@San Antonio Spurs

Brian Whindhorst Is CRAZY ABOUT San Antonio!

Brian Whindhorst Is CRAZY ABOUT San Antonio!

Brian windhorse is a Spurs fan now is he is he I think I know what this is actually about I want [Music] some are we having fun yet all right so we’re going to talk about Brian Wind Horse and he had something to say about San Antonio Spurs apparently um big shout out to Josh Petes for uh posting this good stuff my boy I love I love Josh predit on Twitter by the way um so yeah guys go follow go follow Josh PR is but he posted this Brian windhorse has fully converted to a San Antonio Advocate now now we all know that Brian windhorse he’s known for looking at LeBron James seeing the trajectory in which his career was going to go once he got to the NBA and just holding on for dear life and it eventually helped his career uh in return and I would not be surprised if he sees how great wimy is and he’s about to try to do the same thing but that is fine I don’t care it’s not I don’t think it’s like morally wrong or anything like that just just poting it out just pointing it out um now before we take a look at this Spurs Invasion link below please go subscribe to Spurs Invasion um got some uh videos out I am still working on the Jeremy soan one in which I don’t know when this video will be uploaded but it should be um I should have that video done in the next coming week so the week of the hold on the week of the 15th we’ll just do that the week of the 15th um this this should be another video should be out all right Wind Horse wait that’s not it here we go all right windhorse break it down for us what what do you have to say what do you have to say for yourself one of the things he said was he had a conversation with Harrison Barnes and uh he told him all kinds of things about dear told him all kinds of things about living in San Antonio and bar and told him all kinds of things about living yeah yeah probably too late do a house swap at least yeah I assume that dear unloaded unloaded his house I’ll tell you what though there’s some nice houses in San Antonio boy you know there’s you know I I’m an I find myself advocating for San Antonio over the last few months I I feel like you know for years I was like somebody’s going to go to the Knicks somebody’s going to go to the Knicks and people were like when is someone going to go to the Knicks and I was like maybe no one’s going to go to the Knicks now I’m advocating for San Antonio like who wants to go there and play with Victor who wants to go there and you know live in a good climate in a great tax situation and a growing city somebody’s going to go there sounds like when he says climate he’s not talking about weather right cuz like Texas wether I mean the weather everywhere is terrible I know I understand but like I I’m of the understanding that Texas have been on is like a whole another level I mean my my guys from Texas my my guys and girls from Texas um is it is it as bad as they say it it seems like it’s as bad as it say as as the news say I don’t know need a chamber of commerce shirt for uh window here soon saying and listen listen they’ve got velvet tacos down there too they got they got bies and they got velvet tacos I’m telling you and they got barbecue it’s not a bad not a bad deal their arena is a and it’s a very close drive to Austin well their their their arena is a very close drive to Nowhere it’s across the street from a from a graveyard I’ve said this so many times and San Antonio fans get like irritated when I say this um well some do I hate where it’s located dude I’m sorry I hate I hate hate hate where where the Stadium’s located I I I’m so happy that they’re relocating it the times I’ve gone to San Antonio I I don’t I don’t understand why it’s located there I don’t I don’t get it I don’t like it that is true that is true uh all right San Anton or uh more on San Antonio for the next six months when I when you guys tell me I was right about that and uh mcmah wins the you were the one talking last week about how they right about right about what about how getting there is going to be a smart move dude you were just telling us last week they were tanking I agree I say they’re they’re doing a semi tank I’m not I’m just saying it’s going to look like a good place to be that’s my point they’re running your butt out of town who is arguing with that you’re arguing the sky the sky is blue at 11 you’re arguing with it Wendy’s going arguing with that San Antonio’s gonna like yes Victor’s GNA be great for a long time no one’s arguing that that’s what I no one’s arguing that he just want to be that guy he just want to be that guy where he’s like I was right this entire time and all you guys were wrong but I don’t think anyone said that there’s no honestly even the biggest haters and I don’t Spurs F I mean yes be real I mean as far as our franchise we don’t have that many haters right like it’s literally like the Houston Rockets and that it that’s it like even the Dallas Mavericks fans respect us like there there’s not many fans that hate on San Antonio but even the biggest haters in in in uh the Houston Rockets they even admit like oh my God they are a threat they are scary that’s why they cheer and get so excited and lose their minds when shenon can get uh a layup up on on wimy like they just lose it they they just can’t handle it right it’s like a championship um so even they know but yeah at the end of the day I don’t think anybody’s really arguing that all right this was a weird this was a weird video I do I do agree with him a lot of people are going to want come to San Antonio it’s just this specific off season there hasn’t been any great free agents and nor are the Spurs in really the situation to uh start fully building building around wimy they’re trying they’re trying um but you you still got to figure out like what works for wimy what works around and what type of players do you need um and I’m I’m calling this right now I think that you can get some guys that aren’t necessarily Superstars but just have High basketball IQ and that will suffice I really do believe that I think that will suffice get them some good 3 and D players um some High basketball IQ guys and you’re you’re good to go because he can just do so much on the court um but hey as far as it it’s not about all the things that womy can do I guess it’s more so about uh what can we do for wimy to make it as easy as possible because if if the San Antonio Spurs can get off 20 lobs a game um and win and win by 50 they’re going to do that every single game if they can get away with it it’s easy easy easy peasy as you possibly can but anyways good stuff here good stuff guys please go subscribe to Spurs Invasion link below in the description box I give it you guys later until next time bye [Music] m


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  1. Windhorst started at an Akron newspaper when Bron was in middle school, they just came up together at the right time. He’s in love with Wemby, has been on him since he was a teen. He knows his ish.

  2. South Texas native here. It’s hot as hell 10 months out of the year. Plus hurricanes every now and then.

  3. He was in Paris to interview Wemby the night SA won the lottery he sure is tryna do the same thing yea it's okay but it DEFINES THE WEMBY A EFFECT ALMOST TO THE T

  4. You don't need to apologize for hating where the arena is, locals do too. It was a political sham to try and spark commerce in an area nobody wants to live or go. Businesses never came and we are stuck with it until this next project. They had a very centrally property where the soccer stadium is now had they wanted it.

    Also, it do be hot down here.

  5. Maybe I’m biased I lived in San Antonio my whole life but it’s beautiful during the spring time being a millionaire here is definitely a good gig especially compared to the colder climates. U just gotta find the hidden gems there’s a cool video of sochan hanging out in Southtown area it’s easy simple living imo compared to Austin, Austin is a lot more hectic I think

  6. The reason the Arena is where it is… Is because it is a historically black part of San Antonio and also historically under invested in. The Spurs organization fought to be there with the thought of the city finally investing in the eastside. Which didn't happen. You may have a cemetery close but it's a United States National Cemetery administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs meaning it taken care of. You know who else is across the street… Coca-Cola, who could invest more in building up the area as well. Also, a very nice and very well attended golf course. I understand business and moving downtown, I do, but the area that was promised to be built up is now going to be left to pick up the pieces. I applaud the Spurs for attempting to help build up the eastside though. I know a number of small businesses like BallHogz BBQ that have grown because of it. I've always seen it as a failed opportunity for the city, but I also understand how long-term real estate plans go.

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