@Sacramento Kings

NBA Summer League rolls on | The Carmichael Dave Show with Jason Ross

NBA Summer League rolls on | The Carmichael Dave Show with Jason Ross

Sports coverage from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Sports the carmichel Dave show he’s on the microphone when he’s not on the microphone he’s playing a song and he’s not playing a song He’s on the microphone and then boom with Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he e e e I don’t think that’s ever true I’m pretty sure it was never you and me in the night wasn’t it actually maybe a couple I mean Shawn was there yeah that was the night show that I remember but when Shawn and you were both there Shawn was never in the room with me no yeah so what were you doing no I was in the room with him I was screening phone calls yeah back when we had staff MH literally had somebody there to screen phone calls I would screen phone calls i’ get audio for the show that would be very helpful yeah that would be incredibly helpful you would think as go and get your cigarettes that’s right what’s the rest of the story on that though because I you let me keep the change thank you and it wasn’t like 8 which I would also take with me I would also like hey can you go grab me some food and get whatever you want for yourself yes yes let’s be fair and I think there were maybe you may or may not remember this there might have been in all the years we worked at the on the night show there might have been I think two maybe three instances where I asked you to get me water and it was always because I was like literally choking or something was wrong and I would be like super apologetic because I was an intern and I think if if you served as an intern ever I believe as an intern what I would do is get the water for you before you even came in the studio I think you did a lot I think you did no that sound that sounds right and to be fair you didn’t ask for that no but but you know anticipation that’s part of the deal and you know you get you talk a lot now you know I always have something with me but um if you serve as an intern I think you treat interns better um definitely it depends well if you’re a decent person and you serve as an intern I will not say the person’s name but the person that I remember when I was an intern yeah would just crap on us and like it was like uh he saw it as a trying to think of the word like ha almost hazing like also you have to prove yourself type of thing and like not realizing that if you’re an intern you’re trying to get a job and you are doing a job cover your mouth and tell me my ear who it is really him I would have guess that a million years oh yeah he was yeah but hold on that’s like when everyone’s just like oh did you know he’s in town I’m like screw him I think he was my intern for so wait my intern had an intern eventually like when he would fill in ah oh there’s a couple of those yeah yeah and there’s some weekend like I think we used to have like a weekend football show that was like a fun show did you so that’s that’s one of the first shows I worked on but I don’t know if it was the same one it was The Big Show with Jason Ross and Steve Buzzard with Steve Goss running everything I don’t think you were no this I mean I think it’s like it was it was really like Red Zone before Red Zone because it would be I want to say it was John Dickinson and I want to say this person that shall not be named yeah okay I think that yeah that came later because when I started it was me and might have been Joe Pitman and maybe just random interns that didn’t stick around long and we would all there were like three trod rooms this is in the old Madison Building and we would be in there with dats digital audio tapes and they would be running on uh different we would have different feeds from different games so we’d be able to cover three four games at a time and we’d all be recording and Jason and Steve would be on remote somewhere usually Bobby McGee God probably McGee and when the the whole job was and in retrospect it was actually kind of fun the whole job was to sit in there and wait until there was a score and if a team was in like the red zone or something you you’d yell back to go hey we’re in the Red Zone you know prepare and then it would score you’d wait for the call to end the play-by-play call and then your job was to queue it back make sure it was ready for the start of the play you’d literally run down the hall toss the tape to goss Goss would say in the ifb which is the that the guys on the remote can hear but you guys can’t hear listening hey we’ve got uh Maurice Jones Drew eight yard touchdown Jags and Jason they’ play the Stinger we’ve got a scoring update in Jacksonville and then goson roll the tape and then it it it was one of those real time goofy things that would never happen now yeah but I me it was fun we didn’t have tapes so we it was all digital with the time I uh I started yeah it’s a lot different now and honestly I don’t know I mean maybe it exists on like Sirius or something I don’t know about it but I I feel like a show like that would still with everybody playing fantasy football if you’re not at home oh yeah just rolling around listening I’d want to listen to a show like that yeah I think the problem is that most people who play Fantasy Football and are not home more than likely have their phones on Red Zone now maybe sell it as like a hey do you not want to get in a car accident uh uh but back in night times I don’t remember maybe I did I just don’t remember stressing out about summertime like I do now and I think part of that I think because most of the shows are like summertime already that’s what that’s exactly right it was a different thing it was a different type of um it was a much different type of pressure God it it was because there was none you know the the boss Mike Ry who Jason was talking about last week celebrating his 30th uh here uh you know Mike m the the the night show was like Talent Development if you will the bullpen where everybody you you shoved everybody in the Night Show and tried to develop them for when somebody else would leave and this was back when hosts we didn’t change lineups forever it was uh uh rise guys into Jim Rome into da and Mike uh into grant or Grant and Mike and um and Co and then the night show and that was that way probably for what a decade easily like throughout my entire school that’s what I remember it was that’s that’s line it’s a great lineup um speaking of the guy you were I want to give it away but the guy you were talking about um that we won’t mention because I actually love the guy which is hilar everybody does I know I know I but I get why you don’t and I support why you don’t um but the funniest one of the funniest things he was ever was the uh it was the mic lamb off I I do remember that it was him and who was the other guy Timmy Timmy the intern that’s right Timmy the intern becoming Timmy The Postman yeah we didn’t because I would I would you know nine o’clock was when we started you roll in the end of the show maybe cross talk with Co and Jason and then sometimes last like a half hour that yeah it would just which I was a fan of yeah stay as long as you want and uh and my notes for the show would be you know I’d sit down and be like oh I have five ideas let’s write them down in bullet points on a Post-It or something and we were lucky if we got if I had five ideas we were lucky if we got to to all five and that’s where it would be like that’s where we got into things like candy brackets and cereal brackets I mean brackets were our friends and God knows what else we did the one I remember before I started actually working with you was you guys did uh you guys it was poker became a big thing and you guys were doing hands of poker on the radio it was just terrible we would try things that always we talked about it recently I think but it was like when uh Sean Thomas and I had this voice of the valley we had this bright idea we just talked about this about um our football preview was going through every single game for the entire year and coming up with scores so like seriously like this wasn’t joke with no joking at all be like week one Detroit at Arizona Sean what do you think and we’d have like the NFL music in the background TR be like well you know Arizona this that what yeah 3117 Arizona okay and then like it keeps standings I think we got to week because like we were gonna do that for the whole hour there a big NFL preview we’re were gonna preview every single game for the whole season I think we might have gotten a week three or four and literally on the air we’re like this is terrible let’s just eject out of this whole thing which is like three weeks is you just discussed 45 games seriously and that’s how it was it was like the music kept looping we were just discussing games and and and being terrible at it oh God but that was uh that’s where we tried stuff out man I mean that’s whether it was brackets um I think I’m the only show on the station that for a good solid six months like we had live bands in every Thursday do you remember that I don’t remember that oh God we would have a live band come in every Thursday in the 11:00 hour and I would interview them because I used to do when I was at quad I did sounds of Sacramento on Sunday night for local bands which was great because it was like the best time in Sacramento music history like Papa Roach de tones uh seven standard zappy Simon says uh Snapdragon like all all these bands many of which made it uh would come in and so I was like oh I think that would work on sports radio in the summer I mean I’m not saying it didn’t work I’m just saying it was you know they literally would bring in their instruments and do like three acoustic songs while we’re just sitting here on the air and I I I think at one point um I think Mike Ry was listening one I was like what the hell was that uh TR saying how long have I been at the station I was thinking about this the other day because Jason just celebrated his 30th uh here next year is going to be my 25th because I started 2000 but since Jason just celebrated his 30th I would feel bad about celebrating my 25th because it’s like copying him like a year later last I just celebrated my 15th did you really did you get something yeah I’ve never gotten anything you’re supposed to be getting something well uh there is that period do they like that’s the no they they do they I’ve been told that they consider my 10e consecutive okay but I don’t think they do because technically when I was fired in 2012 for a you know it was literally 14 months I was fired for um I think it started everything over so I guess technically I’ve been here yeah 23 years I don’t know I don’t count that I I still feel like I was still working here even when I wasn’t working here because that stupid podcast I was still doing radio uh lastly I know we got to go to break but I don’t care today because I’m G to fill time um I just want to say a brief word about cramps um I know dude it’s so weird because I haven’t had a cramp in a long time everyone’s had a cramp when they’re sleeping every it’s everyone’s gone through that I think and last night I I reached into the fridge and there was a bottle of Gatorade in there and I was like oh okay I’ll have a Gatorade I haven’t had one in a while this is like a 9:00 I was just thirsting for something but apparently Gatorade now has like and you know they’re 100% going after hangovers it’s like a Pedialite I think it’s called Gator light or something yeah and I took a sip out of it and it I I’ve I’ve never okay I’ve I say this I have never knowingly tasted urine that’s what I think urine would taste like with like if you took one of them Kool-Aid tropical punch concentrated drops and you put it in a glass of cold pea and you mixed it in it tasted like I think urine would taste with a tropical punch flavoring it was it was salty it was just not what I expected at all and the problem is I didn’t figure that out until like my fourth full gulp of it but the point is is that I I took this stuff that’s specifically for like hydrating yourself and then I woke up sometime in the middle of the night and I have you ever had the one where your calf yeah is just hard as a rock and like one of your toes is pointed yeah and it was it was so bad I literally had to get up and like walk it off at 2 am or whatever as a kid I didn’t know what was happening so I just started yelling help I I mean yeah if you don’t know what’s going on and you have this massive massive pain in your calf and it’s hard as a rock and your toe is bent yeah you’re like having a heart attack or something I don’t know what it is anyways I don’t know like is it possible that stuff caused cramps and did the opposite thing because I had that last night and cramps absolutely suck dude by the way I know I know what that sounds like I know I’m a guy sitting here bitching about you know what I mean all right we’ll take we’ll take a break yeah I don’t think that’s a charlie horse Mark says Charlie no it feels like like your calf it’s like just starts squeezing a baseball but now today my cat like right now I’m pressing on it it feels like I got a charlie horse there but I wouldn’t wish people say I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy I I I would wish that on like yeah my really have a worst enemy but I don’t know why people say that yes I would 100% wish a calf cramp in the middle of the night on my worst enemy we’ll take a break uh when we come back we had Vegas action last night I was almost a baseball Savant and there’s a weird thing coming out of Clipper land I want to talk about having to do with the uh Olympics we’re going to flip-flop some of the sound we got yesterday for those of you who missed it in the morning we’re going to replay some of that for you uh switch some of that to later as well it’s Dave it’s Chris your phone calls your text at 9163 39140 we’re right back after this you never know what you might hear when listening to a Sacramento Kings game Keegan going for another triple man is he feeling it can he do it yes there’s number 11 Kean Murray steps back he just knocked down his 12 three-pointer a king’s franchise record he’s got 45 points never miss a moment of Sacramento Kings basketball with sack toown Sports and the sack toown Sports act attention if you owe money to the IRS this is an Urgent Message the IRS is cracking down by sending out hard stopping letters aggressively garnishing paychecks seizing bank accounts and putting leans on homes and businesses they call it enforced compliance and you better watch out because penalties and interest on unpaid taxes compound daily making it seem impossible to ever get out of debt don’t let the tax debt destroy your life you need to call Optima tax relief the number one tax resolution firm they experts in the Fresh Start initiative one of the biggest breaks that the IRS has ever offered if you qualify you could save thousands Optima resolved over $1 billion of tax debt for their clients A+ rated 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Jones with 13 and nine and uh 195 and four with a steal and zero turnovers on eight of 12 shooting for Drew Timmy it’s going to happen isn’t it it it it’s really he’s getting a two-way or other tway is already filled he’s getting a roster spot they need Frontline help Drew Timmy’s 100% getting a roster spot that’s really really lame Adonis arms slowing down a little bit Five Points in h eight minutes to go with two boards let’s see per 32 that’s 20 points though hey uh the weird one there was Keon Ellis after uh really doing quite well over the summer so far just one of seven two points four assists three boards and a steel but he had five turnovers so I love about Summer League 2 is that you can have eight fouls and it does not really matter eight fouls on the night for Keon Ellis so it what can you pull out of Summer League I don’t know 23 n was your score after one uh as a matter of fact they they built that lead uh the halftime score was uh 48-25 uh and then I think they let off the gas a little bit the second uh the second half they were outscored 4534 still pulled out the 8270 win to pulled a one and one and we’ll talk about a little bit later uh but you know in the NBA it’s like what are you really looking for from the the summer league and and obviously with Devin Carter out the number one would be well we’re looking to see how our first round pick is and I I really would have loved to have seen him uh secondly I I I think you’re just looking for development uh especially of your familiar names uh guys like Keon Ellis guys like hobby Jones who obviously had a great night last night and then you know it’s also fun to look at the other uh teams as well like uh you know Kyle Phil Kowski at 13 and5 to go with a block nobody really stood out tremendously on the Jazz and uh so you move on they’ll be in Vegas for a while we’ll continue to get sound as a matter of fact uh Kyle Draper and Whitey had was it kobby Jones on yesterday right yeah we’ll get to that a little bit later uh in the meantime please cut number two cut number two your winner of the 2024 Home Run Derby teoscar Hernandez out DS Bobby Wht Jr to win it the Dodger becomes the first LA Dodger to win the Home Run Derby teoscar Hernandez the champion that was actually quite fun that was I I credit what credits do I did see some people on social media saying I don’t understand the appeal of the Home Run Derby I mean to each their own but just to watch these guys do this thing where you’re look none of us are professional athletes but I’ve swung about a few times in my life I cannot imagine you know you talk about well his baseball uh you know it’s not really cardio focused dude swinging that hard that often 40 pitches and I think it was three minutes four minutes I think it was three minutes I can’t even imagine just throwing the ball that many times right hey it’s so funny you’re watching the the the the the pitchers throwing and so much of really what it is here’s one thing I don’t understand about Home Run Derby like there’s two things I would do that I think would actually make it a lot better okay number one I’m gonna go back to aluminum bats I just think that’d be it’s the one time you could actually do it I almost like it as uh you get a choice like between aluminum and wood no you get like uh okay at this moment for 30 seconds you get no I don’t mind that okay like in the bonus you pull out the aluminum like like the like the money balls okay I like that uh I think they should integrate aluminum though just just because we all want to see what major league hitters can do with aluminum bats and you don’t have to worry about killing a pitcher you might kill one of them little kids out in the Outfield whatever um the other thing I don’t really get is why don’t they have a pitching machine out there as like you were starting to talk I’m like yeah there should because that makes that takes the like if out of it totally like you you and it wouldn’t be hard you have the pitching machine and then you have someone that knows how to run it so uh you’re switching batters and I just finished batting and Chris Rad’s coming up and you go up to the plate and you’re like uh a little faster a little slower okay little up little outside okay that’s where I like it boom and then you just have a guy dropping balls in there because the thing that sucks is when you’ve got a dude in the Home Run Derby and his his his pitcher I mean how many times do we see it last night every every round there’s like five pitches that just suck it’s human error like take the human error out of that equation bring in a pitching machine give bonus rounds for aluminum bats but dude just to be able to do that and then you have to go back and do it again and then you have to in this case between uh Wht and Hernandez do it one more time I had picked Whit junor I was really getting excited that it I was going to pull it off he was this close couple feet hit the base of the wall the one thing I hate because like they know what they’re doing like the way they’re showing that last ball I’m like oh he crushed it this is like way out totally totally how many times seriously how many times am I watching I was watching with my wife and son and there was probably like three or four times I just stopped because I was looking like an idiot in front of me came by like oh that’s gone that’s like you know center field some kid by the way some pretty good catches by some kids out there yeah also not some great catches by some kids but that’s one of the more fun things to do that’d be so cool to do that as a kid you get to be in the outfield for the Home Run Derby I wonder how they choose them do it like you get good grades and you enter a pool it’s got to be something like that something like that all right cut number three please cut number three no it was it was usab call and I was quite frankly very disappointed with the decision um qu wanted to play we wanted him to play uh I was there the first two practices he looked very good participate was a full participant in everything that they did um I wasn’t there for the third practice where ultimately that was the the point where they they decided to go in a different direction you know I express them I really wish that they would have given quet more time um you know we have the benefit of having been around quet for five years to see his body and see where he’s at um so you know he he looked good to me I know all the sacrifices he made in order to to make this commitment to the Olympics um so I was very disapp 20 um now with that being said I understand from USB’s perspective that they have to look what they feel is in the best interest of the team despite what I think uh they’re also managing some other players who are dealing with injuries so I understand that they have to do what’s best huh this one has me a little perplexed and and look normally I’m always going to defer to the professionals that know the things about the deal s but Kawai Leonard is 33 years old kawhai Leonard no longer has Paul George on his team and kawhai Leonard actually played 68 games last year which is pretty damn good for him considering his previous years he played 52 the year before did not play the entire season before that and then 52 57 9 like he played quite a few games over the first six seasons of his career but Kawhi Leonard has had some serious lower body injuries I don’t even know why if you’re a Clippers individual uh uh executive why in God’s name do you want him in the Olympics what does that do for your team the Olympics are not paying him the he kawh Leonard’s a phenomenal player obviously one of the greatest of all time but kawhai Leonard is not going to be the difference as to whether or not they win a gold medal I I I I don’t I don’t get that that if kawhai Leonard was a Sacramento King how would you feel about him not going I would I would be pissed if he was going yes and I always try to defer like like with Fox and sabonis and all that hey I get it I want them to be able to do like I I hate it as a Kings fan being selfish but I don’t want to be selfish but if one of if one of my Kings players was oftentimes injured and was the whole show of sabonis was constantly fighting like lower leg injuries every year going to go put miles on during the Olympics and not take the year off and wrap himself in bubble wrap or summer off dude I’d be super pissed and now you have Lawrence Frank going out and be like why wouldn’t you have him that’s what it makes me think of just like oh no like no this isn’t us like ah man tot dude and like the fact that the Olympic team sees something wrong with him or not right and you’re his team you’re ah no keep him play him and part of me is cynical and goes yeah he he he didn’t believe any of this he’s just having it’s like when a manager gets run you know he’s just trying to have his guys back but just really stupid we’ll take a break uh when we come back uh what stood out from Summer League what’s going on around the NBA as well and a lot more we’ll get to the Home Run Derby a little bit later also Doug Christie will replay that in Keon Ellis around 7 a.m. Monty later on in the show HBY Jones from uh Whitey Kyle a little bit later as well we’ll get to all that right after this the only place you’ll find Kevin herder is sack toown Sports herder open steps into three he’s got the triple hey Sacramento it’s Kevin herder and you’re listening to the home of Sacramento Kings sack toown Sports your local sports leader Sacramento weather is brought to you by Fon Lake Kia I’m Tamar Berg in the kcr ray3 weather center for your Tuesday a pleasant start thanks to that Delta Breeze we’re feeling it this morning so we get into the afternoon that breeze will be around under sunny skies highs today will peak in the lower 90s get the latest forecast on the kcr3 news and the kcrv 3 app coach Doug Christie here to remind you if 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your text line I just checked it it’s a lot of people remember McGee lot of lot of shouts on the text line about that um McGee was awesome dude seriously if you if you know you know and I would say I probably watched more Sunday football oh gosh probably at Players downstairs meaning the one on Sunrise than than anywhere else but dude McGee had TVs everywhere and this is back before Sunday Ticket was really prevalent and they they would just pipe them in but the best part is yeah I’m dating myself now but God I I want to say it was like 10 bucks you would get their breakfast buffet and it was nothing special it was a bunch of uh those uh those big you know Hotel pans or whatever and it was like you know scrambled eggs gravy and you know biscuits gravy bacon sausage hash browns I I I’m pretty sure that was it and and I want to say that whatever you were drinking was extra obviously alcohol was extra but you know juice soda whatever um but go I and and and you know I I’m ignorant to this because I don’t really go watch football outside of my home and I haven’t for a long time but I just wonder are there places are there any Sunday football buffets out there anymore I’m a buffet guy I’m a terrible Buffet guy cuz weirdly enough I can’t eat a lot at one sitting but I can graze so if the first game starts at 10 usually the buffets would go throughout the morning game so it’ be like a 900 am to one or two PM Buffet what is this hotel over like right over here on ardan the not the you’re not talking about the Red Lion that’s there right you’re like the one like if you get off the freeway and get right off yeah I know I don’t know the name that used to be the uh Raiders watch party I had a couple friends over there and they had but they also had like a buffet buffet part of the hotel and one of the perks was you would get like $10 off and you would be able to take it to where you’re watching it in like the bar area you wouldn’t have to do it in the buffet area and that was pretty legit wonder why they don’t wonder why that’s not a I know covid hurt a lot of Buffets but there’s something about football you know it’s like you you go out in the morning and I know if you Dr I know I don’t drink I know if you you know you go out start y mimosas whatever get a nice buzz on head home of course after you’ve sobered up very much so yeah very much so Uber please drive safely um but what you know what a great time you wake up you get out there at nine every everyone’s probably hung over from the night before anyways everyone looks like they just woke up and they don’t care you’re in your jersey you meet your buddies you got you grab a table early the smell of you know sausage and bacon and football and then you sit there and you just you just Chow all morning on this greasy food which again not being a a big drinking guy I get it but it’s like when I went to when I first went to England I realized it all made sense that they 90% of the cuisine over there is designed around hearing hangovers it’s like what do I have in the cupboard to fill my stomach and it doesn’t have to match up at all it’s all greasy I’ve got beans eggs uh mushrooms yeah I got a tomato hey how let’s grab some bacon but don’t cook it a lot at all just par boil the bacon we want it chewy How can any anybody like i’ I’ve I don’t I mean it’s all in fun I don’t argue with the people over there we we laugh about it but I I’ll say to my friends over there and I’m they’re like how can you like this bacon more than now I I don’t want my bacon burnt or anything but I think the best is like you know crunchy but a little chew yes in in in places like you don’t want to like to be able to just like break it yeah 100% but they’re baking literally B it’s it’s gray it is it’s like it’s like biting into bacon lunch meat and I don’t I I you I I don’t know that I’ve ever talked about this publicly but I was about four years ago I was like literally a signature away from uh buying a sports bar uh going in with a buddy and uh was going to buy a sports bar in town one that I used to frequent a lot and uh uh it was changing ownership and I’d always kind of had an eye on that uh as as something if I ever wanted to get into that and then and then in the end it was like I’m never gonna I’m not I’m never gonna be there at night I can’t I don’t have the time I don’t there’s no way I could put effort into it and then when I I met with another buddy who actually owns bar uh uh good friend of mine Scott Lacy who owns Scotty’s high it’s place called Scotty’s Hideway I think in Orangeville I think is what it’s called and he owns a couple bars and he um he start talking to me about like liability people getting hammered and fights and all kinds of crazy stuff that can happen you know you’re sitting there sleeping it’s I got the morning show I got a call at midnight there was a giant brawl God forbid some sort of weapon like all this crazy stuff that bar owners have to deal with I was like um I’m good but I always thought if I ever owned a bar first off it would be like all King stuff right 100% but then also I would always have a Sunday buffet and I don’t understand like is it a loss because you got to think buffets now you could charge what like 15 20 bucks I would think right for and you’re talking like bacon sausage you got to have biscuits and gravy any Buffet I do is got to have biscuits and gravy and then hash browns which is potatoes eggs what are you really spending I mean I’m not saying that doesn’t cost any money I just feel like it doesn’t cost a lot of money and then they’re just drinking on top of that yeeha have a couple pinball machines some darts now we’re talking uh let’s see uh we’ll go real quick to the YouTube chat hello everybody in the YouTube hello Earl and camp and Mark and everybody oh here we go Jason must be gone because here go here come the random questions which I do welcome by the way um what kind of deodorant do you think Carmichael Dave uses uh Carmichael dove that’s a great guest H uh brute brute Menon isn’t that a company yeah yeah you know what it’s a boring answer uh I had I used the uh forever I use the uh it’s a Gillette and it’s it’s this clear gel but it I know I know right I know why you just winced because you’re thinking you have greasy armpits all right there’s something about this gel it dries within like a minute and I never I never sweat I mean I sweat but I never sweat in my arms at all like it it’s the one de I searched far and wide I don’t like like Old Spice or uh Speed Stick like I feel like you smell like that all day I don’t want to smell like that I’m not Sean Cunningham when it comes to colog but there’s two uh there’s three Colones I have that I will occasionally wear uh and they last forever it’s uh how do you pronounce it it’s the one with Johnny Depp my sister got it from me Savage sure yeah okay I’ve seen the commercial 100 times like I’m not paying attention to it yeah exactly uh there’s one called oudwood by Tom Ford it’s but it’s O UD and then wood by Tom Ford which I honestly this how stupid I am I only knew Tom Ford from the Jay-Z song I didn’t know what he was I didn’t know he did colog and um uh Burberry I don’t even know what they are I mean I just I don’t scarves right right and I don’t own a single Burberry thing I don’t know what people do when they cologne shop but I just sniff that’s all I do I don’t I have no idea what a good cologne or a bad cologne or a high quality cologne I know that I think eud twet is the one that lasts less and then UD parfume is the one that lasts longer and it’s more expensive that’s the extent of my that is the extent of my cologne knowledge also I don’t trust people that wear a lot of cologne because what are you hiding my favorite which they don’t make anymore was the Michael Jordan cologne I don’t even remember that really that’s just what you would get when you’re like I think every kid around my age like eighth grade got that did you ever did you ever go through a drar War Phase no no what about a Jupe or a yup phase the the pink bottle no rth Lauren polo I had Eternity for a bit okay I’ve heard good things about eternity we’ll take a break when we come back uh safer out we got home run derby Edition also mid-season grades as well for our local teams uh we’ll replay the DG chrisy interview maybe Keon Ellis at 7 a.m. we’ll see how we feel but in the meantime I’m going to as I do every day talk to you about second opinions baby yes that’s right second opinions when you’re dealing with stuff as important and as uh expensive as an HVAC system uh you don’t know what the hell is going on man nobody knows that you’re G have somebody come out and be like well this is uh your your thing is and it’s going to cost you you’re you’re gonna go oh well that’s too high it might sound high but maybe it’s a great price let’s you’ve been in the business you don’t know and that’s why it’s so simple when you’re making a big purchase like that don’t just don’t just listen to the first person and by the way American Energy not only wants to be your second opinion partner but also turnout’s Fair Play If you go to American Energy first and you want to go get a second opinion after that hey fine they ain’t scared because they’re not trying to gouge you they’re trying to give you the best deal possible because they want your business back again and again and again and again that’s how you build a clientele all it takes is one or two people that get screwed and then they tell their 40 people and then they tell 40 people and next thing you know it’s don’t use that company uhuh that’s why American Energy’s managed to be around since 1981 with an A+ from the Better Business Bureau there’s a reason for that because they do good work and they take care of you just like they take care of me they took care of my mother-in-law and falson when she needed help uh last summer they took care of my dad a couple weeks ago I don’t just uh recommend it man we use it we’ll take a break when I’m sorry zebrra I just caught something zebra said on the chat out of context I’m going to spend the break trying to figure out what they’re talking about when we come back safe or out right after this subscribe to sack toown Sports on YouTube and watch the carmichel Dave show with Jason Ross Styles and Watkins and the drive guys live Monday through Friday from 600 to 6 plus view archive shows and exclusive content subscribe at actown Sports hello Sacramento I’m Emer Pat owner of true sports cars and collectible store here in Rockland California and the host of the true sports card show that airs right here on sack toown Sports 1140 every Saturday from 10: to 11:00 a.m. where we discuss the latest trends hottest products and deliver exclusive interviews with other industry leaders and don’t forget to visit our shop true sports cards at 6661 Stanford Ranch Road in Rockland and see what we have for all your sports card and memorabilia needs 18 number one countless ACM and CMA Awards sold out world tours and now Dirks Bentley is coming to Sacramento for Country in the Park 2 September 28th at hardal Park at Kell Expo with faral love you dasal hard and more plus line dancing food trucks and more tickets available now at citb by Brothers R and Dawson oil company did you know about onethird of Our Lives to spent sleeping hi this is Frank L Rosa with a word about naturewood home furnishings if we’re going to spend that much time in our bedrooms then our bedrooms ought to reflect our personalities I remember many weekend mornings when our kids would jump into our beds trying to coax us to start our days more on their schedules than ours naturewood Home Furnishing huge bedroom sale is here and there’s no better time to find the perfect accent pie for your bedroom or even better to start fresh by designing your bedroom to fit your lifestyle from a new mattress and Foundation to dressers to nightstands to lamps and more naturewood Home Furnishings will help you create a space from simple to Luxurious and anything in between just drop by and let nature Wood’s team help you envision a bedroom fit for one-third of your life visit naturewood home furnishings right now for this remarkable bedroom sale off Highway 50 at hazel look for the water reel hot summer savings now at made a Chevy with 12,000 off MSRP on every new Silverado halfon turbo Max in stock after rebat 12 Grand off every Silverado LT turbo Max at Ma Chevy with at least five at this price HP summer savings up to 12 Grand off MSRP exclusively at Ma Chevy at Ma Sacramento silver model headquarters together let’s drive not available in special financing at least in some of the offers must in 20 P model your on your 731 safe or out it’s time to go around baseball three pitches three swings it’s safe or out on the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross welcome back yeah I don’t know if you’ve seen that clip thinking the rounds last week I don’t know much about country music oh my God if you’ve seen it you know what I’m talking about this poor lady I don’t even know her name and even if I did I probably wouldn’t say it but she was on stage and she’s wearing like she’s wearing jeans but like the right leg was there was no right leg it was just her leg and there was like a so it was like half skirt half jeans and she’s walking around on stage singing her song I don’t know how to say this and be be classy about it um it wasn’t a wardrobe malfunction I think it was doing exactly what it was supposed to do and so the film you saw um yeah it was just right out there and man I feel so terrible I felt so terrible for her because there video is now going around of her walking around singing her song and the is you know right there for everyone to see but also like I was also angry for her like H how do you not how do you not have a manager a stage hand us how does somebody not say excuse me but uh you know hello well I think it was more of the if you’re talking to her you’re looking her face to face oh because of the angle and when it’s you don’t realize it’s a badle look when you’re below golly man You’ think somebody would have even in the middle of a song like shut it down all right safer out question one please the Home Run Derby was fun yesterday safer out it’s the most fun of the side quest in Allstar Weekend okay so what I mean by that is like I I I don’t know enough about the hockey Allstar Weekend but there’s probably something really cool there but like basketball has slam down contest Three-Point Contest skills competition uh you have the Home Run Derby and then I don’t know football has what like hit the thing with the thing oh it’s all like flag football I feel like it’s between basketball and I feel it’s between the Home Run Derby let’s say like the Home Run okay which which do you think’s more fun Home Run Derby or Slam Dunk Contest Home Run Derby but once upon a time the slam dunk contest was like a marquee event I agree with you by the way but like back in the day you know whether it was Jordan versus Wilkins Dominique whether it was Vince Carter in 2000 uh LaVine versus Gordon when it’s right I think slam contest beats everything but the problem is everything’s been done although uh who’s the guy that was on the Lakers briefly uh that won the Slam dun contest a couple years ago he’s in the G League M MC not MC Miller Mason MCL yes okay dude he did a thing yesterday where like or I saw the clip yesterday it’s like he went up for a dunk and he’s in the air and then as he’s at the top of being in the air he bounces the ball on the ground and the ball hits the ground goes up while he’s still in the air and he dunks it I’d never seen that before the thing with that though is he’s basically a g- leager yes if you’re gonna go that route and just like no big names at all and possibly G Leaguers why don’t you get these guys that are like I couldn’t agree with you more Dunk Contest Masters I couldn’t agree I could not agree with you more hell bring in the Dude Perfect guys and do like a a a you know part of me says do a trick shot contest but the problem with that is that the dude perfect guys probably do a thousand tries in each one so it’ just be really boring I think the Home Run I think the Home Run Derby right now they’re they’re I think that’s safe it is the most fun well hold on Home Run Derby Three-Point Contest I think Home Run Derby is the most like the Three-Point Contest I agree with you I think Home Run Derby followed slightly by the Three-Point Contest unless there’s a Sacramento King in involved and then a Three-Point Contest everything is like turned around if there’s a king involved 100% question two please ESPN gave the Giants a c minus in their mid mid-season grade see for out this is the right call um I I think it actually might be a little bit nice giving him a c minus but here’s the thing um you know as as much fun as it is to bag on the Giants this year because they’re not great they’re not in a b B Spot if things break their way Robbie Ray looked phenomenal uh in his Minor League start that I saw last week I mean looked really really good uh you hope they get Blake snow back and healthy and going and if Ray and snow can come back and and really give them pun intended a shot in the arm in the second half look they’re three games under 500 uh and when you look at the wild Card Standings uh they’re three games out of the wild card and the thing about why that matters is that when you’ve got and they also have to figure out what the hell is going on with chamila Deval but when you’ve got three potential Frontline sa young candidate starters and Ray uh Logan web and Blake snow you can do a lot of damage in the playoffs and if your hitting gets hot for couple of weeks and that all coincides you that’s how teams that suck during the regular season sneak into the wild card and and compete for a World Series Championship which is not what I’m saying the Giants will do I do I don’t think they’ll be a wild card team what I’m saying is they have an opportunity I would have given him a d and part of it because of injuries um but I think the second half could be very bright for them if things break their way question three please same question the A’s got a d right Cole and I mean the problem with that is this they’re 37 and 61 uh of of course I mean you you could argue that that they should get an F but here’s the thing based on based on what they have to work with you could make a massive argument that they’ve actually out outdone what they should have done I mean Mason Miller’s been great and there have been some surprises on the hitting side here’s just an example tasar Hernandez won a million bucks for winning the Home Run Derby uh one two let’s see that $1 million this from my buddy Kyle that $1 million is more than one two three four five six s89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 that million dollars is more than 22 Oakland A’s will make this season think about that 22 Oakland A’s will make under a million dollars in the year of Our Lord 2024 in Major League Baseball so I actually would have probably given the a of C I can’t believe they have 37 wins we’ll take a break when we come back you heard Doug Christie yesterday late in the show uh we’re going to switch for audiences so uh Doug Christie with Jason Ross down in Vegas coming up next can Mike Brown build on last season’s Coach of the Year award can the Kings exceed 48 wins we will be better prepared to make the run that we expect the Run come next playoff tune in to every Kings game this season on sack toown Sports and Sactown I didn’t ask to be thrown in the streets with nowhere to go I didn’t think I’d survive but I did ask for help and Covenant House was there for me one in 10 young adults will experience a form of homelessness this year for these kids who didn’t ask to be put in this Unthinkable situation 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Capital Casino of course reminding everyone to please make sure you gamble responsibly 1800 Gambler Quick Quack Car Wash takes the drama out of keeping your car clean let’s wash the car y Don’t Spray the hose inside the car our convenient wash packages make it easy to get your car soaked scrubbed and on your way protect your car from Sun rain and pollen with a ceramic duck wash and get our inh light sh and an unbeatable clean oh the kids filled the gas tank with water of course they did Quick Quack Car Wash come in today and get 25% off any wash o what was that that is business phone Bliss with the Uma cloud phone system it handles all our voice video and messaging needs you sound very calm I am Uma has everything I need to run my business more efficiently like virtual receptionist call routing and video conferencing and it starts at just $19.95 per month per user plus taxes and fees um nice find your Busom at radio this is the story of the one as a maintenance engineer he hears things differently to the untrained ear everything on his shop floor might sound fine but he can hear gears grinding or a belt slipping so he steps in to fix the problem at hand before it gets out of hand and he knows Granger’s got the right product he needs to get the job done which is music to his ears call click or just stop by Granger for the ones who get it done hey upbody it’s Kyle Draper from mercedesbenz of Stockton and they have a special deal going right now just for you receive your first month’s payment up to $1,500 on them on select new 2024 GLE vehicles or the allnew E-class now at Mercedes-Benz of Stockton rates begin at 1.99% APR on select certified pre-owned mercedesbenz plus you can always check out their other deals at mbf or head on down I5 to mercedesbenz of Stockton if you’ve been on the American River it’s uphill it’s downhill there’s Trails everywhere that you can walk and and it just makes you happy and I couldn’t walk and it was it was terrible I was turning into a real crab I went to the Good Feet store and I tried on the Arts supports I could not believe that I was not in pain I can walk I can run I can jump I can do anything my name’s Terry and that’s my Good Feet story The Good Feet store in Sacramento Roseville and baville from the power business technology Toshiba Studios your home for Kings basketball for over 25 seasons no look BBY to Weber down the lane flying Jam there’s your play of the night right there inside is sabonis a two hand rip a brilliant pass from here un FX khtk Sacramento K ymx ht2 Sacramento sown Sports the carmichel Dave show he’s on the microphone when he’s not on the microphone he’s playing a song and when he’s not playing a song He’s on the microphone and then boom with Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he did call or text at 916 339 11140 it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports first it’s an inter one just as long as you get the dou Christy part right I’m good yeah so I’m watching you on Friday’s game not not the best game we don’t have to fully evaluate that game but as a player I watched you mistakes happen but you guys are I don’t know if you’re just Mark um you just move on to the next yeah there’s Stu looks like it’s eating you a mistake as a CO how come you can’t get that as a like what’s the difference as a player as a coach for you um that’s an interesting if I made my sense there on that no you totally did it’s an interesting question because I think there’s um a level of responsibility as a coach that it might even not even be that might not even be the right way to say it it might be I have to think on this one that’s a good question man because it does look like it wears on as opposed to okay you turn it over as a player like on to the next I’m I’m moving on I’ll say it this way I have to establish who I am and what I’m going to tolerate and that is unacceptable because that is mental and energy based and I’m not down with that now there are points and I told them I need to be better for you but when it comes to energy I can’t help you with that one you got to help yourself all the rest of it if you’re playing with the right energy and stuff so um the mistakes like 31 turnovers like you the cousins of the poor game you you’re not winning that one with 31 turnovers and some of them are like fast break off your foot like the and I will say this I’ll give the guys credit the balls that we played with were like these sticky almost rubber synthetic leather balls like I guess they made a mistake and because our balls are leather okay so we’ll see hopefully they they switch that up so yeah listen No No Excuses uh we we have to be better um I have to be better for them and you know going forward make sure that they the way I want them to play they have to be well rested so we’re not I’m not going to kill them it’s more mental practices right now and execution and high level understanding of what happens when you see this how about the challenge whether you had five players with you in California classic or here in Vegas or two split squads and 25 how’s that challenge for you when you’ve got just a lot of different people def in and out yeah it’s it’s tough because there’s a lot of different voices um which now as a head coach I understand that that’s not a good thing um I would say it’s a lot of shuffling around like I I don’t know if this was the first time that’s ever been done but it was it was it was a tough one you know and like if we had split into two teams and I just kept the team in Sacramento it probably would have been a lot easier because I hadn’t seen that team that showed up yesterday so I was really stunned like Memphis hit me as hard as they hit the guys so uh that is a that’s a big deal is like everything’s moving around it’s a lot of different voices you got one coach talking to him in San Francisco I’m talking to him in Sacramento then they leave then the team he had comes to me they played fantastic you know we didn’t that was their a team this is our second team and and they played at a really really high level for me so no complaints at all but getting them all back together together and then continuing to implement stuff so you got all these different things and they’re not excuses and like I told them is like look guys the way you feel right now this is how an NBA player feels but the guy across from him is like the best player in the world figure it out right yeah so I’m thinking back to when you’re a Pepperdine when you’re in the NBA playing for adaman playing for all the different guys coaching now in the league as a head coach for a few games with Mike Brown to like whose voices do you hear when you’re in a practice when you’re in a huddle when you’re film session like Who Who Are You channeling um or is there one yeah uh it’s a weird combination it’s uh Pat Riley yman coochi oh wow wow that’s a good list that is no it’s it’s a great list but it’s also like polar in a lot of ways because there is a fiery side to me that is Pat Rob there’s a discipline side that is Pat Riley there’s a teaching side that is coachi and there is the continuity and togetherness that is Adam and try to bring all that together like I explained to them like what I’m saying and the way I’m coming across uh it’s it’s from love understand that and I I don’t want to um turn them off totally I have to figure out the fine line of using bullets at certain times to get a point across and then other times backing up and trying to let them learn on their own and that’s that’s the hard part because as a as a ex player there’s certain things that I see out there that I’m like I mean you you that’s you know that should you should have that but not everybody does and you gota you got to understand that how much I mean for Kings fans they really want to see Devin Carter not out of your control out his control how much does that hurt you just you well want to see what he can do well if you tune in you see him I mean usually has really nice hat on good hair uh good hair yeah yeah he’s in a sling right now uh you know but you want you’d love to have him oh my God man like he is um he’s I I I love my dogs and he is definitely one um yeah I I I don’t know when that’s going to be but from the standpoint that uh it’s good to have a player like that you know that once he gets right he’s going to bring everything that he has uh yeah I’m with it I know you’re engrossed in this and you’re working every day on these guys but you know adding to Mar what you got coming back how excited are you for the upcoming year I am um you know a lot of times everything is on paper and I it takes me to our team like you know dick vital used to always say like oh the all airport team and all these right so like you would see us walking and You’ be like whatever but then once we get the ball it’s like whoa hold on what happened and that’s what I want to see with us like looking at the names and everything is is one thing but when they hit the floor together what is the what is the the sacrifice and the continuity and all that stuff that’s the exciting part for me and I’m thinking it’s probably the exciting part part for Kings fans as well I know you’ve wanted to do this has it been what you wanted to do or what you thought coaching would be uh not sleeping uh stressing lots of coffee uh lots of in your real house yeah it it is man like um I’m really having a good time I am I’m uh as much as you might see that is as much as I feel the pride to try to be the leader of men and send them out there um yeah this is um this is the the puky you can’t let the secret out that’s how hard you worked on this show non-stop endless hours video all that stuff you know oddly enough did every from Radio um when I was doing pre and post in my son’s closet to pregame to radio with you to it like I’ve just kind of taken the same approach every time is like over prepar and it makes me comfortable and if I don’t I feel like poop so I yeah I have to I have have to do it it’s like uh I got the OC D daa abds ABCs all the alphabets yeah that’s Jason Ross and Doug Christie and I sneezed right at the end as that was uh cutting off so as we said yesterday we’ll take a break here in a second um it really is good to hear Doug in his element there there was just no way if he wanted to Doug was not going to be a coach it’s in his blood um he’s just he’s so damn smart there’s nobody in the league that’s not going to respect Doug Christie a lot of these guys grew up watching him play and he was just one of those dudes that you just always he was you people throw the term dog around he’s a dog but he wasn’t a uh how do you say he was a dog but he wasn’t like um a dbag about it you know like like a lot of like Dylan Brooks You could argue he’s a dog but he’s also a dag and Doug wasn’t Doug is the coolest guy in the world but if you screwed with him or one of his teammates he was like yeah not happening as Rick Fox knows you know Anthony peeler was a dog wasn’t a dback and he was a cool guy but if you screwed with him he would tell you about it like Kevin Garnett very much knows so I uh yeah I uh he’s going to be a head coach someday that’s for sure we’ll take a break quick break minute and a half when we come back three for madness what do you really look for in summer league what what can you really if anything learn from it uh Team USA and the offseason of the Knicks continues we’ll be right back after this the NFL’s leading rusher plays here a hand off to mcaffrey Walks In The End Zone hand off to mcaffrey takes it right down of the goal line he does his thing again mcaffrey goes in motion right backwards pass led by yek a block there hurdles a man 10 five touchdown c MC you can hear all of Christian McCaffrey’s touchdowns on your home for 49ers football sack toown Sports this is the story of the one as a maintenance engineer he hears things differently to the untrained ear everything on his shop floor might sound fine but he can hear gears grinding or a belt slipping so he steps in to fix the problem at hand before it gets out of hand and he knows Granger’s got the right product he needs to get the job done which is music to his ears call click or just stop by Granger for the ones who get it done as a roofer I don’t have time to fail homeowners rely on me so I rely on Beacon Beacon’s unique Network or branches work together to get me what I need when I need it and with the beacon Pro Plus app I’ve got the brands I depend on like GF right at my fingertips now through September 15th purchase highquality GF with Beacon Pro Plus and earn up to $1,500 go to or download the beacon Pro Plus app today Beacon always building three questions three answers it’s three for madness on the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross here’s question one all right wanted to get to this uh yesterday we’ll get to it uh today now coming up in the next segment uh a conversation that I had over the weekend with some people which is what uh what defines a sport and I’ll explain more about that also at 7:43 yes we’re going to I’d like to apologize in advance for the 743 segment because we are going to talk about last night’s national anthem if you did not hear it don’t go listen we’ll play it for you and I want to apologize for playing it for you and I have three national anthems in mind you can probably guess that could be the worst of all time at sporting events a lot of people are saying this is the worst one ever I don’t know that I agree with that but we’re going to Splinter your ears it’s always what you want want to do on radio uh we’re going to splin through your ears and and play a bits of each uh just to see which is which also at 8 AM we’ve got your text to win contest with our friends at Quick Quack today’s code word is going to be talked about at 8 a that’s an inside joke we’ll get to that as well in the meantime it’s Christopher lot three for madness question one what can you really learn from Summer League you know we talked about a little bit earlier I I I it’s tough because every summer league you’re almost every summer league you you’re going to have people that just go off and they look amazing and like it’s almost like the NCAA player of the year for every one that has a great NBA career there’s like eight that don’t so if I already give you like like I’m looking right now it’s like historical NBA Summer League stats the record for points in a summer league game is 42 from Marcus Banks but then second at 28 points is Donovan Mitchell then cam Thomas Damen Lillard and Tyrese Maxi said okay there’s some names rebounds the record holder twice at 14 rebounds Cole aldrid he had a decent career Kevin Love at 13 and a half is again this is these are averages and then Malcolm Thomas and James Singleton Donovan Mitchell holds the all-time steals record for average at six per game followed by Scotti Pippen Jr Shaquille Harrison Justin detman and Jaylen Clark finally assists Xavier Simpson average 10 assists that’s a record followed by Lonzo ball Isaiah Stevens pton Pritchard and Marcus D Williams my point is it just kind of depends on what you’re looking for and who you’re looking at if it is a true blue rookie Lottery Pick and they’re excelling in summer league I think you can take a lot more from that than a fourth or fifth year Pro who’s struggling and trying to make a roster who knows the game he has a a grown man’s body and understands that he needs to get his shots up uh who was it uh God I remember being down there a few years ago I think it was Mike James of the Lakers he was playing on the Lakers summer League team and God dang he looked amazing he really really and the best player on the floor both games I saw him in and he ended up having a uh you know he played in the NBA there’s nothing wrong with his career at all I never want to sound disrespectful but in comparison to what he did in summer league well there really wasn’t a ton of comparison he didn’t get into the NBA until he was 26 years old um and he ended up in Toronto when he turned 30 he AED 20 points a game that year he he he finished at top 10 in the uh uh most improved player award but this was a guy that like bounced around to multiple more I think I want to say he played for like eight or nine teams in his career end up playing in Turkey ended up having a 12year career in the NBA but it was never he wasn’t the guy that he was in League because it’s just a different thing so long answer I think if if it’s a rookie rookie a true rookie you pull a lot out of that but just be careful and don’t get too excited for the journeyman guys who who understand how the game works number two please question two Team USA struggled versus Australia are you worried h no I mean that’s what these games are for that’s what these games are for and you know know it’s not like it’s not like they don’t have NBA players they do um you’re gonna see that Dyson Daniels Matthew uh oh Matthew Del do is an assistant coach look at that Dante exom Josh giddy Josh Green Joe Eng Les jock landale Patty Mills duop Reef now look those aren’t you know all household names but there’s some pretty darn good players in there especially Dyson Daniels and Josh giddy Dante axom had a bit of a comeback here last year he’s always had issues uh healthwise King Sans will remember D oper torching them but from Portland so on any given day when you have all these Pro players you’re G to have issues but in the end uh in the end Team USA won and I think once you get to maybe I’m being an arrogant American but I’m trying not to just I I’d be surprised if uh there were any games if not maybe one where the the Team USA wasn’t favored by at least double digits uh once they get to France so no I’m not I’m not entirely worried about that number three please question three the offseason of the Knicks continued with them signing campaign to a one-year deal are they your second best team in the NBA going into next year so yeah campaign isn’t going to uh you know that doesn’t guarantee them a change Championship or anything but I think he signed a one-year like $3.1 million deal something really you know just just another piece of depth and the thing with the Knicks and depth is it’s so damned important because of how Tom Tibido coaches them it’s it’s almost like uh the way Tibido coaches the Knicks you almost it’ almost be better if it was hockey rules where you could just do full line changes which by the way I don’t hate that idea for the NBA um he drives his guys into the ground plays them a ton of minutes he plays them hard the the thing about that though especially if you are uh an opponent is it’s very difficult to maintain that pace for 48 minutes with them but now that as of right now they’re going into next year with a starting lineup of Brunson and bridges and an no and an Obi Julius Randle and Mitchell Robinson Bridges Anon Obi and Mitchell Robinson alone that is 60% year lineup plays plus if not highlevel defense and then you got Josh Hart who’s again I I I say this way too many times I think is the most underrated guard in the league 64 average nine and a half points and eight and a half boards last year had multiple 2020 games uh and now you add campaign into that I still don’t know what they’re going to do I’m fascinated didn’t know what they’re going to do Julius Randall I really truly am and and I I continue to keep my eye on that situation with Julius Randall to see if that’s something the Sacramento Kings might kick the tires on and before you freak out you know he’s got one more year left it’s a player option we’ll see if he opts in at $31 million which means you’d have to go Kevin herder and somebody else to make it work I I I wouldn’t necessarily mind uh if there was a way they could work it out where it was you know and I don’t know how they could do that by the way because they’d have to come up with another 14 million on top of Kevin herder and I don’t think you there’s there’s not a lot to do that with I think they have a trade exception anyways point is the Knicks can either plug in a guy like Julius Randall who they missed at the end of the year who not only averaged 24 points a game but also just under 10 rebounds and five assists there aren’t a lot of guys that do that I understand the knocks on Julius Randall and they’re valid but for a team like the Knicks to either be able to add him back into the mix healthy or trade him and either replenish draft assets grab another couple rotational pieces or both uh it’s it’s one of those the rich get richer are they my second best team in the NBA going into next year I think they are I I do I I it’s they’re right there I think they’re the second best team in the East behind Boston I don’t think they’re particularly far off of Boston to be honest top to bottom I think Boston has the better starters I think the Knicks have the better team if that makes sense and as always injuries matter if they’re healthy but I look at the Knicks and I look at the West I think they’re better in Oklahoma City I think they’re better in Minnesota and I need to see something out of Denver it was not had a good off season so yeah I look even if they’re not the second best I think they’re a top five team and I think a lot of teams are going to go into their games with the Knicks next year looking at at Meek Cal Bridges OG anobi Mitchell Robinson possibly Julius Randall and then oh yeah jayen Brunson who was fifth in MVP voting last year I believe that is not that’s one of those teams nobody wants nobody wants to play the next man that that is not going to be fun for a lot of teams next year and and as a Kings fan I hate it just because I you know just want the Kings to be good but I have to admit it’s good for the NBA it’s good for basketball and I’m not one of those big markets have to win but it’s New York they’ve sucked forever the Knicks have sucked forever so it’s it’s kind of cool to see them rebuild that right way we’ll take a break Bing when we come back all right uh I’m gonna take a conversation I had at the wedding I went to Saturday I’m going to bring it onto the air it started with Joey Chestnut and competitive eating and whether or not it’s a sport I want to have a com I want to have a conversation about this what defines a sport also 1800 92114 9163 39114 is your text line we’ll take a quick break we’ll come back with that next Malik mon plays started left goes right steps back launches the three nothing but met oh that was just filthy oh my that was sweet shown Sports is your proud home of the Sacramento Kings power business technology is proud to be 100% independent locally owned and managed Toshiba copier dealer local ownership cuts out the red tape allowing ourselves to never be too busy to personally answer the call when our clients meet us recognized for excellence in 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the team you trust no carry outs not valid with other offers eligibility may vary disposal fees extra and Shop fees extra where permitted SE store for details waking you up with the best in local sports they just make it interesting you know it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports hello to everybody in the YouTube chat all the regulars MC’s e Ryan AB Derek and everyone else I’m missing Mark a Aon welcome in thank you appreciate you always uh Derek just asked are the Markin and talks dead and I assume he means um with the Kings uh obviously we don’t know we’re not in the front office but an educated guest would say yeah uh especially if you believe what the Jazz are asking from the Warriors for marketing it ranges anywhere from Brandon psky and like four first to psky and uh kaminga and Moody and a pick or two I think the best way I would say it because there is obviously a large market for Markin and number one number two you’re dealing with Danny a you’re dealing with Danny a who is not a guy that gets fleeced in fact usually when he makes moves more often than not he fleeces the other team if that’s what if if they’re asking for anything close to that with the Warriors and you never know what’s true and what’s hyperbole then I would simply say this I’m incredibly comfortable in saying that it would take Keegan Murray and at least two first round picks to get Lorie Markin in who is on a a one year left on his deal now let’s just assume you you could resign him to a longterm deal it it that just understand Kings fans that if you want Markin I think Ang’s starting price starting price would be Keegan Murray in two first round picks maybe you could throw some very light top four top one protections so just to kind of answer that you want Markin I’d like Markin it you want to you want to give up Keegan in two firsts because that’s what it’ll cost it’s GNA hurt you get a good player like that it’s gonna hurt all right so I’m at this wedding on Saturday it’s about an hour to the wedding and there’s this bar area leading in and there’s a a highlight of Joey Chestnut just smashing hot dogs at the whatever competitive eating thing they did and there’s about five older dudes I was sitting around most of which I knew a couple I didn’t and one of them said that’s not a sport that’s ridiculous and then I just as oftentimes will happen I don’t try to engage I just like listening to other people talk sports because that’s what we do all day it’s fun to listen to people talk sports and no only one of the people in this group had any idea what I did for a living so it’s it’s fun just to hear everybody go back and forth and just kind of listen and then at one point I mean this guy was like really aggressively like it’s not a sport I start and then the contrarian kind of popped up in me and I was like well yeah you might be right but what what is a sport it’s got to be athletic okay you got oh no what he say I’m sorry you gotta sweat I was like all right well is golf a sport yes what what if what if it’s on a cool day you’re not sweating well takes it takes uh what do he say it takes Elite ability to do what a golfer does I said I I can’t eat 50 hot dogs in a sitting can you is is that’s not an elite ability it’s not physical well it’s kind of physical you don’t have to train well actually about two three days before the event Joey Chesnut put out a video showing how he does a real time like a real time he’s got a guy there timing him and Counting is a realtime run through dress rehearsal so I I I by the way I’m not saying it is I’m saying I think it’s a conversation you hear the stories of Kobe ASI expanding his stomach before competitions it’s like oh my God right like so to to to start I actually I went into the old iPhone and I looked up the definition and I read it to everyone I said okay so the definition of a sport is an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment and by the way if you’re looking at the rundown that’s a weird uh for some reason it printed where I could barely see it okay so an activity involving physical exertion that’s a little misleading because how what’s physical exertion uh is bowling physical exertion I mean you’re not it’s not cardio but neither is golf there’s no cardio in golf now you’re walking 18 holes four days and I would argue that walking 18 holes over four days in certain conditions like the Texas open or whatever in July that that can have a physical effect you know Tiger Woods for example that’s the toughest part for him is the walking part now it’s not track and field or anything don’t get me wrong but what what what is the definition of of physical exertion am I is it physical exertion for me to walk to the bathroom or is the spirit of physical exertion meaning like an Anor robic activity that puts your heart rate in a certain phase to where you’re actually doing something athletic and that affects your cardiovascular system I don’t think there’s a clear definition because I would say golf is absolutely a sport it’s not football but the hand eye coordination to be able to hit a golf ball the pressure the competition you have equipment well you doing baseball you’re hitting a ball you you doing baseball well you have to run and catch a ball sometimes in baseball sure but what about the catcher is he not an athlete I mean occasionally I guess runs okay what about bowling bowling is like kind of like golf just in the sense that you have a piece of equipment it takes hand eye coordination and you’re trying to accomplish a goal by a ball leaving your person to the Target you know whether it’s a golf ball that you H with a golf club or if it’s a bowling ball that you’re rolling towards pins we’ve all been bowling and we’ve all seen professional bowlers they are Elite we are not them we’ve all many of us have golfed we’ve seen professional golfers where would you put pool it’s a it’s a great question pool and darts are a totally different thing I mean it it totally you know it pool and darts are sort of golf and uh uh and bowling nobody is anybody of any physical shape can play darts and we’ve seen it and we’ve seen it but holy crap like the skill the hand ey coordination it takes to put a dart in a bullseye or in a triple 20 or a double 12 the pressure your hands are shaking maybe they’re a little sweaty you’ve got a crowd around you well how is that not a sport Camp says golf is a sport competitive eating is not a sport I mean this is this is where I got into the convers because I would actually I I actually think there’s a better argument for competitive eating as a pure sport than there is for golf and I love golf I’m a gol I I’m a golfer I’m a crappy golfer but I love golf I watch golf all the time I’m a huge golf fan but I think the road to becoming a professional golfer versus the road to becoming a a competitive eater like being a competitive eater is something that is almost super human you have to train for it you have to you have to be in shape for it by the way look at competitive eaters with few ex with a few exceptions the craziest thing about them they’re thin the best in the world aren’t like a huge guy that’s like oh that guy can put some back uh I can’t ever remember her name I think she’s from Japan female Prof one of the the best female professional Eaters of all time and I swear to god dude she’s like 53 a buck5 and she’s just like ah well what’s her face just pounded 75 chicken wings in five minutes what I mean they honestly have to train they have to expand their stomach esophagus the whole thing there’s a whole deal that go you can’t just be like I’m hungry I’m going to eat 70 hot dogss that’s not how it works and I would argue that the physical exertion that you have to go through as a competitive eater is I’m talking about physical exertion and and that doesn’t just cover cardio I’m talking about the pushing your body to the limits far greater than golf far greater than bowling far greater than darts and pool and a lot of other sports you’re literally trying to not choke to death while also not vomiting you’re really fighting against your body which isn’t that one of the epitomes of athletic performance is pushing your body to world class limits in a competitive atmosphere and challeng alling other people to do the same and oh I would go a step further I don’t unless unless I’m ignorant to this and I very well could be I don’t think there’s weight classes in competitive eating I think there’s male female in fact I know there’s male and female I don’t think there’s weight classes um oh yeah that is my card hey Pat found my key card hey thanks Pat you’re welcome my back pocket has a hole in it this is a true story appreciate you Pat from the pat Tom and Cody show now what competitive eating doesn’t do is it’s not really a hand eye coordination thing you got to put the hot dog in your mouth you got to get the dog in the water I I I would say that it’s the almost the opposite of darts in darts there’s like no physical exertion it’s all hand eye coordination whereas in competitive eating it’s there’s no hand eye coordination but it’s all physical exertion is poker a sport is is NASCAR a sport gaming like like video gaming like Esports I mean it’s literally in the title it’s not E Hobbies but I look at NASCAR and I go hold on a second NASCAR is not a sport you’re using a piece of equipment to go fast there’s no exertion there whatsoever from a cardiovascular standpoint however the counter to that is well wait a minute the hand dicoordination might be I mean you’re talking like you’re going you’re you’re in a piece of tinfoil surrounded by people in pieces of tin foil going 200 miles an hour with like an inch between you on this giant curve not to mention your your your your road tracks where you’re constantly up and down shifting and going crazy tires and engines and blah blah blah you’re doing a lot of crap oh by the way NASCAR is a summer sport so you’re in uh you know and it’s largely Southern so you’re in Alabama you’re at Talladega let’s say and it’s freaking 90 degrees and it’s 130 in the car and you’re stuck there for 500 laps and you’re you’re losing 17 pounds of fluid during the whole thing well hold on isn’t that physical exertion I can’t think of too many other sports where you lose that much weight and that little of time isn’t that pushing your body to the limits I refuse to believe that NASCAR and those long races especially don’t tax your body so is it a second cousin to competitive eating in the sense that you’re taxing your body in a non-traditional way while competing against others therefore it’s a sport is chess a sport no hand eye coordination no physical activity whatsoever ever I mean Bishop to Kings 3 or whatever the hell it was a fascinating conversation because we’re so quick to judge as to what isn’t isn’t a sport but it’s almost like what’s an assist in the NBA there’s never been a great answer oh it’s when you pass the ball to the guy and he makes the basket okay what if he takes a step what if he takes two what if he what if he pump fakes oh well that’s up to the score okay well now you know why John Stockton had 75,000 assists we’ll take a break 1800 92140 I’ll give you a chance and I’ll check the text time when we get back 1800 92140 if you want to help me with this definition also we’ll get to the national anthem uh at some point next perhaps and text to win we’ll give you the secret code coming up at 8 am on does that say 8 am on there I think it says night oh does it say a spe oh it does say no my bad I thought it was just I could do it during the show because we have Mony no it’s got to be 9ine I got you all right text to win thank you for that Chris text to win at 9ine along with Monty uh coming up next though uh we we’ll finish this talk and then uh the national anthem coming up after this did you miss any part of our live local shows don’t worry you never have to miss them again check out sack podcast Page and Play our shows when you want the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross Styles and Watkins and the drive guys plus other podcasts like Return of the Empire return of the Roar The Stingers up Podcast and Golf to go with Frank L Roa they’re all available right now on sack toown hey it’s Carmichael Dave for American Energy heating and air with a question have you recently had a technician diagnos your agac system and you were a bit surprised at how much it caused or did something seem off about their quote because at American Energy they take pride in giving you honest straightforward solutions to get that system up and running have their qualified technicians come out and give you a free second opinion it’s free you got nothing to lose but some dollars off of that original quote they’re making the uncomfortable comfortable they’ve been doing it 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for one-third of your life visit naturewood home furnishings right now for this remarkable bedroom sale off Highway 50 at hazel look for the water reel Jerry and Kenny here from Bell Brothers and if you’ve even thought of replacing your old outdated inefficient Windows now is the time to take action right now at Bell Brothers when you buy one window you’ll get the second one for 30% off that’s right buy one get the second one 30% off that’s real savings up to $6,000 you have to buy at least four Windows to qualify and you can’t mix windows and doors but beyond that every second window is 30% off for example when you buy 10 Windows you will get five windows at 30% off we also have 0% interest financing available for qualified buyers call for details to take advantage of our buy1 get one 30% off sale call B Brothers now at 916 44412 3 4 or find Us online at the no the only place in the morning to get your sports fixed live and local the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross all right we’re all over the place and that’s how I like it 18920 11140 good morning Jeff good morning Dave good morning I’m your immediate subject food eating is not a sport what is not a sport food eating why not I’m not saying you’re wrong I’m asking why not sport not my preferred sport I do enough food eating yeah same I I don’t know how these people do it I I really truly don’t but anyway my my main reason for calling is that uh if you wonder the new CBA you should ask Monty how the new CBA is structured it’s structured for two you to have two max players that’s all you can do and so that’s why you got Golden State harping in on marketing because that’s their second place but otherwise uh it’s not designed to afford three players and we cannot afford a marketing regardless of what uh oh they’re saying careful thank you yeah geez but anyway no that the I think the way Monty’s got this uh deal with uh our new guy is that he’s got him for three years and he’s giving Keegan time to develop and he’s going to be a third player but he’s not going to be a third max player uh you just you got to pick in hopefully hit on your two max players otherwise uh you’re screwed and you got to rebuild but that’s all I got for today thank you for having thank you thank you brother be careful out there too either he was honking or someone was honking at him that well that’s why when the marketing talks were happening it was can sabonis Fox and marinin win a championship because you better if you want a title you better be able to with that move because you’re cap locked because with this new whole new apron and everything that’s going on around it it it severely limits you and now you have James Dolan everyone’s favorite owner in New York who sent a uh a letter that was leaked to the NBA criticizing the revenue sharing policies the the league office is uh possibly going to cut 8% out of the new 74.6 billion media deal and a national TV and streaming package that renders the League’s Regional Sports networks according to Dolan is unviable he’s long been a Critic of this he said quote the NBA has made the move to an NFL model demp deemphasizing and depowering the local market soon your only Revenue concern will be the sale of tickets and what color next year’s Jersey will be don’t worry because due to revenue pooling you’re guaranteed to be neither a success nor a failure of course to get there the league must take down the successful franchises and redistribute to the less successful the New Media deal goes a long way towards accomplishing that goal now you may remember when we were talking to Kelly Brothers last week with this new media deal and uh Jason and I were talking about the future and one of the things I said is that this might be the last deal it’s 11 years long that we’re going to have local broadcasts and now you see Dolan coming out with his email and I disagree with a lot of what he said especially as a fan of a small Market team what I don’t I I get I I know James Dolan’s a ding-dong I get what he’s saying from a business standpoint he’s saying that his New York Knicks which are an international brand bring in Far More Revenue wise far more eyes and ears than the Sacramento Kings for example let’s just use us as an example there so why is it that the Kings get an equal share of that Revenue split that the Knicks do and from a pure business standpoint I get where he’s coming from and I guarantee you the jeie buses and Steve balers of the world the Jerry Rin dorfs in Chicago they’re they’re going to feel the same why why are we why are we aiding the why are we aiding Memphis and Oklahoma City and San Antonio and Sacramento when they’re bringing less to the table it’s a perfectly valid point on the surface and he’s right it is going to render the rsns unviable and we’re already seeing that in Major League Baseball and what I believe you’re going to see is a true NFL model which by the way James is working pretty damn well but you’re going to see a true NFL model where I think eventually I’m talking a decade out plus your local your local broadcasts are going to be gone you may have a homer cast if you will if they negotiate for it where you have the option perhaps on the team’s app to get a radio or uh and I’m not talking radio by the way I’m talking TV I think there’ll always be local radio but I do believe the local radio for example the setup we have right now is we just signed a I think a year or two ago we signed a big deal with the Kings to be their partner once again we have been for 30 plus years I think eventually NBA teams are all going to take their broadcast inhouse yeah you’re going to forego the rights fees from the the local uh partner in this case like us but you’re going to get 100% of the advertising you’re be able to control all all all the price points the broadcast the sponsors and not to mention the cross polonization of your in-house sponsors and I know I’m getting really deep here in the world of sales but for example if you work for the Kings and you’re selling advertising and sponsorships and you sell it to uh the the the uh what’s her name an uh something wrong called uh an Fong an Fong thank you sorry and you’re you’re about to close this multi-million dollar deal with an Fong or burco Redwood or McDonald’s or whatever and you do what’s called added value in the business where you say hey oh by the way you got X XYZ TV spots coming you’re going to get this uh in Arena uh advertising you’re going to get a suite uh and oh yeah you’re G to get a title sponsorship on the radio broadcast that we own I think eventually that’s what’s going to happen with TV yeah they’re going to forego the God knows how much they get from NBC Sports Bay Area I just talking Kings I’m talking all the teams but they’re going to control all that Revenue now and produce it on their own inh house and have to rely on Partners well eventually the NBA is just going to take over all the broadcasts and it’s going to be like the NFL MLS has that same setup right now it’s all going to be a rotating group of NBA employed broadcasters much like in in football except instead of 17 games it’ll be 82 where well who are we getting on the broad podcast this week oh cool we’re getting uh J Joe Jack Buck Joe Buck and Troy aan next week we’re getting uh spiridus and Fred Smith that’s where this thing’s headed and I think that Dolan email kind of signals a little bit of that uh as well we’ll take a break when we come back all right let’s uh let’s get to that uh let’s get to that national anthem from last night uh might be the worst ever I’ll let you be the judge and forgive me for the damn we’re about to do to your ears all coming up next what’s the missing piece for the 49ers which names will they add during free agency whether it’s inseason or offseason the coppage never stops get the latest 49ers news on sack toown Sports at Sactown I didn’t ask to be thrown in the streets with nowhere to go I 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is on the microphone when he’s not on the microphone he’s playing a song and when he’s not playing a song He’s on the microphone and then boom with Jason Ross no he did it yes he did call or text at 916 33914 it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports coming up at night a just under an hour from now we’ll give you the text to win code with our fronted quick plack when yourself a uh 30-day Qui clack membership very much come in handy in this summer also while we’ll replay M with Jason yesterday uh TV news and the World of Sports bye-bye skip bis and the Kings pool for uh the inseason tournament we didn’t get to that yesterday last night the Home Run Derby Chris and I both thought it was fun to watch uh but the talk of social media was the national anthem now here’s the thing with these national anthems every once in a while weirdly enough generally at All-Star games there’s a really bad national anthem and I I I I I always being in radio this long you know it’s definitely something you you you you talk about so but there’s like a couple of rules number one I don’t ever mess with kids if you’re a kid you’re going out you’re trying to sing the national anthem and you just absolutely fail that shouldn’t I I I don’t like laughing about that publicly I’ll laugh I’ll laugh privately but that just feels bad secondly I always want to acknowledge these people are going out they’re singing the National Anthem I think there’s a difference between like holy crap that sucked and just like mean spirited bullying I I think that’s a super fine line to walk last night ingred and Dr or Andress I don’t know never heard of her before she’s a country music singer she did the national anthem at the Home Run Derby now there’s two things generally when somebody does a national anthem the you know stage directors and producers and directors of whatever the event may be you know they like for example when you see somebody sing the national anthem at gold one Center they they have days where there’s like tryy outs usually uh before the year starts and they pick the people to sing it and you know they leave some dates open for uh you know maybe they move people around if they can get a a pro to come in maybe somebody’s touring or whatever but a lot of times if you have a an actual musical artist well they don’t go through that so something like the Home Run Derby or the All-Star Game or whatever well you know this person they’re a pro so oh oh she can do that great so again brace your ears this is last night’s at least part of it last night’s national anthem Stripes bright fight for the we and the rocket spr the bombs bur through the night that our flag was still I can’t stop my Mouse is dead potting it down my mouse died at the wrong time okay so a lot of things could have happened there uh maybe her monitors were out the the things that are in her ears maybe there was a weird Echo I don’t know if that weird sound is when she was hitting it almost sounded like you know when you hear words in reverse the problem is is that probably none of that was true and you can tell you you can tell by by her singing there there is a there is a certain type of female singing style uh Lord is one you may remember uh the version of leaving on a chat plane by Shantel kusc or something like that there’s a handful that have a very Billy eyelish a little bit very breathy haunting I’ve never heard a single thing that that she sung before so I pulled this up according to Spotify this is her most listened to song it’s called more Hearts than mine by uh ingred Andress here let’s just I’m not trying to scare you off but I just thought that we should talk a few things out before we hit the RO if I bring you home to Mama I guess I better War you falls in love little F I do that’s a very very pleasant voice I could see like oh she’s the next Taylor Swift right it’s a very pleasant voice now okay is that is that because uh she’s in studio well here’s her at a tiny desk concert I’ll you’ll be breaking more heart just HT get louder word normally we write really s okay so that was live here’s the thing about the national anthem too and you gotta kind of acknowledge it national anthem is not an easy song to sing our our national anthem is not it is not an easy song it is a it it when you go if you know I don’t know we’ve sung the National Anthem our whole lives that I don’t know how often you actually stop and go well let’s let’s let’s get into the actual intricacies of singing the song you start out on one level with the OC can you see and it’s rather low and when you compare that to uh the highest note which is generally Land of the Free it’s a big gap not to mention it’s kind of awkward don’t get me wrong I I love our national anthem and all that I’m just saying this is not the easiest song to sing and we’ve seen this whether you’re a professional singer or perhaps a track star it’s always good to be back in Jersey how about them next Carl Lewis everybody wait minute I didn’t hear any food here all right are we all ready you already knew it was up right here you already knew it oh say can you see by the dawn early okay so far what so proudly we at the Twilight lastly who BR stripes and bright stars through the per people forget the first part was AB we wh so streaming okay now if I had paused it there and you’d never heard it before he’s you know what he’s not a bad singer he’s an amazing track star yes that’s a good voice good for you Carl the problem is is that sometimes when one thing goes wrong the whole house of cards drops and that’s what happened to Old Carl here in this next part and The Rock Mike Tyson said once everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face everybody thinks they know how it’s going to go until they’re out there and that’s a perfect example when you compare the OS can you see part to red glare or land of the free it’s a whole new ball game now all of a sudden and Carl is finding this out live in front of 15,000 people the the that a black was still there I’ll make up for now no you won’t I promise commentary that starle all the land all the land of the free what Carl Lewis did right there is realize I’m not gonna be able to hit this I’m not hitting the free part so in real time I’m going back to uh square one and I’m going to figure Not only was the attempt an all-time bad one but Sports Center great current Los Angeles Dodgers broadcaster Charlie Steiner made it Immortal sor it’s his reaction written by Francis Scott off key those were last night’s little lights last night’s highlights anyone who saw Charlie Steiner on Sports Center knows what I’m about to say is true when Charlie would lose it we all lost it with him and when he lost it he’d have tears and snot coming down his face so and by the way uh somebody just informed me I think uh uh ingred Andress who sung the the national anthem last night the hom R and Derby uh was actually uh one of our country in the part guests this last and again we heard her recorded and we heard her live just a perfectly wonderful voice just national anthem a ain’t nothing to screw with look unless you’re Marvin Gay okay unless you’re boy Dem men Metallica Huey Lewis don’t don’t try to reinvent the wheel you have to be incredible you have to be incredible the most incredible in my opinion the most incredible national anthem ever sung and to me it’s not close I think Marvin’s is the most original at the All-Star Game in uh at The Forum but I think the best one of all time is is Whitney Houston at the Super Bowl and she lip synced most people don’t realize that she actually lips synced it Whitney flipping Houston lip synced the national anthem and I think it’s the best one that ever happened don’t screw around sing it the way it should practice it prior many many times make sure you’ve got something so you know what key to start in and by the way this is just my own personal thing it’s just this is how I tend to grade national anthems Banner is three Sil not four and no of course Banner is two syllables but when singing there are those that say Banner or ban if you’re going four syllables I I then I got you got to do really well at the rest of it three syllable banners please and you know what I’m rooting for for ingred because she’s taking it on the chin today this poor girl is a is a is a national mem I I think she has a new album coming out I hope it does well you know look what if this was like a way for her to get her name out there I it’s a great it’s a great way to do it like if she did a very good job at it everyone that’s cool yeah but now let’s put it this way you and I we’re we know I know who ingred andr is now I did not know before I’m rooting for you know what everybody has bad nights just we’ve we’ve seen them them recently in nationally televised performances you might fall flat on your face get back up and do your thing we will uh take a break when we come back just a one minute break here we’ll clean some stuff up uh including uh news out of the World of Sports television we’ll get to that next on the Move got somewhere to be take Sacramento Kings basketball with you the sack toown Sports act will let you stay connected to your passion never a moment of Sacramento Kings basketball with a sack toown Sports app hey it’s Carmichael Dave inviting you to make this switch to Electric this spring and save big with American Energy stay ahead of those spiking energy bills this summer with up to nine grand in rebates on a new ultra high efficiency Comfort System American energy is providing huge rebates from SMUD as well as spring specials by installing one of many incredibly efficient AC options available to you right now get rid of those fluctuating gas bills in the winter and switch to year round all electric with American Energy let them perform a free inhome Energy Efficiency analysis and see where they can help you save for the warmer months ahead these guys are the best been serving the greater Sacramento area since 1981 A+ from the Better Business Bureau learn more by calling 916520 9990 that’s 916520 9990 916 52 Michael D has very good sources and he just kind of tells it as it is and gets to the point Jason Ross a lot of things to say he’s good at what he does on sa Sports the chat is very unhappy with the national anthem segment the funny thing is I couldn’t see the chat because I had her uh her YouTube page up a lot of Mercies in there as in I give up please stop Chris Guerrera says this is pure laziness the Olympics are going on right now no they’re not and even if they were uh Kings fan Dan is this the slowest sports news day of the year yes yes welcome to let me be really clear here the job of a sports radio host or one of the main jobs is to do what we call teasing do a segment and then at the end of the segment it’s I don’t know is this the last day LeBron LeBron James is going to play basketball forever we’ll tell you why next and then you listen through the commercial break and then we come back and we’re like no next and then you know it’s some stupid unless something changes right unless something changes no according to sources obviously I’m exaggerating but then there’s the long teases well hey coming up at 9:00 am mon McNair you know you want to you want to tease the thing towards the end of the show keep the listener appointment radio is what they say and you even do it like throughout the week hey this Friday we’re going to have uh you know Tiger Woods on at 8:35 make sure you stay tuned for that that’s that’s what good radio hosts do what they don’t do is what I’m about to do which is what I’ve been doing which is Jason is gone until next Wednesday and then I am gone this is the first time I have worked this week in over 10 years because it is the slowest Sports week of the year now I’m sure some of you Chris well you could be talking about bad mitton qualifying there’s soccer why don’t you do a three-hour block on the WNBA which by the way we have talked a lot of WNBA lately it’s the slowest week of the year and on top of that Jason is gone so over the next five show shows including this one you’re getting a lot of national anthem breakdowns uh there will be a few Mount Rushmore is in there I’m sure we’re going to do hey if you could only play golf with one force now we’ll we’ll switch these up a little but throughout the year every radio host every TV host producer whatever has a folder or or something in their phone or there there’s something where they keep track of what we call Evergreens conversations that maybe in February or December when you’re in the the the thick of the sports year you’re not going to have those conversations because you need to get to what the niners did what the Raiders going to do in the Kings and uh you know everything that’s going on now now now this is where all that comes out so yes get used to that I 100% promise you that that’s what the show is going to be for the next six I have warned you if you want to submit show topics I have a saying throughout the year no amateur program directors don’t worry we got this I don’t know if that’s a saying but it’s something I think this is not one of those weeks not not saying it’s going to be all request radio but I will listen to and observe your requests if they are reasonable if Chris Guerrero wants me to talk about swimming I’m not going to do that but but if you have a question or a topic that we may not normally cover throughout the year or something you were talking about with your friends or an answer to a question you’ve always wanted to know preferably sports related but not not a deal breaker I will listen Stephen on the text L on the chat honesty is the best policy that’s my opinion too I will always be straightforward with you I will not lie to you I’m just trying to get through the next 21 hours and 37 minutes and then I’m going to Europe I’m just trying to get 21 hours and 37 minutes and I don’t have after today any more Jason Ross interviews down in summer league to hang on so I will be clearing out my address book begging people to come on as guests good morning David hey good morning hey buddy hey give me a give me at least a 15 minute segment on Charles Barkley’s interview on KC 3 over the weekend Oh when you were talking uh was that the one I saw it when he was talking about the Golden State Warrior fans and how great Kings fans are yeah absolutely I mean honestly thank you David we didn’t even mention that but boy no love lost for the Golden State fans and also weirdly Sacramento Sacramento’s kind of always is I’m not saying that Charles Barkley has never criticized Sacramento but weirdly enough he’s I I feel like he’s always had a soft spot for Sacramento and my buddy Mike Tel with KC channel 3 caught up with him at the golf tournament and here’s what he had to say live just just walked right up to him I see dearer Fitzpatrick Mike cherry and there’s Mike toell uh with our partners at KCRA talking to Barkley hey here’s one of those Stars Charles Barkley hey we’re live on KCRA 3 how’s that golf game what what city Sacramento the king y’all got cable there see hey great trade G Demar de rozan how how big of a difference does that make for the well I think he’s a terrific player and he’s a great guy he’s gonna bring some veteran leadership so Sacramento got better and I’m really hoping they do well cuz I really pull for the Kings you know they got some of the best fans in the world they’re like totally opposite of those jackasses in Golden State their fans are the worst uh but Sacramento got great fans that’s great he’s the perfect interview of those because it’s first a joke about the city then oh I know something about what just happened with the Kings this is my serious thoughts oh and then screw the Warriors exactly it’s he he’s always had the you and he had the little dig about cable but he’s always had a little bit of a soft spot here he is um April 6th a year ago April 6th the Sacramento Kings are gonna win a playoff series G I mean if you’re the number three seed no no no no they they gonna be playing The Warriors or the Lakers that that’s a tough first round series okay they they they gonna win a series I mean he was wrong he was wrong but his heart was in the right place and by the way I just want to throw you an example you see what just happened there David called up at 1800 92140 and he asked for a segment on the Charles Barkley quote which we did not have on today’s uh call sheet we brought up the sound we played it we did a segment on it that’s what the next six shows are going to be like if we all work together to get through this you want to be entertained I want to entertain you I’m like lonus from the peanuts and my security blanket is in New Orleans and meanwhile I got Peppermint Patty behind the class trying to get me in trouble here and there who I believe is currently talking to Stephen by talking I think Stephen’s talking to him right now on the phone and Chris is waiting to take a break which we will do right now when we come back TV news in the World of Sports the Kings pool for the inseason tournament is defined and your wests we’ll go to the text line at 9163 39140 and we’ll go to your phone calls at 1800 920 1140 we’ll do that next our first year is the radio home of the San Francisco 49ers is one we will never forget and Logan Ryan picks him up looks like they’re playing man Lort is over there as well it’s five out it’s empty on fourth down golf back back not going to get out to his right being chase Rose and it is incomplete the 49ers take over on fourth down again congratulations to the 49ers on a terrific Year and thank you for so many wonderful memories where do you go when you need someone to represent you for me you want someone that is local and that you can actually get to and talk with there are plenty of big branded lawyers out 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that’s a conflict of interest we prioritize service over sales goals so then how do your fees work we have a simple and transparent fee that’s a percentage of our clients portfolios so we do better when our clients do better wow we’re more different than I thought at Fisher Investments we’re clearly different learn more at Fisher investing insecurities involves the risk of loss the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross call or text it at 916 339 1140 on sa toown Sports looking up the Tex line at 916 339 1140 your phone calls at 18920 11140 rcking Monty McNair for those who missed it early in the show we’ll do that at 9: uh cleaning up the texts from the 530 on the national anthem from last night sounds like she had the hiccups now here’s the thing this person spelled hiccups hick-ups and I’m trying to figure out that was on I’m gonna I’m gonna say that was on purpose I think that’s a joke that’s that’s well done sounds like a cat getting stabbed I mean you know don’t be mean spirit it’s not funny um from the 916 Dave I’m not trolling I think you could sing the national anthem better than her uh I don’t think I could sing the national anthem better than her I think I could sing the national anthem better than she did last night that’s actually on my bucket list of things I’m probably never going to do like part of me has always wanted to sing the national anthem of the King’s game true story I’m guessing you’re the one that starts with hose shut up Chris but I think my nerves to get the better of me it’s one of those things where when I see things that happened the last night I don’t want the what we do with Allan saying SC just by itself I don’t want to make myself vulnerable there would be a moment where you’re just like and that would be played for the rest of your life yeah 100% do I think I could do it yes am I a great singer no am I a good enough singer I think to pull off the national anthem yes but uh again you open yourself up for it this might surprise you but I’m not the biggest fan of the national anthem before sporting events but yeah but the best live performance of the national anthem I ever saw was at the Giants game and they had like a Whistler whistle the I know exactly what you’re talking about this wasn’t that long ago I don’t think uh when I saw this was a while ago like right at the be like this is pacbell Park days I want gosh but I think it’s someone that they used several times yeah I was gonna say I I I feel like it’s happened before they also think there’s a woman that plays the National Anthem with a saw what like with like a violin like you’ve seen that before right I have not hold on here’s a here here’s somebody whistling the national anthem oh we’re not going to play Spangled Banner I ladies and gentlemen four-time National and international whistling Champion Chris Alman that’s awesome just want to see when he gets to the high parts here yo that’s fantastic sorry all the dogs that’s fantastic um what was I gonna say uh so like my favorite national anthems are the ones when the C like I I think one of my favorite national anthems of all time I want to say it was an edmont Oilers game Mike went out everybody was singing O Canada um it was the crowd that was singing it which was just awesome um I actually think of all I’ve heard every national anthem but the two best I I think my two favorite other than like patriotic reasons obviously are national anthems my favorite of course America but like just from a pure song standpoint I think it’s a tie between O Canada and I don’t know if you remember like if you saw a Hunt for Red October like the old school USSR National Anthem was actually a good song I don’t know what it I don’t know what they say I’m just saying from from like a peer like hey that Anthem slaps America is the worst Crush capitalism see there you go you those are the words oh is that I thought that was you the words of the USSR National Anthem uh no we’re not playing Roseanne’s national anthem we’ve done that enough um rolling through the text here I always love the way this works from the 916 Dave I know you can’t criticize the Kings but I can’t I strongly believe Fox is Monte Ellis he’s just a scorer that doesn’t impact winning Monty improved the king’s roster but I’m not sure how far this team can realistically go I say second round as a ceiling but for this franchise I guess that’s good enough you know I was on listen in all seriousness I was on the foxes Mont Montiel Monte Ellis uh track for about a month I really was because uh this was before the saone trade and I was looking at the comparisons and really really honestly the first six years of dearon Fox’s career when you look at the numbers just seriously go don’t take my word for it if you go NBA stats comparison and Google it’ll bring up a site where you can literally compare uh two players in any time frame you want it’s pretty easy to use and put in De Fox and Monta Alis and put in their first six seasons honest to God it’s it’s scary how close their numbers were and if you you remember at we bring this up from time to time at uh Chris mullen’s retirement ceremony right after Joe lob and Peter goober bought the Warriors they had just traded monis who was like super fan favorite and they got booed off the floor Rick Barry had to come out and yell at everybody right I mean that was a whole thing we played it before the the trade of Monte Ellis was a big part of that and then obviously that opened up the door Steph and clay and they won championships but I was wrong about it I was wrong about dearen Fox being Monte Alis because he’s a better Defender than monis he led the league in steals last year he’s more clutch than Monte Ellis I do think he does affect winning I I I don’t agree with that mainly if for no other reason you have to ask and I get it it’s fair dearen Fox is the longest tenur Sacramento King and they’ve never gotten past the first round of the playoffs therefore it must be he’s limiting but I I I feel like when we say that were just saying that it’s it’s my favorite Latin phrase post Hawk AO propter Hawk after therefore because of it westwing fans you know what I mean that doesn’t mean there’s a corollary and look at who he’s had they finally went out and got him a good player in sabonis and oh hey wow second most wins in the Western Conference the last two years so I I I don’t think dear in fact I worry more about and and Damonte sabonis might be my favorite player on the team I worry more about his limitations then I do dear and Fox’s Fox doesn’t really have limitations he he could shoot better free throws certainly nits to pick I I’m more worried about us having a five who may not be a five who who is just the best person competitor leaves it all out there has led the league in rebounding both full seasons he’s been with the team gives you 20 points 12 13 boards seven eight assists a game I don’t think you’d ask anything more out of damont simonis numbers wise but can you win a championship with a five that is not a plus Defender who doesn’t really have an outside shot I I if you want to ask a question about limiting this squad between Fox and sabonis I worry more about sabonis now I think that can be defeated I think that could be defeated if you just like with dearin if you surround him with the right parts but I I don’t think they’ve done that yet I don’t think they’ve done that yet but I do think they improved the squad and I and I am okay because I’m getting a lot of uh questions about this too I am okay with them being done with in fact I almost prefer unless something crazy came up I almost prefer them being done with their moves for the summer major moves and by the way I don’t think they’re a championship Contender as they are that’s not what I’m saying but I’m just going to go back to kind of the same thing I’ve been saying which is you just added a major piece inar D rozan when it comes to a scoring standpoint 24 points a game and I do think that number will go down with the Kings because they have enough offense but I would rather not spend the limited assets we have right now trying to augment a team in which we’re not entirely sure what needs to be augmented yes we need more Frontline help yes we need to get better defensively I agree but what if that better piece ends up being a three that moves keeg to the four what if that piece ends up being a five that moves domas to the four or Keegan from the four to the three full time there’s three different types of position three a four and a five you could go out and acquire to improve this team and I’d like to see what they look like with dear Rosen for 30 or 40 games call me crazy I’d like to see how this team works with DeMar rosen for a few before we start spending Capital because we don’t have a lot left because you got two max players a $25 million a year player and before you know it Keegan Murray is going to come up one last note skip Bess is leaving FS1 Undisputed later this summer now maybe I’m I’m you know the cheese stands alone here I honest to God did not know that was still on the air I I thought it ended when Shannon sharp left and it used to be skit Bess and uh Stephen A which I’m you know was probably the best iteration of that show shout out to our guy Sean Salsbury and the late great John Clayton for starting all of that sometimes I want to shout him out sometimes I want to slap him because it gave way to these debate shows that I I I to this day I do not understand what the appeal is but obviously there’s an appeal because a lot of people watch them but I wonder how much of their ratings are people like us like I have it on FS1 and I have it on NBA TV in here I’m not even watching it are there just a lot of people that just leave their TVs on the sports channel whatever that channel may be and there’s like a right way to do a debate show pardon the interruption does it the best I you’re 100% correct about that because like it’s they are having conversations that does get serious but it’s not like you are a [ __ ] if you believe in this oh let me tell you why then they scream at each other yeah uh I also don’t mind uh uh uh you said pardon the interruption I don’t mind around the horn either oh Around the Horn yeah yeah I I I don’t mind I think like the sucess from those and then just like oh well people really like it when they start yelling at each other what if the whole show was that yeah what if the whole show was just yelling people will love that we’ll take a break when we come back Chris has got it who’s hot who’s not and then we will go streaking or are we going streaking I don’t know I don’t think we are going streaking actually never mind who’s hot who’s not we’ll clean up some other stuff and then M mcir at 9:00 A.M we’ll be right back after this subscribe to sack toown Sports on YouTube and watch the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross Styles and Watkins and the drive 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what’s not brought to you by American energy heat and air making the uncomfortable comfortable head to American Energy to find out more what’s hot yeah hot real hot and what not it’s not good brought to you by American Energy heating and air Sacramento’s comp complete Heating and Cooling company and second opinion partner there in 14 minutes CR coming up at 943 with st Watkins along with celebrity birthdays in the meantime who is hot reys Hines yeah in his six days as a major league baseball player with the Reds Hines has nine extra base hits five home runs a game with all types of extra face hits all three types wow a grand slam and a multi-home run game game nobody else in Major League Baseball history has ever done all of that in a six day span I mean you want to talk about a great start again you just wonder is it a Kirk reader type great start or is this guy GNA be a real uh a real deal player but my God talk about the confidence he has right now uh also uh I’m doing something at the end of the show today I can’t even remember the last time uh uh uh there’s a guy that actually used to work here that I think lives in Europe now I could be mixing this up with somebody else anyways he and his kid are uh visiting I’m giving a tour at 9:00 am on the station I can’t even like i’ I’ve got to be the worst tour guide ever you w you watched westwing before you hated it remember when uh who it Rob’s character was given Leo mcgary’s daughter’s charact he was given the class of tour and he was like this is the the the the plate room now it’s the China room and like I don’t I don’t even know how to give a tour like I honestly I’m not nervous about it I’m just I don’t I don’t want you know all the rooms are yeah well I know like I’ll show him like here’s our studio uh and this is where the magic Happ this where the magic happens exactly and since he worked in radio and specifically I think in this building uh years like DEC a couple decades ago um so he’ll He he’ll kind of get it but like also not the greatest place to give a tour I think like and there’s the lizard that in the hallway and the Cockroach you kind of see people’s like magic disappear when they come to this build they get crushed I will have my little cousin in here on Friday he wants to see how the Magic’s made want see how you know that that makes me maybe um got bring my son in at some point this summer and I’m running out of time because we get back from uh vacation then they go back to school that following Wednesday so it’s either sometime the only problem is I don’t know if I want to bring him in without Jason because he’s just going to be sitting here half the time like nothing’s going on he’s going to be sitting there playing he’s going to get bored right in front of me who’s not bronnie James oh yeah yesterday bronnie finished with three points five rebounds three assists and three blocks not bad in the Lakers 88 to 74 lost to the Celtics in his four games so far in summer league bronny is averaging close to 26 minutes a game 4.3 points per game 23% from the field and he is 0 of 15 from the three point line yeah he’s he’s been terrible also 50% from the free throw line and now you see you know somebody said something to me yesterday after the show as a friend of mine so I was listening to you talk about Pony he goes you know I really appreciate where you’re coming from in the sense that you know it seems like it’s a little bit of bullying it’s not this kid’s fault that he was born that way it’s it’s cool that he has tried to work his way up he’s not his dad you know he said but he’s taking a spot from somebody there’s somebody out there that is a journeyman or a rook trying to break in that doesn’t have a a rich family um that only has one maybe two maybe three years of their NBA career you know like most NBA players and he’s taking a spot from this guy and you know it’s a fair point it’s it’s a fair point and one of the things I I love about debate and and whether it’s sports radio or something else is I I think it’s actually cool when you uh you have a take and then somebody says something that makes you go ah you know what okay that’s a fair point I hate radio or TV like we were just talking about with the argu you know when was the last time you saw a first take Style Show and these guys are yelling at each other and then one guy’s like yeah but also D D D D D D and then the other guy’s like huh you know what I hadn’t thought of that didn’t think about that a pretty good point it’s a pretty I I I actually like that I think that that’s how you learn that’s how you grow this guy said that I’m sure he’s not the first to say that but that really did kind of stick in my head not that I I’m changing my mind and I think Brony James is evil but it’s gonna be interesting to see much like you could argue that I don’t know uh Sam Cassell James bgo um you know 900 other coaches who’ve been toiling away all got stomped on by JJ reck who has as much coaching experience as you and I do so it’ be very interesting to see how the Lakers handle bronny James even though they’ve given him a four-year deal oh man because if he continues to put up these numbers in summer league well he can’t make the team it gets to a point where I feel sorry for him of just like he’s put into a position where he can’t win he can’t make himself be an incredible basketball player nope like he can try as hard as he can and put his hours in the gym it’s not going to make you a world class basketball player that’s that it’s not like he’s trying to suck and in fact you you’re dealing with this kid who just came off a major physical trauma who’s been in the spotlight since he was 12 you he’s not going online reading about how uh how terrible he is well then also that I mean from what I’m hearing those games are absolutely packed because they all want to see bronnie James and he’s airballing you’re playing if I’m playing for the Celtics against bronnie in that game I’m doing everything I G can to just absolutely just shut him down just because like you’re not gonna make me look bad no he’s got a Target on his like you’ve got all these like if he’s if he had those numbers as like just Joe Smith like he’s just like uh he’s forgettable and but like you don’t have Pat crowds you don’t have people just like going hard at him it’s just he’s just in a bad he’s in a good spot because of his name but in a bad spot of just what his talent is as of right now he’s a he’s a number 55 pick getting the attention and scrutiny of a number one pick and and again I’m not especially with how bad the draft was that’s right I’m not trying to play again trying to play a violin for the kid there’s a lot of people that would love to be in that position um but it it it just it gets a little out of hand obviously with everything that happened over the weekend uh and you know what I’m talking about the big news events you know you had bronny James is a meme for that thing and I won’t even say what it was on the air you can figure it out or maybe you saw it but I’m just I’m looking at that I’m going look he was born into privilege he’s got a ton of cash I get it I get it there’s a lot more people you can feel sorry for than bronny James but ah I I honestly Chris you know what it is it’s the part of me it’s the Ben Simmons part of me that it just I hate I hate it just seem like when it gets mean-spirited and and everyone just kind of gangs up it’s it’s like okay what what do this kid really do like other than again maybe taking a spot that’s a valid thing and if he’s putting up these numbers and he’s on the Lakers then you really just have to say Okay the Lakers agreed to pay LeBron James you know whatever it was two years and whatever million and give him a roster spot to do with what he wished that was their price to retain LeBron James he just didn’t put it in his contract we’ll take a break when we come back uh Monty McNair Jason Ross sat down with him uh in his in his palatial Suite in Las Vegas sat down with him uh the night before last uh we played that early in the show yesterday here’s for those who weren’t listening yesterday uh we’ll play that for you right after this on the Move got somewhere to be take Sacramento Kings pass baset with you the sack toown Sports act will let you stay connected to your passion never miss a moment of Sacramento Kings basketball with a sack Down Sports app I didn’t ask to be thrown in the streets with nowhere to go I didn’t think I’d survive but I did ask for help and kovenant house was there for me one in 10 young adults will experience a form of homelessness this year for these kids who didn’t ask to be put in this Unthinkable situation Covenant House is there Covenant House helped me break the cycle of homelessness in my family they gave me the love that I needed over 2,000 young people will sleep safely in a covenant house bed tonight when youth who are experiencing homelessness 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is brought to you by the Hagen Oaks Golf super shop here’s Frank L Roa we golfers tend to Grumble too much golf monthly Nick Bonfield compiled our biggest complaints they include our own game the refrain is it going to be another one of those days should maybe be reigned and set about the next shot with positivity next is our equipment we always blame our tools even though they were just along for the ride of course conditioning is another gripe and maybe you should try getting up while it’s still dark whether it’s 108 or 32 Dees and deal with global warming limited budgets and sustainability and then go hug your superintendent for what they do dress codes get a lot of attention some feel the tradition should be maintained and others are comfortable in t-shirts it’s a game people also in the mix are rules of golf slow play the World handicap system tea time booking systems bad luck and more I say you get out of it what you’re willing to put in into it you’re on a golf course your phone’s not ringing and you might make a birdie or two enjoy the moment there’s lots of time left in the day for complaints that’s your golf to go I’m Frank leosa I’m Craig Ashton of the injury law firm of Ashton and price whether you’ve been injured on a bicycle as a pedestrian in a slip and fall auto Uber lift or big rig accident you need Ashton and price in your corner when you call Ashton and price there’s no chatbot telling you to hit three for accounting you’re greeted by a real life person who will immediately transfer you to an exper experienced attorney the consultation free and there’s never a fee until you win remember for the best advice don’t think twice call Ashton and price the Wildey Southern Boys Are Back 38 special rock it into the night Friday July 19th at 7:30 at the venue at Thunder Valley with L the original voice of Foreigner tickets on sale now for tickets visit don’t miss 38 Special live Big O Tires proudly sells our own brand of innovative newly designed tires 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different each time but you’ve been busy uh let’s kind of maybe go through the order we’ll go back to um extending Mike Brown that’s that’s a big part of what you guys want to do how did all that go yeah no I think uh once you get through the draft in free agency people want to talk about the the players but let’s not forget our coach uh really excited to bring Mike back uh 94 wins the last two years and what he’s done for our organization um awesome we’re so excited to extend him and um you know excited for what’s next what he what he will get this you know kind of combination of new and old players uh to do next season in a tough West but um him and uh his staff you know they’ve done a great job obviously credit to Jordy Fernandez who who Brooklyn decided to lead their group which is a great you know sign for us obviously we’re we’re bumed to lose somebody like Jordy but um it’s just a great sign for the organization people want to come and and poach from us a little bit but to retain Mike the rest of the group were excited I heard you say that stat the other day that you and Denver are the only teams 46 wins or more which one is amazing two it’s a three seed and then a non-play I mean how crazy is the West the West is always always crazy I’ve said it I think this is I don’t even know 16 17 years in now for me in the west between Houston and Sack and it uh we’ve seen it all I think um you know us in Golden State last year win 46 and don’t make it into that the final eight playoff teams which is I think the fifth and sixth teams ever to do that and um you know I think the year before maybe we got a little fortunate that 48 wins got us the three PR seed um but then for 46 wins a two- win drop to drop you six spots it just shows how deep it is but um I think for us we took that as a challenge that um yeah you might have to win 48 50 52 games to to get into the playoffs in the west so how do we improve um you know how do we get back and and compete with um those teams because once you get in the playoffs I think we saw it last year Dallas had a great run from the um you know the last third of the Season into the playoffs uh the finals from I guess the five seed and um you know so you get in the mix you got a you got a a chip and a chair as they say we’re here in Vegas but uh you know give us a shot so for us we got to get it back into that mix that was the goal all right so you land coach that’s a big part the next one was Malik fans wanted him I’m sure you guys wanted him we you know we’re hearing all these things all these other teams potentially are are seeking him which is a great thing for him how’ it all come about how’ you uh convince him to to come back to Sacramento I think I this goes back two years where uh credit to our staff because um you know Malik certainly didn’t have uh maybe the most standard of of Beginnings to his career but has started to show some flashes his last little bit in Charlotte and then with the Lakers and and uh a lot in our group saw big potential in Malik and so we were able to to get him into into Sacramento use used our mid-level um and you know obviously he’s had a previous relationship with dear and they they have a great uh Synergy together but I think um surpassed certainly my expectations uh and had a great two-year run and so at that point it’s like all right yeah now how do we keep this guy but I think the this goes back to Coach Brown um goes back to dearon and domas you know our two stars and you know and what they’re able to kind of open up for Malik and then how he’s able to fit in there and uh you know we certainly missed him down the stretch last season um but I think for him and I’m sure he had many other suitors but for him to at our situation and say you know I want to come back and be a part of what’s next um you know huge Testament to him and and to to our group and um you know we’re really excited to see what what he can do and you know a couple new faces in there with him but him and dear and continue their two-man game him and domas a fantastic Twan game um super excited to have him back I’m sure you’ve got to love that though I mean from the top down and coaching you everybody’s trying to talk about culture and he chose you guys I mean there were other options so I mean just how rewarding is what you’re doing not just wins and losses but it’s it’s keeping guys that want to stay here yeah we’ve uh We’ve certainly had and I know we’ll get into Demar and uh you know him choosing to come to Sacramento but we’ve also had I think a lot of successes of of guys coming to sack and then we’re able to you know keep them whether that’s uh you know a contract extension or a new contract and you know Malik’s the latest one fan favorite um just just a huge testment what we’re building and I think it it shows that players want to win and uh when you’re winning when there’s when there’s uh the prospect of future winning you know and uh I think we’re set up well to to compete we’ll see we got to do it but uh we’re set up well to to compete next year and in the future of the West so uh I think that’s really a testament to that well you mentioned dear let’s get there I mean you know there’s rumors about the team and all the different guys that you guys may have been pursuing but it does end up being dear D Rose and how did you guys kind of make this work why did he choose a Sacramento well I think um you know a little bit of it just goes back to that we we’ve been set up where we have the ability to go and recruit a free agent like that we have the um the ability to kind of it’s a complicated transaction to sign in trade but the ability to both get the signing part done and the trading part done and um so credit to our staff uh ability to do that but you know ultimately this is a free agent who can go anywhere and um you know we’re kind of seeing the landscape DeMar his landscape and we get a couple days into free agency and continue to talk and uh you know credit to West Wilcox who does a fantastic job um you know working the phones and uh our staff trying to figure out okay if dear may come what does that mean how do we set up the trade and really work in these these three or four paths at once uh to try to get them to ultimately come together uh which they somehow did right before cow classic uh game number one so uh certainly not a grand strategy that we had for that timing but it worked out great and um you know he’s just such a consumate professional somebody who you look at his career and it’s like how has he done this for over a decade and uh I think led the league in minutes or minutes per game last year whatever it is um at his at his age to show no signs of slowing down and continue to evolve his game add the passing and playmaking and um scoring at the line in the paint um in the mid-range he’s just uh you know a complete player and I think a six-time All-Star uh to Cho Sacramento um I think it’s because of what we’re building here and excited to bring him in I mean all NBA as well multiple times Hall of Fame career really how do you see the fit with him here well I think the the great thing about dear is uh like I said with the passing with the scoring with the ability to get to the line he’s gonna fit in all sorts of lineups and uh so whether that’s with sabonis uh with Fox with both of them obviously Keegan and his ability to score inside of out then you got Kevin herder Malik bunk Trey lyes you go on and on down the line I think dear whether he needs to score or whether he needs to find others he’s going to do that um you know he’s also shown the other end the ability to guard both both positions which is which is huge in today’s NBA so um just another threat out there that teams have to account for I mean I you’re an opposing coach and you got to put somebody on Dear somebody on domas that’s Allstar all-nba level Talent now you got dear in there and then you look up and somebody’s gonna have to guard Keegan or Kevin or Malik and it’s you know yeah it’s going to be hard to guard us you know for us uh you know we’re going to have to put that in make sure we we do the work get the right shots uh take care of the ball and then uh you know at the other end continue to to improve like we did last year on the defensive end but um you know he he I think unlocks a lot of things for for us and for for Mike Jay on the offensive end also in the busy offseason you have a draft it’s always an exciting time too Devin Carter comes in uh as a lottery pick unfortunately he’s injured here to start but you know there’s still a bright future ahead for him kind of the thought process on drafting him and and hopefully when you’ll have him back yeah Devon I think it uh unique in that I think he can fit us when he comes back this year um but also somebody that we can see fitting what whatever form we take five six seven years in the future and I think a little bit of what we’ve seen in the NBA now where um these kind of do it all guards wings I mean he’s like 69ine um Wings ban and um obviously his dad played in the NBA so he knows what it’s about but um you know I think that kind of Versatility defensively and then offensively he showed in college the ability to put the ball on the ground go to the basket uh shoot from outside really big Improvement this year um you know where bum’s not playing here at Summer League and and maybe for the start of the season but when he does come back I think he’s gonna make a big impact and um just be a very good compliment to to what we’re already building and then you know hopefully continue to grow his game and and gu’s a limit for him I’m curious on the process for you and your your front office how fluid the path has to be so let’s go to draft KN and you’re 13 you may want to trade the pick you may want to make the pick maybe your pick goes before you also to Demar D rozan if you’re interested in other players too like how fluid do you have to be is it when the opportunity strikes this is one of our plans we go for it just kind of how was that process it it’s uh you know when you’re in the moment it’s it’s hard sometimes because you don’t know what’s to come you you know we have the draft it’s draft night now it’s two nights uh then you got a few days then you got free agency um trades obviously happen a lot at that time and you really the the Demar D rozan thing comes together on July 6 which you know that’s only 10 or so days from the draft but it feels like forever and you at the time at the draft you have no idea um what may come and there was a bunch of things filling around so you’re really trying to make these decisions at the time um you know there’s uh there’s there’s a bunch of different kind of uh you know Game Theory thought here about there’s there’s a stopping problem like okay when is this the one versus versus roll the dice and see what’s going forward and you know so we ended up having a lot of options uh at the draft but when Devon Devon fell we were really excited to get him and uh we said well let’s see what’s what’s going to happen in free agency and there we had some some trade options and things but as Demar came into Focus um the last few days of that that that became I think the the thing that we thought man this really this really checks a lot of box for us and um you know we still had to convince him we had to set up the other trades but um you know happy where it ended up um you know kind of uh you know restless nights in the interum uh trying to see where we were going to end up we were happy with you know I think our process there but um it’s certainly certainly tougher in the interim he seems happy was the convincing of Demar a difficult task or I I think it’s more just you’re competing with you know 20 other teams and um you know so so we have to I think um him coming to sack and seeing what we’re about and meeting with Co some of the coaches some of the players our front office staff um obviously ownership ve was there um fantastic I think that he was able to see that and was like yeah this is what I want to be a part of so um you know at the same time you you gotta you got to be able to offer him a package that is commensurate with his ability and and then put the the trade together to be able to to do that but um you know fortunate all those things came together but um but also credit to our group that’s a lot of planning uh so that you have the ability to do that and um and then I think the convincing of dear came down to um coach our players and seeing what we’ve already been building and seeing that we have room to grow couple other moves I mean it obviously cost you players that you’ve had relationships with Harrison Barnes won part of the D rozan move um but um Sasha and daveon you get uh McDaniels there and you’ve also added Jordan mlin how do those two guys help the Kings going forward yeah well um first you know Harrison Davon Sasha Chris dwarte among others you know just a huge part of what we’ve done last year and and the year before and um in turning this thing around so um big thanks to them and and wish them the best going forward um but in getting jayen McDaniels a big long Wing um you know I think has a chance to be impactful on both ends of the floor um you know something that you know we’re we’re looking to do if we can get bigger longer um you know two-way players and then Jordan mcclaflin uh you know really a fantastic few years in Minnesota last year in particular as they they kind of surge up the Western Conference standings um but for him him to come in and um certainly with Devon’s injury and uh I think just be a good fit you know both behind and potentially next to dear and with his shooting ability to defend just run an offense um you know bring back Alex Len on the other end of the the roster at the at the big spot um who had a great year last year he’s uh you know really come into his own as finding his role and um just being an awesome professional whether he’s playing or not but you know we’re gonna need him to play even more and uh bring bring his Rim protection and those things so excited for what we’ve got there obviously you know haven’t even mentioned Keon Ellis and kobby Jones you know two of our our younger guys you know Keon in particular played very well down the stretch when we had some injuries at the at the guard Wing Spot and uh started in the in the playing for us um you know had a had an especially big game against Golden State and guarding Steph and and hitting some big shots so you know we we we know we’ll need it all in the west and uh you know there’s uh you know you’ll need your depth and you’ll need your kind of uh all the tools in your tool belt uh as you go in of just different matchups each night but you know I think we’ve we’ve got a lot of that and uh you know we’ll need guys to continue to improve internally uh as well as hopefully some of the external growth that we’ve had couple of final roster spots are left are there areas of need that you’re looking at more depth maybe front court side like what what are kind of things you’d like to see addressed yeah I think for the for the most part you know we’re always looking to improve the team and if opportunities arise uh we’ll certainly take advantage I do think at this point we’re uh we’re expecting that this is probably the core of the group that we’ll go into training camp with um but yeah potentially one or two more roster spots I think we’re going to take our time a little bit and see there probably be more more um Wing forward big uh we feel pretty good at at the guard spot right now so um you know we we’ll look this is big part of summer league and seeing what our own guys can do we got Scouts scouting the other 29 teams here uh great opportunity for a lot of these uh you know young players to who who are not even on a roster potentially to to Showcase themselves and you know our our groups been watching the G league and international so a lot of a lot of different ways that we can go but um you know we we’ll take our time time we’ll see what we got there and uh you know as we head into training camp we’ll fill those last couple spots but um you know I think uh we’re we’re we’re happy with the group as is again if something comes up we’ll certainly look at it but I think right now this is this is the bulk of the group we’ll have and uh you know a couple um you know last spots that we’ll fill uh right before training camp I’m thinking day one a training camp you clear the court and let all the guards go out there I mean that competition there’s some minutes up for grabs but there’s a lot of guys that can play I’d like to see how that goes yeah well I think uh you know Keegan mentioned it last year but guarding dear in all summer was pretty good uh you know trial by fire and uh we we have a lot of guys I think that uh you know yeah they’re going to go at each other you know over the summer uh and as as we get into training camp and um you know obviously when Devon comes back you know he’ll add to that mix and I mean that is one competitive tough guy as well but uh you know I think for dearen too like him going against you know Keon and Colby and some of these guys that can you know Keegan that can throw different different looks at him um you know Malik and and all the Boose he has so um it’s a good group they push each other uh we hope they’d make each other better which they’ve done and uh and then we can go take it out on the other 14 teams in the west one last thought how do you feel about U like keagan’s experience playing with the select team was great and sabonis I mean you’re probably watching wanting them to do well but you know knock on would stay as healthy as possible just just guys that get opportunities to keep playing how do you guys kind of feel about that I think the for for the most part the competition the ability to play highle basketball in the summer is huge so Keegan was select um and both Trey and and domas with their their national teams I mean yeah of course we want our guys to come come to Camp healthy but we want them to be in great shape we want to be in you know great competitive shape and playing high level basketball is there there’s no replacement for it so um bumber for for domas and Lithuania they felt one game short but um was great for him Trey I’ll would be excited to see him in the Olympics Keegan you know going up against the some of the best in the world and going toe-to-toe um it’s just an incredible experience and growth opportunity for those guys and um you know it’s I mean frankly that’s what’s going to be every night in the west and uh so we’re gonna need every bit of experience there um and you know I think one last thing on that is sometimes those those Prov opportunities for guys to maybe be out of their comfort zone do something a little bit different uh expand their game in some way and um you know I think we saw that a little bit with Keegan In Summer League last year uh hey go go be the scorer uh go guard the best guy and um you know he he was able to do more of that last year and so we’re excited to see you know what what he’s got in store for us you know I think we know domas and dear and you know what they’re going to do and be be in the mix for all NBA Allstar accolades obviously Mar and and what he’s done and um you know the more internal growth we can get and I think we’ve got guys that can continue to do that that’s that’s what we’re going to need to to continue to go uh up against these Behemoth in the west all right one last thing here is uh the question Dave and I probably get the most which you’re not gonna believe it’s not it’s money trading for this guy or picking this guy how is he wearing a vest when it’s 113 we get that a lot I’m do you get that at all I do I do it’s uh first of all I’m inside there’s air conditioning all right and sometimes it’s actually quite cold uh in our offices but from the house to the car no you know like sometimes I actually believe it or not take it off put in the car put it on when I get inside um you have it on here now which is good and Miguel Lopez our Co manager he’s got some lightweight vests this year a little a little lighter uh but look they’re comfortable okay and uh they got great pockets for for all the stuff you got to bring to the gym and uh you know yeah it’s I I agree if I was going to sit outside for 4 hours in the 120 degree weather that would be a little excessive for the most part we’re inside and uh you know it’s a little cooler in there but uh I appreciate the fans taking notice and you know I’ve seen some some funny Twitter memes on it so uh it’s always good always good to see the the fun had I’m sure there’s a mon vest account I don’t know but I bet there is you gotta believe there is you know our fans I’m sure there is our fan they’re doing something they’re doing something I I think it was last year in in Las Vegas actually I posted a picture from uh Caesars and somebody put a vest on the Statue there as a joke so that was pretty funny that’s probably the best one I’ve seen all right Monty thank you so much thanks Jason and Jason Ross with mon McNair of course you can get all that on YouTube or the podcast where available and it’s available everywhere also want to remind you as if you did not know already is officially summer nothing shines bright than your car when you wash at quit Quack Car Wash and now through the end of this month July 31st you can get 25% off any single wash during Quick Quack summertime savings event visit your nearest quit quack today and save now how about a 30-day quit quack membership super simple our text line is 916 339 1140 today’s secret word is shine shine so just text shine to 916 339 11 40 we’re going to take this to 25 correct very good so we talked about this yesterday but with Monty McNair you know he’s Savvy dude why do you have your hand on the thing Chris you’re making me nervous don’t we have five minutes yeah oh okay you’re just getting ready five minutes early I just got my hand here this is what happens when you’re not looking at yeah Jason well I gotta tell you I had a big Revelation while I was watching that interview because today is uh Amazon Prime day I’m giving him a freak plug here so of course it’s the day that people like me suckers we call them look for all the things that um were just going to save money on by buying them today so in my cart right now I have a weed whacker uh what was it you was one of the colognes you said this morning Obsession or was it eternity eternity okay now as you say Obsession I’m thinking I might have been wrong and it might be Obsession I got a I got a bottle of obsession in cart now for 47% off but then here’s the thing I like playing video games from time to time I haven’t gotten into this college football game we’re going to talk about that later this week when we talk about uh best uh Sports video games of all time I I just found this out that you can if you have a fire stick and an Xbox game pass and a controller you can play that’s why I asked you during the break if you play video games you can play Xbox games on your fire stick I guess with an Xbox controller that’s wild yeah yeah yeah yeah I think I might have to do that I’m a I’m a PlayStation guy but there are some exclusive Xbox titles that I would like to play or that I I I miss uh Michael says CI do you only advertise products that you believe in firsthand well you know again this is all request radio right now so um although I recognize Michael I think so I don’t know if he’s being snarky or not I’m going to Le snarky but it’s a good question uh yes yes yes yes I either have to know who’s pushing the product if I don’t use it for example and I have to know them well and trust them or in most cases I I utilize whatever the service is I’ve said many times like American Energy Heating in air uh I’ve had them out twice in the last three years uh they did my mother-in-law and they did my uh they did my dad’s whole H they fixed my mother-in-law’s HVAC Chris and they just uh completed I think my dad’s uh last week eat at fire Wings bought my car from hoblet so did my wife uh you can go just pretty much right down the list so you know the answer is yes yes oh I get it now cuz he’s asking about upsize that’s where we were going with that Hey listen I’m uh I won’t get too in detail but I will say this um when uh see the same guy that does upsize uh the surgeon there Dr Jack also was NorCal laser lipo so when we did the NorCal laser lipo spots I actually I was like what is the like least thing I can do and they’re like well you have kind of some hangy skin under you know as you get older you’ll get this hangy skin underneath your chin like on your neck like the little turkey waddle he’s like we can go in there and make sure that that never happens it’s super easy In-N-Out procedure so I went and I had that done before I ever did any commercial I had no plans on getting anything like that done at you know at any point but he was like yeah I’ll just make sure you don’t have one when you get older and you would have a turkey waddle so I went in and I did that I was very public about that so with the upsize thing without getting too delicate let’s just say I’m not I’m not I’m not in their target demo uh but because I knew Jack so well and before there was a whole leading process before we even talked about it because obviously we knew putting those commercials on especially these Airwaves where we’re all about 12 years old I I it’s it’s no uh accidents you know we knew exactly what was going to happen as far as uh the reaction but the bottom line is is this there are people out there that are very much in need of that product and that’s their business and God bless them so we had several meetings usually over Sushi couple of office visits just to check everything out not NOP not like that but just to understand the process and I trust Dr Jack uh because not only uh do I consider him a friend in fact we uh we we keep we’re we both have a mutual love of P of varda and uh keep talking about uh going there together with our significant others I mean we’re real life friends uh but also and obviously I would never disclose names but he’s worked on especially with the NorCal laser lipo he’s worked on uh people here at the station uh he’s worked at on uh friends of mine one family member um so I trust him the the bottom line is this as we go to break since I didn’t expect to end the uh the segment this way I would never endorse something that I wouldn’t either use myself or would have somebody I love in trust use it because trust is a very difficult thing to build and it’s it’s a very easy thing to tear down so there’s your long answer to what I think was a snarky question but that’s okay we’ll take a break when we come back what to watch uh not much and uh also celebrity birthdays and cross talk coming up in the final segment we’ll clean up a lot of other stuff coming up right after this trying to find out where to catch your favorite team’s games are you a fan of the Kings ners and the NFL well sack Down Sports has you covered touchdown San Francisco it’s on his should for the win he’s got the triple catch all your kings Niners and NFL games all year long on sack toown Sports and Sactown hey it’s Carmichael Dave for American Energy heating and air with a question have you recently had a technician diagnose your agac system you were a bit surprised at how much it cost or did something seem off about their quote cuz at American Energy they take pride in giving you honest straightforward solutions to get that system up and running have their qualified technicians come out and give you a free second opinion it’s free you got nothing to lose but some dollars off of that original quote they’re making the uncomfortable comfortable they’ve been doing it since 1981 serving the greater Sacramento area A+ with the Better Business Bureau that’s why they keep having customers coming back for more and more and more you can call them and set that appointment at 916520 9990 that’s 916520 9990 or American Energy plays here stolen by Fox Breakaway coming up for de’arra and a simple casual Spike for the left hand Kings lead by three sown Sports is your proud home of the Sacramento King Z Auto Z welcome to AutoZone what are you working on today I think my battery’s dead with free battery testing and charging we can help you get back on the road so what if I need a new one we have the right door last battery for you only at AutoZone and what about my old battery we can recycle it right here at America’s number one battery destination restrictions apply did you know your skin is the largest organ of your body that’s why you should shower with Old Spice super hydration body wash instead of plain old bar love your skin by super hydrating it with vitamin D3 and glorious notes of vanilla and Shar did you know that my super hydrated skin is the second largest organ of my body the first is my heart Old Spice men have skin too old spy super hydration body wash 24/7 renewing moisture with daily use this is your captain we are going to be experiencing some slight turbulence please fasten your oh hold on just got a video of my cat imagine the pilot of an airplane was as confident as you are texting and driving seems kind of crazy when you put it like that visit stop Tex a message brought to you by the national highway traffic safety administration project yellow light and the Ad Council you go into your shower feeling but as soon as you reach for the Irish Spring your day immediately gets better that crisp fresh unmistakable Irish Spring scent zings your brain and awakens your senses so when you finally emerge from the shower 37 minutes later because you pay the water bill so you can stay in there as long as you want you’re ready to take on the day and smell great doing it Irish Spring body wash and bar soap fresh green Irish shop now at Walmart I would end the day with sore feet sore legs the drugstore inserts that I was purchasing were really not very useful at all I walked into the Good Feet store and the guy kind of grinned at me and said uh I hear that a lot I was living with chronic pain before going to the good beach store now I don’t really have that problem I’m able to do the things that I expect to be able to do uh even at my Advanced age I feel pretty good about what’s going on the good feed store in Sacramento Roseville and baville hey what’s up Sacramento it’s Kyle Draper turn up the cleanliness at your restaurant Healthcare or industrial business with Alco uniforms the official sponsor of the Sacramento Kings mop crew we’ve got you covered with crisp uniforms hygienically clean Linens floor mats and of course mops delivered weekly but that’s not all Alco uniforms also offers weekly services for first aid and restroom supplies discover why it pays to keep clean with Alco uniforms just go to to learn more again that’s nighttime is the right time to track your golf balls flight time at the the Hagen Oaks top Tracer driving range it’s more relaxed at night with people enjoying the top Tracer technology where you can play Pebble Beach at Hagen Oaks you can compete against your friends in a variety of games or just practice with the top Tracer television technology there’s food when you’re hungry from The Hangout food truck or enjoy a craft beer on the brand new patio with relaxed seating and don’t forget the summerlong free concert schedule it’s the Hagen Oaks driving range nightly until midnight fton Avenue at Cap City freeway hot summer savings now had made a with 12,000 off MSRP on every new Silverado halfon turbo Max in stock after rebate 12 Grand off every Silverado LT turbo Max at MAA Chevy with at least five at this price H Sumer savings up to 12 Grand off MSRP exclusively at MAA Chevy at Ma Sacramento silver model headquarters together let’s drive not available with special financing at least in some of offers must in 20 P model your or new in 73 waking you up with the best in local sports they just make it interesting you know it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports I don’t know who to uh is this an engineering thing but I think our Mouse is dying battery yeah I tried to do the thing you know how like you know how like you can uh the whole like blow on the the the the the game the video game thing back in the day yeah like I don’t know if that works I I have the same problem with my remote at home for uh my TV where I just need to go go downstairs and grab a couple of AA batteries right but when I’m like posted up in my room with the TV on and I again this one of those times where you never know if anyone else does this until you ask but what I do is I open up the remote thing and I I take the batteries out and I switch them like spots and then I put them back in all I have to do is walk down the stairs go go into the uh thank you very much Chris has a battery appreciate that uh go go into our little battery closet does everybody have a b a battery closet we have like a plastic uh tub where when we go to uh Sam’s Club or whatever we get 700 batteries and then we we we put those in there and I think I think it’s pretty Universal I would imagine that doublea’s are the the most used that work hey that work thank you CH all you have to do is go downstairs all you have to do is is is go downstairs and replace the the battery nope few months just pop it out and for some reason I blow into the I blow into the thing what is that even the The holster the the battery compartment i’ would say that’s better than holster the something and then uh and then um then just put it back in and then two days later it does the same thing Roku offers one that you can charge well that’s all my TVs are Roku this is interesting and I just like I’m like oh this is cool like I don’t have to buy batteries anymore I can just charge it it works about 70% of the time oh oh no so it’s like always in a state of low battery low battery or then you charge it it’s still not working so then you have to repair it because it was a low on battery and then it was just like then you repair it and then it’s good for two days and then it stops and then it’s not working then you grab another remote just because yeah I I I I I don’t know it’s funny how people how you learn to trust things all of my TVs in my house are TCL Roku because I got it recommend Ed once and it’s Roku built in and they’re all fairly the you know pretty much the same model and they’re all battery powered remotes but you get used to an interface you stick with it uh but in this case hey do me a favor would you toss MC he he can he can come back tomorrow I’m I’m on my last uh leg with him which is tough because he’s uh he’s a loyal listener and a really good part of the chat but um he’s just he’s just is getting on my last nerve today for some reason uh Camp who is not who is also a loyal listener um who is not getting on my nerves he keeps bringing this up let me talk to you about this Chris because because he keeps bringing this up and let me get your you know you’re a third of the show um he wants us to do a remote now you know I am famously averse to remotes post 2013 one of my favorites was your uh your summer tour oh the Carmichael Dave show summer tour there’s my wife still has that shirt somewhere we actually did that once where we did God what do we do Chris eight or 10 remotes throughout the summer oh the one I remember was Sandbar because he literally couldn’t hear anything anything I was Sandbar also the one not only could you not hear but didn’t they wasn’t that a hookah place no it was the place that had like the beach volleyball outside might have had I they did it was a huge like it’s like Upstairs Downstairs it wasn’t like like 7440 is another one 7440 Club where they had the beach volleyball and everything in the back I swear to God I think this one because yes because yes it was because at one point the owner brought over this massive like four-story hookah to the table and I was uh i’ never hooked before so um yeah I uh look back when I was I’m just going to be honest man back when I was single and and and bored and uh the night show it was just a different flavor you know come out 900 p.m. to midnight we’d hit up bars and and again for guys like Camp who wants us uh wants us to do a remote um the the we actually had concert style t-shirts for the Carm Dave show world tour for the summer of whatever that was 20087 and then we had all the bars and locations on the back so we would do a remote like twice a month we do a full remote show but then what mornings are different mornings are a tough remote because everyone’s doing their thing they’re sleep for half of it right and going to work for the other half of it yeah you you’re you’re starting your day and mornings do not have the same flavor as as evenings as far as atmosphere and I got I’m just honestly the saddest thing in the world well okay like hungry kids are the saddest thing in the world or animals but like the saddest radio thing in the world to me is a remote where nobody’s there where you’ve got like the normal patrons who are like annoyed that these ding-dongs are invading their daily space with these giant speakers and an enter to win a sticker contest and then you have like eight listeners show up God bless them by the way this is every one listener is great eight but I just feel like everyone’s just staring at each other they’re kind of bored then they’re looking at each other and I this is me being so insecure I I I sit there at those and I go God does The Listener think when they’re listening like hey there’s a there’s you know I’m listening everyone wants to be a part of the crowd right like huge show tons tons of people listening and then you go to the remote and then I feel like it’s a natural psychological thing to be like are these the only people that listen what am I doing I’m a giant loser and then they hate the show and they go somewhere else like that’s what it’s my insecurity I would love to meet everyone I’d almost rather have them come in here and hang out with us for a little bit be careful what you wish for the other one I remember is the first time I ever met you it was uh the remote at the I think it was a boxing event at the old uh Hotel over here red the lion Red Lion and it got can canell and did but didn’t we still do the remote yes I remember this it was just us in an empty room nobody else was there it was us in an empty room like not even at a bar where like people would come in and out of or that it was literally just an empty room an empty Ballroom ah we we we will look I love messing with the I love I love going back and forth with the especially our Chatters and then everybody on the text line and all that because I I I do truly love everybody who listens yes MC and everyone else uh and uh even my uh Raiders guys you know uh it’s always in fun it’s always back and forth It’s always family and I and our job is to service the the customer to serve the listener if if people want us to do a remote I’m I’m open to it I think it would be the first remote we’ve done in at least preo or postco dude I honestly can’t remember last time way it had to be before that unless I’m missing something yeah I I want to say I don’t remember doing a remote and I’m not counting like flying down to Vegas for fight games or yeah or spring training I mean like a remote broadcast oh uh oh I know exactly I know exactly when the last remote we did was it was at uh God what year was this it was at Solomon uh downtown the The Bagel uh the deli it was the morning of uh the MLS thing I was mcing because we had just gotten an MLS team I know that I remember that I remember and that was what at least six years ago 18 2018 I think and everything runs together so yeah I um yeah I I’m open to do a remote we we do one this summer it just it has to be right I I don’t think I want to do a live morning remote can we do a live remote and just put everybody in studio I would rather do that I feel like they could couldn’t we do something where I mean we have one two three four five six chairs here we could bring in another or or do in the the the the lounge downstairs where we have artists I think we have like 30 chairs down there make I much rather it be Fuller but more intimate and then maybe we uh we get a partner to cater a breakfast or something and maybe it’s just like a two-hour remote maybe it’s a maybe it’s an 8 to 10 so you don’t have to worry about all four hours maybe it’s a one hour I don’t know I’d love to see everybody I’d love to interact yeah all that that’s the fun part that that’s the fun part putting faces to names and um interacting bring MC up and let him co-host the last half hour tin foil talk with MC my guy yeah Donuts 100% MCN did you just give him a five minute or did he sneak back in with an ALT I put a five minute that’s fine that’s fine yeah we do Donuts coffee decaf orange juice all right you win we we’ll uh keep on me we’ll figure it out we’ll take a break when we come back celebrity birthday and cross stop to clean up the show next did you miss any part of our live local shows don’t worry you never have to miss them again check out sack podcast Page and Play our shows when you want the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross Styles and Watkins and the drive guys plus other podcasts like Return of the Empire return of the Roar The Stingers up Podcast and Golf to go with Frank L Roa they’re all available right now on back toown um what was that that is business phone Bliss with the Uma Cloud phone system it handles 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September 15 purchase highquality GF with Beacon Pro Plus and earn up to $1,500 go to or download the beacon Pro Plus app today Beacon always building this is the story of the one want as a maintenance engineer he hears things differently to the untrained ear everything on his shop floor might sound fine but he can hear gears grinding or a belt slipping so he steps in to fix the problem at hand before it gets out of hand and he knows Grangers got the right product he needs to get the job done which is music to his ears call click or just stop by Granger for the ones who get it done the Open Championship celebrates its 152nd anniversary this month at Royal trune in Scotland hi this is Frank l r Roa with a word about naturewood home furnishings the game’s top players assemble for a chance at the coveted Clara jug the Open Championship is about tradition excellence and class and you’ll find similar qualities at naturewood home furnishings as they assemble the finest furniture and brand choices for your selection when you visit naturewood you’ll be amazed at the gallery of superior Furniture available for your lifestyle for your decor for your home this weekend during nature Wood’s bedroom sale you’re sure to find the perfect piece you’ve been searching for naturewood is proud to bring you open Championship updates on this station and proud to offer you the finest Furnishings available naturewood Home Furnishings off Highway 50 at hazel look for the water if your passion is bass fishing only one radio show has the action information and excitement of your favorite outdoor sport ultimate bass hosted by tournament Bass Pro in California outdoor Hall of Famer Kent Brown takes you live to where the Fisher biting every Saturday morning only ultimate bass feeds your passion with the latest news products tips and advice from the pros ultimate Bass with K Brown Saturday mornings at 5:00 a.m. on sack toown Sports 11:40 part of sep’s Saturday morning Outdoors it’s time for the news of the day the latest headlines the biggest stories hard analysis yeah this is none of those things and now here’s carmichel Dave and Jason Ross seriously what a what you know what that’s malarkey easy with the language I know you know what I hate I think you might do it on purpose but I’m not sure but every once in a while Styles will say something right before we go that just fires me up and I don’t no it’s cool if you do I mean props honestly if it’s if it’s strategic but like you’ll say you know I can’t hold my tongue I obviously I will on this one Allan said something that ticked me off not at but somebody said something to Allan that ticked me off for him no I no I there’s always so much going on I want to make sure I tell you these things before special time over 30 seconds uh a couple things uh I was telling you guys a little bit off the air but uh the chat has and I say this with love bullied me into uh considering a summertime live show let’s do it now Chris reminded me he used to work at the night show we actually did a a a world World Tour one summer I I haven’t done a remote since I was telling the MLS uh when we got the MLS team downtown whatever how do we ever figure out how many years ago that was was that six 2018 yeah 2018 so six years ago is the last time and then I I think I’ve done one in the last 10 years um because I always said there’s nothing sadder than uh you know nobody at a remote yeah um and that gives me nightmares leading up is like we’ll we’ll open up and there’s like three people there and two of them don’t know what’s going on but I do love the interaction I do love seeing people um so I’m thinking about maybe doing one downstairs in the listener lounge and we just get breakfast people hang out and can watch there so would you guys be up for a cross would you guys come down to do the cross talk at least at the everybody and then sure jet up or we could or we could uh you might as well just do the whole day down there yeah I mean honestly that make the engineers happy exactly yeah should switch that barbecue yeah barbecue yeah exactly uh we were having a lot you know Jason’s gone till uh uh next Wednesday so uh I have next Wednesday yeah he returns Wednesday the day I leave oh wow and does anybody work anymore no dude this is the best part this is the best part we were talking about this yesterday then while I’m gone at some point Jason’s gone another week and I believe that same week Christopher lot is gone I am also gone I have no idea what’s going on that’s the week that you you’re calling us up to the big I I think I think I didn’t put it like that but I think so do we ever get time off or you guys do you guys ever get time off I was I imagine it’s in it’s got to be in your contract right certain amount of time off I mean I’m taking time off take your time off last year I had to force uh Watkins to take time off you did I have I legitimately got mad at him I have stopped AC creu uh vacation hours a long time ago I mean look and I’ll say this I get look we love our jobs and you know whatever everybody has a nitpick about their jobs but I I have a buddy that works for the state and I I’m constantly I’m super wait is it FL wait okay keep so I’m jealous of him because anytime he wants to take time off it’s really simple he goes into the app and he takes time off it’s not the you can’t just take time off here it’s I feel guilty I still do it but I feel guilty taking time off cuz I you you when you’re gone there’s like added pressure on Everybody Somebody got up the thing and they get a ton of time off and they they they who does they you know I came from Tech life Tech Life unlimited PTO which is like and do come out to just like they turn that against you they do but some people really didn’t care I wasn’t one of those people but some people but then you can do hybrid stuff where it’s oh I’m using my PTO for the rest of the day I’m done after two I mean it’s just does anybody work anymore our fearless uh our fearless program director I’m sure we’ll have it all figured out um Chris and I the guy that works for the state is listening and just texted me jealous much yeah I am you know Chris and I we’re still trying to set the groundwork the foundation the bones so you know we don’t we don’t take a lot of time off I mean we’re we’re talking constantly I have to tell my wife it’s just Chris well getting the getting the getting the ball rolling is the toughest part yeah hey hey man back in the day hey three hour show 22 Grand a year no paid time off no benefits hey hours I would take three hours too yeah that changed remember when that was thing also uh I don’t know what our fearless leader is going to do I’m sure he’ll work something out but my the only thing I I was thinking about this last night only thing I can think of is one of two things either you two come up to the mornings and then like Frankie and brandan and middays right crush it or one of you guys comes up like you come up in the mornings and you stay in middays and then one of them goes with you or one of them goes with you I don’t know all I got to say is this God bless good luck have fun I’m not going to be here what was even that sound Magic Johnson Magic Johnson is that Magic Johnson you’ve never seen that me what it’s like I think it’s last night there if you want to play that yes uh you know Play Country in the Park this year no she did not yes she did I mean I played one of the songs handy God that’s what that’s what they told me down there she played she played country the par I played one of the songs I’m look she had a bad day that’s what I said we played her most popular song we played the chorus and then we and then was like well maybe she’s a studio person so let’s just there’s a tiny desk concert sound wonderful yeah everybody has a bad day I don’t think it was a bad day I think she was trying too hard I think she was trying to be different and that’s what happens try and do something like sometimes just how did is there a sound check though that’s what I’m saying normally they don’t do it normally it’s not the artist that’ll do it look everybody has you you get pressure it’s a crazy thing you fall flat on your face it’s not like she’s running for office celebrity birthday is brought to you by crel cookies with family and friends they really can but uh nothing family and friends more than crumble cookies take it away celebrity birthdays gentlemen today is Will frell’s birthday this is a toughy will God so 50s or 60s yeah yeah I think it’s I think he’s 63 that’s a hell of shirt by the way I that I want to say 61 but I’m gonna say 62 well you do what you want it’s you God bless you you do what you want I’ll say 63 that’s what I said okay so you said 61 63 I said 62 you said 62 63 63 uh 62 is the closest Wolf 7 today sorry all right sorry will than we thought Dave might have one up on you guys it is Corey Feldman’s birthday today how old is Corey Feldman was Cory Feldman yeah why because I’m guessing they don’t know who Cory vman is oh yeah good point I think he was on one of those VH1 shows did you ever see he was guarantee that you ever see the Lost Boys yeah yeah he was in that he was one of the Frog Brothers licensed to drive liced to drive Stand By Me Stand By Me that very sad ending uh Cory Feldman is 58 Cory Feldman is 55 a proud part 58 63 Allen Closest 53 for he does not look no he does not all right final one here former Sacramento King Zack Randolph ah Zebo uh 41 Zebo 40 three 40 on the nose we’ve got a correct answer thank you it is it Chris Watkins 43 years old he deserves it why wear shirt uh really quickly Jimmy Johnson’s birthday today oh Jimmy 74 wait which Jimmy Johnson yeah I thought the RAC the coacher Co the coacher yes the coacher the racer the coacher yes the coacher what number did you say 74 76 he coaches 77 Chris is the closest 81 all right coming up on the show these guys will talk about things you’ll be entertained they’re the fastest growing show and my wife’s favorite show in the entire city sou Watkins next the only place you’ll find Malik Monk Is sack toown Sports oh my what an athletic move that time by Malik monk hey Sacramento it’s Malik Monk and you’re listening to the home of the Sacramento Kings sack toown Sports local sports leader

On today’s edition of The Carmichael Dave Show with Jason Ross:
– The Summer League Kings pick up a win over Utah
– Teoscar Hernandez wins the Home Run Derby
– Interviews with Keon Ellis & Doug Christie

That and MUCH more!

Thank you for watching. Don’t forget to hit the thumbs up and subscribe!
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