@Sacramento Kings

Drew Timme, Colby Jones & Doug Christie | Post Game after 82-70 win over the Utah Jazz

Drew Timme, Colby Jones & Doug Christie | Post Game after 82-70 win over the Utah Jazz

yeah I feel like everybody came out with just different mindset we were all really locked in tonight what you think of Deon Carter s behind you there huh the guy Deon Carter right here what you think of this guy hey this is the guy right here man hey gave me a little high five on the on the on the sideline gave me some energy so uh hey y’all see how many threes he hit today quite a few he I had to get up and dab them up for one of them it was it was like it was amazing to watch you did great today brother you did great what uh what what was going with those threes I mean did you come out kind of with a focus intent on trying to score uh not really to score just trying to be aggressive at all times uh taking what the defense gives me that uh noticed you kind of chirping a little bit yeah uh I mean I heard players on their bench talking so I mean I’m going talk my talk um and then shots falling so definitely going to talk for sure what did you hear um just like some explicit hell and no when I’m shooting the ball so I got to let him know that I do that so uh yeah what do you feel like was working for you guys on the defensive end for some turnovers um just being aggressive uh being unfort on defense I feel like last game they were coming to us and we were kind of just playing defensive um so we’re really playing the offensive defensive uh SC tonight so I feel like that was really the difference how much you feel like that helped your offense cuz like you were kind of making it work in transition yeah for sure I mean when you get stops and run and playing Shing the ball everyone’s having fun that way vibs are hard so I feel like we just kind of uh Fe about that was the game like today kind of needed for you guys based on I mean you had that one in the back burner a little bit but even coming off California classic was it kind of just needed to kind of get things going a little bit for you guys um yeah I feel like tonight uh was a good was a good win for us uh to show how we can play when we’re fully locked in for the whole 40 minutes so uh it was good uh go back tomorrow watch film and get ready for the next one what kind of skins out just overall from just this experience again I know we talked about it in California classic second time but you talked about maybe feeling a bit more comfortable knowing a little bit more of your role things that they’re asking from you how comfortable are you with some of those things um yeah just like I said getting comfortable every day uh especially with my teammates being around them more and more um the coaching staff so uh yeah I feel like each day I’m getting more comfortable uh just with my guys how good did it feel to just kind of get into a rhythm today yeah it felt great uh honestly I’ve been waiting on that for a little bit but uh yeah it felt good and I just want to keep it going is there a guy that stands out to you in terms of surprising that you didn’t maybe know that he could be do a certain thing or you know kind of provide a certain thing to your team U I feel like everyone that’s been playing so far uh like when we came in training camp they were all hooping so I kind of expected um the way these guys are playing but uh I feel like overall just as a unit we’re all playing very well you’re pretty with Mason by now but how much is his energy inous yeah definitely I came out Mason and Keon just wanted us to set the tone really being the guys that were on the king’s roster so especially with Mason that’s my dog so uh love playing with him love the energy that he brings thank you on a on a different note I cover the Brooklyn meds and Jord fernandz the head coach there now what do you remember about just him being working with you guys last year just kind of what impact did you have on you guys oh yeah Jordy was Jordy was a big defensive coach for us last year so I was always talking with him on the defensive end of things um he always took me on the side this was my first year last year so he always kind of broke it down to me on the sidelines so uh I mean Brooklyn has a great one was he very detailed I heard a lot of guys say he’s a very detailed coach did you just think that about him yeah super detailed uh he knows what he’s talking about he’s a smart smart coach so uh yeah um just bounc back the right way uh after that one that you had on Friday night was it just how good was that and how good was kind of put that in the rearview so far away it felt good man you know we had some good games out in Al you know and uh this first game I think you know we just came out a little reactive but uh today we came out proactive from the jump and it obviously paid off as yall can see defensively forcing them into turnovers what do you feel like was working for you guys on that end I think we were just flying around and really being aggressive and then also just communicating you know we’re helping the helper and really covering the gaps and stuff and it helps everybody’s on the same page cleaning up the turnovers head to be probably the among the biggest improvements for you guys how do how are you able to do that I mean it’s great you know we I think we just goes back to being proactive we were cutting harder there’s more intention and more fire behind all of our and when you do that even if you don’t get the ball you get the next man open and I think that was the biggest thing for us a lot of similar sets to what Sacramento does just what’s kind of been your thoughts about kind of having the ball run through you and just the offensive stuff that they run it’s good man you know uh obviously being a zag myself grew up watching sabonis obviously watch from the league as well and you know uh feel pretty comfortable doing that stuff it’s kind of what I did at gu and you know know uh obviously the goal is to get anywhere near what sabonis has done because I mean he’s a hell of a player being a big who can playm how much is it helping you right now I think PJ was prising you for that on the broadcast and kind of preparing you to v a little bit how much is that helping right now compliment but uh no I mean I think it just capitalizing on what I do best you know obviously I’m not going to be a perennial shot block or anything but that’s the type of stuff that I feel like Separates Me from other people you know my IQ and being able to create for other so I think just trying to obviously capitalize on that and not turn the ball over and being efficient is what’s going to help me stick out the most what have you seen from kobby since you’ve been here I mean I know he’s second summer leag look a little more comfortable but this is his first kind of big scoring night um you’ve seen him impact the game just was tonight kind of much needed thing for him yeah I mean we’ve seen it all in practice and stuff you know just felt it looked like he looked really comfortable out today and was really assertive and it was it was great to see you know we all kind of just waiting on it we knew it was going to come it was just a matter of time and lastly just you get you have a game like this I mean does this kind of get you feeling that you can do something at Summer League here in terms of as a team and looking ahead to possibly being able to contend for the playoffs when point point differential is such a big component of it yeah but we dug ourselves in the off the bat but you know we put another performance or two like that you know we can get right back in there so just staying the course and taking it day by day game by game what’s your comfort Level Playing with Isaac Jones you guys have been together for four or five games now and he kind of does some things different than you but it’s kind of the chemistry like with him so far it’s great man I think our play Styles really compliment each other you know we both like to cut kind of playmake but he’s obviously more athletic and I’m pretty good at getting the ball moving the ball around so you know it’s a pretty good Dynamic and we got to put on for Washington man appreciate better mood after this one I mean as long as the effort’s there if you lose it’s part of what we do you know but that is more of the team that that I saw um and then you know it continued for me to grow and get better I I thought it the end of the third there I had a lineup that you kind of sometimes you get to that point and I just I got to make sure that we’re on point with the things that were doing but I thought across the board the effort was spectacular uh guys did everything that we work on and that is expected of them will the ball always go in will we not turn it over sometimes yes but if you do that I can live with that you know it’s going to be sloppy out here sometimes I mean 31 turnovers last game was tough in any even for summer league but how you guys feel you did a better job of cutting those down um well listen also Utah is not as aggressive I think as Memphis but more than anything I I thought that we kept the ball in the middle of the floor we weren’t on the sidelines as much where they could press us to the sidelines I thought we move the ball with purpose meaning on time and on target passes we got a little sloppy at the end a couple times but uh more than that then we played the game the right way meaning we found a hot hand we rode the hot hand um I thought the guys got out out and transition defensively I think that that’s really what set the tone for us more than anything like turnovers be damn whatever it is like when you play defense like that and guys are in your we’re in their face we’re active hands deflections were a high number uh we got out and ran that’s how we want to play you guys have talked about getting guys being looking like Playmakers but to see KOB kind get hot when you kind of need him to maybe have a bust out game how necessary was that for him I mean it was it was big you know we we had a text exchange and and he said listen that was as bad as I’m going to play and I’ll be better for you coach and just trying to build him up and put the air underneath his wings that I feel that he needs you know the first play was for him we trying to get him going and to his credit his mindset was aggression and I told him attack attack and attack and that’s what he did the whole time yes how difficult you feel like it is to get that balance keeping everybody involved being the leader in that way also making he’s aggressive of get you know for him that is the delicate balance that’s going to propel him at our level so you’re right it’s it’s a tough thing but I think if he has a tendency to play the right way meaning he’s willing to get off of it he’s willing to get downhill he just has to make sure that his in his mind he’s aggressive first second and third and if he’s aggressive and they stop him he’ll make the right play but when he hesitates when he passes up a shot those are the times that he finds himself in trouble that’s on a different note um I cover the Brooklyn Nets obviously with Jordan Fernandez just what was your experience with him just working on coaching staff and just what makes him such a ready coach for this position I I think more than anything like his detail being around coach Mike for the years that he’s been around him he he has learned uh all the different things that as I watch Mike is meticulous and I think Jordy is meticulous as well so I think that that’s going to be where when you have a young team he’s not going to let certain things slide and make sure that he’s on top of it and guys we talked about him a great player development coach what did you see from him here as far as just how he was able to work with players young players especially just kind of you know get the most out of them I I think it was more a program than him actually working with the players because setting up the program and allowing other coaches to do it it was our experience with with him now it may be different in Brooklyn but for him was setting up all the programming and that is big time because when you start to set a program up that’s where all of the cornerstones come from this start could build it up and I know he obviously goes back with Mike for a long way but just what did you see from him just as far as like his as far as just he said Mike’s meticulous as well but just with Jordy how did he show that meticulousness was it just I would say like you know practice planning you know in game you know the things that he would want to do it was a game in Toronto where he took over and led us to a victory like those things you see where Mike has influenced him and he continues to take it in his own way and do his own thing with that and that’s that’s a it’s a powerful mix

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Drew Timme, Colby Jones & Doug Christie spoke to the media following an 82-70 win over the Utah Jazz Monday, July 15, 2024, at Cox Pavillion.

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