@Chicago Bulls

Bulls Trade Zach LaVine In Patrick Siepman’s 5 BOLD Predictions For Chicago In 2024 NBA Season

Bulls Trade Zach LaVine In Patrick Siepman’s 5 BOLD Predictions For Chicago In 2024 NBA Season

[Music] we’re talking bold predictions on today’s edition of the Bulls report what’s up everybody my name is Patrick seatman and welcome in I want to give you guys my five bow predictions for the Chicago Bulls throughout the rest of the off season and during next regular season and also a programing alert here we are going to be going live here on the channel at 400 p.m. central time today so hopefully you guys do tune in for that it’s going to be a ton of fun just breaking down everything around your Chicago Bulls before I give you guys my five bow predictions for Chicago I want to give you guys’ thoughts what is your number one bold prediction for the Bulls whether it’s this off season or during the regular season it could be a trade or a player you guys think that’s going to you know break out or maybe have a regression Year you guys let me know what is your bold prediction for the Bulls down below I had to start off with Zack oen on today’s show so my number one bold prediction is the Bulls trade Zack LaVine to the Los Angeles Lakers as I really do believe the Lakers are going to be the top trade Target for LaVine this off season I think it just makes too much sense as you know you have the clutch sports connection with Rich Paul being his agent and You Know Rich Paul Dam near runs the Lakers at this point in time and po the Lakers they’re probably the eighth to 11th best team in the Western Conference and they could be looking at that scoring guard that could possibly get them over the top but what could a trade look like so this is where it gets a little challenging um I think I think this would have to be a three- team deal and I saw this trade on fans SPO Community page and I actually loved it so it would be the Bulls receiving d’angel Russell ruy haimura Christian Wood and then the Lakers would be getting Zack oine Tory Craig and a 20 30 second round pick from the Bulls and the Bulls would also be sending off Javon Carter uh Lakers would be sending cam reddish Jackson Hayes to the Pistons just because they would help facilitate this deal help move contracts and they would also be getting a second round pick for the Bulls so like this trade right here I love it for this reason if the Bulls are able to move Zack oine without giving up any of their own first round pick so make that clear because I’ve talked about the Bulls using that Portland pick they have for next season to help facilitate a trade but if they are able to move Haven without giving up any of their own first round picks you do it at any cost cuz that would be such a win for this off season if you could be heading into next year no LaVine on the books you’re going to get just more shots and a higher usage rate to some of the younger players on this roster you do that by any means but I’m sure you’re saying why would the Bulls want d’angel Russell why would we get him in this deal well I don’t think DLo would actually be on the Bulls if they would uh help facilitate this deal for the Lakers I think it’d be similar to The Drew Holiday trade last season when the buck sent him to Portland for Damen loward everybody was like why do the Trailblazers want true holiday well what did they do they sent true holiday to the Boston Celtics for two first round picks and Malcolm brogon don’t think the Bulls could get to First for DLo but maybe they can get maybe they could get a first round pick you know $18 million contract think it could be very tradable so you know that’s what I would do with d but you’re getting ruy in this deal as well I think that would be a big pickup you know that big physical forward I think it’s definitely a need on this Bulls roster so if the Bulls could trade L to the Lakers it would be an absolute steal of the off season let’s get to number two for me this is probably the most bold prediction I have on here but I think Kobe white is going to be an All-Star this upcoming season and you know we saw that jump Kobe had this past year obviously a big reason of that was Zack LaVine not being in the lineup which even gives me more you know reason to trade LaVine this off season but he was fantastic this past year and you know I I should have probably got the numbers from when LaVine was hurt because I bet you it was around 22 points per game and very efficient but you know you think about that playing game versus the Atlanta Hawks he was the best player on the floor he was the best scorer on the floor he was fantastic but this past season 19 a game five assists very efficient as well now to be an All-Star guard probably going to want you know Kobe white or would probably need Kobe the average around 23 24 points per game you know around five six assists maintain that efficiency but I do think with the addition of Josh giddy we’re going to see the scoring go up for Kobe white he’s one of the best players in the NBA in terms of spot up points per possession ranks in the top uh 70th percentile and that’s the statistical category so I think with Josh giddy his addition it’s going to get more open looks for a guy like Kobe white but let’s check out the a star guards from last season in the Eastern Conference cuz one of these guys is going to need to drop off don’t see halberton going anywhere he was a starter last season Jaylen Brunson top 10 player in the world he’s not going anywhere Maxi he’s still ascending and obviously you got Donovan Mitchell you know those four guys are going to be all stars this next season so where does that leave Kobe white how does he fit in well what if he takes Damen lard spot and you know let’s just say father time you know continues to tap Dame on that shoulder of his and let’s just say he averages you know 22 points a game isn’t the most efficient and the Bucks are like 67th in the Eastern Conference and maybe the Bulls are you know don’t have a good as record as the Milwaukee Bucks much you say Kobe’s averaging 24 a game and he’s looking like one of the best guards in the Eastern Conference I could definitely see that being the case so number one Kobe he’s going to need to get his uh overall production up to like 24 25 points per game and two he’s going to need Dame to have a down year but I’ll ask you guys this will Kobe white be an Allstar this season give me a bu for yes or an N for no down below make this to pin comment on today’s video so if YouTube throws an ad break your way take advantage of it go down there and let me know your thoughts on Kobe white being an All-Star now my uh this is another bold prediction this is probably actually more bold than the Kobe white one but I got modest buellis wins Rookie of the Year for uh the Chicago Bulls and big reason why I think this is he has been awesome during summer league like he has looked the part no doubt about it efficiency hasn’t been the best but in summer league Hoops all these guys are you know hyper athletic and you know just their games aren’t developed enough offensively to be consistently efficient players you know right now in their NBA careers but he’s looked apart we’ve seen the athleticism we’ve seen the handle which I love a lot and plus he is going to be a plus Defender day one in the NBA we saw the massive chase down block he had guard was turning the corner on him he you know got beat by a couple a couple steps but due his length and athleticism he was able to uh make up that space and absolutely pin a shot off the backboard and plus we saw this dunk this was absolutely nasty modest in fourth quarter against the Golden State Warriors drove left on The Fast Break rose up just absolutely postered a Warriors player that was awesome love to see that but you know if you look around the NBA like I don’t think alexar is going to win rookie of the year I don’t think rash is going to win it just mainly because a lot of these guys aren going to be getting a lot of shots I will say the one number one Contender I think to Bellis is probably or two is probably Reed Shepard and Stefan pass of the Spurs and the rockets they have looked great in summer league so far but I think it’s going to be a three-man race between those three guys but hey if modest is a plus Defender averages 12 13 15 points a game pretty efficient as well I could definitely see him taking home some Hardware in his rookie season but number four for me and this is also another offseason move and this would be awesome like if all four of these things happen like I am you know popping champag here on the channel and it’s a very successful offseason and season for the Bulls but it is Chicago trading to COA vuch to the New Orleans Pelicans as again same thing with the LaVine heading to the Lakers I think the lake show could be very interested in Zack and then also I think the Pelicans are going to be very interested in b as the centers on the roster right now are Daniel Ty and E Mei I don’t think they’re comfortable rolling those two out at the Five Spot well what could a trade could look like now this is a this is a blockbuster like if this would go down in the NBA this would be awesome for the league like number one I’ll start off at the bottom the San Antonio Spurs would uh obviously get brand Ingram and Lonzo Bal that would be sick for them I would hate moving off Lonzo obviously but if it could help facilitate a v deal you’d do it and then the Pelicans will be getting Vu and Tory Craig and then the Bulls be getting Kellin Johnson and Zack Collins if you’re able to get Kellin Johnson for V and Alonzo ball shake their hands and you sprint or you hang up that phone call immediately I think that would be great because Kellin you know at the young age he he was fantastic this past season didn’t take the necessarily the biggest jump as thought he was going to this upcoming year but he was still very good I mean almost 16 points a game 5 and a half rebounds 2.8 assists pretty efficient from the field and from Beyond The Arc as well you know 6’5 physical guard plus Defender and I think he is the type of offensive player where he doesn’t necessarily do the ball in his hands and I think with you know Kobe Josh giddy we need more of those guys more of those play finishers on the perimeter and listen I would hate to move off Lonzo ball no doubt about it like that would stink cuz we would have spent the last two and a half years watching him rehab watching him work his way you know back into the rotation but if you could trade Nicole vuvi you do it and the number one reason why I would want to trade B is cuz who the Bulls signed this off season Jaylen Smith I think jayen Smith has all types of potential 24 years old can be a stretch five can be a stretch four and you know I think just his archetype of player is so valuable is because it offers you know whatever team he’s on you can run a ton of different looks like you can go you know him at the five and you would maybe be a little smaller at the five spot but you can run five out then you could also run a big lineup with him at the four and maybe a more traditional Center at the five and still have great spacing on the basketball floor but he was pretty good for Indiana this past season in their Conference Final Run 10 points a game five and a half rebounds uh only a half a block a game but I think a big reason of that was just his minutes weren’t as high as you know they will be for the Bulls so expect that to be over you know maybe one and a half BLX a game this season but if you could get J Smith playing let’s just say 30 35 minutes a game I could see him averaging around 1410 one and a half blocks probably the ficiency comes down a little bit to maybe 55 and 38 but that would be a hell of a year from Jaylen Smith so you know I think moving V is huge just to you know get off this contract and you know just have more moves to help in on body this youth movement but also if you could have Jaylen Smith step in and take a huge step that’ll be huge for the franchise here moving forward but speak about taking a step if if I could choose out of all these if I could pick one to come true it would be this one it would be Patrick Williams taking that next step and you know Urus Mark everle they talked about in their press conference as a big reason why they did extend him is they’re kind of projecting where he’s going to be in a couple years and listen it’s by by no means do the numbers bull you weigh on Patrick Williams but you know I think as fans we you know almost chalk up to too much of the stats don’t lie like let’s just look at the stats instead of the eye test well Patrick Williams the eye test for me tells me he has potential to be one of the best role players in the NBA can guard multiple positions can knock down the three-point shot in the flow of the offense and Uris actually talked about it when pdub did go down you felt smaller out there on the basketball court he is huge 6′ 7 6’8 with a 7 foot Wings spand you feel that on the basketball court and the number one way Patrick Williams takes that step is I know this is kind of uh you know I don’t like calling him this on the show but you know Bulls fans we have called him passive p in the past well let’s get aggressive p and the number one way you do that is you trade Zack aine get more shots to Patrick Williams I think it could really help his development so those are my five bold predictions for the Bulls uh it would be awesome if all those could come true but you know obviously we’ll have to wait and see how this all plays out here the rest of this offseason but you guys let me know what are your thoughts on Patrick Williams let me know Down Below in the comments section I’m a Believer in him I think he’s got a ton of untapped potential so but hey I know a lot of you guys disagree with me and that is a but let me know your thoughts on pdub down below and also guys you guys can give me a follow on Twitter that’s a handle right there at Pat seeps if you guys do so I give you guys a follow back but thank you guys so much for watching Today’s Show join us for a live show today at 4 P PM central time we’ll be there breaking it down uh everything you need to know about the Bulls see you guys next time go Bulls [Music]

Chicago Bulls news and rumors have been slowing down following the NBA draft and free agency so on today’s show we dive into 5 bold predictions for the Bulls next season. The Bulls trading Zach LaVine highlights the first bold prediction from Patrick Siepman as he is expecting the Los Angeles Lakers to land the all-star guard. We also discuss the latest Nikola Vucveic trade rumors as he may land with the New Orleans Pelicans with their dire need at Center. The Patrick Williams extension was a polarizing decision for Bulls fans as many did not view this as a smart decision however Chat Sports host Patrick Siepman disagrees.

Hit that subscribe button for more Bulls news, Bulls trade rumors and Bulls free agency news:

Patrick Siepman bold predictions for the Chicago Bulls:
Bulls trade LaVine to Lakers
Coby White is an all-star
Matas Buzelis wins ROY
Bulls Nikola Vucevic to Pelicans
Patrick Williams takes a step

Disagree with Patrick Siepman Bulls takes on today’s show? Let him know by interacting with him on X:

Interact with your fellow Bulls fans by answering today’s Bulls questions down in the comment section:
– What is your BOLD prediction for the Bulls?
– Will Coby White be an all-star this season? Type ‘Y’ for Yes or ‘N’ for No
– What are your thoughts on Patrick Williams?

Chicago Bulls news will always be here on our Bulls website:

NEXT – More Chicago Bulls YouTube videos:
– 🚨LEAKED: Bulls Front Office Reveals Plan For Zach LaVine + Matas Buzelis DOMINATES:
– MAJOR Patrick Williams Injury News + Bulls News, Rumors & Highlights After Summer League Debut:
– Bulls TRADING Torrey Craig & Jevon Carter? + Chicago Bulls Summer league Preview:

Chicago Bulls Trade Assets:
– Zach LaVine (G)
– Nikola Vucevic (C)

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  1. 1. No, the Lakers would never make this trade. Zach will be in the starting lineup for the Bulls. The Bulls don’t need more guards. Again log jam at the guard position with Coby, Ayo, Giddy, Duarte, Carter
    2. Coby will not be an Allstar. Unfortunately he is up against Brunson, Haliburton, Trea Yoing, Damian, Maxey, Mitchell. No chance.
    3. Matas will be a good choice ROTY if he stays healthy.
    4. Nope won’t happen. Vooch will be a Bull with a possibly trade deadline. No need for MORE guards!!!!!!!
    5. Nope he is still battling foot injury!

    These theories are pie in the sky. I like your thinking, but will actually happen is completely different. I think your ideas of more guards is the wrong approach in what the Bulls needs. We need a serviceable big that is 7’0 that can shot block and rebound and stretch the floor for 3’s. Drummond was an option that Billy should have given him more mins. It’s a shame that the Bulls have an instant double double machine off the bench given only 15-20 mins a game. Again no more guards!

  2. IF, Bulls trade Zach to Lakers, they should demand Bronny be in the Trade.. see how bad LeBron wants that ring 🫢

  3. My bold prediction is that Lavine if he's on the roster will cause us to lose our pick to the Spurs

  4. The Lakers need more than Zach to make a deep run for the championship, in that Western conference. It's more deep than last season. If there was a high interest in vuc, he'd be gone by now. He should have been traded last year. Coby can be an all-star, he can outplay Dame and Trae Young. Those two don't play any defense.

  5. Bold prediction; Zach Lavine will sabotage this young core like a cancer, and will have a national media reported verbal or maybe even physical altercation with a player or maybe even a coach, and Jerry Reinsdorf will still refused to just eat the bad contract for the benefit of the group as a whole.

  6. Bad trade for the Lakers they need the Bulls to attach a unprotected Bulls 1st round pick for this to even be considered. Zach’s awful contract, lack of winning basketball and injury concerns are bad enough as it is.

  7. I like that trade, just wish D’LO could be released or flipped somewhere else. We are just jammed up at the guard spot and I’d want dlo on the bench.

  8. Coby White being an all-star means nothing. Zach Levine average 24 points a game. Meant nothing. Never been out of the first round of the playoffs. Loser. Inflated stats on a piss poor team and organization.

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