@Toronto Raptors

Ja’Kobe Walter’s Second Game Bounce Back | Raptors Today Summer League

Ja’Kobe Walter’s Second Game Bounce Back | Raptors Today Summer League

greetings and salutations Raptors fans back in Las Vegas a keil Austine on the floor at Thomas and Mack and Cox’s Pavilion this is where the Toronto Raptors just matched up against the Denver Nuggets summer league team and the Raptors are now 2-0 after an 84 to 81 Victory there is some bad news there some injuries that we’ll report on later in the show but the big story the Raptors slow start Rebound in the third quarter with a huge third quarter and then Clos it out after crunch time in the fourth quarter in case you missed any of it here are the highlights ster over to PJ hall Hall fire and he connects Kobe Walter pulls up and Buri it everybody loves Kobe right yes approaching six minutes to go Trey Alexander over to strw deep triple Drive he’s two for two and the nuggets have jumped out to an eight-point lead Aaron Gordon is an incredible Talent as well so that’s a tremendous loss of that young man and their their team Jameson battle carton running the point here for Toronto he had a solid opener last night hard scored 13 there’s Carlson again the mobo now it’s taken by Moore inside mobo tough finish nice job now it’s young into the pan kicks it out strawther STW is three for three from distance 3223 nuggets leading the Raptors carton drives a kick shed extra pass to Walter Walter buries the three that was good offensive execu Brady dick over to DJ carton now dick PS up looking to knock down his first [Music] shot and we shooting 36% from the field you fancy in an acrobatic finish he’s got 18 points to lead away what a cut and find shed to carton for activity carton defense into offense [Applause] really gotten after it defensively ronos Trail by as many as 10 mobo nice take there Euro from moo Friday last night Saturday night had seven points on three of seven got six now part Tor Taylor Perry STW driving fing away Alex hard to betray Alexander looking for a statement dunk instead it goes the other way here’s Alexander back to strw he’s left wide open his 63 of the night five on the shot clock for Freeman Liberty Freeman Liberty ties the game at 81 ending the 10 unanswered from Denver really good patience there and also philosophically is that the approach that the Raptors are going to use see they don’t foul right away St for the tie boy that was a great look did not like that defensive execution but the Raptors are able to hold on Raptors get away with it there despite 32 from Str other than the win the big news of course Grady Dick had to exit the game with an ankle sprain so he’ll be evaluated and checked back then Jonathan mobo took a spill hurt his back so we’ll have more updates but fortunately for the Toronto Raptors tomorrow is an off day no practice they’ll get a chance to rest and lick their wounds but right now I hand you off to head coach ja Mala all right coach first and foremost health is important right so any updates on your guys a couple guys exited the game yeah Jonathan back contusion we’ll kind of reeval him tomorrow see where he’s at after that um and then Grady at ankle sprain again reevaluate tomorrow we’ll see kind of get an evaluation after a day off tomorrow okay well then jacobe healthy played you give me your assessment of how he played today in game two yeah I think jacobe is really sort of finding a bit of a rhythm here I had a big three down the stretch which really kind of put the game Out Of Reach there for a second I thought that was really valuable um I think his composure his solidness his ability to just make the right decisions and his length are really coming out so it’s been really uh happy to see him play well javon’s a guy who’s been around the organization for a while what does he need to do in order to make that next step as a player for Javon I think he’s a proven scorer we know he can score he’s proved it at the G League level the question for him is what did he do with the NBA level and terms of scoring so this summer league is really great for him to see what kind of packages we can put together for him and how he can score and then of course how he defends the focus for the Raptors continues to be our on ball defense our ball pressure our activity and I think Javon needs to be a part of that as well it’s sink or swim feast or famine here at Summer League and for the Toronto Raptors it was no different for jacobe Walter who was thrown into the fire and of course you’re expected to swim expected to learn a lot on the Fly and pick things up while you’re on the court and for jacobe that’s the case a slow first game but game two he looked more comfortable so we spoke to him about the transition from game one to game two and here’s what he had to say Jobe for you was there a noticeable difference in your comfort level from game one to game two uh yeah for sure um yesterday I was trying to just find the pace of the game um you know obviously professional it’s way quicker um bigger bodies everybody stronger so I think uh just having that first experience helped me out in the second one has it slowed down at all between the two games oh yeah for sure um I think I was making better reads um I think I was more comfortable just being on the court playing defense and offense uh jamama was out here talking about the importance of you spacing to the NBA level uh you know amateurs like us or just like you go beyond the ark what what’s really involved in sort of that like as you make the adjustment yeah um the spacing uh courts way bigger so you know uh as a shooter like me um me being spaced out can help our better players like you know Scotty quick um and like today uh there was driving Lanes just cuz I was faced out so I think uh me being a great shooter Me Knocking him down is going to help us in the long run still talking Canadian basketball and of course we’re talking about Zach Ed who was supposed to be part of the Canadian basketball senior men’s team group that is in Paris this summer unfortunately he decided to sit out to focus on the business at hand year one with the Memphis Grizzlies the number nine overall pick has got a lot of responsibility on his hands Manning the center spot for these Grizzlies so he’s taking it seriously we went over to Resort World to catch up with him and hear his thoughts there’s a lot of conversation about where you would end up going at what point did you kind of hear things or was it a surprise when your name got called in nine complete surprise I think to me to me and my agent um they tried to keep their cards like kind of close they played it played it kind of koi um yeah like literally until my agent called me that said I was going to get drafted I had no idea was going to Memphis so once you started talking with the team and you heard what they thought of you and their expectations what’s kind of the Roll card been for you or what are you thinking about about with first year and what the coach wants from you uh we haven’t really had that meeting um I’m just trying to work on being the best player I can for the next season trying to help the team out as much as I can so just try to work on my game um I know what I’m good at kind of know what I do so just try to make sure I can have those strengths be strengths in the NBA and when it comes because you talked about the strengths when it comes to the weaknesses like are there any things you’ve noticed in the transition from the NCAA game because the rules are different courts space differently how have you found navigating your way on the court here in the NBA level yeah it’s definitely a change uh like you said like the court Court’s different paint’s bigger uh three in the keys or thing um bodies are like everybody’s bigger stronger faster uh but it’s still basketball you know what I mean like it’s still the game I’ve played um still got to put the ball on the hoop that’s the the whole goal of the whole goal of the thing um so it’s still basketball how bad do you want to get out there badly I mean whenever whenever you’re sitting on the on the sideline watching the team play it kind of kind of sucks as a basketball player but uh you know I to play it smart um that’s kind of the big thing they’re harping for me I’m not I’m not shut down but um just playing it smart making sure I’m good uh when I go and making sure I’m not not doing anything to risk risk my health what is the concern right now is it an injury um yeah just just a little they’re just being careful with me um I mean well judging by your performance in game one you’ve shown what you need to show but um were you excited about going up against a guy like Walker kuster who kind of built a name for himself and has got some good momentum going into his career for sure um I think just as a competitor you always want to play against like like people who have have been there like you want to play against the NBA players you want to you you want to play against the highest level competition you can Walker is a great big in the league you see him success he had I think he had Rookie of the Year votes a few years ago um played USA last year uh so be a to go go up against them and play and kind of like feel what that feels like on the court it’s just what you want you mentioned USA did you get a chance to watch Team Canada versus USA for sure for sure I watched it on the plane um any any feelings about not being able to participate yeah um I mean I wanted to be there I wanted I wanted to be able to help the team there but um it was a decision that I made it wasn’t it wasn’t decision that Memphis made I just think it it would be the best thing for my my career just to get set up get get established get comfortable in Memphis uh my first year and then uh Canada is still in my future for sure like I want to be I want to be on that team I think next olymp is going to be 26 I want to be on that team U it’s still fully in my future I just felt like it was the right time for me to kind of focus on on my business that does it for us remember tomorrow is an off day for your Toronto Raptors but on Wednesday they match up with the Utah Jazz a summer league team it’s a 2 pm tip here locally and on the west coast and it’s a 5:00 pm tip on the East Coast do remember sportset has you covered with full game coverage and as always Raptors on X Raptors on Instagram rapor on Tik Tok check us on Facebook I’m ail Austin reporting from Vegas thank you so much for tuning in we’ll see you later

Akil Augustine is in Vegas covering the Toronto Raptors summer league. In this episode we recap the second game of summer league. Also an exclusive one on one with Canadian Zach Edey.

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  1. I hope yhese guys devople into some solid roleplayers. Kinda tired of getting 2 years away from 2 years away kinda players

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