@Minnesota Timberwolves

Anthony Edwards says he could beat anyone on Team USA at swimming 😂

Anthony Edwards says he could beat anyone on Team USA at swimming 😂

by JaderMcDanersStan


  1. vapemyashes

    I can’t love this guy anymore and then he goes and rizzes me up time after time

  2. SammySoapsuds

    I like the earlier clip where he had no idea what freestyle was called but still said he was the best at it

  3. Successful_Creme1823

    He’s got these non stop “are you the best” “could you beat x” questions these journalists always ask down.

    Doesn’t even have to think — just say you’re the best with a lil grin and we all love it. Pretty smart!

  4. patentlypleasant

    Honestly I thought this was from r/nbacirclejerk when I first read the title


    Someone could ask Ant if he believes the moon landing is real and his response would be “I coulda walked on it better”

  6. his soul thrives in competition. there aren’t many that have that much drive to win, in anything, no matter what

  7. egospiers

    “Whatever you need me to do… trash can ball…cook food… whatever you need me to do, A1 from day 1”. This man is gold!

  8. Real-Psychology-4261

    God damn to have the charisma of ANT would be something.

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