@Detroit Pistons

Paul Reed Can Help The Detroit Pistons Off The Bench?

Paul Reed Can Help The Detroit Pistons Off The Bench?

I kind of gave my reactions on on this YouTube channel about it I want to know what you think of this move for the Detroit Pistons claiming him off waivers I like it a lot I think he fits what they should be looking for um he also gives you a little bit more roster flexibility I’ll explain that in a minute but in terms of his skill set I like where he’s at um big body um an obvious lob threat seven-footer um a helpful Defender he’ll be able to fill in stretches where again if Jaylen dur is like not really fitting it unfortunately what we saw last season with James wisman he fit a lot of what the roster was which is okay we got all these young guys we need to find out what we have I think Paul Reed is a guy a guy you kind of know what you have at this point and I don’t want this to be disrespectful nothing like that but it kind of doesn’t make the necessity to oh we have to play everybody like it doesn’t really put you in that position anymore like he’s a veteran and so even if you were to like slide somebody like beef stew down like if he comes off the bench or whatever you have Paul Reed who’s like sufficient enough based on how they’re going to play so if you want to spread out and have Shooters but have a seven foot anchor in the middle you still can play up to that and I think Reed helps that a lot based on having K Cunningham having jayen Ivy who likes throwing for lobs um I just think it even if you go to your bench rotation you can still keep that same identity that wasn’t the case last season and it wouldn’t be the case if Isaiah Stewart is your go-to back up five um I think it makes a lot more sense having him in that position and I’m really excited to see what he can bring to this team I think that was a huge acquisition for him quite as it’s kept yeah I mean if you do a deep dive on Paul Reed you you’re probably like like oh how old is he he’s like 25 I’m like okay yeah play power forward is Rookie year but the Sixers have used him is Center the past two seasons and this past season Joel embiid got hurt surprise surprise and Paul Reed right stepped up big time uh one of my uh good friends is a huge Sixers fan and he’s like dude you are just getting an absolute dog like one of the best backup centers for the value for the money like he’s GNA come in he’s able to stretch the floor like don’t look at the percentages and look at the box scores like he can actually shoot the ball he can bang down low he’s got a nice mid-range game pass a little bit protect the paint you know play the passing Lanes like you guys are going to absolutely love him and like I think that’s something that we didn’t really have last year that’s no slander towards James wisman he did improve a lot defensively last season but I think what the Pistons needed was a legitimate rim protector at the backup center position because I love jayen Duran we’re going to get into him a little bit later because there’s a lot like a lot of like trade circulation stri rers going around with his name right now but I think what the Pistons need is if you need a shutdown you know Defender to protect the paint I think Paul Reed could be out there in crunch time if it’s a close game um and I absolutely love this signing for the Pistons picking him off the waiver wire yeah and his contract wasn’t too crazy like something that kind of surprised me through all the guys that they picked up like the jokes around getting to bias Harris was oh we’ll see how the Pistons have to overpay very Team friendly deal and I feel like it’s the same way for Reed I don’t think it broke their cap in any way shape or form I think they’re just under like six or seven million at this point like I still think they’re at a very feasible point where the guys they brought in fit their need and don’t break cap Pistons fans and people were ready to at the very least accept one of the other to try to get winning back in place and they didn’t have to do that they didn’t have to take that kind of plunge and you’re getting somebody that makes sense based on the needs of this team Trent Lon has put his priorities out there and he’s hit all of them and Paul Reed was another one like people were all saying all right if you get rid of wisman people were worried about beef St as the soulle backup five and now you bring in somebody like Paul Reed who like you said offers a lot more versatility than you had with a lot of other bigs even like the idea people were bringing up like Andre Drummond who would have made sense but he doesn’t offer the versatility that Reed brings so I think this is a huge pickup for them um especially Naka wood hopefully there are no health concerns with durren who’s dealt with that a lot in his career I think he’s a good guy that you can rely on um and not really take a step back in terms of what they’re trying to do to get to winning yeah I mean um I I think his uh his nickname is probably one of the coolest nicknames I’ve I’ve uh read in a minute bball Paul I think that’s I think that’s just GNA stick with detroiters all day like they probably won’t even call him Paul Reed it’ll just be bball Paul all day and like uh I was watching an old interview and he said he got a tech for staring at a ref and I was like oh man that’s Rasheed Wallace Vibes all day he’s gonna W he’s gonna fit right in just to the culture of Detroit Michigan and just the Pistons because like that type of stuff like just Pistons fans eat up 100% it adds to like the identity that you’re trying to establish being a tough-minded team plays defense so yeah show them some rashed Wallace highlights show them some bad boys highlights and say Hey you kind of have this little bit in you bring it out because we’re trying to establish that and make it infectious within the whole team you could be that guy to help it and I think he’s a perfect gu for what they need I love to I love to pick up a lot I really do if you guys if you guys do get bored um look up some of his old tweets because they’re wild like I went down that rabbit all some of his old twe tws are absolutely wild I haven’t seen this tweet this this a little much I’m not going to repeat no cancel today no cancel today no no I ain’t trying to do any FCC type of over here not at all [Music] oh [Music]

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