@Phoenix Suns

Jalen Bridges Shares Why He Chose The Phoenix Suns Over Other Offers He Received on Draft Night

Jalen Bridges Shares Why He Chose The Phoenix Suns Over Other Offers He Received on Draft Night

to meet you to meet you as well how was summerwe practice going um it’s it’s been amazing I think we have a highly competitive group a really talented group and you just it’s amazing how guys are already coming together playing the right way I think I think we got a lot of good a lot of talent we we got a lot of mature guys so a lot of mix of the Right Mix I feel like so it’ll be good you had some opportunities and chose Phoenix over there what about the sun situation stood out to you and made it attractive to you um the opportunity to you know being a great City being a great organization um the the opportunity to make an impact and hopefully contribute on the MBA floor in year one so that’s an opportunity that’s kind of hard to pass up going into summer league what’s kind of your approach and what are you looking to show um I’m trying to be myself you know just utility guy just doing the right things helping helping my team win whether that’s making a shot diving on the floor playing defense getting rebounds chasing down loose balls whatever that is is what I’m looking to do for us I’ve been ear conversations with you the coaching stuff about just expectations for the group in summer league um we just want to compete to the best of our ability we’re not like if we win we win if we lose we lose all all we care about is we compete we carry ourselves the right way and play with that competitive fire take care of so anyone kind of stick out to you and practice so far teammate Plus um not necessarily but a lot of people had questions about Ryan shooting and I I feel like he answer those questions really well knocking them down you knocking them down yeah what what has it been like being able to kind of lean on Oso and Ryan y kind of Forge this New Path Al together here no it’s it’s awesome to have guys alongside you like you said not being alone with this because it’s a whole new world whole new lifestyle for all three of us and it’s just special to have two guys that I can lean on that are great people even they’re great basketball players but they’re even better human so that’s a great feeling to have that I can call those guys my brothers so much work went in to getting to this point does it I mean does sitting here kind of make it feel official that this is the NBA yeah I still don’t think it’s kind of hit me yet um but you know I’m just I’m blessed man coming from where I come from Fairmont West Virginia is West Virginia is like the most impoverished state in the country and a lot of people get stuck there and it’s just I’m not I wasn’t trying to go back to where I came from and just to be sitting here with this logo behind me it’s it just shows that all my hard work all my sweat Blood and Tears it all it all meant something it was all worth it in terms of that journey I was talking to coach J he was talking about the way that you guys bonded over your faith how did that and your experience at Baylor kind of shape the player and the person that you like um I’m I’m forever grateful for coach Drew like you said he helped me find Christ um not that I didn’t have Christ in my life before I was kind of lost kind of disconnected with my faith um and then I ended up transferring to Baylor and I honestly don’t think I could have went to a better place to reconnect spiritually and you know coach Drew always says like if he doesn’t he didn’t really care about winning basketball games his main goal is to see us all in heaven one day when he when we all are no longer on this Earth and that that’s what he said will be a job complete to him so I’m forever grateful he changed my life I would not be here with without him you look at the NBA now three and D wings are kind of high priority how do you feel that your game can translate to that next up um I I know what I am I’m very self-aware um I I’m not one of the guys that is gonna get paid to you know take all the shots I’m more so a guy that’s there that’s out there to make life easy on the Durants the bills the Bookers you know I feel like I’m a connector piece like you said three and D but I feel like that’s putting myself to a box I feel like I do a lot more than just shooting play defense I’m curious you watch any players growing up or kind of mold your game after anybody in particular I mean I ain’t really mold my game after him but it’s crazy like it’s a full circle moment because Kevin Durant’s like who I consider the greatest basketball player ever and now I’m on his team so it’s kind of it’s kind of crazy yeah life’s crazy

Jalen Bridges has interest from many teams in the NBA but he chose the Phoenix Suns and shares why. Plus, what are his expectations for Summer League and what does he hope to showcase?



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