@Miami Heat

Miami Heat: Should the organization share more info? | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: Should the organization share more info? | Five on the Floor

welcome latest episode five on the floor in the five Reon Sports Network thanks for joining us on your favorite podcast app on Apple Apple podcast on Android Spotify and the Five Reasons YouTube channel also check out off the floor that’s our Discord server $2.99 per month get off of Twitter nearing 600 fully paid members there that means they have access to all of the channels communicate with each other communicate with us get all the latest information first check it out out off the floor the link is right here in the description on the podcast feed and on the YouTube channel also check out valve Valene this is a new sponsor of ours we got a great coupon for you this episode is sponsored by Valvoline Instant Oil Change with oil changes complete in about 15 minutes maintaining your vehicle is just a quick stop on the way to your summer destinations click the link in our bio or actually in our description to receive a coupon that saves eight bucks of valine full service conventional oil change or 10 bucks off Full Service full synthetic or diesel oil chain see we’re killing inflation just by ourselves check it out Valene they also got additional services available there and again you can find the link right here in the description and now today’s episode my dogs where here the thing you can check the score Hustle Hard couple SCS wear bubble frogs just like brother say you in trouble y’ check the plan got it all B y’all seen the block stop with one hand and Pat trust have the guts we here to bring the heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the FL a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reasons Sports Network all right welcome back to five on the floor here’s today’s floor plan I’m Ethan skullnick I’m G to try to get my my earbud in here I’m Ethan SC can follow me eth J SC 5 ver in sports we got Greg sander you can follow him at Greg sander going to go a little off topic today um we were going to talk about hakz and playing in summer league but we’ll cover that when he actually plays that’s going to be happening uh in Vegas I’m a little surprised actually I did not think he would compete but he’s there anyway he was there for the select team so get him the Reps and the other thing that was interesting was I wanted you to address this before we get to the the main topic today um they pulled the qualifying offers from alandis Williams and Cole swier what do we read into that cuz talked about both guys it that’s just a bit of housekeeping uh I think that those qualifying offers uh were extended because they wanted to keep them in the program but now they’re no longer necessary I think that they’ve landed on their two-way guys um and probably they didn’t want those qualifying offers to be accepted because it could take them over the apron to some degree like that’s how I read into that um but I don’t know the specifics of two-way contracts in terms of what those qualifying offers secure for that player um so for me it just it seemed like bookkeeping yeah and uh and look we’ve talked about Alis uh has a little bit of an uphill climb here because he he has he’s a scorer but for their role players they don’t really look for scorers they look for guys who kind of plug in the gaps and he looked better in the third game when more of the other players were out I’m curious what he looks like when more of the the better players are in um and and that and and with swier I mean they just drafted a shooter so he hasn’t shot much or well to this point in Larson but it’s part of what he does so I don’t know uh what swier situation is going to be with them going forward um I want to we’re going to touch on this today though because this has been a consistent issue this off season okay other than people just not listening to us when we’ve tried to explain that there was not a lot that the heat could or would do at this stage um one of the problems that the heat seem to be having is public relations battle and a lot of that um I think even some inside the organization would acknowledge is their fault because they don’t engage in a lot of the stuff that other teams engage in and so what ends up happening is when there’s an information vacuum others fill it uh agents fill it Executives fill it everybody’s got an angle an agenda in some cases a reporter just wants to get something out before someone else even even though again it may not have 99 or even 85% of the story and and this happened again today and and first thing I want to make it very clear okay I I don’t um I I I think Bobby marks is excellent I’ve known Bobby for a while he’s one of the better people that they have at ESPN he’s not um one of these guys who just throws bombs for the sake of it he was a he he worked in in an organization he worked for the Nets for a very long time um and obviously he’s known to a lot of people from podcasts uh and and other platforms and he knows the cap as well as anybody I do believe the Heat have respect for him you see him in a lot of Heat games I’ve sat next to him at Heat games he actually I think lives on the other coast of Florida um so he’s he’s at the arena from time to time uh but he had a report today that was just immediately shot down uh by people of the heat to me and like this has been a consistent thing this summer and and I know that um you know Heat fans have taken this posture with me and particular that like I’m doing the bidding of the organization by shooting down all these reports and I keep saying like it does not benefit me to shoot down reports um we get more clicks more downloads make more money when there’s life to the reports than when there isn’t and honestly the heat would seem to benefit from some of these reports actually being true because it would get some of the fans off their back the fans who think that they’re not doing anything or haven’t been looking to do anything well if you were organization then why wouldn’t you want that stuff out there if that was the case I can tell you they don’t okay because this stuff has not largely been true that has come out from the national Media stuff and media sources and I I know that they’re frustrated by it uh because what it’s doing is it’s instead creating a perception that they are in on guys but don’t do enough to get them and like their whole thing is we’re not even in on them at least not like can’t be because of the second apron and and the D rozan thing is is an example today Greg where I we went back to this the beginning okay Barry initially reported interest in D rozan I was skeptical of it because of things that I heard I began to research it a little bit more and said okay there was interest in D rozan I reported that I credited Barry for it Barry and I have spoken we did not have a duel or anything along those lines okay that they had interest in D rozan but at their number at their number okay which at the time before they made the move for heith was $5.2 Million they had this taxpayer mid level and if Demar D rozan was willing to accept that he would be a member of the Mi heat for that number they were willing to give him that they did speak to the Bulls about aided trade and were told that the Bulls did not want their contracts then the report got out there that Sacramento was trying to get a third team involved ultimately they did that and secured the player for what $25 million a year year a lot more than $5.2 million a year I don’t have any evidence in my reporting okay and I could be wrong about this okay it’s it’s possible I might find out later I don’t have any evidence in my reporting that the heat were anywhere close to executing a sign in trade similar to what Sacramento did Now Greg according to what Bobby reported today basic and then it got pared all over the place okay is that the he were essentially trying to dump Duncan Robinson right to clear up some space to make a move for d rozan i i I was told within like 30 seconds of that report coming out from three different people like there’s nothing to that now are they just protecting Duncan Robinson I I guess you could say that that that would be their motive you know not make him feel bad Duncan knows that he’s been in trade talks or at least considered in trade talks of the past three four years he’s not stupid so I I don’t know even know why they would do that and it just seems to me Greg like we’ve hit a point where if the organization is not more aggressive publicly about some of this stuff and it’s not Pat’s way I mean p that Pat’s the one who doesn’t want them to engage in this he’s not the only one but he’s one of them doesn’t want them to engage in this stuff but other people are gonna fill in the gaps and and it it it’s it’s made for a very painful offseason for the heat I think it has and this is really fascinating in that this um the Qui approach that Miami has used to be met by the fans with like there was almost like a Mystic mystical element to it like that there was stuff happening and you didn’t realize what was going to go on and then all of a sudden you deliver Shaquille O’Neal or you deliver the big three and all you know the big three I think is where this really kicked off because that’s when the social media era started and this is where I think we have to talk about how you evolve because we are in in a space where the hot takes fly immediately no matter what they’re fast they’re Furious and then we’re getting large groups of the fan base that are at least plugged in on social media that they all of a sudden are taking a point of view that’s completely off base and I just think that part of me thinks that they should remain quiet one because we’re we’re the ones we want everyone to come listen to this show to hear what’s going on with the heat no um but in in Earnest I I think that even if they were to be upfront with the national media I think a lot of these narratives would still exist I think that there’s a a a discontent element with the teams that don’t make a lot of transactions fans this is an era where fans love transactions and so there’s going to be restlessness when people are not seeing moves and the same team comes back and so you just have to weather those storms I don’t think going to W or going to Shams or whatever would make this any different um obviously they’re not going to hold to press her to shot to shoot down rumors so it’s a situation where you got to rely on the local beat guys and that’s good and um I would say that you just kind of you have to weather these storms and I know that that probably is a tough thing for fans to hear and even for the organization to go through but then you have the periods where it’s up and you probably want to keep stuff in house and it stays in house because of this philosophy well and there’s a couple things on this first thing um you talk about uh you know their approach and Shams and W and all this you know part of the reason that he don’t get the benefit of the doubt at least from an analytical perspective is because they don’t leak to the Nationals and and so as a result look it’s a natural thing here okay if you’re a reporter right it’s human nature if you’re a reporter and you have an organization that gives you a lot of stuff okay you are going to at least give them the benefit of Doubt more often so that that information flow continues now people are going to then throw that at me and they’re say well you do that with the heat I I I report what they what they tell me I don’t necessarily always agree like that’s it’s it’s different like you know now do I give them benefit of Doubt the benefit of doubt I give them is not because I think I’m going to lose information or because I’m going to lose my credential I mean again I’ve had the same credential since 1996 okay there’s been a lot of reasons to pull my credential no nobody’s pulled it so the reality is I’m not concerned about that but what I’m saying is that like I give the benefit of Doubt because they’re a good organization like when I covered the Dolphins for years in some of their regimes okay prior to Daniel right I did not give them the benefit of the doubt because they were not run by competent people so and there was no track record of competence you haven’t won a playoff game again various different regimes same GM for about the last a lot of the years but but you know they haven’t won a a playoff game since since uh December 30th 2000 okay look I I mean I’m gonna give uh bill zto with the Panthers the benefit of the doubt next year and did this off season because obviously the man knows what he’s doing um so that’s where it comes from for me it’s not it’s not a result of you know quidd Pro Crow and all that but I can tell you that with national guys and I look I we know this this is an Open Secret to those of us who’ve worked and I did work in the National Space I mean I worked for Bleacher Report for two years as a national person okay 14 and uh the 14 excuse me 13 14 and 14 15 seasons and I know most of the national reporters very well a lot of them are my friends and I I know how this operates and even those who are most honest most sincere most objective they get turned a little bit based on who’s giving them information and the heat just don’t do that with a lot of them okay with some a little bit but not with a lot of them and when they do it largely they do it on deep back ground and so it’s not it’s not like you know here go with this okay or any of that I and I can tell you that there are there are definitely general managers I know some of them I’m friendly with some of them that literally do not care okay uh about it getting out and being traced back to them they don’t okay it’s just the way that they do business and so I I I am beginning to wonder at this stage like you know the way that the heat handle injuries right which is just like this cloud like the ter that’s frustrating well it is but it’s part of the same it’s the same thing that I think is frustrating fans too because it’s like okay so Terry Rosier last year like okay now I found out okay at this stage and now you know that there was concern about making the injury worse and all the rest that that’s totally reasonable like why not just say that then you see what I’m saying like and we get back to the Dion waiter six to eight weeks or the Justice Winslow thing where he was going to various specialist and wasn’t getting the answer that he wanted I mean some of this is hypocritic oath not really some of it is just protecting you know the player protecting the training staff um not having it be a distraction some of it is what we’ve talked about which is spose Strate spose attitude which is we have enough okay and so you’re not going to be talking about injuries all the time I respect a lot of that stuff I do think that occasionally it backfires I do because I I just I it just it frustrates fans they don’t feel like they’re getting like the straight scoop then they come down on us about it and yeah usually we do find out things after after like like I you know I I I can find out everything that happened from The Big Three era now from those four years literally I get all of it uh at the time you know I knew certain things I knew like Mike Miller couldn’t walk and was going for epidurals during the playoff series and yet the organization was telling everybody he was fine okay I know I know that qu Richardson they said that there was nothing going on there with him and then literally in the locker room after they lose to Boston in 2010 he’s having surgery tomorrow like this is the so it does become where honest I just don’t believe anything were told publicly at this point okay I have to clean it up separately and for a fan like Greg that’s got to be very very frustrating yes it the the injury thing specifically it makes it especially when it’s little stuff like what you just mentioned about um Terry roier although maybe it wasn’t so little um considering it looks like he’s just like getting back to rehab now Etc um with some of the uh videos I workout videos I’ve seen that’s where we’re at some of our workout videos but it does seem like the heat sometimes take themselves too seriously with this stuff and I think that that helps when you’re winning and this is kind of the winning or misery motto but when things are down or when there’s doubts or when you’re coming off you know an eight seed type season where you were early out uh and then you don’t change the team very much people get you know kind of in their feelings and so I will say the injury thing though and I know that they’re all connected but the injury thing really I don’t think that you gain that big of a competitive Advantage I think that it’s probably overanalyzing that and to me it just seems like they sometimes take themselves too seriously there that’s where I draw the line but maybe as a fan I should you know the line should be a little more blurry well and and social media AG just changed this right so it and look at look at what you know the national guys and there’s really there’s a bunch of national guys but even the best national guys and some of those who I think are actually the most trustworthy and objective acknowledge at this point that the M 90% of the news is going to two guys that basically you know and this is not just the NBA by the way it’s also the NFL it’s the the NFL is what it’s Rapaport and it’s uh and it’s uh and it’s shefer and then occasionally like laser gets in there because he went to somebody’s wedding like that that’s really I mean seriously like this what this is and I know a lot of NFL information guys forget the locals okay the locals are shut out all this stuff okay um it’s incredibly frustrating for a lot in many markets but like I know like the national guy like there are National guys whove just given up on it like they’re not you know they’re not they’re just trying to do analysis because it’s essentially just easier the agents I like I don’t even know what the point is at this point like to just keep feeding to the same two guys in both sports like then the league might as well just announce it like you’re basically just announcing it through people people um you know that you’re essentially doing fa are doing favors for you that’s that’s all this is okay the heat won’t play this game they won’t play this game like they’ve never given special and we I appreciate that they don’t give special privileges I witnessed in The Press Room okay one of those two guys and he’s the older of the two because I can tell you this a few years ago literally okay going at one of the pr guys who’s been there for who I have enormous respect for he’s been there for I guess 25 years or that’s yeah he’s probably 25 no yeah he’ll probably get angry at me for saying that 25 years because the heat put him in the upper level I’ve never been in the upper level I don’t know what it looks like they they L they literally put him up there and he’s he’s pulling a whole don’t you know who I am thing in the middle of the Press Room okay they don’t give a damn they don’t now are there other ways to present the information and fill in some of the gaps without having to go through those mechanisms that all these other teams are going through maybe I mean look I remember the Harden thing right uh right before the season a couple years ago we had information about their interest in Harden I kind of felt like the heat threw me under the bus because there was there was a text message that went out to the other beat guys okay shooting down anything related to harden like I literally posted it on Twitter like the meme of like Cartman going under a bus okay um and and you know so there there are ways to kind of get out front of this and they’re they’re look they’re media relation staff is outstanding okay I mean I I you know they’ve and again it’s 30 years being led by the same person and uh so that’s not what this is it’s an organizational philosophy that it’s really that really is it should just be a t-shirt it’s none of your business you know a lot of their philosophies are being challenged right now by the fan base the way that they handle assets the way that they give out contracts you know how many people I’ve seen talk about Caleb Martin’s five for 60 or 65 or whatever that was being um negative about that and saying I can’t believe they offered that to him so you’re seeing I just think that there’s negative head space in heat fandom right now and so it’s amplifying all this stuff but I will say it’s a good time to trust your your local guys instead of your National guys as we as for those listening to this and I don’t think that they should change their philosophy I just don’t think that it’s going to change the narrative that much I think that people know who to go to when they want to hear heat information that they trust and so let’s just keep it that way well like I said it in some ways it’s advantageous to us so I I don’t I’m not complaining about it I I’m asking the question um whether or not it’s benefiting them and and let let let’s let’s close the loop on it on the other side of this but I do want to mention a great sponsor on the five reasons Sports Network it’s prize pict use the code 5 FIV get that initial deposit matched up to $100 again the official fantasy sponsor of the five reason Sports Network you can play a lineup up to four players I know that we don’t have uh NBA or NHL right now but there is MLB PGA uh lots of stuff on there and summer league as well of course you yeah I know you got to be a degenerate but I guess I am one because I’ve been using I’ve been doing it uh use the code five FIV get that in deposit matched up to $100 um so let’s address the rumor itself I guess and again like this I keep coming back to this like this is not Bobby mors is is about as straight a shooter as you get in in these situations so somebody gave him information but for me to get three texts within 30 seconds saying it’s total BS and then again it gets telephone gamed okay and now you know we’re at a point where the perception is that Duncan Robinson has no value right yeah and Tyler hero because everyone assumes that they would have done whatever they did with Duncan about going around and seeing if you could dump his contract that they would do something similar maybe with Tyler they’ve kind of been grouped together that way and so but because Duncan Robinson was specifically mentioned by more than one person there is some I guess quote unquote damage control although Duncan’s a vet at these trade rumors he’s been through it um but I don’t think that they would shoot it down to like protect his psyche because I think for one that’s not how they operate but two Duncan is a professional man he’s been through this he doesn’t need them to to like come out and and say no we weren’t looking to dump a contract I think you could just look at their cap sheet and if you you know can do math you probably should have explored what it would have costed cost to drop a con like to get rid of a contract to shed one and I guess that my guess is that attaching assets is not in the picture right now and so that’s just where we’re at right now so I think there’s also dot connection that takes place particularly with agents um and that’s you know who’s feeding some of this n National narrative yeah they they want they want to stay in the mix and they want to do favors for writers this happens all the time sometimes I’ll hear from Agents I haven’t heard from in a while and I can tell that they want a favor for their client later on and so they’ll give me something that’s totally unrelated to their player but then when I actually need something related to their player nobody’s texting me back like this is this is the kind of game again that goes on and I’m not a big time National guy okay any but like I said I was a in the National Space for a couple years I I did a lot of Feature work I was essentially the LeBron writer for Bleacher Report that’s why I got shipped up to Cleveland in the second year but I mean the Duncan the Duncan thing like is again I Le let’s let’s just go back to the core of this okay were the heat really interested in giving three years and roughly $75 million to a 34 year old who does a lot of the same things that Jimmy Butler does and no the answer to that right was no and and honestly some of the same people okay who you know again and I love some of you guys dearly I’m not I’m not even it’s not like I’m I’m trying to avoid I just don’t want to get into specific names on this but some of those who drive heat Twitter and drive this narrative okay about you know again they’re not going to do anything there’s one person in particular who I’m friends with who literally was tweeting out you do not give Demar de rozan a three-year contract like he was tweeting that out incessantly you know what I’m talking about and and he was tweeting that out and then all of a sudden they don’t get him and it’s so we didn’t get somebody again and I it’s like I it just seems like it’s it is engagement farming to a certain degree right and yeah can knock the hustle but it it does present an issue for the heat when they’re trying to then try to control the narrative like okay you didn’t want him at this contract the heat really didn’t want him at this contract what are we talking about here you know what I mean so now it’s just become well your assets suck and now you’re now it’s your fault for signing them to those contracts okay well but you weren’t really trying to move them at least I don’t believe so okay look maybe someone will correct me in three different people involved uh who would know are all lying to me um and and that it would not be the first time maybe for one but for three I at the same time I I don’t know um and and if that’s the case then like why why would people lie to me about this specifically when I when they’re gonna come back to me later with information and then have me question it when again to a certain degree they’re trying to have me clean up things that they believe not to be true like that’s it doesn’t make sense like again I no I mean I’ve been played for a full before trust me in many areas of my life but I I don’t I I I don’t know I just I I just think people have to think logically about this stuff and it just seems like again well coming back to the beginning of this episode we thank our sponsors check out the link for Val and priz pick used to code 5 we wanted to address this because it just does seem to a certain degree here that what’s happened is people don’t know how to talk about the heat so they just fill in a bunch of like that’s that’s and and I’ve said that before about the analysis of the team and all the rest of this there are four or five beat writers that cover the team regularly do a very excellent job in different ways I’m not a beat writer I’m around a lot I’ve known a lot of these people for 25 years okay and more count I I mean I sometimes okay but I just yeah it’s it’s been a lot this offseason it’s been a lot all we’ll get back to basketball tomorrow but we just wanted to Riff on this everybody have a good night

It’s been frustrating to the Miami Heat that a lot of incorrect information has been spread this offseason. So, should they share more and fill the vacuum themselves? Or stick with their organizational philosophy since Pat Riley arrived? Ethan Skolnick and Greg Sylvander discuss.

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  1. It’s not PR. It is arrogance. This franchise is too arrogant. This Franchise is run like the secret service. They seem to forget they are in the entertainment business. How can your own fan feels like you do not give a crap about what they feel or think. You need a GM that can communicate with the media and the fans. Every team gas that guy wether they are lying or not you need to engage the fan base. It’s not the fan hate the Heat. It is fans are starting to understand why the national media hate the Heat.

  2. The problem is not your journalism skill, the problem is you are accepting the arrogance. There is a way to cover the Heat and force them to understand it is a 2 way street. I wonder how you guys get contents from the Heat the way this franchise is running.they need to hire a media relation guy because the president and GM do not talk. The Heat just don’t understand it is 2024.

  3. The problem is not your journalism skill, the problem is you are accepting the arrogance. There is a way to cover the Heat and force them to understand it is a 2 way street. I wonder how you guys get contents from the Heat the way this franchise is running.they need to hire a media relation guy because the president and GM do not talk. The Heat just don’t understand it is 2024.

  4. It is arrogance. In 2024 nobody is going to take it from Pat. You are in the entertainment business my money run your franchise. Journalists are part of the engine that promote your entertainment. The local journalist are going to take it but social media and national journalists are not going to take your arrogance in 2024.

  5. Since lebron left only long bad contracts have happened. Actually having to add picks to dump players. always waiting on a whale that has never happened every other year the excuses have died out . This organization ain’t what use to be .

  6. This is my take on rumors always some truth in them , has anything been said about Duncan's health all summer, finally heard something from Terry Rosier

  7. Great point Greg. When things were quiet 🤐 means a big fish was on the way back in the day. But i will say after the undrafted started producing finals trips. The organization may not be as hungry anymore

    I can’t believe that Boston partied in miami and the response was thomas Bryant and dru smith. Like come on

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