@Dallas Mavericks

Have Luka Doncic & Kyrie Irving Peaked? Will Klay Thompson’s Defense Hold the Dallas Mavericks Back?

Have Luka Doncic & Kyrie Irving Peaked? Will Klay Thompson’s Defense Hold the Dallas Mavericks Back?

on today’s show luuka and Kyrie haven’t peaked right I’m Luka Don and this is locked on you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here you are locked on MTH great your daily Dallas Mavericks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team everyday and welcome you locked on to the Dallas Mavericks my name is is Nick angstead media member and NBA channel manager at the lockon podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show Making lock on maps your first listen today best way you can help us grow the show is to listen every day on any podcast platform leave a five star review like the video on YouTube and comment anything below today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account use that code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply today I got one question for every single Maverick on the roster try to fly through some of these because I think there’s something for everybody going into the next season everybody Nico Harrison one of his big things was how do we get this team to get 10 to 15% better across the board that’s the big question for every single player so how can XOM get better Maxi Naji Marshall Quinton Grimes we’ll talk about all those we’ll talk about some of the one the the new additions obviously talk about Klay Thompson too I think there’s big questions about him going forward but I got to start here have Luca and Kyrie peaked a hush a hush fell over the audience have they peaked that’s a question that that has to be answered I think at some point this offseason going into next season is all right can they get better where can they get better of course if you ask them if you ask Jason kid if you ask niik Harrison if you ask any Mavs fan they would all say no they can get better of course they can get better but how how can they get better what how can they get better did they Peak and I think that’s my that’s my big question for Luca is did he Peak where does he get better his shooting last season was incredible until the playoffs and of course you’ll think about his injuries and all that in the playoffs and that will be a big you know point of contention probably a big question too is can he stay healthy another question I’m giving little bonus questions in this his shooting last year though was a big kind of was an outlier in a in a way he got better three-point shooting free throw shooting three-point shooting shot over 38% in the regular season that was the best by almost you know three percentage points which is a big jump you know the the best he’s ever shot playing next to Kyrie definitely helped that the Mavs uh limiting some you know some possessions here and there that is that definitely helped he got some extra catch and shoot shots that absolutely helped with him uh and his freet thr shooting went up 78% the highest he hadit shot before that was 75.8 so that went up by almost three percentage points so he went up by three percentage points both three-point shooting and free throw shooting was that an outlier or is that a new normal for Luca donic if if it’s a new normal for Luka donic and he comes back healthy then I don’t think I don’t think Luka peaked then all of a sudden we can be looking at more and then his question becomes what does it take to win a freaking MVP right like I need a recovery beer just thinking about everything he did last season and he got third can the mass get more wins and get him there but for Luca it’s it’s did he Peak but honestly if the answer is yes might be fine right if he Peaks you’re talking about a first team all-nba player third in MVP a guy that took you to the NBA finals when he was on a bum knee the peak that you’re thinking about some of the recency bias we start thinking about oh no there’s no way Luca Peak because the last thing that we remember seeing of Luca was either Slovenia that didn’t look like Luca right the video just gave me the the Thumbs Up bubble on on the screen that’s stupid here all right I give you the give you the balloons okay um if he peaked in the regular season I think the Mavs could be okay with that get that same get that same like regular season from Luca next year 70 games almost 34 points the stats the accounting stats don’t all have to be the same but the efficiency how he got there what he gave you in the regular season amazing right amazing that’s his word we’ll use it back for him with Kyrie Irving what happened in Boston to me that’s kind of a question is that just Boston related is it literally only Boston related cuz we did sort of see him get Limited in the Thunder series too is that a big question they have to answer through the regular season going into the playoffs next season what happened there how can the Mavs overcome that how much pressure does Klay Thompson take off of Kyrie that’s kind of my big question for kyri if you go if you just push past the Boston ones like all right we’ll push past that we’ll just say it was you know an outlier in aberration how much pressure does Klay Thompson take off of of you know Kyrie because all of a sudden now Kyrie isn’t put in a position where you’ve got to go on a run you got to go on this you’ve got to go on this run in the third quarter fourth quarter and pull us out of these moments where you know the Mavericks were either down or they just needed some extra offense or something and it was on Kyrie to do that and he he came through a lot and it was awesome to see Kyrie go on those runs and do all that but should he have to have that pressure on him all the time to be able to do that especially if he’s going to be asked to to guard guys a little bit more and be and him be healthy for the playoffs too which he was thankfully this season but with health and Kyrie that’s not something that really goes together all that often so how much pressure does Klay take off of him that’s a big thing that I’m looking at this season is is how much does another scorer that’s a guaranteed 15 Point per game guy the Mavs didn’t have that last year Tim Hardway Jr was a guaranteed he could guaranteed could score 15 points he could also score five or two or zero but Klay Thompson actually bling brings a scorer that can bring some consistency and he won’t always be 20 points per game he won’t always be 15 every time but at least you have somebody else that can make it so that the map’s offense isn’t just luuka Kyrie do stuff and then outside of [Music] that I’m interested to see how they open up the playbook for clay too that’s something I’m definitely interested in Luca Kyrie as a Duo though have they peaked I don’t think so I think that they showed a lot last year but if you look in the you look in the playoffs one of the one of the stats that I was tracking all season was did the Mavericks uh the the Mavericks star Duo and how they matched up with other star Duos especially on offense and defensive rating and their net rating and luuk and Kyrie actually were the third best duo in the playoffs the number one one was really actually surprising to me Anthony Edwards and Rudy goar had a plus 12.8 net rating they outscored opponents by almost 13 points per 100 possessions I think that number is really uh aided by them crushing the suns in the first round they really matched up well against that sun Steam and crushed them because if you look at the bottom there Devon Booker and Kevin Durant I tweeted this out by the way too at Nick vanexit you can go look at that Booker and Durant got out scored by 16 points per 100 possessions they got crushed in that first round and so that that aids ant and goar’s numbers for sure and then Luca and Kyrie got beat by a lot in the Celtics series and so that that messed up their number a little bit but Luca and Kyrie having a better you know net rating than anden Maxi than even Tatum and brown Tav Brown were only plus six on the net rating side yic Chim Murray were a minus two in their couple series they played LeBron n minus four like you look and SGA and Jaylen were a plus seven even though they got beat by the Mavs but it’s pretty it’s pretty balanced if you look if you look compared to the other stars the Mavs had a 117 Point offensive rating against teams in in the playoffs when Luka and Kyrie were playing that’s solid there’s only three star Duos that scored more than that their defense was 10 19.1 only four Duos were better defensively than that and if you just look at this chart and you look at where they were they played pretty solid but there’s definitely room for growth and I I do not think that they peaked I think that they can I think that there’s an opportunity for them to be better together to take the next step together they went to the finals together I think that’s a thing that brings chemistry even farther I think that giving them a release valve like a Klay Thompson makes them better so even if the two of them don’t get better themselves we don’t figure out what happened with k with Kyrie and Boston if we don’t figure out or if Lucas you know shooting was maybe a little bit higher last season than it will be this season I think that they’ll be better in general because of Klay Thompson I’m putting that pressure on Clay because I think he’s going to come and help a lot of that maybe even just for the threat of his three-point shooting I’m excited about that with Clay though there is a huge question for him yes offensively he’s going to help luuka and Kyrie get better but defensively is he actually going to hurt the Mavericks we talk about that in more coming up you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account check to see what they have available they have all kinds of stuff uh I was checking game time religiously thinking about if I was going to go to the MLB All-Star game and at first I looked at tickets and I was like man those were super expensive 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machines The Matrix is taking over that’s it they want us to be perfect basketball is in perfect beautiful thanks everybody for hanging out with us on lockdown Maps being part of the show part of the raccoon Squad listening every day appr appreciate you never one of you for checking out the show Luca and Kyrie have not peaked they can get better and one of the reasons they can get better is because of Klay Thompson Klay Thompson shooting and the threat of him shooting is going to bring spacing that these guys have not had to operate they’re going to take some he’s going to take some pressure off of those guys because he’s another guy that can hit a bucket when Luca throws a crazy pass it’s gonna be Klay Thompson in the corner and not a oh my God is Tim Hardway gonna hit this shot oh my God is Derrick Jones Jr gonna hit the shot and I think that’s a real positive for both of them there’s going to be moments where clay has 25 in a game and we go okay Kyrie doesn’t have to go off for 30 in the second half in order for the Mavericks to win this game so I think that’s going to help them but with Klay Thompson the big question for him and again I’m asking one big question about every Maverick I cheated in the first segment with my own game I asked multiple questions of luuka and Kyrie they’re multifaceted they’ve got multiple things going for Klay Thompson though it is one big question where’s his defense at now Klay Thompson has made an all defensive team in the past he made one in 2019 so 5 years ago he made an all defensive team he was known as a Lockdown Defender he is not that guy anymore and that’s okay that’s GNA be okay for the Mavericks I think but the question is where is it because if it becomes a liability or if it becomes a oh man we kind of gota we kind of got to put Clay on like the maybe the second best offensive player and not the best one or not the you know he can’t guard the the ball handlers and all of a sudden like you get a team with you know a guy that can you know team that with a guy that can handle the ball and a guy that can uh that that’s bigger play the Celtics next year all right who’s who’s guarding Tatum who’s guarding Brown if Klay can’t guard either of those guys credibly then all of a sudden what do you do that’s the big question for glay where is his defense at now you guard an Oklahoma City Thunder who gets Shay does Kyrie still guard Jaylen Williams you get a Cleveland who guards Garland who guards Mitchell these are tough these are tough asks and at the introductory press conference one of the things Klay said was man I I love that I’m here with Naji and Quinn Grimes these guys I’ve battled with them they’re great Defenders and in in the past I’ve I’ve guarded the best player on the other team and I’ve done that but now I’m glad that I don’t have to do that as much and I was like oh no cl cl you might have to do that a little bit more like still can’t leave me open you’re right you can’t leave you open but you may have to you may have to make sure that the the best you know guard on the other team won’t stay open because you don’t want to ask Kyrie to do that you don’t want to ask luuka to do that for God’s sake and then is PJ going to be guarding some of the Wings can can clay guard some of the Wings is that where we go who guards Kevin Durant who guards Booker if you if you go against the Suns does PJ guard Durant all right then then does Klay guard Booker all of a sudden you got these questions and of course yeah n Marshall and Quinn Grimes will come in and they’ll guard some of those guys for sure we’ll talk about those guys but with Clay it’s like all right that that’s a big that’s going to be a big indicator as where this Mavericks team can go with Clay because all of a sudden if you’re like all right clay can’t really guard some of those guys but we can put in naju Marshall okay well that negates some of the progress that you made with adding a three-point shooter like Klay Thompson because then you can’t play him in those lineups at least for those lineups you’ll absolutely be able to play him but will his defense hold them back where is it right now that’s what that’s what I want to know that’s the big question for clay where is his defense where is it right now where’s it going to be all right uh well the other thing about Klay Tom’s defense is that how long does it take him to get used to the scheme he’s been playing with the Golden State Warriors his whole career does it take him a little bit to get used to the Maverick scheme is the scheme better for him than to just try and lock down on one guy is it better to you know the Mavs rotate around a bunch they switch a bunch Kay mentioned in his introductory press conference he’s excited because he can guard bigger guys he can guard smaller guys and he’s excited to like you know do some different stuff defensively does that help him does that give him a little you know does he maybe have two more years of some really good defense left in him we’ll see that’s a big question for him for the other two guys that were there at his introductory press conference I’m gonna start with Quint Grimes first I think I might be higher on Quinton Grimes than anybody else in Mavs media can Quint Grimes the question for Quinton Grimes oh my gosh can Quinton Grimes threaten Klay Thompson starting or closing spot in December or January February can we go and we’re on this podcast me and slightly me and Reggie me and Dana whoever is there going to be a moment where you sit on this podcast and go should kid like start Grimes instead of clay should kid be closing with Grimes instead of clay and it not be such a hot take because I’m really high on him I think that if he can get back to where he was not not this passing season the year before that starting for the Knicks guarding the best player on the other team he’s the answer to you know who do we who do we have that can replace Derek John Jr’s point of attack defense it’s not it’s Quinton Grimes and be a 38 per shooter as well and has been consistently spoiler Naji Marshall’s question is going to be was his three-point shot last season real he shot 38% but the years before he shot 31 33% and all that and so that’s going to be a big question for him for Quint Grimes I don’t have that question I think he’s going to be a competent I think he’s going to come in and bring consistent three-point shooting he can do a little bit extra too he averaged a couple of assists when he started for the Knicks and that Knicks team was pretty good they won 47 games it was Jaylen Brunson Julius Randall went to the playoffs I’m interested to see where Quin where Quint Grimes is and if he if he threatens it and I it doesn’t have to be a knock on Clay it doesn’t have to be it can be a wow Grimes is just the Mavs are just better when Grimes plays think about The Gafford Lively thing was not you know Lively all of a sudden being like Oh man they got they should probably play Lively a lot more than Gafford wasn’t even a knock on Gafford as much as it was holy cow Lively is very good so K Quinton Grimes threatened Clay’s starting closing spot his minutes basically and if that happens then it’s either a really good thing or a really bad thing for clay but I think with Quinton Grimes I’m excited to see where where he can be how he can prove to you know the Mavericks and Mavericks fans that he can get back to the guy that he was with the Knicks because he was very good for the Knicks I’m I’m very high on Quin gry I I like that move a lot when it came up for Tim Hardway I was like oh you do that a 100 times out of a 100 whatever picks you got to give up that’s just a very good move he played nine games in the playoffs for the Knicks started 66 out of 71 games average 11 points three rebounds couple of assists guarded the best player on the other team shot third almost 39% on almost six threes a game like that that’s solid for a playoff team he was a playoff starter and that’s why I think he’s an upgrade over Josh Green is that we’ve never seen Josh Green be a competent consistent playoff playoff level starter Quinn Grimes was that yeah that’s what I’m excited about Naji Marshall was again was his three-point shot last season real Naji Marshall was you know a player that his three-point shot was kind of the big question for him can he hit a three can he credibly knock down a three he will will have to in this map system will he be you know he shot what 35% his first year went down to 20% his second year 30% in 2023 and then last year it went up to almost 39% you go okay let’s hope we get that Naj Marshall and he was playing with you know not the best Playmakers Zion Brandon Ingram CJ McCollum will playing with a Luca make his three-point shot give him better three-point opportunities better three-point looks absolutely he’s going to get better looks with the Mavs but he’s only taking a couple of game he’s not taking too many and so you know what else can he what else can he do to replace what the Mavs lost in Derrick Jones Jr that’s the other thing that I’m interested with him too I don’t have a lot of questions about about about Naji Marshall I’m I’m excited to see how he fits in he’s going to be the hustle guy the extra like the extra stuff guy I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re also talking about him he’s got a start instead of clay at at some point because then all of a sudden like that’s a big that’s a big lineup where if you start Lively start PJ start Luca Kyrie that’s a big lineup back you’re you’re back to the big lineup Clay is Big too Kay is 66 it’s a different it’s a different kind of big though coming up the Mavs role players PJ Washington what can he repeat from the playoffs Derek Lively what’s the ceiling I think I’ve got an answer to that one we’ll talk about that and more coming up don’t believe he shouldn’t be here I need a recovery beer I’m not playing I’m watching just like you guys all right let’s get into the big questions I have for every single Maverick this is the rapid fire segment you ready for this all right PJ Washington is the playoff three-o percentage repeatable PJ Washington crushed it in the playoffs shooting the three did a great job against the Thunder uh took his three-point shooting to another level he was even more wide open in the playoffs than he was in the regular season shot 31% from three in the regular season 35% from three in the playoffs yes it went down a little bit he did not do the best against the the Celtics and all that but he helped them beat the Thunder that was massive that was absolutely massive for PJ Washington is his three-point shot in the playoffs repeatable that’s my big question for him is can he he’s gonna get a ton of he’s gonna get more open shots now than he did last year because now it’s not all right we’re a defense we’re playing the Dallas Mavericks we’re not going to leave Luca check we’re not going to leave Kyrie check we’re not going to leave this roller and Gafford or Lively okay because they could just dunk at The Rim anytime LCA could throw from any point so do we leave PJ or do leave Derrik Jones Jr and they were leaving Derrick Jones Jr every time he got a bunch of open shots now you take that drik Jones Jr spot you turn that into Clay Thompson still can’t leave me open correct can’t leave him open so now it’s PJ Washington he’s gonna get a bunch of Threes the Mavs have worked on his shot they’ve worked on you know changing it a little bit and focusing on you know how can he be a better Corner three-point shooter and all that he’s going to have to do that and honestly he shot 35% in the playoffs like it’s not even that great it’s average it’s like good it’s fine acceptable can he be better can he become a really good three-point shooter we’ve seen that in his career his first season his rookie year with the Hornets he shot 37% then that went up to 38.6 and then it went down 36 34 32 and he like started to to trickle down from there but can he get back to all right he’s a 38 39% three-point shooter you can’t leave him open either still can’t leave me open hopefully we’re saying that about PJ Washington that’d be awesome Derek Lively this is the this is oh this is such a he’s in such a great position and I I’m so excited that we’re talking about Derrik Lively like this instead of the all right can the maps finally get Derrick Lively to step into his step into his role what’s the ceiling for Derrik Lively there is the report from Tim McMahon that the Mavs believe Derek Lively can be a defensive anchor Allah Kevin Garnett or Yoki NOA what’s the ceiling can he get there first step is avoiding a sophomore slump we’ve seen it from guys look at Walker Kessler Walker Kessler’s rookie year everybody was like oh my gosh can’t believe they got Walker Kessler he’s absolutely awesome defensive anchor all that kind of and now he’s playing summer league for the Jazz after his second year avoid the avoid the sophomore slump he’s definitely set up better than Walker Kessler was he’s got better teammates I think they’ve got a better support system and all that I think that Derrick Lively is also more athletic and can can switch better than Walker Kessler did I think that he’s Less riing on just like uh you know straight up you know Rim protection he can do other things defensively so I think that Derrik Lively is set up better than Walker Kessler is you know going into his second year with the Jazz but avoiding that sophomore slump is the first step to hitting his ceiling and I think his ceiling is we’re talking about him for defensive player of the year at some point in his career I don’t think it’ll be next season I think it’ll it’ll take a little bit you you got to learn how you got to learn how to defend you got to learn how to be a good defender in the NBA and that’s why we don’t see except for wanyama who is break broken all the stereotypes and Chad too I guess too Breaking All the molds where you’re like okay this guy can all of a sudden be an elite Defender you’ve got to learn you got to learn how to you know timing in the NBA different guys defending them all that can he get closer to his ceiling I’m excited to see that Daniel Gafford I didn’t have a lot of questions about Daniel Gafford I thought I thought on this for a while because uh you kind of know what Daniel Gafford is and that’s great the Mavs need that they desperately needed that he would have been the best center on the Mavericks not last season but the season before that with the Christian Wood Dwight Powell you know javil McGee experiment what a terrible band name but Daniel Gafford you know exactly what you’re getting you’re getting energy you’re getting a a a dunker like an elite lob catcher dunker type guy you getting a guy that can hold his own defensively so my question to him ended up being how much better can he get defensively with an offseason in a training camp can he get better at some of the things the Mavericks ask it’s it’s tough to learn the Mavs defensive scheme we talked about that with Christian wood for like a whole season maybe that was an outlier but can he learned the MS defensive scheme better did the playoff run help him learn that absolutely I bet he learned more on that and you look at the maps defensive onoff numbers in the playoffs you know in the regular season the Mavs were three points per 100 possessions better defensively when Gafford was on the floor great they were playing better defensively when Gafford then in the playoffs they were five points per 100 possessions worse when Gafford was on the floor than when he was off that’s a big swing that’s what an eight-point swing the Mavs were better in the regular season when Gafford was on the floor they were worse when Gafford was on the floor in the playoffs so how much better can he get because then all of a sudden if it’s if it’s kind of even and you go okay we’ve got this CL getting getting to on his way to Elite defensively and Lively and then we’ve got this really solid great defensive guy in Gafford and all of a sudden our defense is solid across the board and you’re not hemorrhaging points with the when the bench unit comes in or if Gafford starts again the starting unit isn’t isn’t hemorrhaging points because they were at some points last year that’s my big question for him for Maxi klea what what does he have left what can Maxi give them there were times last season when you go man I see it I see the Maxi kba that you know we love to in the 2022 playoffs hit a couple threes playing some Elite defense towards the end of the season he still shot 35% from three same same he did last year he just didn’t hit that 40% he did in 2021 or you know in the playoffs when he was just crushing it in 2022 where he shot 43% he still shot 43% in the playoffs this season with the Mavericks because he had that one game where he went like five of seven but what does he have left what else can he can he bring I think his role is going to be diminished a little bit not diminish but like his role is he’s not going to play as many minutes as he did last year he went down from 25 minutes the year before to 20 minutes in the regular season last year and I think it’ll be even farther down uh he’s injured a bunch he played 37 games in 23 2023 43 games last season that’s tough so what does he have left that’s my question we know what you’re going to get when he plays but when he comes back from injury it’s like okay now he’s scared to shoot again where’s he gonna be with his shot that’s the big question for Maxi kba but that question also does not kill the Mavericks anymore which is great if Maxi cannot be you know Peak Maxi we’re not panicking anymore that’s good because you got PJ Washington who can play some five if they a small ball five if they need to they really haven’t gone to that that much that should have been my question for PJ probably can he play five can he can he play that small ball five they’ve got you know Lively and Gafford that can play 48 minutes if you need to you got Dwight po who can be a third string Center so you don’t need Maxi to fill in on any of those roles really Naji Marshall can be a four so you you got those spots filled you don’t need Maxi but if you can get the Maxi that the Mavs had in the 2022 run at the end of last season if you can get him in those spurts it’s a really good player still good role player last couple Dante exom what the hell happened in the playoffs like really can he just can he go back to what he was in the regular season for the Mavericks because that was a good player that was a player that we were all high on which is one of the reasons why made the playoffs so confounding where we just went hold on what happened to this guy he was so dependable he didn’t turn the ball over he made some extra plays he can play solid defense and he was 50% from three he legitimately won the Mavericks four or five games last season and if he didn’t play they didn’t win those games they probably would make the playoffs crazy can he get back to where he was that’s the question for Dante exom he’s playing pretty well for Australia right now you love to see that so what can he do Jaden Hardy last kind of you know rotation player here Jaden Hardy did the playoffs Kickstart a leap for him did he jump can he jump to another level because we kind of saw him go down from the end of the end of his rookie season he was playing really well shooting the ball really well and then the regular season last year his second year he kind of did that sophomore slump we didn’t really see a step forward the summer league for him was a little disappointing where he didn’t take a step forward as the the point guard Jared Dudley even said it was disappointing for him and in the regular season he was It was kind of bumpy here and there but then all of a sudden he plays a big role in the playoffs a big big for you know end of the bench guy and does that Kickstart anything did that unlock anything for him did you know working with Kyrie does does any of that take him to another level he’s gonna have the opportunity if they don’t sign a dinwoody if they don’t sign a Dennis Smith Jr if Dante exam’s role is is limited because the Mavs need to invest in their future there’s a big thing that I’ve been saying for a little while is you got to invest in the future play Hardy during the regular season even when it hurts sometimes play him and get ready so that he’s ready for those playoff minutes turns out he didn’t need it for Dwight pal how many times can one man get hit in the face that’s my question for Dwight pal sorry Dwight that’s what I got for it you know what he’s goingon to be third string Center he’s now in his perfect role great come in energy can you know can start in a pinch if you know both guys are out for whatever reason sure omx the question is the same question from Summer League what else can you show how is his three-point shot looking what else can he show on off defense can he slow the game down still the big question for omac can he slow the game down and then AJ Lawson what else can he show in summer league because I think he’s holding on to his roster spot pretty tightly right now and we’ll see if you know Melvin ainsa steps in there we’ll see if Marie Morris dinwoody Dennis Smith Jr if any one of those all of a sudden you go all right we need two roster spots all right it could be AJ Lawson so but that’s what I got there you go those are my big questions for every player let me know in the comment section what’s your big question for for every player or just one player uh or answer some of the ones that I said we’ll be back tomorrow me and slightly talking about the maap summer league game or talking about anything else because it wasn’t interesting we’ll talk about all that more tomorrow guys thanks for listening to locked on Mavs peace out boom

Have Luka Doncic & Kyrie Irving peaked separately or as a duo? How can Klay Thompson help them take another step? Will Klay hold the Dallas Mavericks back defensively? Tune in for expert analysis on the Mavs’ strategies, player performances, and game highlights. Don’t miss out on the action with the Dallas Mavericks, Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, and all things NBA!

Join host Nick Angstadt as he delves into the Dallas Mavericks’ team dynamics, player improvements, and strategic plays. Whether discussing potential peaks for star players like Luka and Kyrie or evaluating new additions like Klay Thompson, Nick brings his insightful and factual commentary to each episode of the Locked On Mavericks podcast.

Big Questions on Every Dallas Maverick

0:00 Have Luka & Kyrie Peaked?
10:13 Klay Thompson’s Impact on the Mavericks
14:47 Quinton Grimes’ Potential Impact on the Mavericks
19:21 PJ Washington’s Three-Point Shooting
23:58 Daniel Gafford’s Defensive Potential
24:59 Maxi Kleber’s Future Role with the Mavericks

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  1. My honest thoughts, coming from a Mavs fan. I think Kyrie should play the Manu Ginobili role.

    Start: Luka-Klay-Naji-PJ-Lively to give us size and set the tone on defense

    Kyrie-Hardy-Grimes-Maxi-Gafford looks like the deepest bench in the NBA

  2. That's probably the wrong question about Klay. Is Klay defense better than THJ? Yes, so it shouldn't be detrimental to the team. And we sure will ask during the season if Marshall or Grimes might be better as a starter in his place. I think that differently from the GSW situation, in which, there was a pecking order, he was a splash bro, etc. I think that Klay came to the Mavs more open minded and I think he will be ok coming off the bench if that's better for the team.Ā 

    As far as Grimes, I'm high on him as well, but at the same time, his health has been a question mark, can he stay healthy? If he can, then he will certainly have playing time and contribute – probably more than Green was – but if he can't, then they can't rely on him. Surely the Playoffs made us forget, but Exum played really well during the season, I wonder if another year can help him be a bit of the shot creator the Mavs need. The good thing is that he is taller than most PG, so you can play him alongside Kyrie, which would be the benefit of Dinwiddie.

    PJ can play the 5 in Maxi's place but Kleber is still taller and can hold his own better against bigger guys and it would be desirable that the Mavs can somehow add a 6'8-6'10 guy who can guard the perimeter when needed and also shoot the 3s – without being afraid or hesitant, sometimes Maxi would catch the ball and not even look at the basket, once the defense knows you won't shoot, they can pressure the rest of the team differently.

  3. My definitely has peaked and I think Luka has also, him not getting the MVP last season makes me wonder if he will ever get one.

  4. Problem with THJ was not that one game he gave you 25 and the next game he gave you 5, it was that in both of those games he took the same number of shots.

  5. No, who is saying Luka & Kyrie have peaked? They've barely have more than 82 games together. I think this is when the PRIME of a pairing begins…assuming it's a good pairing. They both know each other's game so much better & it's almost like they can reach each other's mind now.

    Plus, Luka can still get better. He's only 25. So while Kyrie MIGHT start to show signs of slowing down, Luka is getting better. So at worst they're maintaining their combined levels that they had last season.

    About Klay, the Mavs are gonna be a nightmare to defend. You now have 3 lethal shooters who can space the floor to the logo if they wanted. But you also have the low post menace of Gafford & Lively. If you give those 2 just a few inches of too much space then they're gonna be found & it's gonna be a vicious dunk off your dome. Now if only the 5th guy on the court could be counted on to make 3pt shots at even just a decent 38% then what are you gonna do on defense?

    Seriously? Is your plan gonna be to leave a solid 38% shooter just to plug up the driving lanes while staying home on Klay & Gaff/Lively? And what if it's Klay, Ky, Luka & Gaff/Lively all on the strong side? You staying home or helping out on that backside? Cause that dude just might be a 40% or better when given wide-open shots. No longer is it the 35% DJJ or the extra streaky THJ & Green. It's PJ, Naji & Grimes…varying degrees of 3pt shooters, but all of them better than 35%.

    So if Dallas can just play RESPECTABLE defense that should be enough for a LOT of wins.

  6. I donā€™t think kyrie was 100%, he lands a lot on the floor making those crazy shots, he is always in high gear and against top defense, than masā€™ shouoder was taped up like a mummy, Iā€™m sure there was wear and tear there. Sure Boston got to him, but by then both he and Luka were ground down to fine powder. I think this season they will be so much better, with klay and Naji and Qgrimes, I think they have some new pieces in play that will balance out. I for one am very excited for the season to start! Go MAVS!!!!!

  7. I don't think there is any way that Luka and Irving will match last years stats. Simply the other players have to improve in their production. Hopefully Luka can shoot free throws at +80% and cut his turnovers to 3, and score 30 per game. Irving has to play from tip off. Give us +25 per game. Key both must stay healthy

  8. Peaked!? Other than not playing at all, there is no situation for luka that could be worse than last years playoff runā€¦ they can ONLY get better.

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