@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs Chris Paul & Harris Barnes Excited For Victor Wembanyama

Spurs Chris Paul & Harris Barnes Excited For Victor Wembanyama

what’s going on everyone so the other day Chris Paul Harrison Barnes you know they have their introductory and found out a couple things one Harrison Barnes waved his trade kicker uh that way he could go to the Spurs which is always good um and two both guys clearly wanted to be here both guys are really excited for the opportunity but Chris Paul in particular I really want to touch on talk about because I really liked the things that I heard from him with the Spurs I’ve talked heavily about how I think the best decision the Spurs made was bringing in Chris Paul and it’s because of what the impact he can have his ability to help develop and and really grow this young core right I mean look at what he did for the Thunder and SGA right I mean SGA to this day still credits Chris Paul for just all the help that he provided and you got guys like Stefan castle that you’re trying to mold into your starting point guard of the future you know even guys like vasel right you have Trey Jones like all these guys I think will benefit greatly from being around Chris Paul and just learning and seeing the things but Chris Paul also has to buy into those things and no Chris Paul’s no dummy right like he knows that like what the deal was it’s why he got $1 million he’s coming in with the Spurs you know he he’s coming there to be an extension of the coach to be that vet to be that guy that is you know able to to be a mentor to these young guys and but to hear him basically you know validate and and get across that like hey I I know what it is I know why I’m here I know what the deal is you know show these guys how to win show these guys how to what what it takes to be you know a a a real leader and player in this league and you know he talked about Greg papovich and praised him and talked about how he’s just admired him from afar and he gets the opportunity now to learn from him I mean Chris Paul he’s a guy that many people think like is going to be a coach at some point in this league and I mean he’s one of the greatest basketball mins ever so I think this is also good and beneficial for Chris Paul too if he ever is to go down that ladder right if he ever is to go down that road where he wants to maybe jump into coaching uh you know to just kind of learn and be able to to be around a guy in Greg papovich uh and be able to pick his brain I think that this would be this is good development for Chris Paul also right so I think that he’s in a very good position uh to to just and he understands what the gist is here and even with Victor wiama what he’s going to do for Victor is it’s unbelievable in my opinion I think he’s going to really unlock and help Victor and I mean he spoke so highly of him too I mean obviously he’s the big franchise guy and you know Chris Paul’s not come in here and be like oh wm’s this but like he said he said there’s no player in the league that everybody talks about more after the game me and Harrison Barnes were on our flight talking about how cool it’s going to be at this point in our careers to get a chance to appreciate him day in and day out Chris Paul on wiama again like these are two veteran guys that they get it they understand it they know why they’re here they’re at the you know lat latter part of their careers they’re they’re at the PO point in stage where you know they’re they’re not who they used to be but they’re still very good players they’re still very valuable guys they’re still going to have a big impact on the Spurs now and going forward because they’re going to be able to help grow and develop these young guys but also I mean Chris Paul’s right I mean they get to play with a literal generational Talent there are very few guys out the gate that have done what Victor wiama did in year one right I mean he is he was every bit impressive he’s already in my opinion arguably the best defensive I think him and Anthony Davis are the two best defensive bigs in the league I think Victor wiama you can make an argument is better right I I just I I I think Victor should have won defensive player of the year last year I don’t care that he’s a rookie it’s supposed to go to the best defense player Victor was the best defense player right so give it to him but I digress right the the thing is that you know you’re bringing in two veteran guys that get it you’re bringing in two veteran guys that that want to be a part of it that want to you know and I’m sure that there’s this level you don’t think Chris Paul has a bit of an ego when it comes to like SG I I am almost 100% confident that he probably does right I don’t think he’s in the sense of like he’s taking all the credit for SGA but I’m sure that there is a bit of him that’s like you know I help I did I played a part in that you know it’s just like you know you do a group project group project gets an a you feel good right unless you’re like one of those people that you know just let everyone else do the work but you know if you’re actually engaged and you’re a part of it you’re like man like I I played a part in I played a part in that getting you know first place at this fair or whatever right like I think that that’s what I mean when I say Chris Paul probably feels like you know some pride in that and you know he’s probably looking at it as like I bet you I could do it again you know and Harrison Barnes being a guy that you know he brings Championship DNA he’s won a championship he’s done those types of things he I think that that’s real good to add to a team in the Spurs that were you know struggling and praying for wins but the Spurs were also in a lot of really close games and I think both Harrison Barnes and Chris Paul are going to help in that regard I think these two are definitely going to be two guys that are going to be able to help you win a lot more games than you were otherwise and so now it is that like Hey we’re we’re we’re trying to build something here right like you got the right vets but it was just nice to hear just the the things that were said because again you have this Vision you have this idea you have this thought of like okay this is what the these two guys bring right but there is always the question of like okay it’s one thing to to have that perception it’s one thing to think that way it’s another thing to actually have that be the case and actually have that kind of shape out the way you want it to but both of these guys are very clear that like Hey we’re we’re we’re coming in to play the role that is asked of us we are coming in to be that mentor to be that you know to be the the stability to be those to you know have to crack skulls if we got to crack whatever you need us to do to be the the the guys that buy in in the locker room be the guys that rally the truths be the guys that are extension of Greg papovich the head coach and you know you got this unbelievable talent in Victor wiama I mean Chris Paul and Victor I just just the I can literally Vision in my mind like like like a highlight reel just certain plays and and things that we’re going to see on you know ESPN and and YouTube highlights and stuff I just I see just the the insane potential that is there that could really just Shape Up This San Antonio Spurs team I just think the you you I wouldn’t be shocked if they make the play I know like I’ve seen a lot of comments Spurs fans are like oh you know we’re a contender we’re this that I wouldn’t go that far I mean unless Victor is like clearly there’s an argument to be made that Victor is already a top 15 player in the league like I think that that’s like a genuine argument um but like I’ve seen people throw out like oh you know Victor is you know is going to be the best player in the I don’t know like that that’s a a tall task and unless Victor is like clearcut no argument top three to five in the league next year then I just I don’t see that and it’s a lot to ask for a guy in his second year as great as Victor has been right like so to me I just it’s it’s about the incremental growth right like you were terrible you were you know a top four pick team can you can you get into the play right like you got to set goals you got to set standards like look at like OKC back with KD Harden and Durant right it was like they missed the playoffs then they they lose in the first round then they lose in the second round then they lose in the Conference Finals then they lose in the NBA finals and it was like man like they’re going to win a championship they just got to they just got to get over that hump but then of course and pry ends up trading James Harden and it’s all the mess but like that’s what I see with the Spurs is like okay you were you know a top four pick team now now all of a sudden you look up and it’s like okay now you’re a playin team now you’re a first round exit team now you’re you know maybe you get to the Conference Finals and now you’re winning championships right it’s that slow growth cuz again you you’re you don’t have a bunch of you know 27 year olds that have been in the league for several years you’re talking about guys that are one two years even like your top guys are only like you know what four five year players like give things time right patience is everything I just I want to see like there’s key things that I want to see with the Spurs this year and you know I I’ll definitely dive into that specifically as we get closer to the to the um you know Seasons begin but I am I’m excited for for these moves but anyway as always this is a discussion pass question on you let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts uh what do you think of the uh things that Chris Paul said Harris Barnes what do you think of the Acquisitions do you like that do you not um do you think that they’re going to have a huge impact on just the growth and development of this team um do you have any thoughts in particular how you feel whatever your thoughts are I’d love to hear it so let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button helps me a lot me enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscribe Channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate y’all see you in the next one thank you

The San Antonio Spurs New players Chris Paul and Harrison Barnes understand the assignment and get Victor Wembanyama is the future. Spurs made all the right moves and trades this far and gotta stay patient and the course.

#spurs #victorwembanyama #nbatrade

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