@Milwaukee Bucks

Gary Trent Jr signs with the Milwaukee Bucks for the veterans minimum

Gary Trent Jr signs with the Milwaukee Bucks for the veterans minimum

today’s locked on bucks is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use the code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply coming up on today’s show well well well the Bucks do in fact sign Gary Trent Jr to the veteran minimum Camille and I take a Victory lap of sorts coming up after this unlocked on bucks you you are locked on bucks your daily Milwaukee Bucks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome into locked on bucks I’m Justin Garcia joined as always by Camille Davis and we thank you for making locked on bucks your first listen every day free and available wherever you get your podcast you can find us on YouTube as well as some of you are joining us in the live stream for this breaking news all of that is part of locked on podcast Network your team every day the breaking news Camille is uh according to the report from Adrien WJ narowski the Bucks have agreed to a one-year deal with Gary Trent Jr for the veteran minimum um but look we joked about this on yesterday’s show of It’s gotta come sometime soon maybe it’ll come later in the week not necessarily the bucks but just Gary Trent Jr signing per period he was the best free agent available on the market we had talked about this for weeks too of reports being out there the Bucks were interested in Gary Trent Jr and uh I get the hesitation and trepidation to push back and say there’s no way he’s taking that that veteran minimum contract but I go back what a week ago um when I I think who was reporting the news was what put a lot of Bucks fans off the scent but when we went through let’s just look at the finances of teams out there who has money to spend who has a taxpayer mid-level who has a full midlevel we really struggled to find teams outside of those with a veteran minimum that either would have been interested or a fit for Gary Trent Jr would have made sense and to me that was the whole thing this this entire time that really kept me continuing to put out there you can’t dismiss this I I still I don’t know that if I was a Betty man I would say they’re going to sign him but you can’t dismiss this for that exact reason and I think that’s essentially what we saw the market just was not there and this was in all likelihood if you’re choosing over vet minimums this was probably ultimately always going to be the best fit for Gary Trent Jr we made jokes about that a few a few weeks ago at this point I think when we first started throwing Out Gary Trent Jr as a possibility for the bucks of well Hey listen one year deal the market hasn’t shook out the way you wanted to shake out why don’t you come to Milwaukee for a deer come come to Milwaukee for a year rebuild that value and see what you can do from there and we were saying like that’s the sales pitch the the pitch for the bucks in particular of all the different minimum contracts is that you will be the starting shooting guard if you come here like there is a lot of playing time on the table for you if you come here and again the market just did not work out the way that was anticipated I mean last year he opted in to1 18.5 million doll player option this current offseason that we’re in right now apparently the Raptors were kicking around you know offering 15 mil a year he wanted 25 mil a year the Raptors pulled the offer off the table and now Gary Trent Jr was sitting here trying to explore the market and see where his bested fit could be and as we talked about a lot of the money was drawing up really quickly a lot of teams that he could have went to where it’s just kind of like the money was n looking right so it became a realistic possibility of maybe he takes a one-year deal to try to reup that value again and try the market again next year and we heard about various contenders having interest in him uh the Lakers was a team that were after Gary Trent junor they were looking to make some other moves on the side to try to make that possible the nuggets the 76ers the Knicks were all teams um that were listed in some way some form as a team that has some interest in Gary Trent Jr in addition to the Milwaukee buck so to see him come to Milwaukee uh where he gets to reunite with Damen Lillard we know Dan’s been on the recruiting tip so far this summer uh the hope is that you know he continues to to do that and that uh Trent he’s here now it actually happened like I I still can’t believe that it happened I made the joke like I’m gonna be checking every time I see wo or Shams I’m checking to see if it’s Gary Trent news and the News came Justin when we were recording what we thought was going to be the Wednesday episode but that’s gotten bumped so when you guys do hear that episode you’ll hear some some real live reactions of us seeing that this move actually is H has happened and comes half a day after we record the all right it’s cooled down we still it’s a possibility but I don’t think they’re gonna get Gary Trent Jr so let’s just take a look at their off season and how we would rate that we both said about a C+ is um what you would put out there given what they had to work with but added hey if you do get Gary Trent Jr this is like a b B+ somewhere around there that you’re looking for in your off season and um now I think it was an excellent offseason for John hor and Company because again uh we we talked about it quite a bit on the show earlier today actually on Tuesday so you can find that episode for that part of the discourse but you didn’t have much to work with so you had to really try to maximize those those vet minimum spots as we mentioned the duo of dlon Wright and torian Prince are upgrades over Pat Beverly and Jay Crowder Gary Trent Jr is an upgrade over Malik Beasley and now that leads us to the next part of the discussion is you know we talked about this before of who’s gonna be that starter and is it dlon wot is it AJ Green is it Andre Jackson Jr well I’m pretty confident that starting two card is going to be Gary Trent Jr so this is now two years in a row where and we had this conversation with Frank I don’t remember if it was on the Pod or off the air but hey is this another it’s kind of feeling like this another off season where the starter at two guard is not actually on the roster at this moment and lo and behold he was not because well he is now it’s just like just the timing of it is is I’m still tripping over that because we literally had our show we recorded it live on YouTube for Tuesday and I mentioned like as of you know July 16th this is the grade I’m giving the bugs offseason it’s still July 16th and I have to update uh that offseason trade grade and I think I’m gonna go actually like an A minus for this because the bugs had such limited resources like very limited we’ve talked about it only minimums given the fact that there were no other trades made to like clear up space for them to make any other bigger uh signings so to only have three vet mens at your disposal and you were able to up upgrade some positions there with torian Prince coming in as a Jay Crowder upgrade uh you get Delon Wright as a pat Beverly upgrade and then you get Gary Trent Jr as a Malik Beasley upgrade like that’s a that’s a really good off season when all you had to throw is V men like that’s all that was in the tuck and somehow you were able to have some positional upgrades on the roster like that that in itself is is a big win for Milwaukee given where they have been uh and it also helps what they were talking about was what they want to do with the rookies with Tyler Smith and AJ Johnson which is bring them along slowly um and now you have these vets ahead of them uh the competition in Camp for The Young returning bucks vets quote unquote with your maran’s your Chris Livingston’s your Andre Jackson Jr AJ Green uh I say I missing one of them but those guys now again the comp goes back up again uh there’s someone ahead of them where you don’t have to rely on them as much if they’re not ready uh it’s just more opt and versatility for the bucks when they only had room to operate around the margins yeah I mean again you cannot overstate this was a fantastic off season now if if this is it and I I still don’t think you’re going to see any other trades we can get into that coming up in our next segment but as you mentioned you only had two to three veteran minimums to work with and your draft picks we can nitpick the draft picks and not attaching a pick to Pat conon or Bobby pores for example any of those players to get off of salary to get under that second apron um but again I just don’t know that there’s a move that would have made you better now in theory uh because we can carry this over into the next segment here Camille is I think there’s one way that would have made it more interesting it still ends up with you keeping or getting Gary Trent Jr I should say so we we can explore that and just some more splits from Gary Trent Jr what this means when we mention hey this is an upgrade over Malik Beasley and we’re not only talking about the defense the offensive game the full package of Gary Trent JR this is very much an upgrade that John horse was able to pull off for a veteran minimum contract we’ll get into that conversation coming up next year unlocked on bucks summertime for all of us may be that time of year when you hit the road maybe you’re going to check off some stadiums and want to take a baseball tour this summer it’s the allstar game later on this evening that prompts us to say hey I want to go see that player play I want to hit the road and check some stadiums off of my bucket list if you’re doing that the one app that you absolutely need is game time you can save last minute find up to 60% savings when you buy at the last minute for sports concerts comedy theater and more they even offer Flash Deals where you can save even more than that 60% with Ina exclusive deals on select seats ahead of the 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lowest prices guaranteed Gary Trent Jr is uh reportedly now a member of the Milwaukee Buck so uh look credit to John hor for pulling this one off uh bucks now stand at 15 players on the roster which we’ve seen this pop up as well is what what does that mean for than asses we pointed to look he’s not playing this year so the Bucks I know the the prevailing thought that’s out there about how they run the team they’re not gonna sign thanes just to sit next to Giannis on the bench and now that’s official because this trade or this trade this roster is set at 15 players and you know we we kind of had a similar discussion about Malik Beasley on the veteran mimo hey pretty good value and in the regular season it was great value for John Horst and the rest of the bucks but this is markedly better than Malik Beasley I I think we talked about this the other day um we’re not suggesting Gary Trent Jr is an all defense caliber player on that end of the floor but he is a better Defender than Malik Beasley is and he can do more offensively than just shoot I mean we’ve seen Gary Trent Jr get hot and have some big games against the Bucks through the years but there’s more to it than just catch and shoot or one dribble pull up and shoot from Gary Trent Jr he’s a more rounded offensive player he is he truly is and I saw this posted on uh Twitter that Gary Trent Jr is one of four players to record at least 500 made three-pointers and 300 steals over the last three season uh the other three players to do that were Anthony Edwards Tyrese halberton and Fred Van vet and to your point about the defense being better it just goes to show there now when he got to Toronto I don’t feel as if he ever lived up to what Toronto thought that his two-way capabilities were part of that could just be because he had to take on such a big offensive load while he was there as well and as we’ve talked about uh sometimes when guys do that then the defense kind of you know falls to the Wayside so I do have hopes for him coming here and again he’s young he’s 25 years old like turn 25 to start the year so he doesn’t turn 26 until 2025 uh a young shooting guard here so uh him coming into this to the fold here better defense the shooting is there and he’s somebody who when presented with wide open you know shots uh he knocked him down he shot 51% on unguarded catch and shoot threes last season and you would imagine that with the gravity of Giannis and with Dame uh those looks will continue to be pretty wide open for him we saw malite be they be able to get up a lot of Threes in that role shoot I mean we’ve seen uh Grayson Allen get up a lot of Threes in that role as well so that’s going to be something seeing Gary Trent Jr playing that role that I cannot wait to see career 39% three-point shooter and um that really peaked in the 2122 season when he took about eight threes per game playing for the Toronto Raptors shot 38% That season his high water mark was 41% from three in the 1920 season with the Blazers um albeit at about four attempts per game but he’s a guy that we have routinely see average about seven three-point attempts per game now um we talked a little bit last year about the three-point splits for the bucks of Pat Conan was one of those guys that was impacted when you look at the volume of threes he took last year versus uh years prior well you had Malik Beasley you had Damen Lillard those numbers and Brook Lopez too those numbers are going to come down just for reference uh Gary Trent Jr averaged more three-point attempts per game than Malik Beasley did in each of the previous two seasons they were pretty in line uh the seasons prior to that but exact same shooting percentage throughout their career last year with Malik you know Camille you mentioned his catch and shoot for Gary Trent Jr we talked about this throughout the year the looks that Malik Beasley was getting when you had Giannis and Damen Lillard on the floor with you I think that went a long way in explaining going from a 35% three-point shooter in each of the previous three seasons to a 41% three-point shooter last year so not to say hey Gary Trent Jr’s shooting percentage is going to bump up by six percentage points but I I think you can start to see when you got that skill set the gravity and how much easier it makes it when those shots are wide open and this is a better offensive player that we’re discussing with that it truly is and I saw the comment come through from Fidel just asking who was our backup point guard at this point and that’s a piece that we’ve talked about when we had the conversation I think last week on lock on about who is the bug starting shooting guard and looking at the roster at that time it’s constructed you know he mentioned it could be Delon Wright uh but here with Gary Trent Jr coming in place we’re assuming that he is your starting shooting guard which I think puts right yeah yeah I think it puts right in a place that just better suits the team uh where he can come off the bench and be that backup guard point guard Off the Bench he can just be a combo guard coming off the bench you can play him with Dame he can come in and relieve Dame take that playing time as well so I think like the roster itself makes a lot more sense now with Gary Trent Jr on an as that starting shooting guard um and just what the Bucks could be able to do with versatility um I do like it and the reality of this Bucks team is the same as it was last year which is you need health the top three guys have to be healthy if you have Dame and Chris and Giannis like your your chances are going to be really really good and then you have to fill in the team around them with pieces that make sense of how they want to operate and the Bucks have done that so far this offseason again with very limited resources all along the margin so to have now to be able to throw in your rotation so you have uh Dame Gary Trent Jr Chris Middleton Yan DMO and Brook Lopez and then Off the Bench you have Delan Wright you have tan Prince uh you also have we still have Pat Conan but you also have Bobby Portis you know like J Mar lates some of the pressure on those young guys too exactly exactly so like the the team makes a lot more sense um and to your point about the pressure coming off of the young guys as well um I think that adds into what doc was looking to do when he constructed this team the way he did with having this many young guys on it uh which is that pull and push between the vets and the young guys so he said you know the Vets they’re going to pull on the young guys and the young guys are going to push the Vets because the young guys want to play um so I’m it makes me even more excited for this upcoming season to start so if there’s one thing that’s worth pointing out I think it it ties into this this comment from Connor when we said realistically what the Bucs had to work with and um and what you could expect them to do let’s just say they attached a first round pick to a contract and you got under the second apron or you were able to use taxpayer midlevel which would have been more money for let’s say in this example Gary Trent Jr and you could have gone multiple years then and then had his bird rights when he becomes a free agent not next summer but whenever that is if it’s a one plus one or a two plus one whatever um you would have been in a better spot to retain him Beyond one season if that were the case but not knowing that the Gary Trent Jr piece was out there and at that time of the draft not knowing what the market was going to look like because Paul George had not signed yet with the uh 76ers so and again we’ve said this several times that is what imploded this Market more than anything it was tough to find a move where you would have actually been better on the floor opposed to just we saved money and we opened up something else to bring in a player that may not be at that caliber now you got Gary turn Jr on the vet minimum which when the offseason started none of us expected that’s the good news is hey you on paper I do believe are a much better team than you were a season ago I mean you you take out the coaching ambiguity and how much this coaching staff has improved year two or 1.5 with Doc Rivers on paper better players as well with you know as as we mentioned those three pieces specifically Gary Trent Jr dlan Wright torian Prince those are all better players and put you in a better spot and younger than the three guys that they are theoretically replacing but there is one I don’t even want to call it a negative but the one thing to keep in mind about this move and why we keep saying hey this might only be a one-year window for the way that this team is constructed we’ll get into that conversation and take a look at what this means for the Eastern Conference there’s been a lot of talk about the Sixers the Celtics the Knicks where does this put the Bucks in relation to those other teams in the East we’ll get into that conversation next unlocked on bucks so um Camille I’m fairly certain I am not the um the capologist certainly of Bobby Mark level um or Frank or van but I’m pretty sure as we started to dig through this and just the Assumption even before we looked into the uh the CBA and tried to find um the writeups here you’re not going to have his bird rights as changing teams in a one-year deal didn’t play with the team previously I believe I don’t recall now I shouldn’t say that but I don’t know if the Raptors renounced his rights or just withdrew an offer but long story short we’re 95% sure there are no bird rights that come attached with this so what that means is next year you can only offer him 120% rise so we’d be looking at about 3.8 million that he could take for one year now if you get him there you could do something like a one plus one and then you would have his bird rights and then you could sign him long term beyond that um but this very much should be viewed as this a one-year deal it’s a Prov it deal for Gary Trent Jr and if he plays at let’s even say Malik Beasley levels there aren’t the questions in the postseason with Gary Trent Jr that there are with Malik Beasley or were with Malik Beasley if he fills that void I would imagine there’s a lot more money out there for him next summer I would too and I’m I’m guessing that that’s exactly what he’s banking on himself as well coming to a situation where he knows he’s going to get a lot of playing time and really have the opportunity uh to to boost his stock next year and try to get back into that like going from wanting $25 million a year to taking a vet men is a big difference uh in salary so doing the work that’s going to be required to get back up into a contract that’s going to be you know at least 15 which is what the other Raptors apparently were planning to offer but they never officially offered uh to him so like again I was saying before the sign up this could be a really good place for a one-year trial for him to try to get uh his market value back up so for bugs fans it could be a situation where you know he he enjoys playing with the team we don’t know how this season shakes out um but there are going to be teams next summer that are going to be able to offer him a lot more money than what the Bucs are going to be able to to um and it could be situation again similar to this past season where the market shakes out in a way where you’re surprised at at Who falls through even with Malik Beasley this year um I was seeing projections for him growing like like hey Beasley could get like maybe 10 million a year after his performance last year and he got six million on a one-year deal from the Pistons which again team that needed to spend money exactly and they only gave him six so it it’s one of those things too with the new CBA just wondering how that shakes out uh but Gary Trent Jr being 255 years old uh on a chance to play for a team that’s going to be contending for a championship like I I think that should do wonders to his value so for the bucks take it this year like try to win it this year and we know they have that level of urgency they’re here to win that Championship um so hey like the market just shook out in a way that that really helped out the bucks he uh is a career 14 points per game scorer um high water mark was the 2122 season when he averaged just under 19 points per game with the Raptors so I think that’s the other piece of it too when we talked about he is a more rounded offensive player than Malik Beasley is um or was um he has that ability in games when because you know one of the things we didn’t spend a lot of time on yet this off season it’s more of a as we get closer to the season hey let’s take a look at this I do wonder how playing time is impacted for Giannis for Dame for Chris Middleton um just because I don’t know that it’s necessarily the correlation here and this was tied to that but you have to bring up look last year we had the games played restriction put in place for individual honors then we also saw playoffs where it seemed like everybody was injured so I wonder if you’re going to see teams pull back from that players I should say pull back from that because they’re the ones that have the most to lose l in that experiment but in those games in those instances where you don’t have oh man there’s 60 points on of the lineup with no Yannis and Dame Gary Trent Jr who was more than capable to score 20 plus points on a nightly basis and again if if that’s gonna be your fourth option offensively I think you’re in a pretty good spot a really good spot which I think brings the conversation to the question of where are the bugs now in the Eastern Conference because I like to think of the exercise more so in tears of like where the teams are and the Bucks are definitely in a contending tier in the East I would say that you you give Boston the respect they’re still probably they’re they’re one in the East and again a lot of teams you’re going to see they’re doing moves to try to compete with what Boston is doing we see that in New York with the Knicks and them loading up on Wing players to try and combat what’s being done in Boston but outside of Boston if you want to put them on a singular tier as you know defending Champions they’re the the cream of the crop in the East cool and then after that I think you got the Bucks you have the 76ers you have the Knicks uh in there and personally I would still put the bucks at the top of that particular tier um I love what Philly has been able to do with the Paul George signing for sure that’s a definite Talent upgrade from Tobias Harris being your third option in that City the way they’ve been putting that roster together has it works like it makes sense what they’re doing in Philly but again a healthy bugs team which we didn’t get to see in the playoffs this year Giannis is such a game Game Changer Dame is a game changer and I just really like that core with Chris Middleton and those secondary actions as well uh we mentioned Trent like I just really like this Bucks team and I think in that next tier after Boston I would probably have the Bucks ahead of Philly and of the Knicks I would put them in front of the Knicks um because I think their offense is is clearly going I shouldn’t say clearly but I like the Bucs offense better than the Knicks the uh at least the imagined version of the books their offense better than the Knicks and look it was a big move to add Mel Bridges I don’t think you can mention enough it’s a pretty big absence to lose Isaiah hartenstein and how do they replace him especially since he had moved past everybody else you know I know Julius Randall is coming back but he was their best and most valuable big man in the playoffs so that’s going to be a big absence for them um I would would still lean towards maybe it’s the Knicks maybe it’s Philly I don’t think the Celtics are going to finish with the best record in the East next year even though they’re probably the best team just because we’ve seen it everywhere that year after you win the championship you don’t put your foot on the gas pedal quite as much you don’t push quite as hard you don’t have that drive within you so I think the Celtics will probably finish second or somewhere around there bucks are probably going to be third or fourth in the East and that’s fine because of the upgrades that you’ve made and and look there’s there’s no more easy path that’s out there we talked about it the last two years it’s not well if you do this you can avoid that I know we talked last year about you really got to avoid the four seeds so you can put off that matchup with the Celtics but you know as we’ve experienced the last two years well you got to get to the second round first so there’s there’s no easy path in the Eastern Conference anymore but I just keep coming back to the chemistry that this team has started to develop now in year number two of the Dame experiment of Doc Rivers with a more experienced coaching staff taking some of the pressure off of guys like AJ Green and Andre Jackson Jr and even Maran Bo champ where it’s not the point of hey we need to get younger and more athletic these guys have to play a lot no we need these guys to develop but you’re not saying we need you to push for a starting job we just need you to continue to develop and get better and you know again the fact that you have upgraded your roster there’s no ifs ANS or buts about it regardless of how you feel about the two draft picks you upgraded in the three spots that you could have and this last one is a massive upgrade it is it is I see in the comments too just some other teams to mention of course the Pacers uh as well should be mentioned we talked about the Cavaliers earlier this week uh which is a team that switch coaches and they extend it you know Donovan Mitchell but outside of that the team Remains the Same for the most part so they’re going to be C for sure I think that would have them right behind you know Milwaukee Philly and New York uh but listen there are some top teams here at the East it’s going to be a fun fun year uh for the bucks in the East and to your point about Boston saying they might not even win the East I could definitely see it go that way we know christops porzingis he had his offseason surgery as well so he’s somebody who probably won’t be ready to start the season so they’re going to miss him for a little while as well as to continue to go on from there but um I thought Milwaukee matched up pretty decently with Boston last year uh in the earlier games before the blowout game when Yannis hurt himself the games were kind of strange where the Celtics opened up really big leads but the Bucks were able to come back and make it close and push at the end as well yes I can’t forget about Orlando as well like there is some comp in the East so seeing that the Bucks were able to upgrade their roster when again they just had three vet mens uh seeing them find way to upgrade when you see all these other teams around them making moves getting better is exactly what you want to see and above anything else we’ve seen it in the comments we’ve mentioned it here on the show so the every dayers know but both gotta be healthy like it it really rest on the shoulders of Giannis of Chris and of Dame like be healthy uh and see where this team can really go yeah the last thing too is uh Sam saying Chris better playing backto backs this season look I I think if anything what we learned last year is I don’t care right I I don’t care Yannis playss fewer games I don’t care if Damen Lillard plays fewer games because ultimately you need them to play in the playoffs so if that’s what gets you there then fine I’m willing to accept it even if it means the Bucks are slide down to a four seed or somewhere in there because of the way they’ve started to build this roster we talked about it last year Camille I agree what you just said I’m not saying the Bucks will beat the Celtics but they match up better with the Celtics than they did in previous seasons but you just got to get to that matchup so you know look Joel embiid is still out there it means Brook Lopez is an important piece on your team and we talked about perimeter creation more guys that can shoot more guys that you know maybe not great Defenders but are at least two-way players you’ve added that with Gary Trent Jr certainly um with dlan Wright and depending on the Lakers fans that you listen and take input from from torian Prince as well so I just I don’t think less than 12 hours after we recorded the how would you view the off season there’s no way to view this is anything lower than like a B+ for John hor in the Bucks yeah I would agree I’m going a minus now with Trent in the F like bravo bravo for this offseason when your back was against the wall I wasn’t really sure how the Bucks were going to make those types of moves especially without making any trades but lo and behold uh we have a really competitive roster heading in into this next season and if everyone’s healthy the Bucks are going to be a force to be reckoned with um incredible news exactly the type of news that we were looking for the bucks sign Gary Trent Jr to a veteran minimum so again I would assume he is your starting two guard and between that move the addition of Toran Prince the addition of Delon Wright to to add those three guys Gary Trent Jr Delon Wright torian Prince in place of Malik Beasley Pat Beverly and Jay Crowder massive upgrades for John horse and for this Bucks team that oh by the way already features Giannis Chris Middleton who was we saw somebody else point out in the comments basically single-handedly took the Pacers two six games on one leg Damen Lillard who we’ve already started to see those videos and everything else of Dame in the lab putting some work in the comments that he made and Doc Rivers made as well it’s a weird off season for me last year but it’s going to be a lot different this year it it’s taken quite a few turns in this offseason but we’ve now fully turned back to the man there is a lot of reason for optimism with this Bucks team there is there is so with all that being said um man I wish I really wish the season was starting like next week at this point um but as we wrap up here just one quick things I did see in the comments we should mention that Pat Bev we teased that he mentioned he was deciding between a vetman and signing a historic contract overseas and he’s going to Israel uh to play so Pat Bev will not be in the NBA next season he’s gonna be playing overseas he’s taking the bag I don’t fault him for that at all so best of luck uh and best wishes to Pat Bev as well Buck sign Gary Trent Jr uh holy cow it actually happened I mean we told you look I still don’t think it’ll happen but you cannot rule it out for all those reasons and now it happens John horse lands a another one here so we cannot wait to see that backourt we presume of Dame Gary Trent Jr Chris Giannis um front Court Chris Giannis and then Brook Lopez to round out your starting five a huge day here for the bucks to add Gary Trent Jr on the veteran minimum on tomorrow we’re going to have the look back at this certainly we hope isn’t one of them but moves that did not pan out for John hor through the years the irony of recording that as he makes a big move in the edition of Gary Trent Jr and we do have the mailbag to get to as well so we’ll get to that on uh Friday for Camille I’m Justin we’ll talk to you once again tomorrow unlocked on bock for

Justin and Camille tackle the breaking news that Gary Trent Jr has opted to take a veterans minimum to join the Bucks. What does this move mean for their closing lineup, what are the odds he stays beyond one season and how does this change how you view their offseason? We take your thoughts live on the latest Locked on Bucks


  1. This is very exciting. If Giannis, Khris and Dame are healthy maybe the Bucks can make another deep run. Trent is a legit player. My question is how he compares to Grayson Allen from a couple years ago?

  2. YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!💥💥🤗🙃🔥🔥🔥🔥👏🏿🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  3. Incredibly shocking. I can’t believe he signed for a vet min to join the Bucks. I wrongly predicted that had a zero percent chance of occurring; super glad I was wrong — I’ll take it.

    PG: Dame (33)
    SG: Gary (30)
    SF: Khris (30)
    PF: Giannis (33)
    C: Brook (28)

    6th Men:
    Frontcourt – Bobby (26)
    Backcourt – Delon (26)

    Primary Bench Options:
    Tauren (22)
    Pat/Green (12)

    Deep Bench Depth:

    Extremely limited minutes for the development of the young guys.

  4. Assuming no major regression from the "big 3," this team will be much better than last year. On paper the Celtics are better, but they're essentially a super team and they get no respect from me. Should easily be the 2 seed barring injury. In addition to just being better players, I think they will be much more well-rounded team. I still don't feel great about Brook, but the perimeter game has improved drastically.

  5. I like the deal because he has ahole tendencies and this team needs it – we have not competed well against great teams since 2022 a lot of front running – we need guys who wanna really get after it especially in a contract year – if Giannis can get back to 20-22 all nba defense like he was and less scoring we can win it all he is the key – fear the deer 🦌

  6. I actually cannot believe it, I remember watching Gary vs the bucks and he absolutely cooked us by himself, this is the biggest steal of the off-season if we are healthy we will win this year very strong roster

  7. Klutch Sports and Rich Paul will ruin players careers. Dont fall for them lebron monopoly in the league, Gary turned down the 15m offer from the Raptors earlier in free agency lmao. Now he f around and found out no other team can offer him that much lol. He a minimum guy now. Gary really fell for them Rich Paul sweet talk bruh 😂😂

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