@Milwaukee Bucks

Were the Bucks offseason additions the best moves they could have made?

Were the Bucks offseason additions the best moves they could have made?

today’s lockdown bucks is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as the playoffs have wound down the Sports Stop sporting like we want them to but this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right something for everyone every day all summer long visit to get started coming up on today’s show we take a look at the bucks off season we’re going to apply a grade but there is a caveats to keep in mind for this conversation we get into that next unlocked on Buck you are locked on bucks your daily Milwaukee Bucks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day and welcome into lock on bucks I am Justin Garcia joined by Camille Davis and we thank you for making lock on bucks your first listen every day we are free and available wherever you get your podcast you can find us on YouTube as well all part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day Camille um one of those interesting shows where we’ve kind of tiptoed around it already with some of the moves that the Bucs have made but it has started to comb down not only for the bucks for a lot of teams out there so wanted to take a look look at the off seon and I suppose apply a grade but I mentioned there’s a caveat so here’s how we’re viewing this um I I understand there’s probably a decent amount of of frustrated Bucks fans and fans that are disappointed to say well you didn’t make any big moves you didn’t trade Brook Lopez you didn’t trade Pat conon right you didn’t trade Bobby Porter you weren’t able to get off of some of that this is the way we’re viewing this is more of realistically with what the Bucs had to work with how would you rate these moves so it’s not as simple as well they didn’t shave any money and they didn’t get off of this contract so it’s a D minus for me it’s look did we really expect that to happen so with that in mind we’re going to take a look at the moves that they made the draft picks the two signings and I think you do have to add in the coaching moves as well how that compares to what other teams who may have had more available to work with did so let’s just start with the two free agency moves and to me I think it is very much as simple as this you’re essentially swapping out J Crowder for torian Prince yep and we think Pat Beverly for dlon Wright to me that right there is an upgrade on both fronts so I view that as a positive again may not be hey you know who your fifth starter is or you got a Bonafide guy that’s on the level of being an All-Star or a very very solid player but we talked about depth being a big issue for this team and just finding playable players in the playoffs I do think you found that or at least are in a better spot in those two positions than you were a year ago I would agree with that I would agree with that and even thinking about just rating like those moves in itself like none of the moves that the bugs have made I think are like an a like it’s nothing where you see you’re like wow like you really did that like you did your thing bucks okay it was more so of a you have limited resources what can you do to try to improve your team at the moment and I definitely do agree I think Prince will be an upgrade over Jay Crowder and donon Wright should theoretically be an upgrade over Pat Beverly now one of the things for Pat Bev that I know a lot of people were liking about what he brought to the team was that energy that that attitude and all that other stuff that comes with his his play on the court that just comes from him being uh Pat beev just that personality type so you do lose that aspect of it but on the court fit uh what Delon Wright does at a bit of a younger age as well uh should give you what Pat Bev was giving you if not a little bit more at this stage in Pat Bev’s career now if this was you know Houston Pat Bev that the bugs had got it’s a different conversation so just being realistic about where he is in his game right now I definitely do see those two additions as upgrades and the bugs as we have mentioned multiple times still have a open roster spot so the moves might not be done at this point so we’re taking a snapshot of things as it stands July 16th uh this can change going forward but with those free agency additions they give the Bucks more defensive flexibility um and that was a sore spot for the bucks last season where you’re like we just need a little bit more defense out there on the court that we can trust at the moment uh and then you bring in these two vets who have done that in their past and then of course we’ve heard all the Scuttle butt about uh the Bucks looking to lean on some of those young guys to have rotation roles as well so uh yeah I definitely do like the free agent additions that the Bucs have had I didn’t think that bucks would be able to get tan Prince I thought he’d go a little bit higher than what he went to so those two additions I think did help make the team a bit better and that other point that you made is one that we can’t just gloss over either is that you you shaved seven years off the collective age of the roster with uh Tori and Prince being four years younger than Jay Crowder and Delon Wright being three years younger than Pat Beverly so again we we said you need versatility you need guys that can defend on the perimeter you need to get younger and more athletic and they may not have done this in one Fell Swoop here but I think overall they’ve addressed some of these moves uh or some of those areas of concern again I so let’s just jump right to this part here because I I already saw it come up in the comments and it was exactly what I was going to apply and I’ll talk through the logic here but those were the two free agency moves that the bucks made there is potential for one more the roster sits at 14 there’s been even more smoke with one name that we’ve mentioned and said you cannot discount this guys and that came up from a more reputable Source uh just what yesterday so we’ll get to that in the next segment um but it’s Tim points out here C+ uh a lot of moving Parts with the team last year may not be a bad thing to be at that C+ range that’s the grade that I was going to apply to the bucks for the offseason in that I don’t think it was bad certainly wasn’t a home run you did about as good as you could have expected but when you look at the Knicks bringing in male Bridges the 76ers getting a lot better Cavaliers have been interesting too because it’s basically just been we extended Donovan Mitchell and we made a coaching change no changes there really for Cleveland so I was teetering on the C+ B minus range that I would give to them saying it’s not a bad off season in a vacuum with what they had to work with but I I can’t put this up there and say hey one of the best off Seasons that they could have possibly imagined yeah I would agree B minus would be the highest grade like if that’s the highest grade I could give the Bucs at this particular time I was definitely leaning towards that C+ range myself again we understand they had limited resources we understand and even I think part of what can lower that grade for others would be just all the smoke that’s been around the team all the different reports that you’ve been hearing about oh pat kin’s on the trading block or they’re looking to get off Bobby poris or looking to get off Brook Lopez and then when you don’t see a major move made it can kind of feel a little like deflating of like okay I thought uh based on reports that more would be happening but as it currently stands all that has happened right now is torian Prince and Delon Wright which as we said should be positive additions for this team um and if they do get that Gary Trent Jr which I see a comment coming in from lier about how there’s no money uh for him anywhere so it’s either nuggets or bucks on a pro it deal which is exactly where we’re kind of getting which is also why I was so adamant about wanting to keep the Bucks 15th roster spot open because I saw this happen Last Summer with the 76ers when Kelly UB signed for a minimum where you’re just like that was it like that’s how you were able to get Kelly UB um so it’s no guarantee the bugs can get Gary Trent Jr but having that spot open with the market going the way that it has been going uh with Trent weighing his options of possibly doing a one-year deal somewhere uh the Bucks are on that list or at least they’re known a known Suitor of Gary Trent Jr at this point as well so yeah you got to keep it open and I’m I’m I’m I’m cool with that I’m happy that that spot is still open at the moment a couple of questions coming in about that final roster spots um how the Bucks would choose to use that if they choose to use that I suppose but we mentioned that most recent report on Gary Trent Jr we’ll get into that coming up in our next segment here and also we touched on the free agency moves but um the two draft picks and to me I understand very polarizing but if we want to take an optimistic approach I think there’s one thing to keep in mind with those two selections so we’ll get into that conversation as well coming up after the break here on lock on bugs passion drive and patience that’s the formula for winning championships and that is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you’ll always find exactly what you’re looking for and with eBay’s guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back because with eBay Motors you’re burning rubber not cash with all the parts you need at the prices you want it’s easy to make your car the MVP and bring home huge wins keep your ride or die alive at eligible items only exclusions apply eBay guaranteed fit only available to us customers so I mentioned the two draft piics we’ll get to the Gary Trent Jr uh updates in a second here but Aj Johnson and Tyler Smith um going into the draft we spent a lot of time looking at uh guys that we thought May made sense in terms of where they were projected to slot in and I think we spent a lot of time focusing on players that were more likely to step in and contribute immediately and I understand there may be some disappointment there especially when we’re talking about the limited resources that the Bucks have to make this roster better I also get Lakers fans especially if they’re going to point out look you think torian Prince is going to close for you good luck with that one um neither of us are suggesting tan Prince is an All-Star player or even a top tier starter in the league but I think our Point all along has been look I don’t think you guys realize where the Bucks were a year ago with everybody basically not named Lillard Middleton Yannis and Lopez to an extent um so I I think that’s part of it but with those two guys it’s kind of tough for me to really assess what made the most sense because of the limitations the Bucks are up against but also I do think we have to point out we have seen a lot of teams get in trouble in the past and you see it a lot more in football too where you make a draft pick looking to plug an immediate hole versus look especially when we’re at the back of the first round and realistically where you’re drafting there you should not be expecting I know it’s happened before but you should not be expecting to find a guy that’s going to step in and holy cow how do the Bucks get him at 23 when you’re in that spot I still think you have to view this as who’s the best guy on our board who has the best chance who fits all the things we’re looking for organizationally maybe it’s not this year maybe it’s the back half of next year but who do we think has the best chance to develop into a player that fits what we need down the road versus immediately and this was an interesting draft to say none theeast with just the consensus of everybody was going into it saying like this is an eye of the beholder type of draft where you might be surprised at who’s going in the lottery you might be surprised who’s going in the 20s uh because it’s really based on what the team values what their board is looking like and how they organize things there was not much consensus uh amongst teams apparently in this particular draft so to your point about where the Bucs were selecting um my whole thing with the Bucks having those two draft picks was do they trade one and try to get that immediate help and as soon as they selected Aj Johnson and then Tyler Smith and made it very clear we intend to keep both players and roster them that was the moment for me where I was like okay there is a a little shift happening of of how the Bucks are looking to build this team in a way that we haven’t seen for the last few years where that’s why we were thinking okay well maybe they’ll draft somebody who can come in who’s projected you know to be a bit more ready to go maybe they’ll trade this draft pick to get some more help that’s ready to go now uh but the bugs decided we’re going to lean in we’re going to trust our board we think there’s something special with AJ Johnson that he can be somebody we think think that Tyler Smith can be somebody it probably won’t be this year but we’re fine with developing them because we’re cool with everybody else that we have on their this roster and we can take our time with bringing them along and hearing that was kind of like okay that’s I did not expect you guys to go that way and again we’ve talked about how this new CBA is affecting things and it does seem like so many more teams now are really leaning into that Player Development piece uh I saw one of the comments pop up just saying like it’s hard to to grade the draft picks and I would agree with that that’s smart thinking Q very smart very smart thinking you you can’t judge the draft players at this point right now we’re just kind of judging the process behind it um so like if these players hit and I feel like John hor is due for some good draft picks like it it it we got it hit soon um but if they come through like you look back at this and you’re like wow this was a a really good decision for the bucks but the process behind what they’re thinking of let’s get some guys we can try to develop we have the Vets we got some new guys in free agency and then we have the returning young guys on our roster who we think some of these guys are going to be able to help as well like so let’s take our time and I do like that approach yeah and and that’s the I don’t even want to say complicated that’s that’s the whole piece with the draft picks is um it is too early to judge what you have here kind of talking through the logic of why you would do this and kind of plan for the future more than trying to see who can plug an immediate hole one of the guys that we talked about too um uh it we saw already going to miss the entire season in Dron Holmes with a Toren Achilles so um I I think the last piece of it was just again with limited resources available in the off season was it a miss and we don’t have this answer we won’t have this for a year two years from now but was it a Miss to not package one or even both of those picks in some type of move to get off of salary but I’m just going to go back to um what we talked about already a couple of times this summer in you know Brook Lopez specifically when we kind of pointed out realistically what’s available what what have we heard pop up what have the Bucks been linked to and neither of us saw realistic trade proposals that were out there neither of us saw the move that makes you a better team it makes you a different team it saves you money but for an aging team who again with the way salaries are structured maybe two years is what you have to look at with this group right probably one I just didn’t see one that would keep you in that picture especially with what Philly did especially how Boston stayed the same how the Knicks lost Isaiah hartenstein but added male Bridges we just didn’t see that move that kept you on that tier and I I do think I think with Brooke especially this is the case to a lesser extent Pat and and Bobby but the same logic applies there as well is if you’re attaching some of the very limited assets that you have to get off of money that would allow you to use a a midlevel exception or a taxpayer midlevel exception is there a guy out there that you could get for that that is going to more than upgrade what you previously had there regardless of what you think about Pat conon or Bobby Port is are you wasting future assets just to tread water and I think that realistically may have been the case with what we’ve seen out there there and what we’ve seen in terms of guys that have signed midlevel or taxpayer midlevel so far this summer I’ve given horse a lot of credit in the past for being able to find ways to make moves with limited assets he’s done that quite a few times where you’re like oh I didn’t think we’d be in the running for a PJ Tucker or oh how do we get all these second round picks to trade for Jay Crowder whatever the case may be now we know the Jay Crowder one did not pan out but at the time everyone was like this move makes sense with the type of player that he is so horse and even when he had has a bad contract he has shown like okay I will attach assets get off this and try to do something different so he’s always shown um that he’s willing to be active that’s not a it’s not a concern when it comes to John horse it’s just that right now with what the Bucks have in their asset chest there’s just not much to give out right now given the the pck swaps that the Bucs are tied up in right now with two different teams um and then you look at the fact that they just have a 20 or a 2031 second and 2020 or 2031 first round pick and it’s like okay like that’s like the the next asset that this Bucks team has to trade and that’s in 2031 so it’s like if if we are going to try to get off of a pat contenting contract for example just using him as an example uh does it make sense to give up one of the few assets that we have left just to try to make this move does this move give us you know make us better to your point is open up something else for us to do um so you have to be very diligent because at this point you don’t have many assets to try to give out in order to get those you know contracts off your books or to try to make a move happen so like it’s no point to rush into anything uh just to tread water like you said like the amount of assets the bugs have right now just aren’t that great yeah and uh that’s what I’ve kind of come back to is that last piece that we just mentioned of look we we’ve talked about this I think as much as anyone when you look at the mid tier the middle class in the NBA and how that’s evaporated the fact that there is a very real possibility even if it’s not with the Bucks that Gary Trent Jr is going to sign for the vet minimum this summer you mentioned Kelly UB earlier in the show who signed for the vet minimum last year that this is what it’s shifted to of guys that you would think well there’s no way he’s in our price range it’s not every one of those guys but you’re seeing more and more of those names signing for the veteran minimum because I think there’s a number of uh contrib contributing factors to that but the CBA and the way that we’re seeing teams structured it’s not what it was in the past where you would have one of those deals and you would have two guys on a Max or close to it that I think you’re starting to see more of a blueprint of we either have to have young teams that are on your rookie scale or your second Max not the full 30 35% Max um that are starting to hit their Peak or we can have one of those guys and the rest we we got to be very crafty and I also wonder you know I’m not going to plant my flag and say yes this is the change in the guard but do we see more of what Jaylen Brunson did taking less money and saying look I this is going to help us win the most I would not Advocate any player even bucks players to take less money than what’s out there um but look Jaylen Brunson did it it only takes one to to start to move that market so that’s another interesting piece here in in this summer for the bucks we mentioned LeBron there LeBron Tak you know he saved him know three three M you know ironically enough the same amount that his son is getting paid um we mentioned Gary Trent Jr and there’s one other name that we learned from sham chirania that the Bucks have uh shown an interest in so it does appear as one of the questions we had earlier on the show about that 15th roster spot it does appear the B do intend on carrying roster spot number 15 so we will get into that conversation coming up after the break here on locked on bucks well it’s summertime now and it gets to be that spot on the calendar look we all love sports so much so that we never want them to stop but the playoffs have wound down and that means we’re getting fewer games so the sports just aren’t sporting like we want them to but luckily FanDuel keeps you in the moment with sports going whenever you want all you have to do is open up the app and dream up bets anytime you’re in the mood this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long so head over to and start making the most out of your summer FanDuel official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball and if you’re watching Fox Sports or ESPN on your TV all day but constantly have to turn down the volume with all the shouting make the switch to lock on sports today a free 247 sports streaming Channel programmed for you every day bringing you the biggest stories without all of the screaming locked on sports today brings you can’t miss analysis opinions and news and it streams 247 on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app part of the locked on podcast Network your Team every day um we’ll get to that other name in just a second here Camille but look it it does appear the Bucks are at least interested in carrying a 15th on this roster because Gary Trent Jr murmurs are not gonna go away Will Barton was the other name so we’ll we’ll get to him in just a second here but I do think you know we also have to point out when we’re talking about rating the off Seasons here um it is worth noting and I I think it’s only fair to the organization and their ownership to point out look this team has not tried to go cheap and duck the tax for a team that was eliminated in the first round two consecutive Seasons they’re going to be $20 million into that tax in all likelihood and I I think we’ve you know gone over this at length before if there’s one move that Bucks fans will criticize it was the PJ Tucker move now granted we heard PJ Tucker’s side of the story there we did not hear from the organization the truth is always somewhere in the middle but as we’ve seen things bear out here you really had one or two years of a Ser serviceable PJ Tucker from that point forward I do think he would have helped you in the title defense here obviously but that’s the only move you can really point to to say well they got their championship and now all of a sudden the purse strings are Tighter and they’re going cheap not the same story that we’re seeing for a team that won the championship two years ago so that’s the thing that I do think we need to point out and would be be doing a disservice to the Bucks to not mention look it’s not a team that’s saying okay we had our run window may be closing let’s figure out how we compete but still do it where we save some money so I I do think that’s an important piece to mention here but Gary Trent Jr um we’ve come on here almost daily and said I don’t think it’s going to happen but I don’t think you can rule it out and what a couple of shows ago we went through the teams that actually had money the teams that actually had taxpayer mid-levels or who had the full mid-level out there and just went through a team by team and said I don’t really see the fit or the team that would be interested in throwing that at Gary Trent Jr and it leaves you to this place now where Maybe it’s hopium but you’re starting to talk yourself into it of you know what this does actually really make sense and then people will point out hey Gary Trent Jr very close with Damen Lillard from their time together in Portland okay you know what we already saw Dame trying to uh recruit Haywood heith maybe we’re seeing the same thing here um the latest comes from sham chirania who mentions bucks are among several contenders pursuing the top free agent remaining on the market Gary Trent Jr so um we’ve seen other reports that I think people have said well this isn’t realistic and I don’t know how accurate this reporting is but now it’s coming from Shams and I don’t know about you I know the Denver Nuggets were thrown out there as well I at this point I would put it at about a 33% chance somewhere around a third that this actually happens and the Bucks end up with Gary Trent Jr yeah it’s gone from like a so you’re telling me there’s a chance this can happen where it’s kind of like I mean in a dream world yeah this can happen to now where it’s like following how everything has shaken out for Gary Trent Jr and hearing the reports coming out where it’s like this could happen like it really could happen um 33% feels like a nice you know range to I’ll probably go around 25 just trying to keep the expectations down a little bit more I don’t want to say like a third like one third like but one4 somewhere in there I think uh we have to be one the top four teams that he’d be considering at this point so um I hope that Dame’s pitch uh to Gary Trent Jr Goes a bit better uh than with high Smith jokes uh because of course Miami was offer able to offer a lot of money uh to him in comparison to what the bugs could but what this does tell me again is when we talked about I think last week about who is the starting shooting guard on this roster last summer when we did the live lock on bucks with the full crew with Eric name and Kane and Frank uh you the question was asked then as well like who is the starting shooting guard and your response was like I don’t think he’s on the roster yet and that could be the same case of how the Bucks are seeing it this year for this team as well because we were talking about D Wright like yeah if the roster stands as it currently is I could see him being the fifth starter but ideally we would rather him come off the bench so that he can be that backup uh point guard he can play combo guard he can play next to Dame so on and so forth so having someone else start could make that rotation just a bit easy of course there are ways you can make that rotation still happen with him relieving Dame uh if you just have him sub out early in the first quarter but again it does seem like the Bucks are also like no we we are trying to get another shooting guard you mentioned Will Barton as well so like there’s something happening with the Bucs of trying to find that that two guard um it seems like so something to keep an eye on for sure as soon as every time I get an alert that Shams has tweeted something or wo just tweeted something I’m like is it the Gary Trent news like I’m I’m I’m locked in I’m trying to see uh where he goes so something to definitely keep an eye on because it seems as if the Bucks aren’t necessarily like we’re good right here where we are I’m sure they could be if they shake out that way but they definitely seem to be trying to get that two guard um Will Barton did not play in the NBA last season I think it was Spain that he played in um play the year before that splitting time with the Raptors and the Wizards but he’s a career 35% three-point shooter I feel like Will Barton and um Gary Clark are two players that um the Bucks have been linked to for a number of these guys right that we look at and we say I feel like his name Gary Harris sorry I think I said Gary Clark I feel like those two names have come up quite a bit through the years for hey the Bucks are interesting in this player so in that sense it makes some sense the fact that he plays a two guard as well um he’s 33 years old and again younger than Gary Trent Jr I think that’s the other massive piece if you are able to land Gary Trent Jr is his age and we’ve talked about it before as well um this is not meant as any disrespect to Malik Beasley but Gary Trent Jr is a better version of Malik Beasley he’s just as good of a shooter if for no other reason than we’ve seen it in the postseason from Gary Trent Jr he can do more than just catch and shoot as we kind of joked at times and I know Frank and I did on a couple of post games it was always an adventure when Malik Beasley would put the ball on the floor um and I think again defensively I’m not suggesting that Gary Trent is an all defensive caliber player but he is an upgrade defensively over Malik Beasley so if you’re able to get Gary Trent Jr on the veterans minimum I know we gave out a a C+ be minus in that range earlier when we said okay assuming the offseason is done how would you rate it to me that number bumps up to probably a b if you get him for the vet minimum and you say here are the three guys we got on the vet minimum and we got young guys that maybe they’re not going to contribute this year but we really think we have something with these these young guys that makes it as much of a home run as I think you could realistically expect if you were the bugs I would agree with that I might even go a little bit higher and say like that’s like a almost a yeah just given the resources the bugs had to if they are able to get G Gary Trent Jr it’s like completely off of my bingo board before the offseason started of like of something that even in the realm of possibility for the bucks so like if they can find a way to to get him here I think that would really bump that up into that a minus range for me um we didn’t actually see who the other teams were that were reportedly interested in Gary Trent Jr I know we’ve heard the Nuggets kicked I think a few people even mentioned the Lakers I thought the Lakers roster was currently at 15 though so um I my my 33% logic was the Bucks maybe a team like the Denver Nuggets or maybe there is this kind of Sleeper Cell team that’s under the radar that actually has the we’re not at that level in terms of where we think we are for competing for a championship but we can at least pay you the taxpayer veterans M or taxpayer mid-level or even portion of the mid-level exception that we can give you so we’ll give you a little bit more money there um but yeah I think that’s that’s the thing that all Bucks fans are are kind of locked into and focused on now as you mentioned whenever you see the tweet from Shams or W of is a scary Trent Jr um I think that’s where we’re gonna be for the next who knows and until Gary Trent Jr uh actually signs on with a team we didn’t mention much about Will Barton other than played overseas a season ago is uh what a 12E Pro I believe mentioned the the career 35% three-point shooter that he is and look it would just be more depth at the two guard I think it would be obviously not quite the shooter as Malik Beasley but in terms of your expectations and what you can get from him a Malik Beasley level signing if that’s who the Bucs would end up adding yeah and if that’s the case too I do wonder if maybe it is right that starts and then Barton’s the bench guy off of that just trying to I would not expect Barton to be your starter yeah because that doesn’t yeah but it does alleviate the concern that we had about like well who’s that other guard coming off of your bench it would be Barton not someone I would be necessarily thrilled about um but like just more depth as you said and this is kind of what we’re talking about of you look at some of the names you know we mentioned Gary Trent Jr tus Jones still out there even Marquel Foltz all these names that you thought at the very least would have a home by now and probably more than the veteran minimum and they’re still free agents and again we’ll probably devote a show to the CBA see if Frank wants to hop on at some point later in the summer I still can’t help but think the Paul George signing with the Sixers just imploded a lot of people’s plans even though there was you know those murmurs and rumors and reports of it for a while now dating all the way back to during the season when you said hey Philly’s ankling to sign Paul George and they’re going to have money I still think we all anticipated he would stay in Los Angeles with the Clippers and the fact that the team that had the most or one of the what three teams that had the most money to sign sign Paul George I think that changed plans for a lot of teams and a lot of players that are out there um last chance to get in your mailbag questions as we’re going to address those a couple of days here a little bit later in the week we’ll do a mailbag show uh we are also going to do a show taking a look at some of the moves under John Horst and if there’s one move that didn’t really work out that you could take back which one would that be we put together a list of those uh those moves that I think would make the most sense to examine so we’ll do that a little bit later in the week and tomorrow we’re going to do another live show recapping late night Bucks basketball is their summer league game number three is what a nine o’clock tip this evening tonight out in Vegas so we’re gon to do a live show tomorrow recapping tomorrow morning recapping uh game number three for the bucks all this time is just kind of blending together and it’s all a blur now of late Camille we have the RNC going on literally like two or three blocks away from where I currently am so if I can’t walk there I probably can’t go there but at least we got Bucks basketball tonight and college football came out yesterday so enough to keep satisfied right um for so again a lot to look forward to this week the postgame show and uh the moves of John Horst and your mailbag question questions that we’ll get to later in the week hopefully we’re adding a bonus show as well to break down the signing of Gary Trent Jr for Camille I’m Justin we’ll talk to you once again tomorrow on lock on bucks

Justin and Camille take a look at the Bucks offseason additions of Delon Wright, Taurean Prince and the selections of AJ Johnson and Tyler Smith. Were these moves realistically the best the Bucks could have done given their limitations? Are the coaching staff additions free agency moves as well? And are the Bucks done? We get into it all on the latest Locked on Bucks


  1. I think most of Horst's trades have made sense in the moment but the FIVE 2nd rounders for Jae was bad immediately

  2. Signings were good, especially if we also get Gary Trent Jr or Tyus Jones. However, the picks were very bad. If they couldn't pick better players, they should have swapped or traded or whatever. Those two new guys will never play in NBA. E.g. if they wrapped those two picks with Pat, they could have made some space for an extra signing (and could have moved below the 2nd apron).

  3. Tree book Pat and Bobby to the magic for window Carter.
    Get Gary Trent junior so he could be our starting 5. And then 6 men would be like Prince delan, AJ mojon Ajax Tyler, AG Johnson Chris Livingstone.

  4. Yes not only an upgrade, it's a grade A actually. If you think about Bucks small ball closing line up against Boston, the unrealistic but best line up we can build is the big three with OG Anunoby/Herb Jones and Alex Caruso/Jalen Suggs, right? So we just got Prince and Delon who are poor man OG Anunoby/Herb Jones and Alex Caruso/Jale Suggs imo.

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