@Utah Jazz

Are The Utah Jazz Going To Trade Lauri Markkanen…NEW DETAILS!

Are The Utah Jazz Going To Trade Lauri Markkanen…NEW DETAILS!

we got a big update on the Lori Markin and trade yesterday now listen Marty you know here on the show we’re humble hello stay hard we’re humble and we know how to use our own equipment so yay when we tell you um you know that usually we’re ahead of the national media by a week or so and then shams post a video yesterday updating the L marinin trade I mean how could we not partake the Warriors and Jazz they have continued conversations just the Jazz are in a position right now and they wouldn’t be even thinking about moving L lry Markin in if this was a team that is trying like Ryan knows if you’re trying to compete and win that’s a guy you compete and win with this is a team that obviously is going down more of a rebuilding path and is if you’re going to rebuild and you’re trying to compete for not a playoff bir they probably the number one raw pick you have to consider I don’t think they want to move Larry Markin but if the Golden State Warriors put into Brandon psky and you know from what I’m told three first round picks three four unprotected pick swaps you know three four second round pick name kaminga is a name but I think I think the ja from everything I’ve been told the Jazz are more focused on Brandon pmy and his inclusion in the deal all the picks being in the deal and I think from the Warriors perspective it’s psky but then there’s not the all all the picks and if it’s all the picks then there’s not going to be a psky and so this could be a back and forth but both sides are kind of entrenched right now at where they’re at saying nothing is going to change so only time will tell but I think the Jazz are very comfortable with extending liar marketing and at that point you’ll see more suitors potentially as well in him not just teams that feel like okay we’ll be able to resign it uh there you go that is Shams on Sirius XM and the only thing I disagree with there is that if the Jazz extend him I’d remind you they can’t trade him this season um he is due for an extension August 6th uh is the first day he can sign that extension and if they do sign him to that extension they cannot trade him for six months which would be February 6 which is the exact NBA trade deadline right so August 6 is looming that’s why there’s not a sense of urgency to get this done uh but I agree with him uh 100% I think pky and I I think all those picks is not going to happen I think Golden State will not trade Jonathan kaminga I think that golden state is the one that would rather trade um you know pod instead of kaminga because I think they view they they view psky is a guy that they can find they can replicate him mhm I don’t believe that they they believe they can replicate Jonathan kaminga and Golden State I think they really like him I’ve been told that repeatedly I think the Jazz asked for kaminga and the Warriors said no and I my my my belief is the Jazz are going to trade lri marinin it’s a matter of will it be to the Warriors this season or will it be next summer because you watched that summerly action last night and I use the word action lightly the Jazz don’t have a future star on this roster and we can debate that all day long if you guys want but what I’m telling you is I think it’s 70% I’ll move from 65 to 70% now I think the Jazz trade lry Markin I don’t think it’s something that they’re pressing to do I don’t even think it’s something they want to do I think they know from a basketball business perspective they have to trade Lori marinin before they extend him because I would also remind you um what Shams wrote at the athletic yesterday and I I think it is I think it’s really important that people understand this that Lori Markin and’s got a pretty interesting contract situation um because you start to understand that he is he needs to get his contract renegotiated for this coming season and what have we been telling you it’s going to be 33 to$ 35 million for this coming season why is that number significant because when you look at his current situation at the end of the year he’s due for an extension to get that larger extension he has to be making 33 to 35 million this season well and I think it’s like what you said I mean obviously if you’re going to trade L it’s it’s it’s got to be to a team that’s willing to um extend him and a team that he’s willing to play for on the extension and I think that that that can get discounted a little bit obviously you’re not gonna as an organization trying to work with the jazz on a marketing deal you’re not going to be excited to do that if you know that that marketing’s not looking to play for you long term so so that’s why I think initially the the warriors were a great fit because they they’re sitting here having just lost Klay time son to the Mavericks and they have a clear need and marinin fits a lot of their needs and I have to say I would have no problem seeing the Warriors um bounce right back with Markin and in your starting five versus Klay Thompson because Klay Thompson just wasn’t the same guy and and even if he has some Renaissance with the Mavericks and even if you know he’s an Allstar and he finds his form again I still think marinin I is a great fit with the Warriors yeah and you look here at what sham Shams wrote um and that bottom paragraph really is is the most is the most pressing because this is exactly what we’ve told you and Shams wrote this yesterday by the way at the athletic uh a renegotiation and extension allows him to receive more money now for him to reach his maximum salary in 2025 26 that jazz would need to raise his 2425 salary to at least 33,38 uh which requires at least $5.9 million in cap space for the current season so if you are the Golden State Warriors do you have that kind of cap space you don’t and if you make a a market in trade I I again will tell you these numbers mean Andrew Wiggins has to be moved as well because they simply do not have the cap space to make this deal and stay out of the the the upper aprons of luxury tax right they just don’t you’re you’re adding a guy and lri marinin that you are going to pay probably my guess is $34 million this coming season and so many people are saying well well Monty you’re wrong he’s making $18 million that’s all well and good he’s going to be paid $34 million this coming season it’s as simple as that or you’re going to lose him so let me get this right you’re not going to you’re not going to renegotiate and extend him you’re GNA give up psky and you’re G to give up a hall of future picks for a one-year rental how does that work with Steph’s timeline in Golden State it doesn’t it doesn’t at all and you’re not going to give up one of your better young players that you’ve had in recent times in psky to to have a six-month rental eight-month rental you’re not doing that you have to renegotiate and extend him it’s as simple as that well and and I think that Danny a in the front office are you know playing this dangerous game with marinin where you know marinin so if you don’t trade him and you’re not necessarily looking to extend him you’re risking him being able to walk away and you Haven gotten nothing for him now I don’t think they’ll allow that to happen obviously I you know I think that the’re they’re not going to put themselves in a bad position but I I I would be really surprised if if you kept him and then tried to work out the extension I only say that because right now the Jazz are not in spending mode right now that like you look at everything around that organization whether it’s the the building renovation the hockey team you know other stuff with Brian or if you just look at the Jazz roster I in totality you’re you’re looking at a roster that is extremely budget friendly obviously multiple rookie deals working on on that on that cap right now like you’ve got a lot of Cheaper um money happening on that team right now and and that’s fine but my point is is that you’re not going to have uh Lai marinan making you know 34$ 35 million a year on a potential extension and then everybody else I mean that just that that to me is for the Jaz what doesn’t make good business sense hey we’re gonna have all these young guys on our roster and then we’re gonna have marinin and JC and they’re GNA make the lon share of the money I guess and then everyone else is going to be on rookie deals that I mean that’s the roster you’re trying to put together I don’t see that either so that’s why I say I agree I don’t know that they necessarily love the idea of trading lri but I think you kind of have to trade him I think it’s the right deal to do you you’re not in win now mode and this guy clearly is this guy is someone who could go to the Warriors or whoever and instantly take them back into the championship conversation so that’s why I say I I I do agree that logically speaking it would make sense to do this deal now it’s not going to appease fans it’s not going to make you feel great about your oncore product but it does make sense financially and it does make sense with where you know the the organization is at with their you know with Ryan’s willingness to spend money and by the way it does make sense for your timeline for when you’re allegedly going to start doing anything known as winning for this team like it the timeline works so that’s why I think the trade probably gets done yeah I I think it is going to be one of those things where the Jazz know I think from what I’ve been told anyway the Jazz know they have to do this deal you’re in a position now where it’s interesting talking to people in the know about the Jazz there is a overwhelming rationale going on now realization rationalization this question of do they have a future star a franchise caliber player on the roster with the Utah Jazz do they currently have that no I don’t believe they do you can’t confidently say that I don’t believe they do yeah I think it’s one of those things where you’re in a in a situation that you’ve missed now on a lot of picks you’ve missed now on a lot of picks and if if you are not concerned about what you are seeing from Taylor Hendricks in in Las Vegas I it is really concerning yeah well I mean the guy is still not shown that he has the ability and the fire to be in in a starting five in the NBA let alone the Jazz starting five and I think that that’s my biggest problem is that the guy and and I’m not even saying this is the Jazz fall per se now I disagree with what they did with him last year I would have had him up in the NBA the entire year playing 15 minutes a night um and putting him in different matchups and and really you know stretching his game okay how far can we take it with Taylor Hendricks can he you know can he hang with a three or is he strictly a four who can you know guard a certain type of five like I would have been you know experimenting and running him out there and seeing what it is because ultimately you won too many games last year and that’s why Cody Williams is on your roster and not Dalton connect or someone else right like and and ultimately it’s a situation where the Jazz seemingly don’t don’t take seriously enough or don’t prioritize it enough to go out and lose enough games and I I I’m sorry but that’s where they’re at right now like you can’t both so you can’t on one hand say yeah we’re doing everything we can do to win but then when it’s your turn to lose as many games as possible to win in the future you don’t do that either and that’s what I feel like the problem right now is you’re not executing well because I also think that the organization wasn’t on the same page last year I think you’re looking at a a jazz front office that is split on some levels throughout last season and when I say split Ryan Smith in in the front office I don’t think had a similar vision Ryan Smith is putting money back in his pocket because of all the expenses he has coming with infrastructure and I think it is very clear this is not this is not the story we were told sure things changed he gained access to an NHL team totally understand it but please don’t tell me that you’re going to keep Lori Markin him because you believe you can build around him you and I both know that is a pile of dung yeah you’re not doing that and so all of that to say when I look at this Jazz roster kaminga in my opinion is worth the risk is psky a guy that you’re like hey this is a guy we can build around I don’t know that we’ve seen that yet what is he like as a 35 minute a night guy well I think that the question around what is top end is from a stats perspective it remains to be seen but I think what you know about this guy is who he’s been around and you watch them at the on the select team for Team USA as an example in their scrimmages if you’ve watched him in the regular season you know that this is someone who clearly has taken a ton of stuff from Steph the game is similar you know the way he moves on the floor obviously he’s not the shooter stuff is I’m not saying that but just like the way he can get a guy on his hip at the mid-range and then dish to the corner or that there there are flash drive into the paint with a guy on your backside yeah and you either get fouled or you kick it for an open look I I agree he has obviously been impacted and influenced by Stu yeah I don’t know what the ceiling on pod is it’ll be interesting to find that out well maybe his ceiling is dependent on the roster you’ve got around him I mean if if you’ve got you know again if pod is on you know uh the Jazz let’s say yeah you’re probably not going to get the the same number of assists in production as he you know would give you on a on a better team but I think that brings us back to what the Jazz have on this roster right now I mean I this Cody Williams situation is you know again I know it’s early in dude’s career right I mean obviously he’s a rookie just got drafted first summer league I get all that I totally understand that and I’m not even saying he can’t turn this jumper situation around but the jumper is a problem man like it’s not just that he can’t shoot the three he’s not a reliable shooter in any area on the floor like currently he’s a transition athlete you know get to the rack guy and and if you’re going to have a guy like pod on your team you got to figure out how to have Shooters around him well and I think yeah psky is a guy that I I I I don’t know if that’s enough to get it done I I I I like I I just don’t I don’t have a clear understanding of what his projection is and the Jazz have not so far been good at projecting guys forward having a vision and then developing that guy and pods is a guy that I would love to see them have but I’m with you is it is does I also wonder does Pods cost you keonte George because I’m all in on key I’m all in on the guy but we know where they are on him too they don’t consider him a number one yeah and that’s fine I guess I I I am terrified about Cody Williams the guy can’t shoot the three and everybody on Twitter the other night I appreciate you you know talking about how I don’t know [ __ ] from Shola about Cody Williams well what did you see last night the threes he missed were not attractive what are the highlights we’re seeing of him dunking the basketball getting out in transition getting to the rim that’s who the guy is hey if that’s you know if that’s 25 a night in the summer league and 15 a night in the regular season knock yourself out dude but but I’m just simply saying that that when you look at the roster build you can only have so many of those guys on your team before you start to suffer the consequences of scoring 80 points a night because make no mistake about it in the regular season Cody Williams is not getting to the rack with the same efficiency that he is in summer league and that that people forget that people forget that hey this is still summer league so against an NBA veteran guy who’s been in the league five years and is way stronger than Cody Williams and can see the first step coming a mile away he’s going to be all over him and that’s probably going to be a turnover or a lost possession meaning it’s just going to be hey there’s five seconds on the shot clock move it to somebody and do what you can well and I also wonder if you are if you are the Warriors what’s the end game here keep the goal in mind restock give step a solid number two which I don’t think you currently have because kaminga or four pods neither one of them has shown that they can be hey this is my running mate yeah you need another star on that roster obviously draymond’s a role player at this point in his career uh I think we saw that during the finals two years ago in Boston um I think the goal hand and the vision has to be clear for for the Warriors you’re trading for lri marinan to extend the championship window for Steph and I do think marinin is good enough to be a number two he does that yeah if if you can put a lineup out there and and I don’t need listen if you’re the chz do you really need Gary Payton do you you don’t do you do you really need uh cavon Looney you don’t you don’t I I don’t think you need that be focused on picks and a young player that’s it and if it’s Moody and pods or if it’s I still maintain if it’s kaminga Moody and three first round picks do the deal right now today that’s highway robbery put on a a mask and a gun and and you do that deal today because that’s a no-brainer now pods and Moody and three first round picks is again this is where I don’t I don’t know what too much is I do know that jazz have always held their bars really high in trade they’re always going to ask for for your mom and your sister like you’re getting they’re getting both yeah and if if it’s if it’s if it’s pods and Moody and three first round picks I’m probably doing that yeah I mean I don’t love that deal but if you’re the Jazz I mean what you know like where else you gonna go but what are you what are you truly I I I agree with you they don’t need guys like Gary Payton Jr and cavon Looney and you don’t need like established veterans in this league what you need is and again maybe this you know uh you know Shepherds us into the will hardy portion the conversation but you need you need guys who can be molded and developed and and I I we are not the only ones who have questions about Will Hardy I mean there have been a lot of folks talking about like hey you know what what’s up with this walker Kessler situation and I my biggest thing having watched this team before and now during the will hardy era is under Quinn Snyder you could see adjustments being made and dudes like trying to do what Quinn is saying hey like this is your role in the offense like Rudy I need you to set a more quality screen to give Don a little more airspace they didn’t know he Buy in yeah but at least they were doing some there was a vision yeah like you could see it I don’t even see a vision I don’t even see like you know a a path forward a plan like what do we do like what like if I ask the Jazz this right now for this coming season what what even is the goal what is the goal like put the Lor thing aside what’s the goal for the organization this season because you can’t tell me the answer should be winning more ball games not when Cooper flag is sitting there and you damn well know that you should try and go and get him like come on yeah I I think it is I think it is it’s very difficult they’ve got to trade Andrew Wiggins because I’m pretty sure the the Warriors are hard capped so I think you are you’re in a tough spot and I look at the guys on this roster um and I think you are in a position where there’s I I don’t know that there’s a lot of value here yeah right I mean I like buddy hee um I I think that was a good pickup but buddy heeld Kyle Anderson DeAnthony Melton those are not laori marinin type deals so there you have it one other thing I think is really important it’s amazing to see the fall of Zack LaVine and his absolute zero trade value he’s just a guy that they have tried in Earnest now for two weeks to trade and they have not gotten a re I was told yesterday that Chicago Bulls don’t have a tangible offer for Zack LaVine right not one single tangible offer came in on Zack LaVine and yes the money is prohibitive but are you telling me there’s not a team out there it’s not just the money dude there there’s money for days in the league let’s be real right like there’s guys are making more money than they’ve ever made money’s going to change hands like this is not about the bank account this is not about his number this is about hey can your knee last even 30 Games a year and that’s not an exaggeration dude misses more time than really anybody in in the modern day that I can think of and and again he’s not been Simmons level injury right I mean at least he plays games Ben Simmons again is in the best shape of his career and he’s ready for a big year whatever dude 10 games in his back’s gonna hurt again I’ll believe it when I freaking see it yeah uh all right real quick uh Brandon Butler a member for 18 months yeah sorry you got got some donations happen uh hard to have a vision when you don’t have a direction hard to cook when you don’t have what you’re making I don’t disagree with that at all uh James Stadium guy who loves bickes oh more donations coming in uh I took my credit card off put it back on in my venmo worked P.S I need more books working on a new project I’m reading right now and listening yeah okay well it is encouraging that you can read I’m proud of you for that um that is his this one right here for the kids PS my video about new Texas Longhorn ipf and Texas Tech football Ops building have been posted okay what no barbecue sandwich no buy shout out uh a100 Amazon or a $100 donation is calford way to go calford I appreciate that um did we get did we get some did you comment I guess it doesn’t matter if he comment it doesn’t I don’t think it matters now we’re cooking with gas though now we’re cooking with gas okay what our our San Diego contingents coming through right now really yes all right let’s go there you go I appreciate that calford a $100 donation let’s go that’s great and you guys again if you’re just tuning in Advocates donations on venmo we’re going to give away a $100 Amazon gift card to get in your minimum is $20 um and if we can I I mean I don’t know let’s get crazy I if we can let’s see how far you take it man I mean the more demotions we can get the more we’re able to you know the more we’ll give back to you guys yeah certainly uh I am uh I’m always happy had some big donations come in here the last two have been over $50 okay so here’s $100 from calford yes and then this is our boy uh Glenn in San Diego San Diego State Glenn with a $50 donation specifically asked me to put the snapshot of homeg girl from San Diego statea Adela delator yes delator yes there and he’s got a the memo on behalf of Aztec Nation playing the prata long game and providing program Chuckles since 2023 I love it I absolutely love it Glenn welcome to the contest well done that’s what this is about really well done and Adela delator the the queen of San Diego State University who talked about the pr they deserve you’re never getting over that you’re never getting over that find uh find your venmo right here minimum $20 donation today is Amazon Prime day I’ll let you choose do you want a $100 Amazon gift card do you want a copy of NCAA football 25 it’s up to you man we are here for you is there something that you that you’ve been eyeing for Amazon Prime day because as soon as the show is over Jake is going to email you a $100 Amazon gift card that you can immediately turn around and spend on Prime day yes see the Synergy on the shrim so keep working keep working the Synergy on the shrim uh is absolutely working um you know Mory albarez first one in that always gets you value like you’re looking at these guys and yes finally finally our guy James figured out how to use fenmo I’m proud of you dude really well done you you’ve grown up in life really proud of you dude but when you have a $100 donate who who’ you say uh calford calford makes $100 donation yep I mean I think that’s probably in the league by the way is Brandon Butler here Brandon Butler hereand Butler we took care of our dude last week Brandon Butler won an Xbox series X and a copy of NCAA football 25

The Monty Show is talking about the Utah Jazz trading Lauri Markkanen, and a fresh update on where the Utah Jazz are in the process. Is Utah Jazz Boss Danny Ainge asking too much? Will the Utah Jazz lower their asking price for Lauri Markkanen? Is Golden State still engaged in the process of trying to trade for Lauri Markkanen?

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