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Which Detroit Pistons Player Will Benefit Under J.B Bickerstaff The Most?

Which Detroit Pistons Player Will Benefit Under J.B Bickerstaff The Most?

I thought this would be a fun question it’s about JB bicker sta so I want to know which player do you think will benefit the most under JB this is a really really good question I haven’t thought I haven’t thought about it like this but this yeah this is a really really good question so we what we know about JB is that I think he’s a guy who’s always has done a good job of getting his teams to play um like a high level of like b a baseline like good NBA basketball um I know he kind of got I I personally feel like he kind of got a little unfairly maligned in Cleveland part of that was the um the it seemed like situation like Donathan Mitchell like was kind of just sick of listening to him he like that happens right but that doesn’t make him a bad coach um he kept that team afloat like when Garland got hurt when Mitchell got hurt when Allen got hurt when moley got hurt um they still managed to play like a competent brand of basketball like every night and I think he should be like really commended for that um he also like after the beine thing uh which was like five which is like six years ago at this point a wild um he helped build that team into a like almost a 50- win team and a team that people were slightly like disappointed they didn’t make it farther in the playoffs and so so he built it to a team that had expectations which is a good place that for I think the the Pistons to eventually be in like three to four years um and so I think I think he’s a good coach I know it was like a little bit of a surprise to to everyone like when he was announced um and I know like I had friends like texting me and being like wait I thought we were getting bgo bgo like what happened like why what um or like why isn’t Sean Sweeney like a a thing but uh they openly stated about uh their preference to get a new head coach that had prior head coach experience I totally understand that and I think that like JB can still operate as a good like developmental head coach while also like helping them be better and like win more games and do some tactical stuff so but to answer your question I I think the answer might be Jaylen Duren um they’re bringing back Sydney low who I believe is the big man coach uh and he was previously the big man coach in Detroit he’s done a really great job of helping Jared Allen and Evan Mobley um learn how to Coexist on the court but also like they’ve done a good job I think like slowly expanding Evan Mo’s like offensive responsibilities um in a way that’s been good for him and my hope is that like I know we talked about Jaylen dur like not being a rim protector but my hope is that like if he’s coached better or they can they can help Foster his development in that area like that would solve a lot of problems for them and you know between the work he’s done with um like jiren Jackson Jr and um and Mobley and uh Jared Allen you would think that like bicker staff can impart some defensive lessons like on on the JD that would be beneficial for him and the team so I’m I’m gonna say Jaylen Duren but I this is a really good question this is something I had like thought about all that much I I probably thought about this all day and I was like maybe it’s AAR because Isaac okuro kind of had like a like a huge kind of like defensively I was like no maybe not AAR maybe Ivy because you know Darius Garland developed quite a bit but I don’t I don’t know if that’s just because Darius Garland’s a good player and he puts the time in as I’m not that tuned in and locked in with Cavs games because they’re Central the division rival and I don’t like the Cavs but I I was thinking Ivy but the more I thought about it I honestly think the the one player that might benefit the most is Stu because I think Stu is so versatile as a Defender that I think they’re going to use him in a bunch of different roles like maybe they decide you know we’re we’re playing a bigger team in the front Court well we’re gonna play you know you know dur and Stu tonight versus like a Tobias and Stu I think Stu’s uh this upcoming season I think he’ll take another leap I’m not going to say he’s going to be like an All-Star like you know some people um think he’s going to be I’m not one of those people but I think he’s going to take another leap and I I I think this season you’re I think his passing is going to be much improved because I don’t really think we got to see a lot of his passing but he started to see it towards the end of the season with a little bit of the dhos that he was doing um for me I think it’s going to be stew but to your point I I think what you said wouldn’t surprise me at all either yeah no that would that like that would be cool too yeah I do I do wonder about like what Stu’s role is gonna be for this team like again I think he’s I think he’s going to be the backup center but I would be really curious to see like how he’ll be used uh offensively because like as the like as a like kind of stretch big but again like teams weren’t guarding him um like I think that there’s an opportunity to pair him with like an assar or Iran to have lineups where uh assar or is like the only non-shooter in a bench lineup in a way that I think would be good for them um and Ste again like what you said about like we’re playing somebody bigger we want to go like two to uh we want play steu and dur at the same time like I definitely think that’s a look that um they’ll leverage sometimes so like yeah that I think st’s a totally fine answer as well yeah I was like I was trying to think of like fun questions I was just like who would benefit under JB because I no way haven’t even had this press conference we’ll probably get it sometime next week maybe um maybe they won’t hit traffic too and it’ll be on time I’m hoping that uh yeah doesn’t have to suffer through any hugs and traffic and he be he’ll be golden but uh yeah man I I’m I’m excited for JB I think to your point like what you said he he kind of established a culture in Cleveland and like kind of got a raw deal because Cleveland like I don’t want to say they choked in the playoffs but they kind of underperformed kind of given like the talent that they did have but I was listening to an old podcast uh for anyone watching or listening definitely check it out Kevin Love was on JJ’s podcast JJ reck’s podcast old man the three and he talks really highly about JB like really highly it’s just like kind of like a connector a leader like really good communicator and I was just like that’s something they didn’t really have last season in my opinion anyway it’s just from like watching the games because man would like draw up a play and you got players like waving to the fans like while you’re out to the game so like not even paying attention to like the plays that he’s drawing up just like oh wow they’re toed out yeah yeah I’m I’m I’m hopeful that like this team is definitely going to be better coached than they were last season I was seeing some stuff on Twitter about too uh because of the roster that Cleveland’s had like uh two seasons ago U they are like they a couple like more film heavy guys said they liked the way that JB uh coached around having a team with like multiple not Shooters offensively um and so that’s a that would be nice if if you want to play like a sar and another non-shooter you want to play SAR and Duran together or something like that like it’d be nice to still find ways to score the basketball with a clogged paint and and less spacing some off ball movement stuff I do like fono will be like really good for uh fonio and thj who I think will be good for like more off ball movement stuff um to help like get the defense in rotation and make decisions easier on the guards um so yeah I I think I I I remain really hopeful that JB is going to be a better Coach uh for the team this year [Music] oh [Music]

This Week On Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by Laz Jackson the topic of discussion was which Detroit Pistons player would benefit the most under J.B. Bickerstaff

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  1. Jaden Ivey is a candidate because nobody was as much of an afterthought last season by the coach.

  2. I think Ivey and Duren will benefit the most. Ivey will benefit off offensive schemes built for him, and Duren will benefit from JB's experience coaching bigs from Cleveland. It will also put more focus on wings to help Duren so that Duren can actually defend the rim. I do not think Duren is bad at defending, it is more that he cannot do everything on defense all at once.

  3. I think it’s definitely Duren. I understand the Ivey sentiment but Ivey showed incredible potential his rookie year and I feel like he’s going to get back to that level or slightly above this next season. I think Duren is the one who will show things that we haven’t seen at any point in his career under this new regime

  4. It’s actually Cade Cunningham because he’ll actually be part of a rotation that can function together which I feel like Monty didn’t even try

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