@Chicago Bulls

What are my expectations for the Chicago Bulls summer league team???

What are my expectations for the Chicago Bulls summer league team???

what’s going on everybody my name is Aiden and welcome back to another video ladies and gentlemen today with the summer league coming ever so closer for the Chicago Bulls I kind of want to discuss what I expect from our summer league roster heading into I personally think a very interesting and probably one of the more relevant summer leagues in Bull’s modern history at least now at the end of the day we’ve never necessarily been good at drafting young talent and bringing young Talent together to go and compete for things and it looks like that’s direction that we’re actually heading down now we got a draft pick that’s coming into this summer league team we’ve obviously got some reoccurring players coming into this summer league team there is a lot to like about this team as well but what can we see from it what’s the expectation what can the Chicago Bulls summer league team do can they achieve the greatness of actually winning the summer league we’re going to discuss as many of these things as possible but before we get any further if you like the video and you want to see more from me drop a like drop a follow and or subscribe if you are new and let me in the comments below your thoughts about the Chicago Bulls and your summer league expectations now keep in mind the summer league isn’t necessarily about winning or losing it isn’t necessarily about trying to go for that summer league championship of course that would be lovely and I think every Bulls fans will agree that we’d rather win the Summer League Championship than to fall out of it right but of course it’s very difficult to do there are a lot of good young upcoming teams in there the Bulls should fit right into that category we normally do well in summer league um you know I think we usually go on a positive record there’s only five games I believe in the summer league and stuff of that nature and if you win the more then you basically have your chance to go and compete for that finals spots and everything in between right but we normally do okay we do well sure we don’t win the championship we don’t really get to the finals either but we get close to that stage and the Bulls have done that the last couple of Seasons but this is a very interesting roster as I mentioned new people coming in reoccurring people coming in as well so we haven’t necessarily talked about the summer league roster it has been out for quite some time and of course with the games coming in a couple of days time a lot of people should know the roster but here it is now ladies and gentlemen reoccurring players like Julian Phillips and Adamas Anu will be here Henry draw as well also another reoccurring player for the Chicago Bulls you got guys like Matas Belles our new um NBA player our new Chicago Bulls player he’ll be participating in the summer league and that is fantastic in my eyes I’m really really looking forward to it and I guess that’s the big key thing here that I’m looking forward to at least just seeing a lot of these guys play let’s put you in a hypothetical situation here not even hypothetical let’s take you back to last season how many chances did you get to see Adamas Sonu play how many chances did you get to see Julian Phillips play how many chances did you get to see Henry Dr play Henry Jo was on a two-way contract roster spot for us for a little bit I think he is still on a two-way contract spot for the Bulls but we didn’t really get to see any of them play Big minutes or any minutes at all really and it’s going to be nice to kind of get to see those young guys perform again but we’re now entering a period for the Bulls where younger is probably better for the Bulls right now we want to go younger we want to try and develop our players and this is why the summer league is so important for the Chicago Bulls this season there might be a chance for any one of these players that are on two-way contract spots like adogu who still is on one like a Henry DW who is on one it gives them the opportunity to potentially make their claim for the main roster for the bench and things like that that’s important for the Bulls and we need players to be fighting for those positions that’s why I think this is more important than anything maybe when you had the Lonzo and the D rozan and the Lavin of the world and the viches of the world yeah sure the summer leag is always a nice little getaway it’s a nice little experience that you could just go and enjoy and it still is that now because you kind of felt like all right well there’s no chance that these guys are really going to get big game time I mean what marus simovic had some of the best summer league performances I’ve ever seen in a bull’s uniform and the guy barely got any playing time in the Bulls main team and that’s because we had stack centers we had Drummond we had vvi we we had even Tony Bradley at the time and those guys just were simply ahead of him in the pecking order and Marcus amovic may have not been ready for the NBA level but now with the Bulls trying to go younger and develop some Talent guys like Adam Sonu if he could dominate dominate in the summer league he could come out and really shine and he might get an opportunity at the NBA level that’s something he has to hope for Julian Phillips he might be considered a bench player and nothing more he comes out and shines in the summer league there could be some more value in him as potential starter and a significant player for the Bulls Matas balis I mean I’m so excited and looking forward to seeing him play because we saw him play against Real athletes grown men in the G League how is he going to fear when now he’s playing guys for the most part that’s in his similar category 19 20 21 years old looking to make a statement looking to shine with NBA Scouts all around and of course there’s even another side of things where players are fighting for their contracts he’s going to be in the best of both worlds in the NBA Summer League how is he going to fair I’m so excited because the way that I see it at least when you’re playing against growing athletes each and every single game I I think he should have no problem shining in the summer league that’s honestly what I think but will that translate we’ll have to wait and see I cannot wait for that first game and for future games obviously to come after that but ultimately what I’m expecting from this Bulls team I want this Bulls team to work together I want to see great teamwork I take you back to last summer league and maybe this was just me but the first couple of games the Bulls really struggled with their teamwork it seemed like they didn’t really get things going it seemed like it was very lethargic and slow basketball almost like the main Bulls team I think we changed coaching staffs in between that time um we had a different coaching staff try to run the offense and stuff of that like that and the teamwork started to get a little bit more intact the running and the commod was more intact and we actually played some really good basketball I want that to translate over to the summer league again again these players they need that balance first and foremost and this is a great opportunity the best opportunity they may have to shine in the summer league and that can translate to the Bulls team so I want to see guys like buellis and sonou pair up and link up well I want to see Julian Phillips work well with everybody around them and even the guys that I haven’t really mentioned you know there’s a lot of players here I haven’t mentioned Andrew Funk someone that we signed last season didn’t really mention a whole lot of him it could mean very a lot to him there’s guys like Javonte smart Marcus the musk Nathan Knight DJ Stewart Chase Odis car um Carrison Brooks uh you know Tyler Thomas I don’t know how to say the other guy but again it could mean a lot to these guys and I want to see them work together because not only is it going to help the Bulls it will help every other team in the NBA as well cuz those players are not only fighting for a spot with the bulls maybe the Bulls preseason team whatever the case may be they are also fighting for the other team’s attention and again in order to see that happen you need to work well with your new teammates you need to work well in this summer league team and you need to try and win some games so that’s what I’m looking forward to and that’s what I expect do I think the Bulls are going to reach the final no I don’t I just don’t think the Bulls are going to reach the final um just because it’s very difficult to do it’s actually harder to do compared to the NBA and stuff of that nature it’s literally like you have to go Flawless in the summer league to almost get that chance at a final spot whatever the case may be um I’m not expecting finals I don’t really care about that but I want this Bulls team to play well as a team you know share the rock move quickly make some threes play some mod NBA basketball and I also want to see them try to get as many wins as possible without expecting that Championship that’s what I expect and I think this is the most important time for the Bulls to deliver in the summer league do you agree do you disagree thank you for watching I’ll see you in the next one stay safe stay healthy and stay tuned for more take care and peace

Just play well!!

#bulls #chicagobulls #nba #bullsnation


  1. Yo Aidan!!!! I hope that job going well my ninja!!! Remember to keep away from them girls at that workplace cause they love to report homies to HR!!! I know cause I been reported numerous times!!!! You a true goat 🐐 my g!!!!

  2. Summer League makes me think of Sanogo and more Marko… I still think if Marko could have played alongside Ayo and Coby he could have showed us a lot. why he never got a chance even during garbage time is beyond me. Regardless of the past, I hope we some good things from our guys and I hope they get more of shot than other guys have gotten

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