@Los Angeles Lakers

ADPOY + All Defense Vando = Top 10 Defense Next Season ๐Ÿ‘€

ADPOY + All Defense Vando = Top 10 Defense Next Season ๐Ÿ‘€

by ratataouille


  1. jonaintalive

    Austin Christie vando bron AD lineup ๐Ÿคค

  2. I know the “wait till everyone is healthy” cope is played out, but here I am saying it again. New coach, more mins for Vando and Rui with TP gone, Gabe actually seeing the floor besides preseason. I look forward to seeing where we can find our Laker identity during the first half of the season. There will be rough patches, but I honestly think we are more than a play-in team with this current itteration of the roster.

  3. Lucieddreams

    This sub has been so down on Vando lately and it makes me violent. Tons of people here have short term memory and can’t remember how amazing Vando is when he’s not having to constantly ramp back up into basketball shape.

    Not to mention in that stretch of games he had before he was out for the season (when he was in basketball shape again), he was doing some amazing cutting and looked phenomenal on the offensive end. He was putting in some work and it showed.

    Points scored in his final games:
    12, 4, 12, 17, 14, 3, 12, 10

    He also averaged around 2.5 steals over that stretch. Vando is the real deal and he is a massive asset to this team when healthy. Out of everyone, I’m most excited to see him get back on the floor and carry the rebounding and defense along with AD like he always has for us

  4. Miserable-Lawyer-233

    We need to have a top rated offense to be a contender. A top 10 defense on its own isnโ€™t going to get us anywhere. Weโ€™re not in a defensive era.

    The fact that neither AD or Vando can shoot is highly problematic, so weโ€™re not going to want to see them on the floor together too often, for the sake of spacing.

  5. KingNephew

    We canโ€™t rely on 2 players to be our entire defense again, especially when one if not both of them will likely miss a decent portion of the season.

  6. Cant wait to run out that Gabe/Christie/Vando/AD lineup and win games 20 – 15

  7. noplaceinmind

    The bummer is this is the exact thing i was hyped for last offseason, and we’ve still got to wait a while longer to see it.

  8. Confident_Comedian82

    Be healthy first, its really hard to say all defense but then he is out most a season (I am talking about Vando), Well still hoping he is healthy but if not, its much better to trade him with Dlo and get some good back up or starter

  9. I checked his games played. 29 games, 26 games and 52 games played the last 3 years. Before that it was 78, 74 and 64.

    I hope the last 2 years were just freak accidents and he come back healthy all year.

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