@Indiana Pacers

Indiana Pacers vs Phoenix Suns | LIVE Reaction | Scoreboard | Play By Play | Postgame Show

Indiana Pacers vs Phoenix Suns | LIVE Reaction | Scoreboard | Play By Play | Postgame Show

co sundo co sundo gotta go get a loan though now not Co not Co Su though yeah I gota get Long Sun tip off’s going Suns win the tip oh so booooy starting point guard a like really it’s the same starting lineup bro we still got dvo gets the ball top of the key a Rody Rody drives Rody driving loses the ball Ryan D picks it up back to Rody Rod yper awful short that’s so bad bro we’re really doing this it’s the David Rody show we need to talk about Rody later but but go on um what what are we talking about well rewatched the highlights from last game I watched them a lot mhm Fury no good in the corner rebound from B devau to Rody oh my God bro is Rody trying to get kicked out of the league is Ronnie is Rod trying to get sent to China you know what at at this rate I have to if mow was here I would have to apologize for the is slander me too but what I’m saying is as W Walker hits the three he he had some good highlights like some really like eye popping highlights floater to Oso Alo there we go oh my God Bel Bev you hit you you actually passed the ball congrats here’s an interesting guy right this is really just good basketball watch him right here little hard roll forcing help Gets behind Oscar and finish that’s the area Oscar Sho boys got to improve it his ability to defend ball screens what’s up everybody in the chat what up ha do what up Deon another three no good devau rebound winner that’s how this te Des tries the Euro gets fouled by Johnny Fury Miss Don Key balls is in the house let’s go uh he said he renewed his MBE right now but it didn’t do anything oh it says renews in three days all right all right perfect thank you espx in the house pre- Rush heated free throw here from dvo who’s wearing the KDs that I’ve got one of my pairs of KDs bricks the free throw yeah and sometimes even now obvious the year but look at the success this kids had number one said Gabe if we lose we need to buy you need to buy me Ryan dun’s Kobes let’s see which Kobes he’s wearing versatility offensively defensively and legitimate sides those are clean r p Kobe Fury to the rack dribbling dun locking him up in the dungeon all right we’re not doing that we’re not doing that also donkey balls with the gift of membership to heated let’s go no no little catchup boy thank you uh Miss Dawn key balls and welcome back heated as we get a steal no a turnaround Fade Away prayer no good welcome welcome our newest Horsemen heated Horsemen D come on D do something baby good pass to dvo dvo driv blocked off the rim wrong hand to be using he uses left hand on the right side of the rim this is day one [ __ ] just don’t love his game man pick and roll here we get an open three for the Pacers no good Fury rebound Fury kick out Walker no good Devo nice hustle on the FL wow I don’t agree with that Adam this is Ryan’s second game first game six points but he had like three steals like he’s a defensive Savant you can tell already it’s it’s pretty exciting offensively haven’t got to see anything yet Walker thought about another three jab step jab step pulls three I don’t care we drill that that was good Patience by that pick he didn’t leave the paint Kelvin Samson wanted him to get two feet the paint every time he scored now he’s playing up you ain’t lying PR I need to get some new emojis watch his ability to just step his man off read the defense Defender goes under jumps up good balance knocks it down shoots it with convictions a lot of these guys don’t know where the shots are coming from and guys that are ifs as jump Shooters you got to shoot it with conviction within a mindset that you’re going to knock it down and that was really nice drop good roll great pass Fury Corner three no good that pass was really good too you see the Pacers are active on that offensive glass oh baby we got a eth month membership message from your guy baby Malo says can you guys call James Jones to bring back ish is ain’t coming back but right now the way the way David Rody’s playing give me ish any day going line is Indiana now don’t worry guys we’ve got three points halfway through the first quarter they re Nega how do they get to the next they all being what up uel Prest we’re just talk we’re just comparing the two players we don’t want is back for real herbody and Playback Let’s see we got two people that need VIPs give me a second I’m going to hook those up KN down the first free throw summer league action continues tonight here in Las Vegas on NBA TV ESPN and the ESPN app Bulls Tak it on the Pistons that’s at 6:30 follow by the Wizards and the trailers rounding out the is theel and look as miserable as I feel no but good it’s understandable former teammates should here come these VIPs if you’re uh not subbed but you’re in uh play back with us give us a sub so we can give you good back cut the devote see this is why we like Oso this is why we like Oso that was good just let him be point guard the rest of the game right or give it to him like nerk and let him make the passes that’d be fun to see JP hook stay low on balance oh you look down bro Oso just took it from the three-point line made a dribble move Fury what are you doing you’re way too white for that don’t [ __ ] your arm back put it on your head hey this is Vegas you better show out good job for oo man our housemade ketchup I’m Janet Hines I can’t be seen eating non hind ketchup do we have any hindes there be right back I got to make an important phone call okay th’s gonna call his doctor su’s gonna call Joe Rogan to get some get some not my doctor well you might need to call Joe and see if you can’t get some uh what’s it called I don’t know I’ll be I can’t even remember that’s how long ago Co was I don’t even remember what they were saying it was Garden man says Oso is a sleeper Shantel I did see the campaign signed with New York it breaks me heart yeah hydrochloro Queen there you go thank you Charles uh Deon said telling you guys Oso is coming for that plumbley dude maybe even nerk spot well I I you know I think in in a perfect world he would be so good that you would be like I think we need to play this guy over nerk but I just don’t I don’t see that yet but that was a great move from him that was a great score you know he is definitely more athletic than irk no questioning that what’s going on big MC I’m Adam says how’s Jaylen Bridges doing man he hit a really slick three last game but he just hasn’t gotten a lot of opportunities to shoot this team is the quintessential summer league team um with point guards that think they’re Julian Newman and don’t pass the ball CU they’re trying to make themselves look good but you are right snip snip says we’re passing more today already looks more fluid offensively than that last [ __ ] show game yeah they got chewed out for and called out for not passing will out yeah you saw that when you talk it is a grind day after day free throw goodan I know a little something about that what Ryan dun is picking up about that is that whether do you have a good day or a bad day there’s another game tomorrow another game tomorrow and another game tomorrow so guys we got 70 watching help us out hit that like button not bad at all for this time of day baby if you guys hit that like it really helps us out we’ll get some free memberships passed out as wello top of the key Oho second time Point oo kicks to dvo he drove from there and scored back to dvo dvo passes the ball to boy boy for three no good Franks tries to tip the rebound out doesn’t get it Ryan done on The Fast Break Ali to Fury Miss that’s what you get for trying to posterize my guy great pass from buoy to flanks good pass buoy backto back NCAA tournaments at Northwestern Chris Collins has done an absolutely terrific job amazing career he had bery looking a little bumbly they get into the corner to GG Jackson for the gg33 corner three what up living in Oma Chris L says Fury dunked four times last game I believe it I know Fury had a good game I I watched it I was just mad he tried to baptize half of our roster a second ago okay boo buoy your boy baa buoy your boy baa buoy looks so bad but they won’t let my boy Wong in at this point give me Wong for real for real though Su wants some Wong everyone coaches for Pacers Jan Pargo Walker in the game for the Suns does a great job we might score less than 10 points in this first half or first quarter bro pretty sad don’t say that though nice pass here from the Pacers defense from Oso good defense from Oso man good defense from o man but what a pass Oho he’s being a real virtue so lovely damn he’s a virtue oo you know what man bun is trash bro whoever man bun is I he snuck in if we’ve got a Pacers fan in here can somebody tell me about man buun the first games this summer and he said yes we’re trying to play Fast we’re trying to play frantic but we got to be a little more under control here to pick up our first win here who’s number 12 and you’ve got to take care of basketball uh for us risk reward play but that’s turn no that’s little uh Tyson Tyson oh no that’s quere no that’s Tyson that’s Tyson Walker and then I guess quere is about to score weatherman’s about to score here okay good good pass done get it out to three-point shooter nice little floater from your boy that’s not that’s not weather spoon that was Weatherspoon was it I think he changed numbers he number four now or 41 41 now first was he 41 last game oh man a former second round pick of the Spurs back in 2019 these guys play the G League played overseas another one of those guys on a journey to try to make an NBA Squad your career is a journey when it com they’re going to review what being player but you know we’re going to get a chance to watch these guys Journeys for the next 5 days 2k2 summer league so far how would you rank this summer league team compared to the other teams just compared to last year I mean it’s way better than last year it’s still terrible is it way better because way yes CU last year we didn’t have anybody to root for except for fre no no I’m talking I’m talking straight up who’s better like who would who would be who would win this year’s team or last year’s te I don’t know all I know is that I know probably this year’s team really all I know is I know more names on this team than I did last year for sure I mean it you know that’s great it’s great to but the the thing that freaks me out is we know the players on this team we know that they’re better than the other or thought they were better than the other guys but here they come out and they look like the same old dog [ __ ] that the last couple of teams have looked huh I just need Oso to take over because he’s been the only bright spot can I talk talk about Ryan Dunn real quick what what about him can we get a APB out on him for offense yeah facts facts I mean I just think he’s not getting put in a position to play to his Str he’s definitely not I think on offense he should be standing at the corner getting getting reps shooting he is he is trying to but they’re not getting him the ball he’s been doing that Diego in the house what up says Sundy why are you not working sundo has covid after well nobody even knows I was in the hospital this week and do that I guess go ahead and tell him but let me let’s just say just remember this last weekend was the weekend where they tried to take out Trump and sundo at the same time that’s how you know it’s an election season you know what how about the courts I mean just like being a little yeah you think you got it while you were there that was the highlight of the season for I maybe I don’t know it’s a good shot it’s a good chance good chance right um it’s all Su was in the hospital because Su thought he was having a stroke or a heart attack on the way to work and it ended up not being that it end up it ended up being gas but you know it was scary uh the reason why I thought thought I was having a heart attack or a stroke was because the left side of my AR were numb and apparently that was happening because I have a bulging disc in my neck and that was causing my nerves to be out of whack whoa so anyway I was in the hospital as Frank shoots a three and I was there for a day Franks hit one three and now he uh Franks hit 1 three last game and now he thinks he’s [ __ ] Reggie Miller and now and now I have Co so that’s is here uhoh y that’s how you’re going to score baby open shots that you knock down and running the floor that was a nice dunk say suo got Co at the Trump rally well you know I’m sorry but that’s hilarious getting out transition those two rookies right now you know who Ryan dun looks like he looks like Phoenix Christian Wood no no no no he looks well that too but he looks like the one of the dudes from RDC world one oh oh he does what the hell bro he looks like I can’t remember his name that dude’s hilarious bro that dude is so good no way that’s hilarious he looks like that guy bro um not Desmond uh are you sure no it’s not the other lights can do with the same haircut right yeah dude you’re dead ass accurate bro what the f but is his name um you need to get okay so so okay so there’s when you you need to do get find a picture of him on your phone Ben thank you Milik he looks like Ben thank you find a picture of him and find a picture of Ryan where they look good like they look similar and tweet that you know tweet two pictures so they’ll be they’ll end up side by side and it’ll be like a really good opportunity to get a good look at both of them Gabe trying to teach me his ways on Twitter I’m saying that’s a good that’s a good tweet I’d be cracking up at that I I steal it I do it first I was telling sundo on stream uh that Ryan Dunn looks like uh B from RDC World War he told me he doesn’t Phoenix Phoenix will retain the ability to challeng later in the game and uh no comment Moving On Moving On moving on Phoenix that referee definitely looks like the type if you know what I’m saying did you see kill Tony no I didn’t oh we talking about yes I did yes I did I know oh be right back important phone call all right we got uh Dr Tony fouchy calling Su y y y y y y Ys you guys see those yams en new staff is coming in here for Phoenix and when we talked to Vince larza before the game he said this summer is really important for us because it’ll give us a head start on training camp in terms of how we want to travel how we want to set up practices even in practice if there’s a drill that’s not working here in Vegas Let’s either scrap it or figure out how to clean it up so things are running smoother into training camp when you have a whole new staff is also have a whole new glossery you have a whole new vocabulary that you’re talking and especially you’re looking at this stff Mike Hopkins former college coach who did a horrific job actually at Washington struggled last few years but a basketball Savant but he’s coming from college to the NBA it’s weather spoon hits so think about all these players coming from GG Jackson didn’t get it there you go Tyson Walker Tyson Walker just created a 8C call oh they’re going to say he fouled what an a dog [ __ ] is that I’m starting to say dog [ __ ] more people I feel like it’s kind of needs to be brought back you know it’s very descriptive very gross sounding Jackson kicks out to man bun man bun and Weatherspoon fouls trying to intercept the pass talk to their team at halftime interact with the officials interact with their staff dur the course of games that is invaluable in terms of them as they they advance in the coaching their coaching career and try to become head coaches Rody with the rebound Rody scoot Pass weather spoon I hate your guts and I mean that this isn’t like oh in a basketball away I don’t like you as a person here oh I’m taking this too seriously people I need to relax when you go to training camp you’re that much further ahead it’s almost like bringing players in for summer school those freshman it’s it helps learning curve well everyone’s a freshman when does a coaching staff change yeah it was pretty funny ma it was funny first lead of the game his Joe Biden impression is incredible it’s just he he has his facial Expressions down like I love Adam Ray uh as Dr Phil but his Joe Biden impression just physically is so on point you can’t even look at him without laughing at so good big physical body my guy Joe Biden that is and no fear watch him right here little bump right there if you start to get beat defensively you got to turn and run but they’re looking for Fury can’t get it to him kick it into other white boy o that was beautiful that was beautiful think about the Pacers car’s done this with his team they’re flow the pace that they play with they kick it down to Franks cut it’s just part I’ll keep an eye on his defense hay do I ain’t looking at him on defense so that’s on me 632 you know we got we got a wheel and deal what’s what happened since I was gone he get you on side uh what happened um weather spoon just drove it in flailed and threw it up in the air and got rewarded with a foul call never looked at anyone for a pass bro’s 27 years old just give it up bro just kidding I would do it too J Bridges also 2 who will never touch the ball hard decision for guy a guy like when Rish is you try to hang and go to a g team or make a roster or you say I can go overseas play at a high level maybe go to China or whatever and make money that that’s that’s a great pass man bun can’t finishing will be fou m know if I had hair I might have rocked bro can’t even like ball went off his chest telling you bro he don’t belong at this level I it’s not about the man bun it’s about his body language and it’s about just the eye test he does not the eye test I didn’t look I didn’t see this I figured he’d just be a good free throw shter because of racism he looks like a typ just watching she attack I’ve seen wor that was better that was better last no the first one was terrible that was not the that was not repeatable that was not a repeatable the pressure on the basketball Tyson oh that’s a kickball baby guys can separate by just the full court keep it in front pressure the ball will to defend watch right here s Bri can’t play with cuz he would never yeah we don’t pass period I don’t like this dude I really don’t J we saw yesterday G he’s 27 look like freaking uh the game the game and he thinks he is the game that’s a good pass but oh man oh good Ste jayen Bridges baby here in this first quarter what a great jobs future all defense team number one Jaylen Bridges turning and running get back to play watch He’s beat boom he turns get head up gets his arms out gets a the flection does Jaylen Bridges seem a little bit taller than D I need to see them side by side Bridges gets on the floor good play good hustle it up and down and then you let Fury throw down man got some bounce no doubt about it what’s up Roy baby boy Joy’s boy royy here oh here’s weather spoon another shot go okay weather spoon I’ll give you that did you consider passing weather spoon no but that’s okay oh and then gets cooked on defense you’re 27 years old and everybody came to Vegas to watch you play you and bronnie everyone knows that what’s the score up scoring uh it’s a 2324 Indiana my bad I don’t know what’s going on three hits let me fix this score here start pick up it’s the Suns with a two-point lead 10 seconds to play with the shot clock turned off in this first quarter Jackson going one-on-one undercut finds Fury Corner three ball and that’s the first I know it’s not possible but I need a line up for all three rookies on the team on the court at the same time I know it’s not possible because Bridges and D are basically doing the same thing right now runs the floor finishes he wants it he’s making plays that Sal could have ended up in a half empty box a half empty Pantry but now it’s lucky enough we didn’t talk about spoon is solid dude Okay so can I address the weather spoon is solid crowd go for it okay I think there’s a difference in how we’re watching the game and how we what we care about okay so for the people that are because I I’ve gotten messages I’ve gotten comments about yo Weatherspoon was good why are you freaking out man like why do you not like Weatherspoon he’s the only one scoring he’s the only one doing this he’s the only one because he’s the only one allowing anyone to do anything correct okay so so it’s like you look at the stats and it’s like wow weather smi’s got 20 points 19 points he must have been doing everything it’s like yeah and that’s why we lost by [ __ ] four 30 y’all 30 like 20 let me exaggerate can I exaggerate you know so also here’s the big difference you you people wow you people it’s crazy seem to care about winning in the summer league which is cool for me winning is would be great we don’t ever win in the summer league that’d be fun what I care about as Isaiah Wong comes into the game my guy is that our players get experience and get reps and get to shoot the [ __ ] ball and get to [ __ ] touch the ball that’s what I care about I don’t care about bro doing a goddamn James Harden impression throw it up for my boy get off Wong’s dick hey Wong in the game let’s go quick bucket for Wong Phoenix you guys get the point Rody with the big rebound Rody give it the Wong stop it Rody you’re not running Point you’re going to lose the dribble you’re going to lose your dribble just like you just almost did oh Wong step back noton not weather spoon you just earned a you just earned uh uh a slate wiped clean with that move bro that was clean weather spoon my guy weather spoon WEA hey Diego he’s already on the g-league team so like he’s not earning Bo if that’s what you’re going to do then that’s what you going to do look at Great Value the game great no he looks like miles [ __ ] Bridges bro he looks exactly like miles Bridges what is that basketball development Chris thank you so much for spending some time with us let’s start on the broad the the wide to to dunk okay R’s gone okay I’ve seen all I need to see put him on the bench I don’t care you know I love Rody I know you love Rody or love tell me wait for Rody we need to play Rody I’d like to see and I was kind of one of them but no no for us the league off he should be he should be cooking now we know why Frank wouldn’t play him makes sense the development of these young players # bring Frank back is a player who was in this program of course comes from Australia he’s had quite all right weather spoon I still don’t like you but you’re the one getting buckets right now give the ball W all right he’s going to ISO right here this is annoying don’t ISO pass the ball [ __ ] passes the Wong and then what of course Wong loses it because he wasn’t ready for it I mean it was a bad pass it was literally a bad pass wild bailout ready for it he’s this [ __ ] been Hing the ball all the whole time overseas um sometimes all they need is that one chance to to get exposure um and he’s obviously taken advantage of it and and now performing at the highest level how is exciting to see him and other alums here in summer league and also in the NBA it’s extremely exciting very rewarding for us um because we’ve known them now for several years started the fury to the is just so I think I think they probably um he was probably just best available you know ISO game ISO game Frankie Frank Franks you’re done bro you’re done no he hit one already Gabe today yeah he h two actually succeed at the high you weren’t paying attention he’s helped this run he’s one for four okay that means with Rebound with a rebound shut up bong do something with it bro do something with come on scir that was a little rough that was a little that was a little let me have a turn here it was Rody with a weird defense and then he the rebound going to the other guy arm would say States look like a kid that goes to my church at youth group he looks like a kid from Toy Story he looks like Sid from next door the experiments on toys donkey ball says I’m offended I I don’t know what to help you with you know let me text the wife ahead of time like hey what are we doing for dinner Sund getting hungry that covid needs to be fed Roy 14-month membership message can’t believe it’s been almost four years since we’ve been together that is crazy well four years for you and Gabe you know it’s been about three and a for me but you know you know what I what I like to do is I like to come through when things already established and then claim it as my own okay I am a Suns Valley podcast colonizer no no no no no let’s be very clear about that though we got to be clear about that you’re a carpet bagger whatever what does that even mean I think it’s like the same thing I think carpet baggers came down from the the they’re like Rich Northern people who like come down to the South and like try to like make money off of country folk but no I’m pretty sure when you got there we were still I’m I’m certain I’m certain when you got to the channel we were under 300 Subs like 100% under 300 sub so you can’t say that you weren’t here for the whole [ __ ] thing bro like Gary’s knocking on 200 right now and he just started okay John F from frck Indiana that’s crazy Hornets taken on the Nuggets followed by the Sixers and Timberwolves and the night is the regardless gay was like be part of my podcast I was like no I won’t I won’t well the prospects for it weren’t good at the time I showed up during Co because I was actually off work and that’s what kicked it off for being honest booy Roy said been here since 80 Subs that’s crazy for me yeah man top of come on Bridges let’s go our guy our guy Brides he’s our guy on defense remember when Gabe said in video that Wong was actually good on defense Walker’s like twice his size and he just made him throw up a bu Jive air ball it don’t matter you know guard man say suo carry from the start this is true it was just me and a bunch of colonizers before in the NBA ofer not colleagues the the old images of Reggie Miller probably Josh har probably tried to flip the The Narrative guys we got 109 watching your sons aren’t pathetic this game hit the like button and help us out let’s grow this stream let’s get 200 in here what are we at for likes I’ll give out free me uh five free membes right now if we can hit a goal right now we’re at 40 Let me refresh and see what it actually is at it’s not upda me for at 46 46 I say if we can get to 75 likes by the end of the half ridges again no that’s booo for three boo for three bo boy Bo baa buy Oh I thought that was going to be a poster defense and then guess you got foul guess you got the foul nobody in position man try to youngers 75 likes by the end of the first half five free membes coming outs rebound out of only but his wingan is ridiculous why does about Amber Ro I didn’t even know they made and I don’t even care what happened oh man what did the Amber Rose do now she was a speaker at the RNC so that guy in the fifth row was not ready for the ball bro should have shot it bro should have shot it you say she says SK not sexy red isn’t it yeah yeah yeah um I’ll tell you later is she Trump’s new Stormy Daniels is that is that basically ooh turn around she basically said black people need to vote for Trump baa booy oh don’t get it be papa is that what she said I figured that’d be something she would say in a way in a way she said she said oh my gosh who was this walker she said I used to believe what I was told that Trump’s a racist and I hated him and I talked to my dad and my dad was like he’s not racist what are you saying why would you say that and so he said prove it to me prove he’s racist and then she’s like I tried and I found out he wasn’t stolen and basically like you know these are my people she says su’s my people now I’m out Sons you know unselfish basketball for the Pacers alert defens but your boy Matt wall should ain’t happy about it my boy I can’t stand Matt wall I really can’t stand that dude he just looks like this the kind of guy that I don’t want to hang out with and I would absolutely want to just punch in the face if I’m being honest with you uh and his voice he’s just got that deep condescending nerd voice like when you’re playing Destiny and some dude’s telling you to Destiny during cot’s in raid like and you’re trying to defeat fog goth or whatever his name is he’s like shoot the ORS and you don’t shoot the orbs so he cusses you out because you don’t shoot the orbs but then he tried to shoot the orbs but then he sucks so you get mad at him but he he’s tries to blame you for everything yeah that’s Matt Walsh so let me get this straight the reason you hate Matt Walsh is because you had a serious confrontation with someone on Destiny that reminds you of Matt Walsh no I said Matt Walsh is just that type of guy I never said that I just said he’s said type of guy okay you’re you’re in go you’re in goar Ro Slayer out here trying to make sure you do the right things he’s like shoot the tiar and then shoot the orbs and you can’t do it and you’re like all right Matt if you’re so good you do it and he’s a bum then he tries to tell you that you didn’t do something right to mess up the sink with so that’s why he sucked at it yeah that’s I don’t think it’s I don’t think it was really him though that’s what I’m trying to tell you I think it was some other guy I just said Matt was is the type of guy I never said it was Matt true that’s true that’s true okay I’m just saying his voice and the beard and the glasses just he’s just reminds the beard is aggressive let’s be completely honest the beard is very full you know once this is get off politics dudes look this it’s a commercial break and we’re talking smack fing off it is what it is not politics I’m just making fun of Matt W he’s that kind of guy have you played in BL played it last night NC is great lots of fun this back in the game obviously they got Builder nice kick over to buoy baa get into Oso go Oso that’s a foul baby let’s go in has now has what the first the first time I’ve seen um Ryan Dunn touch the ball since that fast break dunk was there where he just tried to crash the board and put his knee in somebody’s back after the whistle my boy got no offensive game right now opportunities for guys to make this roster and I do think these two rookies are going to have an impact but terms of Coach I he okay that free throw didn’t look terrible I don’t love his form but it is better than byy that was better than by’s form which I didn’t know his shot was better than byy look it’s very rigid look how rigid this shot is but it is he does have his elbow in he’s got a little hitch in it it like gets caught on the way uple have their first year in the G league and they’ll play in the same as the Phoenix Sun so that helps in terms of the coaching staff get it back to Walker what a wild pass stolen by your guy good pass to your boy devau lays it int Vision making a catchable pass and transition that’s just a good solid play no that’s Oso throw done done oh that’s not what you’re looking for that’s not what you’re looking for at all just like doing the little things and this is what I’m so as you guys see here some people get a little too emotional and can’t handle their emotions and that’s a problem for a lot of people on both sides you know for all we know that was a for all we know that was a Matt Walsh lover who’s like I can’t stand anyone talking about him being bad at Destiny sorry yeah in your in your weird in your weird uh scenario that you made up in your head so so far my guy Ryan dun he’s making Tory look righto after this summer league definitely G to have to say um we need to see him with the the real roster on this team because what in the dog [ __ ] was that Devo he’s like I’m not used to passing snip want me to throw it in dude snipe Oso’s been the better player maybe James Jones is right when they said they had a first round grade on Oso and that’s why they moved up cuz Oso so far has been better than done Tyson out to Bridges jab step back to Tyson nice little hesi Oso don’t you dare take a jumper F okay there we go Oso Oso getting busy know down that jumper if people fan out watch him right here put it down it’s a little Runner and he shoots this Runner a lot but a lot of times last year actually yeah ESP Che I mean they’re starting those three you just don’t see them get a lot of touches it’s like they’re playing keep away from these guys bro Bridges Kobes are clean I think those are Kobes oh my gosh R’s back in hate it Rody make me look bad by talking that’s what I want he went like four for 14 in the first game but his first his four buckets he made they did look good bro they looked really good the misses were just bad you know nice rebound Rod come on rod nice find that’s not Wong’s the V sorry Rody Rody Rody TR drives left tries to go behind his back and gets ripped again now they uh says no we need no excuses for him to be cut for Bridges at this point no absolutely not I mean think about just the International’s definitely getting cut and we’re definitely going to be getting another veteran come on like and there’s no trade value for him at all at this point other than a team wants that contract but that’s not going to be competition they playing against watching my old footage oh baby here we go good steel that was Jackson Indiana’s going to call a timeout as Phoenix has opened up about to say bro like I didn’t want to say nothing but bro like I’m like okay this will be his dunk but no like he’s very content Just Lay It Up Garden man says Bridges should replace Rody um we’re all in agreeance here that brid should this is not a good look for Rody this is a very bad look you know absolutely how um we have 60 likes by the way game nice we’re still in the second guys our goal is 75 by halftime if we can hit 75 likes I’m gifting out five free Channel membes I can’t believe we’re winning this game by by eight it’s kind of you know I feel like they must have just gone icy cold starting to come out it’s been raining non-stop here Sun’s starting to come out Oso with eight points he’s hitting his free throws three assists man hey Dot hey Dot you’re still in the chat did you see the new uh WWE signing Stephanie B that’s all I got to say about that she’s Chilean bro M me likey the sounds of that absolutely Inc and then look at success two Champion got sign was like okay look Sean Michaels is cooking Shawn Michaels got a tight my boy is cooking are you guys getting into college game I already got it I’m waiting to stream it so I can beat gab so he can I’m uh getting it on Friday I figured I’d just wait for it to be cheaper I don’t want to pay for extra it’s like $97 if you want to buy it early yeah it’s kind of ridic I didn’t pay for it I’m game sharing there’s no online team play yeah that’s a big bummer they kind of took that away but they’re but I’m pretty sure they’re going to replace it with mud that’s what the 3v3 is cuz that’s what they do on so I’m pretty sure that’s what that’s going to be the game type they’re going to coordinate that in the mut so hahaa if you want to play mut and spend all your money or now it’s College Ultimate Team you have so many good players that you can choose from and they all want to play even the select team it’s Anon to be I I don’t give a [ __ ] I like that move that is a good move it’s it’s a contested ass shot but decent Euro just good defense Rody Rody nice pass out to Tyson no good I like that Rody passed that to an open three Fury bodying Oso Anders by the way got get named Fury Jackson pick and roll with Weatherspoon going to In and Out going to cross over going to spin into it trap done left-handed uh loses it uh kicks it perfectly wide open the corner Tyson smokes the three Rody with the put back thank you Rody he used to play football that he should be playing football right now yeah I would think he’d be a running quarterback running people GG goes to the ground Rody steals it off of G’s leg slaps it off of him out of bounds Suns ball is fun to watch but they’ve developed some really good players Ron being one Steven Jer it was terrific started his withhis hey Diego we can’t talk about that okay cuz then then people will leave even get mad can’t do that Diego can’t talk about it okay Diego we’re wasting brain cells GG away wow Rody actually hit that bro uh oh St get him Rod I’m not mad at it bro can’t jump I mean he can jump but not if someone’s in front of him he he goes like yeah Jose all these turnovers are are ridiculous um Summer League at this point I don’t I don’t expect perfect basketball during the summer league it’s brag what’s up West Conference very goody what’s good good coaches and a up League they strug tournament really good teams coaches places that basketball uh but Diego what I will say is I want my black card you know I want to be able to know that I’m black of course I hate you so much for saying that IED against his D actually hey coming to UNLV back in the dark days when I was at Long Beach State that was not fun r free throw line was real man that place was packed that was the ticket in town you had to know somebody bruy says who’s supposed to be the good people on our roster uh supposed to be Rody Bridges Oso Fury hits a three right in your boy bab Buy’s Grill and then Ryan D of course Java what is going on here is overloading no my PC just decided Corner three oh Ryan I’m going to need you to hit one three for me this summer league Ryan one exact one all we’re asking for is one good defense from D clamping get clamped [ __ ] throws it out to Gigi GG back to looking good on defense yeah because bro kicked his foot out to try to get a foul call that’s a dirty offensive play I know he’s not trying to hurt him you can’t tell me he don’t look like miles Bridges that’s Walmart miles Bridges that’s great choice miles Bridges impressive ability keep 1th turn by the Pacers he throws croquet balls instead of billiard balls only difference they’re still figuring things out Nick is suns in for what are you doing Nick why don’t you go watch your team summer league okay sir it is July drive off off the ball screen here here it comeson getting to the C look I’m sorry I’m sorry weather stream I’m sorry for all the things that we said about you no I mean you know it’s a good take but ain’t taking everything back if that would have went in that would have been crazy says I’m a semi no Nick okay Indiana H so how many likes are we at right now we are at 68 likes Gabe so close so very close if you guys want to waste your brain cells go ahead and hit that like button help us get you some free mes okay half time baby what do you got prepared for our halftime show I don’t have anything prepared getting hungry getting hungry grab that bass guitar and hit a quick lick will you there you go that’ll keep him in is that signf why does that sound familiar a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] ah you know what I’m disappointed about in this game the fact that Gigi Jackson has a dope nickname that I could have been going with my whole life I could have been GG Gabe Guerrero why didn’t I go why didn’t I call myself GG Gabe now I know you were crushing on this lady okay from SNL I actually love Rachel drach I actually [ __ ] love her she is a comedy goat and nobody talks about her bro she she was one of the best Saturday Night Live um people ever and I actually met her in person I was Star Struck bro CU I think she’s so funny she’s in 30 Rock like she plays like 18 different characters in 30 Rock I know I know yeah disrespect disrespect Mak a comeback in commercials like her I know um what’s that girl Amy PO is it polar she’s a legitimate goat both of those two are legitimate goats rashita Jones oh Sean says that’s Quinton Jackson not GG Jackson my bad I still W his nickname off of him you know pres says Oso looks fairly good on the perimeter from what we’ve seen Oso looks good on defense period he doesn’t look out of place now we need to see him against NBA I want to say NBA talent because that’s just really rude talking about summer leag guys but at the my point is he looks good at Perimeter defending now but we need to see him in preseason in the regular season to see if we can actually really um give him that but he does look good on defense all around whether it’s perimeter or in the post he’s got it all he’s also in my opinion gay very underrated passing the ball so that’s that yeah no Oso so that’s one thing that Oso has that that was his thing right I mean that’s what we I know but that’s but but it’s better than advertised to me it seems like it’s nerk like baby girl who is ref yeah I know right uh can we get her moved up off the summer league and into the big leagues I think she’s ready for prime time sundo uh refereeing that is which Sons Legend had the best nickname m stmy Black Jesus that was his nickname well he tatted himself he nicknamed himself Black Jesus okay that don’t count the Matrix The Matrix is pretty good Matrix is good um uh well I mean Durant slim Reaper that’s not a son’s Legend so stop it is a Sons Legend just cuz you want him off the team so that your video can be prophetic M of rebound that’s pretty good yeah Point God’s decent um say say he wrote the max the max tricks um Thunder Dan is a sick name yeah it’s a good one Thunder Dan nickname two time two time’s pretty good it’s good name um Matrix is up there smooth shooter but that’s I don’t know if that’s Eddie Johnson’s real name or that’s just what what’s his face calls him on Daisy familyy nickname I think Goron dragic nickname dragon that was pretty good pretty good uh bledo baby Lebron stop it no but that was your boy nope Sir Charles Sir Charles decent dominating says Sean that was a good I me here’s here’s the deal that’s actually a really good nickname the problem is bro never lived up to it so no right I you know I never really liked the nickname stat for STM Standing Tall and talented like what are we doing here I don’t know it just wasn’t my wasn’t my thing Josh no Action Jackson that’s a good one um um I mean book book is solid very solid really simple easy to say we call him book the book you know what I’m saying um cam didn’t have I mean the twins as a nickname that’s that’s pretty class yeah that’s a classic do name the twins for sure for sure for sure twins yeah yeah yeah the twins book man there’s so much potential in that in that Suns finals team that have so many good nicknames in legendary run but boss boss man 99 freaking book Point God dominating the twins um what was bridges’ nickname male Jael like so many good nicknames bro the warden there’s so many good nicknames for that team if they could have just stayed together man campaign the haboob you know um super Dario thank you Vision great name great Goose yeah but that’s not an NBA nickname that’s our own yeah and that’s been a problem with the Pacers all summer it is a good nickname though why does Beal go by Panda that’s a great question pandaa panda panda panda pandaa he must love that song or Panda Express one of the two you know maybe I don’t know that’s a good question we almost back you know what is I don’t like about wither spoon it’s his fit I don’t mind his fit trick shot sham it he’s five for five right now kill it can’t hate all BRB be right back where you going G BRB Su here by himself with y’all appreciate y hit that like button if y’all still watching 96 watching appreciate y’all second half about ready to kick off W been not started in the half okay so we going back to the the uh regular starting lineup that we had who was it was like boooy and L Devo done Oho who was the who was the fourth player who’s the fifth one on there oh Rody already forgot about him already cuz that’s how he’s been playing IND for three hits Ito bringing the ball up the court Rody hon he played elss get a pick from done done around the top done drives turn around turn around jumper off the backb oh man Ryan D why boo buoy or yeah that’s boooy boo buy gets the charge impressive at hand the basketball Let’s uh let’s just uh move on past knock it down that’s whatever that was no bin and an inbound steel oh wow there you go B Bev to the racker down Oho Oho oh my God okay ‘re going to use him because he’s that kind of player coach that’s a lot get over Quinton Jackson we got a double dribble or a foul on Rody versatility of the players within their offense to make their offense work and you got to be able to shoot the ball what a shooting shot making it creates spacing what the hell Gamers what happened walk after defens foul on who he’s always had that NBA ready body played one year at Houston they developed his defensive gameel and now off hand thereis Walker crossover isti in the post get it to your boy Newton beat the shot clock no good Devo what are you doing D besides traveling too much just slow down you [ __ ] bozo relax to a St right here jump stop no control got shot bro there’s that bump byy what do you think of the play of TR Newton so far I think what sounds good to eat game he does have skills he has versatility comp this is not an environment you’re just that’s a good question I’m not hungry at all so it’s hard for me you know what I mean like when you’re not in the mood to eat food just doesn’t even sound right you have toat jar Walker here and he’s try to get involved interesting win sucess I’ve seen a lot of commercials for burgers and now I just want a good juicy a if it’s been a while yeah dude I I wish you guys had Shake Shack their burgers are so good dude like they deserve an award that’s teric match that’s an NBA match up right there that’s a vision he lives in Missouri Elite what does that do anything game you act like you’re the only that has Mexican food I I hate I hate the elitism that comes from you guys down in Texas just because you’re just because you got illegals jumping across the border every 5 Seconds doesn’t mean and they make good chimmy chongas okay you know man if they have if they’re documented the tacos aren’t going to be as good that’s how that works Ryan Dunn left-handed TOA buy Who air almost air balls sorry I didn’t mean to offend you you’re right how is what you said more offensive than what I said I don’t know oh big body Rody with the rebound Chris L say Fury good FY nice Rody cross okay that’s what I’m saying the shots he does hit look good cut team you know you know what you’re right uh big three from the Pacers Phoenix bro she says Trump sundo yes you’re right it’s Gabe’s fault Rody into the corner to Oso we don’t need him with the ball in the corner he’s never going to shoot that Rody ripped doesn’t Shake Shack sound like Steak and Shake yeah but I imagine Shake it’s not it’s totally different totally I was I was yeah I conflated the two I thought it was the same thing and then I was like oh no this is a totally different I’ve heard I’ve heard nothing but good things about Shake shag they go hard bro though I will say this Sten Shake has been going so Steen Shake they’re for the people right cuz like St and Shake has refused to raise the prices on any of their comos notied that game we don’t even have steak and shake down here bro Steak and Shake is for the people bro like all their combos are still 4.99 like no kidding like no lie at least where I’m at so maybe just maybe it could just be a local thing but bro where I’m at this our Steak and Shake is for the people they genuinely are like nah bro your every combo is $4.99 get what you need to get now them crappy fries is something different but yeah I like uh Shake Shacks fries probably the almost the best they crinkle cut I love a crinkle cut fry you know a lot of potato meat inside of those crinkle Cuts you know you know what I mean though it Illustrated the point but then then of course are you going to watch WNBA Allstar Weekend in Phoenix uh yeah I we I would consider streaming it you know you can watch your girl Angel Reese my girl stat padding Reese Angel that’s crazy stat pad Reese man says our team sucks so we doing Steak and Shake promotion bro this is what we this is what I’m pretty sure this is what we did last summer league too just talk about food because it’s it’s like Preston I love Freddy’s Freddy’s is an underrated Burger we just start getting Freddy’s here haven’t had it yet oh you’ll love it you’ll love it really really good their fry sauce is goated oh for three yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum Rody okay Rody my guy Rody he’s already better than ish again he expected to be a first round draft but wasn’ted until bully the greatness over here that’s what we’re doing are they really Diego what about so who just scored that round Rody crossover Rody over to Devo up to Dunn dun Rody three I’m about to say bro rebound oo over to Bel Bev Devo over to Tyson Walker Texas Ranger you know it’s interesting to say that as we were leaving after the first round of the Newton kicks it looking down into the paint ain’t no reason to take that hook shot BR good contest rebound Rody the done done for three no good I knew that wasn’t good soon as off his hand I like the release it’s like he was like I don’t even care that I’m guarded but my wife’s cooking something upstairs I said soap come on I smell food or it’s burning toast and you’re stroking again okay you need to clarify stroking okay little com out be right back the blank stair two blank stairs Kyle filipowski walking out at Barkley’s and and fury oh man 5864 folks Pacers with the ball Tyson Skinwalker Ranch guarding point of attack thir back door cut Fury tries a reverse blocked by Oso defensively watch Fury right here he’s going to blow up this triple hand off fight his man try to get back into play like oo and Rody just had a little Mis Preston he had a fade away from the mid-range that was good and he had a he had a um fast break dunk where burned everybody and ran the flooor really well that was nice but nothing else really Oho spin move pass out to Tyson Skinwalker Ranch no good from the corner Euro floater off the backboard is good for the Pacers Here Comes Walker Phoenix looking to get it to weather spoon right back to Walker screen from Oso pick and Rollo out to weather spoon 6 seconds weather’s like perfect thank you I’ll take this and get blocked like a [ __ ] oh let’s go Ryan Ryan stops the fast break ball goes out of bounds but he stopped an easy bucket to make the guy damn Diego feet all right pick an angle play with high hands hands above the basket really nice play by Fury right there great size at 6′ s using that length Fury Fade Away Corner three no good rebound Franks kicks it up to Weatherspoon he’s in transition kicks it to Oso hand off to Walker screen from Oso top of the key get it to him in the post can we see a Oso post up Walker blocked off of his own body and out of bounds it’s just this is this is getting bad bro this is getting bad we were winning by how much and now we just can’t even get a shot off bad offense right now folks mans sour definitely not enough shots from Bridges it’s disgusting how little he’s being involved another block Brown coming through Jackson gets the ball back wide open shot and this dude is nice man this dude is nice Maas like he hit one earlier that got called off because of a foul but he should be two for three from three kend actually it was a it was a midi he might have come back to school and he he needed next he needed another year I mean like some guys just need another year so now you he’s I think he’s on a two-way he’s fighting for his NBA career instead of maybe being a little bit more patient and then having a chance to stick around for a long time and and becoming a first comes out of the game more guaranteed money all right let me try to counter this what if the argument is I want to turn pro early so I can learn the pro game verus the and because and I’m going to do we get a cut somebody bleeding do you think the are doing man well they were scoring they were doing great and then just take Weatherspoon out of the game man not really not really because everyone’s playing right now with pace and space quote unquote exclamation point I think I mean spacing is a big part of basketb now the players aren’t as good I mean if you think about college players good college players hat on by great NBA players take bad shots of but if you look at uh the way mad at me because I can finally afford to buy my family some groceries playing in space they’re playing more position player development in college is at a very high level so you know I think that’s a bad that college gets colge uhoh out of bounds okay Suns keep it great and I know what you mean Lonnie it’s just like I have these expectations for our players to actually get shots so that’s the frustrating thing is like I just want to see Ryan Dunn shoot five to six threes a game maybe make one or two Franks with the nice tip in I want to see Bridges get eight threes a game not going to happen woo jerus Walker with the step back from the top of the key that was pretty tied up Weatherspoon looking for Franks Franks in the post nice pass to Jaylen Bridges wow what a pass by Frankie boy I like that Kendall Brown to the risn floater good sent sent Tyson Walker flying out of bounds getting a two lead they last late in the first quarter Suns down two after scoring only 12 to 24 nice year ow by Walker fouled going to the line Quinton Jackson on the foul I believe the whole summer league no this game oh this game this game you were fired up about the college I know I know iation I’m getting Ed timeout or Yeah official timeout I think the Pacers are going to win now bro uh a terrible quarter terrible terrible quarter bro like just absolutely no offense our offense has gone right back to what it was game one you know so um our guy Franks was in the post and he hit Jaylen Bridges with a perfect beautiful pass and the three just it rattled around and popped out that would have been real nice but I was just talking about how he’s not getting enough three-point attempts he’s only shot two threes bro should have five by now Ryan Dunn 0 for two one for six golly bro Meanwhile my guy Tyler KCK cook in summer league but that’s no big deal that’s no big deal we love summer league Allstars is that what we’re talking about that’s no big deal I know I’m we W is dominating a meaningless basketball oh my God I’m trying to keep my mind open and remember how important defense is for our team I’m trying to remember that we need defense just as bad as we need a Tyler KCK if not more definitely need defense yeah exactly bro he is not like the way it’s just awful I did see that Preston will K and Clark play on the select team good question and being that you are obviously Slayer says D is literally oogi I have seen enough Chicago White so and everything else hurtful olyp team or not on yeah we lost a draft pick this year for freaking tampering with Drew EU Banks I’m I know she’s not on this one I’m saying would have you put her that was his recent draft right I think got earn that right so we’re done with that and I think she said it right she said it’s motivation always says the right thing wa literally she always says the right thing she’s handled this situation in the microscope that I’m missing burner man where the hell is burner everyone who’s basically maybe not other than asleep you want to gr you know like to me I think she’s okay Mias bringing the ball up had former college players in the Olympics kicks it to Walker I’m not saying it hasn’t happened in the past Walker to the rack Frank stands him up out of bound can that be Suns Ball please that’s a bailout call Little ketchup boy finally shows his face if I’m honest I I completely forgot about this well little catchup boy if that’s the case then you ain’t black b a buoy to the rack no good Su reint Jr to the Bucks really on what kind of deal what kind of deal Bridges Corner no good was it a minimum I don’t know it doesn’t say yet onee deal but I’d be willing to bet it might have if they got Gary Trent on a minimum and we didn’t she was pretty funny as she was leaving as leaving the court she destroyed you yeah little catchup boy will you definitely ain’t black now any any nil for uh being a practice player Quinton Jackson Free Throw did you get PA no good it’s a minimum size Slayers great I’m so sick of the Bucks getting players that we want yep that yep minimum that’s crazy it just go Gabe what did I just tell you though it just leads me to believe that nobody wants to come here well yeah they saw the [ __ ] show last season they’re like nah you know best play in the world step back three for Jaylen I like the attempt but no good he’s one for three now or one for four now okay good save Frankie oh Frank I like that cross or that little between the legs and pass that was that was a flash from Frankie phing this summer man bun who hasn’t been in the game for a while Kendall Brown ripped Ain’t No Way baa buy fouled him devau has done a nice job right here a little dribble penetration kick out late close out that’s per that’s really nice job about devau but if you’re the Pacers and you’re watching that clip tonight as you’re preparing for a film session tomorrow you’re looking at Kendall Brown’s close out and say wait a second that’s not that’s not acceptable you want to make an NBA free throw good for Kendall brown maybe Lillard recruited him that’s that’s what very possible very possible they Britney Griner that would have been a like unbelievable what what number eight for the patience looks like Britney Griner really get a good look what are we audition I’m just Devo G get a screen here from big body Rody give it to Rod is greaty Papa buy into the corner to Franks Franks for three fouled offensive foul he kicked out those Kobes are so clean that Jaylen Bridges has on damn Bridges looks tall how the fuk is that offensive okay okay he split his legs you know what’s funny is he didn’t have to do that he was going to get fouled anyways that’s a bones that’s a boneheaded bozo move uh little Metro I don’t know that’s a sundo question Rody taking a Peak at the clock sees the shot clock turned off 15 seconds of play in this third Papa buoy with 13 seconds left screen from Rody takes it booy to the rack Lefty floater bro that was a ish move baby moo we got a one game also H him both teams compete defensively you seeing the star step up and make plays it’s been a fun game so far off the Miss Rody off two feet skying above and it’s the Pacers holding on to a slim one-point lead we go to the what do you think about that Rody putback nice that Sal could have ended up in a half empty box and a half empty pantry now it’s lucky enough to find itself see Rody has 12 points 10 rebounds five for eight one for two from three Are You Really Gonna Hate on that not hating on anything right now Gabe yes you are I’m gaslighting L are you guys concerned with dun because after these two games I would have picked Oso at 28 not really players is out here overreacting I I’m not worried about right now um I am worried about Dunn’s offense though but in this context bro like dun’s not gonna be shot creating that’s all he’s done that’s all he’s had to do during the summer league because dudes aren’t getting him the ball in the corner as much but when he has gotten the ball in the corner those shots have been so there’s always that he can improve give him some work with the pros and I think he’ll be okay but also has been 100% more impressive this this um this summer league for sure Oho talking my teamm been putting me in good good positions to finish uh Mike found me on a couple cuts it’s been a team game we’ve been sharing the ball well a lot of back and forth here as you head into the fourth quarter what do you guys have to do to get this game done just got to get stops be unselfish and keep running three of three with 10 points he looking good man he looking good o active defensively and he’s got agility in versus ility defensively which in the NBA if you’re big that’s what you have to have because you got switch late late clock you’re going be put in rotation because you might be doubling getting the ball out of someone’s hands and he has all those traits Indiana with a onepoint lead as we start this fourth quar W Isaiah W come on do something baby long fader in and out rebound Bridges good job Bridges we to fight for that rebound wheni where’s the playby play should be there fler from Indiana Wong bringing the ball at the court Wong going to get a pick from Bridges takes it goes to his right to Bridges Wing Three Bridges wo Bang Bang I mean he’s kind of my favorite rookie and I I I mean I feel bad saying that yeah we’re always behind man cuz I feel bad Bridges with the block at the rim no good I knew that wasn’t good as soon as it went out of his fast break bucket the other direction by Britney grinder Jr no no you ain’t calling him that no no cuz that one dude’s going to come back and be like I’m losing brain cells people disagree with me Meo handle that Bridges rocker St rocker St into a dog I love Bridges Jen brid love Bridges love Bridges I love Bridges I love Bridges oh my mathas I knew it was good that bro is I’m telling you I have not seen him miss a jumper yet bridges yeah dude Bridges man I like this kid bro I like this kid so much five give it to five he’s in the corner ready Walker Walker with awful oh he almost timed the put back bro we would have lost it we would have lost it o they not a block that defense bro is your time accurate you got understand I think it’s a little bit behind let me see I don’t ESPN time ESPN is behind ESPN [ __ ] up sorry that’s actually not on us this time ESPN way behind for sure right now we have 739 and it says 8 minutes 7979 right now and then also what is your team need that’s the most well that’s as as we’ve talked it’s not what as much as you can do but what your what these teams Bridges jump ball these teams are looking for RO players guys that fit specific roles yo I like this kid Jaylen Bridges bro so good you know Tori Tori was right gu don’t tell him I said that is looking for and they’re building depth because of the length of the season number of injuries so a jump ball as she will jump it up with jayen Bridges why is this stream so far behind on playback uh ESPN’s just taking their sweet ass time CU they don’t care CU it’s a summer in general cuz ha called jump ball way before we saw it yeah I don’t know I don’t know why playback so far behind sheway has shown his offensive game here today nice job keep his dribble alive working to the middle you catch it on a block you want to if you guys aren’t watching the game and you want to come join us on playback and we’ll get you guys a VIP brick free throw Le action continues tonight here in Las Vegas on NBA TV ESPN ESPN Phoenix bro shout out shout out to you my guy Russ Russell Deon did I say that correct appreciate you for coming through everybody hit that like button I where are we at likewise gab you’re supposed to be giving out mimes but I guess that’s not happening I mean we never hit no goals what are we at set a new goal for the end of the game6 we’re at 86 okay so what we going to say a solid 100 gets gets the membes why not bridges for three brick damn it yeah but that shot looked good it looks good left it short though Walker I like it that Walker hasn’t Chase shots he’s let things come in the offense but to say but we need to get Witherspoon back in the game so we can bail us out here maybe Corner three grer Jun no good Rody with the board theard his 11 rebound to go with 14 points good pass Bridges get it back to bridges in the corner you bum Rody Ain’t No Way Rody Ain’t No Way prank Frank prank bang let’s go shout out Frank go in Japan this team is looking much better this game than they did the first game that’s for sure now that’s not saying a lot because they played so bad last game but they definitely look improved and everyone talks about spacing the only way you have spacing is you shot definitely got coached up a little bit line as your spacing tool but if you don’t have shot makers then there is no spacing so like and people like even College people want to R Drive run dribble drive and say well we’re going to play off space but if you don’t have shot makers people just going to sit at at the elbow like bfy no good Ryan dun rebound come on dun bring it up and do some back to oo hand off good patience good patience back to her cut to R my guy big body let’s go body rou offensive foul bad screen called it the clear almost broke his finger just basically he was a a pulling guard right here really good job Rody bad intentions right thereo dunk too hard broke his finger was taking it I like that right good decision by Newton taking he didn’t want to be part of that poster by on the loaded that’s your guyto we are at 92 likes y’all pepis eight more we’re giving out to mimes eight more we got these mimes burning holes in our pockets super Beats by human is a leading nitric oxide supplement for blood pressure and heart health I don’t know oh man supplements to the test as you age your Nitric oide levels go down but our clinically studied plant-based formula supports increased n yeah I’m just out here tweeting and everything you know tweeting is just like a job to me you go ahead and do that you can be at Twitter star all you want how’s that uh Co treating you right now my Gody dude it’s it’s so tell me your symptoms what is it just feeling like so yesterday I had basically Sinus I was coughing and sneezing like UNC like when I would sneeze it’ be uncontrollable like two second long sneez is ridiculous that’s it you have allergies was yesterday that was yesterday then at night I started to feel the shortness of breath in my in the stuff in my chest and that was when I was like oh it sucks then I took the test and was like like you got Co it’s like oh I did think it was just allergies at first is proud bys it comes and goes like sometimes I’m like hey yo this is I feel fine and then there times where I’m like like just all of a sudden you’re like de getting to that point to where I’m shifting to the Dead part my eyes are constantly watering making me mad you know the win I can tell you that you’re not just getting teared up you’re not tearing up because of Rod’s dunk oh for sure Wong Nice fight I like I’m just need one I just I just need to see one go think I just need one three from you done cuz you are looking like the O A tall K tall Ki is that what we’ll call him what you good at what to do you know it’s just what he’s reminding me of right now like here’s the deal this is just especially now this is fun this it’s fun to watch these players grow develop mature it’s fun to see who the future of the Walker floater wow that was pretty jarus Walker looks so nice out of comt Z I think it’s also fun because you can try different things the RO nice finish throw it down to your guy Kendall brown or no that’s sorry that’s Freeman that’s Britney grer Jr the third Walker to the rack turn around has to kick out to furf BF Daddy O three free throws coming up the number of deflections done gets with his hands but keeps the ball in front really impressive l i mean it’s a foul just close out between the ball and the basket at late clock but I’ve been impressed say looking swole Pho definitely getting swole Prospect in him so Newton to the line is shoot three he makes the first where are you bigger are you bigger in Vegas or you bigger in Chicago when you say bigger what are we talking here I mean like like connections like favors like if asking heated said we’re at 95 likes that ain’t bad we hit 100 likes five free mes but it’s got to be before the end of the fourth I’ve only been there three months I’ve been here in Vegas four years years yeah KN says None can shoot 0% on threes and I’m playing them over I don’t need much I’m very get F Gabe you play NCAA bismack wants to know not yet busy um I’m definitely going to be playing it as soon as this game’s over I tell you that are you yeah I almost bought it last night but then I found out it was $97 I’m like I’ll just wait till Friday man I’m not doing this put a little mo speed storm am I vaccinated I only have I only got one vaccine and then my company changes p I didn’t get the other one Fury kicks it out to Walker tween backing down Wong goody Wong goody Wong goody Wong Fury Three no good uhoh walker that was pretty this dude jarus Walker is nice bro nice cylinder interference tell you what I’m so impressed with Walker’s ability basket interference no basket good not Chase it let’s this right here grab the rim that’s such a dumb rule though if it’s going in and clearly there shouldn’t be basket interference yeah but it’s like Freeman has an instinct to rebound basketball you know Britney gr J you see what I’m seeing now one likes thank you guys for hitting that goal let’s get these membes given out now shall we didn’t chase it read the defense scored at multiple levels and defensiv let’s get some new Horsemen in here let’s hear it let’s see who they are please no catch up boy please no catch up boy please no catch up boy please no catch up boy here we go five gifted mes DC’s back DC his Mac is back oh catch up boy got it damn it NBC and doy wow that’s the worst GI long three seconds but don’t play him but don’t play him that’s the type of of play You’re talking about in our video those types of plays he just has that it factor I Amo it’s hard there’s c number of jobs available welcome in done playing well dun is playing okay I can’t wait from for a month from now whenever your M when your MBE Runs Out catch up boy this is a poor time to get a Mimi cuz after summer League’s over what are we going to do oh with the three Heman Heman Heman now we’ll do those M only stream we play games maybe we’ll do a members only stream where I dominate Gabe in NCAA football that would literally be so such a gruesome L I would lose like 75 to three if I could get into fuel goal range you have any let’s go let’s run it we’ll run it this Sunday how about that uh I need to practice you you buying it on Friday you get you get a whole day you get a bunch of practice oh my God baa buy was not looking a great pass from Oso but he was not expecting it turnover tie game jerus walker gonna ice it ripped by Papa buy he’ll go one on two and he’ll draw the foul okay you know didn’t have many options there if he would have tried to throw it back to Ryan Dunn it would have been stolen sounds like Gabe is scared to play he is I mean it’ll be a blood bath it’ll be a blood as Gabe is at 2K because he plays 2K a lot I have that much more practice in M yeah that would be like you and me being like let’s One V one on 2K I’ll use my 99 character you use your new guy it’s like come on brown shirt 73 overall it’s all right though it’d be funny to take the L I think baa buy is wearing Booker shoes right now a one lead watch where buoy come watch watch Ryan done right here gosh my nose is so itchy look at that Oso defense sorry done defense just clamping come on team clamp up let’s get this dub we got three minutes left crazy this what offive players look like trist Newt if you watch Jon this year short clock situations Tristan Newton did a great job of playing two and through contact keeping his eyes on the rim and finish it nice finish for shut up Metro can we get I never thought I’d say this but can we please get big body Rody back in the game big body r r first of all Goen ba uh you’re ridiculous with that profile picture but I’ll let it pass and yes Oho is lowkey bucket for sure that’s a goated picture right there goated I mean that might need to be the new studio Nintendo logo if I’m being completely Honest by the way I’m planning on photoshopping you drinking that beer in the American outfit I’m planning on photoshopping that up next to Trump when he’s doing this after getting shot so be ready for that oh Lord he’s raising his hand you’re drinking a beer like you ain’t even phased Diego says is that yes it’s in it was literally in the Discord on Fourth of July Diego you need to see the whole picture dieo been missing things NVC I mean Rody has had an undeniably good game seven for 12 16 points 12 rebounds that’s the type of statline you expect to have from a guy who’s been in the pros for two years play against dudes that are begging to get into the pros Charles I’m um I’m in the offseason right now for my rec league and Su I got bad news for me defense you got kicked from the team no but I’m I they’re not renewing your contract they decided to I mean they might honestly because I just fig I just found out yesterday I think I have a hernia and I’m going to get a I’m going to the doctor tomorrow to see if I have a hernia man look at you you get I know bro the globalists are trying to take us out Wong gets a pick from Oso oh that’s devvo my bad okay Rody back in the game to done done for three has to do with a grenade no good gosh bro with a two-point lead as Newton finds jarus Walker little opening good job is switch right there with get back a little tooy by Sun’s losing by two right now is crazy D is cooked dun is cooked right now bro the fans are turning on him quick defensiv Almighty says defens y’all all f are you with the kcho says done is done wow man I I want to time out right now I want to time out and get get refocused here where is Witherspoon that’s kind of crazy yeah good point Rody top of the key loses his dribble again luckily the ball goes out Rody is staring down the referee because he thinks he got hacked on the wrist flection watch him right here in a stance turns little physical right there but he’s competing that’s that’s the Houston basketball culture that just is carried over to his DNA as a as an NBA player Oh Lord what the f did you see that wiping off the court and Walker back over show that again Char here I mean like at Le bro doing his job ofos all the people involved that make this thing reality basket all the support staff here for the summer league they do an incredible incredible job he’s like I’m just trying to clean up some sweat my man got a little air time right there he’s all right said that was not a block Tyson Walker don’t do it why would he why would two there was only two seconds on the shot clock all right that’s the only thing that makes sense walker uhoh uhoh uh oh Tyson okay really good really good extra effort right there that’s a play again why is Weatherspoon not in the game for Tyson Walker right now I I mean that is he literally fumbled it he was literally just worried about getting blocked that’s crazy late game walker pick and roll uhoh stolen by Bel Bev devau on the break Euro over to Dunn dun with the left delay and let’s go dun got us a bucket he do who said he was bad he does run the floor well he definitely runs the floor finish up Jin just joining how’s the Rooks looking uhen to the chat James Johnson and there’s a lot of uh there’s a lot of done slander in the chat cuz people are done with them already what UPS’s got read tag right there was the tag Defender he stayed home he’s got to keep his D alive good finish by done left-handed I like it Suns Down 2 105 to go if you’re just joining welcome in hit that like button if you don’t mind we got 151 watching now good game it was a good game we were up a lot not not by a lot but we were up a lot of the game and they just second half is not not for us third quarter specifically 18 to 29 feel a part of the broadcast like everybody else understand her name is Cassandra Cassandra I’m happy that I was able are so crazy in the chat like we haven’t even gotten to the regular season yet everybody’s like I’m done with done this is game time this is crunch time and now going meanwhile Gabe’s like I have dreams of Tyler K no no no it’s just for the record that’s what I wanted that’s all I’m saying but I’m I’m trying to not be I need to see we got to see I need to see these guys in the context of the team really honestly like yeah but at the same time you got to admit it would have been nice if he would have hit one absolutely would nice for him to have a some sort of off summer break for summer league for sureg finally I guess Diego finally saw the picture he just tag me in Discord with what you know it’s what they can process now here’s what makes the summer so cool we got both corks going on at the same time and we got a good one over on the other one the net Tak on the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we’ll get to that in a second there Thom I like that now little extra pass three-point shot and the glass uhoh why they dual screening I just want to see one screen seriously there we go thir 1 minute 5 seconds left Suds down two 105 in this quarter BR scre Quinton Jackson kicks it in Block how about’s reaction that was a little inside screen to screener which basically means watch on the left hand side he’s going to be up screen and here’s second screen on the that [ __ ] out being alert hand now he led the ACC in 2.3 blocks per game last year with Virginia not even a center but he led the SEC in blocks dude ACC foul on Indiana Sun’s ball there’s the situation jarus Walker trying to CW that screen but if the defender beat you to the spot right here right basically he’s being held I mean that that that’s a that’s a double foul of anything that was you could get arrested for something like that those two guys were mugging each other you agree with that turnover number 25 against fouled and now they tag Walker again with another foul good thing is you get 10 fouls here in the summer league so tyon thought about a pull up nice Blow by has to take a tough left-handed layup Phoenix alongside Seth Greenberg Kendra Andrews I’m John shrien coach this has been a good one throughout the whole game really good game J walk in situ ifce Tyson with the foul I mean he’s having to be physical cuz he’s so small bro for the Pacers they have featured last year lottery pick jarus Walker out of Houston he has been the go-to man so far 18 points leading the way for the Pacers and they’re using him in a different role mly in the post he’s playing the two here today he’s playing the two he a terrific job of not chasing shots Corner Oh I thought Fury was going to launch D’s guarding him I like suns are going to get the last shot they kick it into the corner uhoh Fury’s relatively open and he drills it FY drills it game winner broer Oho with a quick bucket though Suns down three that was quick second round out of Marquette and that was actually a decent dun had to pick one and Oso was actually right there on the rotation watch good rotation close out just hit makes one more you hear if your mom was wondering when Fury never even brought that ball down bro that was nice that was clean big F why can’t we the F you know I think he definitely went before us right I know I’m just messing all right give a chance to catch our breath here this is the Pavilion one of two courts going on live right now here at the NBA 2K 25 summer league Seth it has been a really really good game defensive inity we’ve seen a lot catch boy says we choked well I mean yeah I guess you could say so we got terrible guards on this team minus our boy Witherspoon we didn’t play him the entire second half right I mean I want to say that the they gave Wong his minutes did did they end up giving Wong all his minutes yeah I feel like he didn’t get that many minutes did he in the second half yeah Wong got a lot spring M say why is Jaylen Bridges getting he got he got quite a bit in the second half and got some buckets it’s just this I guess these summer league rotations are weird like they don’t seem like what you would want out there like a certain they definitely they definitely have set rotations so players can get playing time right cuz I guess they got to cuz I definitely wouldn’t have put TI Bridges should be in at the end of the game for threes yeah it would be it would be Bridges wither spoon D Oso and whoever else you know that’s what I would go with and Rody like that’s what I would do but you know it’s just summer leagues are weird with their rotations is there a reason why Gillespie isn’t on the summer league team apparent yeah I I saw on Twitter like literally like 30 minutes ago he was at the time he was getting ready for the the summer league for someone else he got signed by the Suns he was making it he was making his way to the Suns but he wasn’t there for practice so they just agreed that the timing wasn’t right for him to be on the summer league team that was his quote what are we doing it would have been nice to have him I think gby would have showed up for sure would have been aw completely different summer league Walker B him please dou in the corner man throws it the leg of the Suns seconds really good job coming out of that they’re trying to see it’s like they have him in a situation where they could make him turn it over but he threw it off that was a great double team though it was and it was your two draft picks yeah gave him nowhere to go like give him the didn’t you hear the whistle blow I did hear a whistle I left my feet I don’t know about you man Rody and Walker have been so physical against Chris La said Fury was supposed to be 14 to 18 pick now best player on the team two games in a row yeah he’s looking good great pickup we really respect the way the Pacers draft they seem to be a team that knows what they’re doing after watching the summer league for a while I’m a firm believer that obviously this is this is not a smart take and it’s a freaking brain dead take but guards basically shine during the summer league if you’re or a position player where you’re depending on guards if you have crappy guards you’re not going to if you have guard teammates that aren’t pass first you’re screwed Phoenix and then that makes you not want to pass them the ball so then you start doing too much see if we can get a three off yes you go can keep talking about imagine kic and this and that in the third but let’s let let’s just imagine kic for a second what would I know that but was thing the long run what would Kik be doing on in during the regular season on this team getting ready to be our point guard of the future off the now we got kin kesie at home right now okay we got k at home we got Co at home and baby into this game and you know coming out of school after your first year you’re a work in progress the year spent not worrying about school but just working on your game you could see how he’s developed this past year he also hasn’t had the ability to show that part of his game in the NBA but when he has been on assignment in the G League he had 13 starts for the Mad these dudes on the team TR I don’t think so I don’t think so maybe him and Oso would have been a good Twan game Bridges maybe everybody else dude you’ve seen these dudes play no one can drop a bucket except for your boy I mean baa buy was supposed to be a bucket he’s the best looking bucket getter I thought we had but been bad too he’s just not with okay but that’s my point I’m trying okay but that’s my point I’m trying to say with these guys now like you’re talking smack but like can we wait till we get to the right what Phoenix League U and Doug Metro says Liu emu players now me and Gabe agree with that we need K Tomy Naga on this team too much time for three Indiana Pacers first win in the summer league 0 and two your Phoenix Suns Su what do you think I think everybody is freaking out in the chat over a summer league game is crazy was a watch I think there’s a lot of positives to take away from this game man I I agree with you oh so looks great dun’s defense is fire he can improve on offense in the context of the team he’s not going to be doing what he’s doing there um bridges in my opinion is the very very bright light he looks like he could cont his defense is overrated yes tell that to the Timberwolves whenever they freaking blew our butth holes open hey look boy Wong he does look like flight ha that’s crazy some of the Pacers uh staff and stuff are like talking to W because they know him and probably miss him and stuff that’s pretty Luc says Lucas says OS won’t play in the NBA okay y’all are no luners you’re way wrong what are you talking about loners no no no no no Oso like you said great he looked great today m m the Pacers are in the East like why what are we doing here the East has been okay Kendra Andrews though I mean I ain’t I you know I mean I you know I don’t see no women usually but uh P got a good one with Tom did the Pacers get Tomy Naga no they didn’t stop lying Tomy Naga just hooping for the uh for japaning for Japan right but did the patience somehow end up getting them I’d be so mad if they took a a spot on them I mean I just I’m mad at the Suns man they never go go after who we want bro they never do James Jones yeah James Jones always thinks he knows better than everybody else I don’t think that’s it Gabe I really do think that they went after people I just think nobody want like come to this team I’m talking drafting oh drafting yeah that’s true that’s also true Pacers got Tomy Naga that’s what everybody saying in the chat so Tommy nug is playing in the Olympics but the Patriots got him like like like they need him how mad does that make they love they know point guards Gabe they value point guards we don’t value it at all James Jones is like well I wasn’t a point guard why do we need that to your point and I I will agree with you to your point and to everybody’s point I will concede that that’s 100% true James Jones minus the Chris Paul trade like doesn’t value point guards I will completely agree with y’all 100% all his success came when we had a good point guard and he just doesn’t see how it’s re uh related you know um DK says kak doesn’t have to play right away he would have been nice stat with Oso I do agree with that too but I think the the they wanted the draft dudes that they could play and fit on this roster in a positive way kind of immediately right understandable um Oho did fine he just needs to better be a better rebounder he’ll be a better rebounder later sow he’s still like what two 220 230 at 610 he’ll put on some weight um snipe says legit zero reason in drafting kic he wouldn’t start and Monty the backup point guard yeah but you’re talking about future point guard though like the thing about Monty and kic is they’re not the same player like Kik is the type of player that can give you volume assists like he can get you over 10 assists easy or like around 10 assists he’s not going to start so you drop that down to like six or seven assists coming off Off the Bench every game when your bench unit is out there their point guard is leading them with several assists that gets the offense that makes your bench better Monty is a knockdown shooter and a good connective piece but he’s not a pick and roll Maestro and colic is I think that’s the big difference Adam says I’m fine with the loss of summer league is the only summer league guys what I need to see is done and noo Bridges continue to work on their game I already love what I’m seeing from those three I love what I’m seeing from those three minus dun’s offense I’ll say that much D but once again I agree with you you guys see it in the context of the actual team not a summer league team we just want him to grow into being a three and D right now he’s only D he’s right now he’s a zero in D ha dot says honestly like dun he’s a good Defender and can work on his jump shot eventually Lonzo ball is a great example of someone that can play defense and later developed his jump shot Lonzo ball also had a broken jump shot that he was able to develop Ryan Dunn doesn’t have a broken shot it looks really good it just does not go in I think he’s got great form but he does not have good confidence yet why should he and he’s not locked and loaded and ready to go his his shooting is not caught up to the rest of his game it’s just not now if he’s open in practice because his form is so good the ball goes down it’s not going to go down when you add pressure the pressure of someone running at you trying to block it the pressure of people watching the pressure of having a full crowd the pressure of everybody thinking you can’t shoot and you’re trying to prove them wrong that clouds your mind which takes away your focus on shooting it Tes you have to focus and be confident he’s not there yet so I will murder you okay quit quit the last time you laid down this challenge you were like oh I have the wrong game downloaded I can’t play you romp we game share did you buy 2K you mean NCAA I mean NCAA cuz that should mean I can down B big Merc says um Rody actually had a pretty good game um Jaylen Bridges was solid Oso I think Oso didn’t even miss a bucket if I’m being honest let’s back good let let’s go back I’ll pull up the stats here yeah I don’t think Oso miss a bucket um four for four Andy hit four free throws only one rebound is wild though but four steals one block four assists that’s really good Oso definitely looks solid Weatherspoon must have got injured no they just sat him bro that’s insane he had 17 points and 11 minutes I’m telling you bro the these these rotations are just weird uh I mean I don’t care about winning but at the same time it’s hard not to not to care a little bit Yeah you you know Ryan Dunn in 27 minutes Ryan dun was two of nine not good 0 a four from three that hurts two assists two rebounds one block uh igoro 44 12 points five turnovers yuck FR s of 13 16 points booooy garbage one of seven dvo four five I did not know that dvo was four five I thought he was playing terrible too five rebounds five assists nice two brid and a Ste Brides two of six that’s not good even though we did have like you know Bridges two of six not solid six points two threes yeah Franks Franks was underrated in my opinion and Walker’s a plus 22 which I don’t understand how that’s possible but right as he goes three for 10 maybe it’s his four assists and three steals probably I don’t know they probably did lead buckets on the other side when’s the next game though tomorrow at 600 PM 7 p.m. oo 7 P.M game tomorrow that means I’m gonna have to go hoop and get out quick only going to be able to play a couple of games hoop and get out quick I thought you had a hernia how you going to hoop at the hernia well that’s the thing it doesn’t hurt at all like there’s no pain and I talked to Gary Gary’s like dude you’ll be fine until it starts hurting if it starts hurting then go talk to him about surgery but I went and hooped last night I felt great it’s just weird it’s like this little like bulge in my lower abdomen I just feel like a little bulge bro it’s so weird a sign weather spoon yeah we don’t want that code Franks is okay he doesn’t seems like a g-league player he seems g-league worthy you know yeah maybe we’ll get maybe we’ll get that 2K sorry NCAA stream from Sund because R Nick Nicks are playing right now you trying to watch the your boy kic play unfortunately I got to go to work work yeah just for a little bit work I do want to record a video though when I get back if you’re down we’ll see I’ll text you about it s us away will you um Sons lose Sons lose um everybody’s freaking out over drying done I don’t get it I mean they want results they want Buck they want they want they want to see something something comes kic that’s kic with a dime bad shot imagine that you get you get assisted you assist a bad g a bad summer league player and they just whiff the shot imagine that imagine good and I don’t want to watch this next game cuz I’m getting sad I don’t want to watch next game cuz I’m sad you sound like everybody in the chat I you know how bad I wanted KCK you know how bad I wanted it I wanted him the way you wanted Ryan Dunn I mean I said between the two I just wanted Dunn I didn’t want Ryan Dunn that bad mhm the player that I really wanted got drafted at 13 so there’s that I wanted bub Carrington that’s true he is balling out too Suns lose Suns lose Suns lose suo Co for the fifth time shut up

Game begins at 1:00pm Valley Time.
Gabe and Sundo will call the game and react live with the chat.

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