@Dallas Mavericks

What The Get Right Learned About Klay, Naji & Q-Dot At Yesterday’s Presser | The Get Right

What The Get Right Learned About Klay, Naji & Q-Dot At Yesterday’s Presser | The Get Right

you and I were at the big presser at the Mavericks headquarters my question right off the bat we got some audio to listen to I think every station in town was uh uh either broadcasting like even the TV station channel 8 was broadcasting out newi was out there what’s up newie new dog from Channel 5 everybody was there that covers the basketball part of the thing in with the Mavericks and I wanted to ask you and we’re going to run some tape here what was something you think you learned that you did not know about any of those three guys or even Michael who was who was up there introducing everybody yeah first I thought it was cool that they let Finley go up there CU Nico is usually the one that’s doing that so kind of feels similar to obviously giving the Reigns to Dudley for the summer league it’s like hey not saying Finley’s never done a press conference before but like hey this is a big sign it’s going to be a lot of media here You’ be the front-facing voice for the organization so I thought that was cool yeah by the way that that that front office uh it’s n Nico Michael Finley Andrew Baker and and and Matt they all getting the stuff done they’re just getting do they they they did a really good job I will say that I personally didn’t know a lot about Na’s personality I knew about his game on the court so I didn’t know what he was as a person so this is my first time getting to hear him talk for an extended period of time so it was really cool just kind of hearing kind of his upbringing kind of his grit and determination so I thought that was he felt like someone that what he was saying you believed he was going to translate to the court if it just matched the energy that I expected in my head uh Q dot was a little little quieter than I thought was a little quieter um and then clay very well spoken very um elaborate elaborative and kind of expressive in his thoughts yeah I think he’s very thoughtful very thoughtful it it reminds me of a Kyrie’s more softspoken but Kyrie in the same Lane of yeah this is why I’m doing this and I’m at peace right now and I’m going to try to just just about winning basketball and I said that before the press conference started to someone so I feel like Clay is on the same the same path an older guy that’s trying to win a championship has won before trying to be that next step trying to be that Pusher over the edge so I thought just kind of hearing clay be open and honest I didn’t know if we were going to get open and honest or if we were going to get PR like oh no everything’s fine I I didn’t feel any certain type of way he was he was pretty honest about how he felt in Golden State and how he didn’t have the joy of the game and kind of so I appreciated that and I learned that about him that he’s very very a little bit more open than I thought he was going to be I know one thing the whole atmosphere in that press conference I thought was so open and these guys were like glad to be there it wasn’t like some press conference I’m not talking about just Maverick I’m talk about any press conference I’ve been to where you’re meeting the new guys on the team sometimes it’s not even tense it’s about well let’s just get this over with sometimes it’s like we just want to get do the the media part and get it over with like a transaction yeah transaction or I got things I got to do later and we’re going to hit quick questions all right guys get out of here yeah this was this thing lasted like 45 minutes 45 minutes Alec did you get a chance to listen to it live here on 1053 the fam I did because I told o and it was a good time uh I was very impressed like Blake was saying clay he definitely gives me Kyrie Irving Vibes where he just feels like the old man in the ball Clubhouse now where you’re just like okay anytime he’s going to pop a mic you got to listen and U I was telling Blake before you got here CA that I feel like uh Naji Marshall that that’s a guy that he he’s done with the talk just get me a basketball in my hands put me on the flo let’s get to business like it almost he didn’t sound angry but like he has a grit to his voice he just sounds like all right why am I talking I can just show you all these things you know what he’s another PJ Washington he’s standing on business he’s an enforcer but he can he can shoot he really can shoot he’s got a a very accurate shot uh I think he shot just under 40% three and he shot that with more people in his face it wasn’t like he was wide open threes so you’re going to you’re going to see some of that on the court one of the things I picked up uh clay he was talking about how he’s glad to be here and you know to be with the Lakers and you know he had to go say goodbye to the the Golden State Warriors he’s all excited about what his new opportunity is right here and he talked about all the different reasons why we’re going to get some of that audio but one of the things he did mention he talked about the things he liked about Dallas was looking forward to he said the barbecue he said at my age though I can’t be eating as much as I want to gotta watch that but he also mentioned he look forward to going to some Cowboys games and some Rangers games and he mentioned that his brother played with or at least knew some of the guys who are currently with the Rangers from like the Dodgers days and the first thing I thought of was seag Seager so I that we did but I’m just assuming that it’s definitely Cory Seager because Clayton Kershaw a little bit too old for his brother correct me if I’m wrong I feel like I’ve seen Klay Thompson in a Cowboys jersey before it’s very possible I could be completely wrong and thinking of a totally different person but I feel like I’ve seen that before you have yeah I I have it came back up today okay so he has worn it before I think it’ll be really when you see the guys inating themselves in the culture of the city that’s obviously what’s going to get the fans behind you and that stuff plays hand in hand ironically he may not be the biggest Cowboys fan on the roster you know luk is a Cowboys fan right he shows up at the games him and Dirk would go to Cowboy games all the time y who do you think is the biggest though since childhood and by the way Luca came over here saying all he knew about the uh Dallas was the Cowboys when he came over here from uh Europe so who do you think is the in fact I’ll give you a hint no come on he’s a guy that barely plays fundo Kazo no is he on the Mavs he’s one of the most influential guys influential guys in that locker room marke moris Mark Keef Morris he’s so much of a Cowboy fan do you know what his number is 88 I swear to God 888 because of Michael Irving Dez Bryant Drew Pearson and now CD lamb okay I didn’t know that about him I know he’s a big Cowboys fan oh yeah and so uh as they fill out the roster and I think I’m I would be shocked if markee is not the last guy that they signed because he seems pretty confident on Twitter yeah he said he’s coming back he said I’m coming back just yet to be seen we’ll let it play out uh but again I think this this whole environment is like it’s a new day because once upon a time the Maverick could not lure free agents to Dallas they come close and as Donnie Nelson used to put it we’re going to keep the powder dry and like oh hell not again but right now Nico gets it done uh Finn gets it done Andrew uh Matt all those guys in the front office props to them for getting it done and also the environment the culture Kyrie especially because Kyrie was also a guy that was texting clay and he’s been knowing clay forever in fact um how about cut number seven playay talking about his relationship with Kyrie Kyrie and I are good friends I mean we came in the lead together in 2011 we played on Team USA together twice obviously played against each other in the highest stages for many years and I’ve always been a fan of Kai’s game and guarding him was hell so it’s nice to be on the other end of that for once and see other Defenders get loose and get shook by him that’s going to be a good sight to see and then uh part two at this point in my career I mean still can’t leave me open and uh I can guard and I’m just excited I still think I can do what I’ve been able to do and it’s just about being in the best shape I can possibly be but I know know I can um help this team uh whether it’s the knowledge I’ve gained or um big big scoring nights I just uh still know I can be a very very good player in this league he solves a lot of their problems offensively which is also going to help their defense let’s let’s read between the lines a little bit ca he he definitely has heard the criticism that maybe he’s not the player he once used to be the chip on the shoulder obviously didn’t have the greatest end his career in Golden state with his shooting performance he talked about it today Zer points 24 minutes or something like that or lost by 24 excuse me um and looked around because he knew it could possibly be the last time he was there and he’s like he goes I can still shoot now don’t forget I’m like top five percentage in three-pointers I can still defend don’t forget I was an all World Defender now he might not be Jaylen Brown Kawhi Leonard sitting the chair but he’s not a cone out there no and i’ I’ve been on this radio station giving it slack like hey I don’t know he’s gonna be on defense I know he’s going to be an all right Defender how good is he going to be but I like the confidence of like hey I even though he’s not taking it directly from anything said or Alec or you but he hears the overall conversation of a little bit of doubt and he’s like just wait I I still I still got it in me so I enjoyed that confidence him oozing that out it was like the Michael Jordan me and I took that personally y that it’s just that simple and you need you need to have a chip on your shoulder he he’s so competitive and at the same time he solves a lot of their problems because if you don’t if you nobody’s gonna leave him wide open that’s crazy if you do that means he’s going to spread the floor which means Lob City Lively Daniel Gafford Gafford I mean both of those guys they’re gonna just they gonna eat and fun fact this is getting a little basketball nerd so I’ll swerve off of this quickly but Klay Thompson has had some of his best numbers with a rolling big man he talked about Trey Jackson Davis how well he played with him out there and just kind of the space that creates cuz klay’s a guy that can call a screen and run the pick and roll himself as well he’s not obviously going to put seven dribble moves and Drive by you and dunk on you now but he can still get a jumper a three-pointer or pass the ball and Trace Jackson Davis Love Him ascending young guy but Derek ly and Gafford that that that kind of rolling big man top two top two in the league and field goal percentage around the rim so I think you’re going to see a really rejuvenize clay and he talked about he’s ready to rejuvenize his career and kind of show people that he’s not done exactly and he’s going to be playing with Kai and Luca which is also going I mean you cannot guard all three you just cannot do that and leave those other two guys uh leave the other two guys up with us PJ Wasing whether it’s it’s uh whether it’s uh even uh that’s what I’m saying Lively it’s like man pick your poison PJ Washington I’m G say it here now he might have the most open threes we’ve ever seen in NBA history yeah cuz you you’re going to have to guard Luca and kyri we know that we already know what that’s about and now that extra help that little bit of help you still got left on the defense it’s going to be shaded towards clay now here’s what’s so wild this team has only been together since March since the end of February they’ve only been together imagine them all together in in training camp with Klay Thompson who already has a high basketball IQ who already knows things that I mean he’s forgotten things he’s going to theyve never even thought of so just imagine Al Alec can you imagine I mean the upside is tremendous and again you got to pump the brakes a little bit because guess what the West is even better certain teams are even better uh for those who don’t know in new orans was known as the SGA stopper for those who are working about Oklahoma City and uh Shay come on now you even got somebody just for him yeah and I think it’s for me ever since really the first deal with when the Quinton Grimes thing went down it was the Dallas Mavericks got better today that that was the mentality I tried to take from day one whenever free agency opened up and they started making these deals was the Mavericks are getting better with each move and you don’t have to put any kind of superlative on it you don’t have to say it was an A+ free agency period off seon for the Mavericks or anything they got better you know n Marsh is going to end up being a better version of Derk Jones Jr that plays a little bit different but he’s going to end up being an overall better Defender speaking The Defenders all three of these guys were asked how much do you identify with the defense and hope to implement that to your to the winning culture here well I say playing against these two I mean that’s CL that’s why they’re here not cuz they it’s pretty because they lock up they’re willing to do the Dirty Work and I’ve got against both them so we’re going to have some battles in practice I’m excited about that definitely um that’s kind of myo um toughness defense so one of the things I bring to the game um and something I love to do so like you said you know that’s kind of what they uh use to get what they got this year and I’m just here to pick up whatever slack they lost or just add to yeah same thing just re what they said just coming in that was kind of my calling card coming in from Houston playing for Coach Samson kind of you can’t play defense you’re not going to be on the floor so playing tis well too if you want to play defense and scrap and fight for every 50-50 ball you know I go the court so that’s what I try to do from day one and I’m going still do it till I can’t play the game anymore really that’s Q do talking about playing for the knck back before he got traded to Detroit tiido and by the way all those guys are dogs yep you I love it when guys don’t talk about their touches if I get my touches none of them talk like that that’s not going to happen like that and another props to uh uh Alec I don’t know if you knew this or not but uh your boy Blake Elliott asked that question oh come on he’s the one that probably who teed that up over there and asked that question those guys are all looking forward to being in this organization and filling their roll out and so again I love the whole press conference itself anything else about that press conference I was gonna say I like how I like how Q do ended that he talked about college he talked about Coach Samson talked about grit and why he’s on the court like that wasn’t ass coach Samson by the way is Houston University of Houston’s Coach Kelvin Samson y he play was not asked what did you learn in college the fact that he pulled that back and that still sticks in his mind tells me that he’s a guy of grit DET termination it’s going to kind of dig deep so I really appreciated that as a basketball [Music]

Both CA and Blake were at yesterday’s press conference introducing new Mavericks Klay Thompson, Naji Marshall and Quentin Grimes to the local media. Check out their thoughts on the new teammates and the things they learned about them at the presser.

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#DallasMavericks #KlayThompson #NBAOffseason


  1. I'm constantly amazed by the generosity of spirit and willingness to help others in this community. It's heartening.💚

  2. Love the commentary, but we need to let these guys play in a Mavs uniform before we start claiming things like ‘better than DJJ’’. I see the prospects, but I want to see it before discrediting our former mav.

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