@Houston Rockets

The Tax Man, Isaiah Reed Sheppard. 😎

The Tax Man, Isaiah Reed Sheppard. 😎

by ST012Mi


  1. Sc0rch1ngDr4g0n

    My first impressions of Reed is that he has really active hands, can stroke it, and his ballhandling looks promising.

    More seriously, he was a bit timid to start off, though the shot and IQ were there from the start. But that 3rd quarter he got more and more confident and legit took over the game. He can shoot deep and pass, was able to get into his midrange game, and can use his hands to help compensate on the defense. It’s only one SL game so far, but for our backup guard it looks really promising and exciting so far.

    The question is if he is Cocaine Curry or Kentucky Klay?

  2. Typical-Presence-865

    He’s already my new favorite player

  3. chow-zilla

    VERY polished looking with the ability to control the game. Doesn’t look like a liability on defense in fact he could be a plus defender purely from bbiq. Better first game than I was expecting!

  4. aceknight21

    Reed is the real deal!!! Range is ridiculous, basketball iq is on point, great passing ability, some silly turnovers but if this is him. Dang fellas, Reed the Demon is him.

  5. Watch how fast these mfs will start putting Reed in trade rumors for their bum ass team 🀣

  6. Great start.

    This is just the beginning of the journey but it was the perfect display of his potential for all the doubters.

  7. PotentialShotX

    Bruh he’s a fucking shooter let’s go!!!

  8. Aware_Frame2149

    Said it for months…

    He plays the game at another level. Not athletically, or flashy, but he plays in slow motion.

    When he gets used to running with dudes at this level, he’s going to be incredibly efficient.


    so glad the rockets didnt take KDs_FakeAccount’s dumbass advice and pass up reed to draft donovan “lOnG tErM sHoOtInG pOtEnTiaL” clingan and trade sengun for the corpse of kd

  10. htownballa1

    it’s only summer league, but still that stroke islooks smooth as fuck.

  11. Bewaretheicespiders

    First half especially, I had some Steve Nash flashbacks. In the sense of a natural shooter that likes passing too much when he should chuck it more. Him and Cam seem to have good chemistry already.

  12. takingastep

    Dread it. Run from it. The Tax Man arrives all the same.

  13. Irritated_User0010

    I think I might’ve found another favorite player of mine and normally I don’t get hyped this early.

  14. Looks like Sheppard has the green light on deep 3’s from Udoka. I am ready for this

  15. Bulky-Document9857

    I’m a Kentucky fan who watched Reed play 20+ high school games. Enjoy him. Kid can ball. Y’all have my favorite player

  16. texasproof

    My man looks like he runs pivot tables in his sleep.

  17. NeonPhyzics

    I like “cocaine Curry” that was trending on twitter

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