@Chicago Bulls

Summer League LIVE: Matas Buzelis GOES OFF for 28 points in Chicago Bulls loss | CHGO Bulls Podcast

Summer League LIVE: Matas Buzelis GOES OFF for 28 points in Chicago Bulls loss | CHGO Bulls Podcast

he [Music] what’s going on bulls Nation welcome in to chgo Bulls Summer League live coming to you from the one and only Stadium swim here at ciruit Resort and Casino in Las Vegas Cho bull summer league presented by Kors light make the most of the times you choose to chill grab yourself a nice and cold Coors Light like I did at 10:45 a.m. today go to show basketball celebrate responsibly I’m P Bulls joined by big day bam bwl Sports rocking the Hodes will the go gotle will _ gotle and our pal producer on controls here in the Cabana the one and only young Joseph spis trying to disrespect my Craig Hodes Jersey out here he is he is the disrespect of the youth and Joey’s fairness Craig Hodes he had probably never heard the name Craig Hodes before yeah he needs to read up on him a little bit I understand it was it was a youthful thing that he said a youthful Vegas Joey you know what I mean saying things but when he finds out about Craig Hodes might change it to a little bit just a little bit there it was nothing against Craig Hodes I just wanted to know if that was if that was the first matis jersey I was seeing question was more of the question I I have not did any of you guys see any bellus jerseys out and about around like Thomas Mack yet I saw Luke babbit Jersey but flex no buellis did you guys plan this by the way no 13 14 you know looks like your brother me and M you know we share brain dog this just how it goes bro we have to plan this uh lots of fun stuff to get to you on today’s show thanks for joining us if you are hanging out on that CJ Sports YouTube channel live go ahead and hit that like button while you’re sitting here we appreciate it uh we were going to talk about very interesting words go you and a couple of your uh fellow traveling beat members were able to have a sit down with AK and eversley yesterday before their game uh lots of interesting things that they had to say about the direction of the franchise and what they are doing in their positions we’ll talk uh all about that on the back end of the show but of course we cannot start anywhere other than the Bulls number 11 pick Modis buellis who bounced back from a tough shooting night in game one when he was 45 he finishes with 28 points in the Bulls 9282 loss to the Warriors last night 10 of 22 from the field four of eight from downtown and a dunk of all freaking dunks Dave I almost fell out of my seat when you and I were watching that yeah my knuckles were probably imprinted in your shoulder when I was putting my fist in his shoulder cuz I was freaking out a little bit and everybody around us you know what I’m saying also went crazy just the young guys the older guys like everybody it was and we had a great view of it like we weren’t sitting far from it at all so we we had a great view of it and saw it happen and we were like yo and I was like this is exactly why I don’t sit next to will Godly anymore when we doing this kind of stuff cuz there’s no way I would have been able to contain myself watching that stuff like that man but it was an amazing thing will it was incredible and like you know the highlights aside like Maas did not play well at the first three quarters he was 5 of 14 with 16 points which was I think almost exactly the numbers he had in the first Summer League game uh and then in the fourth quarter he went absolutely bananas he was 12 points on five of eight shooting including a turnaround jump shot over py step back corner three vious and then that dunk which was an end one in transition and it was just like something clicked I don’t know what it was but like the shot started falling his confidence continued to be there he was still calling for the ball like nonstop uh but so you just like to see that sort of aggression and that sort of like give me the ball I want to do this from a rookie and from a guy who yeah clearly has the goods like I mean he he put it together in that fourth quarter yeah and that’s why I said to that’s why I said to you after that dunk everything became simple for him you know what I mean sometimes that’s all it kind of takes is something like that to just make you realize oh this game is simple you you know what I mean like oh yeah I can really do this cuz you’re right will like the very next thing he did was that you know in uh on the Baseline spin you know what I mean and Pull and when it hit me and Matt said o and we thought he missed it cuz it hit the rim it went up high we were like oh and then it went H we like oh and then that step back three on the Baseline was just like that’s unguardable [ __ ] you know what I mean like you can’t do anything with that and it was just really a special shot but it looked really simple for him after that it’s like he wasn’t thinking anymore he was just reacting to everything and I think that dunk is what did it that just cleared a lot of stuff out of his head and he just became real simple like no I’m the man I can play this game and I’m going show y’all I can do this and like I think my favorite part is the dunk was nasty right but we’ve been talking a lot leading up to Summer League everything we’ve heard from ois since the Bulls drafted him uh at the end of June about his Vibe his makeup his personality and the fact that he just seems to be someone who loves talking [ __ ] who loves to be the most competitive guy on the floor and the star down after the dunk I mean rip dayquon plen because holy but Jesus Modis dunks ferociously Falls crashes to the court and then just sits up underneath the hoop and is staring him down the whole time like yeah I just did that to you what you going to do about it exactly I mean bulls fans we’re we’re all goons love to see that love to see that yeah no but he was talking plenty of crap from beginning to end even the last play of the game when he was him in pods you know what I’m saying kind of exchanged ill ill Vibes you know what I’m saying with each other man like I love the fact he don’t like he said it you know what I’m saying before like but he is very competitive man like he enjoys talking trash out there like he said these things before and just to see it like that real like I don’t like anybody when I’m out on the floor unless you have my jersey on it’s just fun cuz immediately I start thinking about the guys to are really on this team when he’s playing with them and how that can you know kind of galvanize and Inspire your squad when you’re doing stuff like that to be like no I got your back because we talked about not having these nice guys bulls have too many nice guys here we need some stank you know saying we need some dirty you know what I mean we need some goon out here put some stank on it him providing that might bring out something that is already in these guys that just hasn’t been brought out yet man like no that’s our teammate we got to protect them and hold them down so I’m interested to see how this kind of rolls over during the season yeah and like you know we asked him after the game like what changed for you in the fourth quarter when things just started falling or like did was it a mindset thing and like the thing he kept coming back to was he was just like waiting for the game to come to him yeah and I think that kind of patient approach mixed in with his mentality and his like ferocity and the way that he plays the game like that’s when those moments can really pop off and I wish I I was on the opposite Baseline so I couldn’t really see the star down I wish I would have seen that CU I would have asked him about it but you I mean just tell the way he thinks about the game and like his the way that he approaches it from like a mental standpoint is just like it’s very mature for a 19-year-old I think it has to do with the fact that he’s been playing professionally now for a year yeah so you know he’s the tools are there they’re undeniable I think he’s still like very raw and you could see that through the first like I don’t want to dismiss the poor start to the game another pretty inefficient shooting night was not getting those same foul calls that he got in the first game but then to be able to like snap out of that just one play yeah that can really set him back on track I think it it speaks to his mentality and you know like I mean we’ve talked about like the J.R Smith thing that he that was like one of the guys he admires but it’s like one bucket can turn your game around you you saw it earlier also in the game when I don’t know the name of the the warrior Center but they were battling for the ball and and misas was really trying to you know get up in his face and dude didn’t want to he was like dude chill out and M was like no he like in his face like what you going to do about it you know he they were having some brush UPS a little yeah they were he was going at him was not backing down even the final moment of the game when it looked like pods was just kind of going to try and do some like fun the buzzers already sounded dunk n cuz he had the ball like he was prepping for some sort of like you know Bounce It Off the hardwood Ali to myself and Maus came over and just knocked the ball away from him he’s like no man no not don’t I watching no sir it’s not going to happen shout out to everybody hanging out with us in the chat our boy strick who said M caught a body Julia what’s up Julia saying hey guys my timeing please uh the bar is right back there please come join us I’ve already got my I cold cor light uh yain Street Sports saying C it’s your Die Hard member here what’s up pleasure pleasure to have you here SC what’s going on uh Dylan Randolph said I’m late is that a bis or Wayne selton Jr Jersey wow I need to be right not a fair question at all anyone other than Wayne Seldon who owns a Wayne Seldon Jersey yes should have their head checked correct also maybe Wayne Seldon himself yeah shout out Wayne Seldon junor cuz we remember you during the dark time sir but three time uh uh three-point Champion Craig hajes who set the standard for a lot of stuff and took the brunt of a lot of blame man and and a straight up activist also as well shout out Craig hes and a really good coach too love CRA wonderful reading read read Craig hod book if you haven’t as a bulls fan it’s wild fascinating stuff yes it is uh Flex dick saying Modas ain’t scared to Chuck up shots uh Sean Sean saying big day B what’s up uh yeah so uh that was something that certainly carried over from game one to game two goat is look Modis might have admitted after game one A little sloppy I could play better than that we also saw early on in game two as you were saying he didn’t really find his Groove till late third fourth quarter that he had some sloppy turnovers last night as well but throughout all of that he was never afraid to be like I’m putting the ball on the floor and I’m looking for my shot or I’m putting on the ball putting the ball on the floor looking to create uh also had a couple of great you know uh catch and shoot moments off the ball whether or not he’s playing sloppy whether or not it’s you know sort of a weird transition trying to play with this summer league team new teammates there is zero lack of confidence when he’s finding an open look yeah and you know we talked about this with uh Billy Donovan yesterday the day before as well like you know he said like okay the ball is not going to fall but like what’s your process with all this like what are you what is your mentality in the way that you’re approaching things from like not necessarily just like how you think about the game and like what you want to do from a perception standpoint but it’s more like how are you going about life on the basketball court when you get your touches or when you’re not getting your touches and so you know I think he stays aggressive and he continues to get shots up even when the shot isn’t falling and I think that’s the kind of mentality that you need to have in summer league in particular I don’t think he’s going to have the same kind of usage at the NBA level unless he really explodes and I’m not dismissing that I just think it’s going to be harder when you’ve got Coe and Giddy and IO and you know Zach and V on the court with him as well so um I want to see him continue to get shots up and like get hot from Beyond The Arc he has to get to a point where he’s not he’s still like I think benefiting from a attacking Closeouts and getting hard Closeouts at this level I want to see if he can do that at the NBA level but I don’t have any problem or worry about him not getting those shots up those record scratches from guys like IO and Patrick even who didn’t get enough volume of Threes over the last couple years like he’s going to get them up he shot four of eight yesterday and I think you know the percentages are what they are from last year at the g- league level 26% whatever it was he’s going to be a volume three-point shooter and he’s going to get shots up and I think he’s going to improve and get much better at it um and we saw a piece of that tonight so I just think the the approach to his process has been correct and and that’s what I like to see in the summer league more than anything else two things can if I may please do on that note I do remember when he was drafted and we we were at our draft party but I went back and watched the I think it was ESPN coverage and I don’t remember exactly who was on the pen on who said this but they said that talking to the g- League ignite coaches that he was the one who was the most ready in terms of his work ethic and you know taking it seriously and being a professional and came in with the right mindset and that that was what they were really impressed with it may have been Bob Myers I’m not sure but that stood out to me and that seems like it’s totally translated early on my second point is I think he’s going to lead the team in goon of the knights you think so I think he’s going to lead the team in go J comments said our goon is going to be a rookie what let me to say I mean the last the last two like most prominent goon of the knights Caruso and Drummond are gone somebody need to slide into that leg there’s a there’s a hole to be filled and Modis is going to is going to be gunning for that goon of the night belt in my opinion and you’re right about uh the g- league coach because I watched the interview with him on on the field of 68 podcast and he was saying exactly the old gam the same kind of things like he was like he is ready you know he was like he is a Ready Player and his mind they talked a lot about his mindset and how he approaches the game and he talked a lot about his family too and those kind of things so no you I mean that’s a real adjustment to make when you’re 19 years old coming into the NBA and so to have that box for the most part you know hopefully checked that’s a big thing right uh Anthony in the comment said get Zach V off this team and we’re cooking hold that thought cuz we’re going to talk about that a little later on go had the chance to sit down and chat with AK and eversley yesterday before the Bulls game about the future direction of the team so we’re going to talk about how the fact that you know certain pieces are still here while they are building with other young pieces a couple other people in the chat shout out to our friends C red UK uh and Adrian mentioning that a certain new bowl not modest but the other one Josh giddy had himself a nice game uh in the USA Australia exhibition that just ended we were catching the tail end of it right here behind us at Stadium swim was solid yay I’m working on it I’m I’m I’m working on being excited about giddy I’m getting there just let me get there in my own time I said solid y I didn’t say it was great he say was good I said solid and that wasn’t good enough God damn man Dave you know me backy out ofis oh I’m glad you SI that I’m glad you had that I’m glad you put that in your system because that is him choosing a chill mindset ladies life juice oh you should have it you got to get it in your system course light all between work social media and the choices life throws our way it’s no wonder that we’re more worked up course is light itself celebrates Rising above and choosing a chill mindset why not turn that rain out barbecue into the will to go God Le and matis melis 18th Annual karaoke Health party oh cuz he is 19 he’s been doing it since he’s been born it’s how it go or after a tough loss settle scores with the ice cold peace offering make the choice to choose chill then reach for a course light and that mountain cold refreshment cuz when those mountains turn blue oh yes you know what to do it’s cold logger cold fil and cold package for smoother finish so when you Embrace chill it’s a good time to choose chill and crack open the cords the light it is crisp and refreshing as the Colorado H make the most out of your time choose chill and choose a course light go to chors light and get it straight delivered straight to your door via instacart chgo basketball that’s where you can do that at cgo basketball celebrate responsibly Cor company Golden Colorado you know who has a Bountiful Harvest of fresh icy cold Coors Lights oh talk slow the fine people at Circ resort and casino right here in Las Vegas what a magical place I went down to the Disney uh Stadium’s wi bar right down there as uh I’d gotten all of our things lined up for the show like I need an icy cold one I’m cracking one for the show uh shout out to the bartender whose name is Dave out we had a nice little chat I said oh my brother’s name is Dave my CO’s name is Dave actually Big Dave he was like oh little Dave I was like you I’ll send him down here later you’ll have a chat you’ll be best friends anyway Dave reached into one of those many coolers back there and handed me this ice and cold course light and I appreciate that because man that’s just one of a million things about why you need to choose cira as your home base the next time you plan a trip to Vegas with your family with your buddies the three story Stadium style sports book inside where we did our shows yesterday and the day prior is the largest sports book in the world yes it takes 10 people to operate that $78 million pixel screen that is running 247 that’s what I heard tons of VIP SE uh seating in different clubs Dugout Club Legends Club Champions Club the Legacy Club up top where we were hanging out last year amazing views of the city of the mountains and one of my other favorite features here ID at the door it is the only first ever in Las Vegas adult only Casino just check your uh just scan your ID when you walk in the the the main doors outside you never have to show your ID again once you’re inside it’s brilliant it is brilliant and then of course here the cherry on top Stadium swim 4,000 person capacity 143x 40t LED screen that you see behind us right here this place is open 365 days a year six pools two Spas 15,000 sare ft of wet space two swim bars that’s where I got this Cabanas that’s where we’re hanging out right now super Cabanas for you super duper people I mean the amenities go on and on the next time you come to Vegas you got to stay here at circuit Resort and Casino shout out to them for being wonderful hosts to us this year and last year and hopefully next year hopefully so as far as you know what we saw in last night’s game obviously Monas was the headline we don’t need to spend a lot of time talking about anybody else I I did want to give a quick shout out to Adamas NOA though I mean double double the man the man got his double double he got his double double because 16 points I believe he finished with yes eight rebounds you see where where where’s the double double 10 fouls y managed to foul out of Summer League game which is truly truly impressive we almost had to start calling him Adama triple double sonogo I will Mr triple double triple double dama triple double D I call him Airbnb now CU he is buckets and Boards he is airb and B that is that who that man is right now when he got his 10th foul everybody around us applauded we all applauded cuz we were like 10 fouls dog that is a that is impressive that is very in the first quarter yes it was it was crazy but we talked a lot mat watching him just again as you pointed out his motor yeah just his motor is constant like you don’t really see it cuz it’s not as intense as a Joe Kim Noah or as a Dennis Rodman right but it is constant and it is always going he is up and down the floor all the time man and always in the right spot which is in the paint he’s in the paint trying to cause havoc and get those rebounds and I think I kept saying to you like oh yeah that’s that’s your gu he’s got to have a jersey on there’s no way he can go in and not have a jersey on with the skill set I think that he can provide as a backup not a starter I don’t see him as a starter but as as a backup but as a backup I really see a skill set that can really help this team so we talked to Billy about him a little bit after the game and uh you know I I was like so what do you think about those 10 fouls and he said it’s unbelievable actually pretty impressive a whole wheel of cheese um whole wheel of cheese not even mad but you know and then I asked him about like the execution stuff the questions that I’ve had you know about him being able to fit in at the NBA level we know what kind of production he can give you boards points his touch is good he had a nice post hook the other day um and so you know what he was saying is like um you know that he’s going to compete he’s going to give you everything he has and sometimes that competitive instinct is there’s going to be mistakes he’s another guy that for as competitive as he is he wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t that so um you know he may be undersized but there’s not going to be people who work as hard as he is so um I think that’s great I think that helps you get to a point where you can actually like execute those schemes but I I do think they’re kind of like the rooing between the lines of it is like he’s not quite there yet and so that’s going to be a process for him I also asked about the two threes that he took and uh bd3 was like we give him two threes per game if he misses them he’s done but I think it you know it speaks to the fact that they are trying to expand his game Beyond just like and we know the touch like I I I think he’s going to get to a point where he can maybe knock a couple down because they’re not going to guard him out there so he said he’s been working on that a ton in the g- League last year with Henry dmer Kant who is the coach and now who’s going to be on the bench with uh Billy and the big team um but so just continuing to expand that game and that’s really what this whole summer league process is about what did you think about S I mean yeah it’s what you and I were chatting about watching him in in game one was just like the motor yeah the motor is always running and he continued to show that last night the fouls it’s hilarious uh I mean if we are talking about soogo maybe being a bigger part of the Bull’s future you know I people in the chat are talking about V right now V still here two more years 41 mil guaranteed he’s still here not we also signed Jaylen Smith the only free agent signing the Bulls made this summer true so soogo still doesn’t really have a path to meaningful minutes this upcoming season true so I’m not worried about the 10 fouls in the summer league game true if we get to a point where the Bulls see soogo as a piece that they actually want to utilize more then you need to talk about okay the motor is there it’s incredible he’s always hustling he’s crashing the offensive class he’s getting putbacks he’s decent defensively can we cut down the fouls yeah but that that that’s a tomorrow problem sure yeah that’s the issue that’s where and again that’s the backup center thing right you know what I mean that’s not something I wanted my starter but he had one of my favorite plays uh in in the game it was I can’t remember what quarter it was but there was a loose ball and he went on the floor for it like he died right on the floor battled for it ended up with it kicked it out kicked it over to mes who ended up you know hitting a three so it’s that 50/50 like Stacy King talks about a lot those 50-50 loose balls kind of things right and he creates that we saw him when the when the ball uh is up in the air and there two guys on him he will create an opportunity you know for somebody on the Bulls to get the ball even if he can’t by just tipping it up tipping it in the air and doing things like that so I I’d love that kind of thing from a backup center you know what I’m saying who’s going to provide that for for the Chicago Bulls but I think there’s a place for him on his team man like that skill set when you have that kind of touch around the realm and all you do is get rebounds especially offensive rebounds who gives you extra possessions you got to have that on your squad in a jersey you got to have it on there in some kind of way uh shout out to Chicago Bulls chat in the comments who said uh oh uh it’s c r UK aside from the big three AKA Phillips soogo M DJ Stewart has impressed me the most I did also want to give a quick shout out to Stuart because we talk about how sloppy Summer League game can be and we’ve certainly seen plenty of slop at the both first two games Steward was pretty quiet in game one in game two he bounced back pretty effectively 15 points on five of eight four five at the free throw line and nine dimes to zero turnovers that’s impressive I like it look I I I don’t think DJ Stewart is somebody that we’re going to be talking about come October sure but when you have that like okay who’s going to run point Who’s going to try to control this chaos of summer league basketball that’s like so fast-paced and all over the place Stuart really had a really tight game last night yeah he’s he’s aggressive and he’s he feels like a Score first kind of guy so I thought it was nice that he ended up with nine assists you know but and no turnovers that’s cool but he feels like a guy that’s a Score first kind of guy but he has no problem facilitating you know and getting guys the ball and where they need to be but the energy and the motor is definitely there uh he likes playing defense he likes one-on-one you know putting his body on on the other player when they’re trying to bring the ball up he enjoys that kind of contact so yeah there there’s a place for him I think in the in the league as far as the G League or something like that yeah but yeah man I don’t think he played bad at all yeah I think he’s like he’d be for me a better candidate as a two-way than Funk or Dr at this point he’s 22 which obviously is not like you know super high upside in terms of like I mean part of the reason why you like the modest pick is because he’s 19 and he’s already doing this like if you were to have gone with dton connect who’s 23 yeah like you already know what it is you’ve already lost those first I mean that’s that’s M’s whole rookie contract of development so um you know I think you want to get younger at those tway spots too and I think Steward showed some stuff scoring I thought was really good the rim pressure I thought was really good and the facilitation like he’s helping guys get better and I think that’s the kind of thing you want in summer league but I also why not give him a chance as a two-way player at least a camp invite and see what he can provide cuz I he’s got some experience but he hasn’t had like a huge opportunity in the NBA and I I would like to see more of what he can do yeah uh shout out to man eater pug in the comments long time no see excited to see how develops over the season been out of the live cast for a bit but glad to catch this one hope you all enjoying Vegas keep up the great coverage thanks for checking in man good to hear from you don’t you worry we will keep enjoying Vegas and you are welcome for the coverage cuz this right here ain’t a job oh let me I wanted to ask will this um I want to ask you about because you said something about it ear but the three-point shooting of him uh cuz we talked about how would he come back you know what I’m saying kind of after what we saw his shooting in that first game but being four of eight I thought was really good but but I what’s more impressive is the air balls that he put up that didn’t deter him you know from doing a step back yeah from doing a step back three on the Baseline you know what I mean how did you feel about the the three-point shooting of him uh in this game yeah I mean I like you believe in the form right like and you see some of the moves that he does there’s like all this footage of him like doing behind the back dribble step back snatchback stuff and then like side steps like he clearly has the skill and the like understanding of how to pull off those moves and it’s really just like is it going to go in or not and like for me I believe in the shot enough that he’s going to be in the like mid-30s and I don’t think he’s going to be like a 40% plus guy as like you know a premier shooter or sniper or like guy who’s guy who’s going to be able to come off screen stuff like that but if you can continue to pull the defense away from the rim draw hard contest and Closeouts that opens up his Rim pressure game and so I want to see him continue to take those and prove that he can make them to continue to earn that pressure from the defense uh meanwhile AJ cats popping in again still still not okay with funk andr being here no disrespect to him but Funk out there to shoot and he’s not making him Dr had two negative bball IQ moments for everyone positive moment there are fun young scores all over this summer league go get them uh there was one I can’t remember what exactly it was but you and I had one moment and you were like hey M cuz I’ve been dogging Dr for a while now mostly just cuz it’s it’s a fun joke and I don’t know what he’s doing here uh but you were like hey man he scored the Bull’s First Seven Points s point out of the gate that’s it bu buckets buckets he finished with nine it was somewhere in the second half he had just like a head scratcher where you’re like yo Henry Dr what are you doing he’s like no Henry no don’t do this he’s trying to replace Andre Drummond experience yes he is that’s what he’s doing and I don’t need that experience on my team anymore I’m good with it all right but yeah man like he he didn’t play great uh Funk definitely didn’t uh play great you’re right if he’s going be out there to shooting he can’t shoot we got to issue I think he’s H 1 three this in in the first two games that he’s been uh here with the bulls but yeah has been good man but yeah like but again this what the G league is for right you know the guys who develop and get that opportunity to see what they can do um yeah dr’s got to do better if he wants to continue to be on this team because there are plenty of athletes out here you know what I’m saying out here competing for these jobs bro so if you want it he got to get it if Reed Shepard is basketball Joey Funk is like summer league Joey nothing think [ __ ] might be troll Joe maybe yeah like he’s even I’m trying to understand this analogy like he’s even like I was sitting right there he look I’m like he could be my brother oh we could be hanging out we could have been walking out of the stadium everyone would have been like oh what are you guys doing tonight yeah no in the tables tonight some somewhere there’s a seventh grade vice principal looking for Andrew Funk because he’s supposed to be in detention and instead he’s here playing in summer league just my observations uh talking about like front Court depth we’ve been talking you know soogo V still here where’s ma gonna fit in nu style in the comments said actually soogo does have a chance who’s your backup power forward who’s your backup center are you telling me Jaylen Smith is backing up both positions all the time no Modis is a rookie um and Anthony meanwhile saying no newba Styles Smith is the backup five Modis is the backup four in my opinion goat would you agree with that at least as far as projected Billy Donovan Senor rotation coming into training camp yeah and I mean Tory Craig is still on roster too so T Craig still here still here what’s up Tory craigo there’s like zero World in which sooga is playing anything other than the five yeah and same with Jaylen Smith at this point like I don’t I don’t think he’s like mobile enough versatile enough offensively or defensively to be at the four that’s like a POS that’s like a skill position now so he’s a five um and I think you maximize what he does by putting the ball in his hands and letting him be a stretch shooter that’ll opens up the floor and if you do that as a four I think you lose a lot of that value so it’s going to be V Jaylen Smith sonogo at the five it’s going to be Patrick Tory Craig Modis at the four uh still plenty ahead here Cho Bulls Summer League live coming you from the one and only gorgeous Stadium swim here at Cort Casino uh we are going to dive into a chat that our very own will to go go had With Ur car chz and Mark everley yesterday here in Vegas talking about the future direction of the team cannot wait to into this uh while you hanging out with us a we appreciate you B hit that like button if you haven’t done it yet do it for troll Joe who’s stuck home back in Chicago under a bridge somewhere he did not get invited to Vegas he’s sad about it hit the like to make him happier cuz you know he’s collecting those in his Treasure Chest yes he is uh right now I want to give a shout out to our friends at indeed everyone is driven by the search for better but when it comes to hiring the best way 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understand he’s a baby he don’t get it why why don’t you touch the cough and why do you have to pay so much to look cool Shady Ray ain’t get that neither Shady rayer never shows the qua but they will make the qua look extra cool especially when he put those frames on his face Shady Ray’s independent sunglasses company offering that world class product rated 1 2 3 4 five stars over 300,000 people their Shades have durable frames extremely clear crystal clear optics for making it perfect for your outdoor as we’re proving and also your indoor Advent in the Cabana you can wear them in the Cabana too Cabana pathis they have hundreds of options to choose from ladies and gentlemen so you’re bound to find that perfect pair to match your style look at that stylish man and they also might have your favorite colors man got some awesome colors that I didn’t even know about Shady Rays had now I’m going to have to go get me some man how can I do that well exclusively for the listeners out there Shady Rays is giving away their best deal of the Season head to Shady use the code C HG for 35 % off those premium polarized Shades hit it Joe the Shady are rated five stars by over 300,000 people because the Shady Rays y’all with them rays are Oho Shady that was a total botch on my part it’s all right man Su leag Joey I got it s leag Joy’s got a lot of can I can I get one thing in here before we go to goats AK thing totally off Tropic but we have all these all City people walking around we have Kale’s right here he’s got headphones on and all I can think of is when you guys are talking about troll Joey and Baby Joey touching ghost like are they just like what the [ __ ] are they talking about correct troll Joey suck under a bridge in Chicago I’m sorry what I’m just waiting for somebody to be like what are you guys talking about kale this is how you interact with I don’t even know what we’re talking about so worse for me worse it could be worse Joe it could be worse Jo also shout out to to my other new Joey yeah Joey uh red vest and now Joey blue vest Joe red vest Joey BL face out here man dude we’ll have to ask you which is the better Joey red vest or Joey blue vest which one did you enjoy the best I liked Joey’s Joey blue vest opportunity I mean he was sitting on the floor right joest Jo at the Thomas and Max Center the big boy stadium and he was positioned in one of those photog boxes on the court right by the bull b Joey red vest ran so that Joey blue vest could fly that’s how I like how you started with ran instead of walk so he can run oh no he ran Dr threw his warmup on my face basically it was the best moment ever well yeah he’s Henry Dr that’s right man summer league and windy city Superstar he throws his warm-up Jersey wherever he damn well pleases first seven points in the game even if that’s in your face face in your face that was a goat all right uh let’s dive into this uh fascinating chat y’all U go put this up uh last night right as the game was getting underway go check it out at if you haven’t yet as we’re talking about this uh an exclusive interview you and a couple other members of the beat shout out to our guy Darnell Mayberry of the athletic uh Casey Johnson NBC we’re able to have a little uh a little powwow with AK and ever Lee the Bulls front office Brain Trust here in Vegas talking about what they have done so far this off seon and what they still Li have lying ahead of them to do when it comes to tweaking this team and and getting themselves back on track for a brighter future goat I mean we we can talk about any and all kinds of this combo but what was your first takeaway walking out of that I think the big thing is like this is a this is going to be a work in progress they are not a finished product right now and I think like the main criticism like that kind of the umbrella criticism of everything that went down the last 3 years was that like ultimately they didn’t make improvements they didn’t change direction they didn’t they held on to a team that we all could see was not going to reach the levels that they wanted it to cat three years in they still didn’t make any meaningful changes or adjustments and so to me like that was the overarching criticism like and that led to the depreciation of value of their assets that led to you know not really making it past the to play in and not being in a position where you could actually strike gold in the draft and so ultimately I think it all comes back to that and I don’t think that’s going to be the case here for for one I mean Zack LaVine V Lonzo ball are kind of the holdovers of that last iteration of the team and that makes up like almost $100 million in salary uh 8 $85 million in salary so that’s a lot of money on the books and at a certain point if you’re going to pay Kobe white and IO and Josh giddy you’re going to need to clear out that space in order to do that so um that was my main takeway is like they kind of rested on their Laurels too long and I think you know AK acknowledged that he was one of the things that he said was like I mean you could say we held too long we held on too long we didn’t do this soon enough but like this is where we are and I think that there’s I I think to a certain point like the two things are inseparable you can’t talk about like the decisions that they made without talking about the past decisions that they didn’t make and cuz cuz one led to the other right like if you can’t if you held on too long to Caruso then you couldn’t get as much as you would have hoped for him to start this New New Era so I don’t want to say that those things aren’t connected they absolutely are but at a certain point we have to start looking at the moves that they’re making now yeah and the team that they’re building now and the roster that they’re looking forward to that’s I think the core takeaway of what we heard yesterday was this is going to be work in progress we are not going to we are not done yet I think part of that is just like the Zack and V element of it but I think part of it too is like they aren’t putting together a team that they view as a finished product that they’re going to give chances to for 3 years okay I think there’s going to be more adjustments more moves to come and I think that’s the way that they should be approaching this you can’t sit on your hands for 3 years and not do anything when the team isn’t good enough and so I think they recognize now that this is going to have to they’re going to have to build on this and continue to make adjustments with with having those young players do you feel like the the leash is going to be longer or shorter on some guys cuz we’ve seen teams like if guys are younger and they just didn’t play well they’ll they’ll switch them out you know they’ll get or they’ll see some that just say let’s see what the development can be and then we’ll make decisions like two three years down the line how do you feel they look at yeah it’s a balance right you have to give the guys a chance and like with young players in particular it takes a while for them to develop I mean Kobe broke out in year five sure and I think you’re hoping for the same thing with Patrick giddy obviously you know progression is not linear he had a great rookie year he played a lot in his second year and then last year he was not really a part of the rotation and like the argument was that like they got too good too fast and it’s like well okay well if you’re not good enough to be a part of that like that’s I think very telling so he has a lot to prove and I think that the Bulls are going to give them Runway to do that I think that becomes a challenge when you still have Zack and V on the roster but I think it’s going to have to be this balance of like evaluation and like adjustments without you know acting so fast that you can’t get a full view of what the young guys are but also not giving them so much time that you’re not helping them improve by making changes to help put more Talent around them that can help expand their game m I okay I mean there’s a lot to get into with this and different puzzle pieces you mentioned Zach and V we can touch on them dear you know there there’s some interesting stuff about dear from Everly in your column I I’m just going to say this and then I’ll I’ll move on from being bitter at least for the duration of this episode I do app and I’ll also preface it with this I appreciate AK and everle being willingly transparent with you and a fellow members of the beat who came out here to Vegas took the time to cover this team and wanted that opportunity and of course would say yes any time they come to media and say hey y’all want to talk because Bulls fans frustrations for years has been centrally focused on a lack of accountability when it comes to hey this team things seem not right right now and the people who are running it are hiding where are they we’d like to hear from them so credit where it’s due this was not a normally scheduled appearance from front office they did this thanks to them for doing this AK Still trying to phrase that and the quotes in your column will about whether or not they waited too late to make these changes and finally making them he said we’re kind of now we’re kind of making these changes you could argue with it too late or early but that’s where we are right now I’m sorry or early I think to me that yeah I I understand the way that sounds but maybe he just threw it in there as like another word to put in a sentence but there’s no world in which you like it’s like he he finally acknowledged that they waited too long and it kind of put them in a really tough spot because he waited too long and he’s still not fully acknowledging he’s like well you could say we waited too long no dude you waited too damn long I think that was his way of saying it and I I don’t think it came off the way that he probably would have hoped but to me that was him saying like yeah we probably waited too long yeah so so say it with your freaking chest man own that you talk about accountability then be accountable cuz that I don’t know that that bugged me it seemed real dodgy and ducky and like admitting a mistake but not fully adting admitting the mistake and waiting too long to admit the mistake about waiting too long to do your job F all right what else do we hear uh let’s let’s talk about the Demar thing because I think that that was a really interesting factor of this conversation will talking about the decision to kind of hang on to this core that dear was leading and Demar kind of just barely keeping them afloat with quote unquote competitiveness trying to make the playoffs the last two uh years in the East and coming up just short what did you make of the way everle put dear into that equation yeah yeah I thought that was super interesting because you know what he said was like basically dear was a big factor in our decision to not move off of this era and my interpretation of this this is not something that they said this is just my read I just don’t think they had good offers for dear to where it made sense to trade him okay because otherwise I think they would have explored that but when you obviously we know they had offers for Caruso and for Drummond and Zach was out for the season and you know the rest of it was what it was but like I think if they had offers for d rozan 2 it would have made sense to start turning this thing down then but if you were just going to trade Caruso and Drummond and keep dear and you still kind of I don’t think it was like dear had any say in the direction of the team I don’t think they were like you know giving him you know influence in the front office decision making but I think it was like when he I mean he said when they signed dear in the first place it was a commitment to trying to win and a commitment to you know know being a very high competitive team and obviously it didn’t work and they should have moved off it sooner but when you can’t move on from dear the only thing you can do is like take away pieces that can help him I think that influenced their decision and you know they said multiple times like we were just one game away from the playoffs so it wasn’t like we were completely out of this eyes rolling out the back of my head yeah again we can agree agree or disagree with that I disagree but that that played into the decision- making if there was no trade for DeRozan and like they were still trying to be competitive I I think they probably still could have made the 10 seed just because the Nets were a dumpster fire the Raptors were what they what they did last year I was like on par with you know some of the great tank jobs in NBA history impressive um so I think they still would have made the the 10 seed but I think they just felt like they kind of owed it to the rest of this era and I think that that really was kind of to me a takeaway from the whole of the last two years it’s like they felt like they owed it to this team to to continue to give them chances and and I think ultimately we disr that but that from their perspective I I think that that is that was a huge influence on you know not moving off this thing sooner obviously what the other big person to talk about here is Zack LaVine yeah let’s talk about Z so what was said about Zach about uh the idea of trading Zach or keeping Zack what what was said about Zack aine in this so I think the expectation right now is Zach will be on the team next year at least to start the season um you know he is they kept on saying he’s healthy now and he’s going to come in in training camp be a professional I think they believe that Zach’s poor play last year was a result of the injury that he had it really frustrated him obviously like the trade noise was out there you know clutch played a factor in that Zach played a factor in that the Bulls played a factor in that but when you’re injured when you’ve got all this off the court stuff going on and when the team was 5 and 14 with him like I can understand the frustration on Zach’s part and so um I think they feel right now that like Zach is going to come in he’s going to be healthy and that’s going to allow him to play better and when he’s playing better he’s a really good player that can help the other guys around him you know we can discuss how the usage stuff impacts the ball in giddy’s hands you know the development of buellis and Kobe and some of these other younger guys but like the reality of the situation is there’s not a good deal out for Zach right now and they are not going to attach picks to move on from him as they enter a phase where you know they they were very hesitant to say and they did not say that this was a rebuild or a tear down or a tank like they did not want that to be the case I think what they want is to build a core of young players that they can move forward with and so that they can kind of kick start or rebuild without having to have the three fouryear tank job that the Nets are now going to be undertaking and so um they’re not going to remove assets from their War chest when you enter that phase I mean you you you cannot do that so um I think that was really reassuring to know that that’s not going to be the case you know we can debate whether we think this is good for Zach in terms of his ability to rehabilitate his value um but I think ultimately they believe he’s going to be healthy that’s going to help him play better and that’s going to help the team around him and so when you talk about the the four factors of him losing value around the league it’s him being hurt him not playing well him not helping the team win the team playing better without him and the new CBA making his contract look really unpalatable if he comes back and is healthy and plays better and helps the team win you remove three of those things and all you’re left with is the contract but the contract is influenced by those other things and so I think there’s going to be this is again just me speculating based on you know what we heard from them is like there’s going to be I think opportunities closer to the trade deadline next year for them to move off of that cuz the the the key wordss were like you know building around a young core and like clearly Zach is going to be 30 next year he’s not and V too like they’re not going to be fixtures of the next iteration of the team but they’re not going to be in a rush to move them so much so that they have to sacrifice other parts of their future in the form of draft Capital to move on from them so I think that’s the right approach for me like that’s how I would do it I’m not saying that like this situation is going to be perfect with Zach coming back I think there’s going to be problems with it and flaws with it and you know if Zach doesn’t play well that could be a problem if Zach gets hurts again that could be a problem but I think it’s better than attaching picks to move up him that that to me would be a non-starter and it seems like it is for the Bulls as well Dave your take on the Zach situation I mean I want him traded yeah you know what I mean cuz he wants to be traded and they want be going and I just want to start the youth movement now and get those things but we all can’t always get what you want but sometimes you get what you need but what will stated about those four pillars is is very key because he has to Showcase that and that’s the weird position of Zach other than a guy like James Harden or anything like that who has cache right who had things built up in his bag already to be like no I’ve already proven I can do certain things I’ve already shown you I’ve got an MVP trophy I got this and that so certain players like him are allowed to do you know those those pouty things right cuz they have built up already a nice resume Zach still has to kind of build that um I know the team always I’ve never really heard the issue about him with the team internally I know people were wondering about that would that work him coming back would that be weird I I had never heard anything well to to the contrary that it would be an issue with the guys in the locker room and an interesting wrinkle to throw into that conversation about like well looks like Zach’s coming back this year uh this coming season um you know Stacy shout out to our buddy on a recent episode of give me the hot sauce was talking about like hey look like Zach likes his teammates and Zach’s teammates like him the issue and the friction in the locker room that’s been going on for a couple years now is Zach and Billy Zach is not a fan of Billy I don’t know if it all STS back to that one time Billy benched Zach in the fourth quarter of a game where he was playing like absolute dog piss but if if that’s all it is then I think that that’s like okay Zach get over it man but maybe it goes deeper than that and maybe they don’t see eye eye on certain things maybe Zach thinks Billy should orchestrate more of his offense and game plan around him as opposed to dear you know those conversations have been going on since the Bulls hot start in the 2021 season or the 2122 season like maybe it’s one of those things but the question of we can’t trade Zach we’re not going to give up assets to move him will it sounds like you’re pretty confident that that’s what how they feel about it and he’s back here will it be a problem youth movement locker room you know Kobe hoping for a bigger role Josh giddy arrives in the trade and is going to need the ball in his hands like okay Zach’s professional but how long will he be I’ll pretend I’m happy for now professional I think that is the bet that they’re making that to your point Dave he’s not like James Harden he’s not Ben Simmons he’s not going to stay home and not come in and be a professional um because at this point like the fact of the matter is they are moving towards a youth movement and it’s not complete yet but like Zack knows that in order to get moved he has to be a professional and you know rearn some of the Goodwill that you know I think we all feel like he probably deserves um and so the only way to do that is come back and perform and fit in and I think that’s what they are hoping he’s going to do so um you know again I I’m not saying that this is going to be like a perfect H you know fairy tale ending I don’t think that’s the case but I think Zach knows that he’s going to have to play well in order to get moved that’s really what it comes down to and so that that’s what is going to have to happen I I do like the quote AK uh we’re not going to make the de we’re not going to make deals that are not going to make us better we’re going to be patient with that but I think we’re far away from a finished product now the fact that he said you know that we aren’t rushing to make these deals cuz everything we know about AK is him being aggressive on these kind of things and these kind of situations which is kind of why you get a Josh Giddy and no picks you know what I mean cuz you’re being aggressive and you just want what you want at that point the fact he said no we’re going to be patient on this we’re going to take our time because we’re not going to take something that’s going to take away stuff that we have we need to be bringing in things that for me just said okay Zach in a jersey vu in a jersey Lonzo in a jersey you know because to get rid of those guys you’re going to have to take some losses to get rid of them and get them off your team if you want to do it now how it might look as it goes on might be different those guys play differently and the team pops up and says oh we’re trying to make the playoffs we we’re willing to work with you guys but he’s being patient about it understanding what this year is finally and getting what they have to do is is a good it’s good foresight and hindsight to have at the same time yeah and just like my kind of like overall arching overarching takeaways from this is like I think this was an acknowledgement that obviously things did not go well but they I think they also waited too long and so um I think again we can agree or disagree with like the way that they’re approaching this I wrote a whole thing about how there’s some stuff I would have done differently but generally speaking like I think that they are putting themselves on a path that makes a lot more sense to me and I don’t think that like that part of it can be overlooked because they they have to continue to make moves to improve I think they have learned from previous mistakes and I think they are going to continually adjust and try to find the right way to do this but like ultimately getting a bunch of young players not having to go through a miserable rebuild like that makes sense to me I don’t think that they are going to this is the other last thing is like I don’t think they’re viewing this as a Tank season I think they’re viewing this as a obviously it’s a bit of a step back from having Demar and Caruso but I think that they feel like if they are bad and get to keep their pick that’s a win if they are good it will have been because the young guys really popped and performed and that means that you’re on the right track and you’re building towards something great so I think that’s the very fine line that they’re walking I think that’s a fine approach obviously the details are what they are but I I think that uh and we can talk more about this tomorrow we’ve got to wrap up but um you know I think that this is it was great to hear kind of from their perspective how they’re approaching this and you know I don’t agree with all of it but it’s just I think hearing it and understanding it and just having that open and honest conversation with them goes long way for us to be able to talk about this thing accurately finally some level of acknowledgement even if it was a little late a lot late and still kind of half acid in its you know apologetic form it’s at least something uh and I as a bulls fan who was cranky with this front office for a while now I’m a little less cranky at them I’m still cranky and I’m still skeptical but uh I’m glad that you and your fellow beat members were able to get that opportunity to chat with them out here in Vegas uh appreciate them for doing it and uh we we’ll see what happens we do have to wrap up we got to keep things tight we got four shows going simultaneously every day uh while we’re out here in Vegas we got dmvr Nuggets coming around the corner so we’ll get out of here for now just a reminder go read goat’s column with his interview eversley and AK from yesterday so where you can find that plus tons of other stuff that Will’s written I’ve got two parts of a diary pecking order up that’s up right now that you can read too uh and more content we’re going to go back to Thomas and Mac today see what’s going on BTS don’t have a game but we’re going to go check it out anyway talk to talk to some hoops fans uh thanks for tuning in hit the like button on your way out shout out to our pal producer Joey on the control shout out to kale who’s also hanging out here in the command with us the one and only willly go Godly willor goly big day bow bwo Sports I’m Bulls we are csor bulls we are here for another 24 hours or so uh follow along chore Bulls we’re here in Vegas uh shout out to our friends at Coors Light presenting sponsors for summer league content and of course our wonderful host cir Resort and Casino I’m going to go get in that pool Stadium swim until next time see you right be good peace [Music] [Applause]

The CHGO Bulls crew is LIVE from Circa Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, breaking down the Bulls loss to the Warriors in NBA Summer League. Matas Buzelis recovered from a rocky start to finish with a game-high 28 points, including some sweet shooting and a monster dunk in the fourth quarter. Should Bulls fans be buying the Buzelis hype through the Bulls’ first two games? Matt, Big Dave and Will also analyze some answers we got from Arturas Karnisovas and Marc Eversley about the future direction of the team. What sounded right, what didn’t, and how should Bulls fans feel about this still-in-progress youth movement?

An ALLCITY Network Production








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  1. Now that we have Jalen Smith, why can't Sanogo be our backup PF??? Smith has the ability to stretch the floor, Sanogo is a low post player. It balances out

  2. Quick question, how bad was Buzelis shooting percentage BEFORE the g-league? Seems like everyone is basis is shooting solely off of last yr.

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