@New Orleans Pelicans

Pelicans Trade for Dejounte Murray From Hawks!

Pelicans Trade for Dejounte Murray From Hawks!

[Music] [Music] [Music] okay what’s up oh right on time right on time I was like I’m starting without my co-host and guess who’s popping in right on time hi guys is the one ladies and gentlemen boys and girls please welcome to the stage the one the only Olivia [Music] R right on Bobby Bobby [Laughter] W who says that Mo you want to do the whole intro yeah hey your phone’s ringing what is that no what you want to do the whole intro yeah all right how do you got to make sure you stay in the camera shot there hold on there we go uh what Uncle Matt says off we go welcome board glad you’re with us AFR presented by relief Windows I’m Matt most Paul O’Neal s Muse I’m B girl and there it is we got it you better keep your your face in the in the camera shot there am all right you got lean toward Uncle Matt I don’t smell I don’t have cooties okay there we go okay what’s up everybody good morning welcome to a Saturday vacay edition of morning going presented by Brock the bat Rouge Orthopedic Clinic Brock Rock and wine is coming up on Saturday July the 27th presented by Audi Baton Rouge buy your tickets uh BR and of course Parish Construction and Roofing hey if people need a roof who do they call C roof Parish Parish Parish Construction and Roofing I just hey let’s try it again people in roof who do they call Parish Roofing Parish Construction and Roofing you got it Parish parish and of course restored motions restored y’all give Crystal Poe a shout if you’re in pain she’ll help you okay um how about this y’all fired up for this news uh the Pelicans have traded with the Atlanta Hawks for guard de jonte Murray uh which means of course we get to bring back that Mary present drop on AFR uh very excited about that um if you’re not familiar dejonte Murray was with the Spurs a few years ago the Hawks uh sent three first round picks to San Antonio for Murray um to pair him with Trey young and hopes of building this you know All-Star backcourt that would ultimately lead them to a championship didn’t really work out they never got past the first round together and they kind of threw their cap into a situation into a mess so the Pelicans stole jonay Murray from Atlanta um they sent two future uh first round picks the 2025 and 2027 first but here’s the kicker the 2025 pick is the Lakers pick and the 207 pick is whichever pick is lower either the Pelicans pick or the bucks first round pick so meaning the pels keep the better of the pick so whichever pick is worse um that goes to to Atlanta so they get two first round picks they all the pels also sent Larry an EJ Liddell and Dyson Daniels now Dyson Daniels was the number eight over overall pick two years go oh this cat there is a on the screen there is a cat right there I’m reading notes uh and so I flipped the screen from us to the note page and a ad po popped up with a cat on it it’s like they they knew the cat lady was here um anyway so you hate to lose Larry ny’s been such a team guy EJ lell is just a piece and then Dyson Daniels look you you traded or you drafted Dyson Daniels 8th over all two years ago and he’s been a really good Defender for you but de jontay Murray averaged 22 points per game this past year which was a career high um he’s instant offense in your back court and you have an All-Star caliber player you’re adding to your roster for picks and three role players so if you’re looking at it um this is one of those things where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts like the jonte Murray is greater than the sum of all of the assets the pel sent needed Atlanta needed a a reset back okay yeah sounds good we’re doing a show here we can’t worry about her we gotta Focus we got a lock in here live we got this we got we got this so the pels trade forward to jonte Murray I love it now the only other piece really this offseason is the PS have to figure out a deal for Brandon Ingram and my guess is they’re going to go trade Brandon Ingram for a big um now I mean you’ve got your guard so you’re going to go get a big so we’ll see um I know they drafted EES MEC and I’m excited about that too but um kind of a new day turning the page everybody’s look there’s Uncle James everybody’s looking at you you’re looking at the star of the show yeah yep they are all right you want to say good morning um good morning so everybody if you’re new this is Olivia this is my niece Olivia and everyone come on vacation this is her favorite part of vacation isn’t it doing Uncle Matt show do you love the beach or do you love Uncle Matt show better Uncle Matt show and okay go tell go tell dog to stop hey start biking uh Abner Neil good morning Eric Reynolds good morning Hunter peard wo Jessie Brown did the pells trade make them instantly better yes um you traded role players for a star player you you traded role players and picks for a star player uh you got a starter out of the deal and you gave up three role players so yes you’re instantly better um the jonte Murray is instant offense for you thought Drew yep Drew is right there he just went over to the door um absolutely you’re instantly better now the again the big now so this is a major win for for for David Griffin [Music] H the door open um um let me make sure he didn’t open the door come here a [Music] pizza what that [Music] for the [Music] other I think he he definitely opened the door okay um all right H card what’s going on oh they’re good they’re good they’re good then yeah they’re good well I he definitely opened the door and I was making sure none of them yeah yeah yeah Eric Reynolds what’s going on Brian win Greg T UFC 303 Otter’s guy has P under two and a half rounds it’s going to be a war feel free to FaceTime get during the fights that’s right um that’s right Greg good to see you again man I wouldn’t I I would not have noticed or would not of remember just seeing GRE T but thank you very much for the Remer yeah so I I facetimed uh well let me rephrase that Erica and I and some friends were out um uh a few Saturdays ago and someone came up and facetimed Greg uh and had me say hello and come to find out it is morning scer Greg T there and he was watching fights uh he was watching fights at home while we were out so anyway good to see again Greg yeah man I’m uh I’ve I’ve got p in uh or P however they say his I always said Pereira and then you know you listen to them on the broadcast and I feel like you know it’s like saying burrito or burrito it’s like how should you really put the accent on it or you just on whatever you know who I’m talking about [Music] um I’m looking up the odds on it right now um let’s see uh CB Swanson’s fighting tonight oh uh yeah he isus 148 Ros plus 124 okay so pretty even there um all right please smash the like button if you would subscribe to the channel Facebook follow along on the page Gary morning Uncle hope you having a good time any portal updates nope been quiet I know they have uh visitors on campus so when I get names and uh good news I’ll let you know good morning Jennifer everybody should uh go to evolve no I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry elev sorry wrong e wrong e elev elev elev sorry wrong one elev Jennifer ‘s elev uh pilat Studio on uh Jefferson in the same shopping center as New York Bagel cool logo go follow on Instagram as well elev I’m embarrassed that just did that sorry elev elev elev elev elev like Elevate but Elevate there you go huh El what is it oh elev is Elevate in French I would have never known that in French olree is French got it uh good morning Kelly gross Eric Reynolds good morning uh David Griffin you have redeemed yourself uh good morning Matt Olivia good morning Trent Deus said muso I love Olivia haha he loves you wait that that moo no his name is Trent but but he’s he’s laughing that you love the muso thing the Barbie girl thing yeah yeah Merck murn good morning Casey Smith good morning Matt and Olivia good Mike uh my opinion is we gave up too much for replacement Allstar do you agree Matt explain why not please Sirah uh I don’t think you gave up too much for replacement allar um I think especially because you’re going to be trading Brandon Ingram and you’re going to need offense and the jonay Murray is instant offense who can uh shot create and makes you immediately better in your back court um I’m very excited about this I mean you gave up role players and picks and I mean in the is there any League where draft picks mean less than the NBA I mean if you’re not picking in the top depending on a draft the top three to five I mean yes you can hit you know you can hit on Steph Curry at was Steph eth the eighth pick I mean you can hit on dreon in round two it just give me stars man you have an opportunity to get Stars yeah get Stars Aaron Fontaine morning Matt Olivia from North Carolina uh Craig dugga top of the morning to you Olivia and Matthew good morning Eric Reynolds a starting point guard who’s ready for Lob City um Austin kid morning Matt sorry been MIA for a while here today ready ready to scone all right Austin it’s well it’s 7: am there in Vegas so not too too early today Carl the cat Murray present cjun country hi Olivia enjoy the beach we just got back from Disney World the kids had a great time Mom and Dad are exhausted do you love Disney World too yeah have you been to Disney World before yes yeah you have yep what was your favorite part uh the train ride Disneyland the train ride Disneyland yep justu oh you just went in February what oh Thunder Mountain oh you love Thunder Mountain yep yep me [Music] too has Bells Oh the train at Bells yeah did you see any cats no no cats uh Ben said good morning Matt and Olivia hope you’re having a blast Mikey what what is that that’s not a monkey what is that it looks like a tower of some sort I don’t know what his picture is there it’s not a monkey though I don’t know what that is Eric Reynolds got him for peanuts true uh Eric Hart good morning Miss Olivia good morning I hope you found some really cool seashells yesterday no I don’t have has no no seashells no did you find did you get did you catch Stingray clams clams got some clams yeah what Stingray no no did you see a shark no did you see an alligator no did you see a Wampus cat no did you see a whale a dolphin no a tuna no okay a seashell yeah okay uh uh Shane Carver really enjoyed your locked on shows Matt excited to keep listening thank you so much uh Shane I appreciate that very much yes so we had I think I shared this with Y yesterday but um or maybe not maybe I didn’t have this news yet but oh maybe we did great news locked on LSU um yes ma’am I’ll come right back I go my medicine okay go take your medicine come right back I’m not going anywhere okay okay my apple juice okay good deal get your apple juice um so uh Apple podcasts um so there’s a uh a uh a charting software called chartable or company called chartable that charts podcasts and um on Apple podcast in foot so is the football category in America lockon LSU was number 24 this week which is crazy like new heights was number one pardon my take I mean some Bing with the boys McAfee cardd um the pivot Rich Eisen um Josh Pate uh Chris Long Joel clatt and then 22 is lock on Packers 23 is locked on bills 24 is locked on LSU so right ahead of locked on Auburn so fired up for it man great um great news and the early going here just two weeks in oh look at you you got breakfast waffles and apple juice yeah okay love that it’s totally fine it’s totally fine she can eat right there do you like those waffles you’re good yeah what kind of syrup you have when your waffles sug good sugar free got it good deal um let’s see Eric Reynolds and he plays defense I’m firal for too Eric I mean it’s very hard to get Stars I mean you could draft them and hope that they materialize into stars or when you have the opportunity you can trade for them uh like we traded for bi now it hasn’t added you a championship or anything of significance but you traded for a star and you did it again this time so um daralis what’s going on yes and he’s on a great contract the thing is Eric like it it gives um it gives Atlanta um a chance for for a uh like it’s not a full you know reset or reboot because they still got Trey young but it gives him an opportunity for sort of a reset and it gives them um some cap relief as well to try to St out of the luxury [Music] tax those waffles awesome I’m jealous can I eat all your waffles no no Uncle Matt doesn’t get waffles just gets coffee all right um Gary I’ll miss Larry but it was a great trade I agree with you Gary look Larry Nance was a was a great team guy loved New Orleans um he’s the kind of guy that the fan base really loved really good role player of the team I’m with you completely um but you upgraded your roster like you traded three role players and two future picks which may not ever materializing anything and it weren’t even your picks um for a star player I mean you in this league you do that a 100 times out of a 100 I mean the I’ll say it again there’s no other way to say it the hole is greater than the sum of the parts the whole of the jont Murray is greater than the collective of everything you sent so yes I think it’s a great trade Taylor Hudson said good morning Matt and Olivia all caps for Olivia they like you way more Matt you said yesterday only go ankle deep in the ocean no swimming or even waiting in the water does Olivia like to go swimming in the ocean do you yeah how how far out do you go swim um the the the huge waves she goes to the huge waves yep I saw you yesterday in the ocean yeah y you surf board Olivia Olivia is the trooper she’ll go out there and just build sand castles and go in the water and all that stuff yeah yeah Taylor the only time I might go deeper into the water is if uh I got to relieve myself you know I think everybody knows you can pee in the ocean what everybody pees in the ocean oh Erica every that’s disgusting it’s saltwater Erica everybody pees in the ocean all right real quick let’s do a quick poll uh Erica is here she cannot believe that I pee in the ocean please especially for the the the men I got pee I go pee in the ocean did you pee in the ocean no not yet not yet she wants to pee in the ocean okay um let me know uh especially for the men do er uh Erica Eric Hart said Telly rock fish pee in the ocean so why can’t Matt and other men uh Rocky Killian pees in the ocean like literally everybody Ben that’s what the ocean is fish pee uh ATX said kick rocks to the non-p person that’s my wife Erica Brian Jones everyone relieves themselves in the ocean it’s a thing and it’s it’s convenient chance Babin everyone pees in the ocean mer said I pee in the ocean yes everybody’s peing in the ocean don’t get that water in your mouth Erica uh Brennan Huff said duh Ben Gat said everyone except b rock everyone everyone pees in the ocean everyone pees in the ocean Erica okay juice so cold your apple juice is so cold hey you need to get into the picture a little more hey look okay back and then there we go there we go okay there we go um where are we guy Brooks said good morning Matt and Olivia good morning Jesse post said good morning Olivia and Matt good morning oh oh oh I saw I know what you saw you saw Jesse’s cat huh do you love cats what do you love more cats or frogs cats would you love more cats or iguanas cats would do you love more cats or dogs cats who do you love more cats or your dogs my dog and cats who do you love more cats or uh yetis cats what do you love more cats or Bigfoot cat you love more cats or the Loch Ness monster cats got it he loves cats um guy Brook sitting Atlanta airport waiting on my flight to Lafayette Olivia loves airports every time I fly somewhere I got to take pictures of which which planes have to take pictures of for you Southwest why Southwest Plaines because they’re blue because they’re blue so we got to take pictures of the Southwest Plains and S to Olivia uh Devin Kelly good morning Chris P said good morning Matt and Olivia good morning Alton trong morning Matt and Olivia good morning Olivia did you get any key Rings yesterday yeah how many two who bought them for you oh I could get one on now who bought your who who got those key rings for you A M I gotta go get myy go get them show them go get them and let’s show everybody dandal it’s crazy they didn’t want to take anything we gave them last trade deadline but I’ll take this win David Griffin needs to stay aggressive and get a center okay come right back uh Richard Tilly senior good morning hakee batist love your show big dog watching from enemy territory in Mableton Georgia by way of New Orleans keep it up love your direct perspective on my Louisiana sports teams thank you AE very kindy man appreciate you for listening for watching along man thank you so much uh Kobe Walker morning any update on baseball portal NOP last two days have been quiet I’ve checked too since we’ve been on vacation but I think they’ve got um uh no they’ve got some visitors so we’ll let y’all know oh I hear some jingling I know what that is here’s the keychains let’s see them come on everybody’s waiting to see him okay oh oh watch watch watch your breakfast it’s okay I did it it was my [Music] fault can I take your B from okay are you done with your orange your Apple Juice you sure okay that’s better okay okay there we go all right let’s see those keychains um I got this we’ll hold it up close to the camera look the camera’s right there hold it right there so you can see which what’s on there dolphins oh Dolphins there are dolphins on there oh and it’s green too your favorite color no no oh blue is your favorite color I forgot show them the other one it’s a seashell and that one is yellow no no blue blue oh because blue is your favorite color I remember now now I remember got it okay good deal do you love your keychains yes okay she was only supposed to get one in her mom mom said only one and then Uncle Matt took her to the store and Olivia was really kind of had her heart set on a couple of them so I was like uh so that brings us to the next question from Brian wi who said Olivia who is your favorite uncle uncle mat take that Uncle James suck it [Laughter] nerd huh say that Uncle James take that Uncle James uh morning Matt jealous of your beach house time hope you’re all having a blast we are thank you so much all morning Matt and Olivia oh wait I read that one that was about your key uh Lewis Maly hi Reese good morning ladies and gentlemen boys and girls children of all ages now presenting the one the only the lovely and [Music] talented Lair Enderman come on yeah there’s no shot we get Rees on camera unless if I just turn the camera around right now I wouldn’t do it Reese I do it I do it no we’re not gonna do that we’re not gonna do that um let’s see Louis said good morning Olivia uh Vicky his wife would like to know if Uncle Matt got your keychains yes everybody wants to know about the keychains got him Uncle M comes through you know that Dave Sheely pels didn’t Ste Murray as much as the Hawks overpaid for him there might be some truth to the Hawks overpaying for him but I would also say that a star player an All-Star who averages 22 a game uh getting him for role players and draft picks yes I’ll take that let’s see Ryan solar morning Matt and Olivia good morning up currently Seaside 30A bound all right there you go Ryan come on join the party the water’s warm make defense great again morning Matt is there a couple of people players or others that you look forward to meeting for the first time at SEC media days H so I don’t know what players are going yet right um we we should get that next week um I media know because I probably know just from having gone so long I guess we’ll we’ll see Texas and OU people for the first time but I’m but a lot of them came last year a lot of Texas and Oklahoma people came to Med days last year so got to meet a lot of them then um um I’m always interested in the new coaches I think that’s one of the biggest storylines of media days who are the new coaches and who what coaches are at media days for the last time like St Pitman Billy napy are probably on that list this year um Ryan morning Matt and Olivia good morning probably answered this but who do you think will be benefit the most player position group from Blake Baker’s defense um it’s got I mean he’s a linebacker coach so I would assume linebackers would benefit the most you probably excited to see how um you know Greg pan and Harold Perkins development this year would weeks but it was interesting though because I think I don’t think in the two years he was DC at Missouri the top two tacklers each of the two years were safeties so I could look and say all right moving major Burns that star position uh movie s ran to a true safety spot I think may actually benefit those guys the most just being in more natural positions um brenon HFF says no sound we we have sound yeah I mean we have sound yeah we have sound yeah brenon that must be on your end BR think everybody else has sound ATX Texas players hitting the portal uh I’ll check on that today Eric hope the crew mainly Sophia and her pack are behaving for the Keller scone family vacation they’re not awake are they what my fa oh there you go uh so Cody Champion his his profile picture is a Blackhawk Blackhawk helicopter and Olivia loved it yesterday so anyway uh good morning Matt and Olivia good morning has Drew punched any sharks in the nose yet no nope not yet uh courland SK versus max freed today SK shove day uh Happy ski shove Day to all those that celebrate Carter lawn morat we looking good for Jay slavet Carter no I don’t know there was one guy who put that out there um I was told really in no UNC terms that it looked like lobet was gonna get paid to go to Texas um so look he he’s got family in Acadiana he was committed to LSU before no and Kane flipped him to Texas but to Texas IAM excuse me but um lavet and graovac were two guys that I was told immediate like they’re going to Texas so again Kaden Kent and um [Music] um catcher Max um [Music] uh Eric you know what you should do you should become an Amazon influencer and then try products and talk about them on social media and then put your link in there for people to go buy them and then you get commissioned on it like you just saying everyone should buy a snackle box and then if you had a link people could go buy it from your link and then you’d make money on it snackle box um Reggie I don’t think they’re going to trade bi I hope not over r j disagree um they’re certainly not going to give a Max extension they’re not going to let him hit free agency so they’re going to trade bi Kirk what’s up a Kirk said good morning Olivia good morning uh Larry Garner good morning Weston Weaver good morning Abner Neil said good morning Olivia good morning uh Kobe Walker said good morning Olivia good morning Carl the cat I see Justin low hit the portal good luck to him low is that low did you’re talking about Justin lower I say a c my guess is um [Music] uh okay that just happened this morning okay so lower entering the transfer portal that that was three hours ago so or I just saw that three hours ago anyway um thanks for the heads up on that I don’t know that’s one of those things where he’s also draft eligible and he went to the to the draft combine so lur is probably getting drafted and is going to sign but he goes into the portal as a backup plan in case he doesn’t get drafted so then he can have somewhere else to go pitch next year so that’s one of those ones like you remember a few years ago um LSU took commitments from Carter young and um from Vanderbilt and um what I was blank on the kid’s name then field from Baylor um anyway whatever I I always blank on his name um and both of them ended up getting drafted in sign but you take their commitment anyway so that’s what probably was going on lure my still thing I think Laura still gets drafted in signs but uh in case he doesn’t get get drafted the draft doesn’t go his way he he’ll have an option to go somewhere else Brian Jones Tony Williams Cliff Nelson good morning Uncle scone and Olivia good morning cominging live from Houston Colby says hi good morning Colby and of course you know I’m cooking for her and her brother or dad duties team drew that go that way uh all all Uncle Chuck knows his way around the kitchen for sure yeah yeah he does get it done man get it done have a great weekend man hope y’all are doing awesome tell everybody I said hello let’s see Rocky morning Matt and Olivia and fam love what you guys do with these kids we need more people like this in the world oh that’s very great Rocky thank you so much who doesn’t love Olivia huh yeah Olivia is everybody’s favorite you’re like uh oh tell everybody about the award you won at school this year what award did you win you remember at St Michael’s what big award did you win at the end of the year you don’t remember you don’t want to say I can you can’t remember what it was called no that’s okay Olivia won an award for basically being the kindest sweetest person that everybody really likes a lot huh yeah great example of Christian values right what was it called Erica what was The War called okay was a big deal a big deal she won that award um Brian Jones hope you enjoy your vacation glad still doing Morning Show while you’re wa so Brian this today is episode 2330 what are we on uh 2338 so uh we’ve never missed a day man that’s 2338 episodes consecutively literally never missing a day that’s vacation that’s weekends that’s holidays that’s uh travel that’s airports hotels uh in the car we don’t ever Miss like eventually I’m going to force Gump this thing one day and just stop and be like you know when Force Gump was running he’s like I just felt like running then one day he just stops in the middle of Arizona or something’s like I’m pretty tired think I’ll go home now like that’s probably what I’ll do one day I’ll just stop one day um almost like Halal Ripken streak but uh in the meantime you know where to find us every day man so smash that like button and subscribe up to the YouTube channel if you would excuse me subscri subscribe to the YouTube channel um Brian Jones said Trey young is next to be traded I’m sure I don’t know if they’re gonna trade Trey young it seems like they’re trying to keep Trey young and moving Murray to keep one big uh to keep enough salary space to keep one piece in place try to build around Trey young for the with the next I don’t think they’re trading Trey young um recruiting haven’t heard recruiting news this weekend but I’m going to make a call when we’re done here to see if I could find out who’s on campus and um how those visits are going Club Ruckus morning M Olivia happy Saturday listening live in the card of my three-year-old daughter Andy say hi Andy hi good morning Andy hope your day is going great Andy A and D I say she spells Andy y That’s pretty huh yeah that’s a beautiful name I hope youall have a great great Saturday let’s see uh Brian Jones be careful going to the Sharks playground if I can’t see the bottom I’m not going in anymore I’m with Brian um all right uh and Erica by the way Brian said I Rel myself in the pool sometimes LOL Cliff Nelson yes we pee in the ocean Chad I purposely hold my pee until I get to the ocean um yeah Eric I bet there’s way worse stuff in that water to worry about than a leader of Matt’s P true Bren and huff not walking all the way back to my room when the ocean is right there Club Ruckus you haven’t lived until you had you peed in a large body of water what happens if you have to pee when you’re there what well I do oh oh this is a good question chance Babin said Olivia cats or helicopters what do you love more cats and helicopters what do you love more cats or helicopters helicopters you love helicopters more than cats cats would do you love a cat or a helicopter helicopter do you really yeah wow something she loves more than cats I would not have thought that at all it’s a good see chance that’s a good question we’ll learn something new here ATX my grandpappy told me if I see a T-Bob in the ocean punch in the nose I wish Erica was still here she just walked out that was really good uh you ain’t cool unless you ped ocean um Merrick ask Olivia is Uncle Matt your favorite uncle yes take that Uncle James nerd murder giraffe good morning make defense great again uh there’s things way worse than sterile urine in the ocean very true Jane D good morning I’ll be watching UFC 303 later uh so Olivia’s dad Jeff and I were actually talking yesterday about trying to go find somewhere that’s showing the fights we might try to go watch him somewhere tonight I don’t know where we can go you want to come watch some UFC with us with me and your dad we the um tonight yeah no you don’t yes no you don’t silly girl yes I love fights you do love fights that’s true actually yes that is true Brent uh Brett excuse me Brett bur drawn only body of water you should not pee in as a swimming pool there’s chlorine in there though Pierce let’s see why is everyone so quick to move off JV he’s a strength against a lot of other teams weaknesses never hurts racks up rebounds Mr double double would be hard to place that kind of production I don’t it’s not to say that yonas isn’t a productive player and I think he’s been a fan favorite and I love his uh I love I love the effort team concept I love everything about it but it’s based on the rotations that that Willie Green is trying to put into place that Jonas just doesn’t fit anymore I mean when you’re in playoff series a play of contention and Jonas is starting and at the first timeout he’s out of the game and he ends up playing like 12 minutes like that’s not he he they’ve shown you he does it’s not that he’s not a productive player it said he doesn’t fit what they’re trying to do if that’s the case go find guys that fit what you want to try to do it’s like if you you know if you have a um uh you know if you have a might be a bad example but if you had a big a big Burly power hitting first baseman but you’re a small ball team well he can’t get on steal a base so like maybe you’re tradeing for guys that fit what you want to do again I’m not saying like he’s not productive I’m just saying that if they enion themselves you know functioning in a different way then you got to get the pieces that function the way you want to function so I get it oh yeah oh look um Janet said Olivia blue is my favorite color too that’s good Saul said take that Uncle James that’s right take that Uncle James nerd uh Mark why is LSU baseball losing so many pitchers to the portal well again I want to clarify about lore so lore is draft eligible and I still believe he’s going to get drafted you go into the portal just to make maintain your eligibility ility um and a lot of just other guys that haven’t gotten Innings and I just think that’s going to be the nature of of college baseball in the portal era where like if you’re a pitcher you have to pitch you have to get Innings so if you don’t get Innings you’re going to go somewhere where you can so I get it you just have to make sure that you counterbalance that by signing enough arms in the high school ranks and the portal to supplement make sure you have enough and I think they have uh yep nope uh let’s see Ariana Clovis good morning Ariana that’s a beautiful name good morning Mr Matt and Olivia good morning uh how are you this guys guys this morning I pray that God may continue to bless you guys I’m a big fan of your channel a that’s so nice that’s very nice Ariana beautiful name too thank you Ariana have a great day how nice was that uh Saul say good morning Olivia and Matt good morning good morning Saul uh my dad’s watching Mr Jody good morning Mr Jody and he said good morning Olivia he didn’t say good morning to Matt he just said good morning Olivia what Jody is doing well that’s a picture of him uh in a radio Studio talking on a microphone can you see that yeah yep that’s what he’s doing in that picture uh he didn’t even tell me good morning and I’m his son he just told you good morning how about that yeah huh what a stinker uh Peter fanner morning Olivia and Matt uh please pass on my regards to Jeff D that’s Jeff Del that’s Olivia’s dad he’s got look he’s got a Jesuit logo right there what a nerd huh huh we don’t we like Catholic don’t we yeah yeah who’s better Catholic or Jesuit Catholic yep for sure we’ be Jesuit and everything they stink oh oh somebody’s coming down the stairs who’s it who you think it’s GNA be uh Rocky killy and Matt are the chances of getting Kaden Ken better than 50-50 Rocky um let me check so I think I think is unless if something has changed since Wednesday which it might haveen I don’t know oh here he comes dad here comes the big Jesuit nerd Dad here he comes there’s a guy on here Jeff uh Peter Fenner his uh his logo is the Jesuit J and he said semi regards to Jeff D do you know him I think D my dad Peter Fenner FN RK dad I’ll ask him if if uh how he knows you yes Dad oh Ree and Isabelle are next to come on the show they got their segment coming up come on Thomas Primo Logan Sy how many SEC schools get in the 12 team playoff this year Logan I think Baseline you’re going to get three every year I think there’s a lot of people who think that they’re going to end up with four um I think I think that’s going to be tougher than you think with a committee um because I do think there’s going to be an effort for some some degree of equal distribution remember the four conference Champs get in the group of five at large gets in that’s five spots you have seven um you have seven at large spots uh Ste Steamboat something that was it Steamboat Steamboat Grill Steamboat Grill uh um oh that’s right they did have crabs there that’s right re one the crabs they did have crabs there it was good too it was a good place and we can walk there from here it’s right across the street okay got it thanks Erica um Damon Gilmore Saul what can we get for bi that’s a great question you better get a big um like that’s the one where you should get you should get a king’s ransom for bi um because he’s a guy that that teams can build around it just hasn’t worked with bi and Zion and obviously you’re hitching Your Wagon so get what you can look at Mark the Pelicans are back I do agree with this it’s a huge trade Murray’s an Allstar like you traded you gave away role players for an All-Star role role players and draft picks for an All-Star I’m with it Wendell Norman said good morning Matt Olivia good morning Carl the cat uh the boss gave Beth three a two-e extension a contract yesterday I’m glad to hear that Carl and candidly I’m a little unplugged because I’m here I didn’t see that but I’m glad for that because y’all know I think the world of Beth I want her to win a national championship at LSU I think she’s had incredible consistency and they are recruiting at a very high level now Oklahoma’s hard for anybody to topple and the league is going to get tougher with Oklahoma coming into it but um you know I’m I’m glad for Beth I want her to get it done Anthony galut morning Matt enjoy the vacation morning Olivia always enjoy when you’re on the show this time of year I love your positive and joyful attitude in the morning you’re such a sweetheart yeah a say thank you thank you that’s very kind of Anthony thank you Anthony very kind thank do what are you doing Nanny Eric do you want to come on the camera [Music] too John Buro familyes heading there next week have fun like the shirt there it is national champs Catholic High please smash the like button if you would remember Brock rock and wine Saturday July 27th South Stadium Club at Tiger Stadium we’ll see all there food wine live music in Tiger stadium in the The Stadium Club en tiger sa so air condition uh but it’s a awesome event all raising money for the Brock foundation so um hope to see y’all there get your tickets br br all the info by the way scrolling on the bottom of course Parish Construction and Roofing um [Music] um hang on I’m GNA try this one more time I want to try this again so the parish uh Google review page is finally live it takes a it takes a lot to get onto Google I was going to post a link and hope that y’all would leave us a review I I’m not going to just here and scroll forever to find it but hopefully y’all can help um you go to Google the page on Google and um man man man man man just somewhere deep in this text chain anyway if y’all could help go somewhere uh go to Google um and leave us a Google review five star review that would be awesome I’d be super super super super super super grateful um I can’t find the link I was looking for the link and I was going to post I can’t find it all right we’ll just move on I know you don’t want to just sit here while I do this all day who you waving at Roo oh it’s roro what’s she doing oh that’s Larry we’re GNA have to get Larry in here at some point um not yet not that I’ve seen anyway let’s see Jason Horn morning Matt Olivia how’s the beach good good uh bad news Birds making move adner Matt my wife got good news about her back yesterday at Brock and Hammond thanks for your concern absolutely Abner thank you for choosing Brock I I know we’ve talked about that before but I’m very glad that uh that your wife is doing better man back pain back pain stinks um yeah a bud yesterday text me about what to do for for my back so if you need northed go to Brock they’re the best Shelby breaking news Jamarcus fire for taking $74,000 check meant for donation to the school he coach that oh gosh um Jrock come on I don’t know the story yet so let me dig into the story before I comment um Brett de Gro good morning Jacob Schultz morning scone still wanting one of those sweet parach hats Jacob we’ll make that happen man um we’ve got uh again we’ll have a a parish hat party coming up I tell you all the time if you want to hat just pop into our office man our office the the Perkins Road office uh sometime this summer hopefully by hopefully by the end of July we’ll be into the new office on high on lavvo Lane off of highlandia but um um Larry it’s Larry hi ah I don’t know if trivia is here yet though he’s the one that asks about Larry all the time all right well if uh if anyone ask question we could do ask Larry or we could do ask gck or ask Olivia if anyone ask questions we could do that we can ask Mimi for Mimi’s House of Pain she wants to drop elbows from the top rope on Drew like she like she used to do all the time she dropped El so a long time ago don’t don’t add me a long time ago um Drew was little bitty and like he he’d come into the office like in my office I was doing more in scone and like if he was like if he was like fussing or crying I was like oh what happened I was like did Mimi push you down did Mimi hurt you and so anyway so we ALS obviously everybody knows like everybody knows like my mother-in-law is not dropping elbows on my child on my special needs child like I don’t know she’s gonna get legit upset now so we were talk we were talking about how when Erica and her sisters were younger how if they were sassy just yeah not Erica never got but sometimes they might get a little little backand or something like that little hair pull a Pok pokut pop pull the hair SLA the face Pony pop a pony pop sorry uh anyway Merrick said what was the reason for starting morning scone um started morning scone years ago uh six years ago because I was just trying to build up my own personal YouTube channel and I was like well let me just do content every day and I’ll just make a commitment to consistently doing stuff every day and um just to be on on every platform everywhere all the time and just never stopped so that’s that’s the reason Bubba Smith what’s going on Eric I need to call in military favor for my friends to get Olivia to see a real Blackhawk that would be really cool would you like to see a real Blackhawk helicopter yeah those are huge that would be awesome Eric you’d love that huh man I remember I see it I was what’s he saying he’s going to try to get you to see one um I uh so dur in Katrina I was living in Mid City on Longwood like right he this Uncle J oh hey hey I have a question for you somebody asked earlier who’s your favorite uncle Uncle Matt Uncle Matt take that Uncle James suck it [Laughter] nerd while she has her keychains in hand out B her [Music] no no hey if Uncle James had bought you key keychain yesterday who would be your favorite uncle uh good man I’m baiting the hook I can’t help I can’t help it if I’m just the best ever at everything you know what I mean suck it nerd uh oh uh oh L is looking at you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] no let’s see uh oh uh oh what do you think’s gonna happen now [Laughter] take that you can’t tell him that uh Trey Bagby Matt Murray’s an absolute great trade PS need a big or two but Murray will unlock Zion even more um let’s see Mark can NOA be a basketball city um no not in the sense that basketball will ever overtake the Saints it will never be number one but can people love the team and sell out crowds and be by yes absolutely said that forever yes yes yes um people will love the team they just got to show a commitment to winning it to win if they do that people I mean like Cleveland isn’t a basketball town but when LeBron was there and they were winning yes yes it was awesome there yes it could be that way anywhere Arthur Matt we got Murray for some MREs and picks kind of feels like it doesn’t it Mt Washington uh good morning Olivia and Matt good morning are y’all going to see the new Minions movie this week yeah Jesuit class of 85 oh another Jesuit nerd like your dad nerds big Jesuit nerds oh darn uh strob skills the guy said lay off the titos is the one that released the lulet to LSU okay uh I hope he’s right on this one let’s see Matt Underwood pels need trade CJ yesterday and Zion needs to play power forward no point Travis Brown morning mat and Olivia uh I’m drinking coffee and watching your show on my birthday say Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Travis Brown hope it’s a great day uh hope all of your hopes and dreams and wishes come true all the best on your birthday courland LSU needs infielders more than outfielders yeah so Courtland I don’t know if you’re just joking um so like I made that point about that point um yes LSU needs infielders however Jay lavet is going to be maybe the number one pick in next year’s draft he hit 29 bombs he is better than any outfielder you have and better than any outfielder anybody has right now if you can get Jay Lavette you 100 bajillion perent Jas laet that’s not even that’s not even a question so I don’t care what you need if you have a chance to add the best player who hit 30 home runs this year when all of your home run power is gone you a bajillion percent do it that’s not even a question um hang on where where where are going ocean um where one of the what yeah I don’t see that I don’t see anywhere about Jay lulet and LSU I mean there was the one guy who has like 2,000 Twitter followers who’s a I don’t know who he is but he’s a college baseball wrer but like again the thing that I was told like the day that SCH Nagel left if you remember they SCH Nagel left lobet went on was like I love A&M blah blah best decision ever made then the next day he enters the transer portal well lulet has a great relationship with Michael early go go by the way I’m I’m not saying this today go back and lit literally go watch AFR from what day was that Wednesday the day like I I open the show Wednesday with two segments talking about it was Tuesday Tuesday when it was Wednesday talking about all the seven players from A&M that went in the portal I talked about lobet and Michael early the hitting coach from A&M who went was lost to Texas is like he loves him he’s G he a great relationship with early and Texas is gonna pay so that was always the thought that lobet was going to end there um I I understand the people saying LSU because he was committed to LSU before he went to A&M and Nolan flipped him but with Nolan there and Michael early there as the hitting coach like I’m just kind like now I’ve been gone for two days maybe something’s changed but I feel like if that had changed I probably would have gotten a call on it but I’ll follow up and see so um Darren gagon morat Olivia hope everyone’s having a great time C hi yes sir Chris Keller do we have a parish jingle yet we do have a parish jingle um here we haven’t played in a few days too here we go here it comes Parish Construction and Roofing jingle constru Roofing at Parish we’ve got you covered from the top of your roof all the way downish construction and Ro Parish built Parish built from your all right all right all right all right all right all right all right back to the comments oh trivia Carter what up Larry oh did did she leave was nine minutes ago trivia is here um [Music] no he’s up he’s upstairs Deborah coward morning M Olivia good morning Chris Keller did Mimi have to lay the smackdown yet haha well I think everybody left now trivia said what up Larry there you go Larry’s here or trivia is Larry’s on the stairs now anyway I don’t know if we got to ask Larry questions let me scroll down and see we’ve got some ask erck uh uh uh triy said I can do ask Larry oh can’t do ask Larry getting ready to tea off all right oh well oh well um Anthony my dad got me a bottle of piggyback sixy year age Ry one of my favorites for sure I like everything Whistle Pig does I mean piggyback for a six-year ey is really good I mean I think whistle Pig’s done a great job with everything they put out um I don’t know that they’ve had a bad release yet quite honestly Brian win Matt since Mimi has retired professionally from competition does you think today’s UFC fighters are not as tough as they were back in the day I think everybody’s gone let’s see will John Emory be the starting running back for shoot this fall I don’t think so Mark I think he’ll be a rotational guy I think you’ll see Josh Williams and I really think you’re G to see Caleb Jackson get the the line share the carries Olivia ask Gad for $5 to prove to the viewing audience he is truly awesome I mean Mark she is holding two keychains here that I bought for her yesterday who got you those keychains man well I better not say who’s your favorite you can be hurt feelings around here if I keep saying that um Mark what’s your take on the new first round pick from Baylor yeah man uh EES Mei fits what they want to do really athletic big can get up and down the floor um always a question about how you translate to the you know from one level to the next so we’ll see but they needed a big they’re obviously moving on from yonas and you drafted one with a high steal in there so I think you and getting him as a 20’s pick I think is a steal so um how does 136 million in the NFL take a $74,000 donation bet for the weight room um so Rocky this is why I want you’re talking about Jamarcus this is why I want to see what the full story is there because um I’ve seen enough interviews Jamarcus over the years like he was good with his money like he and he’s continued to invest and he’s been very good in he’s back home in Mobile and he’s done very good with all that so my point is I know people look at Jamarcus as a bus and they think all this Maps his behavior I’m I want to see the full story because with something like that something doesn’t add up so go swim later okay um chance do you even like Tios I don’t really like vodka I really don’t drink Vodka um I love whiskey and when it’s hot outside like this I’ll drink tequila like on the beach today I’ll put tequila in a cup with a with a little with a lime you know squeeze a lime and like then that’s it so I think that’s cool and refreshing during the summer months but I really don’t ever drink Voda uh does m trade me Ingram is more so on the trading block or this their new big three no no no I think they’re they’re trading like we’ve just seen we’ve just seen that that be who is that uh oh see you got on his bad list oh look what he’s get look what he’s getting look what he’s getting he’s got your snackle box you better go get it your oh good man he’s throwing your SLE box away you better go get it oh no oh no oh [Laughter] no he’s got all your M&M’s too you better he’s throw them away you better go get him oh he’s oh no so I basically hated Olivia into saying I was her favorite uncle and it’s now uncle James James is thrown away you got him yeah okay that was so good ah right oh uh Craig du got ask Rock oh my ask Rock I don’t think they can hear you Erica you gotta come sit right here oh my gosh ER you have to come sit right here yeah I W look look look look feel feel my heartbeat oh wow do you feel your heartbeating you know you could do it like you your pulse is right here too you feel your wrist yeah on your pulse I I feel some mm like okay J well he was just he didn’t want you to say that I’m your favorite uncle he want you to say uncle James is your favorite uncle no come back I know I’m baiting you into saying it um okay uh ask ER Rock oh it’s a good one Erica all right Eric is here L asky Rock here we go camera’s right here it’s looking straight back at the wall uh with the current Financial climate how much of my yearly income should I be investing in my IRA is maxing out my WTH yearly wise what percentage of crypto my portfolio to Max gains here Len yeah what do you think I noide I don’t do all that Pap you going to the beach Mark the new jingle as a country music back roads Vibe Matt thought you were from Nola East uh born in uh at Lakeside in met lived in New Orleans East till I was seven um but I don’t really care about what format jingle is I just want people to remember it you know that’s all I I take unle James let’s [Music] see and Chris Keller has D been joing the trip so far no elevators yet but I think he has enjoying the trip uh Brian wi Olivia does Uncle James have any game no um let’s see good morning Matt Ray say good morning Matt Olivia are you going swimming yes good um hudat for life love the trade marray is solid Randall green anybody seen to cor and Moore um I mean I think he’s going to Texas Portland is Matt more excited about the on court implications of Murray or getting you to use his drop again both the Murray present drop gets uh revived so Mark ask gck what loss hurts Matt the most LSU basketball or LSU baseball football football yeah I me we just have more losses in basketball and baseball basketball is yeah you I want them to be great I’m just not emotionally connected with basketball I haven’t been for a long time football football remember [Laughter] [Music] we I was trying to be considered of your neighbor so so never do that we were at we were watching the Saints what ended up being Drew bre’s last game was the Saints bucks we were at Jennifer and Jeff’s [Music] house you have to explain they don’t know what you’re talking about I have to explain to them what you’re talking about you can’t just be like and then not explain what you’re talking about so this ended up being the final game of Drew Brees’s career obviously we knew the window was closing it was a huge deal they beaten the Bears the week before and then they’re playing the bucks with Tom Brady and as it started to really unfold and unwind on them I was getting very very angry and we were outside the outdoor kitchen and I wanted to yell explosives and I needed to let it out and so I covered my face and yelled like I was just yelling but I was trying not to just yell into the night in their in their neighbors and kids inside and everything so I was muffling myself I was still yelling as loud as I could into my hands I thought I was being [Music] respectful so it would have been better if I like taken a pillow and covered my face and yelled may I thought you said you were trying to yell first words in front of the kid yeah because they were a lot younger that was 2020 four years ago yeah and they were also inside and you had neighbors that so I was trying not to just be like yelling like vulgarities Into the Night full throat which is what I was doing nobody could hear what I was saying nobody inside y’all were sitting next to me outside care if you could say hear what I was saying good morning Sophia wonderful to see you today oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen boys and girls children of all ages next up the one the only so IIA [Music] K all right Sophia’s [Music] here Sophia’s got you’re not on Erica Sophia’s got uh friends here who you met yesterday are they still sleeping no oh so why would you come downstairs without your friends come say hello girl the got come say hello to Nanny hates being on camera not I think they were picking up okay so what are we doing today s come on you yesterday yeah what does that entail going to the beach yeah going to the beach swimming swimming oh here they come here they come ladies and gentlemen boys and girls children of all ages next up on to the show and [Music] Sarah all right yeah so um Buckskin Bill died before any of us were even alive what are you talking about you don’t know no Buckskin Bill yes my ex-boyfriend in his house yes that don’t mean you know buckin Bill’s show you weren’t watching buckin bill on TV Erica you were not watching buckin bill it don’t matter you were not watching Buckskin Bill on TV Erica buckin bills like in the 50s and the 60s hey James did you ever watch buck skin bill on TV no you didn’t you wern’t even alive when we were we were kids no I watched Bozo the Clown the grand prize game yeah I don’t even know what that is all right uh girls what do we got going on today no I know you could we didn’t go to [Music] that back no I won’t take that back buck skin Bill Legend rip oh he got it again all right girls let’s rate the day yesterday uh what was what was what was your favorite part of the day um going again favorite part of the day um I don’t really know don’t really know Sarah what was your favorite part of the day yesterday I like going to the beach she like going to the beach Pia what was your favorite part of the day the pool last night the pool last night y’all were playing a game where you D dck people under water say a color or state or something like that who is the who is the best at the game p was the best who was the worst at the game bear bear oh really was he and was Eli and bears both seem to be struggling yesterday with the game it seemed like a little especially Eli was pretty bad well was Eli was a bear they’re both bad yeah they’re both bad at show oh at the game last night where what do you call where you call yeah you dump someone under the water you say call they come up but yeah in Fair and toelle we’re also saying things like magenta and things like that starfish is the one where you have to say the movie and like there’s one [Music] person buckin bill went until Ben said buckin bill went until 1990 all right so I was eight years old we moved to Baton Rouge in the summer of 89 uh Nicole said I watched buck and Bill met him as child not much older than y’all we missed a howy duty okay yeah see this 70s and 80s see there 70s and 80s I don’t think so bro I mean uh where are we oh Erica oh here’s one from Ray said How’s Larry doing Larry is great good uh we do have one for Erica ask Rock what ask Rock what age do you want Matt to retire from the mic and travel the world with you [Music] no no he’s gonna be talking he’s 100 years old no I’m not you just don’t want to [Applause] travel uh Tera langa what’s going on John buo ask erck what hurts Erica yes you’re gonna love this one from John Bud What Hurts the Most a same Michael’s loss a Catholic loss or a Jesuit loss Catholic What Hurts the words for you for no for you for me oh how about this one ask Rock what made you fall in love with Matt and did it have anything to do with his love for LSU or the Saints what was that oh God over there peanut gallery huh what was that about whatever oh that he like dogs that’s that’s the thing that’s intense the first dat and saw you were [Music] like before the all those things R Lang said Matt thanks for posting A&M on YouTube you got it oo there’s your mortal enemy coming down the stairs now about that um where are we the Monday morning march on buckin Bill I mean y’all we’re talking about like like 40 50 60 years old uh Mark said I hear Croatia and Italy are nice this time of year you rock and Matt what do you think about that Erica cro [Music] uh American Pat said introduce those young ladies I already did we already did it when they walked down the stairs this is my niece Sophia gug she’s there there we go resist drugs and violence this is p and this is Sarah this is my niece Sophia these are her friends and then Olivia is right but Olivia and GES are going a little back and forth right now they’ve got a little uh little war going on start nothing well now especially because you keep stealing her stuff that’s no way to win her heart you gotta buy her [Music] [Laughter] keychains you got your blanket don’t ask Sophia who favorite Sophia who’s your favorite uncle I don’t know that’s very very diplomatic sure diplomatic um all right uh Jeff said where are y’all vacationing oh we’re at uh what’s this place Santa Rosa Santa Rosa Santa Rosa uh do y’all want to do a song and dance oh God a little talent show I mean y’all were singing and dancing outside last night I think y’all should do a little talent show PE yeah they were singing and dancing outside last night oh maybe think any songs y they were singing um let’s see um chance said Matt think you’re right about ADM fans being nice apparently their media was too nice to do their job uh H or no h uh oh that probably for Sarah H or no h no wait no h you have an h s a r ah on Sarah yes what did you do in the ocean oh uh do you all do you pee in the ocean oh God weird because it’s salt water SC me literally everybody on here pees in the ocean maybe it’s just a guy thing do y’all pee in the ocean yep Lauren does Larry does of course Larry does Larry pe’s in the ocean of course Larry pe’s in the ocean she’s a guy she’s a cool guy um yeah so guy do you think it’s gross that guys pee in the ocean abely you realize like yeah you’re just swimming in people well you think it’s okay to pee in the pool but not in the ocean I would never pee in a pool wow Kidd Ben said that’s the Ben this gu Ben said that’s the only reason my wife goes in the ocean hi say Morgan look who’s here okay okay we got okay want to sit hey Drew who’s your favorite [Laughter] was so wrong I guess I did the same thing anyway um Brad Gendry said the ocean is the best toilet that’s what it is um Mark asked gck if she didn’t marry Matt and had to start all over again and pick between Derek Carr or Drew Brees who is more her [Music] type huh oh yeah I know for sure yeah I don’t think they know that though yeah I know if you had to start all over again Erica married Eric had been married before and she just drove the guy away just her crazy Antics just drove him away and so she was just left the ball of jello and she had to change her ways she had to change her ways to uh to be able to lure me [Music] bre um let’s see Drew Brees and heartbeat okay he’s the nicest guy uh Steve BB said hashtag team Drew thank you Steve let’s see courland think about how far away the toilet is for most people at the beach before I go down but what if trivia just jumped in of course Larry is cool like that Larry Larry you got your fan club over there in trivia thanks Tri all right I think we might be done here yes you what time is it 10:17 yeah we’re done Show’s done all right live all right girls say bye all right live say [Music] bye wa they’re sleeping again [Music] go mom mommy mom I like chain [Music]

Morning Scone, Ep. 2338: Pelicans Trade for Dejounte Murray From Hawks!


  1. What 5 on the market is worth BI that is available? I'd rather trade for Kessler Walker or Walker Kessler (I'll learn his name if we acquire him) for $3 Mill. Got to eventually move CJ if you keep BI.

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