@Chicago Bulls

Summer League LIVE! Matas Buzelis leads Chicago Bulls to win in debut | CHGO Bulls Podcast

Summer League LIVE! Matas Buzelis leads Chicago Bulls to win in debut | CHGO Bulls Podcast

what’s going on bulls Nation welcome in to Cho Bulls Summer League live coming to you from our headquarters here Circa Resort and Casino in the one and only Las Vegas also presented by our friends of Kors light make the most of your time so you choose to chill go to corl cgob basketball celebrate respond responsibly I’m pack Bulls pack join my my crew big day bam bwl Sports will the go Godly willor goly our pal producer under controls over there the one and only young Joseph spanis day three day three summer league summer league we’re going to break down the Bulls win over the milwauke Bucks in their summer league opener yesterday talk about Modis talk about sonogo talk about Julian Billy Donovan talking after the game um also a little bit of a Patrick Williams update that you got uh during the game yesterday he was there watching with some of the other vets sitting Courtside supporting their young teammates uh and we’ll also take a look ahead to tonight’s matchup second night of a back toback Golden State Warriors against the Chicago Bulls lots lots of fun stuff to talk about uh how are we doing gentlemen rested alive day three of five I’m all right cool I had fun yesterday it was cool hanging out great day yesterday yeah it was really good really full day I know you were definitely super busy sir we were busy but we had a great I mean we just had a great time like yeah lot of cool stuff going to the games was fun uh got a chance to like talk with a bunch of really cool people catch up with people um had a great experience you know at the Call of Duty event yeah and uh yeah I’m excited to get back to it today also found my new a new favorite Joey as well watching Joey work yesterday I was like found my new favorite Joey another favorite Joey Joey saying to me like Jo is I don’t know if I’m like am I like you know deserving of this credential right now like dude you’re filming so much good stuff he put together a vlog that has yet to release but we’re doing one for every day that we’re here and the first one is amazing Joy crushed it I like how I was I was wondering if you guys could see me down there see the picture we took dude I watched the entire interaction of you getting your photog jersey from that woman and being like Dave Dave Joey’s got the photo Jersey watch you walk around to the Baseline in one of those little squares you know right Baseline by the court and I was like look at Joey Joey they kept telling me that you don’t have a red vest I’m like yeah well I don’t have a red vest and then somebody’s like you know you could just get a red vest I’m like I was so confused it was confused you did a great job I appreciate y’all it was a lot of fun for me yeah you did a great job I like the snap that you managed to take and that two of them CH down there from so big Dave and I like we had good seats it was a great view but because we were wrapping up our show here and then had to beine it to the stadium uh and we don’t have credentials this year we just had to like find some seats in the in the stands and we got there maybe 10 15 minutes before tip off so we found a couple of seats way up high uh it a great view of the game it was it was right in the middle and that stadium so there’s Thomas and Max Center which is like the main place where the UNLV Running Rebels play it’s a big Stadium that’s where like the main games take place and then they have Cox Bazil Pavilion which is in the same building but it’s like you know high school gymnas it’s like a high school gym so it’s like I think it fits 200 people really small and so even sitting at the top row you have like incredible view incredible views and the noise like energy level in that tight little arena is really cool yeah I like watching games there actually when we got all the way to the top right up to my right met Mike Miller just sitting up there at the top like hey what’s up Mike I could have sworn either you or he cuz I heard the exchange said long night it was him definitely it wasn’t me cuz I asked you you’re like I didn’t say that I was like Mike Miller looks like he you should have asked him about Billy no I dang I would even thinking about that you’re right I just told him I like the way he play I was like I’m a Bulls player I’m Bulls fan I was like but I really like your game man he was like I respect what’s up so he was cool man shout out Mike Miller he was a killer in NBA Live 2003 oh a beast absolute K absolute Beast man cuz he was there for that next game they were playing the Heat and the Celtics for that next game he just didn’t miss yeah Bulls fans if you haven’t watched uh the episode of Mike Miller’s pod where Billy Donovan is his guest talking about you know the old days and Florida UD highly recommend that is a side of Billy Donovan that does not come out often at it’s a fun watch all right so let’s dive into the action the Bulls beat the Bucks 9689 is the final the Bulls you know never had a huge lead but were in control most of the game bucks made a little bit of a push in the fourth quarter I think got it down to a one or two possession game but let’s start with the guy that we’re all here to see most importantly the Bulls number 11 draft pick mest billis uh who finished with a respectable 15- seven stat line also had a couple of Dimes couple of blocks but everybody you know uh and he himself when you spoke to him after the game will said yeah not not my best Knight said he was sloppy obviously only shot for of 15 the one thing he did do aggressively was get to the free throw line yeah he was I mean he had probably the benefit of some friendly officiate gifted free throws I think he had seven free throw attempts in the first quarter alone wow and he did take four threes he was 04 but like you could tell when he caught the ball he was trying to attack he was trying to get downhill there were a lot of plays where they ran him off of screens to get him an advantage getting to the rim and he put pressure on the rim so that’s something that the Bulls are going to be missing now without Demar dzen and if he’s somebody that can come in and you know replicate some of that free throw you know attempt stuff that they’re going to miss out from not having D rozen that Rim pressure to be able to create kickouts and three-point opportunities for his teammates that was really impressive and then you know he had a bunch of drives where he kind of either pulled up and you know shot uh like a fade away he does this little like Dirk fade um or sometimes he just got cut off but he would he you could see him kind of like processing the game and I think it was a little bit sped up but we talked to him after he’s like this is no different than the League like I got to be better I will be better um but you could just tell that like his ability to process the game and actually Billy Donovan the third said this after the game too like given that he has played at a professional level the terminology was all there for him and so like the ability to pick stuff up play quickly learn this stuff quickly I think that really benefited him and obviously four for 15 0 for four on threes not a good shooting night um but I think you live with the inefficiency because you like the shots that he was taking and the way that he was getting downhill yeah usually refs are going to uh reward you for being aggressive and I I’m not saying he’s going to get that he’s like he gets a superstar calls here cuz he’s a big name here I’m just about to say you’re not he knows he’s not going to get those calls in the NBA exactly he definitely got those calls here for sure but usually when you’re being aggressive and you know not trying to cheated when you’re being aggressive you can get rewarded and he was definitely getting that you’re right it was a couple of early ones that you know they kind of just gave him a little bit but I like the fact that he was able to get there because getting the free throw line slows the game down we all see the benefits of it we watch the Rosen we know what it can do yeah but I I just like that he was confident in his game like he was missing those shots but it didn’t seem like it bothered him to the point where he was going to change up anything he just continued to push he continued to work the three-point shots he continued to take them even after airball won he was like no I’m going to shoot this other one too that’s fine you love to see that confidence and that belief in himself like I do think he’s going to become a better shooter I think the first couple years in the league he’s not going to be good but he takes the shots his form is good I think the approach to shooting is good yeah definitely his priority is getting downhill and but he’s still like drawing pump FES and hards and that helps him so he has to keep shoting I think he’ll get better but to me like the thing that popped about his game was the ability to get downhill I think he’s got some stuff to work on the strength being able to absorb contact and finish through contact the ball handling being able to like get his way all the way to the rim without having to be cut off and pull up having counter moves so uh he’s definitely raw he’s a project but you you see the tools I mean they’re they’re definitely there they’re definitely there man for him and you mentioned that ball handling that was one of the things that kind of stood out for me like on the perimeter he was able to you know go back back and forth between his legs behind his back and then make the move but like you said you’re going to need a secondary move once you kind of get there cuz once he would make that move and he would get there and then close it then you know he was like okay you know but he would still make something out of it but yeah he just got to get a secondary move with it but it was nothing that I was like oh man he can’t play like no that dude can play like you said you see the talent you saw the skills you saw the ability you saw a little bit of the passing he had one really cool pass uh for a layup that I remember that was really cool but yeah he he did well like I like what I saw and I’m excited to watch it again today yeah the play that stood out to me was he was driving to the basket he got cut off he spun back like he was about to take a fade away drew two Defenders on him and just dumped it down to soogo for the wide open layup and so you see him being able to draw two to the ball being able to put pressure on the rim create a distraction for the defense and then find the open man I think he’s got like if you if you put together all the skills that he has like that’s a that’s like a star player package yeah you can dribble you can pass you can shoot you can drive you can defend he had a couple of great blocks um I just think like the tools are all there he’s very far away but like you can if you squint you can see the vision uh Michael Gardner in the comments saying Maas has All-Star potential if the shot develops his handle at that size is uh unicorn esque oo shout out for that word uh the defensive ability to switch and block shots is also astounding ey on him hope he gets minutes I I mean I I also loved his activity on the defensive end in that game yesterday and you know you’re talking about on the offensive end his ability to draw uh defensive pressure and then find ways to pass out of that and you also talked about attacking those Clos outs Billy Donovan the thir talked about that after the game as well that that was an emphasis not just for Modis but for the entire Squad coming into this is like putting pressure in the paint putting pressure at The Rim attacking generating and then attacking those close out scenarios at modest did it well but I mean every like the reason the Bulls won the game yesterday neither team shot well the Bulls a little under 40% bucks just over 40% bucks hit four more threes than the bulls the bulls hit 27 free throws that’s it like you know Maus got to the line 11 times uh Julian Phillips got there nine times soogo had five of six from the free throw line gavon smart six of seven from the free throw line Off the Bench I I think Billy Donovan said uh Billy Donovan the third uh can we just say Billy Donovan while we’re in Vegas and3 I feel like I call him Trey uh that’s young Trey he said the word that he he’s been using and preaching these guys is assaulting the painting The Pain Trey yeah I like that that’s that’s how you supposed to have that mindset and you’re right they took that to heart cuz that’s exactly what they did all of them especially the guys on the wing and the point guard as well like they were assaulting and going after it I like them I wanted to see some transition I saw a little bit of that as well I was TI to see that the Julian Phillips dunp uh that was cool to see yeah but mattis’s game he he didn’t look like he was clogging up anything like he felt very fluid out there like he wasn’t just demanding like oh I got to get the ball and it stop and slow down no no everything was moving everything was going the right way if he didn’t have it he was trying to find out who did and try to kick it out to them and get them them to basketball and get them going so it was very Team friendly but he definitely knew when to get his you know and like no this is my opportunity let me go ahead and see if I can put some points on the board here and you’re right Matt defensively I thought is was better you know what I’m saying than what it was offensively at least as far as what I was looking for I was just trying to see what kind of defensive player because we know how he is helped uh defensively but can he stay on his man on those kind of situations and I thought he did a good job of that but he definitely had a nice block a really nice block I love the way he would rebound you know and kind of get it started you know on that end I just like watching his mind work while while he was out there man like he’s he’s always thinking you know he’s trying to be ahead of the play a couple defensive possessions I saw from him where he was what was going on and made a couple of really heady plays from the weak side on defense you know in help defense scenarios and with with his length there were a couple of times were like yo how the hell did Maus get his hand on that ball whether it was a block a strip getting his hand a passing Lane like he he has the awareness to be a really solid switchable defensive player I think he’s got the right mentality too like that really stood out to me talking with him after the game is like they just won a game he said like his goal was to win games but you could tell he was like kind of down on himself for the way that he played he said that he was sloppy and he needs to be better he said thinks he can be better um just has to like continue to let the game come to him um see if I can find any of these quotes here but uh yeah I think he just like he felt like the process was good but ultimately he’s got to let the game you know come to him a little bit more be more sharp with his decision making with the shots that he can take um you know and he just said like I’ve got high standards for myself I think he just wants to be better and so even though I thought the process was good the shots that he was trying to get to were good some of the passes that he made the defense I think he just he wants to be a lot better and I you know he said quote I can be way better than that after the game and I I think Bulls fans should be encouraged by that and also believe it because you know we’re talking about okay he had 15 and seven he had some solid plays on the defensive end um looked aggressive you like that if instead of four of 15 he’s seven or eight of 15 and knocks down one or two of his threes not not like bu Bulls fans would be jumping through their freaking roofs if we just watch modus do that summer league debut at the same time he could have been you know four of 18 if he didn’t get a couple of those calls so he does really need to work on the efficiency um but again I’m not I’m especially in summer league and you know as as you’re a young rebuilding team I’m way less concerned with whether or not the ball goes in as I am with what kind of shots are you getting to on the court and so that process that has to be the primary focus I completely agree with you man like it’s got to be right you know what I’m saying when he’s out there and that’s going to be the key cuz those shots are going to fall you know so we looking at things like his form like even the three-point shots like that’s why I don’t even recall him so much cuz I didn’t care you know I was like yeah he took the shot all right he Air B all right next one I think one of them got blocked as well that’s what led to the second air ball so it’s just the fact that he’s being aggressive and taking them and knowing when to take him and not forcing anything man that’s the stuff I’m looking at and and in between each of those four Miss threes you were seeing him get to the free throw line and make some really cool creative passes like he was he was doing some some solid things even though his shot wasn’t falling yeah he was out there for sure uh still plenty ahead on chj bulls live here from Ser Resort in casino in Las Vegas covering this NBA Summer League action bulls have another game on deck tonight against the Warriors we’ll touch on that also still got to get our thoughts on Julian Phillips his second season with the summer league Bulls Adamas sonogo and touch on a little bit of a health update from Sir Patrick Williams fresh off his newly signed contract in free agency uh hit that like button if you’re hanging out with us on YouTube appreciate you what’s up Matty Legend Jason SC Daniel Barry strick what’s going on buddy what’s up Montana shy appreciate all y’all hanging out with us on Sunday what time is it in Chicago 1:30ish something like that yeah whatever you’re doing wherever you are whatever time it is thanks for hanging out with us shout out um but first want to shout out our friends at indeed indeed we’re driven by the search for better but when I comes to hiring the best ways to search for a candidate isn’t to search at all don’t search match and match with indeed if you need to hire you need indeed it’s as simple as that indeed is your hiring and matching platform with over 350 million Global monthly visitors according to Indie data and a matching engine that helps you find quality candidates fast ditch the busy work because we all hate busy work I don’t like it use indeed for scheduling screening and messaging so you can connect with your candidates faster and indeed doesn’t just help you with the speed of hiring 93% of employers agree indeed delivers the highest quality matches compared to other job sites according to a recent indeed survey so if you need to hire for your company if you 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from the free throw line he told you after the game will I liked that I got to the line today I know I need to knock down more of him uh he also pulled off a double double with 10 boards four of them offensive he and soogo both did work on the offensive glass you love to see that and you know as far as what we saw from Julian his rookie year uh as somebody getting spot minutes uh a guy who could maybe you know take a corner three confidently make those back door Cuts make some plays Above the Rim do some work on the boards but we were talking on yesterday’s show about okay what else can he show us this time around against especially against summer league competition and Willie were saying can we see more on ball creation from Julian Phillips I did think we saw a handful of times where he got the ball somewhere around the top of the key and just like sized up his man and decided to kind of create some action one-on-one his handles I think look a little bit better than the last time we watched him play what did you make of his game yeah you know that that’s really the main thing I was looking for with him and I felt like similar to modus a lot of what he was doing in terms of getting down Hill was coming off of closeouts or coming off of screens and getting the ball on the move which I think is really important for some of these young guys who still have a lot of room to grow with their ball handling so I liked him being aggressive I liked him getting downhill he was assaulting the paint too I mean he was just trying to get down as much as possible he had 10 rebounds he was attacking the glass uh he was trying to get put back dunks he was I mean the last play of the game he said like we I was going for it I got to get that I was going to have a heart attack if he converted that dude um but so you just like to see him Contin to be aggressive and you know the other thing is he’s he’s a young rookie last year but he’s the vet on this team now with this summer league and so he was talking about kind of how his leadership has to improve with this group and kind of help some of these other younger players come along a little bit so uh but I think it’s like again without D rozan on this team next year the Bulls have to be creative in terms of finding ways to get pressure on their in because they still profile to be a poor three-point shooting team yes you lose Demar D rozan who’s obviously you know not a three-point shooter he can do it but when you’ve got the ball in his hands a lot he’s not doing the James Harden step back three thing so automatically your three-point attempt rate is going to be lower than it would be if you were on a team like LCA donic where he’s taking a ton of Threes per game um you replac that with giddy so you’re not improving in that way either obviously Kobe can shoot it Zach can shoot it B can shoot it but they need people to create offense in order to get those threes the way you do that is by assaulting the paint getting downhill forcing help to come and then spraying it out uh and so when you get those guys on the Move coming off of pin Downs coming off of screens to where you can get them the ball going downhill with the advantage that’s when the help has to slide over and it doesn’t put the burden on Julian Phillips or mal melis to break somebody down off the dribble and so using those screens is a really valuable tool I expect to see a lot more of that even at the NBA level next year uh but that’s what we saw I think from Julian in his ability to get downhill he finished through contact uh definitely needs to continue to improve his ball handling but I just slowly but surely I think we’re seeing expand his game a little bit and that’s what you want to see with your young players especially in summer league yeah I thought he got more comfortable as the game kind of went on um kind of especially in that second half I thought he was much more comfortable in the game because it felt like in the first half he was just trying to see you know what I mean just kind of trying to think which is fine you know in summer league I have a problem with that but it’s it seemed like he just and I don’t want to say reverted back to like it’s a bad thing but he went to what he does best you know what I mean I’m going to get these rebounds I’m going to start this Outlet I’m going to run the floor I’m going to get these dunks in transition and I’m going to be try to be a havoc on the defensive end and help my guys out that way which was great to see so it’s good to see that he knows exactly where his strengths kind of lie that’s great and it was cool to see him trying to work on some stuff as well we saw him you know take three and all that so I’m I was okay with this game I was surprised and I said it to you when I looked up and he had 17 like I I was like really when when did that go down like cuz I saw all the rebounds happen and everything like that but somebody’s converting him you know what I’m saying when he’s getting those boards back so I liked his game cuz he really looked like a true wing out there really reminded me of derri Jones Jr with how he ran the floor and how he did certain things out there today you also saw I think the game slowed down for him so many times last year he was just like this water bug like jittering around the court like you know the game was just moving so fast and I feel like he looked a lot more comfortable understanding where to be on the court what to do when the ball came to him where to be on the defensive side like when you get into the league and you’re a second round pick and you’re a raw athlete who’s very much a project like it can take a long time for the game to slow down for you and especially when you’re not playing a ton of minutes every time it’s like just he was really jittery and I and not not like saying he was like nervous or anything but just like he was bouncing around the floor like trying to understand and and absorb all this information as it was happening and it was just moving really fast and so I think we got to see that slow down for him a little bit again that’s exactly what you want to see for a young player as he gets more experience just the game slowing down understanding where to be understanding where to move the ball to next this the next assignment keep it moving keep the the wheel of the offense moving so you can make the next good play absolutely uh hey Julia people in the comments chiming in about Julian’s game Jorge saying Julian Mighty Phillips optimistic Bulls fan saying Julian didn’t force anything and he was handling more Rob say Julian and modest attack in the rim like Kobe and IO more often is going to be key in games when the shots aren’t fallen and they definitely understand that um yeah I mean I I I liked what I saw from Julian yesterday I cannot wait to watch him again tonight I want to see him put the ball on the floor some more you know with his athletic ability and we saw like you know he didn’t convert that what would have blown the roof off the place you know dunk in the final seconds of that game yesterday but even a couple of the rebounds he skyed for I was reminded of the fact that Julian Phillips had the best vertical at the NBA combine two years ago3 like my God he can jum if he adds some like more tight ball handling and you know uh one-on-one attacking ability to that athleticism and can be you know a spot up shooter I mean that right there is why I’m so high on this got yourself a sto do at the NBA level is just catch the ball from the corner and attack close outs or shoot the three and you can tighten like you’re saying tighten up the ball handling to where you can reliably get all the way to the rim we saw him go up and and try to absorb contact we saw him finish through that like that’s the archetype of a really valuable role player and who knows maybe you can expand that even more but like for now I just think you really have to like what you’re seeing from him and the way that he’s progressed from last year to this year and I also liked what he said at uh during because you talked about him trying to take on more of a leadership bro I like what he said when they were asking about Mattis and you know how he kind of talks on the floor he was like no I love it he was like but the point of it is basically we supposed to have his back you know what I mean we supposed to back him up on that so that’s the that’s the goal of this and I’m like yes absolutely right have your teammates back let them talk all the stuff if he want to but make sure that he’s right you know what I mean when he’s doing it so yeah I appreciate that uh all right so let’s uh chat soogo for a second Bulls fans may have been surprised yesterday uh when we saw Garrison Brooks in the starting lineup at Center instead of Adama soogo even the Bulls game notes that they sent to us a few hours before tip off said potential starters and soogo was listed right uh instead B uh bd3 goes with uh Garrison Brooks the product he played UNCC I think three or four years had a fifth year at Mississippi State played professionally over in Lithuania this past year um soogo comes off the bench and says here’s your double double 17 and 12 by the way seven of those 12 rebounds offensive class uh also three Steals and like I was telling you at some point towards the back half of that game Dave like for a guy who looks like he would be lumbering yeah a lot you know a lot of bull fans maybe use that word to describe a certain starting center the Bulls have right now what’s up bo uh he somehow is always active yeah like whenever there was something going on in the paint or even he he got switched out to the perimeter a couple of times on defense and held his own out there and it’s just like that dude’s motor is so higher than what it looks like it would be for a dude his size yeah yeah man he’s he’s awesome like you said double dou uh Adonis man like he was awesome to watch I thought it was points in the game that he was the best player on the floor and I thought he would have easily had a 2020 if he had started honestly like he was that kind of dominant down there in the paint and seeing him do it against a player that’s taller than him as well you know what I mean like it didn’t matter to him he has a watching him live and I said this to Matt I was like you can tell really good rebounders you know because they know the where the ball is going when it’s coming off the realm the Rodman jeene the Rodman jeene yes he shout out worm all this and that that way you know right that way on side it was like that watching him because he’s not the tallest person out there and I’m like how’s he snatching down everything I mean everything that came his way and in his vicinity he either got it or he touched it he had one play well Stacy would have loved it cuz it was a 50/50 ball and he turned it and he tapped it and it happened to be a tap out got back to montis and M was able to score that was all on him doing that man and he did it with two bucks on him you know what I mean so he still created that possession for the Bulls that extra possession for the Bulls man and then just the 17 points I just love it so much because like you said it’s offensive rebounding so he’s going to get those Layin but he’s always around the rim but like you said you don’t he’s at the perimeter too but he’s always around the rim dog like it is so impressive to watch that up close like I got I got I got more respect for him sitting there watching this game I was like I don’t see how he doesn’t have on the Bulls uniform bro like I don’t see what else you need right now like he provide he is a perfect Off the Bench kind of player for me yeah I thought you know for the rebounding he’s like as you guys said he’s not the tallest but he’s obviously a massive guy and he gets really good leverage so he’s able to move people out of the way in order like he like you’re saying he knows where to be and then he can get there and establish position knock guys out of the way and then go up and get the rebound his touch is really impressive he’s able to catch passes really soft touch putting stuff back um offensive rebounding was outstanding and then they were trying to pull him out to the perimeter and make him guard in space and you know like he’s not going to be great at that but he could he was staying in front of guys he was contesting shots um and that was taking him away from the rim and yet he was still able to get back in defensive rebound so uh I thought he was great I want to continue to see him improve in terms of navigating in space in terms of understanding help assignments where to be how to step forward get to the nail and things like that so um he still got a lot of work to improve but you know I was a little surprised they went with uh Brooks to start the game but he was a little bit more of a shooter I think they wanted to space the floor a little bit we can ask uh bd3 about that later tonight for theame um yeah hit his first shot and I think that just like spaces out the floor a little bit better because when you have Modas who’s obviously not a great shooter when you have Julian Phillips who can be shaky at times uh Dr did not really impact the game in the way that you wanted DJ Stewart only took two threes did not make either of them so it’s it’s hard to also have a big Center down there clogging up the paint so I think that was that’s my guess for why they went with Brooks over sooga to start the game but obviously soogo 25 minutes compared to Brooks 15 um and I just you have to like what you see production wise it’s more about execution can you still continue to improve in the scheme defensively right uh shout out to our buddy Connor who I see in the chat what’s up Conor saying soo’s ability to just absorb everything that comes as way is honestly impressive yeah that’s kind of what I was saying uh he looks smooth defensively as well definitely looks like a service NBA big if he can find a role uh AJ cats meanwhile in the comments saying soogo and Funk not starting remind me of what goat said during your summer league preview episode Bulls need to do a better job managing these two-way contracts Funk and drill are not NBA dudes go get some young athletes uh Rob in the comments meanwhile saying I don’t mind soogo putting the ball up near the rim but in the future he’ll have to learn to give it up if he doesn’t have the advantage after an offensive rebound Rob I respectfully disagree maybe it’s my old head but if you are a big who manages to get an offensive board and you are under the rim you go up yeah cuz the plays aren’t being drawn for you if you have a 40% three-point shooter teammate who’s wide open in the corner and you can get the okay fine but like that is like exceptions apply terms apply terms apply otherwise 99% of the time if you’re a big you get the offensive rebound go back up put it in get fouled especially free throw line especially when you know you’re one with some touch around the real you can go up and you can score with it cuz Ramen would get it and he would try to kick it back out he wasn’t great around the rim like that but he knew when to put it back up you know so yeah the IQ with him is going to be just fine but yeah I was impressed I was impressed watching it live uh still plenty more ahe had on Cho Bulls here we are live from cirer Resort and Casino in Las Vegas hey our buddy RG RG RG it’s our Parisian friend y’all up son uh we uh we I do want to touch on the game that javante smart had cuz he looked pretty solid off the Ben as well we got to talk about Patrick Williams chatting with y’all yesterday during that game update on his injury status in rehab also I had some uh some thoughts on what the Bulls have been doing this off season and some of these summer league Squad guys so we’ll touch on that and of course also look ahead to tonight’s game Bulls Warriors 700 p.m. local time tip off 9:00 p.m. central that’s all still ahead on Cho Bulls but meanwhile Big Dave tell the people what they should be drinking beer yeah and the beer you should be drinking as course right God I need one right now they have been fueling this young man over here it’s 11:30 a.m. we are in Las Vegas day 3 I need a Coors Light stat oh you will have it soon sir he’s got a Coors Light I need one he’s going to get it don’t you worry about that CU between work social media and the choices life throws our way it’s no wonder we’re more worked up Cor the light celebrates Rising above and choosing a chill mindset why not turn that rained out barbecue into the whe the goat got leave and Matt peek first annual and only cuz Matt won’t let anybody else in karaoke how f as soon as they walk in man get out it’s a tight list yeah or after a tough loss settle scores with the ice cold piece offering make the choice to choose chill then reach for a cold Coors Light cuz when the mountains turn blue oh you know what to do cuz Coors Light is cold loger cold filter and cold package for a smoother finish so Embrace that chill mindset and choose Coors Light cuz it’s crisp and refreshing as the Colorado H H now make the most out of your time choose chill and choose cor light get it delivered straight to your door via instacart by going to cgo basketball celebrate responsi Coors Brewing Company golden a Colorado as I was listening to you talk about Coors Light my mouth got so dry I don’t know if it’s that Vagas heat that dry heat it’s at Co I’m I’m I’m ready for one after we wrap up our show you know what we got on deck at noon here at the beautiful ciruit Resort in Casino Tell Me Euro final Spain versus England is that why pulling up in their jerseys oh oh you know I see somebody rocking an Argentina Jersey over there we also have the Copa America final 5:00 Vegas time between Argentina and Colombia All Right which one I’m going to be watching some soccer today which one which game is more important uh to to who to you to to me uh as a soccer fan I’m excited to watch both I’m I hope and am expecting Argentina Colombia to be an absolute batshit crazy game those two teams are like bloodthirsty Rivals it’s going to get wild it’s going to get physical you got the the messy Factor he’s aging but he still has the Magic Touch and honestly like Spain England I’m hoping for some fireworks I thought all of England’s path through the Euros was boring as hell England has always made a boring brand of soccer in my opinion Spain is very methodical and they just wait for their opportunities to strike and otherwise play very defensive-minded soccer it’s it’s Ticky Tako when they can so I like I’m I’m not I’m more excited for Argentina Columbia than I am for Spain England even though Euro as a tournament is looked upon much more highly in Copa America so your prediction uh you know what give me Columbia to upset Argentina and give me Spain one nil over England oh and where you going to be watching this at man right here at cira Resort in Casino I’m staring out at a giant four story TV screen we got some MLB on right now we got uh uh you we we got some sports talk shows it actually is four stories it is four stories wild there were a couple of fights on yesterday I was watching here with our dmvr buddies uh you guys got to stay at Circa the next time you come to Vegas it is the first ever Las Vegas adults only Casino and Resort all you got to do is show them your ID when you walk through those front doors and you will never be asked for your ID again once you are inside I don’t know why every Casino in Vegas does not operate this way cir figured it out that’s the way to do it they also have this right here where we’re hanging out the world’s largest sports book thre story Stadium style oh I’m sorry I I said four it looks like four it does three is still impressive that’s still very impressive uh it takes 10 people to operate this 78 million pixel screen 247 365 this thing is running also some food from the delicious victory bar and wings uh uh Victory Burger and wings where we had dinner last night actually shout out to them shout out you got to check out the Legacy Club up all the way in top 360° views the strip the mountains beautiful my goodness uh and then of course the stadium s where we will be doing our shows tomorrow and Tuesday from one of those Cabanas go Joey and I hung out there for a while uh on Friday uh when we arve hot my God but fun uh that Stadium swim also has a 143x 4ot LED screen screens on screens Sports on sports sports books on Sports books uh y’all got to check it out the next time you come to Vegas this is where you want your home base to be it’s been our home base for two years running now yeah it’s amazing man we love it I can’t hopefully many more to come hopefully many many more until burns up or summer league stops existing and that ain’t happening who knows which one happens first maybe the sun burning up or or you know the world might end tomorrow yesterday was weird huh let’s not talk about that let’s talk about javante smart uh the uh 17 points off the bench for him knocked down three of his six three-point attempts really the only guy on a wearing a Bulls jersey who had an okay day behind the ark yesterday also got to the free throw line six of seven seven went undrafted after playing at LSU has spent time in and out of Developmental g-league kind of contracts and situations 10 days he’s been with the bucks he’s been with the heat he’s been with Philly last season with Philly’s g-league team the Delaware whatevers blue coats I think he averaged 21 5 a half assists and four boards okay get this you know his shooting splits on 21 per game on like a full season with the uh six or G League 4 422 97 damn that 97 is damn yeah that’s that’s Matty leg and I was like I did not know a whole lot about J Javon smart when we sat on watch that game yesterday and I was like dude who is this dude balling off the Bull’s bench you know what he he did what I talked about why I like summer league so much you can’t cuz we already know who we come come to see you know the draft picks you know maybe the second year guys getting their thing in but there’s always room for other guys to steal the show and get themselves known and seen and that’s what you want and it was just fun to sit and watch a guy like that shine because even the the people I was sitting next to young lady she was like oh no that’s y’all shoot it right there that dude can shoot cuz it was just bucket after bucket after bucket there’s always room for you on a roster if you a three-point shooter you know what I mean like there will be room for you like that but he can shoot does this mean six gantes I don’t know man see I don’t know that javante green is going to be back next year the already have 15 under roster um they can guarantee bit him and maybe bring somebody else back in but um yeah I thought like it’s good to have more veteran players to help your younger players right sure um and we we’re going to see that later tonight Brandon psky Trace Jackson Davis Uh Kevin Knox is playing who was like 2017 I saw that when I checked out their their game from last night I was like wait that like number nine pick Kevin Knox Kevin Kno bro absolutely you know I think it just helps set up some of the younger guys especially I mean we’re seeing this with the guards it’s like domask it’s DJ Stewart it’s javante smart and so I think they the Bulls put a priority on bringing guards that can help those guys be better by putting pressure on the rim by drawing you know defense away from the basket as three-point shooting threat um and he did both of those things like he what was it uh six of seven from the free throw line three assists four of 10 inside the arc three of six Beyond The Arc so um I think that just helps some of the other players on the team be the best versions of themselves because because he can attract some of that attention that they’re maybe not able to do off the dribble he and he didn’t feel like a one-trick pony kind of person you know what I mean like feel like there’s definitely multifaceted uh things to his game that can uh be explored and I and I use that because you know how we loved uh btim you know I mean some cuz I was like no he can shoot you know I mean like what can you do behind that mean he can shoot you know you just want Shooters on your team but with him feels like he just knows the game out there you know what I mean like it was very smooth like it was nothing just you know chunky or clunky or with him man like it was smooth and it was easy and he he was clutch with it too when he was hitting his shots man like I was really impressed I was really impressed by what I saw um Darren Carris in comments saying Modis is the anti Patrick Williams super aggressive and enthusiastic uh so let’s talk about Pat for a second Mr unenthusiastic according to Darren in the comments uh you were able to chat with Patrick at some point during uh yesterday’s game and actually speaking of Pat and Matas they had a funny little exchange that Joey caught uh had like little mini halftime Rew warm-ups Joey was dancing around whatever beat was playing Patrick came up to him said what’s up uh but so Pat off of this it was uh it was getting jiggy with it by will it was getting jiggy with it I believe so sorry respect that is before his time Joey did you know the song getting jiggy with it yeah I just I I was I just noticed I I if I didn’t know it maybe someone told you that that’s what if I didn’t know it I wouldn’t have pointed it out so yes I know I I I think he was still a twinkle in George senior’s eye when came out George was getting jiggy for real so George was getting jig I mean like that was like mid maybe early late like mid late 90s getting jiggy what it came out oh yeah that’s true that’s true hold on probably late I need to know was Joey around when get when people were getting jiggy with this is why yall tune in to our Bulls coverage right getting jiggy with it was released in 97 97 twinkling his dad’s eye twinkling n n n n n n uh okay Jo was rocking to it back to Patrick Williams you spoke to him uh yesterday will uh what can you tell us about what he had to say regarding his timeline of his season ending injury Yeah so basically he’s just spent the last uh four and a half months now recovering from the foot surgery he said in the beginning they told me 4 to 6 months I believe we’re at 4 and A2 going on five the bones fully healed but the rehab process is pretty much just resting making sure that I’m getting enough rest on that foot going over some pattern things how you run how you walk some preventative things but for the most part it’s just been letting the bone rest letting the body do what it does uh but he said when asked if you’d be ready for a training camp for sure he was very like confident in that very definitive um so you know I it’s been a long recovery I mean we haven’t talked to him since the first week of April when he had the surgery um so we haven’t you know talked to him about the new contract about the direction of the team about the rehab itself so uh it was great to catch up with Pat and um you know it’s a little concerning I guess that this is still ongoing but it does seem to be within kind of like the original timeline on the early side so hopefully he continues to get better more quickly and can be ready for training camp as he said he would be yeah that stuff’s good to hear he he said two things that was all I wanted to hear was bone fly healed I’ll be ready for trading cap that’s that’s it that’s between all the mck admire everything else is great you know what I mean I appreciate all they said but those that’s kind of how my brain is like I just need to hear this and I need to hear that it was like yesterday when we were gambling and and you know I hadn’t played Roulette in a second you know what I mean and Matt is telling me the things to do and all that and you know Matt is very thorough and he’s breaking he’s like nope but here here here you going to hear and I said Matt stop say stop talking just tell like there’s 15 going on the outside yes thank you that’s all I need to hear you know what I mean so I I appreciated all that but I just needed to hear what it was and hearing that from Patrick just made me feel like yes good because when it comes to injuries we know the Bulls history with injures so and guys being ready for training camp so it’s good to hear him say I’m I’m right within it everything’s healed up training camp yes I’ll be in there and I’ll be ready to play I’m excited to hear those things man uh so Pat also you know talked about some you know non-injury related things in your conversation will uh including the fact that you know this is a a different looking team than the one that he uh last played with before his injury you know obviously the Caruso for gting trade Demar D rozen sign and trade to the Kings he spoke on that a little bit what what did you sense was his feeling about this somewhat New Direction that maybe still might not be all the way yet to finded with Zack LaVine and V still being here yeah okay so the one thing that really stood out to me with this interview was Pat’s like confidence and you could just tell I mean they paid him they moved on from their two best players last year and I think all the younger players you know I talked with Kobe a little bit yesterday too um they all kind of recognized like this is a new opportunity for us to like be the guys on this team now and like you said there’s still roster moves to be made we don’t know what’s going to happen with Zack and V eventually though I think that you can safely say like this team is going to be built around giddy Patrick Kobe IO and buellis and that’s a nice young core but Patrick is like in year five now he’s a veteran Kobe is in year six or seven so he is in that same boat and you could just tell the confidence was there but you know he also was talking about dear a little bit and he he had a great quote here uh that I’ll just read real quick I asked him if you’ve you know how much he’s gotten a chance to talk with dear since he left the Bulls and joined the Kings he said all the time that’s a relationship that goes beyond basketball blessed to be able to have played with him for the time that I did the things I learned from him the things I took from him he knows I’m going to use those in this upcoming year and the rest of my career and the rest of my life that’s a brother for life and then I asked him I’m glad I’m wearing my Shady RS cuz it’s getting a little just oh Patrick what dagger to the heart yo they were they were super close they really were and that’s a testament to dear’s ability to connect with and help develop the younger players on this roster and I wrote this in my article after the trade went down and I said if there is ever any level of success with this next group whether it be Kobe dalen IO Julian Phillips Kobe any of these guys it will have been a result of the leadership and the skills that dear helped them develop so I really think he’s going to be just when you look at you know how this thing turns out in the next 5 years like dear will have had an influence on how these guys develop um and then you know he he’s also like loves to joke around about tomorrow and make fun of him and stuff so I was like and I assume you’re going to be giving him some problems when they come back to Chicago next he’s like he already knows it he already knows it let let me ask you this um because Patrick has always been a confident person when he’s speaking remember he’s talked about I know I could be an Allstar in this league I remember him saying I knew I could be an Allstar but now I think I can be all NBA this is like year two and year three of him saying when he was saying those things so knowing that he already speaks with confidence what was different to you about the way that he spoke with confidence this time um we asked him what this new contract says about how the the Bulls view him as like a core piece and he’s like they believe in me I believe in them let’s get ready to work and so it’s just like it’s just no nonsense stuff now I think like with the contract kind of hanging over his head last year with the injury obviously he just wasn’t able to really get out there and prove it in the way that he wants and so I don’t think the Bulls would have committed $90 million to a guy who they weren’t sure was going to be healthy and able to come back and play next year and I certainly don’t think they give him a 5-year contract unless they’re confident that he is a part of the next the future the next 5 years so um I think he’s just he understands that he knows that like there’s this opportunity here with dear and Alex gone and I think he’s just so confident in himself and he believes that there’s so much more in his game than what he’s been able to show um and I I think there’s some of that too so I’m really excited to see that and also just like I really love talking with Pat I think he’s like a really good dude and it’s just nice to see him looking and feeling more confident in his standing with the team because the last few years it’s been like he was the fifth option at best true and now I think he understands like there’s a little bit more room for me to grow now and that’s exciting to uh all right so with our remaining time uh let’s shift our Focus to tonight’s game uh game two for the Bulls against the Golden State Warriors uh and if you’re hanging out with us by the way thank you hit that like button uh do it for troll Joe who got who got left left home and couldn’t be in Vegas he need he needs the thumbs if he can’t be in Vegas with us he needs the thumbs it’s not even it’s too hot for him for him here he’s yeah he’s like a he likes cool in a cave yeah he lives in a cave under exactly right exactly exactly uh so the Warriors summer league Squad got a win last night over the Suns 973 fairly convincing uh a guy who obviously has already carved out a significant role for the actual Warriors Brandon psky uh put up 16 points three of six from downtown also had seven boards six assists Trace Jackson Davis you also mentioned goat had a decent game 10 and seven dayquon plowed 19 points 8 of 12 three of four when you’re talking about summer league being where teams go to watch their young guys who they just added to the squad or fans go to watch the new guys that added to their their team squad Quinton post is a name that I think Warriors fans were hoping they would see okay he was their 52nd overall pick after some weird trade stuff that happened on draft night okay the legit 7 Foot Center from Boston College who wasn’t named initially to the the summer league R roster because the trade was not yet finalized from draft night also dealing with a minor leg injury he was with the team when they play that California classic game whatever like you know earlier this past week okay but no sign of him yesterday I was scanning Twitter earlier this morning still no updates on whether or not he has been added to the roster and might play at some point cuz there was a report from NBC Sports Bay Area that said we’re hopeful that he’ll be able to get some run at summer league but I cuz I wanted to watch that dude play cuz he’s a legit seven-footer who spaces the floor and my God his footwork down low I watched some of his Boston College tape the other day damn damn he’s nice but uh and then yeah weirdly Kevin Knox the second ninth overall pick by the Knicks back in 2018 still working got nine and seven Off the Bench for the sum League Warriors yesterday go who are you looking at uh as far as interesting matchups for Bulls Warriors tonight uh Bron psky I’m a huge fan of his and Trace Jackson Davis those are the guys and by the way here’s my moment of complaining about D and Terry not being on the roster for the day go D and Terry a career 895 minutes played in his first two seasons combined 895 minutes Trace Jackson Davis last year rookie 52nd overall pick I want to say 1130 minutes played and he’s out there Brandon psky 18th overall pick from last year second year going into the league 1,968 minutes that’s over a thousand more minutes played than dalan has played in his first two years combined and he’s out there he’s by the way the he’s been named the starting two guard for the Golden State Warriors next year and he’s out there so I this like argument that D’s in his third year he should be playing like there are plenty of third year players playing this there’s plenty of more experienced NBA players playing this and I really wish Dal could have been playing but I am excited to watch those two guys because I think they’re really good and Brandon psky in particular is somebody who I’m really excited about he has a great ball handler great rebounder for his size can push the ball uh great defensive player he’s just like an ultimate Do-it all he’s smaller but like just a utility guard and I and I just I think he’s going to be a really good player in this league okay be watching I’m be interested you hear that Darnell I’m should be playing I’m with you Darnell don’t worry I’m with you did you read that Darnell the other day I saw his tweet he’s like yeah no I I I don’t think D needs to be playing no me and go to we got into it too oh yall got into it too oh I want in on this so uh did the Bulls go 2 and0 after this action tonight I don’t think Summer League Championship I saw somebody in the comments earlier joking about it still on the table because the Bulls want to know and it’s whatever it’s like uh they play in the pools or whatever and then it they get get to the playoff stage based on their record through the first four games yeah I I don’t think they pull this one out um I mean you have like legitimate NBA players you know what I’m saying playing in this one with the gold I feel they’re about to get cooked by I feel like yeah I feel like they’re about to take a l on this one but again it’s not about that for me I’m just sitting over here um just want to see what happens as far as modest is concerned how he takes this personally that he says he didn’t play great or anything like that so I want to see how he comes out on this one and it I don’t want him to force anything I just want to see his mental makeup and how he plays and comes out soogo will probably still be on his same thing you know what I mean and Julian Phillips also like just to see uh how he plays and smart as well and and domask I thought played solid also he did all the little things you know that you need a little guard to kind of do he did all those tiny things that I liked so I I would like to see him get some more time too War are uh 4 and a half Point favorites I believe so I think that’s I mean that’s what we here in Vegas are are saying about it but I could not care less about the outcome of this game I just to your point Dave I want to see the guys play well and continue to grow and progress from where they were yester right shout out to your boy Funkadelic for the four-point playh all right we just uh got to wrap things up we got to do a quick set change we got dmvr Nuggets about to take this booth with the show on deck if you are a sicko for summer league head over to dmvr nugget YouTube channel hang out with them uh reminder go had a great write up with his chat about p uh about his chat with Patrick Williams go read that he’s got grades up from their first game yesterday go read that uh we’ve got a vlog dropping later today about all the stuff we did yesterday stay tuned for that and I got my uh part one of my uh pegging order diary from the first day also up on go read that we will talk to youall later today Bulls Warriors 9:00 p.m. central tip 7 here in Vegas see R be good peace okay

The CHGO Bulls crew are LIVE from Circa Resort & Casino in Las Vegas for 2024 NBA Summer League! Matt, Big Dave and Will break down the Bulls 96-89 victory over the Milwaukee Bucks in their Summer League opener. Matas Buzelis, the Bulls’ #11 pick in the 2024 NBA Draft, played aggressively and confidently while scoring 15 points on 4-15 shooting from the field. He made up for the poor shooting by generating 11 free throw attempts. Julian Phillips also shined, registering a 17-10 stat line while displaying his elite athleticism on rebounds and cuts to that basket. And Adama Sanogo, “Mr. Double Double”, put up 17 and 12 off the bench in a relentless effort. The guys discuss the biggest takeaways from the game, and look ahead to their matchup with the Warriors on Sunday night.

An ALLCITY Network Production








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