@Los Angeles Lakers

[Trudell] JJ Redick said on the ESPN broadcast that the Lakers had “a much higher efficiency” when running sets last year than they did when playing more random, and expects to shift more towards that direction next season.

[Trudell] JJ Redick said on the ESPN broadcast that the Lakers had “a much higher efficiency” when running sets last year than they did when playing more random, and expects to shift more towards that direction next season.

by FeminismIsTheBestIsm


  1. CaCHooKaMan

    I enjoy how he’s dragged Ham’s coaching in nearly every interview since being hired

  2. Bahamut727

    When we played our best players, and ran sets, we were amazing. Two things Darvin couldn’t consistently be relied upon to do

  3. HandsomeJack19

    This focus alone could bring in as many as 10 more wins in the regular season, even with the same roster from last year.

  4. AdorableBackground83

    Redick hasn’t even coached yet and he’s already better than Ham.


  5. NotTheMamba

    Wow, a guy who is aware of analytics. Are my Lakers finally modernizing? 🥲

  6. Juaniscool-8

    Will the Lakers finally run a consistent modern offense? I’ll believe it when I see it

  7. josuelaker2

    Yeah. I’m good with this approach to actually playing basketball.

  8. LeagueReddit00

    I am really curious if not running plays was planned or the players had no faith in what Darvin was asking

  9. FershureB

    Ham was clueless when team started to adjust. His only answer was have to Lebron hero ball.

    I hope JJ has some counter plays in the second half of each games.

  10. TheWhisperingDeath

    Its one thing saying it.

    But implementing it will be another.

    Really curious how he does with that.

  11. bigball3r23

    It really is sad that he said something that everyone in here knew and is such a basic thing. But there was 1 person who just couldn’t figure it out

  12. TorontoRaptors34

    Shoulda known Ham was a trash coach when he ran Westbrook Beverly Schroder line ups

    Or when he started the WCF with Schroder DLO and Reaves barbeque chicken😂

  13. CabbageStockExchange

    Yes please. Ham was such a dogshit coach. No more LeBron iso while four other guys stand around the perimeter doing nothing

  14. vultureattacksquad

    Cranjis has been preaching this all season here on reddit, and on his podcast and Twitter, glad to see our new head coach understands this as well.

  15. macmoretti

    A lot of people in this subreddit that know ball were saying the same thing for two years. I don’t wanna hear another word about how Ham wasn’t given enough time. He was given too much 😂

  16. Battlemaster123

    AD said the same thing towards the end of the season

  17. I don’t think it’s the sets themselves that are a boon, but at least they get guys moving within the offense.  Our guys just seem to have a tendency to stand around without the ball and I think that was more of the issue.

  18. No_Decision8972

    Him talking ish about Ham is just a byproduct of making spot on analysis about our offense. Not intended but I’m sure he enjoys doing it lol

  19. hungrywantmooshoo

    JJ is not a basketball idiot. If anyone listened to his pod, it’s clear he knows his stuff. The challenge will be, can he get our players to respect his vision?

    Time will tell, but if he truly knows his stuff, Bron will be the first test. Bron can sniff out basketball idiots pretty quickly.

  20. RiversofJell0

    JJ’s film session is listening to Cranjis podcasts

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