@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs Juan Nunez Update – Missing The Season

Spurs Juan Nunez Update – Missing The Season

what’s going on everyone so the San Antonio Spurs in the second round took Juan Nunes uh who is looked at as the next Prodigy point guard this is a kid uh 20 years old 6’4 got good size uh he definitely has some concerns about just his foot speed uh defense especially at an NBA level but this is a guy that is believed to be able to Will and deal it with the best of them it’s a guy that is expected to be able to come in immediately and really kind of elevate an offense by just being that facilitator knocked down the open shot obviously he’s very raw he’s very young 20 years old no one’s expecting him to come in immediately and be Chris Paul in his prime but this is a guy that’s looked at as like hey this he could be the next true pure point guard um you know he’s many ways kind of like Ricky Rubio when he came in I I know Ricky Rubio didn’t live up to like the hype but as like a pure point guard he was spectacular uh just his ability to wheel and deal but obviously there were uh things going on behind the scenes that I don’t really want to get into uh but the the problem with Juan Nunes is that he is kind of in this weird position uh so he is not going to play for the San Antonio Spurs this upcoming season uh that’s basically been confirmed uh as he just got a new contract uh he was kind of easiest way to explain it is like imagine restricted free AG agency in the NBA right where you basically are under contract but a team can make an offer and then they have the option to either match the offer or let it go so he basically was under contract with Real Madrid as well as Barcelona and basically could have played for either team uh he is actually going back to Barcelona and Barcelona is giving him a contract for next season here are the details growing up in Real Madrid’s Youth System it looks like Juan Nunes will be joining the Eternal Rivals of the Spanish capitals Powerhouse Barcelona according to Mara is set to pay a 400k Euro buyout to Real Madrid and will give A1 1.5 million euro salary to the 2004 born uh so looks like what is happening is Juan Nunes like I said is technically under contract for both Real Madrid and Barcelona so Barcelona is going to pay Real Madrid 400k so 400,000 EUR to allow him to come uh play for Barcelona and then they will give him a 1.5 million EUR salary so essentially they’re paying $2 million for Juan Nunes to play for Barcelona next season he’s not playing with the San Antonio Spurs the Spurs would have to basically buy that out so Spurs would have to give up 200 or two plus million uh in order to get him back uh to the to the states it’s probably not happening I don’t see the Spurs doing that um also kind of to follow up the promising Spanish playmaker recently removed from the national team’s 12-man roster for the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris 2024 uh he played on Loan in Germany for the past two years uh so he was on the Spanish uh national team getting ready for the Olympics and he was recently been cut for albanes uh now this is unfortunate because the Spurs got Chris Paul and I think out of obviously Stefan Castle would have been is is a guy that’s going to learn a lot from Chris Paul but I think Juan Nunes would have been great for that that mentorship under Chris Paul right Juan Nunes is is looked at as this like true like a Chris Paul mole true point guard that is just out here making plays setting guys up can run an offense right getting a little raw had some work cut out for him but uh alongside Chris Paul and just having that full year of mentorship I think would have just went such a long way for Nunes now look the the Spurs could easily bring Chris Paul back next year right they they have Chris Paul on a one-year deal but that doesn’t mean that that’s it right if things go well and they like it and all is great then the next or The Following Season uh what they could do is they could bring out Juan Nunes because he’ll complete and fi finish his uh obligations and then he can actually officially come over to the states and then from there he can go and uh and be mentored by Chris Paul uh next season now this is something that a lot of Spurs fans I saw cuz I covered the original when he was drafted I kind of broke down the situation in detail um a lot of people thought like that the Spurs would buy him out and and would bring him back to the states that Juan nunz said that he wanted to come back I said then that no I think Nunes is just going to be a you know draft and stash player for a year or two um I just I didn’t see the Spurs doing that cuz again you you would have to pay him as salary plus you’d have to buy out a couple million for what you know like if he was like the missing piece or something and if he was expected to play a big role for the Spurs this year then sure I could see them doing it but he’s not and Chris Paul’s acquisition basically confirms that because they’re going to be trying to mold and shape uh Castle to be the point guard that that seems to be the plan and then so you’re going to have him probably running the point in minutes that Chris Paul isn’t and then you still have Trey Jones right so you’re you’re good in the point guard position so it just it didn’t make sense to me to go and bring in Nunes pay all that money essentially when all is said and done you’ll be paying three to five million just to bring him over and it’s like for what like you know like let him let him finish his obligations he’s 20 years old if he was like 30 or something then that that might be a little concerning 20 years old next year he’ll be 21 he’s still young enough to be drafted raed in that year’s draft still has a ton of upside a ton of potential right this is a kid that that really the intentions are to be like that monu jobes type player right crafty high IQ you know can can again run an offense keep guys in line keep structure run the basic plays be able to be a Spur he he he just has all the makings and markings of a Spurs guy right Spurs point guard and so I do think as far as like teams for Nunez go I think he landed in the perfect situation which is the Spurs I think the Spurs play his style of game that half court you know they’re they’re not this super fastpaced he’s going to have a guy in Victor whama I think if you bring him over I think you have to keep Chris Paul I do I think he needs at least a year maybe two under Chris Paul right like even if Chris Paul you eventually have him cuz I mean it’ll be 40 pretty before you know it right so I mean even if you have to have Chris Paul and just that like you know Udonis Haslam type role where he’s just basically he’s on the roster he’s not really getting playing time but he’s just there to kind of help mentor and develop you do it right I I just I think Chris Paul will do wonders for this kid because Chris Paul’s kind of the last of a of a Dying Bree right Chris Paul’s kind of the last of the the true playmaker right a lot of a lot of point guards in today’s NBA are are those hybrids right like they’re they’re almost more two guards than they are point guards right you look at guys like you know jear right uh you you you see kind of the the skill set the hyper athletes of today’s NBA right and it’s like to to get a guy in Nunes who can come in and and just be a be a facilitator I think can go a long way for the Spurs so looks like um he’s playing in Barcelona I mean granted again could the Spurs go technically and buy him out sure but all reports everything that I was looking into about this I’ll say that he’s going to play uh in Barcelona next year that the Spurs aren’t going to be buying him out and trying to bring him over to the States they’re just going to let him stay over there until he completes his obligations then once he completes his obligations then he’ll he’ll make his way over to uh the Spurs and be be on the Spurs roster which is fine again San Antonio I’m sure is not in a rush he’s not like the missing piece or anything like that he probably wouldn’t even get a bunch of playing time even if he was with the Spurs he’s probably spending time in the g-league and playing spot minutes on the actual main roster so I don’t think that there’s any like love lost here but anyway as always this is a discussion I pass a question on you let me know your thoughts opin down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts disappointed about this news are you like okay with this news are you like ah like it’s fine like no big deal let him stay over there for a year and then bring him over um now are were you somebody that really wanted to see him get some action do you think like yeah like you gotta if whenever you bring him over you got to keep Chris Paul because I do I just think he Chris Paul I think could really help this kid take some strides personally but again do you feel the same way let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button helps me a lot me enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscribe Channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate y’all see you in the next one thank you

The San Antonio Spurs drafted Spanish point guard Juan Nunez in the second round. Nunez is believed to be the next prodigy at the Point Guard position and a true Spurs type player. Victor Wembanyama is the superstar that playing alongside a true pg would do wonders and having Chris Paul as a mentor would add even more upside to a young talent.

#Spurs #victorwembanyama #nbanews


  1. The contract has an nba exit clause and Nunez issue is not his playmaking. More like his shooting and athleticism. Playing for Barcelona and starting might help him more than playing G-league.

  2. He was not under contract with both Madrid and Barcelona, just Madrid, but Barcelona paid Madrid to end this contract and then signed Nuñez. That's how it is done most of the time in Europe, players are not "traded" like cattle

  3. The part I really dont like about this is the fact that he is going to Barcelona. I am from Madrid and a big Real Madrid fan (and a spurs fan as well btw) and going to Barcelona especially having grown from Real Madrids youth system is like 10x Durant to the Warriors. I believe the best option is for him to get playing time but not in Barcelona.

  4. I'm impressed with the instinct Castle has shown for passing while also being great at defense and offense. In the end i think Castle would benefit more with Chris Paul's mentorship.
    However i think Juan Nunez is the missing piece if we wanted to go back to the 2014 beautiful game. His passing abilities are elite .

  5. Guys like Larry Bird and Luka Doncic can get away with not being super athletic because they had enough height and overall size to get their jobs done, but a 6'4" point guard in the NBA needs to be pretty quick and athletic. I'm no pro talent scout or anything, just a Spurs fan, but this pick does not get me excited. No matter how natural he is at the point, you can't teach quickness and athleticism, and the NBA is a faster and more athletic game than any other league. Maybe I'm wrong and he'll do well!! But that is my opinion at this point.

  6. I think it’s a great idea for the Spurs to bring One Nunez over to the team while Chris Paul is here this upcoming season. But honestly, I don’t think it would happen anyway, even if he didn’t have the contractual obligations to Barcelona and Madrid. Even if he was to come here, I don’t think he would be on the roster. More than likely he would be in the Jean league, which would mean he wouldn’t even benefit from Chris Paul’s tutelage. At best, he might come up from the G league once or twice during the season, but for the most part he would be playing for the Spurs G league team. That’s just been the history of pop with these really young players.

  7. He wanna sign the contract with them then let em. He could of learned from Paul but let him be. I'd rather have a defensive pg in castle. I like nunez but you should of took your chance when you had it. Hope B wright and Pop leave him where he is at. Stay over sea

  8. Thats why I feel like Spurs wont mame any big trades this year, but waiting till all the peices fall together next year, like having picks thay other teams actually want to trade with.

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