think we did CU yesterday well I was here Monday and I my question for you Bo real quick and G you can answer this too because Jason did answer this yesterday of all the Guardians prospects that have come up so far who’s been the most impressive in your mind all the guys just this year not like well phrase it properly no no because I want to see if you think uh if you think Jason’s answer is valid or not who the guardian’s most impressive Prospect this year so so okay does I think Bo Naylor counts right I don’t think Bo Naylor counts he did he have did he play a lot last year I mean he wouldn’t be the answer anyway but I don’t think does roio count to me the guys who count are Freeman rokio Noel manzardo ten Martinez schneeman schneeman Kate Smith Kate Smith notice he didn’t me H Hunter gtis Jason Hunter Gattis is the most impressive one uh that was my answer yesterday didn’t he play that he’s a rookie how does he not count I yeah I I was how much did he pitch last year 40 in Innings so I I didn’t count him I yeah I I don’t know why I didn’t count him I thought you pitch more than that but if you only pitched 40 Innings then you’d include Hunter gtis and then I would then my answer would be Hunter and it’s a landslide too Hunter gatis is right now is one of the top five setup guys in baseball absolutely borderline also didn’t count as a prospect that’s why I with Kate Smith what’s that I just didn’t count gtis as like a true prospect well but how many more I mean he pitched 40 Innings last year he made like seven starts in why is he not a prospect why would you say that cuz he pitched 40 Innings yeah he had his his his Prospect season was last year now I don’t agree with that 40 Innings is not enough if you didn’t count him I would like I would take schneeman by a hair I was actually thinking schneeman until gas got mentioned by the way and gtis pitched 40 Innings as a starter last year wasn’t he mostly a starter mostly a starter so and he was terrible he looked awful as a starter um but yeah Hunter gatis has been fantastic schneeman of the hitters has been the most impressive because Martinez it’s only been a week so I can’t I like what I’ve seen from schneeman uh I like what I’ve seen from Noel in his little time and I like what I’ve seen from Martinez in his little time yeah uh I have no interest in watching Gabriel Arius play anymore Freeman I’m fine with I so frustrated with Arius I was such he’s just he’s a nothing but they have nothing to short who’s your shortstop right now it’s Martinez to answer your question earlier we did the topic on Monday and when I asked the question it immediately pivoted to they have to trade everybody and find a pitcher and a hitter we never actually talked about angel Martinez being Angel Martinez I did send it out on Monday is not untradeable that’s stupid to think he’s untradeable anybody says he’s unable doesn’t know what he’s talking about you know who’s untradeable Gavin Williams and Tanner B they’re untradeable that’s you asked that question Monday because I asked I said okay well in that case would you trade um Gavin Williams and they’re like uh we not TR the only way I would trade Gavin Williams is if I was getting TK scoel fine you know what I’m saying not I guess I shouldn’t say Untouchable because there’s no such thing as touchable told but that but you the only the only way I’m trading Williams is if I can get a picture that I probably can’t get and then after this trade I don’t know Jason see you see if you take it I told him if this is for an elite Prospect I’m I want if I’m the other team I want de Lauder manzardo and Logan Allen I mean Logan Allen I don’t care about at all for what like if it’s a starting line starting rotation type de lauder’s considered the number one Prospect in the organization manardo probably two I need those but I would tra first of all if I’m going to trade them both in the same trade I’m get I got to get a boatload I can’t think of the last time a team traded its top two prospects that’s not going to happen but I’m saying I’m I’m like the it’s probably the Expos and Baro cologne frankly yeah I the again the only way you trade both of those guys in the same deal is if you’re getting a superstar yeah you’re getting a superstar not a good player yeah you’re or you’re getting three Allstars you know maybe not a superstar but you’re getting three All-Star caliber players you’d have to to trade both of those guys you’d have to get a lot I but I they’re not neither of those guys are untradeable in the right de I totally agree yes I don’t think they’re tradeing manzardo I think they would trade to Lauder before if I if you can get the right hitter or really good starting pitcher sound nutty people because Kyle struggled when he came up here but I don’t think there in any rushia trade Kyle man I agree but I would trade him in the right deal I would too but but I don’t think they’re going to like I’m I’m not expecting KY manzardo to get moved in the next three weeks that’s not going happen so so so if so the arms you’re talking about that you you think that they need to put in the rotation to make them a serious Contender for the World Series you’re saying that you can get one of those you can get a guy like that and not trade menardo or one of your top prospects who are you going to trade depends what the pitch is again uh I mentioned T scoel that’s not realistic the Tigers probably won’t trade him period they almost 99.999% wouldn’t trade him to the Guardians if I could get T scoble I’d trade anybody it would there’s there’s no limit to two best young pitchers who may be on the pro on the block are both in the Guardians Division and crochet and SC right but if it’s that next level if I’m getting Jameson tyone from the Cubs if I’m getting uh what’s his name uh from the Blue Jays who’s Gosman well I wasn’t thinking about Gosman but yeah I was thinking about Chris Basset like those guys are really those guys are good pitchers gosman’s having a little bit of a Down year uh yes I would give I would give up I would not give up manzardo for those guys but I I would consider trading deluder to get those guys and another player one of the what tyone and and Gosman are different level too I I wouldn’t trade the Lauder for for tyone but I would trade the Lauder in a deal for gsman or even Basset if I’m also getting a hitter from Toronto or maybe an arm in the pen I got to get if I’m giving him my best Prospect I got to fill more than one hole or get a superstar G it really comes down to the selling team yeah the Guardians for years have gone really with sort of a quantity over quality when they’re trading guys out and they’re taken go look at the clevinger trade they got back what four or five guys they got Josh Naylor they got uh Cal quantro they got uh Owen Miller um so they they Diversified the portfolio because there’s such a in that trade didn’t they they did so there’s such a Mis rate on prospects they have shown over the years they would rather take four or five pretty decent prospects and trust their development system to get them over the top than to go all in on one or two guys who one or two arm injuries away and you have nothing to show for it but there are other teams who may disagree with that and who may value the high-end top end I want one really really good one as opposed to three or four maybe so it really depends on the organization that’s shipping them out and what their philosophy so is it a team that is like if you’re trading with the white socks or the A’s or the Marlins those teams are far away from competing they they’d probably rather have the glut the the four or five prospects if you’re trading with the Cubs or the Blue Jays those teams are closer to competing they might they’re going to be competitive next year they’re going to want the one higher end Prospect and is there one is the farm system depleted to where they need to restock the whole thing or they you know it every team is different and you’re right some teams even even though it sounds nutty May value a guy in high a as opposed to a guy in Triple A if they feel they’re a couple years out they would like take a better Prospect a little bit younger and a little bit farther away the the Cubs are a great trading partner I believe for the Guardians the problem is from the Guardians perspective is the Cubs are an organiz they have a top five farm system right now already so they’re not going to be looking for a lot of pieces they’re going to be looking for one guy that they Target in a trade but if you could get in theory Jameson tyone and Bellinger or Jameson tyion and Nik corner or Jameson tyone and Mark lider JR out of the bullpen like that’s worth giving up something for now I don’t think I really don’t think the Guardians would have to give up either manzardo uh or Del Lauder for tyion but if you also got a BigTime hitter you’d have to probably give up one of those guys probably probably deer I think the Cubs have their first baseman uh but they they could use some young Al I I think the Jays and the rays are the two teams to watch I think that they match up really well with both of those teams they both J the Jays and the Rays have what the Guardians need obviously there’s symmetry with those organizations there’s a long history with the Jays they match up they trade with the Rays all the time the two organizations are very close those are the two that I’m I’m watching for the next three weeks the Jays have fallen out it again they need to probably make some moves and P that up who Toronto I mean who in Tampa rot they got to move they’ve got Shane baz and Jeffree Springs coming back in the next couple weeks so they have P they’ve already dealt surv baz is already in the rotation now yeah but they got uh who was it effin I think yeah could be on the Move there’s a couple of guys they’re not top end I love their rotation right now but they are guys who can get you to October yeah certainly Toronto certainly got starting pitchers and the Rays with the Ros Arena Brandon Lao who’s been H man rosar is having such a bad season he’s actually starting to and he’s been clutch he’s always been a clutch he’s starting to perform put the wheels back on a little bit I just think those are two teams to watch yep go ahead Mike we’re going to get back to the Guardians and spend the last hour the show talking Guardians we’re going to get off and talk some Cavs and Browns real quick but 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before we take any of these Graphics let me explain it to you the NBA is essentially a nightclub exclusive VIP nightclub MH and if you want to be a true Championship Contender that’s getting into the nightclub the nightclub or whatever kind of Club you want to Envision it as is the VIP exclusive group of teams that have reached the level of notoriety indoor overall good roster construction front office coaching staff etc etc to be in that exclusive category if you’re on The Fringe you’re in line trying to get into the club there are a few teams that have tried to get in and then got bounced the bouncers said no you don’t have the prerequisite information actually get into the club then there’s some teams that are in the Uber heading to the club and those are the teams on the up and up but may not be in that next tier category then there’s the the in limbo where you’re arguing with your friends do we go out or do we stay in those are the teams that are kind of stuck in the middle and then the teams that are stuck at home and decided not to go out and those are the teams that have no future and are essentially tanking so we’re going to run through it it’s a little easier to see Anthony made some cool graphics for this tier one these are the championship Contender teams these are the teams who have made it into Club McNuggets all right and they’re 6 what a cool name for a club club mcet I know right you have the reigning Champs the Boston Celtics you have the Minnesota Timberwolves Dall back the day the Thunder and the Knicks six teams I believe today and this could all change with varying moves but today the six teams who have earned the right to be in club McNuggets the championship Contender tier are these six that’s interesting because there’s one missing that I thought would be in there where’s Philadelphia at that’s not the one to Philadelphia and three of those teams have never gotten past the semi-finals doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be in the conversation all right so both uh G you said the 76ers are missing I’ll explain them in a sec Jason who do you think’s missing the Bucks yeah that’s what I was thinking okay well guess what those two teams are two of the three teams in line to get into the club with Steve take the next graphic your Cleveland Cavaliers there’s bouncer Earl making sure no teams get in that aren’t supposed to get in yet I refuse to put the 76ers in a true Championship Contender uh category until Joel embiid proves anything in the playoffs he with I’m not a Philly fan I’ve never been a Phil you have two of the worst the Knicks and and uh that’s that’s harsh what have they proven in the playoffs beyond the first round Jo beid has literally never played in an Eastern Conference uh finals he can’t stay healthy so neither is Minnesota Minnesota was neither oklah oh Minnesota got to the the Western Conference Final sorry and Oklahoma city was the best team in the west but Oklahoma City what they done OKC is that’s they hav proven anything I’m not saying you got to prove it I’m saying this haven’t proven anything are my tears I’m not putting the 76ers my proves anything hey Bucks have won a championship the Nicks have only won first round series that’s ridiculous well if we’re looking at championships the Warriors who won it two years ago more recently the Bucks should be in that line too by that logic guess what they’re in a way lower tier no Giannis is it his prime Steph Curry’s not in his prime that’s a big difference they’re in line trying to get in they have to prove something before want to put them in the category at the best let me give you this his list blows up yeah here’s the thing I don’t like when people we do this we like to assume that injuries are only wable by us in our team we’ll say oh well we were hurt last year Jared Allen was hurt last year so you know we got to put the bu don’t get a pass they don’t get that pass like if Giannis and and embiid show up and they don’t get hurt you’re in trouble like that those teams are definitely in they’re they’re in line I don’t understand why the Bucks have something to prove but the Knicks don’t I don’t understand that now if you were to ask me who has a better chance to win the championship this year the Knicks are a better team than the Milwaukee Bucks you may be right however that’s not what you said you said one team has something to prove the other team I wouldn’t necessarily I didn’t say something to prove I wouldn’t necessarily take any I like the teams you have in the club I wouldn’t take any of them out I think the Knicks do belong there I would just add the Buc to that I I do think the Bucs should be in that room fair enough that’s why we’re going to go back and forth and we these ranks those are the three teams I have including the Cavs by the way it was the Cavs Ste go back one more uh go back up to the teams in line the Cavs the Sixers and the Bucks those are the three teams I think could very easily if things go right make make their way into the championship conversation can I ask you a question I’m just not ready to put them there yet shoot what’s up are the Cavs third amongst those three teams these are not in any particular order but in the case of this yes I do think they are behind the walk I don’t think they belong in the same group with those other two teams what’s interesting can you go back to the first I think we should have started this at the bottom and worked up sure should have rather than dang you’re right I agree you want to stop and then go from the bottom up now we’ve already seen the ending of the movie you can’t go back and watch it start all right let’s go to group three but no I want to see group one again real quick I just want to point something out so okay so we got Boston and the Knicks from the East and then when you go to group two you got Milwaukee and Philly so in in Mike’s mind the Cavs are no better than fifth without homecourt advantage in the first round right yeah yeah and and I memer I don’t like this one no we still got to play out the year who knows how it’s going to go this is right now this is before moves you know this could change if the Cs make a trade if sure things happen this is just right now the West is funny though because if you if you look at the West teams I would not have I I would not be surprised if you said either Dallas or Minnesota lost in the first round next year shouldn’t Sacramento be on that second group like they could lose let’s go to the next group because the next group includes Sacramento the next group is teams that got into line and then got denied you tried to go for it but even with the moves you’ve made you are not in a position to actually compete for a champion that sound like Bon this the Kings the Suns and the Lakers oh I like that I like that bouncer that’s a goodlook bouncer yep he looks angry he’s an angry elf uh I don’t understand this list the kings are a legit team on the rise the Lakers are sun suck you think the kings are a legit team on the rise aren’t they those are my real arms does the mar Rosen make them that much better I mean yesterday yesterday you guys or two days ago were talking about a bunch of slappies that would make the Cavs better but demard de rozen didn’t thear Rosen score 23 points a game last year I mean I just think that roster is completely flawed to begin with they don’t have any shooting they’re three best players don’t shoot threes don’t they got Keegan M we I I’d love to have Keegan Murray don’t don’t they still have him yeah he’s not one of the three best players though all right well that that means that means they’re pretty good if if a player I want he’s not even their best three they got sabonis they got Dar Fox they got moves to establish themselves I would just be be belief if the Kings yeah exactly I’m not buying what they’re selling I just feel like the the Suns and Lakers are old teams they’re uninteresting teams at least the I mean I know Demar de rozan is old but he’s not their best play point they are trying to get in and Jason Lakers sons are completely uninteresting teams that I would never want to watch play you don’t want to watch LeBron play watch Kevin Durant I’m done with them I’m bored by them they’re all I give you that they’re all news I’m not interested in watching LeBron unless he’s back on the Cavs LeBron and Lakers is boring he doesn’t care about winning anymore so why should I watch him Jason what do you respond to that with about I being boring I’ll always watch LeBron because the day is going to come when he’s not out there anymore and that’ll be a sad day so I think the Kings I think the Kings can beat I think the Kings can compete with with Oklahoma City or or no they cannot compete with Oklahoma City you guys are way overated I say that way overrated Oklahoma City is a problem they are going to they have to prove something I’m just telling you they’ve got 150 picks coming they’re a team of young Athletics switchy guys they are the prototypical team for how you play in the NBA they’re young crowning their ass before they’ve done anything who they lose to last year telling you I’m just wait they lose to I don’t remember Minnesota uh they lost to Dallas and that’s because PJ Walker that was the series that they made every corner three Dallas is gonna go backwards by the way remember I said it first put in I only put in the tier they’re in because they were in the finals last year you know there’s no chance that Kyrie stays healthy just literally said five stances ago that Dallas could lose and Minnesota could lose in the first round I agree I listen the West is going to be a gauntlet matchups are totally depending these teams to that point parody is here in the NBA that’s good thing that is good okay I don’t disagree but then don’t [ __ ] about the NBA Finals being uninteresting because that’s what parody gives you yeah you know what I mean you can’t have it both ways people people saying it was a trash NBA Finals the finals was uninteresting cuz it was a Domination by well the finals were uninterested people were complaining going into it that it wasn’t these sexy teams iin watching that but that’s what you get with parody the difference with the NFL is the NFL is a marketing machine and everybody loves football so parody’s fine there you know it’s they love it but in the NBA it is a star driven league and the league has gone out of its way to break up the Stars which is fine it levels the playing field for everybody and that’s great but then don’t come around and [ __ ] that you don’t like the the matchups or the matchups are uninteresting I thought the matchup was fine it just turned out to be a bad series because Dallas couldn’t compete and Kyrie play there’s a lot of people who are not interested in watching that that’s true all right mik okay I don’t like your tear at all I’m anti your tear that’s I love when you and me disagree both nothing’s better than proving you wrong when we’re talking basketball it makes it brings a a big smile to my go ahead go ahead in the Uber to the club so teams on the way up but I don’t think they’re in that same same category yet and that include the Memphis Grizzlies the New Orleans Pelicans the Rockets who I’m buying stock in this year the Pacers and the magic and you can tell me the Pacers should be a tier higher and I’ll tell you I think they got extremely lucky with injury history uh in the postseason last year in a way this is a better tier than tier three like you think more highly of these teams no that’s why I said it’s not a direct ranking it’s not a direct ranking this is just the more category driving that car by the way SC uh hopefully not Ali Gordon the Oklahoma State running back or Mike Gundy D Mike Gundy wears is that a wig that Mike Gundy wears his real hair but what anid are you sure it’s his real hair yeah I’ve seen him in person a couple times you’re saying what an idiot like we haven’t known he’s an idiot for for years no I know but what he said yesterday was so stupid what did he say I don’t even know what he said about the DU K yeah he’s like oh everyone’s done it before it’s not that big of a deal he said he didn’t suspend the guy because he’s done that a thousand times yeah what an idiot I mean a lot of people have done it to be fair me it’s stupid for him to say that he should he should have just been like hey man listen he’s the best player on my team I’m not suspending him for nothing like because that’s basically what he been it’s professional sports I don’t care if he suspends him why would you suspend the guy you don’t have to pull that list back up get back to top I like that list I I think this is a good that’s a hodge podge it’s it’s weird like that’s a I like Orlando way more than I like Indiana I do too um once again real quick D this is not if I wanted to go like one through 32 I don’t think they’re next to each other but in the we’re trying to improve but not their yet category yeah I think they kind of fit into the same Memphis is weird because they were like top of the tier top of not that long ago and then Jos sort of unraveled that whole thing the Pelicans I they’re kind of stuck in the mud a little bit I’m not a big New Orleans fan um yeah this kind of feels more like a stuck in the mud group except for Orlando yeah yeah no Houston’s not stuck in the mud all maybe on the way and and and I think Houston needs to be on the way to the I need to the I think Houston needs to be like is we going out are we going out tonight they’re in the Uber they’re in the Uber all right going out next group the next one the next group is we’re arguing should we go out or not which is essentially that we don’t know what the hell we’re doing Group which is the Atlanta Hawks the Golden State Warriors the Miami Heat and the Los Angeles Clippers are we in are we out and this is Anthony arguing with Anthony the only thing I have the only I I don’t disagree the only beef I have with this is Miami and Golden State are well-run organizations the Clippers in Atlanta are not and so for some reason I feel like they need to be separate but uh I actually I I think the Clippers I like their leadership oh yeah yeah I like it a lot are they are they going for it right now they just let Paul George walk yeah I I didn’t understand that move really like I you hear Paul George talk about it it came down to like they wouldn’t give money they wouldn’t give him like and I’m like well dude you you moved Heaven and Hell to get Paul George and Kawhi Leonard there and then after kawh Leonard was hurt most of the time you’re blowing it up like I thought they had to go all in and double down on that like I don’t know why they let him walk all right the final tier and the last tier and the Spurs don’t belong in this tier but they also didn’t belong anywhere else this is though we’re staying at home we sucked here which is the Spurs who don’t really belong they didn’t fit anywhere else the Blazers the Jazz the B the piss and the Warriors the Nets the Raptors and the Hornets which is not a lot of debate here they all suck is anybody else besides the Spurs could you have created another category with it with the Spurs and one of these other teams like no the Spurs are I mean the Jazz have assets the Bulls are just a nothing organiz the Bulls and pistons once great organizations are nothing couldn’t you argue the Spurs should be too up in the Uber with Orlando they’re not like even if they too far away things I still think they’re just too far away to be in the Uber I think wmy puts them in the Uber I think wmy put them in the Uber and I like them better than Houston I like all I like their part they better than Houston yes interesting but they’re they’re far they I just think they’re further away yeah I would have put them almost in their own categ I just don’t think I just don’t think the note to Anthony with this the Spurs at the top of the list if there’s somewh to represent their leaving home do it if not don’t worry about it so yeah can I see that one more time I just want to see that one more time the bottom one yeah the bottom take the last one Spurs like the Spurs have walked out the door maybe yeah exactly while the other teams are still in the house as Jason’s looking at this and you can pull up the graph uh Cavs in the right spot or the Cavs too high in line to get into the club I my problem I can’t have the Cavs and the Bucks in the same too category I’m just looking at that like Charlotte’s a mess Brooklyn’s a mess Chicago’s a mess Detroit’s a mess Washington’s a mess Toronto I I don’t think they’re a mess no um I don’t know enough about Portland to know if they’re a mess Utah I like their leadership I like Utah’s leadership they just got a hodgepodge of players though it just seems like they got a bunch of like no man in no man’s land with that yeah okay go back to C so Cavs are Cavs are in tier 2 in line with Milwaukee and Philly that’s where I had the Cavs I think that’s a I think that’s fair like I said I would put Milwaukee in the club I do think the Cavs are in line um and who’s group three again let me see group who’s behind them yeah these are the teams that got denied from the club I feel like the Cavs are with Sacramento like in their own group I kind of it’s like they’re good they’re not quite as good as the teams ahead of them they’re better than the teams behind them they got some names they have maybe a weird chemistry same as Sacramento yeah like so good but not good enough is that the category you’re trying to create I I think sa I would put Sacramento and the Cavs in in a group three by themselves for me G what do you think I would if you wanted to say they’re in the club but they they don’t get bottles in VIP sections like they’re at the bottom with the regular people they’re in like the welfare section yeah general population they got wristbands on and you look up and they like oh my God there’s Drake yeah like yeah they make if you want to put him in the club they they not getting B I didn’t put them in the club I had them on the outside looking I think I like the Cavs better than the Kings I I think the upside is higher uh it’s not perfect but I do think that the upside is higher for the Cavs than the Kings I really like the king coach like I’ve never hid that I really I think Mike Brown’s really good I think he’s really really good the Sixers have never gotten to the Eastern Conference Finals not with a beid I’m telling you man Philly’s a fraud they are a total fraud I just feel like Paul Georgia and be are two of the biggest fraud postseason performers there are and now their teammates I just feel like you you can have the Cavs in the same level with Philly and Milwaukee I I don’t think I would put Milwaukee in the club I have no I I don’t like Philly at all they’re better than the Cavs are they yeah I I think Joel &b when he’s healthy is Unstoppable they have they have two stars the Cavs have one and they’ve well they’ve not proven much in the playoffs they’ve done more than the Cavs so you could argue Tyrese Maxi is the third star that’s true and if you’re picking players between the tyres maxxi is better than anybody on the Cavs besides Donovan I was going to say you can make that argument you can make that argument is there even an argument I would take Maxi over I’m saying who would you defend who would be the argument that’s better than Maxi I mean people would argue I would take Maxi but who would who would argue who what player I’m telling you I agree with you Bo I would no no I’m saying who would which of the Cavs players would somebody I’m sure someone would argue for for Mo if they wanted to Mobley better than Maxi come on I am picking Tyrese Maxi I’m with you and if you take a look at that if you say who the best five players or four players in the court they got three out of four right three out of the four best players in the series and Milwaukee won a championship with Y with because of Giannis in his prime I you you’ve always got a chance especially in this era of parody so i’ I’d have Milwaukee in the club fair enough uh we’re going to talk Evan Mobley for two minutes real quick make this real quick cuz I want to get in some Nick chub conversation before we bring on our MLB draft expt but we appreciate everyone for tuning in hit the like button hit the Subscribe button it does a lot for us on the back end uh yesterday Brian wior was on ESPN Radio here in Cleveland I would play the clip if tagboard and social news desk would work by way working speaking of uh ESPN Cleveland my man Aaron goldhammer apparently said one of one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard that I have no idea what you’re talking about he apparently said I got to double check this that uh you might want to double check it before you say no oh was it let me he said wats second half was the best half of football by a Browns quarterback since 99 I’m pretty sure he said that I don’t think it was goldhammer who said that I’ll find who said which is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life yeah I would dis by the way Bakers Bakers had at least 10 halves better than deshun Watson’s second half against Baltimore at least 10 Baker’s first half against Elite what’s that Baker’s first half at Kansas City week one he played a second half against the Bengals once where they where he got the game-winning touchdown he threw like four touchdowns on the second half it’s AB ludicrous go ahead uh Wendy was on ESPN Radio in Cleveland social news desk would work I would play the clip but he had mentioned that Evan Mobley was invited to the Team USA select team last year which is the team that practices Against the World Cup team and the Olympic team and gets that full training camp experience and Mooby reportedly declined the invite just real quick we’ll go around the horn can you think of a good reason as to why Evan Moy may have declined that invitation Jason you want to start Donovan declined from Team USA because of he was concerned about his minutes usage coming into this year this coming the season that just concluded yeah he turned down Team USA last year because he was concerned with how much JB was going to use him last season and didn’t want to commit to a full then summer this summer I have no idea what Evans re I think this is worse turning down a select team for a young player unless unless Evan felt like he can get better on his own developing on there is no logical reason I I didn’t know that I didn’t know like when Brian said that I hadn’t heard that about Evan U he I think he should have taken the opportunity it’s a great opportunity for young players to be around Olympians to be around high level Elite basketball but I don’t know that you’re necessarily training like if you’re trying to get better as a three-point shooter I don’t know that training on the US select team is going to do you know what I mean if there’s one specific thing that you’re working on for your game I don’t know that that opportunity is going to enhance it but I do think the overall experience of being there is a greater benefit that outweighs that that dang man I I try not to go to that man but I I would have liked to see you do it just for the competition alone you know what I’m saying the competitive nature of I need to gauge myself on a day in day in day out um level against the best people in the world right and to go out go up against those individuals and yeah you not on a regular Squad but to even prove like look people talk about you know Cooper flag he all over the Internet he’s going to be a freshman right yeah and he’s been killing it he’s giving them buckets and people like oh I this boy right here going to be nasty is he the next great player this kid yeah that’s why the Nets got their picks back and traded Mel Bridges oh he’s going to be the first pick of the draft next year and and so I’m looking at this in a 17-year-old kid a even play no college ball I’m like man you need to be if in basketball if you want to be in the club so to speak with McNuggets you got to have your life ready you got to have your money right your fit right the balenciagas is on you better have your chains in the jewelry you can’t come up in here with these dockers on and these Levi strauss’s like come on listen I want he should have been in that mix being like I’m down there with Anthony Davis I’m down there with embiid I’m down there guys that and guess what here’s the thing about being rich in a basketball player when you leave there you have a thing called a personal trainer that can fly with you you have a personal trainer that can if you want to put him up in a in a hotel and after practice is done you can still put up 3,000 shots so you could do you could do two things at once dog like you you can still work on your individual game and get that value right there come on man I’ll leave the the small caveat that there’s a legitimate reason that he didn’t want to do May we’re not thinking of whatever it is maybe parent family I don’t know but if this is just he didn’t want to do it that’s beyond lame I I have a hard time believing it’s that well I just I just can’t see what it could be I mean what kind of a commitment is it do you guys know this Jason would know better than I would to be honest I mean it’s right now they’re out there right now uh about a month three weeks three weeks I think not even a month like what what what is he doing I don’t know I mean he’s working he’s there there’s clips of him about working out right now okay fine he’s in LA right now working out I mean AR these other young guys gonna find the time to work out improve their game too which is why you have a chance like you’re a young player who’s unproven who’s been on some to some degree of disappointment in his first three years in the league yeah why wouldn’t you I mean if I were him I can’t imagine why I would pass up an opportunity to play against the best players on the planet for a month yeah I don’t know we’ve used this expression all of us have at one time or another the show iron sharpens iron right yeah this was the ultimate chance of that and he said no thanks it’s just another indicator that it’s about do you he’s not all in whatever you be watching you watch these these players and the thing that I watch and I even watch their shoot rounds and stuff I love the fact that when you see these guys practicing they’re out here trying to assassinate one another they’re doing a oneon-one drill Kevin Durant won’t miss I just saw something where kg was playing one one full court kg this was back when of the old Olympic FS cuz I’m watching the Olympics kg was going one onone with Vince Carter full court oneone Jason kid well even back in the day with Bird magic and all those Jordan those guys were killing each other the practices of the Dream Team would you not want to be a part of that crazy but that is not with the select I hear you that’s different those were guys just going at it but still this is on some level the most similar you can get I mean crazy I mean Kyrie did this Kyrie was on the select team when he was that’s where the famous clip of him and Kobe yeah where they were going to play one-on-one and Kyrie was saying you have to guard me it was it was a a viral before viral it’s the incredible clip where he dribbled between his legs and it Darius Garland was on the select team darus was screaming about the Earth being flat all kinds of things think about it if you Mobly you can what what what better way to be like oh listen you want me that perimeter game I’m eating up all KD’s time KD I need to play one onone right now I need to I need that hesitation pull up in my package hey like you could play you can go and just say you know what I’m playing guards yeah I want to learn how to be on the perimeter I’m sure if you go to the coach and say hey look I’m trying to get better at X Y and Z I need can I play I want to play three in this pickup game I want to guard the kg K KDs I want to guard the lebronze I want to see I want to feel what it is to be out on the floor with nobody and plus I’m scouting too bull you got Jason Tatum you got Jaylen Brown you got Drew holiday you got all these dudes the guys that you know you got to get past yeah they’re there we look at him like he’s not a dog that and this is another example of that I I got I’m over there scouting I’m up I’m picking up all the little nuggets I can get I’m sorry bro I hopefully it’s a good reason it might be there might be legitimately valid reason and and if it is so be it but there’s a quote from Payton Pritchard uh who who’s on the select team by the the way who gave he gave this quotee yesterday I want to read it word for word quote from pton Pritchard I don’t understand anybody who wouldn’t want to be here you get to go against the best players in the world to see where your game’s at take things from the best learn from the best and keep adding to your game on a daily basis this is the best competition in the world I can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t be here who was asked to be here quote I mean that’s an indictment of Evan mble right there no that’s that was not in relation to moy what I know but it is an indictment of Evan Moy and it the Cav I I was arguing the other day against G and and Earl about like hey I got to be patient with the Cavs and the real the best hope for the Cavs to to make a significant jump is that Evan moley becomes a star well this is an indicator that maybe that’s not that important to him I don’t know now he is it is worth pointing out he’s posted videos each of the last three days working out with this personal train thre no I’m just saying it’s like he is showing that he is working it’s just what’s a bettering what’s a better Avenue to improve his game being on team select say or working by himself bring him is it the same personal Traer he’s had for the last three years that hasn’t improved his off game don’t do that I know G what were you saying sorry g go ahead don’t you what were you saying is it the same guy that got up shooting 32 for no I’m saying are you crazy no I’m just saying but can’t you do if it’s me I I’m sure LeBron got his team with him is is LeBron’s team with him team is in like he got he got his personal guy somewhere stashed away to do some nutrition or whatever the case may be yeah Mike vanas is with him wherever he goes see that’s what I’m saying if if I got if I’m Mo and I’m in training camp I got my my guy with me anyway so it’s like oh when we done with this we going to go eat we going to go lift we going to get some food then we going to go back and I’m get that night session and I know I know that’s what they doing they got guys that’s probably breaking down film in the night session they got guys playing 101 inter sessions they doing a bunch of stuff I I you got to I I got to be it’s a terrible look for Evan mble he’s 21 years old I mean he should be I mean this is crazy that’s crazy yeah I mean to beat there it was up to me in a perfect world I would love to see Evan moley with the Team USA select team getting ready for this Olympic run to prepare the guys who are going to Paris Who start their worldwide exhibition tour tomorrow night I believe against Team Canada which is also loaded with NBA Talent so and I was just doing some research there’s a bunch of dudes who had been on the select team who talked about experience being lifechanging for them so do the women have a select team also I’m sure they do I can’t believe clay Caitlyn Clark’s not on the squad she didn’t deserve to be what you mean she’s not one of the 12 best players in the country okay like Drew holiday ain’t either he on the squad oh Drew holiday’s on there why is Drew holiday on there because he he fit a roip defense she fits a role her role her role is is knockdown shooter and the most famous female basketball player her Ro is to bring eyeballs that’s true come on over here I mean she probably should have got in for the eyeballs she’s not one of the 12 best I would if if I’m all the rest of the people on the team I’m like we need her there because when she’s there that equates eyeballs eyeballs equate to endorsements and endorsements lead to my pockets being inflated I need that by the way I I I hate both sides of the Chris Caitlyn Clark people I hate the extremists on both Sid they’re both awful most things in this world yeah then I hate those people too no it’s not Jason that’s the problem most people are in the middle but the middle people are quiet no the extremes that are wiing you said you hate the extremists on both sides I said that’s most things in this world you hate the extremist on both sides yes but that Gap is widening up I don’t care about that right now when’s that US Canada game it’s 10:30 p.m. tomorrow night believe 10:30 p.m. what’s that all about it’s 7:30 in Vegas who who’s it’s in Vegas right right Vegas baby Vegas really Qui I think it’s I’ll look it up but they then they travel to Abu Dhabi for uh two games Canada should be really good not yet though Canada who’s who’s on that Canada roster not on top SGA we’re talking I’m confused now yeah I’m talking men that’s men right US Canada tomorrow the men play Canada okay but I don’t know where the game is I thought doesn’t matter doesn’t matter M could be Vegas all right well we got our guest so we’re gonna bring in our next guest talk a little MLB draft and we’re going to bring in Joe Doyle in one sec after a quick word from FanDuel you guys know I love sports I love them so much I never want them to stop but as the playoffs wind down we get fewer and fewer games and the sports just aren’t sportsing like I want them to but FanDuel lets me keep the sports going whenever I want all I have to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime I’m in the mood and this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long so head over to youss and start making the most of your summer FanDuel an official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball and the ultimate Cleveland sports show and with that we’re going to welcome on Joe Doyle an MLB draft expert from the future star series Joe thanks for joining us today how you doing I’m good Fellas how we doing today Jo great Joe before we get started I was talking to Mike before the show and before we can have any sort of conversation about the guard is the number one overall pick I think if you can explain slot money and contract money because people are in Cleveland have PTSD from Dolan spending and they hear this guy would cost less and they immediately think well it’s the Dolan’s added again and it’s unacceptable either way but but I I just want him to explain explain the draft because I think this lays the groundwork for the rest of the conversation of who they’re looking at and why and what slot money means and then what you do with that money later on in the draft if you can sign a guy for Less at the top yeah so very very quickly in layman’s terms uh every team is given a certain amount of money that they are allowed to spend in any one given draft if you go over that amount you are penalized in different ways so you are almost never going to find a team that doesn’t spend their full amount now when people say take a deal or UND slot or you know pay someone a little bit less in the first round all it means is they’re moving money around so if they if they save a million dollars or a million a half dollars on the number one pick in the class it means they can spend that money elsewhere and what do I mean by elsewhere well players in high school have more leverage to ask for more money because they can still go to college and hope to improve their draft stock so if Cleveland wants to go after a high ceiling High School pitcher for example in the third round that they otherwise wouldn’t have been able to afford saving some money the number one overall pick allows them to do that so it’s what makes at least in my opinion it’s what makes the MLB draft the most fascinating draft because it’s not always the quote unquote best player available it’s the it’s how can we maximize our our bonus pool and how can we get the most talent in one giant class but Joe to me when you have the first pick in the draft we’re not talking about pick 20 or 15 when you have the first pick in the draft to take to not take the best player to me is stupid e I don’t care if you have more money to spend in the third round second round fourth round you have a chance to get the best player and it’s clear at least that there’s there’s most people seem to think at least there’s two guys that are clear you know line of demarcation after the top two guys I don’t know if you agree with that but that’s everything I’ve read that seems to be the case so if the Guardians went any lower than one of those two guys just to have more money to spend in a later round to me that’s stupid is do you agree or no you know I think in any other year I would agree I mean if you look back at the 2023 draft you got Paul SK you got Dylan Cruz those are prohibitive conventional traditional number one overall prospects they play center field 6’6 on the mound like they check every box right what Cleveland is choosing from this year is not a it’s not an especially sexy draft right there is no Bobby wit Jr in this class there is no adley Rutman in this class okay Cleveland is choosing from a college second baseman which we have I can’t stress this enough in the history of the draft we have never seen a second baseman drafted number one overall and he’s coming from the Pack 12 which everyone has their opinions on and then on the other side of things you have Charlie Condon who you know it’s kind of hard to poke holes in Charlie Condon other than his home and road splits are just very very extreme um so to answer your question if there was a no doubt bombshell Superstar type Prospect I think it would make the Cleveland Guardian selection a whole lot easier but because there’s not that you know really that that stud out there in conventional terms I think they have the ability to kind of you know pick and choose who they want because here’s the thing I think the difference between bazana who’s talked about a lot as the number one pick from Oregon State and JJ weatherholt the short stop from from West Virginia the difference between those two while one guy gets a ton of headlines and the other doesn’t is actually quite marginal one guy just had a hamstring injury all year and the other guy didn’t I mean that’s fair if you if you’re the evaluator in your opinion those guys are neck and neck and if the Guardians feel the same way then I’m with you then it’s not stupid you’re right if you feel like the two prospects are neck and neck then yeah it makes sense to take the guy you could sign for less and be able to use it later we don’t know that they’re they feel the same way that you do but it’ll be interesting and it’s an interesting point I obviously we knew there was no Paul skem in this draft but I I didn’t realize that it was as dramatic as as you said but obviously you follow follow this really closely if it were up to you if you if you were evaluating forget the money who do you think is going to be the best player in this draft I I I really do think and I’m not trying to hedge I do think it’s a tossup between Chase Burns and Charlie Condon and the one thing that you cannot teach in any one draft is size I mean you Travis bazana is never going to be 6 feet six he’s never going to have the levers and the raw power that Charlie Condon does and then on the other side Chase Burns has 101 mph fast ball he’s throwing 90 mph sliders he’s thrown 86 mph curveballs and he throws strikes and he’s been doing it for three years so um in those respects I think either one of those guys in in in different ways are going to end up being the top player in the class but you know again as you compare those two players to the guys from here you know you certainly wouldn’t take a chase Burns over a Paulk and you compare a guy like like Charlie Condon who who has his limitations he’s going to play right field or he’s going to play an average Third Base you you sack him against a guy like Dylan Cruz or Wyatt Langford you can kind of understand where I’m coming from I mean you will I think I think Cleveland will take the player that they believe is the best player available and because the number one pick in any draft has no leverage they will get probably four five $600,000 off what that signing bonus of 10.5 million is so they’re going to get a a deal in any way shape or form but you know bazana in in the 2023 draft probably is the number six pick five or six pick and conon last year is probably the number four or number five pick so it’s just not as star studded and dynamic at the top as I think Cleveland would hope but they’re still going to take the best player available and they’re still going to get a haircut uh Joe you you know you look at Otani and uh the rise of you know guys you know pitching and hitting and and doing both are there any guys uh in this draft or that are coming up that could possibly be I’m not saying Otani but teams would look at letting them pitch as well as hit yeah so I I think the guy that you’re referring to is Jack kagon he’s the first baseman and left-handed pitcher from the University of Florida he’s up to 99 from the left side but here’s the thing his Bat has been so special this year and just not to get too far into the weeds but KAG leó swung at 57% of the pitches this year that’s extremely high he chased outside of the Zone 36% of the time that’s extremely high and he still found a way to run a 9% strikeout rate all while hitting 35 homers I mean making sense of that math doesn’t even make sense it’s a it’s a special bat um I think the bat is actually so special that teams are just going to say you know to hell with letting him pitch he still throws quite a few uh pitches outside of the Zone there’s command and control issues I think you look at it this way if you put kagon on the mound and he hurts his elbow well then you’re taking the bat out of his hands like you did with with Bryce Harper and Jason Dominguez and some of these guys that that got hurt with Tommy JN and I think it really slows his offensive track so chances are kagon projects as a bullpen piece and if that’s the case I think you just put a bat in his hands and say hey why don’t you just become the most prodigious Slugger you can show what you’ve continued to show at the University of Florida and let’s see how quickly you can move Joe do you think this epidemic of arm injuries will have any impact on drafts moving forward just in terms of the value of pitching obviously everybody needs pitching but if it’s close would the team start to lean hitter over pitcher just because at this point it’s inevitable everybody’s going to have Tommy John surgery at some point or does that not factor into it you know I think the only thing that I’ve noticed over the last six or seven years of covering this is the kid the high school righty that has size and is throwing 99 he’s not always the top five not always a top 10 in fact sometimes they’re not even a first round pick I mean last year I’m trying to remember who drafted him but there was a kid out of the state of Texas 6 foot6 uh name is Travis sakur he was 97 to 99 all the time I mean it was always upper 90s fastball and I think if you looked at the late 90ss you looked at the early 2000s that kid’s off the board in the top five picks no question about it he’s 66 he’s righty he’s a high school arm he’s up to 99 he’s going to be a horse right I think there’s some trepidation with that now with you know teams looking at this epidemic and going is it would we rather have a kid that is throwing 99 as a 16 or 17y old or would we rather have the kid who is maybe a little bit smaller and has been was 92 as a sophomore 94 as a junior and then he’s touching 95 96 with some projection as a high school senior some some of these kids that are throwing Ultra hard at the early stage of their of their career are getting poked at a little bit because the risk with injury is so high so I think it’s going to continue to progress over the years as as the draft and research and development understanding of injuries continues to to evolve But to answer your question in a more succinct way yeah it’s definitely had an impact on some of those younger guys that are already throwing super hard could could real quick can you just give us the overall view of weather Holt only because ESPN I know a couple weeks ago put him out as the as who they thought Kylie put it out as a number one pick and everyone was like JJ weather hold where because all we’d ever heard was Kanan and bizana so just the a quick overview of weather Holt’s game uh and and why he would be in contention for that number one pick and also the fact that it’s all hitters and we know the Guardians history with pitching but we haven’t really you mentioned Burns but there really hasn’t been a whole lot of talk about a pitcher going number one it’s all hitters yeah well with with my recent mock draft I actually did mock Chase Burns to the Guardians I think nobody’s talking about it but I think it’s a very real possibility and I think especially if Chase Burns is willing to take a a haircut save a million dollars to go number one I think it’s definitely in the cards but to answer your question on JJ weather hole I think the most important place to start and to remember is JJ weatherholt almost unanimously on February 1st was the number one Prospect in this draft he quickly hurt his hamstring he missed seven or eight weeks and that caused him to Tumble a little bit and it wasn’t even really that he wasn’t performing it was just the war of attrition Travis bazana passed him because he was playing so well Charlie Condon passed him because he was playing so well but every time JJ weather hole has been on the field he’s posted Elite metrics he’s the only one of the group that can play shortstop you know I compare to shortstop defense again this is not going to be the most dynamic player at shortstop but David Fletcher was able able to play a really solid shortstop for the angels for several years when angon Simmons was struggling with injuries that’s the sort of Defender I think you’re you’re looking at but you know it might be the sweetest swing in the class it’s it’s uh juice to all Fields he can put the ball out of the ballpark to left Center um like bazana he’s 5′ 11 he’s not the most physically imposing player and I think the only thing that you have to question about JJ and it’s the only risk that people are really talking about is that hamstring injury he missed most of Team USA last fall he didn’t really play the field because of the hamstring injury comes back after three months of of rehabbing it four months of rehabbing it and and injures it in like the third or fourth week of the season so as long as Cleveland feels good about that hamstring there’s really not a big separator between him and B they’re extremely similar players b pulls the ball a little bit more than weather Holt does but in my eyes I think it’s almost a positive a guy that uses the whole field a little bit more than than baz does seems like the there’s not much of a difference it can go any way between one and five that these these top four hitters and that’s dangerous to me because there’s going to be some bust in there yeah yeah there always is yeah I’m curious Joe uh with the with the Guardians have what what what’s the next pick Mike 36 and 486 and 48 some some some names to think about in that range that you like yeah so I think that’s going to be the most exciting part of this Cleveland draft I listen I know the number one pick is going to get all the headlines but people don’t understand how much money Cleveland has in this draft even if they gave Travis Maan or Charlie cond $10.5 million they would still have like $8.5 million to spend the rest of the way so some guys that I like for Cleveland and and I think the the crazy thing is and I think you can expect this guys that are ranked in the 20 to 30 range for example will go undrafted at the back of the first round because Cleveland will have reached out and said we’ll pay you more money we’ll pay you more money to be there at 36 just don’t get drafted by another team we’ll promise you more money so I think you’re going to see something kind of Splash with 36 I think you could see something splashy in the second round because they have so much money to Dole out in those spots know one guy that I really like for Cleveland is a first baseman outfielder by the name of PJ morlando he was a top 15 Prospect in this class before having kind of a slower spring it might be the most power on the high school side of things it might be the best hit tool on the high school side of things he projects for me at least as a Kyle schwarber type of a player who could move pretty quickly and then knowing Cleveland I would be stunned if they did not end up with a pretty exciting High School pitcher at one of those two spots so that’s that’s the fun thing about having this much money for Cleveland is picks one two three four five they’re probably all going to be really exciting high ceiling players because they have the money to do it now explain why they have so much money just because they the number one there is a slot mostly yeah there’s a slot bonus associated with every pick and when you land the number one pick you are given 10.5 million to spend on that pick you land the number two pick you’re only given 10 million and so on and so forth you take that couple it with the fact that they were awarded a competitive balance a pick which is due to their Market size and revenue and they get one of those every other year and then you know you just go down and down the list so they have an extra pick in the 30s they have the number one pick at at pick number one and then they’re going to have a high pick in two three four five it’s why they have 188 and a half 199 million do to spend in this class and it’s more than anyone else isn’t what you’re describing what Houston did with kareah and McCullers like kareah wasn’t supposed to be number one but he went number one and then they used the extra money to go back and get McCullers is that corre like am I remembering that correctly it’s exactly right nice job nice job you remember better than mccullers’s pitching because I haven’t seen him pitch in like two years he’s had a lot of injuries he’s a pitcher he’s healthy but yeah but was last time he gonna miss the whole season again I think uh last thing Joe let’s wrap it up with this and speaking of prospects you know we’re talking about the Guardians selling some prospects trading some prospects because they need to get some some some proven starting pitchers maybe even another bat you know obviously some of the top prospects in the system are already here uh some are playing well some are not Gabriel Arius has been a huge disappointment this time in Cleveland manzardo did not play particularly well when he was here the first time but he’s obviously a top prospect chase the Lauder what do you think of some of these guys in their trade value here in the next few weeks yeah you know I think it’s interesting one thing that Cleveland has done a nice job doing over the last few years in the draft is they they’ve actually stockpiled a good amount of left-handed power bats and that that hasn’t always been the case for Cleveland they’ve always kind of had a ton of center field shortstop second base hitterish types guys but you look at like CJ kayus you look at Ralphie Velasquez you look at Chase deer you look at Kyle manzardo I mean that’s a lot of left-handed hitting power that is reasonably close to making its Big League debut they got the nayor brothers I I think the biggest thing with Cleveland that they’re gonna have to decide and and it’ll really dictate what they do with Kyle manzardo is what are you going to do with with Josh Naylor as as his contract kind of his his control years comes to an end so that would be what I point to with Cleveland they’ve got a lot of left-handed power hitting thumping type guys and I think that’s going to draw interest from a lot of other teams but yeah if they could go out and use some of that ammo to to go land a significant pitching piece Cleveland once once you get to the seventh inning with the lead in Cleveland it seems like the game is over so you know stacking that rotation with one more arm would be a nice piece Joe great Insight man we appreciate you taking the time good deal of course guys yeah thanks thanks Joe awesome that was Joe Doyle make sure you check him out on Twitter at Joe Doyle MIB we’re going to talk about it’s unfortunate real quick I just want to follow on it’s unfor these the Five Guys he mostly talked about the four hitters and the and the one pitcher I forgot his name uh Burns right yeah it sounds like they’re all good very good prospects it’s disappointing that the Guardians have the first pick and they don’t have that you know in the last 20 years you’ve had a lot of like Bryce Harper Edie rushman yes strawberg right but but I’m I’m sure that there’s like you said there’s a guy that you don’t expect to hit that will turn into something sure you just have to you love to have like if Paul SCH were in this draft there’d be no discussion like this guy and he’s come up he’s an All-Star in his first man there will be superstars in this draft sure sure sure you got but it’s not as obvious it sounds like the the the middle picks that they got could be something more interesting like the way he described it yeah and I just I don’t know why I remember that I remember Houston doing that I can’t remember who supposed to be the number one pick but it wasn’t supposed to be Korea Chris Bryant was it the same year I don’t know I look I’ll look into it Chris Bryant was he ended up being second pick after I think K went one it might yeah it might and then they had extra money to turn around get Lance mcculler who was a great pick where they got him he’s yeah he’s had a lot of arm problems and he had arm problems at the draft too but he’s been a terrific pitcher so I think that’s was who was supposed to be won oh oh what who went one the year Bryant went two to the Cubs I’ll looked it up in a sec with that draft went kareah Brian buckon Guardians Legend Mike zenino was a third pick Kevin go fourth pick uh and then a couple guys who didn’t pan out Zeno zenino was a big time Prospect out of nothing well if you want to see Byron buckon like McCullers is always hurt yeah really good player but always if you want to see eventually whoever the Guardians take number one there’s no better place to buy your tickets to see that Guardians number one overall pick play at Progressive Field then with game time they have a last minute deals which saves you up to 60% off buying last minute tickets for sports concerts comedy theater whatever you want to buy a ticket on they have the best last minute deals their Flash Deals save even more with an exclusive inapp deal on select seats ahead of the event or game you’re trying to go to and their Zone deals you can pick a Zone and let game Chim choose the seats for you you can see the view from your seat before you purchase end with their game time ticket coverage your purchase is covered with the most flexible customer service policy in the entire online ticket 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if you I’m talking the elites like top five top 10 pick they’re showing up the next year it’s happening and right but not there’s like two or three guys may honestly I think it’s more the fact that you don’t know who these you watch college baseball yeah watch High School basb it’s getting a little bigger they’re trying it’s getting bigger they’re making more of it I think they’ve done a nice job they’ve been smart with trying to put out MLB Network they’re do over All-Star Weekend they’re trying to make it more of a production it also happens during the season unlike the other we talked about that the other day how weird that is but everybody knows college football yeah so you know even guys fifth sixth seventh round you’ve heard of them you know who they are college basketball you at least watch March Madness so you know who a lot of these guys are although it’s getting a little bit less because of the International Players but baseball you just don’t know so it’s it’s hard yeah so with that in mind B I saw this question it came from a tweet from Jared Mueller so he gets credit for the question it’s a great question in your guys opinion what’s more important for the guards to get right the number one pick in this Sunday’s draft or whatever moves they decide to make indor not make at the trade deadline which one of those two is more crucial to nail that’s easy to me go super easy there a number one pick like you can that’ll impact you for six years the trade deadline in a best case scenar Ario yeah is one year two years you know one or two years depending on and obviously who you give up could negatively impact you but I I just think that it’s vital to get the pick right my problem with the question is it’s it’s almost too vague like what does it mean getting it right versus not getting it right like are you saying if you get it right the guy’s a Hall of Famer and if you get it wrong he’s a bust I mean because it’s unlikely to be either extreme yeah is getting it right he’s a good player but maybe he’s just an average like you know I mean none of so that that’s why it’s a little tricky to answer the the trade deadline is important because they have a chance to win right now MH and in baseball it’s not football or basketball where one guy can be the difference no matter how good this player is you know if you draft a quarterback that could change your whole franchise you draft a great basketball player changes your old franchise one baseball player is is not going to change your old franchise okay but go talk to Detroit right now who’s just absolutely deflated over Spencer Spencer Tolson who’s been just an Abomination and now they’re looking at this going I agree that’s a huge the Pirates nailed Paul SK it’s they’re not winning that much you know you know what I’m saying it’s like one guy is not going to change the entire for the Pirates have been a tire fire for 30 years yeah I would not that’s true I I would say right now because right now you you are in the cat bird seat you you got the lead all you need need to do is if you told me I got a couple of dudes that’s going to get me an opportunity to make it to the World Series and once I’m in I got a chance to win right and I got to look at it like this there we we mentioned a lot of prospects one guy we don’t mention no more is aino and I’ve been hearing about him for four years this guy was supposed to be better than Gavin Williams but the but Jason said it the rise of arm injuries these these kids throwing 99 miles an hour how often do we hear about him like he’s for Tommy John surgery and you’re like that was the number one overall pick most of the prospects I take now give me now I I guess in the grand scheme of things it make it it is more important to the organization to get that first pick right and if you get a superstar it’s a big deal because you have that guy for a long time and if they get it right and one of these kids is a superstar well then you have them with Jose and you have now who knows by the time that kid’s a superstar in the big leagues Naylor might be gone Quan might be gone I don’t know but well the the guys they’re looking at I hate to have to pick cuz it’s both are really important both are important sure and if you look at the like B he actually surprised me Joe surprised me he had burd’s number one because I haven’t really seen that but heard him mentioned at all the I’ve heard him mentioned but not really but the three hitters are all college hitters so they should be I I think there’s a chance well four if you include KAG Leone right true so whoever if it’s a hitter that they pick I think he could be in Cleveland next year oh that’s if they’re willing to get his clock started so quick I mean well I didn’t say opening day yeah I mean his CL hey hey that clly how many if they how many years they got him under control that’s all I want to know it’s either six depending on seven if you manipulate but like why like white Langford started this year an opening and he’s had it he struggled badly but but he’s been better lately yeah but I’m just saying he got off to a really slow start but he was in last year’s draft and he’s wasn’t crochet in last year’s draft or was he two years ago I thought was two years he might I think croch was two years ago the only from last year’s draft it’s SK and and Langford I think that’s it and Dyan Cruz is is up already Dylan Cruz is not up yes he is he is I could have sworn I saw him on a ESPN highlight yesterday I didn’t think he’s in the big do you take could be wrong do you take a consideration that yeah you say you got him for SE for seven but with the Guardians that’s really five m well yeah that’s the reality of it yeah that’s really F like you know that’s the point I made when they had to trade Lindor like it’s the base like they did everything right they nailed the pick they developed him turn him superar and they couldn’t retain him they called up the other top prospect James Woods that’s what James Wood Wood not Woods not Dylan Cruz I apologize thought right James Woods been and he’s off to a good start there’s a there listen there’s a chance whoever they take this year is up a year from now in June I don’t think that’s unreasonable no so it’s not unreasonable but it’s but it’s still not that common yeah but it’s a little more often it’s becoming more common with the a guy who’s a a college hitter especially yes has a chance by the following year to be in the in the big leagues or certainly the year after that at the very least oh yeah where you d a kid out of high school I mean it could take four or five years easy I looked up the uh Chris Bryant draft which I’ll give you in a sec we also asked the current YouTube chat what they think is more more important for the Guardians to na the deadline of the number one pick Bo you said the number one pick G said the deadline Jason what’ you fall number one pick number one pick so two number one picks one deadline the chat 65% trade deadline saying live in the moment you got to go for it now yeah and 35% saying the number one pick and also in the draft that Chris Bryant went second Mark Appel was the number one pick oh yeah and he was the number eight pick the year before did not sign but he drafted one by the Astros wasn’t he he went number one to the Astros he was drafted the year before by the Pirates were unable to come to a deal on the signing bonus so he went back to college and was the number one pick the following year yeah which was a disaster CU he was ter terrible and the 32nd pick that year was Aaron judge wow damn it just shows hey man I need that 30 player hey give me that 36 dog trout was around there trout was like 23 24 yeah something like that Mike Patza was drafted in the 40th round as a favor to Tommy lorta yeah 40th round Ryan Samberg the Hall of Famer was dra drafted in the 20 something round Tomy Jim Tomy was 22nd 25th 27th somewhere down there yeah so there’s not even that many rounds anymore it’s only 20 I think you just never know man all right Mike um one last thing on that with the draft we have Jared Goodwin of perfect game USA coming on tomorrow to give us his thoughts on the draft as well and we’re working on getting Tim Kirin on Friday to give us his thoughts so each of the next two days we will have a different MLB draft expert joining the show to break down the Guardians choices with the number one overall pick before we move on do you have a choice if it was you on the clock in the Guardians GM seat who would you take number one um I’m going around the horn by the way G you’ll be next and Jason you’ll wrap us up I I I I will admit I’m not an expert I I’ve watched a little more college baseball this year because I knew the Guardians were taking a first pick yep but it’s so hard because they’re using metal bats and you don’t know how good the pitching is they’re facing but Condon seems like the best choice he’s huge yep I want that he he’s the dude that play Third Base in right field for Georgia correct yeah give me him played in the SEC which is the best conference I’ve been team Condon from the start it’s the SEC it’s better competition he’s enormous I think he’s had a monster year I thought he has sort of wasn’t even drafted out of high school crazy yeah and but I mean I I understand why ESPN picked weather hole because he fits their profile to a t as a middle infielder like that’s their that’s to their demographic CU if you can play short stop you can play anywhere that that hamstring injury that I don’t know but that’s a lot like he missed the whole dog on All Season it didn’t came back and hamstring again yeah I mean it yeah it’s Quan had a history of ham hamstrings yeah but you know you deal with it you actually I thought the most intriguing thing the fascinating thing I thought Joe said had to do with the pitching that guys who throw 99 out of high school are falling and they’d rather have and the Guardians are a perfect example like Tanner BBY yeah too much too soon sometimes and I think the Guardians very much prefer control guys and they feel like they can get to vo yeah in their system with their development but if you come out throwing 99 you’re going to the operating room sooner than later I like that I’m just fascinated by this whole evolution of of baseball well SK is going to be fascinating he reminds me of when he’s head of the operating room at some point when Mark PRI came up and he was or doc good K wood kry wood yeah I thought it was surprising when I asked him about the the is it kaggle on you the guy who pitches and he said you know he’s throwing 99 and he’s left-handed it just seems like hey I need that like at least you could make him a relief pitcher right well you’re not Tak a number one overall pick for a relief pitcher yeah but he he said as bad as that I don’t understand why teams wouldn’t do both I I know there’s an injury risk but look Otani got hurt he’s still hitting I think Otani is one of one the the I mean yes the toll that it takes on you and not just the preparation having to prepare scouting reports for both I I just think it’s sh Otani I’m gonna stir the pot here is the greatest baseball player ever I don’t think that’s stiring the pot no what you mean stirring the pot who’s who’s a fact who else is it’s not close almost he could he could have in Theory been a Hall of Famer as a pitcher or a hitter yeah he’s that good I would let the kid I I let him throw listen at least I’ll work it out an a ball I’ll see what he does in a ball I’ll let him do both down there to see if he’s like burned out but a left-handed pitcher 99 milph and he hits that well I’m like no I got I got to see by way it’s crazy his uh real quick cuz I I got to see kagon a little bit when he was at Florida when I was at A&M same thing as a freshman giant threw unbelievably hard just like Joe mentioned with his Chase rate in terms of pitching yeah his control as a pitcher is not there either G it it’s power like straight up power to the max all the way uh 99 out of 99 but the control accuracy and finess part of his game yeah which is a problem if you’re going to want to be a relief P it they just be like major Leal even at 99 they’ll turn I don’t care how hard you throw it doesn’t matter if you don’t have command go ahead we’re going to talk Jose Ramirez in the Home Run Derby a quick reminder though that on Monday this coming Monday July 15th we are heading out to Quail Hollow for the Austin car Celebrity Golf Tournament to get some interviews in before they start golfing the show on Monday will be from 10:00 a.m. to noon not 11 to 1 it’ll be from 10:00 a.m. to noon just for that one day on this upcoming Monday so mark your calendars accordingly we’ll be live out there for the full two hours we’re going to get a bunch of great interviews with some of the celebrities playing in the golf tournament including Austin Carr B will be out there G will be out there Jason will be out there J where is the event Quail Hollow Golf Course where is that it’s a great question so we’ll be at Quail Hollow for the Celebrity Golf Tournament so fure show that day will be up 1 hour earlier than usual so mark your count there you go Jose Ramirez one of the six confirmed participants in the Home Run Derby bu G Jason he did it last year he’s doing it again do you have any fears that this could potentially affect his swing for the second half of the season and the Guardians playoff stretch I don’t I think that’s all nonsense uh I think people look to point at the guys who play in the Home Run Derby and then struggle after and we ignore the guys who play in the Home Run Derby and then do just fine after um baseball no matter how good you are unlike basketball and football Superstars have slumps and every time they come in the second half every time after a derby we we we point to the derby it’s really just batting practice I get I get they’re a little more Juiced up because it’s in front of a lot of people but uh I have no problem with Jose doing this whatsoever and I don’t buy any of the connection between uh Derby and and not playing well in the second half it’s like a NASCAR reference you know what I drove to Giant Eagle the other day messed up my driving bro I can’t even turn the corner and this NASCAR no no that’s not it these dud listen Stephen Quan practi not hitting the ball that’s how good these dudes be like they they practice like in batting practice they they don’t go in batting practice hitting home runs they working on stuff in there no that has nothing to do with it shout out to Jose I would if you ask me though what I like to see Jose or Naylor in it I would have chose Josh Naylor I think he’s a character I want to see him swing very hard uh I yeah I don’t disagree with you there I actually think it might be the time off more than the Home Run Derby that impacts guys why you know I mean you see it with guys who are not in the Home Run Derby who SL in the second half right right right because baseball’s such a Game of Rhythm and when you fall out of rhythm even for four or five days you know it just messes with the timing a little bit and I don’t I don’t worry about Jose he’s a veteran he’s been doing this forever I would I think if I had concerns about anyone it would be someone who’s maybe a little bit younger doing it for the first time but not a not a vet not someone like Jose who’s been through the Derby who’s in his a major league veteran in what his eighth year now ninth year something like that what do you guys think his chances of winning the Derby are these are the participants already committed they will have two more they’ll be eight eventually but the commitments so far Jose gunar Henderson Marcel auna Pete Alonzo Alec B and Bobby with junor not great I don’t I don’t think his odds are great Marcel ozuno was a terrible choice he’s was busted for beating up his girlfriend or something like why would you highlight that guy in your home run derby I think that’s a bad choice I think gunar Henderson and Bobby Wood Jr are great choices they’re excellent exciting young players Alonzo wins it every year Alonzo great at it just and he’s going to be a free agent at the end he’s just like like this is he’s the uh he’s the Craig Hodes of this thing yeah and and Alex pal I mean he’s a nice young player I like him that was a delay I like they they they brought Craig Hodes out of retirement to let him shoot with no Squad I having Ozuna in there is just a that’s a terrible job by Major League Baseball why would you highlight a player that was suspended for beating up someone it’s just so dumb I don’t know I’ve as you guys know how much I love baseball I am done with the Home Run Derby I’ll watch it cuz Jose’s in it and I’ll root for him I don’t know the rules they they change it every year it’s it’s too much yeah well I think they’re trying to cut it down because it was taking so long so they’re trying to speed it up a little bit it is and I’m just it’s like the the three-point shot and the slam dunk I’m done with it I’ve seen it enough I’m bored they should have you should have regular people do it like if I saw regular people dunking in a dunk contest or regular people in a home run derby I I’d go crazy I don’t know if that many regular people can hit home R I don’t know I would love to see him do it and I know for health reasons you cannot have this happen but we just talked about the metal bats in the college ranks I wish they would just give these dudes metal bats for the Home Run Derby with no one in the stadium and let I was to say you want people to die happen for health reason I want to see how far Aaron judge and Jose and Henderson these guys can hit a baseball with an aluminum metal bat I know I think 600 feets on the table like like okay like like ohon judge for sure could hit a in the Outfield like you like I I’m still confused by this you have to clear the streets outside the so the people that you it’s not like the balls coming at supers Sonic speeds like if they hit a ball in the stands you still think people going to get killed somebody could get killed if Aaron judge hit one a line drive home run and you’re standing in left field not paying attention that hit you in the head you die they’re hitting with a wooden bet and then Jason you go to biometric so please tell me if I’m way off or on with a wooden betat judge Stanton some of these guys hit with an xov low of like 115 160 mph that could be like 140 off an aluminum bat is that underestimating I don’t know what exactly probably even you could probably hit it even harder than that with with some of the I mean you go back to the 80s with the aluminum bats of the I mean those things were fire hot like you could they’ve actually done DED them down a little bit now but you can go on like there’s YouTube videos cuz I’m all into this now because of my son and there’s guys who all they do is is hit like grown men adults who obviously aren’t major league players but played at College at a high level and how far they can they can hit with aluminum bats I told the story before when all-star weekend was here in 2019 they had the high school Home Run Derby and the high school kids were peppering the scoreboard at Progressive Field scoreboard the scoreboard these are the best high scho players in the country yes the high school kids competed in a home Derby and they were Hitting off the scoreboard and like people in the bleachers are like heyy list I think Aaron judge could hit the building from from hey McNuggets if we go against if we go against Jay Crawford I’m I’m requesting metal back he already has the advantage he has no we’re definitely using metal bats he has the advantage he’s he’s already a pitcher we need metal bats well when Jay pitches in his old man League they use metal bats so oh oh we good d by the way I was so worked up about this softball game WKYC and now I can’t even play in it what when is it because we have our I forgot my I’m coaching fall ball this year it’s Sundays well if you made me run through that many Hoops to set up a secret meeting I mean you didn’t really run through that many Hoops you sent one email I dealt with a lot of emails prior to that to put you in contact if you don’t show up I will be livid I can I got to coach somebody else can coach one some El coach what what day is this again August 25th can we play on it can she make it a Saturday can I email her to make it a Saturday in you do I I’ve already set up the meeting in the minds the rest I’ll email her see if but I think she not going able to do it or maybe push back an hour how many fall ball games you got there’s only only seven regular season games and I have to miss one already well now you’re missing two I can’t miss that is well you can’t I’m having a pinch Runner if I do play by the way that’s fair uh speaking of pinch Runners yeah well there’s no read here I just had to get one more read in we all reason hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we’ll do an ultimate C show tonight so make sure you guys tune in at 7 o’clock for that ESPN is going through its list of the top 10 players in the NFL at each position entering 2024 they surveyed Executives and coaches around the League this is not players this is Executives and coaches and according to the ESPN articles you can’t vote for your own guys okay and they compiled a list of the 10 best running backs for the upcoming season and our guy Nick chub despite coming off a season ending injury came in at number three number one was Christian mcaffrey number two was Bree Hall of the Jets three Nick chub four saquon Barkley and five Jonathan Taylor are you guys surprised that despite coming off injury that’s a stunner because we don’t know if he’s going to be ready to go for the start of the Season it shows you how much respect that coaches and Executives around the league have for Nick chub and how great a player he is uh I don’t know how you could put him third coming off a massive injury at his age because even you know I mean he this is a massive massive injury the second one yeah and and it’s hard to be great right after that so I wouldn’t have him third but it shows you the respect that he he is earned excuse me around the league yeah this is remember we were debating whether Nick chub had a legitimate shot to get into the Hall of Fame yeah and we kind of projecting out we was like he still got a lot of work to do um this list just shows you they got him in the category of like a man like a a Gail sers type like or or Terrell Davis was like that’s I mean he coming off a major surgery with and this is his second one and he’s already like third yeah like there’s a that’s like that that’s like they’re they they saying oh it don’t matter like he’s going to come back and be a chub like it doesn’t matter we believe like to me that that says a lot that speaks volume about like what they think and it’s just GMS and stuff these are the people that cut people for $3 million it also feels like an indictment on the rest of the running backs doesn’t it yeah I mean you want the rest of the top 10 the of the top 10 der Henry is out of here we mentioned Christian mcaffry won Bree Hall 2 Nick chub three saquan 4 Jonathan Taylor five six bejon Robinson seven Josh Jacobs eight jir Gibbs nine Derek Henry and 10 Travis etn and then honorable mentions who receive votes but not enough to qualify Aaron Jones Kenneth Walker Isaiah Pacho James Cook Alvin CRA Joe Mixon and DeAndre Swift that’s wild dang Derrik Henry you almost out the top 10 he’s he’s old yeah a lot of mileage on the tires but he is in Baltimore now I do think it is the utmost sign of respect still vote chub that high coming off the season where he played one and a half games it’s his second career severe knee injury and to still have him above the likes of saquin Jonathan Taylor bejon Derk Henry etn etc etc I mean let’s as as much as I love Nick chub if I were drafting teams for just this year forget the rest of their careers age is not a big factor I wouldn’t take Nick chub third as much as I love him would would anybody no probably not cuz I don’t I don’t know what I don’t know what yeah now maybe if I was his personal trainer and knew he was in you know just in he was going to be fine then maybe I’d feel differently but with the information we have I don’t know how I vote him third you know as I be looking at a bunch of these list um this team like people feel like the New York J is kind of good like PF says they have the best secondary the best linebackers the best dline they just rated Bree Hall the second best running back but the Jets are are like the Browns they’re they’re two teams in a before we talked about how the Cavs Spurs are in their own category or the Cavs could have I said with Sacramento the Browns and jets are in a category unlike any other team they’re they’re two extremely talented rosters where you don’t know what you’re going to get from the quarterback that who else is who else is in that cat ategory there any other NFL teams that their quarterback determines everything yeah right that you don’t no not that the quarter cuz the quarterback determines everything for all the good teams right but you know all the other contenders you know their quarterbacks if they’re healthy are going to be good yeah right I don’t I I I know Patrick Mahomes is going to be good if he’s healthy I know Joe burrow is gonna be good if he’s healthy I know Lamar’s goingon to be good if he’s healthy on and on and on the rest of the quarterbacks I know they’re going to be good if they’re healthy with Aaron Rodgers and DeShawn Watson I don’t know for sure yeah and if you’re if you’re one of those the the Watson Warriors you’ve conned yourself with all these convoluted arguments as to why Deshawn Watson’s been good the last two years when he’s clearly not been con is such a strong word no you’ve ConEd yourself we con ourselves into anything we want Deshawn Watson we don’t know if he’s going to be good same thing for Aaron Rogers there’s a lot of assumption that he’s going to be a a great quarterback again he’s 40 and coming off an Achilles tear how do you assume assum he who’s been good at 40 besides Tom Brady yeah has any other quarterback been good at 40 could you put the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in that c absolutely not absolutely not where if Baker’s healthy you don’t know if he’s good or not but Baker unlike Aaron Rogers and Des Baker’s upside is limited whereas DeShaun Watson could be a 10 or a two Aaron Rogers could be a 10 or a two I’m just trying to CL for could be a six or a two that’s a big difference the Buccaneers are not a Super Bowl Contender I guess I misunderstood your your cat what I’m saying is the Jets and the Browns are the two teams that if their quarterback plays at their best they’re Super Bowl contenders they have The Supporting Cast in place right The Buckaneers are not a Super Bowl Contender no matter what I understand now sorry I I misinterpreted how you were no that’s fine putting that into consideration I don’t think I mean could you put Russell Wilson in there if he plays at his best the Steelers can win a Super Bowl no because he no no no because his best was his best was Never As Good As deshun Watson’s best and certainly Never As Good As Aaron Rogers best and in my opinion unlike Watson and Rogers I’m giving him no chance of playing in his best again what about does CJ Stout fit in that category uh no because even though you could argue that uh you know it’s he only did it once I think I think it’s way more likely I’m much more conf for me I’m much more confident that CJ strad will be excellent if he’s healthy than I am about Watson or Rogers I don’t know how you guys feel that’s how I feel yeah you could argue that because he’s only done it one year and the last team I would say you could throw in there potentially the ners if pery stinks are they still as good and if he plays well they no but I have no I when P’s been in the league he’s only played well why would I assume he’s not why would I not I think Russ could fit that category you’re talking about I think his Elite was pretty Elite but I think it’s been so long since we’ve seen it right and unlike deshun Watson where it’s been long he’s young yeah deshaun’s well younger than Russell Wilson significantly that’s the difference Russell Wilson’s older and it’s been Russell Wilson’s decline has been first of all he wasn’t as talented as deshun Watson but he’s also a lot older than DeShaun Watson and I you any I’m just talking for myself you can make whatever argument you want to me the Browns and jets are in that category I know I know exactly what you’re talking about I know exactly what you’re trying to describe and I tend to agree I I just I think Russ could be in there but I don’t I think his best days are over and we know his best days yeah are behind him and this is the downside no for them I just don’t want to see like I think I think like if Justin Fields figured it out I don’t want to see Justin Fields I would like them I would prefer Russell Wilson over Justin Fields because I think Justin Fields brings a little different we had didn’t Brooke prior say like she expects like they’re going to get a look at Fields this year they got to make deis what’s the point of just handing Russell Wilson the job that makes no sense there’s no reason not to have a competition they’re not paying either of them they’re not committed to either of them Beyond this year I think I I don’t want to misstate this I think she said even like Russ will probably win it to start the year but you’re going to see Fields yeah because they got to make a decision on him for the future right but I don’t even know why we’d assume why she’d assumed that Russ would start want to think have said he’s the starter but it there’s zero reason not to have a true competition there and they might as well say that now right with you know and you could and think about it what’s the harm in going from Wilson to Justin Fields I think it’s easier to go from Wilson to Fields than from fields to Wilson yeah I mean I think Russell I Justin Fields has the higher upside yes and but the lower downside sure yeah so I I don’t know fair enough tomorrow we’re going to dive into the uh defensive end rankings with ESP input out and a little spoiler alert because the article came out this morning yeah miles Garrett stands alone at number one so we’ll see if everybody at number one Standalone that’s a fair point that is a fair fair and valid point we got two super chats here before we wrap up the show Brody’s bottom line says Paul George stinks in regards to our NBA tiers conversation earlier he doesn’t stink that’s silly i’ take him he’s old he’s had a lot of injuries but he doesn’t stink yeah I feel like he’s one of those players you always want a little more from even though the traditional numbers and the shooting stats and the metrics all look good you just always think there’s that next level that he really hasn’t hit since uh his Indiana days M everybody dunked on LeBron yep or was it was it Chris Bosch or BOS it was it was LeBron he came down down the lane in Miami yeah that was sweet that was a nice dunk uh and our other super chat comes from halem who says don’t be surprised if Nick chub is active for week one look at his contract details Noah westcot for the obr has been on this train also they stressed it was an ACL repair not a full reconstruction he second surgery yeah do you guys feel one way or another about his availability for week one I’ve stood I’ve stood all along don’t rule him out I no who ruled him out I don’t think any of us said I said we don’t know if he’s going to play with I wouldn’t be surprised man nothing Nick chub did would surprise me Nick chub could play week one run for 200 yards and it wouldn’t surprised me he’s Nick chub that’s surprise is a very strong word again I’m being measured today um what I count it’s gotten into you it’s this new coffee I’m not going to end I just say two two words and the measured would go out the window immani B oh oh 26 PBS he’s almost 250 now Jason I’m going to see him M tomorrow let’s go by the way is it 26 lbs of muscle or is he just been eating CRA now you going to go to the man to the man’s diet boy allowed to talk about eating like crap Paul George dunked on Chris Birdman Anderson not LeBron and then LeBron went and dapped him up but the dunk was on BR I’m watching right now this was I wish tagboard works we could play this but stupid social news desk is the worst thing we’ve ever gotten uh Paul that’s a nasty dunk on Chris Anderson yeah LeBron LeBron good for S remember he got Damon Jones set up for that dunk um he right back to am put on 26 lbs of pure muscle G he going to average over 26 points per game in the summer league that’s tough that’s tough better cuz he’s not going to average over let’s not let’s not act like 26 is like come on like you can’t just be giving a 26 out like a game that’s like 30 a game they got jayen Tyson who GNA pay there a lot of guys just going to play down there look at the measurement that we’re not going to put it out there you know I’m but he’s your guy you got to stand by him he bet he better dominate summer league Hey listen I’m I’m more interested in seeing what his defensive rotation looking like I want to see him make the right passes you know what I’m saying I want to see him very efficient in the summer league I’m getting on a plane in two hours there you go Mike what else you got that’s about it no more Super chats no those are our two super chats let me check just to confirm no more have come in nope those are our two super chats uh quick reminder we mentioned a second ago but we will be 10 to 12 on Monday and I mentioned this to Anthony earlier we have a couple minutes I think mock drafts have ruined ruined draft season why sick of mock drafts I’ve always hated mock drafts I I I was I was Pro mock draft yeah until recently and going through this whole draft NBA draft process and it goes back to the NFL you can’t have an opinion on your own anymore you are so tied to the consensus of this guy was the 28th Prospect you took him at 18th such a reach well that’s the problem and I think everyone gets so caught up in the group think of mock draft that’s true that when you take a guy well he was mocked and once again mock drafts before the draft mean absolutely freaking nothing well he was mocked by three guys 29 he took him at 18 but that’s mock drafts are fine it’s how people react to them people fans and media members we’re not immune to this we judge drafts based on mock drafts which is think about it is beyond stupid because you’re taking the word of people who aren’t even if they were really that good at it they would be actually doing it not pretending to do it and it doesn’t mean there aren’t some that are and some of them like first of all the people who do it for a living aren’t that good at it cuz they get it wrong all the time they do so the rest of us are going to be in worse shape than that right now it doesn’t mean lot some of these guys who do mock drafts like Dane Brugler from the athl that’s his thing he works really hard on it Kyper they’re not half assing it correct there’s some people that it’s really serious business and it’s fine there’s nothing wrong with it it helps you learn about players whatever those people that you just mentioned talk to teams yeah yeah they like they’re basing it on actual information they have resources right they can talk to people on the phone they have they lit have real film they have real games like hey this European guy played in the Euro league I got cast me on YouTube man there there’s there’s nothing wrong with the mock draft it’s the way people react and use them that’s a better way toas so stupid and for example and this is this is not stem from the Jaylen Tyson pick but it’s a perfect example of it right Jaylen Tyson was ranked around 30 in the drafts give or take whatever he was 28 32 whatever they take him with the 20th pick I on a live stream was like I don’t know ton about this guy I don’t have an opinion yet I gotta watch some film people are ripping the pick at the time without really knowing it because he was oh let me click real quick ESP and him as a 32 rank Prospect that’s a giant reach you hear Kobe Alman talk about this is a guy we had on our board for three years we followed him from all three stops throughout his collegate career we were at a bunch of his games and you talked to someone else real quick from a different team and you’re like yeah around 20 that makes perfect sense but because he was mocked in all these things beforehand oh it’s a giant reach that like none of us know how these guys it’s all stupid I don’t care what the GM says because but you get of course he’s going to overhype the guy he pick but you get what I’m saying though like it it’s stupid it throws off the perception of every player good or bad but you know what we can’t complain about it Mike and and I do sometimes but the reality is people can’t get enough of that’s why our show exists that’s why our show is thriving St because people want more and more and more info and it leads to having conversations that are stupid I’ve changed my mind on drafts I was like listen hey I could say I wanted a guy here or liked the guy here whoever they picked or whatever you can argue about that it’s about whether seeing if they can play or not yeah until they play you don’t know picking winners and losers of the draft the day after the draft is the dumbest thing ever I’m watch jayen Tyson and see what he do I don’t do it see what he work with I’m not saying saying we’re going antick draft on ucss I’m just saying talking to a few people and it had nothing to do with Tyson he just the example I’m using it is absurd how much people base their opinion on a pick yeah based off someone else’s opinion of a pick that has not really it’s even bigger in football because let’s face it the NBA draft you football the ex footb huge you know and it’s that’s a people judge it on stupid things that make no sense because nobody knows well let’s say the Guardians take Chase Burns just for example real quick you already know the reaction going be oh it’s going to be right he wasn’t mocked number one in any how could they do that right and if anything the Guardians deserve our benefit of the doubt AB in something like that because they their current front office get like you’re going to give I’m going to give the benefit of the doubt to the Guardians front office way more than the Browns or the or the and the Browns have moved up you know but like Kobe Alman even he’s you know middle of the road fine I don’t think we have any terrible GMS in Cleveland but like the the more you respect the front office the more benefit of the doubt you should give him in situations where enough where it’s unproven players we have to say something Jason we got 20 seconds no I don’t remember nothing ad Perfect all right we’ll see you in overtime we’re going talk about the Superman movie closing off downtown oh what a wh about that peace oh

The Cleveland Guardians beat the Detroit Tigers 8-7 in 10 innings on Tuesday night, improving their extra innings record to 7-2 on the season.

That’s the 2nd best mark in baseball. The Guardians were able to hold off a wild Tigers rally late after Ben Lively fell off a cliff on his third trip through the lineup.

Joe Doyle joins the show to help preview this weekend’s MLB Draft in which the Guardians have the #1 pick.

Jose Ramirez will participate in the HR Derby this year. Is there any concern about Jose throwing off his swing by participating in the event?

Evan Mobley reportedly turned down an opportunity to be on the US Select Team last year. Is there any good reason for why he’d turn down that offer?

Where do the Cleveland Cavaliers rank among the NBA’s top teams right now? We’ll break them all down into tiers as we come up on the 2-week mark of the offseason.

Plus, Cleveland Browns RB Nick Chubb may be coming off a season-ending knee injury, but executives around the league still view him as one of the top backs in the NFL. Can Chubb live up to those expectations?


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