@Cleveland Cavaliers



on today’s show let’s revisit a potential Brandon Ingram to the Cavs trade I’ve got shmit daa from New Orleans to talk about how bi could fit in in Cleveland on today’s lock on Cavs you are locked on Cavs your daily Cleveland Cavaliers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thank you for making lock on Cavs your first listen every day you can find this show wherever you get your podcast Apple Spotify everywhere else make sure you give us a festar view help us to grow the show you can also check us out on YouTube search locked on Cavs if you’re watching this video give us a thumbs up make sure you’re subscribed to the channel also click that notification Bell so you don’t miss anything locked on Cavs a proud part of the lock on podcast Network your team every day I’m Danny Cunningham you know might know me for my time covered in Cavs places like 923 The Fan Cleveland magazine and a few other stops along the way joined today very happy to be joined today by shmit Dua who covers the new war on those Pelicans I think he’s one of the best guys on the NBA out there you can check out his substack in the know that’s n o get it New Orleans in the know uh does a great job again covering the Pelicans obviously having him on today because the Cavs and pels have been linked really for a couple of months now as potential trade Partners the Pelicans need a center the Cavs have two centers the Cavs need a wing well the Pelicans have one that I think they’d be okay with getting rid of and Brandon Ingram so Schmid as we get going here these two teams as I’ve said have been linked for a while let’s play Make Believe before we get into any contract stuff any reasons why it hasn’t happened if the Cavs and Pelicans were to make a trade that is Jared Allen and Caris lvert for Brandon Ingram I’m not saying both teams would say yes I’m not saying which one would say no but how would Ingram in your opinion fit in on the Cavs that’s I think that is the 208 million dollar question right um I think Brandon Ingram Brandon Ingram in my opinion first of all I I do think he would be a good fit on the Cavs for for a couple of reasons one I think his fit with Zion is awkward because they like to operate in a lot of the same spaces and and that’s mostly like 15 feet and and in right um secondly Zion is kind of this unique player in which you have to involve players of different sizes with him in order to fully maximize him and when you have two players that are like like sized that are your two best players you try to run actions with them together it’s it’s an easy switch for for opponents um now if you were to like turn Brandon Ingram into like a Jitter BR guard and you start running pick and roll with Zion that all of a sudden becomes a lot more deadly so there’s a definite ceiling to like those two and how those two operate and those fit issues in my opinion don’t exist in the Cavs at all I think Brandon functions really well when he has other highlevel playmaking around him which he would presumably have in Garland if Garland isn’t moved um at a different time and both Garland and Donovan’s willingness and desire to shoot off the dribble threes and catch and shoot threes frankly plays really well into Brandon Ingram game who is you know he’s a really good playmaker for his position but he’s particularly a good high value assister and what I mean by that is he generates high value shots he generates threes and and looks at the rim and so when you have strong Shooters um good interior presence like Evan Mobley who obviously plays really well off of Garland’s playmaking he plays really well off of Mitchell’s playmaking I think Brandon is a person that can come in and tie all that together now where I think the fit can go a little bit um I don’t want to say sideways I think the fit might take a little bit time to to work in to get really jelling is the fact that Brandon enjoys having the ball in his hand and so there has to be a level of like okay he’s getting off the ball um so Darius can spend time on it he’s getting off the ball so Donovan can spend time on it and I think with players of that caliber he’s more than willing to in New Orleans he’s always been the the guy and and and Zion’s missed a lot of time so it’s been his show and it’s it’s diff difficult for him to take a step back in that kind of environment whereas he’s going to an established team that went to the second round and has Championship aspirations it would be a different environment over there right and there are a couple things that I do wonder about his game but I also wonder and I think Brandon Ingram obviously a very good player I actually think that the way this off season has gone and really the last couple of months for him and what just his value perceived around the league is gone as kind of unfair to the player that he is because is he a guy that you know might not be worth the $52 million or whatever it is that he wants per year sure but that doesn’t mean he’s a bad player and I think that those things can kind of get twisted and that’s just really unfair to him I think it’s been unfair to him that Zion has been I I know he played a lot of games last year but for the duration of their partnership hasn’t been a guy that’s been able to be on the floor the whole time so I do think that’s something that you have to look at with bi as a part of the reason why maybe it hasn’t worked as well in New Orleans as you would like the one question that I do have about whether or not he’d fit in Cleveland alongside Darius Garland Donovan Mitchell Evan Mobley the the three guys that would be on this team still after any trade is how willing or how much more of a guy is he going to become on catch and shoot three opportunities like is that something that could tick up because ultimately I think there are a lot of things that he does well but to fit in with this group I think that he would need to do a little bit more of that like you would have to go from being a guy that historically takes I think under four threes a game to someone that’s probably taking six or seven to make this work a little bit yeah look that’s a been a challenge uh for the last couple of years with with bi um I think frankly that’s the reason he’s probably available at all if he was a player that was taking six seven 83 is a game there’s a good chance the Pelicans have already ined him to an extension um and and we’re having this conversation so the good thing about this is there’s real precedent you know he had his All-Star season under Alvin Gentry where he took around you know between six and seven a game um shot nearly 40% and then the following season with samon Gundy was similar amount similar uh percentage so there is precedent that he’s not only capable uh but has done that and in Brandon’s own words he says it’s because he had a point guard on the team um and playmaking he says that you know that first year he had Drew holiday and Lonzo ball that second year he had uh Eric bledo and Lonzo b um I think Darius Garland is one of the League’s better Playmakers uh that is a very very um good at generating threes Donovan has obviously grown as a playmaker himself and his gravity frees up a lot of people uh Kenny Act ATS son historically if you look at his Brooklyn teams they’ve been high volume uh three-point attempting teams I think it would be a situation where he’d be open to it because the pieces all work in in New Orleans the last couple of years with Z being out he’s been the deao point guard of the group and when he’s on ball he’s I I I think it’s something with his I want to say it’s something with his mechanics and and footwork where he doesn’t feel comfortable taking off the dribble threes um so he likes to receive the screen turn the corner and then settle into that you know 15 20 footer that’s that’s more of his comfort zone I don’t think he feels particularly great about okay I’ve got the screen I’m G just step in and fire from from the three-point line I think that’s going to be less of an issue with two Playmakers like like those you know like like Garland and um Mitchell generating those threes for him he’s actually going to be able to get back to the catch and shoot which is I think what has significantly declined um under the Pelicans whose guard play has been Devonte Graham and you know don’t disrespect to C.J McCullum but like C.J McCullum isn’t the playmaker Garland is um and so and Zion’s been out you know Zion Zion’s missed a lot of times the last three years the the guard play just hasn’t been there and I think Brandon’s probably has a leg to stand on when he says hey I I need a point guard do I buy all of that completely no uh I think there was there’s got to be a certain like I think if he went to the coaches and was like Hey I want to take more threes C draw some stuff up for me that would have happened so um I think it was one of those things where he’s like cool I don’t have to do it um I’m not going to do it but I think he would in a situation where he has to yeah and to your point you know if you go back and look at his just season averages the years where Lonzo was with the Pelicans on him after you know they were both sent there from the Lakers and the Anthony Davis trade way back win first two years in New Orleans you know made the All-Star team first year took 6.2 threes per game second year took 6.1 and then after that second year if I’m not mistaken that’s when Lonzo went to Chicago right so then that number dropped from 6.1 to 4.1 so I do think while there’s there’s probably three sides to the story right there’s Ingram’s side there’s you know what we all kind of see and there’s somewhere in the middle there to to what makes that the reality but there was a significant drop off there and I do wonder how much changing his role back to close closer maybe not entirely what it was in the 1920 season when he was an All-Star but if you could get that role somewhat closer to what it was then in a trade to the Cavs if this could be an interesting and it’s not necessarily A Buy Low situation because the Cavs would have to give up a lot to get him and they would have to pay him a lot of money if this is a trade that does happen but I do think it’s interesting to see that he’s a guy that hasn’t played his best basketball the past couple years but and it’s not just a change of scenery just being out of New Orleans but I think it’s a change of role that could really boost him back up to being an All-Star caliber guy like I think ultimately that’s what it is it’s not that he’s any better or worse than he was as a basketball player but if he’s back in a role that is closer to what he was when he was an All-Star by taking him off the ball a little bit more that could be something that just boosts him naturally back up to to someone who’s maybe not an All-Star but Fringe Allstar again yeah for sure I I think he’s I think he’s one of the League’s best floor raisers you could drop him on a bad team and and he’ll make them competitive right he does literally everything on the basketball court he can he can playm he rebounds people knock his defense but the last couple of years he’s been a legitimately positive Defender look he’s not going to lock down anybody or take the toughest assignments but rotationally he’s been excellent he knows how to use his size he knows how to disrupt passing Lanes um he’s been a Plus on that end and and and it’s just this one thing where it’s like cool you do everything on the basketball court take a little more threes and he’s done it and he’s done it before with success and and that’s when he got his max contract um you know he came to New Orleans he was extension eligible they didn’t hand him the extension they said we’re going to let you go to restrictor free agency let the market decide what it is right that was their stance on him he that year you know took like you said 6.2 or 6.3 whatever however was made the All-Star team one most improved you’re like fine you did it giving you a Max St came in yeah yeah exactly Sam and Gundy came in and he was a Hardline coach and he ran a very tight ship it’s also why he got ran out of there uh but you know he ran a very tight and he you know Brandon took nearly the same amount of Threes And then Willie Green comes in and he’s more of a players coach and trying to make guys feel comfortable and you know it was a course correction from the aggressive course nature of of Stan Van Gundy and then now Zion misses that whole first season with Willie Green and it’s just the Brandon Ingram show and he’s like cool no one’s here to kind of like keep me in check I’m the best player on the team this is my show I’m gonna do what I want what are they gonna do bench me like they’re paying me a Max so I think the circumstances are right once again where he’s up for another contract clearly the market is deciding hey like I don’t know I don’t know if you’re a max player right that’s that’s what the market has signaled thus far um so I think we are in this this situation where if it can be turned around it’s it’s this year right it a new environment with Playmakers the motivation to get the contract that’s that’s what’ll make it happen yeah and what is he worth on the trade market what’s he worth in terms of a contract extension I want to dive into that next that’s all straight ahead right here on lockdown Cavs Today’s Show is brought to you by eBay Motors passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors is everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance like you know maybe the Cs could do if they make this trade maybe they’d be at Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and so much more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 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ruled out but the one recently is Jared Allen and Caris LT because that matches up salary-wise with bi for Ingram is that something schmith that you think the Pelicans would say yes to if if they’re offered that deal I think they would hem and haw about it a little bit but ultimately I think they would agree to that deal uh it gets them the starting center that they’ve been chasing for years the specific one they’ve been chasing for years um and Levert being an expiring is super key for them 17 million or so coming off the books uh that space for them is going to be important because Trey Murphy III is about to secure a big extension as well and so that’ll kick in the next year having 17 million comes off the books gives them necessary breathing room um under the tax and and and these dastardly aprons the the aprons that are terrorizing the NBA right now appar Accord to a lot of people on Twitter it’s it it it’s like the worst thing that’s ever been written into any CBA depending on who you ask like it has destroyed free agency the second apron that 80% of the teams in the NBA weren’t touching anyways like that’s why now they can’t make moves because all of a sudden the number that they didn’t want to get close to is something that they’re not willing to touch even though they were never willing to touch but they have an excuse not to touch it I do think I I do think that this is about the best the Cavs could do in a trade package centered around Jarett Allen and Allen is I think a really interesting guy to potentially move on from because he is I thought he had his best year of his career last year um he wasn’t an All-Star I thought he could have been um but I thought he was better than the year he was an All-Star back in the 2021 season I think it was so he his value I think right now is pretty much at a high and you mentioned the Caris L being an expire ing I think it’s a pretty big deal if they were to move on from him I think that is something that a lot of teams would be attracted to um so they could stay away from that that pesky second apron of course next season um but I I do think that Allen has a lot of value and I think his fit in New Orleans would be really good that’s what makes these two teams such intriguing trade Partners is they both sort of have and really all even before the dejonte Murr trade I think even more so had what the other team needed yeah look there’s there’s a little bit of cap minutia with regards to the aprons that I think is important in this trade construction so Jared Allen and Caris oververt make a few hundred K more than Brandon Ingram right now combined um and so with the Cavs taking in less salary what that does is it doesn’t hard cap him at the first apron so that’s only only if Brandon Inger waves his trade kicker which he yes 15% trade kicker um now it’s not uncommon for players to wave their trade kicker Anthony Davis did it when he went to the Lakers because they afford them more c space um you ultimately have to be able to sell them on a reason to do it one I can think of 208 million reasons to do it but I I think that’s the reason like if the Cavs if the Cavs are talking to his agent and say hey we’re gonna trade for bi and we want to give Max extension we’re the only team that’s going to do it but it’s con upon Him waving that 15% kicker I’m pretty confident that kicker will get waved exactly and then the second thing is what that does is with the Caps not with the caves not being hard cap at the first apron it allows them to sign Isaac aoro so my overall point with Isaac auro without getting too complicated because I don’t know the Cav’s finances like the back of my hand like but the point with Isaac aoro is they would be able to go over the first apron and sign him um and that gives you Wing depth it gives you a player that is a good player and and someone that can has been a part of the starting group and you know gives you actual actual depth and maybe allows you to move off some other pieces um you know because because Brandon is a positionally versatile player uh so look you can try to construct these sign in trades with a cororo I think they get complicated but at the end of the day if you’re able to bring back a cororo and have Brandon Ingram in the building like that’s some of the best Wing depth like I think the Cav have had in in a minute and ALS also gives you another like tradable salary piece at the deadline or whenever you know so I think if I’m the Cavs I’d be looking at it hey I can have two Wings here um and I can have Brandon Ingram like that’s that’s a significantly uh attractive option for me yeah and I mean he instantly becomes the best wing on the roster by far he’s probably the he’s one of the best wings in team history if he’s in Cleveland behind some guy that used to wear number 23 in Cleveland obviously um but he is is exactly what they need the Cavs right now like their roster construction is just so odd because they’ve got a surplus in the front Court I think Evan Moy is due to take a huge jump they’ve got a lot of talent in the backourt and theyve just they don’t have enough in the middle I think bi fits in perfectly but what is he worth financially it’s the last thing I want to talk about today on today’s edition of lock on Cavs this episode is brought to you by better help it is helpful to learn positive coping skills and how to set boundaries because those things Empower you to be the best version of yourself and it’s not just for those that have experienced major trauma comparison is the thief of Joy how often do you find yourself scrolling on social media comparing yourself to what others are posting about and you fail to often realize at times that those are the highlights when you’re scrolling Instagram it might look like other people have it all all together but in reality they don’t so therapy can actually help you to focus on what you want instead of what others have so that you can start 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seems pretty set on wanting a Max contract extension which for him would be and correct me if I’m wrong but I leave believe four years and 28 million that would begin in the 25 26 Season that’s a lot of money to give to Brandon Ingram especially in today’s um absolutely horrifying world of the aprons in the CBA so my my thoughts here are what exactly is he worth because at $52 million he’s a really good player I don’t know if it’s quite that like if you got Brandon Ingram at $42 million you should be thrilled I just don’t know if that’s something that’s going to happen what’s your read on that situation Ben so at this moment in time him and his a agency are pretty dead set on trying to acquire that Max number it’s still early in the process um you know players have done this in the past we saw this last year with with Pascal yakum you they went to the the Raptors the Raptors like look we’re not we don’t think you’re worth a Max but if you find a team that is willing to pay you a Max we’ll be able to work something out with them uh I think that is the stage the Pelicans and Brandon Ingram and and his representation are in at the moment uh a ifying the team that’s willing to Pony up it might take a while Pascal got traded in January right um sometimes teams need to play the first 20 30 40 games uh before they realize okay yeah let’s move in a different direction um and it certainly seems like there’s willingness from the Pelican side to let this play out they have feel like there’s no rush for them to jump into a Max it all comes down to Brandon ingr in his agency’s appetite to accept an extension that would be lower than that and I think the Pelicans like you said like that 40 million number sounds pretty reasonable um 42 million you know like I I I’ve seen different I’ve seen different totals thrown around my own personal mental calculations are roughly 25% of the salary cap which is the Clement of a rookie Max which is basically the deal that he’s on right now um and I would have that first year start slightly below Zion’s year uh numbers because I I think it’s very important Zion be the highest paid player on the team for just hierarchy purposes I don’t know if that’s totally important to coaches or not but like for me if I was running a team I would wanted to clear that guy is the highest paid player he’s the best player it’s his team let’s make this very clear um so you know I think if you play if you if you divide those numbers out it comes out to roughly four years 170 and and so the first year would start around 37.9 and then he would have 8% raises on that on the base and it would total out to 4 170 that’s a number I’d feel comfortable with in the new cap environment there’s going to be 10% cap rate increases year-over-year at least for four or five years um and so at that 25% rate even with 8% raises his cap hit should probably go like 25% 24% 24% 23% I think it’s a very movable deal and if he starts taking threes on that deal that’s that’s a great player um so that’s where I would be comfortable with I certainly don’t think him and his agency are comfortable with that that number yet no I I think that and listen I can’t fault them for not being comfortable with that number yet like you hold out to get the max I think is as long as you can because you you want to get that Max I think it’s interesting you bring up the point of you know on needing to be the team’s highest paid player just for hierarchy purposes and that’s something I agree with and if you bring that into consideration with the Cavs well the highest paid player has to be Donovan Mitchell and it should be Donovan Mitchell and we know he just signed that contract extension with Cleveland that’s you know three years $150 million in reality it’s a two-year extension worth $100 million because that last year’s a player option and then he can sign a a really crazy big extension off of that but but that extension is going to be something that probably starts around 4849 million a year and goes up I don’t think that the final numbers are are in yet or at least not publicly known yet so I do think if you’re paying someone else Brandon Ingram here $52 million that it it complicates things just a little bit more because he’s not going to come in and be the best player on this team and in New Orleans he’s not going to be the best player cuz it’s Zion’s team so I don’t know how many situations there are for him him out there that one would pay him the $52 million and he’d be the best player on the team like I don’t and he would want to be in that situation like yeah could the Detroit Pistons pay him $52 million a year and he’d be the best player on the team well it kind of depends how kid Cunningham develops but like that’s a plausible thing but does he want to be in Detroit probably not yeah so there’s one thing I want to say is his Max and Mitchell’s Max are the exact same um so if he were to get an extension he would start at that exact same salary number that Mitchell’s at that year uh right determined on you know it’s based off of years of service Mitchell got the 30% he’d be eligible for 30% so he wouldn’t so at like worst case scenario he’d come in being dead even with with with with Donovan um and then you know you kind of get into like years and options and that kind of stuff and I’d be curious if this trade were to go down the C’s like cool we’ll give you Max money but we want the timeline to align with with Don so we’re giving you three years or whatever you know what I mean like I’d be curious if it’s they play around with the years or if it’s a straight up no we’re just going to give it to you all um because if you if you know if the intention is we’re g to let you get to free agency which is I think that’s what would happen at that point he can sign a fiveyear deal like five five New Years to stay with the Cavs and it’s what Pascal did I believe Pascal signed for five I I got have to double check that and I believe that’s correct but what Donovan’s doing is what with that player option that shorter term deal allows get to 10 years of service and all of a sudden you go from being 30% eligible to 35% eligible and so I don’t know if that’s something that’s attracted to Briner Ingram or not or if that’s just being greedy be like I got my 30% maybe I can get a 35% you know and I’ve at 10 years of service um if I were him I would take the full five years if that was on the table uh that’s an incredible amount of money that’s GNA look like something like $300 million or something I don’t know it’s G to be something insane unbelievable um that’s that’s what I would do but hey I mean we’ll we’ll see so as we wrap up what’s your best guess as to how the brand and Ingram situation gets resolved this offseason so here here’s my somewhat educated guess um I think the Pelicans are going to wait out Cleveland as long as possible I think Cleveland has a number of items on their docket that they have to take care of starting with finalizing the mo extension um which is by all reports going to be a Max I think you know there’s probably going to be haggling about the player option which he probably is not going to get uh there’s probably some haggling about the qualifi the rose R qualifiers so you know maybe it’s not you automatically get the escalators if you’re third team maybe it’s like okay you have to hit first team or you have to hit defensive player of the year so maybe there’s some negotiating going on there we’ll see um personally if if Mo’s heading third team I’d be happy to pay him BK clits you know like that’s that’s that’s how I view it um especially with the new rules in terms of like you don’t have to separate by position so you’re not getting a third team Center that’s not really an all NBA player like if you’re making that you’re by all regards a top 15 player like yeah that guy is worth that kind of money 100% um so I think they would need to get that sorted out first second thing I think they would like to get sorted out is I think despite what they say about like not wanting to move Garland I think they found out like the Pelicans have found out with Brandon iner the Market’s very cool there like there’s there’s just not really an appetite like Trey young doesn’t have a market and neither does does Darius Garland there’s just not a great deal of demand for a small guard at that position um especially coming off of a Down year um so I think the Cavs will eventually conclude like cool like there isn’t really like a earth shattering offer here it’s in our best interest to bring in all a talent or or Ain the talent you know whether it’s running it with the core four back um have as much talent on the team as possible and try to rebuild his value and do something there in the meantime I think they’re going to try to shed some money um maybe that’s in the form of of Levert and you could deal Levert for a smaller salary hit player like you know like he makes 17 maybe you get a $14 million guy and that’s breathing room under the apron right um you know there’s nang’s contract uh maybe they can turn that into a smaller C pit think there’s things they can do with some of the role players to kind of give themselves breathing room under this apron which is where the Isaac a COR situation is going to play it right because if he if he demands enough salary that pushes you above that apron then all of a sudden you become restrict you get hit by those restrictions you can’t do certain trades you can’t do certain things blah blah blah um but if you can you know create enough wiggle room under it then you can give him maybe something what he’s looking for or whatever that situation is uh I think if they’re success in in moving those salaries they might Circle back on Brandon um because I do think ultimately they’re going to realize we have to maximize AV Moy and he’s best maximized uh at the five and they are also in a position with Donovan Mitchell where they can’t really afford to take a step back this year um so bringing in actual talent is Paramount um I I do think this is a trade that makes sense for both teams I’m just so curious if both teams are going to just be in the steering contest for until February like like that’s when it all shakes down that’s when like someone concedes like you know what like this is this is when it’s happening um that that would be my expectation for how it plays out uh with regards to the Pelicans and the Cavs because I think the Pelicans have identified Allen I feel like they’ve had enough dialogue with the Cavs over the years to understand um what the Cavs might be looking for in a return um and I think they feel very good about holding the line until this materializes now where I think may end up throwing a wrench in some of this is the lari marketing situation if Utah decides to keep him does Golden State become a more aggressive Suitor um if Utah decides to keep him does Utah pursue Brandon inor they have John Collins they have Walker Kessler they have a bunch of draft picks as cast fans are Weare um oh yes some of them are not great draft picks too and so uh you they have a bunch of draft picks they also have $ 37.6 million in cap space which is the Brandon Ingram figure um 24 of it’s going to go to Lowry if they keep Lowry 24 of that 37.6 is going to go to Lowry it’s going to bring him up to his max and they’re going to extend him off of that give him his max extension off of that so that gives him about 13ish million to play with that’s that’s John Collins and Walker Kessler salary matching money that’s that’s that’s a deal that I think the Pelicans should look at it’s gives them a little bit of breathing room under the tax because there’s like you know you those guys make less than Brandon Ingram gives them two rotation bigs of which they have right now is Daniel Ty like that’s the rotation big on the that’s not the starting center that the pels were looking for yeah right uh so I you know if I were them I would look into that and it just kind of depends on how the lry marinin situation shakes out I think Danny a if he’s keeping lry marinin he’s gonna want to make a value play on another good player um historically that’s how Danny anges operated if he’s able to get Brandon for John Collins who he got for a couple of second round picks Walker Kessler who they’ve been shopping all summer when um and is a third-year summer league player um and a couple of these draft picks that they don’t really need you know that they don’t value highly I feel like both teams should look into that but I do like I said I think the Pelicans are going to wait out the Cavs until the last possible moment because they want Jared out yeah I I think that’s that’s I think this is something that it’s not going to be resolved soon I think it is worth noting to you know the Cavs Trad for Donovan Mitchell in September just because the move hasn’t happen now doesn’t mean that a move is not going to happen um Schmid thank you so much for doing this this was amazing make sure you check out his stuff you can find him on Twitter at fear the brown subscribe to his substack even if you’re not a Pelicans fan it’ll make you smarter about basketball make you smarter about the NBA and everything going on he does a fantastic job covering the Pelicans has some awesome thoughts on really everyone across the league so he is a must follow on Twitter a must subscribe to his substack and thank you for making locked on Cavs your first listen every day summer league starts today the Cavs take on the Magic in their first Summer League game I will be in Las Vegas next week we have we will have a ton of su summer league stuff to talk about plus who knows maybe an Evan Moy extension will be on the way shortly so again thank you for making lock on Cavs your first listen every day and we will talk to you next week

Will Brandon Ingram get traded to the Cavs?

On Friday’s episode of Locked On Cavs, Danny Cunningham (@RealDCunningham) of Cleveland Magazine and 92.3 The Fan is joined by Shamit Dua of In The N.O. to talk about if the Cavs and Pelicans will eventually make a trade sending Brandon Ingram to Cleveland and how he would fit in alongside Donovan Mitchell, Darius Garland and Evan Mobley.

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  1. Keep Ingram far away from the Cavs as possible. He’s not worth the extra 200 million dollar that you’ll have to pay him once you trade

  2. Caris and Jarrett!? Nah I'm good on that. Brandon Ingram isn't worth that much! Brandon for Jarett head up is fair. If the contracts don't line up they got to take Ty Jerome or one of those guys not caris. But I'm not overpaying a team because they don't value Jarett Allen The way we do. Ingram is a twig, If you exchange him for Allen in the starting lineup who plays power forward? Dean? No I'm good. I'd rather keep Jarrett.

  3. Brandon Ingram just had a shit year and mouth breathers still want to trade away one of our best for him.

  4. I'm for trading for a new starting SF but not for Ingram. I think DeAndre Hunter is the best route for that.

    Max & Wade r the 2 players outside of the core 4 other teams want. Trading Max w/Okoro n a S&T gets u out of the Aprons. Trading Wade w/Okoro n a S&T doesn't. The Hawks rite now package of Hunter, Fernando & Vit Krejci (w/picks if Max is traded) works 4 both trade scenarios. Thoughts?

  5. If you can move garland for Ingram you do it. You have to pay them both anyways. Then you would need to find a off ball
    Shooter. That is way easier to find in today’s nba.SFs are hard to find

  6. I believe the threat to possibly take a three but have elite talent to go strong to the hoop is much more valuable than 6/7 threes a game. We have plenty enough players who shoot threes

  7. I can suit up & shoot 7 3s a night for ya'll, doesn't mean I'm gonna connect on a high clip though lol the only logic I agree with is selling high on JA because of how damn good he is. But does Brandon Ingram REALLY propel us beyond teams like Boston or NY especially without JA anchoring the defense, grabbing 10+ boards and going off for 15-20pts a game??? IDK about that one bro.

  8. WHats this about he had a garbage year? He averaged 21 5 5 on good efficiency, he just got injured at the end of the year. Bad luck, not bad player. If you think hes a bad playoff player, go look at what he did to phoenix a couple years ago.

  9. Emoni did well in the G league, it’s about his summer league preformance now, he’s no B.I., but let’s get him some consistent nba minutes, maybe he could be.. (we have b.i. @ home)

  10. Great interview, esp appreciate how you let him lay out his thoughts without direct pushback, but….I don't agree with Shamit's assessment that the Cavs would be interested in moving Allen/ for Ingram he has 'worst deal in the league' type potential

    He will get a max from somebody next year (my guess would be the Pistons) meaning if you trade for him you max him

    Value and talent are separate things, his looming contract nukes his value (he's a high level playmaker and shot creator from below the 3 point line, if not for his looming deal I might be interested)

    Even his talent has questions though: He doesn't shoot 3's at volume, doesn't create space, is rarely healthy, doesn't fit with another ball dominant player (like Zion and why the Pels are moving him) is a 1 time all-star who will be 27 next season

    Pels value Ingram's backup more than Ingram

    Paying Ingram the same amount as Donovan shows how crazy this idea is

    If Kobe moves Allen or DG for B.I. it will be the first move he's made that I am vehemently against

  11. Before his knee injury played very well all year.21 point with good effenciecy,5.7 career high assist and was positive defender.
    In a good system,with a good coach who use well,Ingram Could Top15 player in This league.

  12. No, no, no! The Cavs need a wing who can reliably hit the corner three, attack close outs, and have the size to defend the bigger wings. Both Mobley and Allen generate their offense inside of 15 ft of the basket. Last thing in the world the Cavs need is a third front court player who does the same—particularly one who needs the ball, considering we already have two ball dominant guards. Ingram would cost a lot, including a "core four" player, and be an epically bad fit.

    So no! Hell no!

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