@Denver Nuggets

Why the Denver Nuggets could still be better than ever next season | DNBA Live

Why the Denver Nuggets could still be better than ever next season | DNBA Live

[Music] oh baby man I feel like yeah five times more live than I did yesterday wow at five yeah I’m at five what is everybody welcome to the dmba show there it is there’s that energy I was looking for I’m telling you we are live right now from Circa Sportsbook and casino which is popping right now it is popping it is popping right now the casino is popping why there’s a soccer game on who’s playing uh first off it’s called football I’m sorry there’s a football game the Euros is this a like a tuneup game or something no this a final oh this is a championship game oh my God you got to be kidding I was wonder why I was so popping in Circ uh but while we watch that game we’re going to be talking to you guys about your Denver Nuggets they have a game coming up tomorrow against the Toronto r or today against the Toronto Raptors Days running together out here it’s tough times we’re going to talk about is this the end of the road for Picket is today had a must-win game for him wow the first ever must-win summmer League game we’re also going to talk about Calvin Booth had some very interesting comments about John M Murray and his extension that will over and later on you guys asked for it we always give the people what they want they want some optimism there’s plenty of reason for optimism we’re going to go over all of that today Superstar Dev is in the house Circa cira this is the place to be right now and it looks like everybody’s here everybody in Vegas is in here and they’re ready for this football game um let’s go spin I guess you guys like you when you watch a movie like a funny movie at a a crowd where everybody’s into it laughing it makes the movie funnier you watch a like a big game here it’s packed there like a good energy in here oh yeah dude I know yeah d uh dine CO’s here he he agrees that’s right uh England is playing and uh as I’ve mentioned on Twitter my uh lumpy weird soft tooth uh Jean Pool is pulling for England with all of my all of my heart explains so much some bangers and mash for my guy over here uh and then rounding it out the Irish one Brennan vote what’s up guys uh just feeling great I feel tremendous last night was a real switch for the fellas I think it’s going to be a great day wait last night was a good day great night oh yeah I was away from the group that’s why they had so much fun the Nuggets play later on today they got the Toronto Raptor so let’s start there I’m going to give you guys the scouting report on the Toronto Raptors okay so they killed the Oklahoma City Thunder yesterday they are on the second night of a back toback so fact that you know your bets they beat the Thunder last night 94 to 69 Jesus an absolute beat down and a beat down in particular a defensive beat down right they held him to 69 points and they play Four guards they go with jacobe Walter who’s their 19th pick he’s kind of a kcp comp if you guys know 3 and D type player they have Grady dick thanks for that and a chaji coming back you know guys at veteran players I don’t know if they’re playing tonight but they’re veteran players and then they have Jamal Sheed who’s their second year player kind of a true point guard so they run four guards basically 6’4 65 and under and they apparently shoot threes and and ran the Oklahoma City Thunder out the gym man see this is what I was expecting from our summer league Squad a bunch of a bunch of Savvy vets second year players that come in and just like mop the flooor with uh actual summer league players uh so far not hasn’t been the case only only one game only one game we’ll see yeah only one game and it’s also super early Into Summer League second night of a back toback so I think that they play this might be the last game that those guys play but you want to you know first off you don’t really feel like you got a real tuneup because you just went and and beat the other team to sleep but now you have the opportunity to just say hey we got some um chemistry going um we get to face off against another team that has um some second-year players so now I feel like this is their their matchup for them so I do think that this is a a game that they’ll they’ll really try in yeah I mean I think there’s a lot of reasons to think they’re really going to try cuz there’s some desperate players as we’re going to get to but real quick the second night of the back toback thing I’m kind of joking a little tongue and- cheek although guys are going hard out here so maybe not but here’s the other thing people don’t know this the Nugget scrimmaged yesterday against team China the Chinese national team is out here and they are scrimmaging some teams and they last yesterday so Denver’s kind of on a back to back to back that’s a good point w wow luckily we’re three games into a non-season if that’s the case so I think everyone will be all right yeah they didn’t have a travel day right it did feel like honestly they went to China actually it really quick the the cool thing about that is that that probably gives the opportunity to those guys that did not get to play um you know in that game so I I would expect you know those very end of the the bench guys to give China you know an extra game and and then also opportunity for them to like showcase themselves like so I really think that I mean I I I don’t expect that Julian St was playing in that game or do we know how it went do we actually don’t know how it went I have nothing to report on it only that it happened oh man um but as we get into this one so it is an interesting like one of the things that’s kind of neat about summer league is there are all these different matchups you know you like The rosters out here are so nonsensical that you will get some teams that have three centers and then some teams that have four point guards and tonight is a unique challenge I think have Grady dick on them some have grd dick now I don’t know if grd dick and oi are going to play these guys are veteran players so maybe they’re out I don’t even know if Julian stra I texted someone maybe we’ll get a confirmation here shortly um to find out but nonetheless to me this game all comes down to uh Jaylen picket and I don’t think I’m going too far to say that this does feel like um a must-win game for him and I win is not the right word cuz I mean who cares if they win or lose really but and he has to play well tonight and he has a real challenge you’re talking about a jacobe Walter who can play on ball really good defensive player yeah um that can really test him and then you’re talking about a handful of other players that can all score or facilitate that he’s going to have to guard so I actually think that coming off of that bad performance last game he’s in the spotlight tonight and has a tough challenge especially if he doesn’t get Julian Str as a weapon alongside of him it weirdly feels like there’s a lot of pressure in a second summer league game for him for some other guys involved and that’s not something you typically say this time of year but yeah he’s got to he’s got to get something going and I think it’s not just about impressing the staff I mean at a certain point we talked about this with Hunter confidence matters a lot and Jaylen picket had a really successful college career and I’m sure he was very confident with the ball in his hands now it’s been a year plus if things not necessarily going the way he wants it to go at some point that starts to eat at you so there’s pressure and that’s that’s a strange thing to say for a second summer league game but we’re looking for him to to play well yeah I think that uh it’s really going to come down to approach just because of um the mindset that you have to go in he’s a point guard that really needs to run the offense and you’re playing in summer league so like I really already don’t think that this is the setting for a player like picket um because I think that there’s different strategies and ways that you have to play some people are going to pop like I’m I’m sure Mani Bates is going to go crazy in a game like this you know type of setting Trey Alexander fits that mode Julian St they can put up points in like such different ways he has to go in in a different angle like you have to be a pass first point guard you have to run the offense um when they start switching on um things you have to be the one that gets them together and calms them down as a coach out there on on the court um because like at no point in his NBA career on the Nuggets is it going to be hey we need you to go out there and go get a bucket it’s not going to be that so um he has to just go in with the mindset of I’m a point guard I’m going to run the offense and then you know take care of the ball and play good defense so I think that he needs to understand that not going with I have to put up these big points and things like that and then I think that it comes easy for him after that yeah I mean he just has to the offense has to look like an offense right like there just there was no off it was just like guys coming off of curls and shooting threes well there was no off here’s the thing cuz I’ve seen some some crazy takes about what he is and is not good at I he has to get into the paint mean he he does things right but there’s no passing if you don’t make the defense rotate and last game nobody was rotating yeah that’s what I mean there was like no off it was just like when moodier used to run the point and like he would bring the ball over the half court line and just immediately pass it off and you’re like okay yeah but I think that that’s the issue that’s what I want to see different we talk about their not being an offense it’s summer league and not running the you’re the point guard you get them in the offense you run the play you tell guys where they’re supposed to be because these guys are going to listen to you as the guard out there Flor so I really do think he needs to coordinate the off and and run it to that you know type of confidence I want to see him take over in a game of not 20 points I don’t think you know that I think it’s more of like hey we are going to go as you go so you know go out there and do those things well let’s put it this way this the Thunder were held to 69 points you got to go better than that likeget need to score tonight um and a lot of that falls on him but let me put it incendiary here could Trey Alexander surpass picket today a week ago I would have said maybe that’s a bit crazy I don’t think so honestly I don’t I think I mean look I don’t want to overdo this but we watched Michael moo and watch Jaylen P so true like it was not subtle this is the real re this is the real it was not subtle like that’s honestly informing most of my opinion and then Trey looked pretty good man Trey looked I mean so yeah I mean I’ll tell you what I don’t think as much as people like Trey wouldn’t be thrilled about that either like trying to figure out jayen picket or your two-way point guard for the backup point guard spot for a contender perhaps Russ still happens but until it does neither of those situations make me feel super confident uh so that’s but yes I do think Trey weirdly enough I think Trey and picket are in fact buying for some minutes and a slot here at Summer dude the craziest part is that like coming into this we need a backup one and a backup five and our backup five Tores Achilles or four or five and then our backup one is not had to this point has not looked great so Trey Alexander’s amazing but that’s like not the player we’re looking for like we have a Julian St like unless we’re talking about him like becoming a point guard it looks like Julian Str might become the backup one at this point like it’s like unreal so at this point like I don’t even know what we’re scouting yeah I think that again it’s it’s how you look at it and you just touched on that point is it depends if if Trey Alexander wants to be the point guard or if they want Trey Alexander to be a pack of point guard or like to fit in on that because I think that he has a perfect situation that he’s coming into this game with we already saw that he can score a little bit you know he he can play a bit more of the two but also bring the ball down the court and then be able to create for himself in this game if he goes in with I already showed you guys I can score now I’m going to facilitate I think that that gives him like the inside track so if he goes into this game and says yeah I’m going to show that I can be a point guard then that goes well if not he’s like all right I’m going to just go to my natural um Instinct and that is to take over that is to score um against a team that played very good defense if if he has a good game scoring and I think that that does put him a little bit over pick it so great spot is he actually signed to any sort is he a two-way or he’s a two so there’s two two-way spots and then there’s one that’s open still there’s still one might go a ways to finding out if somebody can kind of get some momentum there I’m going to go ahead and say no I don’t think it is that incendiary what I will say is there’s more of a chance for Picket to lose the confidence of the the full confidence of the team than there is for Trey to gain it um I and like we already think that the nuggets are going to be targeting another point guard we’ve talked a lot about that but nonetheless I think that there’s going to be four games that picket plays maybe five that he plays here he’s 0 for one I think you got to have like two really good games or three good games and you’re 0 for one so if you go for two it’s like all right well now you need every game to be great you know to kind of make up for it so I do think it’s a big one and and Trey you know I don’t I just think Denver looks at Trey like a true two-way as if like he’s like out of the picture but you know if you end up going away from picket he naturally moves up a spot but I don’t necessarily think he could like earn a a spot or anything like that tonight I just think it’s more picket could lose something yeah it’s like for anybody here it’s just about leaving a lasting memory yeah of an impression of of what kind of player you are yeah but a great spot for Jaylen picket really because I mean as a two-way guy like it’s about how do you overcome adversity he not going to good games sing time so this is already a that been in he’s had to work all to go into you know the G League or just be a practice player and things like that it didn’t go good you know well for him in in game one he gets another opportunity to prove himself today um so I do think that like I think that jayen P could also win some people over like hey I had a bad game AG I’m going to be able to Showcase myself in a different way against a a better team um maybe we’re in better situations maybe he takes that as a reflection time of okay I I just need to play better I need to play looser um I do think that we’ll see a jayen picket like type of bounce back type of game from him because I mean that’s a player that they really have believed in it’s time for him to show it yep all right let’s take a break on the other side we’ll talk about Hunter Tyson who also has something to prove and there is a new addition to the Nuggets that I think will make a debut tonight as well we’ll talk about that and how it might change things tonight on the other side this show is coming to you live from cira Resort and Casino our headquarters are Fortress away from home dude it really feels like home it like we were like out and about then we came back and I was like oh finally I’m home there’s dmvr CH P there’s uh how many days have we been here guys 3 days I’ve taken 14 showers yeah me too great showers here at Vegas’s first ever adts only I’m two showers deep today I took one when I first woke up and then we Dev and I went and hooped already this morning took one right after that it’s not the only selling point they also have the world’s largest sports book it’s where we’re hanging out right now you hear some background noise behind us the Euro finals on got some baseball it’s a great place to kick it for your sports fan that’s the whole idea there’s also a big Casino a big old swimming pool pool called Stadium swim we’ll be going to you live from Stadium swim in the coming days and again a resort with over 500 rooms with some kick-ass showers experience Stadium swim and watch your favorite teams at Circa Resort and Casino we can stamp it and uh you got to believe it cuz we’re here we’re here right now tell what’s up hell yeah the only thing is if you’re coming out to Vegas do yourself a favor and bring those Shady Rays oh man get ready for the season ahead with quality Shades built to last our friends at Shady Ray have you covered with premiums polarized Shades that won’t break the bank that’s my favorite part maybe lose your sunglasses maybe maybe you just don’t like them 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um Hunter Tyson tonight might have to guard so he’s a big had a hard time guarding a big yesterday or a bigger bodied guy if Grady dick plays I think that’s the match I was looking through it I’m like grd dick’s not that tall I think would have to match up look at this yic JY in the house hell yeah um it’s Molly oh is it really oh that’s incredible look at that uh so that’s uh Hunter Tyson could have a completely different challenge tonight and he like pick it although I think less extreme this is also kind of a very important game for him M that’s small no kidding both we’re live yeah we’re live oh yeah cool what’s on your head what is those lights on for are you guys hearing this cough this is such a Vegas cough yeah we hear that c my voice sorry to cut it off but um I mean with hre Tyson um and the gry dick like that is a that is a great matchup if you play well against Grady dick really I think that you go into that and say like this is this is a prime spot for me to try to take over and to to bounce back defensively you don’t want to get lit up for a second game and it also under Tyson is he made first team All Summer League last year I know so you already came in with that confidence again same spot as is pick it I I let the team down we lost the game because you know I just was not enough and I’m going to be better we talked to to Hunter Tyson after the game and I mean he took a little bit of like yeah I could have done better at this I could have you know rebounded better I could have took care care of the ball I could have took some better shots so like he understands um the type of situation that he’s in this is a spot for him you’re not going to get caught by surprise by Grady dick Jordan Jordan Miller yeah that that can shock you but not this one yeah he I mean he didn’t play horribly offensively it’s just like you know he he’s played better than he did but if not for that absolute shellacking that was taken uh by him on the defensive side it’s I don’t think it’s that going to be that difficult for him to rebound like you could see it a little bit with Hunter Tyson so I actually expect him to have a big game today he was all Summer League last year you know this is not it’s him playing well is is not Out Of Reach but I mean a little bit of he probably is putting a little bit of pressure on himself here not in the same picket kind of way but I don’t think hunter likes losing and I think Hunter knows he got he got it handed to him in that first game so now there’s you’re down a guy Vibes are low what are you going to do and I think Hunter is a a competitor and B one the leaders on the summer team so he’s probably expecting a big game from himself and I think it’s it’s fair to expect a decent one from him tonight I’m going to go ahead and go out onm and say I think he has a good game tonight as much as it will be a very difficult defensive challenge for him I think offensively he should have a little bit of size this game will take on a different personality and I think there’s a real chance for him to have a a nice bounce back the Nuggets also got a big and I am curious like with pick it you know we talked about how hard it was with this switching scheme and this or that not something he’s likely to encounter should he actually play for the real nuggets ever but they brought in a big I think to try to ensure that that doesn’t happen and it is funny to think of a team really small and never brings in a 611 300lb guy like this this monster sized guy to run the dribble hand off game and I’m curious if that changes maybe it’s a thing that they’re so small they just switch everything does Denver handle it better maybe maybe not we’ll see what happens there we one thing that happened that’s probably more so that anything else on summer league real quick any other thoughts of guys that you’re kind of interesting on PJ hall or anything you I think the PJ Hall I I think that um he has to play a little bit more like a a Madman like you you want him to be a lot more energy going out there going all out um I mean he got some rebounds but you have to do it on the other yeah on the other end of the floor um and I just I expected more of that cuz that’s what he was in college um so yeah I really do think that this is a game that he has to just take off the the leash like just go out there and just play hard and bring that type of energy cuz as a two-way guy you have to like that’s what you’re going to be yeah um real quickly before we move on who stood out to you guys in summer league outside the Nuggets I know we watched a handful of game we haven’t watched every single one but is there a name that you think that you’re like hey that guy’s nice yeah I mean Devon I got to caught uh catch two great performances teren Shannon Jr from Minnesota a little bigger than I realized you know some guys just look bigger than their measurements once you see them in person absolute bucket not at all interested in passing and I loved it and yeah and then Dev I’ll let you talk about this one but I know we really enjoyed watching Reed Shepard together too yeah I went in there with doubt like he he’s one of those people that you’re like I don’t get it why would a guy that small go number three overall it’s just how he looks man he looks he has a boyish look he a Bo that that man is a bucket he was going right at um Dalton connect um bronnie like he’s he’s he’s he’s trash talking he’s confident with the ball like he’s one of those guys that it looks like he’s been here for like this feels like his third year like it just comes so easy for him um the game is never sped up he plays at his own pace as an undersized guard um and just runs the offense like that he really did impress me um of course ter Terence Shannon Jr I really like Jaylen Wilson I was shocked that that’s a guy from he’s he’s huge he’s massive I did I know how big he was um and and just a downhill attacker where he just kind of like did whatever he wanted so like those those guys right now I’m excited to see who’s going to play today I want to see a little bit more yeah you have a guy not really I mean I I haven’t spent a ton of time over there I really just came over and saw the nuggets and uh you know what was it Jordan Jordan Miller Miller Jord Miller the greatest player I’ve ever seen in any level that’s so funny you know I Zack Ed was here earlier he’s pretty massive guy yeah pretty pretty sizable guys like nice to just size him up yeah yeah dude and he actually has done really well to this point like it’s it’s seeming like that was it seemed like a huge reach in the draft and now it seems like actually a very he seems like uh like the the the best college player for the last two years yeah how’ they see that we’re the scouts on that Squad is it’s also noteworthy we didn’t really talk about this yesterday but Zeke Naji was here I mean Christian Brown pton wats and the young guys Zeke Naji um is there anybody else Aaron Gordon and Aaron Gordon by the way really nice to see him Aaron Gordon he was not there Aaron Gordon wasn’t herey like yeah pton Watson no way Zeke Nai Christian Brown that was the three the trio that was the trio that’s wild did you really think that was Aaron Gordon I really did but I also just didn’t like like I was one of those things where I looked and I was like Aaron Gordon stopped paying attention here’s a he dressed exactly like like dressed exactly like breaking news uh pton Watson has a friend that looks exactly like gar Gord that’s hilarious once you get up closer you’re like yeah not but it was great to see the guys out there and then also like uh people are asking like where where is every that’s all the guys everybody else is on the team so funny man representing represent so they can’t be there I did think just real quick important for Zeke to be there Zeke should be at all of these things I think Zeke just getting FaceTime in with his teammates and his coaches and I do think some of what you hear about Zeki is a little more quiet and reserved and you know in a in a in a strange way I wonder if that can help hold a a role player on the bubble back a little bit I think 100% I actually think this is a massive deal and I think it’s a massive deal for Picket by the way too he has a zek Naji personality just a very quiet guy and I think from the point guard position it’s even more important but sure being around the NBA man the social Dynamic part of it is actually I mean it’s like life I guess but it’s really important yeah and and really we talk about those two being like under the radar quiet not out there Payton Watson is the the very opposite him people know him I mean he comes from he comes from C and you know like a five star so he’s like known but people go out of their way for a pton Watson he I think it’s even bigger than Monte I feel like Monte had a connection to everybody people gravitate towards pton Watson um and that’s just putting in that work and just being a little bit different and uh just a little bit more outspoken um so it is great to see like those different Dynamics yeah well you I think you should speak on this though because it’s like it’s like work it’s like anything else well yeah I mean particularly like I have a sort of a different perspective on all of this because like I’m not actually even going into like the social dynamics of the press and the social dynamics of the locker and like you just there’s just these bizarre especially with something that’s so Elite like the NBA where there are so many steps and so many barriers in between the top level and the outside I can only imagine what it’s like if you’re coming in you know you just see guys like walking around wearing their little backpacks and sort of looking around waiting to see who they can dap up and let’s you just it it it’s like it feels like um you know there’s like a high school element to it there’s but it’s just it’s the Dynamics of a of a big social setting and there’s just so much culture involved in the NBA so I I do feel like guy there’s like a weird pressure to be something more than just a basketball player it’s the uh km Peele Barack Obama sketch you know it’s literally that the guys walk in and some of them it’s like everybody and then some guys walk in are look for someone to totally shake a hand yeah it’s like it is such a bizarre thing I mean it it is like a total club like you feel like you’re either in or out yeah all right let’s take a break on the other side uh Calvin Booth was interviewed on Serius XM radio and it was asked about Jamal Murray’s contract interesting comments he had we’ll talk about that on the other side and stay tuned guys Adam plus optimism finally also in next segment Adam what’s one of your favorite sounds in the [Music] world it’s red hawk Roofing man the sound of a red talk the sound of the fellas on your roof Denver’s best roofers have joined the dmvr team quality materials Decades 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the last eight years uh centy right um so obviously we’re very interested in getting something done with them uh the Olympics are you know a big deal and I think you know having him focus on that get through that and uh when he gets back and we that concludes I think it’ll be pretty easy I don’t think there’ll be much of a negotiation uh you know and you you said at one point last uh year at the end of the season I guess that when he’s in shape uh he’s a he’s a different Beast uh what what did you think about his conditioning this past year and how much of a concern is that in contract negotiations moving forward with him well I think cumul accumulative fatigue is always a factor especially when you play all the way into June for the first time so I I don’t think it’s fair to really uh you know try to evaluate his conditioning through that lens um I think guys have to experience it as Eddie as Eddie knows like playing that deep into the season playing those kind of minutes and carrying kind of load so um I think you know he’s been good from what I all I hear in Canada’s practice he looks good and in shape um obviously in that scrimmage other day uh you know they got up and down a little bit um it was just an average game for him uh so but I think he’ll show up in Olympics like he always does is it just from the team’s perspective is it is it a full Max where you just throw it at him or is there have to be negotiations where it’s just not that straightforward yeah I mean I you know I think that’s between uh you know Jamal’s representation and our team but you know we we look at Jamal as a star player so um when you look at him like that like he’s probably going to end up getting what he deserves so all righty so um there you go there’s his comments on it he was asked directly I feel like this is one of those stories that started to pick up some momentum over the last little bit so now he gets asked by SiriusXM here’s my read on what he had to say cuz I’ve said that even like Jamal Murray was asked the day and he was almost taken aback by the question of like what do you mean of course we’re you know like yeah I’ll get to that when I get to it I honestly think that’s it I mean I’m talking talking to people around the organization you know the feeling around the team is just that everyone needed space not anything bad but everyone feels the way nuggets fans feel about the end of the year it’s like I could use a little space yeah I don’t want to sit in that for a while let everybody go their separate directions and we’ll come back but that being said I still am under the assumption that I do think that this will be a little bit less straightforward and I think not not in terms of will Murray sign it or not but I do think the nuggets are going to try to put some language in there that is like hey just send send a small message you know some kind of you know if this then that type of uh clause in there that’s nothing crazy nothing offensive but hey we want you to have skin in the game as well but I think it’s something that they don’t anticipate will be offensive or anything like that yeah when I I saw that I I was completely disarmed by the entire entire narrative it it really does I mean these guys are not in the state they’re not in the same part of the world like I don’t think you’d want to just send over a docu sign and be like hey you know get this back to me they brought to you know like they’re committing to one another this is a true marriage for both Calvin booth and Jamal Murray like their wagons are hitched to one another so I you know you it’s not it’s it’s not a terrible thing to get a prenup before you get uh a marriage it’s not the wor World small prup you know but it’s just like at least like hey man like I’m going hey we’re going to split this 50 we’re going to give you everything you want but like we just got to put a little bit in here you know like we’re not putting a ring you know we don’t want to put a ring on it until we know you don’t tear your tear something you know that’s a big part of it but also thanks for putting a ring on it earlier for us but also I think that there’s like a little bit more of the timing of they’re not in the same place so like you talk about the docu sign if there are any stipulations you want to sit there and talk to your agent and get the time of like hey why did they say this or what does this mean even if there’s not a stipulation I feel like there’s like hey here’s a even let’s say the scenario no stipulation full Max hey hey we really you know it all comes down to this next contract like how you perform here really you know even if it’s just a conversation it’s important you just want to make sure that there’s nothing there you don’t want to catch somebody by surprise and them not being you know in the same place and like really going back and forth his focus is on Canada like so I think that it is more of that type of timing of just not wanting to to make that type of mistake and also the thing is with with call is he’s not a poker player like he does not he does not not you know he’s not quite he’s he’s straight up very blunt about what it is that he want so the fact that first I think that they were um they went at him like they they didn’t go around it he got asked about it twice like it was a different question and it came right back to it so I felt like At first like his guard was up cuz he knew it was coming and then it came back to it again um just to like reiterate so then I think that it was a little bit more honest and it was like hey don’t worry about it we’re going to make that happen and I I don’t expect there to be any type of back and forth which kind of like tells you a little bit more of maybe there are not that many stipulations and then he he ended it with he’s going to get what he deserves right yeah so like which I thought was interesting phrasing by the way that’s what I say when I talking about something bad that’s going to happen to you it’s also pretty imag going to get what he deserves one day I feel one one of these days he’ll get what he deserves like have fun tonight I hope you get what you deserve yeah but you can’t say that and and then and then you see that number you’re like hold on this is this is not what I deserve this is not so like him saying that is like he knows what’s coming yeah um what do you think of this Jaylen Brunson deal you see this he’s leaving like over $100 million on the table he’s getting to play in his city in New York with all of his friends his teammates so he’s kind of getting everything but unprecedented deal signs a contract that leaves a lot of money on the table and he leaves it on the table because he wants them to win a title and he wants them to you know this helps them he’s helping the team he’s taking a little discount but it should be noted that the Knicks have a very interesting and unique front office to Leon Rose former agent very powerful player in this NBA world as their GM and it’s kind of um I me we’ve seen this a little bit agent turned uh to front office person but he is the the the LeBron of this you know in fact he was LeBron’s agent when he came in he is a little bit of a different Power Player so one he might have found a way to get him to take a little bit less money and maybe there’s some under the table stuff but my big question to you is it’s unprecedented for a player to do that and you look over at Jamal Murray we’ve compared him to Jaylen Brunson a lot who would you rather have between those two guys most people would say Brunson well Brunson just said winning so important to me I’m going to take $1 million discount yeah I mean I do think there’s something about the way that this works out with how much his future deals could be worth like when he signs them he can still make a ton of money on the back but it requires a lot of trust and maybe also possibly your dad working for the team but outside of that well I don’t know though there it’s still a lot of trust this could go belly up for J actually could like Isaiah Thomas is sitting there going I don’t know man um but I don’t think that this will I think unprecedented is the right word and I honestly I’d be shocked if this influences the way other guys do their business yeah it’s it’s unprecedented because it was not previously precedented to get G all guaranteed money like it’s like now we’re just is like the new paradigm and the numbers are so accur even compared to 5 years ago right and he’s not tactically leaving it on the table he’s leaving on the table but it’s still on the table like he coming back he’s not taking as many years which means not I know it’s a guy his size though that matters cuz like think about here’s what I mean Jaylen Brunson blows out an ACL four years from now he’s already an undersized guard like it actually could mean something to him he he is in a he’s betting on himself by betting on the his team right like if the team actually achieves great success because of this sacrifice he’s made he could actually end up making a lot more because of like getting a better deal out of it and becoming more marketable this that and the other so in a lot of ways it’s smart right because you know it it is a team sport um and you your success dictates your value in a lot of ways so I mean I get it and I actually like in many ways applaud it um because listen man the guy like wants to win yeah so that’s beautiful the NBA is um it’s a league that’s built on like pinky promises you know like hey it really is it’s a big pinky promise we are we are going get you um so it’s like he’s not leaving it all on the table and I think people are saying how unselfish that is his thing is I’m going to get it back and then some like just later on but the point is there’s risk he could could there’s a lot of risk and he already talked about the Isaiah Thomas piece of of it all like I mean we saw that Pinky Promise get broken Brink trucks are not pulling up you know for these type of things may to run over but also like what he just talked about with Leon Rose um I feel like that there’s a guy that has found uh a back door door or a loophole in the new CBA yeah side door in the new CBA like just trying to make sure that you push that money off and get it back in different ways um so I think that that’s just kind of trying to find those type of shortcuts I think in in a lot of ways I think this could actually set precedent in some ways about how I mean it’s the same thing when um the market is set at a certain height and it’s like now that’s the new market if you have somebody of this uh level of desirability for a team that will take a deal like this it does actually put pressure on other athletes to be like hey man like what kind of guy are you what kind of teammate are you like right yeah but I’d be honestly I’d be shock if it has that ripple effect I just think this is such a unique situation his relationship to the team playing with his buddies who are also good in his City in his City and I’ve seen some people be like wow taking a pay cut just to be the fifth seed I mean the Knicks if they were healthier were in the Conference finals last year they not dude the Knicks are good I don’t yeah are they like my favorite to win the title not at all but should they themselves in the parody era as close and should be going for it I I don’t know I think they might be there so I I think um again and then also the players union which I have to think like I don’t think guys are going to be encouraged to keep doing this you know no that’s I mean that’s the other side the players union it’s just a this is like a Non-Stop game of uh cat Mouse of a in a sense it’s just labor versus uh management and you know you never want labor to give any kind of uh leeway because been manage what we’ll take and not give back but I mean James Dolan has given so much back to the Knicks organization so you know for get um I think the bigger the other last thing about this and we can move on but the last thing about this is what guys make is actually a sneaky important part of the chemistry of a team it’s a very there’s nothing sneaky about it and you can imagine like joic taking a discount for a player I mean in another world he could take a discount for a player and then it goes to someone who’s just not working hard or something like and it’s like yo I just gave up 100 million and now you’re over here not playing any defense like it can create those effects it’s an insane work environment like in normal work environments it’s extremely taboo to talk about how much you’re making amongst your peers because yes it creates these like weird stratifi stratifications and it makes people feel off like bizarre but it’s completely public information in the NBA right and everybody knows everything and it it yeah it puts a a internal ranking system on how the uh so well it just can go in multiple directions too like I’ve long thought we praise Porter for not maybe CA stirring up any drama about shot selection or not getting the ball or accepting his role Porter makes a Max Contra like it’s a lot easier to let other shut up if I’m if I don’t have to do as much not as much pressure I’m I’m okay with it no we know that we work with you yeah all right let’s take our final break guys cuz I want to do a long segment four where we talk about the optimism around the Nuggets I’m actually excited for this cuz and again you guys said you want a little bit more optimism things seem a little Doom and Gloom I think it’s more the fan base of this but nonetheless there is reason and we were having dinner last night with somebody who said I think this is going to be the best nuggets team of the yic a which would mean the best nuggets team ever this upcoming season I thought you know what on the table we had dinner with kale that’s right he was enthusiastic no break all right and we are back so we’re back baby that was a good I was really hoping to cough during that break you guys well you did you did all right I’m going to start with reason number one and this is not a big reason you guys hop on the Sportsbook apps you guys check out you go to you go to Circa you walk down there and grab a ticket what do you find nuggets still have one of the best odds second best in the NBA or in the western conference right now and right behind Oklahoma City I’m telling you this is not a crazy thing the sports folks know it’s not a perfect science but if things were as dire as the comment section Twitter and everything else was you would think the Nuggets were like the best odds in the Western Conference no they’re right there with the favor there’s nothing scientific about Sportsbook odds except for that they look at this through a lens of zero emotional connection right and so they do not feel the emotional swings that the Nuggets bands are feeling and they know they’re like what are we what what you’re talking about the backup one you have yic like what are you talking about yeah there’s there’s advantages that you can create with a good bench um and just guys that can come in but at the end of the day when it always comes down to a stars and you’re starting five and when Denver is playing and everybody’s at their best I’m talking about on every single team they have the best starting five in basketball and even interchanging a kcp with Christian Brown you still have the best starting five in basketball it just looks a little bit different and there’s like advantages there there’s disadvantages there as well like I just think that there’s give and take but also when you have Nicola joic it just goes a different way of having the best player in basketball and him playing at at a level like I wonder if the sports book we haven’t looked but I wonder if there was better odds when they seen how he looked you know in that friendly I love that because it’s like hey he really is still that damn good um and you have him in his prime and you still have the starting five I’m going to go one further vote I think he’s better like here’s the thing about yoke talent wise I don’t know if he’ll be better than he is now I think I hope he’ll stay at this age maybe he gets a little better three-o I don’t know yep but here’s the thing mentally emotionally leadership wise he in his villain St and I honestly wonder if there is something to this last season turning something in yic in a positive way where it’s like no man this stuff comes and goes fast and I’m not going to let it go I think we might get a yic that is more prepared for this situation than ever before so I I thought a lot about his quote in the postseason that winning is a lifestyle and the next quote of I don’t ever want I was here when we were losing and I never want to go back to that yep uh and and that is that kind of display something Flo has told us about uh on this show and and and other way you know other way where like joic has a lot more of this in him than is necessarily uh on display it’s not always external it’s not always outward but he really doesn’t like losing he really doesn’t like coming up short and there is I’m sure no matter what he may or may not think about what everyone else should have done better around him I do think for joic the process start with like what do I do better how can I be I’m not letting this happen again and I think yoke has more in that more of that in him than we think because it’s not he’s not barking right he’s rarely he’s rarely talking trash but I do think he hates losing and I think more than we see but I think it might burst out of him this I kind of agree and I love this idea this is a complete podcast take that’s rooted in almost nothing the beard feels very villain I love it it feels very like FIS lot of people are saying this by the way not like us you know like we’re talking to other people that were kind of commenting on it yeah dude I I is this your villain face uh yeah exactly no I think there’s something to it man I don’t know there’s just like it if if yoka just had a little bit more of an edge I would it would it would be such a strong kind of subplot to the season that would carry me all the way through and have me locked into every second it’s all we need man we just want yic an Fu mode if yic goes into Fu mode it’s like what are we supposed to do what is the league supposed to do we just just watched him go through the chest of wanyama and goar like if you are talking about two players that you would expect would most closely mirror what Minnesota did obviously gobear was part of that and then you add a taller guy than uh Carl Anthony towns and he laid waste it was and it was like it was it was done with anger it was a beautiful thing to behold no I mean like if you’re saying like should who should you hit your wagon to and angry nikic is one of the options like that pick that yeah I don’t think it’s not to like disagree it’s it’s not that it’s the edge cuz I do think that he has it’s the outward Edge um it’s the purpose behind it of like right now he’s like I’m playing for Serbia I’m playing for my home I’m going to play a little bit harder I’m going to I think that if he brings that into the year of like finding that that extra purp it just becomes a little bit different and I think that losing in the way that they did I think that that gives that to you where okay we we’re back to you know going after people we’re back to showing like I am the best player in the world there is nobody that can hang with me and and is as good as I am and then I’m going to bring everybody else around me like I think that that what what goes with that and he’s going to have a younger team so I think that it comes with like okay they’re going to rely on me they need me to like step it up a bit more I think he takes that on so like I really do think that there’s a a Villain Like face to him like that I’m just going to be better you know what’s funny is that Christina saw yic with his beard and she was like oh he’s been away from Natalya for a while that’s probably it it’s probably it actually is probably that was her entire read on the situation yeah I think it’s I think she is actually correct about this one um I will say whenever I see the people that are like yoke Deeds to demand to trade or this or that I always think like you guys would really enjoy rooting for Joel embiid yeah you know what I mean imagine if yoke joined team Slovenia oh oh they’d be so good like the serbs are letting him down dudee I’ve always thought the serbs are wasting his prime team up with Y with Luka we’re kidding of course but I always think this where people are like how lame of Kevin Durant to go to the warrior that’s so lame yok should demand a trade go you’re like guys it’s the same thing what are you doing here like Yol has a hand in all of this and this is what I’m talking about when I say that yoke can go another level I think one of yok’s flaws is that he doesn’t always feel responsible for everybody else and I think to be the best player you do have to feel responsible for everybody else like that guy’s not playing to his M he’s leaving on the table what do I got to do to now motivate him to get him up to that level like where what’s my level of involment and calling him out or whatever it takes and I mean he might be fed up with it I just think that’s on the table I also think this Jamal Murray we talked about internal and external motivation and all you know what does it take for him I think he has a lot of motivation right now if he doesn’t it’s very scary but I think he should have a lot of motivation going into this I think that that’s the the most optimistic um point of this whole off he he he did not perform to his caliber of being Michael Jordan in the playoffs right but not only that he didn’t play to Jamal Murray’s liking it’s not even that level of you have to be the best and we’ve seen him be you know one of the best players in the world when it truly matters but I didn’t even play up to my standards um I do think that he comes in with a different approach maybe he takes the the regular season more seriously maybe he takes his conditioning more seriously um maybe just like I’m going to take over I’m going to find different ways to to elevate my game so I think that that stop optimism um when Jamal Murray is motivated that that’s a new level of of being you know one of the best players in the world so I think that he comes into this year just ready to prove himself and if you come into the year ready to prove yourself with a new contract that’s the backing of the organization as well like hey we we were with you when you were at your loss when there was an injury we’re we’re with you now we were not going to go off of you we believe in you um no matter what and I really do think that that that intrinsic motivation and an outward like everybody else Believes In Me as well that can just I think that pushes you a little bit more so I do think that we see a pushed Jamal Murray that’s just going to be a little bit better this is the year of Murray yeah have you guys ever heard that the year of Jamal this is the year of J oh we just a year delayed yeah he’s just got to get in better shape man Jamal’s the best and he just needs to be he just need to show it like he’s got the skill um and he’s got the attitude we he already displayed it that’s the thing is that like somebody he already showed us what he has it’s just like can you get there again and can you be there consistently I’ve got one more for you guys but before I tell you what it is that I makes me optimistic I want to tell you remind you that we do have this giveaway if you want to come to Circus Sports we’re doing a giveaway where not only if you come here and get to have a room you know all that a great shower you also get a flight here and what do you need to do well you need to go to the dmvr bar on July 21st and watch a live show for the dmvr Broncos Squad are kicking off the season you can uh win there’s three different raffles during that or you could also come to our NCAA 25 tournament which drops here in one day um but they’ll be doing a tournament and if you win that tournament which is fun you get to go to the bar and play college football G watch RK do the shadur to you in real life you can um while you beat him down cuz that seems terrible uh you can do that and you will also that’s how you can also win uh this uh incredible package so four roundtrip packages two Las Vegas to stay here at cir Resorts check it out on the dmvr the events page all right the last one for me is I think the starters are going to be as good as last year I’m long record to saying this the bar for being better as a bench is really low I think sarch is really good I think pton Watson is really good I think there is a big question at point guard but you know what I’m starting to look at this and I go disaster potential disaster potential is oh are they going to be as bad as they’ve been for the last 3 years maybe but maybe not I don’t think they’ll be worse and there’s a good chance that dar oar is just in the perfect spot for him so this is number one reason for me optimism they’re going to be way better this is assuming that they add Russell Westbrook um they there is much reason to be optimistic about adding those two players along with having Julian enter the actual rotation along with uh pton Watson having another year of development um and getting vatco back and imagining vatco to be at some level the guy he was before he went out uh and tore his Achilles um it was his Achilles right or was it his whatever um before his injury there’s a lot of reason to think that this bench could be a lot more Dynamic and bring the a lot more success to the Denver Nuggets and put a lot less strain and pressure on the starting lineup like I truly truly think I mean we we are in like a truly like bummer stretch here we’ve got nothing but like bad news for the last like two weeks but it’s fake the summer league portion of the of the year is is a fake time it’s not real and um I don’t know man I’m I’m I’m I don’t know if I’m quite with our our uh dinner guest last night to say that this would be the best uh Team shout out to Mark Fine By the way just incredible incredible fan and friend of the show absolutely had dinner with him and he he said I think this would be the best team of the yic era and it’s not that crazy if you think about it it’s really not the bench the bench um really I think that it’s like the uncertainty um from last year there was just so much of we don’t know what we’re getting you also had those young guys that were still very young and not you know showing themselves and then you you rely on them later on in the season or when people get a little bit tight I think that this year there’s a new approach of hey we have to see what we have early on and we have to stick with it um just because we don’t want them to be um so fatigued at the end of the year I think that that does something for of like I’m going to get these minutes throughout the year even when things are going bad because we saw what it looked like when Denver’s bench was good that that’s what it was when Reggie Jackson was playing well or if they just had one other guy on that you know second unit to get them going or just stay even you have the best starting five in basketball so I think when you bring in these these guys and then you have the the younger guys that that are a year older and year removed from like just not having that uncertainty think that that you get better you’re going to have Payton Watson off that Julian Str if he can step into that role and stay healthy throughout the year yeah Dario sarich who has proven himself when he’s healthy he’s a really good basketball player so you’re bringing in different um you have you know the young guys that are stepping up and now that becomes different I think that it is just a little bit of um cohesion and just a year um of that so I do think that this has the the the makings of being able to have you know success you can have a good uh second unit team and then there’s not so much of like the Staggering there’s not so much of like we have to have a starter come in and play you know super well to try to save this unit and maybe you get to rest that’s the Hope yeah I don’t know if I’ll say best one of the yera but I think they can be maybe better than last year or see last year they won 57 games I mean get to get to the Finish Line with more left in the tank than last year and part of that is I actually that’s all it takes I actually can buy the bench being better without I mean I know we’re doing a segment but that one feels easy to say it feels on the table I think you hit your framing is right the bar was pretty low and has been pretty low for a couple of years Dario sarich being any better than Zeke Nagi or end of the road DeAndre Jordan is likely uh Peyton Watson looking much better is like is on the table so the bench I can believe in all right we got to wrap up here cuz s is going to uh need these tables here for the second half of the soccer game you guys never believe the score of the soccer game so far well hold on we’re we’re uh broadcasting now the score currently 0 0 we’re waiting for it to ultimately end 1 to one and decided by pan kale what do we got super chats uh let’s see here did you send them to us in the chat is here Cedric Exquisite I’m I’m just read what I see here uh the goat super chatter is here me this seems like a threat uh is Rocky any good I got questions when you guys wrap up hope you guys can help PS what plan or what are plans to trade Zeke they’re not there’s there’s no they now the thing about a trade is that somebody has to be on the other side and say Yes I want to give you something for Zeke which seems a little bit less uh unlikely uh Cedric also says on the way which wind was here what’s up Eric how’s gambling I’m down $20 there you go I’m a big boys I’m a big I can’t wait to be down tonight s’s under way like I have a question I mean he’s definitely here he’s here oh he’s in the in the he could be anywhere by the way late late report I believe Julian is playing tonight there you go just got just got the update uh everybody hit that like button on the way out we’ll see you [Music] tomorrow we all sitting like the mayor

Nikola Jokic is still here. Jamal Murray will be back. Aaron Gordon is here. Vibes have been off for the online portion of Denver Nuggets fans the last few months. But there are reasons to believe that there is PLENTY of reason for optimism. It’s even possible that this is the best team the Nuggets field. We put on our rose colored glasses and share reasons we believe MPJ and the Nuggets could have a surprising season ahead.

Plus, is this a do or die game for Jalen Pickett?

Start – 0:00
Raptors scouting report – 2:45
Huge game for Pickett? – 5:30
Hunter Tyson & Grady Dick matchup – 16:30
Who’s stood out at SL? – 20:30
Calvin Booth on Murray extension – 28:30
Jalen Brunson deal – 34:00
Can this be the best Nuggets team ever? – 41:00
Can the starters be as good? – 50:30

An ALLCITY Network Production





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  1. Fact is Denver has not gotten better. Jokic is going to be better but the rest will be same or worse. Jamal doesn't even look great playing for Canada. They'll be lucky to make it to 2nd round.

  2. These guys with their fake optimism is stupid and annoying. I seriously wish joker left for a year just to play the international games so they can see how bad and atrocious this team is. No one ever had these same expectation for curry LeBron or Jordan to carry a roster like this

  3. We all remember Jokic's game against Wolves 40 Pts masterpiece, at the end of the game KCP sprinted towards Jokic and took the ball so that he wouldn't have turnovers. Intelligent players do this because they know that such a small move will boost Jokic's masterful game on all TV and all over the Internet, and your opponent must see it every time he looks at the news.That tiny move It lifts the whole team up and further demotivates the opponent, and none of the players who are there longer with Joker do that. KCP patched a lot of holes in the Denver defense, rushing all over the field, I hope Brown is able to get at least 80% of the KCP defense. Jamal acted exactly the same as last season at the Canada game, Jokic is stepping up his game with Serbia. I hope that Jamal will not enter the new season completely out of shape like the last one, and that MPJ will be unlocked after the series with Minnesota.

  4. Finally we come to my words about Pickett and that he is not a NBA caliber player and will never be!
    As i said 20 times before… with his packet of skills he ca have great Europe carrier and that is his max! Even for there he must rise his lvl if he wants to be main PG in some good Eurolige contender!
    Denver nuggets should not waste spot on him at all.

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