@Orlando Magic

Reaction: Magic vs. Cavs Summer League

Reaction: Magic vs. Cavs Summer League

[Music] the Magic win the Magic win baby what’s up second cousins Orlando Magic fans the Orlando Magic summer league team defeats the Cleveland caves and or the caves not sure 106 to 79 a huge showing from the sophomores 20 and 22 from Anthony black and Jet Howard respectively happy to be joined in the studio by second cousin good friend of the show Eric Summer League Championship Eric let’s go oh yeah let’s go man I’m so pumped why can’t we’re going to win the championship this year why not us why not now and and I it’s silly okay I’m joking don’t drag me in the comments I know but let’s let’s have a good summer league man it’s been a while since our team has been constructed well or had the right pieces and this feels like a good team and I didn’t know I was going to make this point right off the top but I’ll jump right into it it just this was a testament without overreaction Monday here we are this seems to be a testament this game to the work that Mosley and welman have done to create a culture that the team was just so much better Coach shout out to liel chers as well and his staff everyone that’s working with this team they just had it together they knew the system and because of that you saw Anthony black jet Howard two guys that been in the system for a year playing really well well what did you enjoy most out of this one Eric man I think it probably yeah probably Jen Howard I mean just like him just making all those like crazy shots like you know movement movement uh shooting um you know a couple nice passes you know you get to see a little bit of the athleticism on that fast break yeah that was he threw it down he did throw it down and he had that extra step yeah the other guys kind of looked like they’re in mud there for a second exactly that burst yeah that was uh that was promising so uh love what I saw from him yeah 22 two boards four assists five of 10 from three that’s we use that that’s what we’ve been asking for right everybody overreaction Monday what’s your take what’s your over what was your overreaction take by Monday jet Howard was going to be started by the end of the uh by the end of the season not this season you were more tempor I said that yeah yeah yeah you said in the next two to three years but yeah let’s overreact let I mean you like what you see there shooting has some size in the two guard was able to pass there’s some athleticism the the defensive side of the ball was always been the question mark for him in the program and with a defensive mindor program number three defense in the NBA everyone and let’s go let’s go let’s go yeah he he knows that he has to step up his defense to get minutes I was a little worried early it felt like his man was beating him to the board boards a couple times he got caught a little flat footed but afterwards he came back he had some plus defensive plays he had that steal with that putback and moved his feet decently well started boxing out better so that was good solation yeah I mean obviously like and well we we’ll talk about it later but uh Tristan to Silva was also like oh man yeah let’s go right into him yeah Tristan D Silva I was going to write down his line but I did not but I have it right in front of me ladies and gentlemen don’t you worried I’m a professional here it is let’s see if I can read this I’ve had a few you know what I mean enjoying the game enjoying friendship and camaraderie hope you’re out there getting camaraderie everybody good to see you Eric 13 points from Tristan D Silva uh he had a steal four assists and five boards that’s a nice balanced line it is from it feels it feels real too he didn’t doesn’t stress anything smart player move without the ball I remember one time Anthony black kind of got into a jam on the Baseline and the spacing was off he just escapes right to the top and has a three bang bang hits it really good shot you could just see this kid it’s it’s crazy he’s 23 so he’s older than Jet and ab and people say oh he’s know it’s a old senior what’s and they’re just that’s the player he’s going to be well if that’s the player he’s going to be he’s going to be a pretty damn good player if he just gets better at all of the things that he already does incrementally a little bit cuz I don’t know call me crazy but I think you can probably improve your game from 23 to 26 28 absolutely you might not add something crazy he you’re not going to be an off the- ball attacker now all of a sudden right but this guy is a Swiss army knife it looks like all the mold of a fron Vagner you can you can see the pattern Jeff welman has a type dude yeah he definitely does or or swelt we’ll get back to that it’s a swetman summer yeah no right into it I mean how swole is Jeff welman looking ladies and gentlemen in that interview you saw this the peripheral shot dude dude he’s he’s got some got some some mountains there right the pipes dude the pipes dude Suns out guns out for Jeff seltman in Las Vegas every summer needs that guy who gets into the gym and comes back a swoler version of themselves right we had swole Anthony who was it last year uh I don’t know probably fron dude I don’t remember I don’t maybe it wasn’t as cool last year I do a lot of the DOA so my memory is not great you let me know in the comments but this year swole Anthony meme makers help me out well God where are you man can you please help me with [Laughter] this the guy is jacked so what what did you like from Ab Eric and make go like the make sure it’s a chin strap there chin strap all right chin oh that’s so much better I’m getting used to this yeah a little tutorials all good yeah um you know I I definitely like that he wasn’t afraid to attack the basket um he he definitely shot seems to be improved some even Beyond uh you know the the regular season last year uh looks a little bit quicker um not much he looks like he’s put on a little bit of weight but I just like the aggressiveness um you know trying to get everybody involved you know I would I would have liked to seen a little bit more uh you know passing from him rather than just like dribble hand off kind of some basic stuff yeah but uh but I think overall like you know he obviously played some great defense four steals four steals baby yeah that’s exactly what we you know that’s what we’re built on so right yeah I mean the lineup now you got kcp and jayen Suggs to deal with if you’re an opposing guard you’re coming into the dog pound cuz the dogs are vicious man and then your backup’s like well at least those guys are going to go off and it’s going to get easier for me and then you have Anthony black in your freaking short like this guy is a menace on the defensive side of the ball just a delight to watch you you just the question is will he add that offensive side of the game to make a a jump and and be somebody in the league you know he’s going to play on the team because of the defense yeah but do you see you see the makings the the clay with which to mold the foundation of a dangerous guard on the offensive side of the ball absolutely yeah I mean I think he’s got the a athleticism he’s good at cutting um M you know moving about the ball like I said um but uh yeah I think he you know if he if his three-point shot is as good as it was last year a little bit more volume um and uh like I said he’s just a little bit more aggressive I mean like I know he just he tries to not to do too much but I think they’re going to ask him to be you know be a little bit more of the um offensive I wouldn’t say he’s not going to be an offensive Catalyst I wouldn’t say that at all but yeah I mean we were talking about it let’s talk about that we’re going to do another segment here we should talk about the guard rotation we’ll talk more about Anthony Black’s fit with our next segment we’re going to do a little bit of talking about the you know the narratives going into this season and what we like and what’s going on so check out that video as well um what else what are we’ve already talked about Tristan we talked about uh jet step back threes the guy is on Fuego we talked about Tristan D Silva the Swiss army knife what is what’s it the uh the bronze bronze vogner V’s VNA I have the German flag here yeah oh it’s so good the German team is so good can you imagine now it’s going to be just the brothers all on the German team just hanging out like I said we just got to get uh his brother over oh yeah I know seriously we’ll just unite okay I could make a Reich joke but I’m not going to did you that must have been tough for you right right sorry dude didn’t mean to put you out there like that um inside baseball Okay so DJ Burns can we give like give this man a larger Jersey like he doesn’t you’re embarrassing him like that it’s not it’s up I think they need to the the the the staff the equipment staff this one’s on you I mean it’s a large man out there he needs a little bit more Jersey everyone’s wearing their jerseys comfortable and his is latex on him for some reason I don’t get it I can’t believe that it’s his personal choice I can’t believe it he lost 40 lbs so that you can imagine what that thing you know fit like you know however many you know months ago that man is a house yeah he is a house that man is a house everyone was loving that those like unconventional guys they just feel like an every an every man’s man you know like that’s me or like that’s Phil at the office like I know that guy you know um and every a man everyone’s man on our Squad was our Center J Huff who also went off 16 points six rebounds and a block and a lot of good screens he was doing some smart things with the ball he was patient yeah um yes take us all the way Jay take us to the chip bro take us to the chip Jay new starting center you heard it here first oh summer league chip I’m just talking I’m all focused on summer league chip right now dude okay Eric that’s that’s where I’m at um wow what 71 with a 75 wingspan though I mean that’s real that’s real to two-way like a little bit of Center depth yeah since our Wendell you know won’t pay more than 65 maybe and then you got Moritz and then Jonathan Isaac’s there I’m knocking on all the wood yeah you got Goa you got some depth there but you probably wouldn’t want to see J Huff if you see J Huff on the NBA floor problems are happening right yeah but it’s not it’s not bad to have extra insurance but H yeah he’s an older guy smarter guy good in practice prob good professional good to have on the g-league team too yeah I’d be all for I can think of worse things yeah I can think of worse things he’s the only guy that really jumped off the screen in terms of the other players outside of our big three yeah playing um but we’ll see what happens in the next game uh I I got out swetman that was a point that I really needed to make sure I I got um yeah and what what else on this I the Jeff Wilman interview was very interesting I love to turn up the volume although what’s going on ESPN Plus or whoever is doing this your volume is whack there the sneaker squeaks are so loud and the audio of the speakers and the commentators is so low yeah I didn’t get that at all like it it was it was so distracting I couldn’t hear like you know part of what they were saying it was it was just like there’s I don’t want to hear sneakers like I’ll bring out this thing guys we can do it hire me just take bring out the professional equipment someone was as someone was asleep at the board man um but you garnered out of that that he said this phrase didn’t want to change the room in terms of bringing in kcp and playing the two races planning for the future um it’s slow right he’s not rushing it we’ve got a lot of young Talent here let’s let him play out and man I had fun in this first game watching this young Talent play and hey bring on bring on the Summer League Championship I’m ready for it yeah I just really hope that like I said we we keep that he lets everybody or you know they let everybody play you know up until the uh the final game but it probably not going to happen like probably want to get see the other guys get some uh get some grind yeah you got to be courteous to the guys on the other end of the bench who are fighting to get a spot somewhere overseas or on a g-league team somewhere and but that’s what I’m say we got a good team all the way down when those guys those guys come in they can get a win and then if you get to the playoffs you know everything’s off hopefully the guys come back and we make a run at it let’s go Orlando Magic 2324 Summer League champions baby thanks for coming second cousins Eric thanks so much honey thank you I’m getting used to it [Music]

Kyle is joined by Erich in the Fan Attic to react to the Orlando Magic’s win over the Cleveland Cavaliers in the summer league. The Magic were led by a stellar performance from the sophomores Jett Howard and Anthony Black.

Court Cousins, two cousins sharing laughs, and talking the NBA team they love, the Orlando Magic.

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  1. Magic have the most chemistry among any summer league team this far. By seeing one game, I'm jealous as a Pacers fan.. Possibly ex fan, because they've completely fkd that team.. But anyway, by who I've seen so far. Magic, Memphis and Rockets were the best. Cam Whitmore is a nightmare on D, another player my Pacers whiffed a selection on. If not him, my choices were Black or Hendricks.. and of course they select Walker and then trade for Pascal. Smdh 🤦 🙇 I wish my Pacers had everyone on the Magic, but add Haliburton, Mathurin and Turner to the mix. Lol

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