@Miami Heat

Andy Elisburg on Heat’s quiet offseason: “Our free agent move this year was the Terry [Rozier] move. We just decided to do it early… Probably took us out of being able to do something with the mid-level, with sign-and-trades because of the apron rules that prevent that.”

Andy Elisburg on Heat’s quiet offseason: “Our free agent move this year was the Terry [Rozier] move. We just decided to do it early… Probably took us out of being able to do something with the mid-level, with sign-and-trades because of the apron rules that prevent that.”

by lopea182


  1. ihatenazis69

    Worst trade in heat franchise history. Check my post history I called this shit a few days after the trade was announced.

  2. HamSandwichRace

    I don’t think they properly prepared for the repercussions of the 2nd apron. They should have known how crippling it was and let Lowry’s contract just come off the books. I can forgive the fans for not thinking that far ahead, but the front office should have known. I think the Rozier trade was a mistake.

  3. background_action92

    Trash front office. This isn’t a last year thing Andy, this has been the same shit for the longest. These dummies get bailed out by the development program and Spo. Two years at the 8th seed is unacceptable.

  4. TheRatchetTrombone

    First yall bitch for them to make any move, then yall bitch that they shouldve waited. Like damn yall mfs are insifferable.

  5. beelzebub_069

    Watch them be active in the trade deadline, as always.

  6. Averageguy2025

    Next offseason we will have cap room. Let’s them cook

  7. realudonishaslem

    I wish someone would believe in me as much as the Heat FO does in Tyler

  8. PutItAllInABag

    Pretty telling how much of a circle jerk this sub is considering that the most logical arguments in this thread are heavily down voted.

    The Terry trade WAS a mistake. The flexibility of either signing another guard, maintaining Caleb etc or just being able to package other firsts together with the one they sent for a player that actually makes a difference.

  9. gamehead36

    A lottery protected 1st for Terry Rozier is an absolute steal

  10. s1lentastro1

    we haven’t won since LeBron left in 2014. and we’re over here comiendo pinga with “Heat Culture” while other teams been winning chips.

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