@Minnesota Timberwolves

“We Got So Much Talent.” | Luka Garza & Grady Interview In Las Vegas

“We Got So Much Talent.” | Luka Garza & Grady Interview In Las Vegas

alongside the Luca Garza Luka how’s your summer been so far it’s been incredible uh you know I took some time off once the season ended got to go to Europe see some family uh see my cousins out there and then came back and got back to work it’s it’s been great great so far just out of curiosity where in Europe uh Italy all three of my cousins play professional over there so I was over there following my uh middle cousin he was in a A2 championship and they won so it was cool to follow that around and see that it was good to relax I’m sure what was it like coming off the high of such an incredible season for the Wolves yeah I think for me uh just being around it and being able to experience uh a run like that was something that you know I feel like I learned so much that I didn’t even know it was out there you know uh I feel like no one can kind of tell you what it’s like until you’ve been through it and to be in those locker rooms and in those moments with those guys uh you know I I felt like I learned so much and I’m just so grateful for that experience what kind of things you think the team collectively learned about getting so deep in the post season absolutely I mean I think it’s all about the team who can stay even killed you know there’s so much that goes up and down with in the middle of the series in the middle of the game uh you know with the media with everything that’s going on all the adjustments and who can stay kind of even killed as a team that’s going to win and and uh I think you see that when you know older experienced guys that like the Boston Cel this year you know they were they were more experienced than every other team they’d been to the finals they’ve been to Western Conference Finals a bunch of times or Eastern Conference Finals a bunch of times and I think that experience really helped them and uh helped them get the job done you signed on to remain with the Timberwolves what did that mean to you to be able to stick with this franchise that’s p a lot into you to this point yeah it meant it meant so much to me you know when I got here uh you know I was on exhibit 10 training camp contract uh had to make the team and made a two-way and then obviously worked and worked and work got converted and now to this uh you know it’s continuing to put positive steps and and I know there’s a lot more positive steps for me in the future so that’s what I’m working towards now what are some things that you’re working on as far as your game this summer remember last year you you changed your diet you’re working on a number of different things what’s been the focus this summer yeah I mean I think I really like what my frames at right now from the work I did last summer and I feel like I’ve been able to stay consistent uh throughout this year and I think now it’s just kind of continuing to maintain that add to it um and and and go back to working on all of the you know skill that I have all all of the different things that I can help I think I can you know uh truly be one of the best Shooters in this league and uh so I’m working on that I’m working on my handle obviously um you know with me I’m always working on the defensive end and my ability to move my ability to switch my ability to just be out there and and help the team win and uh so I’m doing whatever I can to continue to make sure that when my when my name’s called I’m ready and uh you know I know that’s my role and uh you know I’m I’m locked in for that and I know that I can help this team uh when when needed so you watch the summer league Squad and then see them get the job done in their game uh what’s it like watching the young guys go out there and compete in summer league play yeah it’s a lot of fun you know I’ve been working with those guys all summer so far so just to see you know their work kind of come out there and and you know get off to a good start with the first win uh you know I’ve seen the behind the scenes how hard these guys are pushing and uh we got so much talent on our team you know we got as much as anybody else in the league we just are a part of one of the best teams in basketball so I’m really excited for those guys to be able to go out there and have a platform to show it and and obviously for the rookies you know this is something that you know it just got drafted a couple weeks ago this is all brand new and being able to step up in those lights and and and play well and be ready for the moment is something that’s super impressive uh you know I know what that what that’s like obviously we all do uh but it it’s a lot fun and and I’m really excited to see them you know get a couple more wins hopefully bring this Championship home enjoy yourself my man good to see you thank you I appreciate it [Music]


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  1. This dude is gonna be an All Star soon! ⭐️ Wait until he gets his opportunity to start! Stay with the process Garza! The talent is definitely there. Your time will come to show everyone. .

    It’s awesome to hear that he enjoy’s to see the success of his teammates as well! This shows the type of person he is. 🐺🔥

    To everyone saying that he’s only here because of his loyalty and work ethic, and that’s why he got a contract, you’re delusional lol. 😆 This dude is a monster on the court! Best player in college basketball, G league MVP. . Straight savage that’s about to explode on the map! We’re so lucky to have you, bro!

  2. im kinda dying to see a Luka Kat Naz lineup just shooting lights out. He really impressed me when his number was called against denver in the regular season when the other 3 bigs were out. Its always been about his defense to get more of those opportunities, and it really looked like he was on to something there. but having 3 pseudo centers able to shoot around 40 percent from 3 would be a nuts lineup.

  3. Iowa Wolves fan here, I am rooting for Luka so much, I really think Luke could have helped us vs Dallas thats no joke. Cant wait for 2025!

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