@Milwaukee Bucks

Bucks snag Taurean Prince! Does he start and are they done adding?

Bucks snag Taurean Prince! Does he start and are they done adding?

hey there welcome to gpn’s ongoing Milwaukee Bucks offseason coverage presented by prize piic I am one of your host Ty Windish here on the fourth of July happyish uh Independence Day it’s the it’s the first it’s the day that the Cesar Caesar salad was invented I did see that that’s pretty exciting that we had yeah 100 Years of the Caesar salad and Adam McGee joining salads but I think there’s something made without anchovies right there are they don’t have anchovies here I I love the Caesar salad oh really yeah you got to you got to look into this more it’s not I wouldn’t even say it’s standard anymore really interesting they kind of they kind of bacon you got to make sure yeah interesting it’s a good salad we’re here to talk about the Milwaukee Bucks um anyway um but we’re actually going to start kind of I I guess counter fittingly uh on this Independence Day with yanis kmo playing for for team Greece just quickly uh we are recording pretty early in the morning on July 4 so they still have a game against Egypt uh and their opponent if they win or at least they Advance which even if they lose they may have a good chance to advance but I mean spoiler alert I I think Greece has a pretty good chance against Egypt anyway I’m not going to we’re not going to get to into any of these specific games the overall point because we don’t know the tiebreakers and if Greece loses everyone is one and one in the group and like oh and we don’t know who they’ll play cuz the other side that that same situation as possible um but Slovenia has lost there’s a chance Slovenia doesn’t even make it um to the final uh or to The Knockout round excuse me to play Greece which is a huge deal because they certainly were seen as the biggest threat coming in obviously you know if teams are beating them that means New Zealand Croatia they they pose threats too these are good teams Croatia especially looked quite good in their game against Slovenia but the main point here is Giannis looked incredible uh in their first uh qualifying round group stage game I think is the correct way to put it what do you have the stats up Rohan what he shot 11 for 11 and scored like 30 how many points 32 points 32 and 19 minutes yeah yeah uh he looked awesome great block but there was a scary moment so again we have this Bucks fans thinking they they can tell Giannis if he should play for his national team or not I I even got push back on this idea I mean one I didn’t get push back on this idea obviously it’s his life obviously he wants to compete and play for Greece I think opposing that is just silly uh and just dumb and two I mean we’ve seen guys get hurt in random offseason workouts before I think Klay Thompson comes to mind we saw Marcus cousins OJ mayo whatever that’s I don’t know if I don’t know chicken soup you can get bit by a dog I mean a lot of things can happen is what I’m saying let’s hope the OJ yeah let’s hope that doesn’t happen to anyone else uh um OJ kind of a one-of a kind player but like players get hurt and players don’t get hurt I I just I don’t see the the point in freaking out I know there was a scary fall I scary falls happen in like scrimmages too you know you’re not going to lock him in a room where he doesn’t move all summer if if he did you wouldn’t like how he looks at the start of the next season and even beyond that like it’s just it’s his choice it’s what he wants to do Hest plays for Greece Greece is also not playing in the Taun right like 19 minutes 18 minutes I believe whatever it was very very small amount of minutes for a guy like Giannis who is Far and Away the best player on the team uh so obviously Giannis coming back from injury missing the postseason for the bucks uh slowly ramping him up I think uh during some press John hor and Milt Newton talked about this and they were like yeah it’s just you know we’re in constant communication with the gree team with their medical staff with their training staff trying to make sure we’re you know treating Giannis the right way so everyone everyone is on the same page here the Bucks are the the Greek national team is Giannis is so I think it’s it’s not really much to worry about I think because the the amounts of money involved a lot of people like to pretend you know it’s reasonable to assume the books can control their players for 365 days of a year it’s his job like he can’t yeah but it’s like if your job ran were to like he has an offseason built into you know his calendar like there is an offseason there if your job was to tell you exactly what you had to do at all times when you were not officially like on their clock you’d feel a certain way and I think if we that something something that like it’s his national team he feels deeply passionate about it for a number of reasons again if your job were to tell you that’s something that is like really important to you on like an identity level just be like n we’re not cool at you doing that you’re just going to have to sit that one out you’d hate your job and you get a new one like I just ridic wiggin shout out Andrew Wiggins who’s probably there right now he said he said no to Team Canada right no the Warriors said no to him playing for Team Canada this summer cuz they’re trying to trade him which is a horrible look and which you would not want the Bucks to do the other part of this is let’s not act like we don’t know the power Dynamic here sure the Bucs pay Yiannis a big check there are 29 other teams who would love to pay Yiannis a big check and if their way to do so is saying we’ll let you play for Greece all the time they’re not going to care like Giannis is the one who means more to the it’s like that Meme where it’s like I consent I consent and there’s just some random person I don’t yeah like like like Giannis is the guy right we’ve all talked about this of course he’s going to be allowed to do what he wants to do in the offseason and the fact that it’s just play more basketball I just don’t think it’s concerning I personally enjoy watching Giannis play basketball and especially this offseason like I get it like you know if it was like 21 was the worst example cuz it’s right after the longest deepest season ever he played a ton of basketball came back from the injury he hasn’t played in months like it’s probably going to be good for him to get some games in and get some run in and not just have no high competitive ball from whatever it was late March to September October March yeah something like that it’s also it’s not the 10 games of Greece that’s gonna if y ends up injured in April of next season it’s not we can’t just all blame the 10 games of Gree when he’s on TR played 82 with the books like it’s ludicrous yeah can I can I pose a this is a pretty incend question but I I have thought of it when I’ve seen some of the reaction do we think the reaction to Jana’s playing international basketball would be the same if he was American if he was playing for Team USA absolutely because I I do get the feeling that it’s like it just it doesn’t matter to a lot of books fans there’s a large portion I’m not going to kind of I’m not going to generalize too much there’s a large portion of books fans who just want whatever yanis wants it makes him happy and like you said Ty will just enjoy watching yanis play basketball any opportunity but I do think then there’s another part of it who just very selfishly are like well I care about the books that’s it for me why is he playing for Greece I have no interest this didn’t this didn’t happen with Chris and Drew playing in the Olympics right after the title run yeah I think it’s maybe a little bit of that I also think it’s part of just I don’t think there’s the same understanding of international competitions for Americans because they just I I don’t even I think a lot of them would disagree with even if he played for Team USA just because it it doesn’t have that same feeling of like the Greeks watching Greece try and compete or really any other nation in in basketball like I liken it to like I I think the soccer comparison is better because I think people would understand it more I also think there’s a feeling that like Greece hasn’t been one of the best couple like they haven’t been contending for gold medal so I think there’s a little bit of like why even bother although I think this year is one of their best chances and again like I don’t I never bet on teams against Giannis the fact that he’s there he looks great he’s playing I think they do have a chance to beat just about anyone obviously it’s going to be really hard to beat Team USA for that team but I mean if anyone can can try and do it I think it’d be fun to watch Yannis try and do it can you imagine like the the quote unquote golden generation swans song for Team USA with Steph Lebron k Kawai all these guys and then Giannis just beats him I wish we had Tyler dorsy on helis man I think they need Tyler dorsy but Travis Outlaw you better be ready part part is too though like for jannis people got to remember jannis his own personal story and his journey and so much as there are complications and not so pretty elements to the story involving Greece yeah he has a reverence for Greece because what he feels like Greece Aly gave him the opportunity to do so it’s not just oh this is my national team I want to play for it there’s like a a real sense of he wants to achieve something for Greece he wants it to culminate in that way and you’re right I’ve I’ve spoken about this on God knows how many pods over the years and we come around to International games and we always have this kind of conversation as someone from Europe soccer was my sport growing up but if you’re like well do you want to do you want to play Club football for you know insert big Club here Manchester United do I support or do you want to play Ireland like what’s your dream as a kid my dream is to play for Ireland and that’s that’s really just kind of how it is in a way that is different um the US does not lack for patriotism and it certainly it’s found like when tournaments come around or when events come around but there is just something that is often much more deeply ingrained and maybe even more so when you’re from what is an underdog country and that’s very much reg gree fall in this peing they can’t theas can’t sit out qualifiers and they show up for the Olympics and then they just go and get a medal it’s they’ve got to do it the hard way and he’s got to be involved if to have a chance so I always I find it infuriating but also interesting because it just does just feel like there’s a disconnect and that’s a disconnect that will apply I think people should be aware of between yanas and them it’s not like jannis is coming from a similar mindset or has grown up viewing international basketball in that way he’s spoken about a lot of players he idolized and that kind of opened his eyes even to being able to be a basketball player that came with the Greek national team so it’s just it’s something a little bit different and I think it’s kind of easy to respect it as you said could he get injured sure we’ve seen him get injured multiple times and yeah he could get injured walking down the street I just said that as if that’s not something that I did which should stopped me from talking with the bucks for a couple of months but that is literally that’s how life works so yeah yeah I mean obviously it’s it’s a heightened chance when you’re playing games but like again I think if Giannis is in any sort of gym he’s probably going hard you probably have to kick him out of it at some point like there’s just always a chance I I don’t think it’s any way to live life just say don’t try and go bring your country to the Olympics and make history because we’re worried that you might get hurt again like I I you know don’t play any regular season games let’s see if we can get the ninth seed and then we can bring like no just play the game see what happens personally that’s always where I’ve come in so I’m excited I’m hopeful Greece does make it they’re in a good spot too right now and you know we’re kind of come far away from this conversation because of he hasn’t gotten to play really in the last two playoffs and achieved the things we’d hoped but I think Giannis somehow winning a gold medal with Greece was always like if he’s ever going to make an outside run at Goat or even just top X conversations I think that’s a big part of it that like that’s a big part of what could be an incredible Legacy for him so I’ll always root for him in Greece in the Olympics honestly tight silver or bronze and like that’s meddling that’s the Joby Argentina element that’s like if if he could get grease to a Podium that would that would mean everything yeah 100% um okay so then the the Bucks news outside of and the Bucks have no other players who will be in the Olympics at all at least you know still an open roster spot Danilo galinari is with Italy I will just leave that there potential player or potential coach no actually he said he wants to play I think Jim ozari reported somebody asked him for some reason he still wants to play yeah um but anyway no other Olympic athletes to talk about I shared a bunch of bucks players who have been on Team USA in the past Damen lard Chris Middleton Brook Lopez Bobby poris but none of them this year as they formed their little super team of washed guys uh but the Bucks did sign tan Prince uh on July 3rd to a veteran minimum contract one year to the day actually after they signed Malik Beasley to a veteran minimum contract which just goes to show all the people who were just bombarding Twitter and everywhere else with oh horse sitting on his hands again never gets anything done free agency when you’re playing with vet mins often develops over the course of multiple days and the Bucks in the last couple of years have pulled in some very good players on vet mens tan Prince coming from the Lakers has also played for the Wolves the Hawks is 68 with a longer wings or is he 68 with a longer wingspan he’s pretty pretty big long player not the most physical I got a lot of lot of people want to do especially Lakers 66 with a 68 wingan is that it 69 maybe um shot I think 38% from three I’m pretty high volume defended a lot of primary scorers last year there’s a graphic going around where he was one of like the 10 or so seven foot Wings ban wow he should really grab more rebounds he should really grab more rebounds I think that’s that could be a point of frustration but a good player a very good shooter on high volume a bigger player 30 years old so really kind of in his prime here forvet in an incredible signing so what was your guys’ reaction uh starting with Adam we have not gotten to hear Adam talk enough bucks lately when Toran Prince was announced coming to Milwaukee yeah I was I mean I’ll be honest in part because I haven’t been as checked in as Lan Warriors I I don’t really have anyone on my radar part of that is just how the books are going to have to fill out roster spots and you got to wait for free agency to unfold get a sense of okay well who’s who’s going to get more than minimums maybe that you expect or don’t expect and how that works out I was I was really pleased I I think following on from Del Wright I think another like fine piece of business this is a really really nice pickup um I think a lot of people are going to have some misconceptions about Prince and maybe just out a glance like I think you touched on one already and it’s probably right F he isn’t necessarily the most physical or aggressive um even though he kind of has like he he’s kind of IDE realized in physical in a physical sense to be like this multi multi-position Wing forward Defender which I think is probably a lot to do with that stat of him being one of the guys who was spending the most time on primary fors another element of that might be the fact that he was on the Lakers and there’s you know other guys on that team who you’re just not going to give those those tasks to even if they’re better equipped for it um but I I think he is a very good player he is capable of moments defensely that are probably better than his defensive rep overall I certainly wouldn’t put him down as a as a Defender what I think is interesting to me though is he is always a guy who has had the ability to really ignite an offense um and the fact that say post Hawks and those early days of his career when he was figuring it out and he was afforded a much greater role I think what’s interesting is the three-point shooting has held up as he’s become much more of a role player he’s a really good shooter he’s confident he can take to the rim and he can finish he’s the kind of guy that when you’re just projecting forward like I don’t know you mentioned beasy in terms of a year on we’re not going to look at him in the same way we probably looked at boozy on that time on a night to night basis borian Prince is absolutely the kind of guy who is going to have nights and he could have a playoff game where he’s a real differen maker he’s just a very well-rounded player who’s pretty experience this point we talked before we started the fact that it’s like what N9 years eight years since he was drafted that he’s 30 years old just makes me feel like I should be in the ground by now um but he has built he has built a nice career for himself and I think he’s a useful player of the kind the books haven’t really had um in quite a while in terms of you know scoring Wing forward maybe an interesting player in terms of where he’ll fit or what they’ll do and how that might factor into if the books do make any more moves but I think you cannot go wrong with picking up someone like torian Prince this price and I think the thing with him and the right is these are slightly younger vet mins than some of what we’ve seen in recent years and I think that’s pretty important um yeah you’re you’re you’re getting experience you’re getting good players but there might just be a little bit more juice left to be squeezed out here than some of the players who’ve been good players reputation you have had good careers that the books have picked up before and maybe we’ve ended up a little bit underwhelmed hopefully we are done watching the prized free agent acquisitions crumbl to dust in front of our very eye shout out to DJ Augustine Rohan what are your Marvin Williams oh that one was tough dude I wanted it so bad he didn’t have a single three left in the tank no he really didn’t poor guy retired after the bubble yeah well you could see why uh when I when I saw the new I was like yeah this is awesome the Bucks have an actual Wing like it’s it’s nice like you have an actual versatile Wing who can size up can size down like you mentioned Ty like can guard different uh types of heavy usage offensive players can be a rebounding threat can uh be a really good member sound member of this bucks front Court he can unlock those Giannis at the five lineups they’ve been looking for that they thought Bossman was in he was not him absolutely not uh thankfully we don’t have to watch boss man anymore because this is this that’s it’s that’s I saw somebody yesterday when this was shared probably means Jay Crowder won’t be back I I think we’ve known that for a long time now I don’t know if he’s going to be back in League after the way he played last post injury last season I think some team gives him a shot but we’ll see I think we’re running out of time it’s probably Miami he did that would be so funny dude I would CRA if we if they if we basically swap d for J Crowder I will never stop laughing is very heat culture I don’t know if he can actually deliver on anything they want that doesn’t matter for them anymore culture that’s not a problem they got Alec Burks in Pre agency like yeah that’s what that’s what’s going on hey brought back Kevin Love for four million a year speaking of old players in free agency anytime you have to give an end to the bench gu four Mill a year you got to do it yeah he starts for them sometimes so what be careful yeah that’s I think uh yeah but Tori ands I thought it was a great signing uh reunites with his favorite uh coach in Darin ham uh Jordan chesky’s been all over this that was probably a big part of him picking Milwaukee definitely definitely was Darin of course loved him in in Lakers to the sugarin of many Lakers fans yeah everything is to the sugarin of many Lakers fans because their team isn’t good enough yeah that’s true that is true but yeah Darin was a guy who really really believed and Tor imprints played him a lot I mean this is a guy who played 78 out of 82 for the Lakers started almost 50 what he start 49 games for them uh just just Darin Darin knows how to play him knows what he’s good at what he’s not good at so being the lead assistant on this Bucs team is probably something that swayed Tori and Prince you’re absolutely right to signing with the Bucks I think Tori and Prince slots in right away as a as a major rotation player like I I don’t think that’s really a question uh and that’s not something you NE that’s the thing but we we’ll talk about that a little later yeah that’s not something you could really expect from all these the the veteran minimum signings that the Bucks are used to doing I mean here’s the thing they would try to play the major rotation minutes uh it wouldn’t end up going very well I mean Malik Beasley is probably the best of that Bunch yeah who uh was a prolific starting two guard until you know the game started to matter um but you just was never a good fit though post I mean knew it we we knew it we knew it yeah but yeah we’ll we’ll see I thought it was a I thought it was a great signing uh getting him along with d Wright you’re just Shoring up on Defenders you’re you’re fixing a weakness that your team had and getting versatile Defenders I think it’s a home run especially for pro vet Min you can’t do much better I said it I said it correctly this time yeah you did you can’t said can’t do much worse yesterday last part which was not what you meant yeah I think the key for me is these guys are not necessarily defensive Stoppers but it kind of feels like the idea I talked about with Dallas of like get bigger guys for their position who are useful two-way players and that’s the thing with both of these guys and this is why like you know Josh aogi is still out there or even like Orion D in the draft and I want to talk a little bit about how this changes the perception of draft Knight I don’t think the Bucks wanted to go get just the one-way players either direction anymore like obviously Beasley’s one example last year and it didn’t work cuz they made the shift to Dame but I don’t think horse in the front office wanted to overcorrect and say all right we’ll bring in guys who can only defend and can’t do anything offensive because we can afford them right we can’t get Elite two-way players like elite elite two-way players obviously cuz they’re like 40 million a year so we’ll go get Joshua kogi and we’ll just throw him out there to defend I I think I like Prince and Wright because I right maybe is regarded as a pretty dang good Defender the king of the flections but these guys you know they have roles offensively too and I I just think these are guys who you know they may have good series they may have Bad series these are not guys who will be like schematically played off the floor these are playoff players there’s always something for both of them to do on both ends of the floor and I think that’s why I really like both signings and now you look at you know even if let’s even if the young players are static like AJ Green a good shooter your specialist shooter holds up okay defensively Andre Jackson Jr the energy guy you know defends rebounds that kind of stuff between those two these two new vets and all the veterans they bring back from the last team that’s 10 right like you know you don’t want to count Pat con sure that’s nine and you know I think we’ll see with Pat if he’s still around he may still be maybe they has another good year in him maybe not um but it’s a deep versatile team I think there’s a lot of different ways they can play with that person know I think you’re not in a situation again injuries will dictate a lot of things but if Yannis is out doesn’t really matter either way way if they’re mostly healthy they’ll be able to not need to rely on Brook Lopez to play 30 plus minutes if it’s a tough series for him they have the Personnel now between Bobby Prince Chris Etc and some of the young Wings To Go smaller more often oh by the way certainly go big didn’t Pat play with the select team oh M probably he did it he Wasing up a big game but playing for arand at the time and then he just H from the select team and he just turned his back immediately see that’s sad don’t turn down don’t turn down Ireland for the select team like you’re not going to make the big boy Squad when do you have to play to play for Ireland though when I that that’s part of the problem but but he has he has said oh I’m gonna work out I’m gonna do this he said oh if I can’t play basketball play baseball hav seen him do a l either so come on P yeah we we can’t dig into like when those games are because like is Ireland’s not in the qualifiers right now you have to do no no we’re we’re the tier we’re the tier below so yeah technically it’s like we’ve got some like condescending group of like it’s called like FEA small Nations um which is I mean we do really well in Fever small Nations but it’s because actually called fever small nation yeah it’s it’s like that and and to be fair a lot of the other nations they are smaller but in recent years chionship for small countries so is is Ireland like the huge kid who decides not go up to the next grade level in sports here just like I don’t think we decide we’re not allowed to go up let us we’re getting held back they’re about Pat Andora has medals is good Ireland too Ireland too Andora like come on that’s just a lot of span guys who just miss out at Spain they’re like you’re gonna play for Andora that’s a that’s the tiniest of countries uh but dealing with a different Advantage we don’t have but yeah a Ireland Armenia Austria aeran Malta San Marino Denmark Cyprus Luxembourg mova Norway Wales Albania and Scotland like I mean Austria what’s the population of Austria they’re not as small I feel like they’re they should not be in this comp I wonder are they having the opposite thing where people just go to Germany they’ve nearly got 10 million people get out of here I goingon to say like they’re well it sounds like they’re not doing great anyway anyway we we okay we’ll get back to we we’ll probably have international basketball to talk about later this summer we can do more on on small Nations then I do want to I do love geopolitics sh San Marino for winning a gold medal in this San Marino onor pritz I do want to sound a out of caution on his defense I will admit it has been a number of years I did have a couple of Seasons where I was probably watching every torian prince game um it’s been a while though from when that was the case so there’ll be some learnings on well exactly what has he become on that end I think part of what you get out of him defensively is going to depend on how the books decide to play defensively or if they want to let him be something of a wild card at times like he has had success being a very aggressive Defender he is a guy that if you kind of gave him K blanch to go and play that way I think you’ll come up with a lot of steals and deflections and he could be a real kind of asan of Chaos whether the focus and the kind of discipline is going to be there kind of playto playay down the floor where he’s not someone that’s gonna get people’s nerves at times for maybe some lapses I think that’s a different question but I like so much of what we do and talking with the NBA now does come down to like positional ideals and just like these kind of archetypes of a player and physically he does have those tools where you’re going to put them out there and he should be able to hold up maybe they canlock different think the derin ham element is interesting because that isn’t just the Lakers I mean I feel like Darin was his development coach when he first came into the NBA with the Hawks like yeah the first three years in the NBA think three years um before Bud and Darin moved on for the books um he would have been playing under Darin so that is an interesting wrinkle and again I know we were talking offline about the staff and what way things shape out like Darin obviously has a lot of Goodwill and trust and relationships within the organization too I’m guessing he was someone who was very heavily leaned on for well what do you think he could bring and how it fits within this so that in its own right is kind of an interesting nugget yeah um is two years the third year for Prince was when Lloyd Pierce took over so right and then after that he only had one more year in Atlanta before he went to Brooklyn so most of his Hawks tenure was with uh bud and Darin from 2016 to 2018 I want to note he did finish tied 25th for most improved player 20178 one vote um which a lot of guys had one vote that year so shout out to tooran Prince but yeah I’m excited I think I I’ve SE I I’ve heard that sentiment a bit and certainly agree that he’s not like this Elite Defender I think maybe he will seem like it compared to Malik Beasley one sure and two it is an interesting test and I feel like again this is one of my takeaways from this playoffs like PJ Washington certainly wasn’t either but you put him in the right role on a really good team and it just seemed to unlock a lot more of his game and I know he’s not the physical player PJ Washington is on either end so I’m not expecting that but I I do think maybe there’s a little more to unlock or maybe a little more he can take on we’ll see uh but yeah I’m excited about it and I think for all the jokes that you know Lakers fans and others have about ham and Prince that’s fine they are replacing him by paying Max Christy who is playing like four 14 minutes a game $8 million a year so will certainly take toian Prince on vet Min because he’s a lot better than that and I think I’ll certainly take Darin ham as an assistant coach because he was an assistant coach on a championship team uh and I am just a big fan of having Darin around so excited to watch prince so the next question here does he start I mean the the ham Intrigue is part of this the Darin ham thinks maybe he should start over Giannis I do think you know we talked about like we want someone bigger in there who’s got some range defensively if he’s not a stretch four and maybe can he and Chris be co- stretch 3.5s and work it out together maybe that’s going to be interesting to see you know and I think we can talk about closing lineups later as well I there’s some really intriguing options with these two new guys there I think Prince does make a bit of sense as he keeps the spacing intact which is the concern with Andre Jackson Jr who of course as I’ve showed on the Pod before you know look great in the playoffs when Giannis didn’t play they the Bucs lost the Ajax and Yiannis minutes last year so that’s still a little bit of a concern I think Prince you keep that spacing but it’s a longer more versal defensive player I think right now maybe the leader in the clubhouse to start and again maybe there’s more moves there there certainly could be another player brought in or a trade made or something like that but Rohan what do you think about Prince starting or do you have a different player that you have your eye on more in that regard I could definitely see Tori and Prince starting for this team especially consider ing if the Bucks want to just go all like length go be like a versatile defensive team try to hide Dame as the smallest guy as much as possible I could definitely see it if you have like Chris slide up a little bit or something like that you do like a Dame Chris Prince yanis Brook lineup I could definitely see that working and I think he might let’s assume just no other moves right now I think he is the leader in the clubhouse to start I mean he already has the lead assistant uh in his in his pocket in his back pocket and and that’s not to say that he doesn’t deserve to because yeah he is a very he he is a good player he’s a versatile player Adam I agree with you his uh his just overall like individual one-on-one defense might not be the best right it’s not like he’s Prime kawh Leonard out there but he fits within this context of the rest of the Bucks roster where you’re not going to see him played off the floor like you mentioned earlier Ty you can see him play parts in different types of schemes you can uh see him as like a as a as a point of attack Defender you can see him as a switchable Wing Defender you can see him as a lot of different things right so just being able to have that guy in there in the starting lineup to sort of cover up for you know Dame or Chris whoever it is in that starting lineup I think it makes a lot of sense I don’t want to bring boss man back into the space as you should be gone for good but I will for a moment I I think one of the things that probably a lot of books fans are guilty just in the sense of being optimistic about it maybe the books were too and not just you know going to get them once but going back for seconds um was the idea of what Jay Crowder once was which the truth was he had long kind of evolved as a player and I think maybe most importantly started to view himself as a slightly different player and maybe get slightly higher opinion of himself I think some of what Prince could look like is [Music] is say like the version of the Crowder who we saw in the finals when he played for the Suns and I think I think if that’s kind of how the books are going to view this of okay well imagine if that Crowder guy we had in the roster the last two years if he was actually healthy and still productive would would that have helped us and I think on that front we could say yes I I think that’s kind of along the lines of what we could see from from torian Prince uh someone who the defensive value is in the versatility it’s in two true four and physically athletically he’s going to be comfortable enough that you can build a really strong defensive lineup around him and possibly he benefits from that because if he has to take moments on a shooting guard well he’s going to be able to do that he’ll be able to keep up well enough he’ll have some advantages with his size like that will work and if you’ve got four other good Defenders around them it’ll work really well I don’t know if he should start at the moment I would say he probably is the leader in the clubhouse I’m still spacing concerns and all I would be at this moment in time leaning towards one a Jax to start next year I I just I feel like you will get a lot out of d r and Toran Prince and they will play a lot of minutes and this I feel like as the books of being a perennial contenders this is the kind of conversation we have every year where starting is just it’s a designation as much as anything like those two guys will probably be in the top six to seven minutes per game minutes played over season for the books over the year um but I I think committing to mixing it up and buying into what we saw from Ajax and also hoping that we’re going to see an offseason of growth we’re going to see Lessons Learned and he comes back an even better player I I think that’s the direction the books have got to go I I think otherwise they’re setting themselves up for some of the same failings over and over again and I’m not I’m not going to reopen draft conversations I’ve been had the past week and honestly on both guys I’m still a place where I just I need to learn more or really I need to see the mid summer league and get a get a feel for for what exactly they’re about but I do think with that type of picks and with those profile picks the books aren’t they have a type um the non-conventional path is is one part of it and I think we’re seeing wildly varying results on the Readiness of those kind of guys anyway and that’s without taking in kind of age and you know physical attributes which are factors here too I don’t think we’re going to see a lot out of the players they’ve drafted this year I think one of the cases we may not see a lot out of them next year either there could be a long play there that really pays out in the big way but is it going to help the books to get back on track and be a real Contender next year win a championship no I don’t think so and as a result I think you’ve gotta you’ve got to bet on Ajax and he’s got to be good you’ve got to bet on AJ Green he’s got to be good I think you got to bet on Maran Bo champ and he’s he’s got to be good that that last part course said he’s been working his ass off 82 Utah games here’s the thing about Tyler Smith actually might in the there what no I’m kidding God I I think he might like I’m not that disconnected I’m disappointed that you think I was being serious he um right now he would be like the emergency big and I think that’s actually a fun role for a player like that like like oh they may also have an emergency that an emergency big is needed for well I think if there’s a true emergency you got to go add someone right like I don’t think well I mean give them a shot I guess but like all right is going to miss a game right backto back rest whatever let’s plug him in for 10 minutes and just see what happens athletic shooting big man like let’s just see you know I think that’s kind of fun uh Aj Johnson I don’t think will play at all year one which I think is part of partial of the reason there is I mean they have Chris on the wing they’ve drafted like four other Wing players in the two three years before and now they add torian Prince and d right like I think nobody they drafted at 23 was probably going to crack this rotation at this point cuz I mentioned you know whether you want to count Pat or not we’re going to nine or 10 there still is a roster spot open I mean they could even add another player I’m not going to expect another big I mean everyone is like hush tones about the idea of a Gary Trent Jr which I don’t even know if I love the fit necessarily obviously if you can get him on vet Min you just do it uh there’s some sort of Dame connection there I’m not expecting that I am giving this offseason an A+ if they get him on vetman too frankly that’s outrageous value and that even further the point of like they were they didn’t expect anyone to play cuz maybe they had a good idea they’d be able to get some of these quality players on b m which I think makes the draft look a little better uh I understand the frustration still with taking an Aj Johnson but yeah I think I mean I think realistically the job won’t be determined right now for the fifth starter I think it’s what like a six-way competition in Camp and in I mean summer league not not a real true competition because the Vets won’t be there but in Camp and in preseason I mean it’s Tori and Prince still on right we’ll throw his name in why not I prefer him coming off the bench but I think he’s fits Ajax Maran doc talked him up big time we’ll see if is there the mar on leap ever happening AJ Green I think you know throw throw the hat in the ring Pat Conan still here we’ve been talking how many years have we been talking pack hey if he comes in lights the world on fire I’m I’m not closing it off I don’t expect it but I’m not closing it off they haven’t started him on the years where I think he had ear the chance to be the starter they did not start him so I’d be very surprised at this point if if he got the his prime well that’s very de that’s bad then if P if this is prime pack conis that’s just a waste I mean who knows Chris Livingston is due is he no sorry that sounded really dejected from you I believe in CL well well again let’s see some of let’s see Camp I mean that’s they asked doc about like are these guys going to play it all and he’s like we’ll see how good they look basically uh I don’t expect them too certainly I do I I would I do just want to add on the Aj Johnson discourse he had a really good combine against other prospects who are not seeing his years away and I do think the situation in Australia was very tough for him I don’t think he’s going to be ready to contribute this year I don’t know if he’s as far away as it seems just because he didn’t make an impact in 8 minute stin in the NBL as an 18-year-old i’ I’d also though in response to the combine like that’s like my I’m again take this as somewhat unqualified right you could take everything I say as somewhat unqualified honestly but I think in particular is because I haven’t been able to really dive in and watch as much as I’d like on him yet my feeling is there is something very interesting there like I I get why you make this pick this is the kind of pick he could be a complete bus who never factors and we really all kind of forget who he was he could also end up like border light a star at some point now my issue with that is that could be so far down the line that I don’t know what it’s for what it’s building for what we’re using it for but let’s put that aside I think looking good in the combine though is very different very different even against good prospects who going to be ready to go than against grown men who are like night in night out year in year out and I think that’s that’s part of the problem there now what interests me about both Aj Johnson and Ty Smith and let’s bring Maron back into this is again the books more than other franchises are committing to players who are not going traditional routs not having like really clearcut cemented roles on high-profile teams overseas or going to college and with Maran I’m sure internally they feel like some things have gone well in what they’ve done to developer and some things have gone poorly and where maybe they could speed up that process or what was lacking that they didn’t quite realize until later maybe that’s one thing one cause for optimism is they may have learned some lessons with Maran having a not entirely dissimilar route to the NBA and also I mean can’t remember what exactly mer on Wade when he was drafted I don’t think he was quite as light as Aj Johnson but a guy who was again like railed in and part of all of our reaction when he was drafted is like this guy can’t possibly play turns out they played him a bit like I mean he did show okay he he could do some things there was enough there it hasn’t all worked out seamlessly since but maybe they’ve learned something there and that’s where summer league is not going to decide who starts but it’s going to determine a peing order for camp and for preseason of like who are the leading contenders who’s next up on chance that if they go in and press again like Mar is a guy who I don’t know should he be doing like the relle thing of lighting up Summer League don’t I know I don’t want to bring that name into it put Aja on the graphic I think he’ll be there for sure uh but yeah don’t think Mar will be at Summer League I think he’s a little I don’t know I mean listen role wise it makes sense I always think it’s a little cringey when guys with that much experience go he’s not good enough to not go he probably should go yeah if he’s honestly I’d feel really down on things at Maran if he doesn’t go to summer league and be like yeah I’ve been around the block on the guy and I’m going to prove that you know I shouldn’t be here and I won’t be here in future years fighting for any team’s attention and like potential contract if Ajax is going Maran should go I think Ajax they’re putting on the graphic they haven’t dropped the roster yet I can’t wait I mean I think this is going to be I feel like I say this every year this feels like it’s going to be the best Buck summer league to watch ever cuz I do think these guys are playing for a shot at real minutes down the line could they could they win the title anyone could it’s just never the books it’s just I love summer league until the moment summer league starts and then I’m like this is this is just like this so unwatchable hey I don’t think we have to watch uh one of Adrien Griffin’s kids play over the actual prospects this year so that’ll help wait that happened last year didn’t it y yeah that did I forgot about that yeah wec isn’t isn’t he put Spencer on the coaching staff that’s fine I that I don’t have no issue with that uh don’t put him on the summer league roster if Austin Rivers is the point guard in summer league and AJ Johnson is nailed to the bench I won’t be happy J Spen is gonna coach summer league no the coach has been said Pete Dominguez yeah oh okay I think is Doc Player Development guy um so yeah I think uh looking forward looking forward to Summer League again we’re like oh remember remember Omari Moore yeah I remember Amari Moore never played never played because there was a a griffin on the court instead um but yeah Amari Moore uh bucks Legend probably has zero minutes ever I can’t wait for summer league though Doc Rivers is good friends with JN Smoltz Doc Rivers is good friends with everyone he’s a networker interesting sorry Wikipedia there is a Hulu series at the moment which maybe took out some of I still haven’t watched that it don’t know if I’ll ever bring myself to it’s definitely bad but I’ve heard as a as a as a film and television person did you see my idea to saved clipped as a concept no I didn’t they should make it an anthology where the same horrible acting choices play completely different players to almost make it meta how bad they were at casting for the people cuz n Lawrence Fishburn is kind of close Austin Rivers reviewed all the he’s like oh he’s too big to be my dad that’s okay he’s close get stuff right yeah all of the others are horrible horrible Chris Paul is hilarious the guy none of them are good I mean it’s so fitting that they theirs is so bad and the Lakers one is like perfect on who played who but I think you should just lean in and be like you know Steph Curry last year that’s uh I don’t that’s Austin Rivers now you know whatever who cares just shift them around I think more important is I’ve only seen a couple of Clips but my God I saw one which was like Doc was like running drills at a practice and the basketball looked terrible and players played like the players like you’ve got to cast basketball first I do remember with Showtime that was like that is kind of how they went about it and they looked out and casting a guy who looked like Magic Johnson as well like I mean you can’t you can’t get luier than that but if your shows show is about basketball which I don’t think they would say their show is about basketball there’s some bigger issues you know know but the Great American experiment tied into Clips but uh no what I have heard is though like Doc is kind of he’s the engine driving that show there’s a lot about lot about Doc and I guess the wider world of of Doc Rivers hled up there I wasn’t aware think clipped I’m sure brave person I don’t know don’t feel like he’s probably acknowledging Clips Doc Rivers come on make time for this we’ll talk about clip that’s one way I’d watch it what were we talking about to Prince oh yeah sorry we weren’t we were talking about well we were talking about starter Ty who do you oh yeah did you give yours I mean who do you think I haven’t I haven’t given one yet I think I think it’s going to be a legitimately open competition I think Prince is the most likely right now uh I would love it if Ajax just went and won the job though and I I do think that should be the approach the Bucks have of just like you know we’re going to run it with three four different options and just whoever plays the best whoever pops is going to win the spot I think knowing Doc and ham I’m going to assume it’s going to be more like a Toran Prince than an Andre Jackson Jr but a Jax raised his stock a ton uh throughout the parts of the regular season and of certainly the playoffs last year I’m not huge on AJ Green for it I think he’s held up well as a Defender that to me is not the same as you’re going to cover the one through three best option I don’t want to put him in that spot I think Maran legitimately winning the spot would be the most fascinating and exciting outcome because I do think I think Ajax and AJ Green should be in the rotation regardless next year like I think they played well enough whether one of them starting or they’re both coming off the bench I think they earned that Maran is the one who hasn’t but doc was like oh we think Maron is the most skilled he’s just been hurt for all our practices couldn’t incorporate a mid year I think it’s like the biggest inflection point where I think he could start I think he could be off the team by the first game of the season I think that like anything within that range of outcomes is possible so that’s the one I’m most excited to see about no I don’t think Chris Livingston will actually be able to start he’s just too big would love if he earned some minutes though and I do think horse shouted him out he’s been working his ass off let’s see it C Unleashed I I think the thing with Maran being most skilled like when I hear that that feels like that could give him the edge if he puts it together and if he can go and actually show him deserving because the books do tend to in a way that’s not necessarily typical in the NBA and that’s I would like to see them maybe follow the NBA Trend a little bit more a lot more good teams are not necessarily oh our starting lineup here’s our five best or kind of most skilled guys or even I say five our six or seven there is more of a kind of Reliance on okay we’ve got someone who’s bit of a Swiss army knife right they can they’re just going to do a lot of things well they’ll fill fill in kind of plug some gaps on defense they’ll be you know good facilitators offensively they’ll be unafraid to go drive to the rim Ideal World they could shoot but most often with these kind of players they can’t shoot all that well um and like that just to me that feels like really close to what Ajax is and I mean the spacing is the concern ER and that’s if he was to shoot better that would help a lot of it um but the books have in recent years continue to Trend towards I guess something that on paper feels more like yeah all five of these guys are going to hurt you as opposed to well this is our most coherent and dangerous unit that we’re going to kind of put together and we know they are going to work it out in a way that’s going to make them most formidable and I know there’s a lot to still ask of Ajax and we didn’t necessarily see that but I do think I would like to see the books maybe experiment with a lineup that fits more of that mold than necessarily I think toan Prince fits that too they might just decide oh well tan Prince like he could go get 15 points on a given night that’s useful for us let’s go play him don’t know if it’s going to give you your best balance though and it might make you a better team in October but I don’t know if it makes you kind of as well Versed and versatile and is kind of well built to adapt to playoff challenges as if you had something where you’ve kind of built a nice coherence starting five and then your break glass in case of emergency your wild card is well Toran Prince is going to come in here and you’ve got more offense to worry about or whoever is going to come in you’ve got more defense to worry about do you know what I mean with that it just it feels like we see more teams go that route and the books have yet to do that it’s always a kind of very logical here is the fifth starter and you go yeah well I guess I mean we can expect him to do this and more often than all I think it’s clean the offense so maybe they’ll overreact to that post Beasley and they will go a different way we’ll see yeah I think it’s all those players were all in like the Drew bledo era too so it is just a new a new team to fit together um as we talked about by the way Chris Livingston is as big as torian Prince die yeah yeah no you said he’s too big the starting five I I think he’s probably heavier than toan I think he’s heavier I’m would play bigger it’s listed at two pounds but also Chris Livingston by the way played for Team USA for the 2019 FBA U6 Americas championship in W MVP I’m there’s something there it’s all I’m saying that’s all get him in the lab with toan let’s get this shot worked out uh I want to get your guys thoughts on a certain lineup but first I want to talk about winning lineups at prize picks America’s number one daily fantasy sports app with more than 5 million members prize picks is the easiest and most exciting way to play DFS it’s just you against the numbers unlike other apps all you do is pick more or less on two to six player stat projections and watch the winnings roll in you can win up to 100 times your money with as little as four correct picks and if you’re looking for fun promotions prize picks is got you covered every week from lowering select player stat projections on Tuesdays to help your lineup hit or get your entry fees back if you have a losing lineups on Fridays the finals are over but the Hoops action doesn’t stop on prize picks women’s basketball is still heating up ahead of the Olympic break stars like Caitlyn Clark Brianna Stewart and of course Asia Wilson are really fun to put on your prize picks lineups I was one away from a full sixer slate 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why online discourse is so bad it’s people aren’t even themselves anymore but now they’re like posting is if they’re the person and they’re it’s like Stolen Valor it’s so weird they’re cosplaying as torian Prince I don’t think those tweets well they are they aren’t I mean I don’t know if you read all the tweets but I saw some of them I I think I the Klay Thompson one is egregious where it’s like good night I W gonna wake up a Dallas Maverick like what are you doing you’re not a I think the AJ there’s an AJ Johnson one which just shows you how rued we are as a society and that one I think too like I think it runs I think it runs deeper than the music accounts but they are it does too but the music accounts getting wor it’s it’s a it’s the canary and the Coline really I yeah I don’t know I don’t know if the mussic accounts for the canary and the Coline here but stat m is stat m is good it’s a different thing to anything else it’s so different like there’s no I will not agree with The Muse accounts for good ones it’s like no they stat Muse which was one thing no I never said they were good they were there were some that were like trying to be a stat Muse for a player specifically yeah they were less I don’t need that they were less sick I no one needs that no they M or reference or you know and you can learn the team ones were the least egregious post original stat Muse where it’s just like here’s a bunch of buck stats fine yeah now they’re not even stats it’s like all hey guys what’s going on in Dallas I’m a Dallas Maverick now no you probably don’t you probably don’t even live in Dallas of course not no I feel this is though bordering on Old Man yels a cloud for us in having gone through a cycle of NBA online experience no I I don’t disagree with you I’m not saying definitely not saying you should care uh but we could have a full episode maybe we should maybe it’s an after dark at some point about like uh how the online NBA experience is involved topic it’s horrible now that’s the whole pod cut this clip it put it on that feed done it’s terrible now it’s really bad the the interesting thing oh I want to talk about a certain lineup but first I want to I I think the shooting of the young players is like one of the more interesting subplots and I just don’t think we have enough data yet because you’ll see like oh Andre Jackson’s a shooter now Andre Jackson did shoot 37% 46 attempts that’s 17 made threes that is not a meaningful sample and even Maran who really improved his percentage 75 attempts he made 30 shot 40% that’s great like which of these or both of these or whoever and to be clear I’m not putting a I believe in AJ Green is a shooter he took 169 attempts last year in in a slightly more minutes not like six more minutes than Maran not a ton more minutes took way more threes like I believe his track record also like that not not including him here but which of or both of or just how those two guys come Into Summer League if they both play training camp preseason how they look shooting the ball and what the results are is going to be massively important to this question because we know it we know it matters it matters a little less with Dame it still matters with the Giannis how guys shoot and just for every team you know you need to knock down threes if you’re a role player so that’s going to be really interesting I think maran’s form is better I think he shoots them a little more confidently but he he always wants to do like the one two dribble pullup and shoot which is terrible and then Ajax just won’t even look at the most of the time which is obviously a huge problem too so I think both of those guys defensively could earn the job I think it’s going to come down to how reliably can you do real starting Wing stuff which is really like Drive pass or uh kick uh at the right moments quickly enough so I’m excited to see how they look this next year do you believe that those guys are ever GNA be good Shooters because I guess that’s the place where I’m at is I just I don’t put any stock in that and it’s like if that ever happens in a way where you’re down like yeah it’s real and we’ve seen enough of this over a long enough period of time say it’s a real sample we can buy into it that changes everything I just don’t think I’m gonna don’t think I’m gonna get caught open when they come back I think Maran can be a real shooter without even solving his biggest issue which for me it’s just like the skips in processing that it’s like you don’t take the three fast enough and it’s not open or you’re open and you try to drive instead into a player like I think that’s what we saw from him but I actually believe that he I think the shooting is can be there yeah you’re right Ty just the just the catch and shoot shooting I think could be there for Maran it’s just the other things right yeah because that’s where is the shooting enough for him if he I think if Ajax all of a sudden was a really good shooter there’s no debate like it’s kind of like okay well this just seems like the obvious of Maran You’ be like okay well you’ve got some playing time like well five minutes for you yeah he’s not necess the answer into a massive role yeah I do I I see why they said that about majon though because he is he’s I think he’s really good on the dribble I think he drives well he’s athletic Ajax is still probably the most intriguing of the young guys though still I think just because he just fills the gaps between Dame Chris and Giannis so well if the corner three is reliably falling and again percentage was good the shot form improved a lot from college I’ll give him credit credit for that I mean Rohan and I talked about this a lot like during summer league it’s like oh this looks way better than it used to CU you pull up the college tape and it’s like a freaking tree now it’s better it’s still not beautiful but I don’t need it to be beautiful you know you want him to take wide open shimer you were misunderstood uh I don’t know about that one buddy certainly a take uh tell they need to just like do a scop to convince Yannis it’s a 5-sec free throw timer in NBA like it is in FBA because it looks I don’t even know who this was yeah it’s five seconds he took 10 when I well there’s still Yiannis rules maybe he could take 15 on 10 he can take 10 on five this is not this is not a shot of anyone it’s kind of it is a shot but it’s not because I don’t know who it was so I’m not actually if this is you I saw this on Twitter people like getting excited posted videos you Hest make free CH and practice and be like oh look how smooth that I I posted I posted not commenting just observing it’s not the same it’s not the it’s not about him making the free throws though that everyone missed the point and I don’t like to explain myself on Twitter because people don’t care it’s the fact that he just took him but that’s the thing he’s not doing games yeah that’s like a mental that’s like an anxiety thing of the game I’ve no doubt Yannis could make 500 free thros in a row really quickly in a practice setting there a maniac who works out all the time like he’s the only reason I was excited was to see him practice them without taking an hour between which is obviously what he should do I don’t think on his own every time he takes a free TR that the routine is what it is in a game which as much as you might as much as you might want I just don’t think he would view that as a productive way to manage his time it would take way too long in practice and I’m hoping that he then translates this to maybe it’s not productive that I do this whole thing every single free throw but also why is he practicing what he’s not doing in game it doesn’t make sense but it’s it’s like we’re psychoanalyzing from Far here like the obvious reason for someone to take that long is they’re just like they’re really trying to lock in I’m going to get my breeding right this is really you know I got to focus I’m trying to make this is important that I make my free thros as opposed to the balls Tron to and you’re just like yeah I’m going to shoot that like and and that is something that is never going to be replicable because your free practice even if you make up games even if you put Stakes on it is never going to be as important as a fre join a game I mean the greatest mystery of Jana still is the free thr shooter we saw for the book to of Championship right like that’s clutch but that’s the one because that’s the greatest pressure of all and it feels like almost his brain managed to disengage somewhat and it all just was like I don’t know a flow stay for him I I just the practice thing I because that’s that’s a thing with it should be it should be the same routine but it’s also it’s the fact that it isn’t it’s that tells us everything about why the routine is so slow it’s because he’s really he’s really trying to make the free CH you know as opposed to just well I’ll probably make it if I shoot I am one of the best basketball players in the world and this is just a free show instead he’s like Above the Rim when you let it go just push it straight forward but like no you you need to get into like a flow State like you were saying Adam like cuz that’s the thing I think I saw something I wish I knew exactly what it was it was regarding the Euros going on right now and some players were wearing like heart monitors and and during like penalty shootout it it was Ronaldo oh it was yeah yeah his his it was like a i it was a I won’t give a free ad because they sponsor a lot of podcasts they’re welcome to sponsor us but it was a brand who do like wellness products who uh yeah they had one on Ronaldo and they released the data so the penalty and the penalty shootout not the one he missed they didn’t release the data around that one uh but the one that he he scored and the penalty shootter so after having missed after having cried all of that his heart R dropped to the L it had been all match long like it just plummets it’s if you’d be like he’s flat lighting what is going on um it went from like 170 to like 107 I think yeah which isid in that setting with that pressure at all that noise is hly that’s impressive it’s very impressive I just like to to see Hest take free throws faster and I wish he would look at and obviously practice is always different than game but oh I made 11 straight free throws maybe I should just do this that’s all not expecting him to shoot 85% from free throw this year do the books that we know of like have a named sports psychologist on stuff no idea I’m sure there’s someone they use if not it would seem like that’s maybe something they should get on with I feel like we’ve gone through many versions of form I just it’s therapy now I don’t know if it’s Sports Therapy but he talked about that I believe on one of his initiatives for mental health believe he talked about that on his doc on Amazon Prime the most recent one too than me I think I came up in that but I that that feels more personal than just like working through like that would be what I’d be doing i’ like forget well literally forget Josh Oppenheimer but forget like working with shot doctors in this sense it’s like let’s just get get it to a place where you are confident in like you’re almost 30 like the shots what it is stop saying almost 30 like it’s the worst thing in the world please no the worst thing in the world is when you’re multiple years over 30 that’s yeah I could test I think the worst thing in the world is turning 25 anyway we joke we joke about it all the time we joke about how young you are that one pissed me off if if you asked me before that like what age you are now are you saying you’re are you 24 now yeah I got 24 days until I’m 25 I I’d have guessed you were 28 I just just there’s just no way you’ve been so young we made fun of for so long that it’s like what we do said Adam oh happy 4th of July everyone do you guys think there’s another move coming I do I do think there’s another move what do you think is coming I think a trade I think it’s a trade and you’re probably dumping Pat oh I think it’s going to be as simple as that I think it’s going to be you attach some second round picks to Pat to a guy in cap gonna stop you there is one available to trade so you’re not you attach a second a second round pick to Pat to the Pistons and the Pistons the Pistons might give you a pick for Pat conson like just to make why be that motivated so what’s what’s your what’s your next step of that sequence of events I think the important thing there not to speak for Rohan is that would get you under the second do even if that doesn’t open up flexibility this year like I’ve seen people like oh maybe it’s unlikely now they’re going to drop low enough to use the mle they’re definitely they had a toori and Prince on vet Min who are they using the ml I mean I guess if you really love Gary Chun Jr but I I don’t think they’re going to do that cuz that’s a much bigger move to actually get under enough to do something this year but that unfreezes your draft pick and then there’s more punitive penalties if you’re in it multiple years so I do think there’s real logic there especially if you are looking at the rotation like all right where does Pat play you know I mean I threw him in the conversation for starting two maybe it’s just as likely he ends up on the outside looking in if some of the young guys look good of this rotation so I think Prince and dlan Wright both come in pretty squarely above him based on how he’s played the last two seasons here’s here’s the vision you trade Pat to Detroit Detroit gives you a pick because they’re the Pistons I know TR lon’s going to try to do something else but you can’t take the Detroit out of it uh he’s Detroit then realizes oh my God he actually is buns uh what did we do even though that wouldn’t happen on the Pistons he’d be like the third best player in the Pistons but then Detroit trades him somewhere else they buy him out he comes back to Milwaukee fedman so your two teams removed at that point he’s got another year after next season so I I know if he’s going to get bought out player option I believe yeah I I didn’t realize he was he was enough to kep below second apron so they’re close yeah so if you replace him with a vetman you can’t replace him like if you trade back for a player who makes almost as much that would sure sure you have to dump yeah it so it has to be a team with cap space so it has to be like the Spurs it has to be the Pistons it has to be Spurs would make I think the Spurs actually make more sense than Detroit post Tobias Harris and some of their other moves and they’re going to pay fon oh my God I forgot the Spurs really do not have many Wing players like I think Pat would really play there and they’re clearly looking for some of these vets but they’re also doing a lorry marketing thing right now so I don’t know if they would like pull the trigger on that transaction while they’re trying to do something more important to their team I’d also believe Moren spur is actually reclaiming him and making him useful and possibly helping them to take a major step forward I mean we’ve we’ve talked about jedy Osman as kind of a psh player that he is in free agency there right now so I could legitimately see the Spurs being like let’s get like we a player a version of this player who maybe isn’t as good of a shooter but has been on much better teams when we’re looking to put these real vets around wemy and castle and Vel Etc yeah let get a Milwaukee second yeah yeah I think they’re they’re taking a pick they’ve been pretty so yeah it’s the thing it’s like is it worth your only second round pick to trade to duck the second apron now I’m not sure well that’s what happens when you trade five for Boston yeah well I I everyone they traded two for Boss Man and three for Indiana to take the contracts they had to give up I do think it’s an important distinction I said that just inway you’re only giving up the contracts though to like I I agree as someone who loses my mind every time people are like why did the books trade away Dirk nitzki these distinctions are always important but in that case they’re only doing that for one reason and that is because they wanted boss one which is yeah TR I my good instinct is the books are not going to make another move I think they are perfectly content not to but I certainly think horse would if the right opportunity is there and I’m guessing draft Knight like I’m sure he was trying hard on that like it just feels like for example for that Pat deal that’s one that if that deal is out there you want to get it done early so that you got a different view of free agency you’ve got different tools to work with yeah um so it’s kind of I don’t know after the fact sh is the player option so you’d be getting ahead of something it may still benefit you but they may just be like yeah maybe P figures it out this year and he’s a good vet he won a championship let’s just yeah that’s the thing he’s not decrepit old he’s like 31 so maybe they just I I I could see the vision too if they’re just like with there’s so much just horrible things going on last year we want to run it back one more time with this core with better players around them and that’s what we’re going to do I think that’s fine I I’ve said before I wanted them to trade one of brook or Bobby I think post not getting a center in the draft at all I don’t think you can trade Brooke right now I I don’t know who comes back the only Center available who I think they would do it for and feel good about starting is Wendell Carter Jr who I think is really available the magic have paid five other guys who play the four five resigned Goa resigned Vagner and they renegotiated and extended Isaac who’s kind of he’s a big two on their r radar I’ve seen it reported to that to them he plays four five as well I think Carter is available problem is the salary match is perfectly to send Bobby poris for him problems there are one why does Orlando want Bobby poris I don’t know maybe they do but he also is a 4 five and we just talked about how many of those they have um and two like again like if you have Brooke and Wendell Carter Jr you’re not getting enough out of one or both of them rotationally they’re not playing together so I don’t really think that makes much sense it’s so I think Brooke being traded makes a lot less sense now I I do I do think though I like when the Carter since he was draft and if he feels like a player he will still really kind of work out and I think in an ultra productive way and it just hasn’t happened so far if you were able to make that trade and it does seem very unlikely I I would trade Bobby for Wendell and I would understand that it’s there’s challenges this season in the brook Wendell at all but I think that might be your way where you can bridge the gap and like we’ve kind of I guess would have liked if if Brooke could have passed down what he knew to someone else who also offered something different a long time ago and the next book Center had just emerge naturally I mean then Brook kind of rides off into the sunset and it’s all got a very different feel to it um I think that you the chosen one this is all the Miami Heats fault Dragon Bender you were also the chosen one Bobby long enough I don’t know Ty I don’t know I know you were very upset late in season in the play also Bobby I you may have you may have got over Bobby is the one that I really I’ve kind of just had enough of that and I think if it is him and Brooke back that’s going to be tough because he could find himself in the exact same spots and we could look at the same things happen and it’ be the problem um and he is more Expendable like even as Brooke is deteriorating at a faster rate Bobby just can’t do what Brooke does to any approximation which is kind of the problem like for for all his strengths and for all of he’s given the books if he had shown the ability to you know either offer something that they could rely on in a consistent way as a five well he would have got that starting spot and it would have been his for many years to come and it would have been worked a long time ago he didn’t do that though there’s no real signs that that’s going to happen now and I just hope they stop blitzing with him just switch I’m sick of the blitzing I’m going to be sick if I see him more open threes given up because Bobby just decides he’s Blitzer I I think my super like way to 2K my GM trades would be if you get Wendell for Bobby somehow and then you send Brooke for Dylan Brooks I think that sets you up really well going forward with like better fitting versions of those players but I don’t expect anything that’s like way too again with no draft assets does Houston still want Brook Lopez maybe but they have shenon like they’re not giving him a Max extension They Don’t Love shenon but um they might still want Brook Lopez that much I don’t know why the magic do that I mean Bobby’s pretty big can we sell John Hammond on that I don’t know he’s not making the calls but he is there he’s not making the calls that’s the biggest problem yeah welman’s there but welman seems in on this too I mean they’re pretty pretty big roster right now so um yeah maybe you have to attach a future pick there you have a I think you have that 2031 first you could trade too if you’re duck in the second actually you’re probably not ducking the maybe you send Pat out it’s like it’s a little too 2K and they have talked about they want very much so they they want you know the continuity aspect so I would expect one of Bobby or Pat at most I really would be surprised if Brook Lopez was traded I know all the smoke is there I think that’s because other teams want Brooke and the Bucks explored that you know draft day because I really do like Kell aare I think there was some Buzz that he was going to be the pick he obviously goes super early but after he went off the board and all the centers pretty early that’s fine um at all the centers went off the board pretty early the buck it’s like okay why would we trade Brooke now we’re going to start Bobby poris at Center please God no we’re going to start Tyler Smith at Center is Yahoo sports reported gonna guess not I’m gonna guess that’s a that’s a no as well and I don’t want to put Giannis there we’ll s in the pot again like we all talking about giannis’s health then there’s the same people saying shouldn’t play for Greece start 82 games at the five and box out all the time and do this Dirty Work Down Low that’s not conducive to him being at his healthiest in April May and June that also might be when he says no to he absolutely he has he’s every time he’s asked I love Brooke I when Brooke was out that Year I miss Brooke so much so much we need it’s so hard what he does I can’t do it I don’t like do it like he he gave all of those codes and I think that again we’re not saying never play Giannis at the five close with Yannis at the five when it’s the right matchup but I do absolutely do not think Giannis is a full-time F or should be no the Laker the Lakers are the most interested Brook team I don’t want any of their players that they would send back or the Spurs yeah like the Kell John I don’t know what Kellin Johnson is I don’t think the Spurs know which is why he’s available I I know what he is I know what he is to keep in team with the episode he’s a Team USA you know for medal he’s a patriot I don’t think he gold I think he was team that lost Hep was Chris and Drew was that World Cup that he was on people World Cup I’m pretty sure was it the Olympics was it the Olympics it might be Kellin Johnson is an Olympic gold medalist 20 yeah 2 was 2020 Olympics the respect on his name he’s Olympic old it was it was 2020 Olympics in 2021 I’m sick of he’s 24 year olds I know they’re the worst I also I’d like to know what age is you know when said 30 that’s only 31 he’s not like the cpit old I felt like there was vested interest in that and I’d like to know what age is the cpit old play how old is Jay Crowder Oh no that’s the answer sorry Adam 30 34 tomorrow or two days he’s listen he’s he’s older than me I’m cool with this I was I was not born in 1990s so Shay Crowder you were the crap at Old Y and and Pat bav too who I couldn’t believe how many just no his bucks are the odds on team well that’s because people lose money if you bet on where Pat bav is going to play next year call the number come on they’re the odds on what yeah that doesn’t mean anything it just it’s where it’s literally where the money is yeah and it it would be very rare like for a guy’s last team to not be the favorites to be I me just with the way the NBA works with the rights but unless there was something fed that was to be like oh well those two teams aren’t getting back together I would argue there may well have been you know the way things finished with P season uh the books may just be like yeah we’re good we don’t need cly how feel grown out of my life yeah well it’s also a pat beev turns 36 in eight days so D Wright is not a young man anymore but he’s four years younger than Pat bef or three years three to four years younger than Pat bef so no I think Delan Wright and now Prince I love how we’re saying this and then LeBron signs a Max contract like he he’s ridiculous LeBron is OB the the clear out it makes it seem that much more impressive does it not 100% it’s just its own thing too though like where I’m like it it doesn’t impress me because it’s like we just we talk about Cristiano Ronaldo LeBron is aging better to his point but if LeBron wants do that if LeBron wants to be like 46 someone’s going to give LeBron a contract until LeBron stops yeah he third team on I know but yeah that will that will just it’s gonna fall off it will eventually but we’ve been say that for a decade but I don’t think that will stop teams he will have to himself put a stop to it and correct you may not like some guys now in Greasy just don’t want to put a up to they’re like well I’m waiting I mean Bryce is only what two years away is Bryce as serious of a player though I think Bryce might be better oh boy how much does that say it’s gonna be a long it’s gonna be a long couple years for Bron man he’s agitated about the questions about his dad I was like Buckle what other questions are people goingon to ask you buckle up man oh God he was born in 2007 that’s crazy bronnie should have put a trade request in immediately that would have been awesome is like how many how many drafts are we going to get to around LeBron where he’s the only active player left oh we’ve been doing that for years I know but like there was always a couple I think in ‘ 03 and 04 it’s just him now I think 05 is no is that’s Lowry isn’t it oh Chris Paul Lowry’s not active I think he will be Chris Paul uh was 05 so he still got at least one from there a lot of podcasters on these lists now yeah because reck’s 05 right no is he 06 I don’t well I’m still on 05 ERS was 05 Legend but Bron Bron’s or Bryce is two years away from the draft should start a pot that’s staying staying out of public light a little bit here is he still is he still in withc I think he might he might still be in he might be I mean his face for long time JJ reic was 06 so yeah his coach LeBron’s coach was drafted three years after him which is probably the craziest one of those stats so far uh potentially two of his coaches Rondo is also 06 Lowry is 06 what do you mean potentially two of his coaches Rondo is being considered as an assistant coach for the Lakers yeah Steve that sounds terrible honestly the JJ Ric assisted PJ Tucker is 06 so a couple players still technically I mean we got Walker is a player assistant for Charlotte now to him on his retirement and then 07 is still quite a few so we’ll stop there who did uh who did Terry stots who is he joining the Warriors yep they got stats and they got oh no that’s Lakers oh no yeah no ST Warriors who did the lake the Lakers Lakers wanted Terry STS for three years and they’ve gotten Lakers Scott Brooks Scott Brooks and Nate and Nate McMillan yes two guys who have thrown hands on the yeah that’s awesome which is very funny to me oh yeah I guess we didn’t talk the Bucks finalized their coaching staff they have a ton darham uh Dave Jagger Rex camian Joe pry Pete Dominguez is got another guy doc brought over am I forgetting a couple more Spencer Rivers Vin Baker oh yeah Vin’s still around and there’s one more guy I think that sounds right but yeah lot of coaches Patrick Matumbo left which disappoints me but I get it as we talked about in our chat it’s already a ton of bigname assistants I am surprised pry is still here with all the new coaching staffs being started up like I thought maybe Charles Lee or someone would but I don’t have we had like really any assistance announced for Mike bud yet not really so the coaching stuff by the way full is Doc who’s the head coach Darin ham Greg Buckner Jason love Spencer Rivers Rex claman Pete Dominguez Jo pry Vin Baker oh he’s got David fizdale Mike Hopkins Chad forcier lince Vince larza and Chason Allen Chason Allen nice Chason Allen there’s a couple couple of connections there yeah yeah I was surprised they didn’t get Darin frankly I think it’s I think he he valued the connection with the players and Tori and Prince more see maybe just the city also I mean he loves toian Prince and and loves doc yeah sure also I have a question since we’re wrapping up here yeah what how does the Adam how does this European championship for small countries work because I was looking on the 2024 Wikipedia page and it’s like Andora won only four teams played how why why is only Andor Gibralter Malta and San Marino playing why give out three medals in a place where have four teams there multip groupings within it though aren’t there no the the entire there’s not one winner a year there’s like winners of sections and you then get in you get to play in games that may you know eventually get you higher up the chain I I’m looking and it says there’s only one winner each year well also like P I can give you like basketball would be maybe like the seventh most played eight most played sport here be very under funded I’m going to guess that’s true for a lot of those countries where they’re just like yeah we don’t have the funding to can’t play Ireland a lot of lot of teams haven’t done it since 21 I don’t understand like yeah countries are busy are they just are they choosing not Tok Denmark pulled up once in 2010 and they won Gold and they haven’t done it they were like we’re only going if we feel real good about the squad there’s there’s probably some more elements to it as well which I’ll maybe sa for oh man reverse reverse shout out to Gibralter which goes every year and is never medled that you got to feel bad looking at Denmark and their efficiency I think the system though disincentivizes too like Euro basket should have like say you have for Euro 2024 it’s on the moment in soccer it’s like should have an open qualification system that’s seeded so that like those small countries yeah they might find themselves in a group of Greece that’s like you know what if you if you’re going to upset a bigger team yeah you can qualify and go to the championship like I think that’s it’s not the most um open and Democratic and sporting of systems so it’s crazy to me also jalter came fourth out of four teams they were the only team to not medal this year yeah I know they they just show up so I think there’s other well no this doesn’t directly conflict Ireland’s trying to qualify for the 2027 feber World Cup but also it happens irregularly like there was one at 24 then 22 21 18 16 well I think I think 21 was probably pushed back because of Co it seems like it’s every why was there I think you’re I think in your head though I get it you got I got it it took me a second I got it I think in your head the scale of this is probably still bigger BR I should suit up one of these countries then like what like why not welcome do you want someone on the squad okay so in February 2010 during the Irish financial crisis they cut the squad from then till 2016 so that’s why teams just don’t go teams just don’t have their team together over here there’s other there’s other like the our women’s team have been a lot more active um ended up in the news for reasons to get we get to on the pod there’s been I believe we tried to qualify for some tree by tree stuff and kind of in that route it would it would be underfunded enough that I think decisions would have to be made and on occasions where higher profile players come along well they can get contracts not necessarily a big teams in Europe but then it becomes a schedule problem the whole system is just not set up to help any of these smaller countries this is so unfortunate but I I do think like that comes from the NBA at the top and the NBA is in the sport it is the only show in town it dictates the schedule and it’s not really moving for a whole lot and the trickle down effect of that then gets followed by Euroleague and you get in a place where you know it’s it’s not like again soccer is probably in Europe the closest comparison could say where you be like oh well there’s an international break midseason play stopped guys are going off for a week to play these games country they’ll do it again in a couple of months if it worked like that well that’s a scenario where like your pack Hans would be like yeah I’m going to would average 50 a game in these tournaments yeah we wouldn’t be in the tournaments for much longer that’s the point and he’s let us down like Pat what are you doing like also this this took place the 25th through the 30th of June like you could have been there H came and did his clinics last year too he he did a little T what are you doing I don’t well look he held up I mean he I guess he made some kids happy taught them some things about basketball maybe like 20 years now people will be writing articles about all the team all the pack H you know basketball camp graduates who playing a ton on the Bucks anyway you could play for Iowa I can’t believe like if you have a chance to go be like the clear like dominating force on a team and especially with them being in the small Nations one it’s not like you’re going up against the Juggernaut teams and getting killed they would have had a pretty good chance to win a lot of these games do I know anyone on the sandora team no you won know anyone on any of these teams you won’t even know the teams that these guys play for like no no this is ridiculous no I don’t know any of these teams I don’t know these players wow they’re small too Ireland has oh my God they only they they played two guys in the gold medal winning team is two guys that are 510 yeah their tallest guy is 66 I know Ireland is a taller guy which explains why they do pretty well when they some of these teams are just too small bro I should what like jalter let’s talk you got to stop trying why are you trying to play for jalter because they fand this because they hav okay I’ll play for Ireland I’ll play for is J is a 66 guy or 6 I think I think the Irish players might be a little like taller than me yeah not all of them you You’ probably be like middle of the pack I see you I’m like H Rowan’s tall okay let’s do this I think you can hang let’s do this Pat I will pass you the ball I can throw a mean entry path you got bring a wi yeah I’m only going to Pat’s gone K say that again Ken Karen I’m gonna need to look that up because whatever you said is definitely wrong he’s 610 but he’s there third Stringer so he must stop is it Killian is it like Killian Murphy key no it’s key e e l l a n e e e Ken Ken okay ke k e k e yeah Ken and then go on Karen c a i r NS Keen Karens okay yes so we actually nailed it yeah yeah but it was just like in a really like there’s a lot of effort in there’s no flow to it just Ken I’m Midwestern these aren’t names for us I can say Paul dick Helen is not I don’t know most of them are from and there’s a couple who are is this is this good podcast content think people are like I think we’re in the this is this is gspn after dark content shout out to like the three or four people from Ireland who I do know listen to you know our books Poots so hey if you if you guys want me to suit up just let me know I’m not we do you just need to like make it happen instead of being like Oh if Pat comes I’ll come yeah you’re doing the same thing Pat does how tall are you are you 6’2 6’2 you’d be one of the four or five smallest guys they’re actually kind of big that’s what I’m saying I don’t know if I could play for Ireland one of the four five so that’s like R’s going to be starting point guard I mean you are talking about the legendary Shawn flood spot there so that’s a big he’s the captain I’m a backup point guard he plays for Dan Helder in the Netherlands that’s a club not a person he’s just he’s just this guy he just plays basketball it up bro R it up he’s like pay you to come shoot talk talk about a country where you have to be tall six is not going to cut it in the N the Dan Helder Sons if I win the lottery you won’t know but there will be signs team Rohan cotti just a bunch of cool guys I got in the gym I crying just get do the full bike bu I want to see these guys [Laughter] play no if you win the lottery we’re going to see the Rohan kotti and Nepal highlights and I can’t wait that’s the team you first youve pledged yourself to play for eight national teams and no one said yes I’m actually I I know people who work for basketball so yeah he’s the clearest if you actually if you if you want to commit to this feel like do I have to see an Irish citizen yeah probably but we could probably make it work and weit too I forget you said no to Team India because you think they’re too big yeah they’re too big was that the origin of Nepal yeah yeah is Nepal Rohan our flags are you know we share the same colors and our flags yeah share the same enemies I’m sure we can work out citizenship for yeah no I think we could I’d be proud to be an Irish citizen right let’s let’s get it done I’ll let me make some calls I to clarify that’s a club Sor that’s the it’s Dan not Dan I misread it at first too playing for Dan helders team no I interpreted as he just plays basketball for Dan like he just shows up and start shooting oops for it it sounds to me like a wck league team like yeah Dan Helder put a little team together oh sorry to the one person who’s listening to this in the Netherlands I don’t know if we have any people listening I don’t think the Netherlands were offended by this oh my goodness unless they play for Dan Helder yeah Dan Helder wrap this up uh this is if you like this type of content uh subscribe at if one of the a thousand denhelder ticket holders is listening I do apologize they it only started in 2016 they have a retired number that’s little little high on yourself there number five where did they retire it in like the high school cafeteria well they probably play in like a high school gym like you guys we need to BR The Horizon some right they said this guy played for them in the early 2000s something’s not adding up here yeah maybe they rebranded or something yeah the other team went bankrupt a new team let’s let’s move on you could do your research offline yeah yeah uh thank you for the five people who are still here listening uh um yeah but if you if you like our content make sure to subscribe at free pods uh substack writing exclusive podcast all that fun stuff but wherever you’re listening or watching make sure you subscribed whether that’s on your podcast platform of choice or watching on YouTube uh yeah make sure you leave a festar rating and review on your podcast platform of choice tell your friends and family about the show pod random and we’ll talk to you next time

The Milwaukee Bucks signed another productive NBA veteran on Wednesday when they added Taurean Prince on a minimum deal, bringing the reported roster up to 14 players with Delon Wright and the two rookies factored in. Ti Windisch, Adam McGee, and Rohan Katti discussed Prince’s value and what he can provide to the Bucks, the real story of what he provides, the role new lead assistant coach Darvin Ham likely played in Prince’s decision, and whether or he one of the many other players in the running (Delon Wright, Andre Jackson Jr., A.J. Green, MarJon Beauchamp, Pat Connaughton??) will start.

They also cover Irish national basketball for some reason. Plus Giannis Antetokounmpo’s journey with the Greek national team to qualify for the Olympics, and whether the Bucks are done and if the roster has any more changes coming, including trades. That conversation covered which out of Brook Lopez, Bobby Portis, and Pat Connaughton are most likely to be dealt.

GSPN’s Bucks podcasts are presented by PrizePicks – Go to and use code Gyrostep for a first deposit match up to $100! Pick more. Pick less. It’s that easy.

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  1. I love how these guys talk about their young players making a leap year after year after year after year. How? The coaching staff are Los Angeles poo poo platter scraps that fell off the table. This franchise lol

  2. What a useless pick up yet again with these one season and done veterans 🤦‍♂️ good lord Bucks management, get a clue or give your jobs up.

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