@Dallas Mavericks

This Is PERFECT For The Dallas Mavericks…

This Is PERFECT For The Dallas Mavericks…

the Dallas Mavericks have one roster spot open in a couple million dollars that they could use to go out find a player to round out the roster and get this team ready for the upcoming season and over the last few weeks I talked about a few players that I think would be just a great addition to this team we talked about Marcus Morris Spencer deny and Dennis mther Jr as well as a couple others but there’s one player in particular that’s still available that I think will be a perfect fit for this Dallas Mavericks team and that player would be Gary Trent Jr from the Toronto Raptors who is a free agent as the as Gary Trent Jr and the Toronto Raptors have yet to agree to a contract and from what I’m seeing he’s just not going back to the Raptors so in this video we’re going to take a look at Gary Trent Jr what he could provide to a team like the Dallas Mavericks his strengths his weaknesses and whether or not he’d be a good fit but how’s it going everybody my name is Marcel Martin this is Mavericks Diez bring the latest news on everything Mavericks related and before we get start with today’s video 99.2% of you guys watching have that Bell turned on I try to bring you guys content every single day the last few days been kind of crazy but if you want to be up to date on everything matter related and everything that we do make sure you ring the bell so you don’t miss out on a single thing but like I said in the intro I think Gary Tren Jr would be a great pickup to this team we’ve seen the Dallas Mavericks take a different turn a different direction with how we want to build the roster we saw the trade deadline we really want to bolster our defense and we went out and got PJ Washington and Daniel Gafford we saw in the offseason where we got na Marshall we got Quinton Grimes and Klay Thompson to fix our offensive issues as well as making sure our defense is still still at the level that we had it at we we did lose Derrick Jones Jr but I believe that Quinton Grimes as well as Naji Marshall definitely fix that issue on the defensive end but when it comes to Gary Trent Jr I think what he provides to a team like the Dallas Mavericks would help us out on both sides the the defensive side of course but also the offensive side as he was one of the League’s best three-point Shooters last year and not too long ago he did lead the league in deflections if we just take a look at his stats last year wasn’t his best year the Toronto Raptors were going through a rebuild and Gary Tren Jr had has slowly fallen out of favor with favor with the team as they change directions but last year he did average 13.7 points per game 2.6 rebounds 1.7 assists 0.1 blocks 1.1 steals 7 turnovers and 1.4 fouls per game while shooting 42% from the floor and 39% from three he is 25 years old which helps us out very well as he fits that time frame and just the average age of our team they everyone’s around 22 to 25 years old so that so that fits perfectly he does shoot 37% on Corner threes 90% of his threes are assisted and 53% of all of his shots are threes so does Gary Tren Jr fit the Dallas Mavericks I think so if we’re trying to fix our three-point shooting why not get somebody who is a three-point shooter who does try on the defensive and like I said over the last few seasons he was one of the League’s best players when it came to deflections and steals I think it’s a good pick it helps our defense it helps our offense is just another option it would be using our 15th roster spot and I know our rotate are for the most part pretty set right nowes does he crack the rotation does he get minutes over Naji Marshall over Quinton Grimes does he does he impede on the on the Improvement in the continued development of a Jaden Hardy or even a omx that’s up to Jason kid and the front office to decide but if we just want another option whether we do play him or not I think G TR Jr would be a pretty good pickup if we take a look here the reports of Gary Tren Jr with the Toronto Raptors it goes as follows after multiple unsuccessful negotiations with Gary Jor the Toronto Raptors appear prepared to move on from the guard later this week with one source saying he would be lucky to make the mid-level exception multiple League sources believe the Raptors are prepared to move on from the 25-year-old guard per Source the Raptors were willing to bring the Sharpshooter back at an annual salary of around $15 million when the negotiation window opened last month but Trent Camp was looking for a raise on the $18.5 million he made last season something in the $25 million range was believed to be the ask now with the market drying up one League Insider suggested said Trent would be lucky to get the mid-level exception valued at $12.5 million a few reports have linked him to the Lakers where it’s possible he could only earn half of that so a player like Gary Tren Jr who like I said his defense is solid it may not be the best on the team but there is defense there and with our system and how we play that’s something that could improve defense is something that can easily be fixed it is the majority of just your effort and how much you want to try on defense in which Gary Tren Jr has been able to show that he is willing to just commit to defense but his offense is there and I mean half of the mid-level exception $13 million giving him just a very small contract I’m totally fine with that I think that’s very cheap I’m I’m sorry that would be good production on a very cheap contract that could actually work out for the Dallas Mavericks and again whether or not we play him that much whether or not he gets minutes whether or not he does crack a rotation he does get put into the line maybe the starting lineup maybe even just come off the bench I think it would be a good shot why not go after someone like Gary Trent Jr but as we continue TR Jr led the NBA in wide open 3o per this season 51.3% on wide open threes as we all know the Dallas Mavericks we can get anyone open we already know that Klay Thompson is going to just Feast off all those wide openen Threes And if we get someone like Garett trer who shot 51% on wide open 3es that’s not that bad that’s a weapon that I think we could actually use and he did that on 20 or sorry on 228 three-point attempts he also shot 27% on all other three-point attempts on 225 attempts the largest split of any player in the league between wide openen and contested threes disproportionately valuable for an offense that generates open looks so with Gary Tren Jr it’s it’s kind of a twofold thing yes he shoots very well in the open threes which is great because we saw guys in the playoffs and the finals who just couldn’t hit their open threes however if it’s a contested three or any other three that’s not a wide open three the percent drops drastically just by half almost so there is some good good with the bad there but could that be fixed on our system could he work better could he look better in our system I think so playing alongside Kyrie Irving playing along side Luka Don as well as Klay Thompson the offense of those three guys they’re going to generate a lot of looks as f as as as far as for the other players we also have to understand that Kyrie Irving and Luca and Klay Thompson are going to get a lot of attention on defense the the other team is going to want to make sure those guys are locked down you can’t leave any of those three open and if you get someone like a ky I’m sorry if we get someone like a Gary Trent Jr who can shoot 51% on wide openen 3es that’s just even better we won’t have to worry about him shooting contested threes we don’t have to worry about him being heavily guarded we know Luca is one of the most blitzed players in the league why not and it’s it’s it’s an up and down but that 27% isn’t that nice hopefully if we were to go after someone like Gary Tren Jr would that improve i’ like to think so but could we live and die by that we did live and die by by Tim Harvey Jr’s threes over the last few seasons so why not go after some like Gary TR Jr who would be a lot cheaper than the three years $50 million that he just got Why Not Right But as we continue this was from just a few years ago when when Nick nurse was still the head coach of the Toronto Raptors uh Michael grain saying I asked Nick nurse about Garett Tren Junior’s deflections being down year-over-year it was 3.4 last year 2.4 so far this season it’s clearly been a point of discussion though allowed that some injury issues might be a factor disappointing is disappointing I like to get him a lot more aggressive on defense this year I would say that’s been a little bit of negative because he’s capable of really getting after the ball and getting his hands on the ball a lot and that’s what we want him to do we’re going to get him his shots and get him to get him his points but we want him to be a disruptor he kind of fits us if he does that and if he doesn’t he doesn’t fit us we need him to get back and again some of that is he just he just hasn’t felt at all that great physically for a lot of games this year so hopefully he’s getting there where he’s going to feel good here starting tomorrow so obviously when Nick nurse was there it was really just get with it or get going and if you’ve been following the Toronto Raptors I know some of you may not I I have followed the Toronto Raptors over the last few years that Gary Tren Jr didn’t really have the best relationship with Nick nurse and since he left Gary TR Jr felt that maybe he can reinvent himself with the Raptors do a little bit more but like I said in the intro the the Toronto Raptors have gone through a complete rebuild they trade away OG anobi they trade away Pascal seaka pre zoua so the team has obviously shifted their focus to a younger Court to move forward with Scotty Barnes RJ Barrett and Manel quickly and with a couple other young guys they had about three or four draft picks this this past draft the Gary Tren Jr may be the odd man out as they continue to go younger they push out that window of being able to compete even further and as we’ve seen just a few years ago Gary Tren Jr was known for his defense leading the league in deflections he had 3.4 game just a few years ago and it did go down year-over-year he dealt with a few injuries not really injury-prone but they were kind of just popping up just small nagging injuries but from from everything that I’ve seen Gary Tren Jr when he’s capable and when he commits to defense he could be a very good defending guard a very good three and D guy for any team and especially for the Dallas Mavericks his three-point shot is there his defense when healthy and when he’s committing to it is there but unfortunately it does look like the the DS Mavericks don’t really have that much much of a of a pull for Gary Tren Jr as Gary Tren Jr is expected to pick between the Philadelphia 76ers and New York Knicks Source ofel bucket aess Trenton Jr and his agent at clutch sports are looking for a one-year deal so like I said earlier Gary Tren Jr isn’t getting anywhere near the threeyear $50 million contract that he’s coming off of he is with clutch Sports and if there’s one thing that we learned all summer about clutch Sports is that they will overvalue their players to the point where you don’t have a contract and you’re going to take whatever you can get it looks like he may have to get the mid-level exception or even smaller than that just whatever team can give him hoping to build up his value to then the following year hopefully get a bigger contract and if he is going to the New York Knicks I’m not too sure how much that they could offer they just gave Jaylen Brunson a prettyy good contract they gave OG a big contract they trade all those draft picks to get male Bridges and as far as the 76 years go like I said him and Nick nurse didn’t really get along in Toronto it was a very weird vibe over there so would he actually want to go back to Philly where he’s then under Nick nurse again and knowing that he’s on a very small contract would he even crack the rotation would he be at the end of the bench he would be there with Kyle Larry who he did play with briefly in Toronto so maybe that could work out but you guys let me know down in the comments section down below do you think that g TR J will be a player worth going after if we could just throw him literally any contract just knowing that he could be here for at least a year he would obviously want more money in the following year but let me know what you guys think but that’s all I got for you guys today thank you for Mak this far to the video make sure you check out our Twitter and Discord links in description below consider becoming a channel member we are doing another giveaway the winner will be announced the first week of August and until next time y’all take care drink water peace

Marcel Martin breaks down whether or not Gary Trent Jr would be a good fit for the Dallas Mavericks.

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Mavs Digest is a channel that breaks down all of the latest news, reports and rumours on the Dallas Mavericks. This includes coverage on players such as Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, Derrick Lively, PJ Washington, Daniel Gafford, Jason Kidd, Mark Cuban and more!


  1. You punked me out w this one I thought we got Trent. I just know now we gonna end up getting someone like Michael Kidd Gilchrist

  2. Editors Note: For those that don't know, Marcel grew up a Toronto Raptors fan from watching Vince Carter highlights, and because he liked dinosaurs. He became a Mavericks fan when he got older and started to play basketball, specifically from watching and mimicking his game from Shawn Marion.

  3. There aren't even any rumors for this happening lmao why is this even a video

    Gianni would be a perfect fit!!! Make a vid on him coming to Dallas, or Jokic!!!! Omg perfect fit

  4. Who would we have to trade? He's going to be getting more than a vet min and there are still teams with the mid level exception left and we already used most of our MLE on Naji Marshall. Finding a taker for Maxi Kleber is almost the only way to make this work

  5. The reason gtj didn’t go back to the raptors is cause he wanted more money, there’s no way he’s coming to the mavs for 2 mill 😂

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