@Golden State Warriors

Are the Jazz USING the Warriors?

Are the Jazz USING the Warriors?

take a listen to this this is Shams and there’s a lot here there’s the Jazz angle there’s the Warriors angle and there’s Shams inability to say the word psky the Warriors and Jazz they have continued conversations just the Jazz are in a position right now they wouldn’t be even thinking about moving L Larry marinin if this was a team that is trying like Ryan knows if you’re trying to compete and win that’s a guy you compete and win with this is a team that obviously is going down more of a rebuilding path and is if you’re going to rebuild and you’re trying to compete for not a playoff bird but probably the number one overall pick you have to consider I don’t think they want to move Larry Markin but if the gold State Warriors put into Brandon psky and you know from what I’m told three first round picks three four unprotected pick swaps you know three four second round pi name kaminga is a name but I think I think the Jaz from everything I’ve been told the Jazz are more focused on Brandon psky and his inclusion in the deal all the picks being in the deal and I think from the Warriors perspective it’s pmy but then there’s not all all the picks and if it’s all the picks then there’s not going to be a psky and so this could be a back and forth but both sides are kind of entrenched right now at where they’re at saying nothing is going to change so only time will tell but I think the Jazz are very comfortable with extending Li marketing and at that point you’ll see more suitors potentially as well in him not just teams that feel like okay we’ll be able to resign him um I’m very confident that lry marinan is not going to be a Warrior by August 6th and and and I could be wrong but the the reason for that is Joe lob and the Warriors are nobody’s fool and and the more I listen to this the more I feel like the Jazz are just checking to find out if there’s a fool in the NBA it’s not that they want to trade lry marinin because their ability to trade him quite frankly only grows it only grows if they sign him especially if they sign him on August 6th the one variable that we don’t know and you brought this up earlier is what Lowry wants is is he going to use potentially some of his leverage over the next couple of weeks based on where he wants to be where he might want to sign an extension um but someone who’s made $70 million in his career could play that game but I doubt it based on the fact that there’s going to be over2 200 million more on the table for him to sign that extension if Utah signs it doesn’t mean they got to pay all of it Warriors signed Jordan pool to an extension that paid none of it so they could trade him at the deadline they could trade him next off season before it kicks in all of those things are still possible and you probably get more teams to the party and the re there’s two main reasons I feel like this truly is just a fishing Expedition um number one Shams knows too much in other words I don’t know that he knows anything but this this is too public the we’re getting daily updates Tim McMahon Shams WJ you know here comes TK Mony pool everybody’s like jazz Warrior Jazz Warriors that’s not how it usually works when teams are actually hammering out the specifics of a deal it’s too public and nobody on the inside would want it to be that public unless what they were trying to do was leverage something or send out some sort of of a message and then the other clue is what sham said the Jazz are looking for sure it’s Brandon psky ah not pinski and 11 or 12 picks what the hell are you talking about that doesn’t make any sense at all three or four first round picks three or four first round pick swaps unprotected three or four second round what are we doing what are we doing essentially you’re setting a bar at such a ridiculous spot you’re you’re sending the message to the league we’ve got all the juice if you don’t make this asking price we’re out they’re checking to see if there’s a desperate fool out there the Warriors are a mark because they know that they want to maximize step and they just lost clay and the fan base is anxious after missing the Playoffs they’re perfect Mark but I trust that the Warriors are not going to Blink and do something stupid I I I’m pretty confident that this whole thing is just it’s BS well it depends on if there’s a taker and right now it feels like the Warriors are the only team that is really that actively trying to be a part of the lry Markin in sweep Stakes but remember August 6th is still a long ways away that’s three weeks until he can even sign an extension and so you would anticipate if something happened it would be probably closer to August 6th where you could talk to lri Markin in and figure out if he wants to be a warrior if he would sign an extension here if it was a part of a trade where you know it wasn’t a sign and trade it was a trade and then he gets an extension here you’d probably want to sus that out well in advance but the more we go down this road the more it feels like the Aaron judge Pursuit by the Giants where huh the Giants were seemingly super thirsty Super Active they wanted it they wanted it they wanted it bad and Aaron judge kind of used them I think to further his own case he kind of strung the Giants along to get the word of a bigger offer and then he immediately went back to the Yankees and signed there and kind of the Giants were left holding the bag it feels a little like this not that the Warriors are going to you know go that far down the road I I don’t think that they’re going to get to a point where it’s Moody psky kaminga and five picks will you do it will you do it please I don’t think that they’re going to be that thirsty but it does feel a little bit to me like they’re being used in the pursuit of lry Markin well I like I don’t even know that there’s a Pursuit I really think the Jazz are just like yeah throw it out there see what happens and if somebody blows us away then maybe we’ll have a phone call but we’re not really interested in dealing Lowry marinin and the Warriors I do think that they’ll behave uh accordingly I think they are interested in Lowry markting but they’re not going to be stupid about it like you’re hearing their leverage play as well their their leverage play as well is like yeah we’re not we like like you want all of our young players and all of our draft picks no no we’re not we’re not doing that and and dibs we’ve got fresh Lake we do we got fresh Lake I love it this is from the TK pod um our buddy Tim kakami part of the Odyssey Network and uh Joe lob talks about two different things first of all um there is the discussion about what went down with Klay Thompson I’m gonna hold that aside and move this one to the top which is lob talking about trades they wanted Paul George didn’t get Paul George they want lry marinin we’ll see if they get lry marke and this is part of the Warriors leverage play where they’re explaining we’re not she going to do a trade so that we can do a trade here’s Lake him on the TK pod trades are the hardest very very hard to pull off trades because everyone wants to prove how you know these GMS how smart they are and they’re it’s true and they want to impress their owners sometimes they do sometimes they don’t but here’s the problem I think if I could share anything with many of the fans out there uh and I read everything you know I read what people say and the criticisms and the positive things they don’t understand how hard it is and how illogical some of the parties on the other side are sometimes maybe we’re illogical too to some extent but my point is it’s just really really hard to pull these things off and everyone writes all this stuff and they have no idea what the other side’s asking for in some of these things okay that’s interesting I think that’s incredibly interesting fans don’t understand how illogical the other side is right well I don’t know if that’s just a window into this particular conversation is he hearkening back to the Paul George or is he hearkening back to all discussions but if we do keep that in this moment there’s another sort of snapshot of what the Jazz are saying to him yeah give us all of your picks well for how many years for all the years the rest of your life till 2300 let’s we give all the picks and uh and all the players anybody who hasn’t turned 25 Joe’s like what the hell are you talk like that’s illogical what are you talking about right that’s what this feels like right now what are you talking about it doesn’t make any sense no it doesn’t and that’s I’m sure what the Utah owner would say about the Warriors well we’re going to give you Moses Moody and a a second round pick in 2026 and you’re going to take Andrew Wiggins and you’re going to give us everything we want and you’re going to give us a pick back well that’s illogical from their standpoint so I do think that that’s how a lot of these trades start out and if both parties are really motivated to make it work gradually you’ll work your way back to the middle the deal will get done and sometimes you need six teams involved to get everybody to be happy and I wonder how many phone calls that was how many conference calls when all right Clay’s going to Dallas and then we’re going to get you and then you’re going to get that and these picks go there and all the rest of it these trades are very hard to do and there’s a certain amount of ill logic to what each side is trying to do because everyone’s trying to win the deal well sure and I also the big deal win the big deal so I I I I like also when lob says at the end these writers have no idea what the other side is offering like he’s sort of saying that and there are very few people out there that would have a line like a real like I’m an Insider like TK can get Joe lob seemingly on the podcast by making a phone call hey come on the Pod okay I’ll come on the Pod TK’s tapped in does TK have any idea what the hell’s going on in Utah no no Tim doesn’t have people in Utah I don’t think so he can sit here and probably get some insight into to what the Warriors want to do I is he is he getting the Insight in what the Jazz want to do there’s very few reporters out there that would have both of those lines and therefore they do just end up becoming largely mouthpieces for one side is that what Shams is doing right now I don’t know Shams is out here like yeah you need to do psky even though he doesn’t exist and you need to do 12 picks that’s what I’m being told Bob okay thanks Shams back to you the Warriors aren’t doing that so what are we talking about what are we talking about I don’t know right now is it a leverage game because there’s still time or are these two sides just not a match or or or is Utah just not even actually interested in in trading Lowry marinin um here’s Joe lob about where the Warriors sit right now you know I’m pretty excited about where we are right now am I satisfied no never so we’re always going to be in the market to improve our team always always I don’t care what team we have if we can get someone else that’s and work out a deal that would make us better great we will we’re always looking we’re going to be the most aggressive team in the league okay so there’s your leverage play again yep that’s everyone is sending the do you notice this all teams are sending the same message boy we we we love getting better but my goodness we are old okay with who we are right now so we don’t need to do anything that’s the only that’s the message everyone’s trying to send to everybody of course and it’s like when you used to go to the club and you were trying to maybe pick up uh a female you know try to get somebody to show interest in you if you went out there and were like too eager and too thirsty and trying too hard you’re get nowhere so you try to lay back and play it cool which I was never able to do but I was told that was the proper approach so when you’re Joe Lake but it’s mid July you’re not playing games for 3 months schedule’s not even out so yeah you don’t want to be too needy too thirsty you want to just still lay back and work the back channels and you know what if it doesn’t work out we like what we have we like DeAnthony we like slow-mo we like buddy hee we like what we’ve done this off season

Willard and Dibs debate if the Utah Jazz are just using the Golden State Warriors to try to get an exponentially large return for a potential Lauri Markkanen trade but really have to plans on trading the 27-year-old All-Star.

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  1. Wiggins (via third team for extra picks for Jazz), Podz, 2 1st rounds, some swaps, will do it on August 5th! Or NOT!

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