@New York Knicks

Knicks vs Hornets Summer League Post Game Show: Highlights, Analysis & Overreactions

Knicks vs Hornets Summer League Post Game Show: Highlights, Analysis & Overreactions

let’s take it from the top here all right here we go salute to Nicks Nation on this Saturday afternoon and just like that Nicks basketball is back summer league Knicks in action in Vegas taking on the uh Charlotte Hornets and we got to see some some debuts from some of the ni draft picks saw a another uh uh red debut if you will from the old Nicks draft pick and and we’ll get to talk about it man D kic hu py roas Nicks fall 94-90 first rul of summer league is it is only summer league but with that being said man let’s overreact to it TP the franchise Al sharos in the building Su to all of our die hard degenerates in the chat if you are here with us right now you are truly a die hard and degenerate Nicks fan man so let’s get into it call us up 657 3831 159 or you can hit us up on the kftv Discord man let’s get into it man overreaction time 94 to 90 man Nicks shout out came out the gates a little slowly but but they got it together in the second quarter and before you knew it they were right in this game had a chance to tie it and send it into overtime where we would have had some Elum ending action a little bonus action out there in Vegas but they couldn’t get the final play down to Jacob toppen good play good play call out of bounds but they couldn’t get it to Jacob toppen um they did get it to him but he did miss the layup to tie the game so overall 9490 where do you want to start man what what was your your biggest takeaway who are you impressed with the most let’s start there I think it’s easy to start off with Tyler kak CP I think that’s the guy to be impressed by because look we’re going into the season you we’re looking at the backup point guard position we know we need another guy who can initiate the offense and set guys up we saw Brunson was the only guy the other good playmaker on the team Julius he wasn’t there in the postseason we know all about it but Tyler KCK seven assists today seven boards seven points you know in 29 minutes look they didn’t go with rokas at the end they went with to coak because they said look we need somebody to get Dwayne Washington open you know what I mean so for coak man it it’s so impressive just how he was able to command the offense set guys up get into the teeth of the defense made it look effortless I like his game man I could see him you know working his way into the rotation right now you want to talk about overreaction that’s overreaction him working into the rotation I can just see it right now him Duce McBride Josh Hart Dante D venzo you’re asking coak all right man get into the lane kick it out to Dante for three oh you find McBride oh another knockdown three that’s how I see it happening CP Tower co star let go a triple a triple seven in his summer league debut from Vegas if you win that’s slots man you’re winning the slots with that number Triple S no good job by him you know immediately and he did get to start that was my first question who was going to start between him and Ras who’s going to be running the point they gave him the priority because you’re right he is a guy who could get maybe couple minutes a night here and there maybe they start him off as situational get him some offense get some offense going and but right off the bat you just saw natural point guard instincts you know floor General’s floor General running the pick and roll very well pushing the ball ahead playing fast controlling the tempo controlling the pace and and just playing playing his game he looked really good out there man I I I loved what I saw out there kept him under control and when they got back in the game especially in the in the second quarter it was kic really leading a break man he I I thought he was great and Tim legler spoke highly of them the whole Nicks brass was there you had uh tibs OG maau Bridges so an impressive showing there by by Tyler kic in game one and look it’s fascinating how he fell in the draft because remember CB on draft now we’re like oh this guy’s probably G to be the guy taken in the first round obviously they go with doet Co goes in the second round he’s 23 years old so you’re saying hey did he drop because of his age which is a common thing that happens in the NBA draft but you see with him getting that experience hanging out Marquette for such a long time now you just see him able to transfer all that knowledge that experience into the NBA we see a lot of these guys who spend more time in college just become are a little bit more polished right they’re not as just you know erratic as you see some of these rookies but the other thing I got to say when you watch Co play how about the awareness with less than a minute Less in the game right because he sees that the defense they’re all facing up they’re not going to allow a three-point shot he says you know what I’m just going to go down the lane try to get a layup if I get contact gets to the free throw line which is exactly what he did brings it within two you talked about it toen wasn’t able to uh you know finish or connect on the layup but still you just see you just see the savviness the smart play of kic and I’m excited about that me too for this next team this upcoming season no no turnovers and just head on a swivel every every time he’s he’s operating he keeps his dribble and he’s looking to find somebody found in some Cutters uh made some nice drivve and kicks great job overall by Tyler kich in his Nicks summer league debut uh second star out we got to talk about our guy Pome darier bakom darier in his debut I thought he looked good I thought I thought he looked good man Five Points two of eight from the field five rebounds two assists chucked up a couple air balls early but that’s okay because I thought overall my my first impression was defensively how active he was I mean he drew the Brandon Miller assignment they threw him in in the belly of the Beast right away and Brandon Miller looks like he’s regular season ready he was he was just killing but it was but a lot of the times it was it was just better offense by Miller but overall D seemed like he was navigating screens really well you could see the size potential even at this young age with the wingspan he’s he’s big bro I I mean he’s got potential man and this is just as a as a rookie just getting started he showed a lot of potential defensively offensively I thought he was moving well had some good drives to the basket where he found uh he found scatv for a little lob layup made some other nice reads driving off the Baseline he he finds KATV again who drops it down with the tear drop so overall I thought offensively he had a pretty good feel for it and defensively it was a good match up with Miller for sure I mean outside as you noted everything but his jumper like the way that he played the rest of the game like he had a solid four game CP defensively you know Brandon Miller I know last season he wasn’t known as a guy that got to the rim but still the fact that in a league where it’s a lot of threes and layups and you know that’s what Brandon Miller is trying to work on trying to get down to the trying to get to the rim a little bit more if you look at the shot chart it’s it’s just one maybe two shots that came around the rim for Brandon Miller and that’s because daier was just holding him and staying in front of him that’s how good he was just mirring him defensively so di very impressive on the defensive end you can see that Wings span really disrupting the passing lanes and stuff of that nature as you said Brandon Miller had to just kind of adjust and not get the first look or second look it was really coming down to the third look for him because it’s how good dier was but look I think the most impressive thing was definitely the playmaking by far because on the wing you know you’re gonna that position you get a lot of opportunities to score obviously you want to see a better rebounding from him as well in this game uh and moving forward but from a from a scoring like from a passing aspect I thought he was very impressive I did not I wasn’t expecting that and because look draft KN I know I was just you know mocking the pick like who is this guy why are we going in this direction then you see that the Knicks want to bring him in for the training camp they bring him in they want him with the team they give him the contract and then you just watch him play at somewhat of an NBA level and I thought his way that he read the game at that pace was very impressive for a guy coming from you know from playing from international basketball so I’m intrigued by him this is not me saying that I think he’s going to be the answer at anything but I can understand why the Knicks are investing in him in this project because you could see that tantalizing projection there if he can get the scoring down and then with the playmaking that’s one hell of a player on the wing yeah and you know people in the chat disagree he didn’t look good what I mean by look good is he showed some good things and like you said you could see the potential there especially with it with with his frame you you can see that man he he has a lot of potential he was moving well he defended fairly well so yeah obviously it’s going to be a longer term project he’ll probably spend most of his time in in Westchester we’ll see we’ll see what happens there obviously with with um with OG and maau there it it’s going to be a crowded field but clearly the Knicks see a lot more in him where they spent that 800 plus million I mean 800 plus thousand to bring him here with the main roster so they they have a plan in place and let’s see what happens but so far I I liked what I saw from him how about Ariel Huck pory man what you think about him the center he started at center today I thought it was okay man you know the I know we’re going to be looking at the center position just because yeah pre hasn’t even been signed yet man that right you know we were talking about you Chuck and myself I’m like isn’t it just weird how it’s sometime and he hasn’t been brought back on the team but I thought he was okay man yeah you know they went uh scat pev uh more so just because he was feeling it he did he did much more scoring thought he was a better presence especially helping like Baseline when it came to protection but you know it’s you’re you’re trying to invest and see what you got in somebody with um with hook pory so it’s like yeah I don’t know man he didn’t jump off the screen to me as yeah like coak or even have enough intriguing moments as dier yeah I I thought he did a good job in his pick and roll game getting open um he he had a couple of bunnies at The Rim that he missed but he had a couple that he started to to drop as uh as the game progressed went three for six from the field six rebounds two dimes six points you know I thought he was moving fairly well offensively defensively in his pick and roll coverages he plays very high up which is interesting you know I don’t know if that’s if that’s his his style or that’s just how he was kind of kind of playing in that game but he play he plays kind of upright a little bit uh so you know look he’s another developmental project tibs and those guys are going to work with him but had some potential man has has some potential as well we’ll see but like you said it’s I I think it’s going to be very easy to be maybe overcritical especially with him because we’re still looking for someone who we can say without question is going to be either the backup or the third string Center behind Mitch so let’s just see um you know how he looks as as summer league progresses and what the team thinks about him obviously Dwayne Washington lit it up you know he’s he’s a vet at this point 26 points 8 of 18 from the field four four of eight from downtown not sure if he’s even eligible for another two-way with the team or what what they you know want to do with him but you know so that’s why we didn’t lead with Dwayne Washington obviously we could have in our overreaction show here but I mean I would hope this man’s been in enough summer leagues where you know you already know what’s going on I mean if you want to overreact to somebody CP I mean there is um you know you weren’t too uh fond of his brother but maybe the younger brother you know oh Jacob toin with 19 points eight 16 from the field two three from downtown he he was he was all right Jacob was good he was the second leading scorer CP he played he played a good game you know he played a good game so we we we’ll see uh Ras didn’t look too good out there man Ras didn’t look too good still looks slow had a couple of bad turnovers early I know it was early he was trying to you know get his feet wet and establish some chemistry but had three turnovers within like the first three minutes of of his stint didn’t look too good yeah I think they’re trying to like I understand like I want to see more kak and yabas out there just because I think yabas needs more of a point guard I don’t think yabas is a point guard I think he’s more of a combo guard because the way that he plays you know like Co can control his dribble where he can get further enough close to the rim and still find guys on the perimeter yeah every time I watch yokus it’s he would pick up his drible around the free throw line and then just start to dish it out you could tell he’s he was hesitant because he’s looking for a shot and then trying to be that guy as well like trying to set everybody up I don’t think that’s his natural game I would like to see more of it I know it wasn’t great when you had Co kak out there and Ras out there together for like the the short spurt but I would go a little bit that way he did pick up a little bit in the third quarter there was a brief moment where like oh okay now you’re starting to score a little bit and then went quiet again but he only got 14 minutes man that’s why they went with kak again yeah so yeah underwhelming as people said in the chat I I wasn’t really wasn’t really impressed with uh he doesn’t he’s probably he doesn’t even want to play in the NBA right he’s going to go back home isn’t that the isn’t that the thought well I I according to the first reports were that he wants to come to the NBA but I think it’s a thing where he’s kind of dipping his toe in the water to see what type of role a team would carve out for him because if if it’s not anything significant then he can always just go to Europe and be a starting point guard somewhere MH you know and and be able to to Showcase himself some more that’s why it’s like it it’s it’s interesting with some of these draft and stashed picks especially the point guards like a lot of those guys don’t come over until way later in their careers like Pion or tsic that went to the Clippers like a lot of those guys don’t don’t come over till they almost like damn near near 30 sometimes yeah and you sometimes I wonder like if that hurts even more so if they just should join the team I also get that there wasn’t enough space and you know where Ras was drafted it was also with mcbry grim so it’s you know you’re already it’s there’s already tin competition you got quickley who was already there RJ so there wasn’t really a set position for him so he’d probably be just riding the bench and probably going down to the g- league more so to work on his game so it makes sense to go play professionally for Barcelona but now that you have Rubio who’s the point guard over there he lost time since Rubio’s back now it’s like what’s going to happen to him and where he’s looking for a new home so but once again as you guys said underwhelming performance yeah hopefully he picks it up man because there was a lot of Hope when he was drafted man there was like and there’s always during the regular season man it’s like what’s rokas doing and you see oh he’s lighting it up lighting can he do it here and I was like you know this is Summer League you should be lighting It Up In Summer League yeah if you are playing professional like for Barcelona I expecting you to step on this floor guys who are drafted trying to figure their way into the league you should be dominating like just play your game that’s what I’m looking for true indeed true indeed man s everybody in the chat once again hit that thumbs up button for your boys uh salute to all of our Die Hard delusional man in the chat it is Saturday night it is 10 to 8 right here on the East Coast so we got people in here that want to tap in to hear what Rach yaku is and this Nicks team was doing out there in summer league man like share subscribe call us up with your overreactions man 657 3831 159 or you can hit us up on the kftv Discord if you want to overreact to everything Tyler kic with the Triple 7 game then you had you had Pome checking Brandon Miller and nicks made a game out of it they they were getting worked early they were definitely getting worked early I was a little I was a little uh you know I was stunned don’t tell me you were Aggy during summer Le I was a little Aggy man I’m like yo Saturday night we got to do post game like give me something to talk about and then Kyler just got into a Stockton bag and then he was just going you know what I mean oh my God so that was good to see man man I would I really can’t express how impressed I was with Co titty just like first time on the floor like wow it’s good stuff um that that’s just so impressive man good stuff I mean talk about a slow start I was like wow this is like the Knicks of old we have a good because on the broadcast we talk about oh you know the vars we call everything the varsity team where they’re talking about the big league right with you know for Brunson or any other team right in the NBA and then I was like is this the Knicks of old because we are shooting 28% from the field and 16 from three what am I watching yeah and and Miller looked good he’s that was only the only game he was playing yo and Nick Smith Jr good Smith Jr was cooking yeah he he he was uh he had a message for Dwayne Washington Jr boy he was man he was abusing mixed him up a little bit dude splash the threes o That’s why Dwayne that’s why Dwayne had to clap back he he I don’t think Dwayne Watson Jr passed at one time he said N I gotta get back at this young boy Dwayne like it was like a pickup moment man where like some dude gets crossover real bad he like all right I’m not passing the rock for the rest of the show and your team still loses which happened tonight you’re like dude can we just stop with your pride you got cooked you got dusted you’re done the Wayne went to Hero mode and said yeah y’all can wait till till game three when I’m out of the rotation completely so uh King D on oh wait wait let me get D in here let me get D in here King D King D on the check in let’s go King D oh here a technical you hear me yep got got you now yep first off salute to the chat man salute to CP and Alex y cp you a real Nicks fan man because yeah we want it all man I want all the glory I League I want the finals everything I want it all yeah everything man yep so first and foremost shout out to you Alex you was on point spot on with what you were talking about um salute to the chat gang hit those these thumbs up buttons for your boys listen man Tyler the Creator when he got drafted I gave him that nickname while CP was talking on the draft with and yo you could see it man it’s it’s little categories right everybody so it’s like it’s not the reason of like oh he just got the triple seven but it’s where and how the half court pass in a Zone yeah that was that was filthy yeah that alley that alley that he sent to dier in the zone that was nice from half court we need and CP we need that because our our weaknesses is right when the Zone breaks down on on opposing teams all of a sudden we kind our offense kind of gets a little uh stuck stuck in the mud so you can see he’s got that Grace the pick and roll from the left corner the way he just gives it off so it’s good to see man I think as this summer league goes on I know people wanted him to shoot more but again he’s more of a player role point guard I know you know everyone brings up shades of TJ you could even throw in maybe Andre Miller up in there you know the the regular point guards from back in the day as far as Pac-Man and I’m g land my playe with this as far as Pacman I thought he was solid I wasn’t expecting him be a defensive Menace I know he had the Jitters offensively everyone just calm down it’s game one of the summer league 1819 he’ll figure that out his shorts were shot but other than that they those two stick out um obviously shout out to Dwayne Kobe Washington who took things personally CPU nailed it he did have I don’t think he had more than two assists but hey hey for I just want to say this CPN and I’m done it’s a it’s a beautiful time as a Nick fan for us to have these rookies come in here and we don’t have to rely on them to be the quote unquote saviors so everyone enjoy this summer league CP Alex keep doing your thing man peace in well said man well said King D on the check in salute man let’s go to work we we’re not looking for these guys to be answers man yeah yeah you’re looking for pleasant surprises you know you’re looking for pleasant surprises and and now you kind of have them go through a program where they can kind of come up slowly practice with the with with some the top talent on the team go through the G league and like McBride you know get called up situationally and do your thing the infrastructure is sound right now so it’s a good time I’m just circling through some content from some of from some of our people there on the ground right now here this is footage uh from our guy ck2k you got the the wing tandem I don’t know what nickname we going to give him man we we got to figure that out we figure that out as as a commissioner of the nickname convention give me some time to figure this one out between Bridges and OG but here they are chopping it up with tibs and and worldwide West they were in the building the Nick Stellar Wing tandem shout out to the Strickland got them captured up front in the in the front row our guys ck2k is on the ground uh we got had a couple of Nicks fans our guys from Nicks Film School are in there Macker and and claudo oh good job I see K this is a good shot man you got oh look at this one you got oh G Leon Obi toen shaking hands with James Dolan who’s sitting next to maau Bridges who’s sitting next to Tom Tibido so there you go Obie’s back it is still a family show still a family show man you think he gave uh tibs a handshake I think so man I think so I I I think people made to too much of an issue over that locker room thing man you know I think he did like in in in return for how things ended we will we will take your brother okay yeah no I think he did so all right so that was some of the the content from there salute to everybody who’s on the ground there see look at I just saw you passed the Dwayne Washington uh I didn’t want to put that brother in The Summit Jam screen like that you know he still showed out if you didn’t even watch the game you saw that it’s like oh had bad you knew it had to be bad listen man it’s it just shows that you’re trying guys are going to get crossed up guys are going to get dunked on it happens everybody happens to everybody every even CP3 still has that that that classic you know ankle breaker by uh by Steph man can’t forget that one Baseline true story can’t forget that one all right so yeah that that’s uh basically it guys you know I mean this is Summer League we we got our overreactions in and there you go good good times I still got to pack and get my ass down there out there they said it’s like 115 something crazy yikes so you ready you ready for Vegas you ready for summer league CP uh uh as he Chuckles and he doesn’t want to answer the question man man I I already had an action pack day man so I just I’m I’m trying to muster up uh some strength here to get to the Finish Line need a dad nap is that it I do but I really don’t have time I I don’t have time man I got to get to it man we had Steph on the show earlier shout out to starberry mberry checking in from all the way from China yeah went to the mall get some get some last minute things you broke news on uh you know or you broke down at say you broke down the Brunson extension yesterday Brunson extension great show so so for all you guys at home make sure you guys are going back into the archives because we are cooking man we got a ton of content out there over the last couple of days and and yeah you guys just got to catch up go go back into the archives leave me a comment from the replay gang and let us know that you guys are in there uh what you think of of the the Brunson contract and things of that nature look man that’s fantastic I mean I mean I don’t know how much more of a leader you could ask for out of the guy I mean he’s taking a discount you know we always joked on the show that saying that he’s going to get paid like with the new with the way the CBA is structured he was going to get paid and the fact that he took West then to make sure and even the teams talk the teams talking about reports in Begley right said he did it because he wants this team to stay together and for the Knicks to have the ability to continue to build this team right moving forward that just says a lot about him as a leader man and the the vision that he has for this team and there has to be you know there’s another there’s another thing where outside of him being a leader and wanting to have success in New York and see the Knicks have success there’s also that you could tell the relationship with Leon and everybody else in that also because you’re not leaving money on the table without some sort of guarantee either right like something’s going to happen because look in today’s day and age we’ve SE players who you know anything can happen you never know nothing is ever promised for tomorrow but the fact that he was also able to take it tells me that there’s obviously a high level of comfort I mean we know this already because Leon Rose his fir his first first player represented was his was brunson’s father so you know there’s a deep connection there Brunson tibs they go far back everybody has a connection with one another so that was the other thing to me that spoke loudly about brunen taking less for the next upcoming four years after his initial contract’s over is that there’s such a strong connection and bond with this team from not only the team from not only from the players but between the front office and everybody else this team is in such a great place man I it’s like you got to just be excited about how things are moving right now for the Knicks man it’s a family they’re they are in lock step and I don’t you no I not that I don’t know I do know there is no other team in the NBA with this type of cohesion right right now not one no there this is on this is a connection a relationship unlike any other in the NBA where in most teams yes we’re going to play for you yes we’re going to rep the jersey and I’m sure you have good relationships in in many situations between front office and star player and players nothing like this where you have not only Brunson talking about taking less now the rumors are maau bridges might be taking less like these guys want to do something special here bro they want to do something special here and yeah I I mean this team is in the best shape that it’s been in a long time and just like they was said on The Telecast you know this team is on the rise yeah it’s this is not what Draymond talking it’s not this is two to three window they got to start re rebuilding no no no no no no no no no no no this team is still getting better like this team is still getting better and everybody in their Prime I was exactly about to say they’re just entering their Prime they’re just entering their Prime this is insane to have a team with this much cohesion like I was talking to a Nicks fan yesterday who watched the 70s team who watched the Knicks win their first two championships and he said he hasn’t felt this type of Aura around a team where it was just so much cohesion so much like team like everything everything is about the team every investment is about the team since that team right and that’s what New York basketball has been built on when you watch the Knicks it’s about team basketball it’s about being gritty it’s about playing defense playing basketball at the highest level possible and for an OG who watched those two who watched Clyde who watched Willis play right Bill Bradley and all those guys and the fact that he says he hasn’t felt anything like that until now that’s huge in my opinion man because that’s think how many years of basketball has that play that person watched yeah to not have to have the same feeling again and so the fact that this team is outside of Brunson like and when you watch your leader do that how can you not want to be in walk step because you see the vision you see that you want to make something special and look these players know you bring a championship to New York City you are immortalized you’re like an you’re in the NBA God Stratosphere if you win a championship in New York okay I mean we every time I listen to an NBA podcast or listen to people talk man they always talk about hey you know it’s going to be tough when with star players taking this Max money you see Tatum you see brown right how can you continue to build around those two guys when they’re legitimately capping your team out like you have to go into the second apron you have the owner Wick who’s saying I am set to retire in the next few years we won I’m done I don’t want to have to be around here to think about that second apron issue and how do we manage that so for the Knicks players to be willing to take less than at this point huge man absolutely huge yeah and and I’ll I’ll end on this one and I I mentioned it last night but I think we also have to give them credit for the way that they’ve been able to turn this team over given the fact that their top end draft picks like none of their picks hand out to be the guy that you have to build around so it’s it’s taken luck a lot of luck and then this this Savvy cat management Savvy scouting because think about it like they had to turn RJ and quick into OG they had to they were able to capitalize on Dallas’s lack of appreciation for who he could be to be lucky enough to get him they had to capitalize on Golden State not prioritizing Dante because they were thinking second apron cap and everything like that he becomes Expendable look at the price that they paid for Josh Hart remember Josh Hart when he was on the Pelicans he got traded for CJ McCullum to the Blazers yep right like how much does Josh Hart cost if he’s still on that Pelicans team and now you’re trying to deal with him to get him there instead they’re able to send a draft pick to for the Blazers and cam Rish and and cam but like you know Reclamation Pro like you’re sending scraps to the Blazers who are in that mode where they that’s what the that’s what their goals are they want to rebuild they want to restart for the Pelicans you would have had to pay more yeah so you know that’s what we say like that luck that has to come into it it’s part of the deal man very interesting and even with Julius man even with Julius and he he’s like we still need to see him do it in the postseason but the fact that he joins the Knicks becomes a three-time all NBA player I mean uh so three-time All-Star two-time all NBA player on New York that’s also luck man like that yeah you have to you have to fall into that and the fact that this Nick team has built a team without as you said drafting like this will CH without drafting bro this is this will change how you have to think about constructing a team because remember tanking was the way that it was like oh you have to go get this guy through the draft that’s how you have to find it now teams are going to say is do we really need to prioritize a draft like that or are we prioritizing way too much in the draft because there’s more guys who aren’t what you expect them to be than there guys who are right and we keep look at the top of the food chain I would say outside of embiid who was drafted highly and they were expecting something like that that you look at joic Taco Bell commercial we’re talking about Giannis mid mid of the first round that he was drafted right no one was expecting Yannis to be the type of player that he is and then next thing you know these guys are just emerging same thing with Brunson Bruns is another guy who was drafted what in the second round and now he’s emerging this past season as a top five MVP candidate so it’s going to change the way that teams look at the draft and how you look at free agency it it’s impressive man it it’s impressive now Eddie Suarez in the chat says I see trash in the Horizon I don’t okay well all right I mean everybody’s entitled to their own opinion we’re not going to raise we’re not going to raise a banner just yet but I’ll say I think they’re in the in headed in the right direction I’ll just put it that way you know I I’ll just I’ll just put it that way man after many years of just chaos yeah I happy for success I’ll I’ll take this over anything at this point man so anyway man great show Al great show all the mods King D shout out to King D on the checkin salute to TM salute to uh John tento all of our mods Christopher Blake I see you my franchise channel members go ahead and leave a custom emoji in the chat let us know that you’re in here definitely appreciate everybody for tapping in we’ll keep this one rapid fire this team will be back at it on Tuesday or Monday I think it’s Tuesday is the next game they play the the 16th 17th and 19th after this so they get a little bit of time to practice come together a little bit and then get right back to it man but great job by kic with the Triple S debut D looking okay Ras needs a little work but hey it’s summer league man first rule of summer league is only summer league but we will react either way I want to shout out to our guy Tony Banks Al he left us a Super Chat yesterday during our show with with Evan Roberts and I forgot to read it but he it did say Evan with the WFA and Philip Buster we don’t need that yeah man we have to have the the Nick therapy session with Evan Roberts and shout out to pimp Nam slickback $25 Super Chat says Hey CP I’m one of the 12 Nets fans please stop letting this man Evan Roberts represent us he’s an anti- Nick fan he’s not a Nets fan we’re excited for our rebuild and we’re ready to turn the page all right so they they’re ready to get him out of Brooklyn Brigade is ready to pack his bags you said pimp name slickback yeah well I love The Boondock so I’m I’m glad that name was uh was read today for sure for sure man uh what else we have here I think I was what was I doing I was I was showing the people um oh yeah as I was telling the people on on the on the channel man for for those of you you know everybody has different viewing habits so the way you consume content is is a little bit differently but always remember that you know you can go back onto the the main Nick fan TV channel and catch up on a lot of content that you haven’t seen and remember the way YouTube is is categorizing our content is different than it was in the past our live shows are in a completely separate menu so when you come to the channel you click on live you’ll see a completely separate set of content that that you may have missed and stuff that is still really relevant you know the show that we did with bleacher port on the backup center uh Quinton Richardson joined us week as well me and Q Rich had a great show man talking about the Knicks off season Ariel helwani joined us this past Tuesday to chop it up on the offseason Evan Roberts yesterday Stefon Marberry this morning you had the Brunson breakdown full salary cap breakdown by my guy Yosi golin tap into that postgame live Suite tap into that we got everything here for you man you have your shorts our shorts reels have been going crazy you know all the shorts are going well for those you that have time for just sound bites tap in with the shorts uh what else and then the videos so what we’ve been doing is just putting out clips for you guys that are more you know topic specific or if you guys just want to dive into a specific topic then just dive into click on the videos link on the main page and you’ll see more of our clips that we’ll put out there so for example you know that Brunson show was two hours we put out a 12 minute clip from that Brunson show just for my guy Yosi breaking down how things are going going to look for the Knicks from a salary cap standpoint so giving you everything that you need to know about this Nick team going forward man so like I said go ahead and go back in time salute to the replay gang salute to the team and that’s that man time to pack my bags head to Vegas great show everybody remember that this show is available in audio podcast format no reason to miss it man if you did go ahead and and and uh catch us on all major podcast platforms so to the replay gang again wait CP I got one more question for you yep where’ you get that white hat man oh shop. nfant man shop. nfant you know what I’m saying brand new in stock the people have been wanting the all white so we’re getting the all white they want the dad hats to we get to that as well you know one thing at a time we we rolling out things slowly but we making sure that uh quality is it so we did make a change to the snap so if you guys see we added in the three 3D pop out you know what I’m saying we added in the 3D pop out to the whites the blues so all of our Snaps are getting a a lift if you will pun intended and and that’s that’s part of it so make sure you guys go to shop. nfant to go get yours and that’s that man Al I’ll catch up with you bro enjoy the rest of the weekend stay cool and we’ll tune in next time man peace [Music] y

Knicks vs Hornets Summer League Post Game Show: Highlights, Analysis & Caller Reactions


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  1. summer league is rec leauge without much of a structured offense. can't expect rokas to come in this pick up game and wow. these games are overrated.

  2. This is an interesting summer league because were looking at a couple potential players who could help (mostly kolek and dadiet) a team that is a serious contender

  3. Rookies didn't look bad. Didn't get embarrassed 😮. It is what it is 🤷
    Tyler fairly impressive good distributer. He gets an B+. The others got a C

  4. 🟧🟦🟧🟦🟧🟦
    🫡🫡🫡 TK Smoothie looking like he wants that back up PG spot. CP/ Alex: Are there any KFTV bucket hats??? #LGK

  5. Cp the franchise I want to ask you this. Are the Knicks setting up for cooper Flagg? They did t extend Randle. They play the same position. We have the pistons 1round protected pick. Can you explain to me the protected part?

  6. Tyler Kolick is reminder of John Stockton or Mark Price.. Great smarts and savvy, distributor and creator. He makes the Roster for sure. Aka: Tyler “The Creator” Kolick

  7. Yo, my first look at Kolec!!! I fear for my guy Duece. This kid gets into the paint, keeps his head up, he plays with confidence and leadership. How does he not come off the bench when JB goes out. The only hope for Deuce is if we don't really get any back up bigs, and Josh gotta play the 4 😂

  8. Jumping out the window on Kolek he looked super comfortable. Looking like a vet out there 💯

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