@Sacramento Kings

Are The Kings Done Making Moves This Offseason? | Reacting To Monte McNair’s Comments

Are The Kings Done Making Moves This Offseason? | Reacting To Monte McNair’s Comments

the Kings might be done making moves for this off season Monte McNair did an interview with sack toown Sports 1140 with Jason Ross uh a pretty lengthy interview and so there’s definitely some interesting things that he said in there so I thought I’d get on here talk about it because I think the biggest question mark for the rest of the off season was kind of like is Kevin herder going to still be on the roster is another move coming for either a kozma type or a cam Johnson or adori andin Smith type of player to reinforce the wing depth which is obviously a need for the Kings and so Monty McNair talked about how the core this core that we have right now is the core that’s going to be most likely going into training camp obviously a trade could come out of nowhere you know a deal could come out of nowhere if it’s too good to pass up but pretty much he was just saying with the deals that are out there right now that he could possibly do he doesn’t want to do them I guess at this point so this is the group that we’re going into training camp with and I think I think that’s a fine plan but also we have to discuss the the use of the word core like what does core mean when I think core I think of fox I think of Monk now that he’s resigned I think of Keegan sabonis and now add demard DE R Ro into that so I think of those five players as the core of this team but that still leaves that still leaves a starting spot possibly open which I’ve discussed before and obviously it leaves the bench other than Malik Monk’s spot if he’s not starting but I just I don’t think he would come out and say this first of all like why would he come out he didn’t have to say that he didn’t have to say that he wasn’t really directly asked he just came out and said like this is the core that we’re going into training camp with could he be lying could he be trying to drive down prices sure but I just don’t think that’s really the case I do think he is being truthful here and and so no a guy like Kevin herder I wouldn’t consider core but I still think from the way that he said it it just feels like no more deals are going to be made at all and I think if you’re trading a guy like Kevin herder you’re hopefully trading him for someone that can become a core piece depending on again how you really Define the the term core but pretty much I just don’t think a trade is coming from him saying that and I talked about before we got into this off season how I was nervous I was really I was I was nervous that the Kings weren’t going to make any moves because they they still it a little bit of time before the team gets expensive they might not make any moves in the offseason because I didn’t really consider free agency as a track that they could go to really improve the team and obviously that’s what happened with Demar de rozan but I’m thinking trades right and that’s what everyone was thinking the Demar D rozan free agent free agency thing just kind of came out of nowhere for everyone I think and so when you have to make trades to make the team better you can get kind of put into a desperate position and I don’t think that our front office our front office has very much shown the willingness to be patient and that they’re not going to overpay for players you look at um you look at the rwn Holmes salary dump like that was a a salary move to then go try to make another move and it just never really materialized because Cal cruzo didn’t want to come on whatever they were offering him and they didn’t want to offer anymore and you know they couldn’t get other guys and they’re not going to overpay for those guys so they’re just going to resign their guys and move on and that’s what happened and so like you the ran Hol salary dump move was kind of a failure because nothing materialized but they showed that they were willing to be patient and so I think a lot of other teams during this off season they’re kind of having their prices set really high I mean you look at what’s going on with marinin right now and then you look at Brandon Ingram and just other guys like that like Kyle kosma if the Wizards don’t get their asking price they’re just going to write out his deal until they get what they want because he’s on a very solid deal you know marke in they’ll probably resign him extend him and then they can trade him at the trade deadline and maybe the same for Brandon Ingram and so the team might have had to overpay for those guys which is why I was nervous that the Kings weren’t really really going to be able to do anything at least not until the trade deadline and that’s why it was so important that they got Demar D rozan in free agency because that had to be done in free agency they didn’t have to overpay the Bulls were the ones that were desperate to just get anything for D rozan at that point and so we weren’t the desperate ones and so that’s why getting dear for agency in a signning trade was so so key so you didn’t have to overpay or you didn’t have to wait until the trade deadline with the roster as is and so now it makes sense more to wait for the right deal to come around the front office isn’t going to overpay they’re not just going to you know salary dump Kevin herder he’s still a valuable player I know he hasn’t been good Off the Bench I mean could he still start probably not like I still think Keon and Malik at this point are probably over him but again we’ve never really seen Kevin herder come off the bench except for a few games when Chris dwarte was starting but he’s still a positive player he’s not a player that we’re just going to give away for free he’s not a player that we just want to get off the salary of we want to get something back for him and so hopefully he can play well next season and contribute to this team and then at the trade deadline possibly a move could be made but still if there’s not a move that’s there to be made that this front office likes then I still think they’re going to be patient and they’re still not going to overpay even even at the trade deadline especially if the team is playing well and when you have a guy like demard de rozan and add him to a team that was already playing well it makes it a lot easier in the Western Conference because we saw last season the kings were good and they were you know a top six team when fully healthy but they didn’t have that depth so when those injuries came it really hurt now the kings are better position to be able to withstand the injuries and they can be patient and not be the death expert team that’s going to overpay for a player and so I think the kings are just waiting for those prices to go down because they do still need Wing players but we’ve seen the last two seasons the Kings have I mean when you think about Keegan Murray’s rookie season I mean Harrison Barnes was maybe a little better defensively but really the Kings had like zero really good Wing Defenders and then Keegan last season took a step to become a good Wing Defender and so then we had one we’ve survived without the wing defense up until this point and so hopefully we can survive until the trade deadline and then hopefully get some more Wing defense I mean right now Kevin herder is the backup three if he’s not the starting two and it’s not the worst position to be in no Kevin herder’s not going to go out there and give you the athleticism and the defense that you need from a wing but at least he’s six7 and long and still a good player but things that Monty McNair said he said the LA they’ll be patient with the last roster spots wait on that a little bit going into training camp and he said they’re going to be used on forwards you know Wings forwards bigs he’s happy with the guards that we have he also said he’s happy with Alex Len and Alex Len’s going to play a big role for the team next season and I hope he does and I hope he just gets that starting spot at the five like sure Trey L can play the uh small ball five if necessary in certain situations but I think Alex Len is the backup five and and then he mentioned Kevin herder quite a bit as a player that can play well off dear de R rozen and is still a very good you know offensive player for this team so he seems happy with Kevin herder at least is trying to make it seem that way make it seem like he’s not desperate to trade him and I don’t think he is desperate to trade a guy like Kevin herder I think he just is willing to trade him but not desperate and so we’re just at the point where it’s like can we trust whoever is our starting two guard can we trust Keon Ellis hopefully we can if he plays like he did last season we can but you know I kind of expect a little bit of a rocky season for Keon like his second year was just like it was so Flawless when he was given the time I don’t know I just don’t really expect that I mean it’s like when Kevin herder was amazing his first season with the Kings and then it went downhill a little bit it’s like you just you can expect a a little bit more of a roller coaster ride I feel like but I think the Kings have enough options to where they’re going to be able to find the right solution at the starting two guard or just whoever the backups are because like I said they have their five core players you have Trey Lyles who’s solid you have Alex Len who’s solid and then hopefully Keon Ellis continues to be solid Kevin herder can get back to being solid I mean that’s a pretty that’s a pretty good team and then you bring in a guy like Jordan mlin who hopefully can continue to be a good three-point shooter and be a good Defender while Devin Carter is out you know I think Jordan mcgoffin is a a serviceable player and so I think you’re looking at a solid team that can that can wait to make moves until other teams kind of decide on directions and lower their prices on certain players and are willing to part with certain players like if certain guys on the Wizards you know their young guys are making a leap and they want to give them more time then maybe the Wizards are like okay let’s let’s get off of Kyle kozman now and then maybe that price comes down from two first round picks to like one and a solid player in other words Kevin herder and a first round pick but I just can’t get over like how important it was to get Demar D rozan in this free agency and how I just I never expected the Kings to upgrade so much in free agency like that just didn’t seem like an option but it was just it was so key because it put it just puts the kings in so much better of a spot gives them so much more flexibility and hopefully it does work out and it fits well obviously that’s to be seen but I just can’t really see a world where dear isn’t going to make this team better it’s just how much better is he going to make this team but we’ve seen the last two years the Kings when healthy were fine in the west top six in the west and so hopefully it means they can continue to be that and they can continue to possibly be top six in the west even if they are hit with inevitable injuries but obviously we never know what what Monty McNair in the front office is really going to do is he just saying this because he’s keeping his cards close to his chest Maybe I just don’t I don’t really see why he would do that but it’s possible I’m pretty happy with where the king’s roster is at at this point I think he is too there are still obvious spots of needs but he’s obviously aware you know he said those last two roster spots are going to be used for size and he talked about wanting to get bigger and longer and those two roster spots will be used on that are those players probably going to make a difference you know probably not but there’s a reason you have those roster spots and it’s because it’s always possible that those guys do end up making an impact just like a Keon Ellis so anyways that is it for this episode of the royal report I will be back whenever there’s more news or just later on uh to recap some summer league I got my my California classic shirt here that I that I got on the day that the king signed Demar de rozan that will always be a part of this shirt and so I will see you guys later peace

Welcome to The Royal Report

In this episode of The Royal Report I discuss Monte McNair’s latest comments about if the Kings will make any more moves this offseason and where Kevin Huerter fits into the Kings’ roster.

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  1. Who knows. Monte has always had a strong poker face . Most of the moves he does make aren't leaked to the general public. For him if the media or someone talks about the move. It's probably not going to happen.

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