@Atlanta Hawks

Atlanta Hawks’ Zaccharie Risacher Speaks Following July 15 Summer League Practice

Atlanta Hawks’ Zaccharie Risacher Speaks Following July 15 Summer League Practice

from game one against the Wizards uh to last night what do you feel did you feel more comfortable out there and what do you feel was was different about that second game compared to the first um I think each like every game it’s uh opportunity to learn and uh yeah each step on the court it’s uh it’s uh you know it’s new and uh I have to learn about the got it got it I have to learn about the you know the the the game and uh yeah that’s that’s different you know and uh I just feel like there’s so much thing to um to learn uh in every like position every every SLE of of a game so that’s like for for no do game that’s amazing you know how do you feel like your communication with your teammates has increased since you’ve been spending some time with them out here um it’s getting better I mean uh especially so I’m a like I’m a shy person but as soon as I’m getting comfortable I’m you know uh I like to I like to to like to be around people and uh like uh I have the chance to to have a good person around me uh I have good teammates so that’s just helping me to the into the process and I’m super grateful for that with you being someone who uh you know you’re coming into a different country and you’re you know speaking a different language that’s not your number one language uh as far as like people getting comfortable with you what’s uh maybe a common French phrase like a greeting that you like for other people to to say to you or you say to other people uh I I do that uh I just like I’m speaking English I don’t speak French around people who don’t understand I I prefer like just piing French and Sh okay so I I asked coach hi I asked coach about um just getting Touches for you and finding like a balance between you getting touches and also having your teammates involved and he said you just are willing to do whatever is best for the team just wondering like what has it been like adjusting to that aspect of the game for you like um I think that’s just you know the for if you want to win that’s the right uh way to do it you know just uh focus on the right thing uh my my teammates my team the organization uh how can I help them to win how can I feel into this uh like I said this new organization is way more different than uh What uh what I did this season so just you know uh trying to get comfortable try to you know uh play play hard and everything so so yeah we we can compete and win games and what is it like seeing yeah that’s fine and what is it like seeing your teammates come to see you guys play and like Jaylen and Trey and Ona and just having them there to support you guys no this is great uh you can like you can tell how special the the the next season going going to be uh yeah there supporters and uh that’s like that’s really that that means something especially for rookie rookies like me so I’m really grateful for that thank you

Hi viewers! Just a disclaimer that I slid into this availability while Zacch was already in the process of answering questions.


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