@Detroit Pistons

Two Players Who Stood Out For The Detroit Pistons During Summer League So Far

Two Players Who Stood Out For The Detroit Pistons During Summer League So Far

so I want to transition into summer league and I wanted to get kind of your impressions who impressed you the most last night the obvious name is Mr Clinton he was all over the place both sides of the floor doing just a little bit of everything playing defense on multiple different positions um he did an awesome job stopping like three or four transition buckets from the Sixers which is a huge place where the Pistons struggled at last season and you’re starting to see why got that improved contract that kind of came up out of nowhere because there was a lot of talk about him spending time in the G league but the way he played and again you kind of gota just you know eyeball it and guess at this point because he hasn’t played with the starters but the things he was doing like even like the short roll uh drop off that he gave to Ron that gave him that floater in the second quarter just simple things like that they didn’t have it’s like that simple no oh I gotta move the ball he’s open here like his ability to catch and shoot from the corner his ability to orchestrate from the top of the he like he just did a lot of things that I was not expecting at all um and knowing again how they needs they really need a solidified stretch forward for the future they don’t have that at this point and I’m not even saying he’s going to be that but what we saw in the game either the spite a loss was extremely encouraging mad efficient um toward 13 points five assists five boards stuff the stats he was all over the place like he kind of and don’t don’t let’s not go too far but he was feeling kind of that that Draymond roll very well for the summer league team on top of the ability to shoot too and that that I think is a huge have so if he keeps developing and if he’s what we think he can be based on that game I really like this kid’s upside he did a phenomenal job in that game yesterday he was my MVP yesterday too I think he stole the show I think a lot of people were really focused on Ron Holland because he was the fifth overall pick and right um maybe there wasn’t as much pressure at Spotlight on uh Bobby um or Bobby I hope it’s Boby so we can have Toby and Boby two uh but to your point man like he kind of looked like a point forward out there five assists I think kind of went underlook but if you watch the games last night he was looking for his teammates if there if he got doubled or he was just looking for the open man he’s just a really smart basketball player he does a he does everything like pretty good there’s not like something he does that’s like absolutely Elite to your point there was a play where he was on the opposite end uh I think it was in the corner three and he rushed back to contest his shot late in the fourth quarter like his defensive effort his instinct to play the passing Lanes like this kid I think I see why Traen LED in the Pistons gave him a standard contract I expect him if he keeps playing like that he will definitely be in the rotation it’s hard to argue against it again I know it’s early but again it’s just it’s things that he was doing that you can’t teach or maybe shouldn’t have to teach like you’re gonna you’re going to preach it to the players oh effort this and make that extra pass he’s doing that already and even if you looked at like the first quarter like they had maybe two or three plays where they were so unorganized on offense they were heaving up last second shot clock his firing shots and they just weren’t settling it at all but when he was getting more involved I think it was the second half too that third quarter was probably their best quarter that they played second and third quarter when he was on Ball and orchestrating and setting guys up and finding cutters you saw a lot more movement on the floor um when he was playing that point forward role knowing that you have K Cunningham who can post JB Bier staff again we’re gonna talk about him he said he wants to use jayen Ivy in movement way more often having a forward being able to kind of be that lead guy to get those guys looks and get them open because last season that was this was one of my biggest pep pees that was Jaylen dur they were kind of doing that with he played a lot of time at the top of the key with the ball if he wasn’t doing screen and rolls with Cade and I hated that because he’s a big guy put him on the Block find a four that can go get him the ball instead of having him throw lobs up to beef stew who’s 67 having a guy like Boby if he can translate with the guys around him that we’re talking about that is going to be a huge Dynamic that this team can open up I’m really excited to see what he can do moving forward I I think listening to a lot of interviews as I I went down um YouTube today is pre-draft um video with uh I want to say it was the ringer with Kevin oconor and he said you know when I was over in Australia in the NBL you know the coach asked me I need you to be the energy guy this the defense guy and he said I’m very confident in my game that if you need me to be the energy guy I could be that guy you need me to take shots and make threes I can be that guy he seems like one of those glue players where saying okay I need you to just to shoot threes tonight he’d probably do it I need you the KN down the best defender or the best offensive player tonight he’d probably do it and when I kind of look at him as a player he kind of mentioned like players that he like looks at himself as he said like Nick patum Michael Porter Jr and Tobias Harris when I was watching him like play like shoot offensively I kind of saw the toas Harris stuff he was talking about but he is such an interesting player man like I don’t know where they’re going to slot him like I think he could play small forward but maybe he plays power forward he’s just so versatile and he has guard skills too it’s just like they might have got a steal with him in the second round yeah I really wasn’t expecting it at all um again some of the stuff that he’s able to bring again having that the switchability the Intelligence on the floor that kind of stuff is just so valuable especially for a young team that’s trying to really find themselves and especially in summer league like I’m a forward basketball player we all hooped up the wire lifetime or whever when guys go just play especially in summer league they just trying to get their shots up they just trying to go show what they could do showcase themselves they’re not playing the most like defined team basketball which is kind of understandable to a point he was not doing that he understood spacing he understood where guys were supposed to be he’s talking on the floor again these are just things that you in a young player you probably have to teach at a point but he was already hitting that again I’m not sure that was ComEd from Jared Jack or what it was but he did a fantastic job being that like that extended coach on the Flor especially when he got the ball more and became more active with his team like yeah he’s he’s giving them something different that they haven’t had in a while if he can it just adds again knowing that they have a lot of forwards at this point now they didn’t have one that they could be looked forward to for the future because a lot of them are on short-term deals if he keeps going and he’s playing like this especially as a Defender too the the sky is the limited for this guy I really would really want to see what he does with the starting lineup for real yeah same here I mean like if if he keeps taking progression um in developing his game to your point yeah this guy’s the limit with him there’s one more player I did want to talk about um that impressed me maybe I’m just a sicko because I I like I like the underdog I I like the story and that was Donis Jenkins who is a two-way guy I loved his Pace he seemed so under control didn’t seem like he really rushed anything out there I think you know before the uh third quarter started he was perfect he was like three for three um he had a block that Jared Jack did contest I think that was the play you were talking about earlier he just seems like a really sound uh point guard and it’s really rare you see that out of un undrafted guys like that I ain’t gonna lie like yes he was fantastic I was really impressed watching him on both ends of the floor the guys who were the most impressive were the new guys and gr I know it’s only just one player that’s returning on the roster with Marcus Sasser the guys who were signing and looking like the more like complete defined players who understood like Team Dynamics we’re the guys who haven’t been here yet that that shocked me I loved watching him play Jace Johnson deserves a lot of credit as well he was all over the place like another problem I’ve had with like piston bigs is like when they get like passes on the Block they drop a lot of those passes he had great hands he wasn’t bringing it down low he’s going up strong had an awesome and one in the second half let some energy out these young guys that they’re playing with again wins aside because not looking at wins right now I’m just looking at Baseline team basketball and how you adjust quarter by quarter the young guys who are just stepping into these positions look fantastic Jenkins was one of them like you said Johnson really showed that he could be somebody that’s effective as well I think they got some real talent that should shine during the summer league I’m really excited for these guys [Music] oh [Music]

Today I talked On Pistons Talk Podcast, about players that make a strong Impression In the Detroit Pistons first summer league game.

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