@Indiana Pacers

Indiana Pacers Summer League Postgame Media Availability (vs. Brooklyn Nets) | July 12, 2024

Indiana Pacers Summer League Postgame Media Availability (vs. Brooklyn Nets) | July 12, 2024

think of your team’s performance up late and the overtime how you what’ you think of everything tonight uh we play hard uh we didn’t necessarily play smart um game is moving uh pretty fast for a lot of our guys so um um I think second half it kind of slowed down um but offensively we turned the ball over way too many times um playing fast but not playing smart really hurt us so uh we just kind of got to slow down uh protect the ball value the basketball and just get shots at the Run what was the messaging about those turnovers felt like there were so many did you notice a theme of like any reason there were as much as there were uh just guys um holding on to the ball too long uh driving it not making the extra pass um I I thought it we got to a point where we were up 13 14 points and the ball kind of stuck guys you know trying to maybe score a little bit too much instead of uh continueing to make the right play that that that we did for most of the game and I think that caused a lot of our turnovers you only had one and the fourth and overtime though so you had that had to be a positive coming out of it at least to get that corrected yeah yeah definitely a positive um I think I think we got tired and uh we stopped driving the ball as much as we uh we were and I cut down some turn over as as well um we have to stay aggressive we want to continue to attack the paint uh put pressure on the rim but doing this in in a way where we don’t turn the ball over didn’t always finish but how much did you like how often in the frequency you get out of in transition or attack the rim and apply pressure right there yeah I mean that’s our style of play we want to get stops um rebound the bball and pass it ahead uh create a problem at The Rim by driving the ball driving the basketball and then uh then making a right play after that I think we did it for the most part um uh unfortunately we weren’t able to make enough plays to win the game what was the feeling for you today uh very different for I’m sure than a year ago and little nerves trying to soak it in what was today like for you um a lot more comfortable um um feeling like the work that I put in the work that this uh that our staff has put in the work that our players put in um um it’s been enough you know to to come out here and Trust our work and uh I think we did that for the most part just for unfortunately for us we weren’t able to come out with the win what do you think of Jar’s performance and specifically his physicality I know something that he he was focusing on this summer um yeah you know Jer we knew he was going to score the ball uh we were just focused on his defense his uh his energy and his effort um I thought for the most part he was really good he got tired uh a couple of time but you know he’s playing hard um he played well for us um we just need him to uh just along with some of our other guys just can just handle the ball better and uh not turn it over you talked about a lot of the stuff you wanted to make progress in during the summer how much of how many of those things do you feel like you did well in this game or what do you want to do better next time um definitely had a lot of turnovers definitely cut down on that feel like I got to rebound better um shot selection was decent um overall just like a decent game um next game will be better Rick on the radio talk about physicality for you and conditioning is two things he’s kind of looking out for how did you feel like you did in those areas felt like early for example you had one finish that you were fading but then the rest you went right through guys yeah yeah I feel like definitely focusing on that um driving to the rim um absorbing contact taking contact and just one in contact as well so just being more um physical especially on offense they’ve T talked a lot about playing you at the three spot how do you feel about that how natural does that feel for you or is that something you’re trying to learn on the Fly here um it was it was natural I feel like as long as I’m on the court um any position is is fine with me so um just being on the court and able to to play with different guys at different positions is is definitely key so just being able to be versatile enough to to play them positions is is good how much more Comfort do you feel now a year later and and knowing exactly is what is being asked of you right now definitely way more comfortable for sure um just having that whole year under your bow you you learn a lot so just being able to take all that in um just learn develop and just get ready for your too what’s been your uh focus in the weight room and adding to your physique and adding some um strength um I would say definitely lower body um strengthening um conditioning in the weight room honestly we hit almost everything this summer we’ve been we’ve been working so just kind of kind of knowing what to work on when to work on it but we’ve been working on a lot in the weight room for sure some of the conditioning work you’ve done with Jim could you feel that tonight did you feel it the whole game or did you feel like you maybe didn’t have enough quite at the end of the game how did you feel about that um I felt pretty good throughout the game um that was my first game with a lot of minutes in a little while so with that being said I feel like my condition was definitely pretty good for sure what have been your impressions of the rookies so far and and how where where in which they can contribute to you guys yeah I mean they’ve been they’ve been awesome um great listeners um know how to play the game the right way um definitely picking up on our offense so I mean f um Tristan reek all those guys they’ve been making a a conscious effort to to help the team anyway they can how special was it to see all the core guys sitting across the floor supporting you oh it’s big time it’s big time anytime your team comes out to support you just show us how much they care about us and organization so it’s always good to see those faces do you know how many games you maybe plan to play in this um I’m I’m not too sure I’m going just keep hooping I’m just keep trying to get better and now and every time we shut it down I shut it down you continue the the dominating as you like to save the rebounds Into Summer League what what you like about your performance in that way tonight I think U I think I should do better um I could probably continue it there’s a couple rebound that miss that could help my team but we’re going to keep working tonight was just the first game we’re going to stay together and uh we’re going to get ready for the next one JP talked about your passing being something that he noticed being better this year you had a couple of those high low ones with jarus how much work did you put into that this off season and what ways do you feel like that’s been making you a better player we uh we’ve been working on those L this since we finish with season even during the season season when we were playoff it’s something they say you got if you want to be great you got to learn how to make a good passes when you see someone helping you got to make a great passes so I’ve been working with Coach Jim uh with the passing like with he just keep passing he been great and and he he came to me U two days no yesterday he say U I’ve be watching you highlights you getting better so I’m here to keep getting better and better all the time what else have you been stressing with Jim during those offseason workouts uh be strong like today start the game a little bit uh weak and still to just be strong with the ball uh that’s the one thing probably like he going to grab me tomorrow maybe yell at me over there I think um um we just got to be strong and um we got we got to get I got to keep getting better on defense which while Retreats got to be louder uh be louder that’s one thing I got to keep getting better on what’ you make of you guys performance and what do you think of what what was your assessment of the number of turnovers you guys had tonight um I think we played all right definitely our turn turnovers and our defense um cost us the game um just not reading up switching um just playing hard enough to get a stop down the stretch this your third year what was impactful what was the motivation behind coming out here and what do you want to show throughout this week yeah just still showing my athleticism my ability to pass make my teammates better just do a lot of everything um yeah and just uh keep getting better and Mak my teammates better what did it mean to have the support of so many of the core guys sitting across the court from you it means a lot uh yeah just to see them there you know we talked with them they come to our shoot around shoot with us so um just seeing them there and then talking to us is really good the important drives and finishes in that fourth quarter how much of as you talk about your athleticism has been adding skills that require your athleticism and some ball skills together like that how important has that been for you the last couple years yeah just being able to attack and then you know them cutting me off and me being able to you know change direction and spin or get downhill and just being able to finish I felt like that’s what um I’m really good at I can finish a lot of different ways so just keep being downhill doing that

Summer League head coach Jannero Pargo, Jarace Walker, Oscar Tshiebwe and Kendall Brown spoke to the media following our first game of Summer League on Friday night in Las Vegas.

0:00 – Jannero Pargo
2:51 – Jarace Walker
5:27 – Oscar Tshiebwe
6:52 – Kendall Brown


  1. Turned the ball over way too many times is the understatement of the century, I have never seen anything like it.

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