@Toronto Raptors

Houston Cougar Jamal Shead Bringing National Defensive Player of the Year Talent to Toronto Raptors

Houston Cougar Jamal Shead Bringing National Defensive Player of the Year Talent to Toronto Raptors

C’s house Jamal shed landed in the perfect situation with the Toronto Raptors as we’re about to see in summer league let’s break it [Music] down you are locked on coup your daily podcast on the Houston Cougars part of the locked on podcast Network your team everyday welcome to lockon cougs the Daily podcast about your Houston Cougars I’m your host Houston born teacher and Coach whether you’re Houston fan or just a hater who came to stop by thank you for making lock cou your first Liston of the day want to join the conversation but don’t know what to say tell us how you cut a sandwich you cut it down this horizontal vertical angles do little fancy triangles how you do it tell us in the comments down below Today’s Show is brought to you by FanDuel America’s number one sports book and man we got some fun on that later but today’s episode is all about Jamal shed Houston Cougar Legend fitting with the Toronto Raptors so much so that we’re going to cross over with Shawn Woodley of lock on Raptors so let’s bring in Sean all right we got ourselves a little crossover action here on the locked on podcast Network rarely do we see these crossovers between networks but we’re doing it here it’s the NBA it’s the college channel it’s locked on Raptors and locked on cougs here to to talk all about Toronto Raptor second round pick 45th overall Jamal shed who Houston Cougars fans know extremely well Raptors fans are in the process of getting to know with Summer League going on this week uh and it is myself Sean Woodley from Lockdown Raptors with Parker answorth from lockon cougs Parker how’s it going man it’s going well I’m excited for Jamal excited to get to talk about Jamal um and like you said I don’t I’m a very big NBA fan I was a Houston Rockets fan but I don’t get to talk lot of NBA basketball these days so it’s nice to get to talk to you about a little bit of crossover action here yeah man uh so let let’s just kind of dive in we’re going to kind of free flow it here a little bit go back and forth you’ll Grill me a little bit I’ll Grill you a little bit but I want to just sort of start with a Jamal shed 101 if you will Raptors fans still getting to know him of course their first looks at him in summer league this week uh and you know obviously plenty of watching highlights and things like that after the draft and it feels like we got a pretty good feel for the type of guy he is but you watched him for four years with Houston you know him in a way that Raptor fans simply cannot at this point with the lack of tape of him with the Raptors to to get a handle on and I’m sure people aren’t going back and watching old cougs games if they are hey credit to them that’s great but it’s the summertime people got other stuff to do so let’s just kind of get a rundown of what makes Jamal shed you know a great player what made him a star and a legend of the Houston program and what are the Toronto Raptors getting in the six foot one point guard from Houston who uh again won all kinds of accolades and awards during his four years playing for the cougs yeah I mean I think so Kelvin Samson the head coach Houston Cougars has these like says and kinism he goes to but he’s very much talks about how do guys impact winning he doesn’t talk about like stats and points and it’s just what kinds of impacts they have on the game and obviously you mentioned the accolades a lot of those accolades come on the defense inside the floor we’re still trying to find statistics to best measure and he is all over the floor um as far as impacting winning goes he’s taken on a different role kind of each year he was in college um so I’m not sure which role and that’s what I’m want to ask you later which role he’s going to fill with the Raptors but he’s been the past first point guard that covers the best team the other team’s best perimeter guy he’s been the leading scorer this year he’s been a rotational guy off the bench with a couple other Pros like Quinton Grimes and Marcus Sasser like he’s been in a bunch of different roles in his time in college and then his last year I should point out that he actually because the co year could have come back and decided to go into the NBA draft right uh while you know get while the getting’s good he had a bunch of Pub last year in college basketball um you know I think that truthfully it’ll kind of be this what are you getting out of Jamal shed it’s kind of what do you need at him he’s got a lot of tools to him he’s one of the best defender I he was the best defender in college basketball last year Defensive Player of the Year nationally amongst a bunch of different uh outlets and I I feel like outside of he’s going to guard the other team’s point guard he’s guarded guys up 6’4 65 he’s guarded other I mean he’s he’s that and then offensively he’s just kind of a a jack of all trades sets up offense attacks off the bounce um he’s a bowling ball when he attacks off the bounce he doesn’t have a whole lot of the Ivers and shiftiness that kind of stuff it is much more uh I and locked on cougs I like to sometimes the Houston just ran HB dive if you remember from Madden he just play and just straightforward that was all it was um but he’s really good at that and and he’s a fun guy to get to watch play um I like there’s all these anecdotal stories you getting talking about a guy for years if you go back to his high school days you grew up outside of Austin and he was at lugerville Connelly a big Central Texas basketball program as a young high school player and was like starting as a sophomore like really well and Frank his like situation changed a little bit and he had the option to go to Mayor where his family had to move which is not the athletic Powerhouse or because of transfer rules he could have stayed at Conley and not been affected by got to play this big Powerhouse he goes no no if I’m gonna live in mayor I’m gonna play for I’m gonna play with the people I live with right that’s and he took them to a state quarterfinal like a program that is not refutable by by any stretch and Texas high school basketball is a pretty big deal I know people think Friday Night Lights and footall football but he’s just that kind of guy that’s just going to take his situation and go with it um he had offers to other schools at a high school he chose Houston because the culture in kelvin Samson but he could have gone to A&M could have gone to Handful other places and then last but not least in speaking of the guy’s character I’m sure you guys have seen the it goes viral about twice a year where he’s picking up trash pickup story yes yes so they lose in a tournament game and it you know it’s a nailbiter bitter sweet ending to season and assistant coach Kell Samson actually kelvin’s son kicks a trash can over trash goes flying just frustrated emotion yeah right and he’s drenched in sweat having just played and while everyone else has walked to the floor and they’re picking up trash off the ground for Kell because no one else is gonna do it if he do right um just just the kind of presence of mind the guy has and it goes vir about twice a year and it’s really great to see um he’s he’s a great guy to cover loved having him Houston four years um obviously kind of wish he had a he was coming back for that fifth but totally get making a few million dollars and playing in the NBA right who wouldn’t do that absolutely and you got that guaranteed deal from the Raptors too you know with the new second round exception and all that too that that is you know seems like a big reason why he’s on the Raptors frankly is you know you rarely see guys get guaranteed in the middle of the second round like that and so yeah pretty sweet to get yourself at minimum uh three years and 6.11 million under the new uh second round exception so you know a worthwhile decision it seems for Jamal shed even if there was you know still some unfinished business if you will at Houston uh I want to ask you Parker about just the the sort of En Court you know you mentioned the en court winning stuff right the stuff he does to affect winning the Jack of all trades nature of of the things he does um you know to sort of go to the point you were earlier making about where what is he going to do with the Raptors I do think that’s probably going to evolve over the course of his time with the team I think Year One I would imagine he’s going to get a lot of g-league run just to sort of get the Reps at the at the wheel that said this team is pretty light on backup point guard play at the moment I think right now you’re looking at shed no lower than third on the point guard death chart which is uh you know maybe a concern if you’re hoping the Raptors win a lot of games this season to have a rookie that high up but you know I also don’t consider Davon Mitchell to be a point guard and Bruce brown maybe will masquerade a little bit in that position but he’s not really a point guard either there’s a real chance that by the season ‘s end Jamal shed is just the backup point guard for this team and I’m curious like what do you think he does on the floor that can kind of you know play into that role of sort of the table setter the organizer for second units this Raptor team is not really had backup point guard play for years uh it’s just like a thing they’ve punted on outright in a couple of cases and it’s hurt them right their second units have just not had a whole lot of juice there’s not been organization they have found a little bit of success here and there with Scotty Barnes running the show Emanuel quickley is surely going to play with some second units this season but uh it feels like if there is a Hope on this roster for that sort of steady guy who can come in and run the second unit and make it very very playable and perhaps win minutes you know in the way maybe a young Fred vanet did for this team Jamal shed feels like the best likelihood guy on the roster to do that uh what does he have in his tool bag that might be suited to that kind of rule all right now I love sports you love sports that’s why you’re here we never want them to stop when the summer we get like the Olympics and Jamal’s in the summer league and TBT is coming to Houston all those kinds of things but as the things start to wind down when you get to that doldrum time when it’s like the WNBA and the MLB and I’m telling you right now you can spice things up in that doldrum with FanDuel FanDuel let me keep the sports going whenever I want all I have to do is open the app dream up any of the picks and Bets I want at any time I’m in the mood this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long the asers are surging pay attention that AL West go check it out at fandel head and start making most out of your summer FanDuel V sports betting partner of Major League Baseball uh what does he have in his tool bag that might be suited to that kind of rule well and and I Chuck when you say Fred Van vet because Kellen Samson the assistant coach that knock trash over tweeted out the other day a screenshot when he got drafted by the Raptor is a screenshot of a conversation he and Jamal had R text when Fred Van got drafted and the conversation was you put up a thousand shots a day that you right and he is not the shooter Fred Van Fleet is but it is funny there’s this Con he’s wearing 23 this year like there’s these constant comparisons between the two because they’re smaller Point cards that made a big impact in college basketball as far as he doesn’t setting up the table for others I think that his assist number is almost underscored or like under discussed maybe he the better right because while he did you know finish up with over about six and a half assists last season per game Houston had one of the lowest number of possessions per game in the country they play an incredibly slow pace they’re playing like 65 is possessions a game right and when you factor in that he’s also the team’s leading score getting six and a half assists and not that many possession like I think that’s more impressive than people put it out to be and I I tried to make that case for him and Player of the Year kind of conversations that really fitting into Houston’s style he likes to get on the floor and run but they played a methodical Pace they slowed things down they played grinded out defense and forc you to turn it over um he I think it probably hurt his stats in that way right he gave Texas 29 right Texas had future Pros on their team too right Max I just saw Max D play in the spring League uh spring uh summertime basketball last night right like the the idea that these guys St I mean he had 13 points per game but I think the thing when you look at 13 points per game leading the Houston Cougars is there were nights he had the 29 and nights where his job was not to do that right right um the six and a half assist was pretty consistent and then for a guy I you know with point guard play as much as anyone for a guy that has the ball in their hands as much as he does keeping it under or around two turnovers I think is also impressive when you think about like he’s the lone point guard out there for 308 out of 40 minutes mhm um and so I I thought all those things were the kind of things that project to a pro point guard I actually want to flip the table a little bit and ask you now because you mentioned the light point guard load you got up there I really kind of saw this once it happened I was a little surprised when it happened I didn’t know Toronto was interested in Jamal um it makes a lot of sense after the fact but I see him as you know he can score but other point guard options for Toronto look like to me are scorers right I think of quickley as a scorer Maybe I’m Wrong there but I certainly think of Scotty Barnes as a multi-tool perimeter player that can kind of do a lot of things I don’t am I wrong in saying that like you don’t really have a true traditional pass and maybe that’s just gone by the way of in the NBA anyway but a true traditional point guard like that yeah I mean I I think they have visions for quickly being that and I think the latter part of last season where he was averaging you know he was was putting up six seven eight you know in some cases like High Teens assists in games um I think that suggests that he’s got like point guard chops to him and they want to use him on the ball but that said he’s also got a ton of impact away from the ball as sort of this Jitterbug shooter who you can run off of split actions and you know have him fly off of screens and I think that’s something that a guy like Jamal shed could really help to unlock too right whereas you know right now they’re pretty dependent on Barnes and quickley being the two main creators for their offense you know yaka purle does some stuff from the elbows Kelly Ock does some stuff when he’s on the floor but right now it’s quickly and Barnes and a lot of the creation burden is on them if in the next few years as the quickly Barnes Duo progresses and you know sort of matures into what the Raptors Envision them being if Jamal shed can kind of step in and be a a supplementary playmaker I think that’s huge I I think especially considering Emanuel quickly struggles a little bit on the defensive end especially at the point of attack he’s a good rotational Defender he’s got good shot contest you know chops and things like that but as a point of attack guy Quickly’s not amazing I think one of my favorite things about the shed draft pick is he in theory can fit in lineups with Emanuel quickly you know a reason I was say down on for example Isaiah Coler as a fit with for for the Raptors is I didn’t think there was a fit there where he would ever be able to play in lineups with Emanuel quickly I didn’t think it’d be table defensively or shooting wise and we’ll get to the shooting with shed in a second but I do think the defense and the passing and the table setting could really play in nicely to the Raptors offense where they like to run a lot of off ball stuff it’s not just quickley and Scotty right they’ve got gr dick and jacobe Walter two guys who figure to be movement shooters in the NBA if you have a legit sort of table setting point guard who can pick those guys out use Rim pressure to create drive and kicks things like that I think Jamal shed you know if he’s optimized look second round picks who knows right they’re always a crapshoot we’ll see if if it sort of progresses the way it seems like it can with a guy like shed but if it all hits I think that is a really nice archetype of player that the Raptors just don’t have right now and in the next two three seasons if shed can kind of get his sea legs and the shot can come along a little bit I think he fits in beautifully with what the Raptors are doing and very well could see him running point for you know important minutes next to quickly with Scotty Barnes also out there well I think so too and I think was interesting in looking at so I gotta be honest first of all you mentioned chobe Walter I I got to see Houston Baylor play this year that kid was one of the most impressive kids I saw in all of college basketball so we love to hear that I’m really happy Jamal shed gets to play with him as opposed to cover him anymore the least um but when you talk about pairing up with quickley and Scotty Barnes I actually go to shed second to last year in college when he was the conference Defensive Player of the Year and and did a bunch of different things for Houston but he played with first round picks Marcus Sasser and jarus Walker right Sasser the movement shooter you know only about 62 himself but does a lot of two guard things at 62 Walker the kind of we don’t know what position he is 67 guy right like obviously it’s a college version of that and a you know they Walker was a freshman and but his role in that sense was a lot of like he still got 10 points a game still got about four rebounds but he still had five assists in this incredibly slow pace again where it’s just hey we’re going to run some version of a floppy set we’re going to get jarus to the high post after we get the first action out it like just some sort of a setup of a more rhythmic offense MH that ultimately led to those two guys getting to isolate a lot right if if you’re trying to get a catch and shoot of doing the shot you get to isolate out of a quickly or a Barnes I do think shed sets that kind of stuff up well too and I actually if you’re listeners like what games do I go watch I’d say anything from that 2022 23 team that’s kind of the initial role I think of when I think of pairing with those guys um now I don’t want to go through and be like and then Tron Mark is like Grady dick and I I’m but specifically with those two I think that that that actually pairs up pretty well I like that and so I guess we got to talk about the elephant in the room right it’s the shooting right this is the thing in the modern NBA if you’re a guard who can’t shoot it’s really hard to stay on the floor it just is and it was not the strength of Jamal shed in college he took a lot of them he took about four per game the last two seasons and shot about 31% both years um that’s a pretty decent sample size and you know you compare that the free throw shooting very good he shot 78% last season he’s had an 80% season there there are some indicators on the on the touch obviously the three-pointers are gonna have to fall especially catch and shoot stuff right when he’s away from the ball I’m not expecting him to come in and be you know a Kyle Lowry level pullup three-point shooter that is the skill that makes point guards into Stars I’m not coming in expecting to see that from Jamal shed but if he can be someone who can move the ball as a table setter relocate knock down catch and shoots I think that makes him an absolutely viable player when you mix in the rim pressure and the defense and the passing and so how much do you believe in the shooting is there anything from uh his time with Houston that maybe sort of Paints the numbers in a different direction obviously as one of the key offensive players he’s probably getting a lot of very contested and difficult looks probably a heavier pull-up diet than you’d like to see uh maybe the catch and shoots are are a good enough thing for him to kind of focus on and lean into that he can actually be successful with it what did you in his shooting profile during his four years at Houston that maybe gives you optimism or perhaps is like a little layer of skepticism that that’s going to click for him at the NBA level well and and that’s I I we mentioned the Fred Van BL comparison earlier I don’t know that he’ll ever be Fred Van as far as a shooter goes yeah um again Houston Rockets guy I got to see him shoot pretty well this year right um I I do think though that what encourages me about Jamal is twofold one a lot of his threes especially this year were ad off the bounce against the team’s best perimeter Defender typically right um and I don’t think that that’s his role at the NBA level just because most people don’t ever have no matter who their guy is a 61 guy doing that sure right um and the other thing I’ll say too that was encouraging and a weird way this might be discouraging to you actually be interest to hear your take is there were games he’d go four for five and games he’d go 0 for four and that’s how you average out to 31% or whatever right so his average is his average but you wonder if like with more time on task again Pro shooting coaches Pro workout schedule Pro regimen then have to go to algebra class like with those things do you maybe you don’t go four for five every night but do you have more of those kinds of nights or maybe not have the 0 for four nights and and see that race to a more you know middle of the Pack level for guys under 63 right I I maintain I get why people would take a player over 63 in the NBA I I’m baffled that there were four or five players under 63 taken ahead of him and I guess it does come down to the shooting aspect of this whole thing and I think that does get to a respectable level with time right I mean yeah I I think if that happens the tools are there for a guy who has at the very least like a long-term backup point guard like your classic dude who hangs around the league of while plays for maybe a handful of teams maybe he becomes a long-term Raptor we’ll see everyone hoping for that obviously but um like the stuff he does sort of on the margins I mean Raptors fans are partial to Little Things Kings of course Kyle Larry maybe the most prominent little things King uh in recent basketball history at that size and if you can do that stuff to over comp compensate for your size that is a massive thing to help you kind of carve out a role in a niche in the NBA um obviously Parker the thing that really pops when you watch him the thing that I believe Sam he said it’s the single best uh defensive tape he’s ever seen from a guard uh the defense is the thing with Jamal shed the highlights are frankly ridiculous and should go viral just as much as the garbage cleanup clip does um let me ask you just sort of wax poetic about Jamal shed’s defense at 61 as a guard uh what is it that makes him so impressive do you have any in particular games that stand out any possessions that stand out from his time with Houston that really kind of tell the tale of Jamal shed the defender oh like things that come to mind are he had a a couple big-time blocks when Houston played Texas A&M in a in the regular season this past season on uh what was the guard’s name way Taylor forth um who you know is Electric in his own right he had a a series in earlier in this past season against Utah in a one of those mid uh around Thanksgiving tournament times where he has a steal he flips it to his own guy his guy turns over he gets to steal right back like it’s like all in a matter of like three seconds um I think the thing that’s just super impressive about watching him though is he’s playing 38 minutes a night and while we can pull together highlight clips and things like that keeping up the defensive intensity for 94 feet for 38 minutes a night it almost it almost doesn’t come across in a highlight clip in the same kind of way um right really just tremendous ball pressure um they were you know these are leaked reports I’m sure from his agent right but people saying like other point guards didn’t want to work out with him for proteins because they didn’t want to have that on their resume um right he his own combined stuff I enjoyed watching just to get to see him play one more time and he’s out there hounding guys are 94 feet at the combine right like these these guys are um or these these kinds of moments just kind of came second nature to him I you know Zack Edy is 7 foot4 whatever he is right that Jamal shed knocks him out a defensive player of the year right 6′ one right the kind of defensive presence we’re talking about that didn’t even get into anyone clinging from Yukon or any these other big giants that’s not an award typically given to 6 foot one guys um and I I feel like it it it was a nice crowning achievement for him on four years of college basketball because that is what he got best known for the course of the four years um he drove the Big 12 nuts Ray J Dennis has nightmares about this guy right I mean you go to Houston and Max abesi Max aith has nightmares about this guy Doan connect the big Tennessee guy um right they just go back and watch his tape when he was in Northern Colorado and Northern Colorado played Houston right Jamal shed held him to over I mean like like these kinds of moments like I can pull out a clip here and there but the these like stat lines just read like oh man so and so had a bad night shooting oh man so so must have had the flu or something like and I was like no they just had to play Jamal and right um it honestly so another Kelvin Samson ISM he says three guys can’t have bad days your coach your best player and your point guard and then he would also tag this last season that for Houston last year those are the two of those were the same guy right and um it really like does when he makes this diving on the floor play here or he makes the steal there or makes the big block at the end of the shot clock there or the put back dunk in the tournament or whatever those kinds of plays at least for Houston did have like they were worth more than two points like the momentum swings were valuable and I think that translates I think those guys typically find their ways on the NBA floors um you know again Houston guy here Amon Thompson is a little bit taller but obviously like he the things he brings to the table are those energy type plays um Jamal shed does a lot of those things man and did them for four years and so I I really think that’s where you know you’re six men your guy that comes in and maybe when you’re playing a smaller lineup or something and he just he hustles hustles hustles hustles again when used to need him to he’d guard the 64 65 you know just because they needed some sort of a dog on that guy and that was his role um as far as technical kind of stuff goes I don’t know what your audience feels like on technical stuff with basketball but his hips his hips are phenomenal he flips his hips and beats gu like it’s so fluid that it’s like he’s just running a marathon right like there’s no change in it doesn’t feel like he’s having to change direction because it’s so quick and um that leads to beating guys’ spots and frustrating ways over and over and over again um he does have a gamblers tendency he goes for the steel goes for Big Block but like that’s also again those momentum shifting plays right um that that I think that’s valuable too feels like he’s kind of earned that too right like you know the sort of benefit of the de this is not Gary Trent Jr whose kind of only thing was well I’m not very good at def but I can jump a passing Lane like this feels like he’s got the bases of excellent defense and he sprinkles in those gambl that are hard earned on top of that as well did you have anything last for me here to throw my away here Parker I feel like we’ve done a really good job of kind of getting Raptors fans teed up on on Jamal shed if you have anything else for me for sort of the Houston fan perspective please fire away so I want to make some sort of a joking comment about like what is it with Toronto and small point guards didn’t you’all have like Kansas State kid on the g-league team last year yeah um but honestly what is it about messiri and finding value because I think he also found value with his other when I was trying to put together the roster around Jamal shed other picks in this draft he seems to do a really good job of that so what is it about uiri that would attract a guy like shed because shed didn’t work out for the Raptors he worked out the combine but didn’t have an individual workout with them and to my knowledge I’ve never heard of any conversation between he and jiri before draft night or draft day I go a day what what’s the what’s the organizational outlook on because they find Value because I don’t know they’re getting a whole lot of free agents to Toronto otherwise yeah no I think you know look it’s been a bit of a fow period for them developmentally the last few seasons I think they’ve really paid a pretty hefty tax for winning the championship and all the sort of Fallout that comes after that and they had the weird Tampa season and then this sort of wrench thrown into their plans with Scotty Barnes kind of falling into their laps which I think threw them for a loop frankly for a little bit and they weren’t really sure what to do with okay we’ve got this thing that happened to us that’s wonderful but this roster is not maybe suited to them how do we pivot out of this and I don’t think they did that necessarily gracefully but all the way they have still been a very good drafting team the Scotty Barnes thing they were dead right in saying hey we like him more than Jaylen Suggs or fron Vagner or whoever else could have been the fourth pick in that draft I think they are going to be Vindicated about that one for a very long time I think Grady dick at 13 people kind of you know scoffed at the pick a little bit oh there are guys on the board and yeah he wasn’t great as a rookie but I think they saw a sort of outlier skill set in him and the movement shooting he can bring to the table and said hey that’s the thing we need on this team that’s the thing that fits Scotty Barnes let’s nurture that and I do think in general their sort of one of their guiding principles over the years has been you know getting dudes who are like dudes who want to work dudes who like to sort of you know hang out in the gym I think you know Demar rosan Norman Powell Pascal SE Kyle Lowry um Fred Van vet like they have a type for sure these sort of grind set mindset guys if you you know to not that you know you look at that as a bad thing or not but um when it comes to making the NBA that’s a pretty good thing to have and I think they believe in guys who do the work to um sort of you know Foster development because of that work I I think um that’s been a pretty guiding principle for them for years I I think you know even without the interviews I’m sure there’s plenty of exploits and scouting Intel to be picked up on Jamal shed and all he does that I think fits the sort of Mo the Raptors like to go with when it comes to you know identifying prospects they want to take and yeah you know I’m not surprised Jamal shed is that kind of guy and like you mentioned the small point guard thing look when you have Kyle Lowry on your team for as long as they did as successful as they were with him doing all of the things he did to make this a winning franchise even before Kawhi Leonard ever came along you know this was Kyle’s team I know some might look from the outside and say oh this is dear’s team no no that was the Kyle Larry Raptors for nine years and I I think you know not to say that Jamal shed’s gonna go and be Kyle Larry but I think they’re always going to be inclined to look for guys with that sort of dogged determined determination in their DNA and I think Jamal shed certainly tick some of those boxes we mentioned the Fred Van vet similarities as well um I I think that’s kind of the thing is they look yes for good players but they also look for good dudes and dudes who are going to work card and who really want it and I think that’s probably why Jamal shed is a raptor today that and that he picks up trash after everyone’s left the floor right exactly yeah all goes into the good dude thing right all together yeah 100% uh Parker this was great man I I feel like we can wrap it there uh thanks to all those tuning in who have not tuned into either of our shows before hi thanks for being here subscribe follow rate review do all that good stuff much appreciated if you want to stick around and keep on listening if you’re a cougs fan who want to keep on wants to keep on listening to Jamal shed get covered as his career gets rolling if you are a Raptors fan who wants to tune in to hear what next cougs are coming to the you know the Raptors have this thing for the Big 12 now apparently so uh keep an eye out there we’ve got guys keep an eye on we’ve got guys keep an eye on perfect You’ love to see that um Parker anything in particular you want to plug no I’m just as a basketball fan I’m G to be probably talking about cougs in the summer league and stuff like that as well and then like I said we really do have guys that haven’t shot out the League this time of year from now so keep an eye on the cougs if you’re a Raptors fan awesome man I always love look we our College channel is fantastic top to bottom but a lot of it is football first and foremost when I can find a little Hoops head uh you know working on the the college channel to talk to I’m always very very happy for that so thanks for being here man and yeah you can find locked on Raptors wh get your podcast follow subscribe rate review tell a friend always appreciate it when you support all the locked on shows and our work that’s going out each and every day and with that we’ll leave you there thank you so much for hanging out and listening to this CR crossover edition of locked on Raptors and locked on cougs thanks for hanging bye-bye all right thanks again to Sean for helping breaking down the fit with the Raptors and just talking to Jamal shed we’ll talk about Jamal any and every chance we get here at lockon cou so thanks again to Sean for that you can find him over at locked on Raptors and all the things are doing withal shed all season long thank you for making us your first listen to day lockon cougs is primary for the locked on podcast is your team every day go cougs

Coogs’ House! The Houston Cougars will inevtiabley hang Jamal Shead’s number one jersey in the rafters soon… but for now, he’s donning 23 in his NBA home: the Toronto Raptors. What is his fit in Toronto? How will he blend into the roster with Immanuel Quickley, Scottie Barnes, and Gradey Dick? How does he carry Toronto’s small guard legacy from Damon Stoudamire, Kyle Lowry, and Fred VanVleet? What makes him a classic “Massai Ujiri guy?”
Host Parker Ainsworth is joined by Sean Woodley, host of Locked On Raptors, to break it all down!
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Parker Ainsworth:


  1. Raps have a history of drafting players that didn’t shoot but learned to get better. Overall he looks like he can help this Raptors team coming off the bench with the second unit and improving the team defence.

  2. I think the Raptors had a good draft. A bunch of young hungry guys that look good for the future. I think Shead landed in a good spot and should contribute.

  3. long time die hard raps fan here.. raps have a long history of success with undersized guards (mighty mouse, muggsy, tj ford, jose and more recently klow and fvv)

    haven’t seen much of shead but the competitiveness and intangibles have caught my eye.. i have a good feeling about this dude

  4. Hello P.A, I am so glad he landed in the situation you referred to. I would of liked for him to end up in Houston. However, we do not live in a perfect or world of achievable expectations. Cut that sandwich like this / lol…

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