@Utah Jazz

Are The Utah Jazz Trading Lauri Markkanen… UPDATE!

Are The Utah Jazz Trading Lauri Markkanen… UPDATE!

the Lori marketing contract deadline and it’s very interesting a couple of notes on this Lori marketing trade and I was talking to sources yesterday around the league and close to the Jazz the Jazz do expect the Golden State Warriors to come back to them with an improved offer and the real issue is twofold for Golden State as I’ve been told by sources around the league yesterday the Golden State Warriors are out trying to do several things one they have engaged four teams on an Andrew Wiggins trade uh which would net them in the long run two more first round picks to get to the bar that Danny an has set of a minimum of four first round picks for Lori marinin amongst a trade package it is interesting though how many people are missing the big headline in this trade and that is that Andrew Wiggins has to be part of this process because if the Golden State Warriors trade for lorri marinin they are going to have to renegotiate and extend his contract what people don’t understand are the contract rules if the Jazz do not trade Lori marinin they will they will renegotiate and extend him after August 6th which means he will be on the Jazz this entire upcoming season because you cannot trade him for six months once he signs a new contract the trade deadline is February 6th so if you do not extend him on August 6th that particular day you will not be able to trade him this season before the NBA trade deadline however if you are Golden State you do not currently have the cap space to extend Larry marinin however if you make a deal that includes Andrew Wiggins it is very likely you will have the space to renegotiate and extend La marinin into the future and one of the things I think is so fascinating about this Larry marke and contract situation is Markin is making $18 million and a lot of people throw that number out like it is the important number it’s almost a meaningless number because Lori marinin is looking for a mid 4S contract which pays him 43 to5 million a year well how is he goingon to get there well right now he’s not eligible to sign that kind of contract because he’s only making $18 million so this renegotiate and then extend Lori marinin situation is so critical because you’re going to have to pay Lori marinin likely 30 to35 million this coming season because that’s the only way he’s eligible to get into that mid4 million per season average annual value kind of extension so there is a lot of work to do and a lot of people are wondering why golden state has not made a trade yet because they don’t have the assets and they don’t have the cap space to renegotiate and extend marke in which is a must because because golden state is not going to give up young talent and their two first round picks without getting a long-term deal in place with Larry marinin and the only way to do that is to trade Andrew Wiggins so what I was told yesterday was that the Golden State Warriors have engaged four teams and that they have the possibility of two of those teams being a third team and aori market and trade with Utah Golden State and a third team so that they can offload Andrew Wiggins recoup two picks that would essentially be routed to the Jazz who would then send Lori Markin and on to Golden State now I was also reaffirmed yesterday in the belief that golden state is not trading Jonathan kaminga in this deal now the problem with that is Danny a as sources at the Jazz have told me is pretty much demanding Jonathan kaminga be part of that deal and Golden State make no mistake about it is the preferred trade partner with the Utah Jaz for lari marinan there is no scenario that sees Lori marketing ending up with the LA Lakers which I continue to hear about that trade’s not happening Ryan Smith and Danny a are not going to make a deal with the LA Lakers for Lori marketing you could just write that off now it would be a shocking reversal and the the net return on Lori marinin if he were to end up with the Lakers would have to be astronomical to send him there I just don’t see that as a scenario I think I am more convinced today than I have ever been that the only trade destination for lari marinin is the Golden State Warriors but the Warriors are going to have to find a third team to make a deal with the jazz or they will have to trade Andrew Wiggins to um create cap space so then they can turn around and make a deal with the Jazz but let’s be very clear the preferred trade destination for the Jazz and Lori marinin is the Golden State Warriors and there is no indication that the Warriors have sto trying to make that happen in fact I just think it’s the opposite of that I think the Jazz if I had to put a number on it I think I am still probably at 65% I believe that trade gets done but I think the only way it happens Jake is if Andrew Wiggins is part of that deal well and I think when you you consider what’s happened since you know the Lori marinin trade situation kind of started I do think this performance out of top prospect Cooper flag at the USA Camp you know if you’re the Utah Jazz that’s something you got to pay attention to like a lot of people you know it depends who you ask some people say Cooper is just a top prospect you know he’s not a generational Talent other people will tell you that the kid’s 17 years old and he’s tearing up Hall of Famers and what I’m telling you is that Cooper flag for the Utah Jazz would be a phenomenal fit and if you’re if you want to go and get him you’re going to need to get this deal done and if I’m Danny a and I’m sitting here saying okay we’re not going to be a championship caliber team this coming season or probably the next three seasons honestly why would we not move Lori along get this deal done let go of the kaminga nonsense and and let’s go out and make a run at being number one in the 25 NBA draft so we can go out and get our boy because at that point what does that give you in my in my opinion what that would give you is a lot of flexibility financially still obviously that’d be a rookie deal for for Cooper flag coming out of the draft and you would still retain your flexibility and at that point you would not have given up some massive Hall to go out and get a player yet so you’d be able to pair Cooper with a a a potential Allstar that might come available next year so to me when I saw that Cooper flag performance the first thing I thought about was how’s that impacting the conversation where where where where’s Danny a in the front office you know how does that impact their thought process with what they’re willing to do to get a a marketing deal done because 100% if you don’t want to pay if if we’re in a place where we don’t want to pay a bunch of money for players right now and we’re we’re keeping we’re basically it’s a a budget organization right now then it makes sense to do the marketing deal get that deal done don’t put yourself on the hook for that extension be more flexible and then go out and tank for Cooper like that to me at least that to me is logical and makes sense I don’t love that they’re tanking but you know I think there is no doubt that indications are that JZ will put themselves in a position for that top pick I I I don’t think there’s any doubt and it and I think Cooper flag is the right guy to do that and he is a guy that um you know I think is this run through the Olympic program I think has been phenomenal for him um because it shows that he is very different than Zion Williamson I think this comparison um that we’ve been hearing so much about is you know that is he just gonna be a bust like Zion Williamson the difference with Zion and Cooper flag is that Cooper flag has shown unwavering confidence on and off the floor and his motor is just so much higher than Zion Williamson’s now there are obvious comparisons they’re both High School phenomenons who would be in the NBA if the NBA would allow it uh they’re both going to Duke but Cooper flag has stood tall with every opportunity he’s had to go against NBA players and he’s looked really good doing it I don’t think there’s any doubt that he is that next generational guy I don’t think there’s any doubt barring injury that he’s the number one pick in the upcoming the the draft a year from now I say upcoming in the NBA draft a year from now and this Olympic this Olympic performance has made a huge deal but I also think it ties into this conversation about the Utah Jazz turning down two first round picks for Walker Kesler because I I can also tell you uh from sources close to the Utah Jazz that never happened the Jazz were never offered a deal and I believe it was uh Ian Begley from um SNY in New York who I think is a phenomenal reporter but he he was reporting yesterday that Jaz turned down two first round picks for Walker Kessler straight up that deal was never offered to the Jazz I personally don’t believe that deal would have gotten done because I do think that there’s a chance Walker kler is part of the the LA marketing deal um depending on where that ends up and and who values him but yeah I don’t think it’s any secret that the Knicks value Walker Kesler they need that role filled but if you called Danny a today and said hey here are two unprotected first round picks um give us Walker Kestler the issu is going to be the Knicks are are going to be a deep playoff team next year how valuable are their future first round picks and the answer is not very valuable and so I think when when we hear these these rumors that oh Danny is greedy New York Nick first round picks for the next three years are probably not going to be very valuable that’s the truth of the matter you are going to have to give Danny a first round picks that Shore up his ability to get to a guy like Cooper flag because next year’s NBA draft even Beyond Cooper flag is pretty pretty deep so you’re going to want multiple first round picks in next year’s draft the Knicks cannot offer that at a high level and I again though want to make this clear my sources at the Jazz tell me that that deal was never offered there was never a here’s two first round picks give us Walker Kesler that deal was never offered I would also point out that there is acrimony there is heat there is frustration between those two organizations because I think both sides would tell you they thought a Donovan Mitchell deal was done and that know Leon Rose did one thing and Danny a did another and they were to get them able to get themselves together on a Donovan Mitchell deal and I don’t think either one has gotten over that and obviously the Jazz wound up in a pretty damn good position um especially now with lry being likely 65% likely rerouted to Golden State I think the Jazz won in that situation outright did the Knicks lose well not necessarily because Donovan Mitchell hasn’t been healthy but again I just want to reiterate the point my sources close to the Jazz have said they never got a straight up two first round picks for Walker kler deal so if you sent that on the fax machine you might want to make a phone call yeah and I just you know again I I think that this marketing situation you know it does affect what you’re going to do with guys like Walker Kessler like I do think that summer league has shown us a lot with this roster and the in the in the young guys that that are in this organization like like I love what what Collier is showing us um I I think your point yesterday about the Walker Kessler on the floor discrepancy from the regular season to what we’re seeing in summer league like you know there there there’s there’s definitely a gap there and and I I think this coming season I’m not saying I expect the Jazz to win but what I am for sure saying is that I expect the Jazz to be much more definitive with their starting five and their rotations I felt like last year there was a lot of we’re going to change a starting five and we’re going to massage that and we’re going to kind of you know swap a lot of guys in and out withstanding Lori and you know the the Mainstay guys so I just I don’t know man I I I want I would be perfectly fine if you traded marinin to go take a run at at Cooper flag I would be perfectly fine with that that makes sense it’s a it’s a it’s a practical strategy you know I’m a little worried about Cody Williams I mean I I athletic for days but that’s not all you need he can’t shoot at this level yeah and I I I it is very rare that you see a guy come into the league who not shoot and become a shooter that almost never happens and again I I know that jazz fans lost their minds when I said this before he is Josh Jackson and that’s not good in a good way that’s not good man Josh Jackson was so hyped and you look at Williams and you look at where he is and you look at his athletic ability you’re exactly right I mean that crossover last night to get to the rim Sensational yeah but you can’t can’t have a guy in this league who cannot shoot and Cody Williams cannot shoot he he he can’t and the biggest problem here for the jazz on Cody Williams is they’re desperate for an athletic Wing that can knock it down I mean it is almost it is almost their singular need is somebody that can be a A 234 get to the rim but also knock down the three and I am not convinced he’s that guy well and I think part of that too is is the the lack of faith that you can develop somebody I I mean I I I’m concerned that like it’s not a problem right now per se in in Cody Williams development Arc that he can’t shoot great right now right because he’s a rookie you just drafted him like every Rookie’s got issues the issue is that there’s no fith that you can turn him into a serviceable shooter and so when you’re looking at the path the organization’s going to take Cody Williams should definitely be someone that you know projects into that exact guy you were talking about can get to the rack can shoot it is a problem off the wing for the defense but is he ever going to turn into that well not with the Jazz I wouldn’t think so

What are the Golden State Warriors doing to land Utah Jazz star Lauri Markkanen? The Monty Show has new details about the efforts Golden State has gone to in order to make a Lauri Markkanen trade happen! There continues to be one issue standing between the Golden State Warriors and Utah Jazz executing a Lauri Markkanen trade, we tell you what it is and what it will take to make a deal happen!

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  1. The last two seasons of Wiggins has really messed with the Warriors situation here, big time. Making things both much tougher to pull off, and then value wise the whole thing just brought down by Wiggins being what Wiggins usually had been. Wigs had the one big year for the Ws, but went right back, just like every fourth season or so in Minny he'd give you hope, get the contract, then suck again. And i'm not saying he tries to do that, but human nature, what you will, he's never been self motivated to the degree NBA players need to be and really, for that money.

    Wigs really messed GSW up, can't really blame them for re-signing Wiggins though (although again, some of us fans, just a few but we did say it at the time, saw the risk of signing Wiggins for that much.)

  2. Dude literally be like "Ya, Utah wants Cooper, so they just need to give LM to GS for nothing. Why should they care?" hahaha der

  3. How much are Golden States Warriors paying you guys for pushing Lauri Markannen trade to the bay area. Other teams can offer a much better package than the Warriors. The Warriors only have 2 tradable first round picks. Why are you guys pushing for more help for Steph Curry. How much help does he need.

  4. You two are the only ones making sense….the problem for the Jazz is that it is becoming obvious Ryan Smith is a mediocre owner and is focusing on hockey instead of the Jazz.

  5. Steph Curry about to go on another revenge tour.

    Being underestimated is always extra fuel for him! 👍👏🥳🥳🔥🔥🤩🤩

  6. Guy market is not a guaranteed great talent. He’s good with the jazz because there’s no one else on the jazz.

  7. Cominga can’t jump off one foot so he does have some weakness. I don’t think we are really trading Lauri. It’s smoke and mirrors.

  8. I don’t think it’s fair to judge Cody Williams after two summer league games. I’m waiting for a larger sample size before I reserve judgements.

  9. Lauri is a superstar just entering his prime. He is the cornerstone piece which is the hardest part to obtain. Keep him, and build around him. We’ve seen glimpses of a good team, they are not that far off. Just need more experience.


  11. Bro the Warriors are not getting picks for Wiggins. They'd have to include picks to dump his broke ass.

  12. Oh I forgot that if you want a player in the NBA you just get him. We will just go out and get Cooper Flag, it’s just that easy? We should just plan our future it. Real smart take guys

  13. You might have a good idea there for the Utah Jazz to end up Cooper Flag but we all know that the NBA heads rigs the lottery that a team they want to have him

  14. I do think that the NBA does rig the lottery so a team they want to drafted Cooper Flag ends up at the number 1 slot. I think the NBA does hate certain teams and the Utah Jazz is on that list. This past lottery shows that.

  15. Go and get Flagg? Explain this one to me. The Jazz could lose every freaking game and they still aren't gonna get the #1 pick. Plain and simple the NBA isn't gonna allow the Jazz to get that pick. Plain and simple they could have the worst record and they still won't get him. And calling Zion a Bust makes you sound like an idiot.

  16. Now it all makes sense why he couldn’t play for Canada. Everything rides on Wiggins not breaking a nail lol geez that has to be scary

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