@Milwaukee Bucks



how y’all doing this is this is the one y’all been waiting for y’all been waiting all day for this I had other video scheduled this I didn’t want to do this cuz then I look like that guy you know what I’m saying like I start looking like no I’m not the one I’m not the one on this one nope I no no cuz y’all y’all n y’all want me to do it yeah I’m not gonna do it I’m not gonna do it n no cuz y’all want y’all want me to be that God on this one on this one I’m no no one of we got somebody has to be the grownup I got to I gotta I got to keep it together for us I thought he ain’t like Dame though I I thought that was the rumor him and Dame ain’t see eye to eye so when I heard this rumor I was like he’s probably going to Philly you know what I mean you know when he went to Philly last time he had his he had his titty me out you know what I’m saying had the it was winter time too and he ain’t had no t-shirt on he just had the he had his chest out and then he caught a chest Cod and was out for like two weeks I’m just I’m trying not to do I don’t want to do that I don’t want to be that guy on this one because it it bothers me it’s it’s a Shakespearean tragedy mixed with a little bit of dark humor If you sprinkle some dark humor on it it’s funny as hell like it’s there there’s a lot of comedic value in this one but it’s tragic because it’s like I gave him the name I’m the one that named him G money I’m the one that did that now I I don’t want to be that guy I don’t want to be Nino Brown on this one I don’t I don’t want to be Nino Brown on this one I’m I can’t I’m not gonna do it because I’m My Brother’s Keeper I’m My Brother’s Keeper but he didn’t listen I don’t know who he was listening to whoever you was listening to G money never listen to that person ever again you know the right thing to do that was a $100 million mistake that you made probably a they was paying every yo everybody that was supposed to get paid right got paid crazy yo you literally went from $18 million a year to minimum wage mind you it’s minimum wage the greatest job in the world but it’s minimum W like that’s not the 25 million that you wanted nor is it the 15 that we offered you that you so that you turned down like you had value in the free agent Market you didn’t read the room you didn’t read the room now one time everybody could do what you could do everybody and there’s at least 150 players that can do what you could do at the level that you could do it that’s a fact the NBA is full of Shooters some don’t get opportunity some do some are stars at least 150 that can that can pull up like you pull up then they could also do the other things and then there’s the various price points it’s you didn’t read the room like he ain’t do his homework him and his peoples ain’t do their homework and now here we are like we I don’t want to be that guy you know what I mean like he’s going to play with I remember we I thought you ain’t like Dame I this shouldn’t not only do you have to play with Dame you got to play with the you got to come off the bench with thesaurus like how does that yo fam you you had you were here you couldn’t take that 15 million you was too good for the 15 million and the opportunity to prove yourself and get more and get right now you playing for the league minimum oneyear deal Doc Rivers is your coat you know he ain’t running no plays for you they nothing nothing is there for you they don’t have you in mind at all you had a prime op not just the 15 million but you had the prime opportunity to prove yourself they started you last year when I believe you shouldn’t have started they get how do you walk away from that you just need one good season to set everything right you can listen if you had a season where you average 16 points a game coming off the bench or 16 points period where you started a little bit and came off the bench a little bit you back in the game next year free agency you got you can get you a little bag now you Wilding like you you what they’re not giving you the ball in Milwaukee Doc Rivers is not orchestrating plays for you that’s a fact Dame already know you going back today you didn’t even learn nothing from Dame the first time you should have went I went to Philly I went to Philly I have just went to Philly I rather play for Nick nurse than Doc Rivers and be around Dame right now cuz Dame Dame is definitely looking out for Dame jannis don’t want no jannis don’t want no parts of the blame if it don’t work out they’re bringing you in for whatever reason for the minimum you still got there’s so many shooters on that team they and if with all those Shooters they’re not passing you to rock you’ll be lucky if you get four maybe five shots a game six if they’re generous like they’re not giving you no opportunities the the greatest opportunity was with the Raptors you turned down to 15 M now you going to you going to Milwaukee where it’s going to be cold too for that you could have just stay in Toronto you had no value in free agent Market you had very or next to no little value in the trade market when we tried to trade you you didn’t read the room you didn’t see that Pol like that polarizing shift of wind you were hot for a minute and things just started to change like the limitations in your game be became apparent and no one wanted to invest in a onedimensional player 30 years ago you would you would get your like you probably still get the same amount of money you get now that minimum but it would be you know a bigger deal back you know back then it’ probably be like the league you know high but you’re way better than I’m you’re way better than the league minimum or the vet minimum like you should really you should still be getting some paper because to be honest with you you’re in you’re never going to make this type of money ever again you’re never going to have this opportunity to play basketball at this level ever again why not take advantage of it why not understand that there is no next there’s no next career like this there is nothing like playing in the NBA on Earth that’s why when players leave the league they are depressed that’s why guys got to stay around the game they don’t stay around the game because they they they need the money sometimes it’s the money but most of the time it’s therapeutic it it keeps you saying you stay around the game for your sanity because without this game something you’ve been doing your whole life going to the top and the highs that’s the that’s it there’s nothing else so it’s like what else like what other interest do you have you devoted your whole life to this one thing for the last 20 something years now you got to walk away from it and there’s nothing that can even be compared to it there’s nothing that’s going to give you that high the paychecks ain’t gonna be the same or as frequent it’s it’s a one of one like I got regrets like we all have regrets and we can all Live Without Regrets but that level of regret a lot of people don’t come back from that that’s why I didn’t want to be that guy on this one because I know what’s on the other side mentally one day he’s going to sit down and he’s going to have to deal with that it’s not going to be easy people don’t bounce back from missing out on $100 million you going to sit down one day and you going to think how much different your life would have been had you cleared that hurdle after being so close like this is you are right there everybody else got paid everybody else got paid there’s no reason why he didn’t it was up to him it was his responsibility and he’s going to have to like that’s it’s not going to be easy to that’s why I didn’t want to be I ain’t want to be a dick on this one I ain’t want to because it it I know what’s on the other side of this I I know what’s on the other side of this cuz it should have never happen we should never we shouldn’t even be here having this conversation not only did the pay drop and he’s never going to recover because he’s not going to get the opportunity to this is damn near like pre-retirement retirement you know what I mean like this is to go from 18 milon a year and drop to the minimum you people don’t recover from that you need a grand opportunity and where is he in a league full of Shooters where is he going to go where they’re going to give him the ball enough times and allow him to be who he is enough that he can bring his value back to where it needs to be to get paid again the greatest opportunity was with the Raptors he’s going it’s so it ain’t the grass is never greener on the other side we’ve been saying this for years like the grass is never green on the other side what are you going to do this is not this is not the situation you want to be in people do not when you got to hold yourself accountable for what you did not do it can drive you it can drive you to Madness we go through it in spurts we go through it at a on a infantile level in this infancy of depression you you feel that you get a a small introductory feeling of depression not that deep not do you know I’m I’m you getting I get my feelings if I lost a job and I didn’t save enough money I’ll be in my feelings thinking about all the times I blew money all the times I you start thinking about that that’s what as a man that those are the thoughts that run through your head this is me living at paycheck to paycheck level I go through that mentally can you imagine being in a position where you will never have to work again or worry about money again and you fumble the bag that’s it doesn’t and then you may not get the and then you might not get the opportunity to recover financially not so much emotionally or psychologically because that’s that’s that’s going to take therapy y’all think it’s a joke they have to go to you blow a $100 million opportunity you got you’re going to have to go to therapy things change like going to sit one day is you sit there and you start it hits you my life could be different what would my life it could be a little different if I had that extra 50 million after taxes as opposed to being you know 1% paycheck to paycheck trying to figure out how to maintain that lifestyle and then you you think about what could have been what you could have been in your career like it’s you’re just watching this this experience and it’s it’s tough to watch because it’s more than just basketball now this is life like you got to like this is a from a superficial standpoint you talk about basketball from a father having a son like I would be more concerned of how this would impact him mentally and emotionally cuz this type of [ __ ] this type of loss will change you cuz that’s the win would change your life forever and you had complete control over it and you just couldn’t put it together and we’ve all been there but not that at that level it’s that’s some people don’t recover some people don’t recover it’s not easy to Fumble an opportunity that you’re never going to get again and know it we look we’re looking at this in real time and we know he’s never going to get the opportunity that he got with us ever again that’s only the best of the group get their opportunity the Champions get the opportunity like he’s it’s going to be hard it’s going to be tough while guys are evolving the game is evolving he has to get better to the point where he trumps and skips past a lot of people to get the opportunity to regain some of this traction that he had motion he had motion like he was and to be in this situation he was averaging 18 points a game and to Fall From Grace like this is like like you can’t even kick a person when they down it’s it’s like I know what when you got regrets like that like you can’t even it ain’t even you got to just look at it and be like damn that’s tough like it’s tough and then you’re trying to compete it’s like you’re chasing a ghost at some point you going have to let it go and realize you lost that opportunity it’s never coming back takes a lot of growth and maturity and time but there’s a lot of pain attached to it like this is this shouldn’t even be a conversation I wanted to talk about a whole bunch of other stuff but I knew everybody was like and I wasn’t I wasn’t going to be I ain’t want to be a dick on this one I ain’t want to just clown him for Messing opportunity because we all have like this this one right here when you’re that close that you could touch it and you see it and it’s your turn and it just goes completely left and it’s never happened to you like this before you got to understand this might be his very first time as an adult on his own having everything just simply not work out perfectly for him see when you got great parents your parents can protect you from failure they’ll de they’ll deal with they’ll make the sacrifice as we all do as parents we’ll make the sacrifices so our kids won’t feel failure but at some point you step back and you know what’s coming and you know it’s it’s the and the first one is the most painful and especially when it’s something it’s attached to something that you love it’s it’s not easy it’s not easy to watch and it’s hard to overcome like these type of moments they haunt you forever I’m telling you stuff because I I’ve I’ve been around enough I’ve seen enough you meet you meet pro ball players they talk to you you can tell they don’t get they don’t end up on drugs for nothing they don’t end up being addicts for nothing and it always happens after the career during the fall not to say that this is going to be the conversation but this is just the reality of what I’ve seen I know there’s pain and sometimes people do whatever it takes to cope with it and to cope with decisions being made and to cope with regrets that they may have that would have made their life different to the where where would have made things a lot better and a lot easier manageable even you got to understand like I had I grew up in an era where there was so many programs in New York where you got a chance to meet so many NBA ball players after their run and they tell you the truth and you see the truth when the money run out when the fans don’t when people don’t recognize you like they used to when they were child prodigies and Superstars and they won here and they won there and then all of a sudden it’s all gone it’s like a memory it’s like you remember that that scene in in Above the Rim when Bernie M character kept kept kept telling Tom sheeper they they can’t forget what we was once was like he was holding on that’s what I’ve seen they were holding on to what used to be because it never panned out to when you watch Above the Rim that’s exactly what you see in New York you see a bunch of ball players some high school college Pros they all have regrets they all have that moment where and their greatness doesn’t exist anymore and you didn’t do enough to secure the future that you that you always dreamt of having that 50 million 100 he could have got that 100 million there’s no way he couldn’t have made the 100 million I don’t care what anybody says it was up to him it was his responsibility to make it happen we had a blank check waiting all he had to do was execute he never executed he never took care of his end of the bargain now here we are he’s in Milwaukee with thesaurus like it’s it’s yo it’s annoying man like for real cuz all he had like how do you skip those steps like how do you get to Duke without being every every player that I watch that Duke they could all handle the rock they could all handle the rock they could all create that used to be the thing you go to Duke you got to be able to handle the rock you got to be able to rebound you got to be able to go off the dribble you got to be able to finish out the basket and hit free throws like that was every position was able to do those things that was like that’s why they got McDonald’s all Americans the best of the best that can go off the dribble that can shoot that can rebound that can finish on the break that can finish in transition that that could finish you know in the halfcourt set hit big shots deal with big moments and go after a national championship like that’s the tradition of Duke how did he get the Duke without being able to handle the rock or do any of the things that everybody before him was supposed to that was mandatory for everybody to do be able to do that jump shot is what got them what got him there but he never developed the other skills if he was able to go off the dribble if he was able to grab us four rebounds and grab get us four assists along with the along with his shooting he gets a deal he might not have got a 100 but he would have got something it wouldn’t be the league minimum going to Milwaukee I could say that much like he like this is what happens when you skip steps he left school too early like you have to develop your game before before you get to the league you can’t get to the league and then try to develop your game against Pros against the best in the world n you got to have all that polished and ready to go because you don’t know what part of your game is going to translate and what you got to work on and how long it’s going to take for you this a Shooters League a scorers Paradise a ball handl his dream like there’s so much more to basketball of course than those three things but they they’re put at the Forefront because they’re part they’re a big part of the entertainment but you have to be able to do all the other things fundamentally like you got to have all the professional level fundamentals all your fun fundamentals have to be at a pro level you can’t be then I’m working on my handle you might not have time like why you you might not have time you got to come at least you got to have a handle and that the go with that jump shot got to have at least ball control if you don’t have the creativity yet like it’s it’s like we shouldn’t even be here to be honest with you we shouldn’t even be a conversation cuz it’s easy to make jokes about it and laugh about it but I know what comes after that I mean he has a his family’s going to support him but he he’s this this is going to be hard to recover from I promise you just thinking about it like I know it’s going to be tough I know it’s going to be tough there’s no like you can you you can’t hide from yourself we all go through this especially if you a ball player and you love it at some point you got to look at yourself like I I I still find things that I like I discovered some [ __ ] about you know me playing ball as a kid a couple weeks ago then I had another Epiphany cuz you always think why what happened like what happened why didn’t I get the full experience out of that with everything I was capable of doing what what was the timing of it I never latched on mentally to this is different than organiz I don’t have the same time as I had in the hood or any street ball game like you play outside like you got all day you playing a quarter you playing the tournament like you could you could you can take your time if you want to you can get your numbers but you can get a whole lot more done if you’re like listen I got to go after it I can’t let it come to me and I need an MVP in every tournament it’s GNA be a fight for it you know what I mean it was never never wrapped my mind around the time I always because there was always another game there was always another there was always more basketball to be played this was not the end and I should have treated it like I’m never going to be in this tournament again I’m never going to be 12 again or 13 or 14 ever but it’s hard to think like that as a kid then you realize as an adult like [ __ ] there was nobody they they they told us things but it was never like you understood it but they I never I I was never told that I was never given the ultimatum of if you don’t win the MVP by the time you 16 it’s going to be tough you have to figure out that thing to be the best performer you to get the most out of your talents as you can because when it’s over like you this is the time there is no other time between 13 and 16 is the time everything else is a byproduct of 13 to 16 that’s a fact they can know by the time you’re 14 if you’re going to be in the league or not they’ll wait to see if you hit the growth spirit and grow into whatever skills and talents have and if you do by the time you’re 16 they’ll be there’ll be Advanced conversations after that but they all watch you they all are aware of you they all hear about you people that you don’t think know about you know about you keeping an eye on you you don’t find out till you get older you don’t find out that certain people at your games for a reason you just start having all these different you things are just coming back to you as you get older you’re like damn lot of this [ __ ] wasn’t a coincidence you know what I mean you have all these you start to understand why oh that didn’t work because of that it wasn’t always your fault you were a baby you were a baby like [ __ ] you know at 13 14 15 16 what do you know you know nothing you know what I mean so it’s is you just deal with that I can’t imagine having to unravel and peel away that type of thing cuz I just finished unraveling mine it took me years of being annoyed and frustrated and then you’re like all right this is why it didn’t it didn’t work that’s why and this is why okay I I didn’t do that when I could have did you really peel away at what went wrong it’s tough to do especially self therapy you sit there and you you unravel like oh that’s that’s why it didn’t work that’s why it didn’t happen it’s never because you’re not good enough it’s because this it’s more psychological and you’re a kid your frontal load wasn’t developed you’re a baby you didn’t it wasn’t there was no information it wasn’t it wasn’t it it just probably wasn’t meant to be you accept it but you make sure it never happens again in other endeavors that you undertake you always get another shot but I can’t imagine having to unravel what he’s going to have to unravel because he went all the Way to the Top once you go to the top there’s nothing else either it’s Nana or it’s a nightmare but it’s going to be one of the two but at the end of that there’s nothing to compare that two there’s nothing that’s going to bring you the same feeling there’s nothing that’s going to bring you the same memories there’s nothing that’s going to bring you the same gratification socially economically emotionally like you’re not going to get it anywhere you’re going to be chasing a ghost forever and some and when you miss out on an opportunity like this like I can’t I can’t as a competent adult joke about that like I can’t like it’s if I was a kid if I was 21 yeah I would joke about it I clown cuz I don’t I don’t know no better at 21 but at my age I know better that [ __ ] ain’t it ain’t nothing to joke about man it isn’t it it’s nothing it’s not it’s not a laughing matter not right now it’s he got some work to do he got some work to do I don’t I don’t think I don’t it’s going to be tough to recover I mean as a person it’s going to be tough to recover he’s they’re not going to give him the same opportunity they’re not going to care as much the fans aren’t going to support him like we did he it’s over like what that that comfort zone that it’s it’s now you you and you in the cold it’s the it’s cold out there there’s a different reality out there it’s a different bu they do business differently out there you don’t have the same relationship like when he came to the Raptors there was love a lot of love a lot like it was even though Norm was the I didn’t want to let go of nor I’m telling you that right now I didn’t want to let but that $90 million was like damn he end getting it salute to nor he got it and he’s back home in California but I man he was at one point he was like top five and three point shooting like nor was doing his thing and then we trade him for and I never understood it but he he but we gave him the benefit of the doubt and there was love and there was there was there was this relationship that we developed and he’s not going to get that anywhere else it’s going to be cold out there like Pascal lucky OG lucky Kyle lucky Norm lucky Fred lucky they went someplace where they were all they all appreciated they were all wanted they all got paid that don’t happen for everybody it don’t for all the ones that get the love there’s a bunch of them that don’t you know you know what I mean and because they worked for it there’s a certain level of achievement they earn that he didn’t earn that he didn’t get that to that point where he where that’s that’s a given he left a lot on the table and that’s what he’s going to have to deal with why was it left on the table why I was right there you can’t be that close to $100 million and it not affect you that’s why I’m not laughing that’s why it’s not a joke to me like you looking at it like yo you don’t ever want your kid to go through that cuz there’s a pain that comes with that we all go through it as adults that pain is coming you can wear you can you can get you can your drip could be Immaculate you could your car could be dope the houses could be dopee but at some point in your life you going to have to deal with this [ __ ] cuz them bills ain’t going to stop coming the responsibility ain’t going to stop and you going to realize I could I could have used that opportunity I needed that money cuz 30 years 40 years that’s a long time he’s only 25 but in the NBA at 25 they they make you feel like you [ __ ] sick they offering him can you imagine getting a veteran minimum at and you’re only 25 years old in real life 25 26 like you’re young relatively young in real life in the NBA you’re considered older a matured player he’s been in the league what six seven years the NBA is about that young fresh new guy he’s going to have to figure out how to you know there’s agism in the NBA is only going to get a it’s going to be at some point the average age of the NBA player is going to be like 22 23 25 at the most he’s already at 25 and they’re looking at him like we you had every opportunity like what more could you what more could we give you like they’re look if if he gets the league minimum or or the vet minimum financially he’s never going to recover and that whatever he has and whatever whatever he’s able to attain from this point on hopefully he’s able to rebuild his value and he can get paid cuz the NBA is about to get $76 billion and hopefully he can regain some motion and some traction that’s what they’re hoping for but he’s at the he’s with the wrong team for that to happen because they’re not going to run no plays for him and he’s not going to get the rock enough he he would have needed to stay a raptor because he would get opportunity to start sometimes and to come off the bench and get some good minutes like he would have just so for seniority alone he could have fought for it it would at least now you’re coming in there as the new guy completely new brand new with a bunch of people competing for your spot as minuscule as it’s going to be you’re going to have to fight just to keep that after you’ve been given so much so soon tough you don’t skip steps can’t you you pay for it at some point you pay for it when you skip steps had he stayed in college three years he’ be a way better player now and it would still be a lot more optimism attached to his name as opposed to he only played what one year jumped off the jumped off the porch early he needed more time to develop I wish he would have took more time to develop because the pros is unkind and now look them skeps them steps that he skipped in development and developing his game you got to pay for it like people you don’t recover like I’m telling you man like y’all act like there’s no pain attached to these these missteps it’s pain the the same pain we go through when we miss out an opportunity can you imagine missing out on an opportunity where there’s a hundred million dollars at stake and you’re so close that you could taste it and then it doesn’t happen and then you fall all the way to the point where you got to salvage what you have you got to assess where you are tighten your belt and hope that you can like fix this somehow and for some people it doesn’t always happen we don’t know if he’s going to be able to fix it we’ll be watching but he’s going to have to fix it and he’s in the worst situation to do it he’s in the worst situation to do it you got Dame as the point you got a bunch of other Shooters on that team they not thinking about passing the Rock and they all think they can shoot just as good as you or if if not better and they could hoop and you know Doc Rivers you he likeed JJ reick but JJ reick was a he could hoop he developed himself into a solid ball player he’s going to give you this season hoping that you turn out to be something like a JJ reic but I don’t know how much time you gonna get like I don’t see how that’s gonna work because you got a bunch of guys that can shoot and they they’re not known for swinging it Bobby Porter ain’t going to swing it you know mean the other the other guard they the other shooter they got who shoots what 36% from three he he not sliding that either the sorus is definitely not passing you the ball Giannis is he’s gonna kick it to you Dame nah Dame is not sliding you to rock you know what I mean like it’s then you have then you have this star what what three who’s coming off of a horrible season who he’s definitely going to shoot he’s definitely shooting the makeup with for for last year you in a compromising spot because you got a bunch of Shooters and nobody’s going to be there to pass you the rock so we just got to see how this works out man this it’s it’s nasty work he’s in a hostile environment where everybody’s hungry to take that shot he’s going to have to figure out what else could he offer you know what I mean that jump shot that thing he loves the most he might not be able to utilize now in the league where everybody can shoot he doesn’t seem as special as he once did everybody can ISO they could also dribble rebound pass you know and all the other stuff as well and some of those guys are three or four years some some are five years younger I don’t know how you can fix this man I don’t know we could say work but it’s the perception that’s messed up it’s the blown opportunity that’s there and it’s it’s crazy it’s tough It’s but so much you know Rich Paul can’t finesse he can only finesse but so much we’ll see what happens man but he’s over there in Milwaukee I don’t know how that works out you know what I mean there’s new group of guys not the same but ain’t family you know what I mean the comfort that you once had is you starting over from scratch from the bottom and you don’t have that much time left as a shooter this young gun coming in every year like you’ve got to be gain some traction and momentum you’re not on the team that’s going to allow you to flourish you should have went to like a Charlotte or like a Charlotte is good Brooklyn would have been good Washington would have been good let me see let me see what else would have been better for you it’s not a lot of teams cuz a lot of teams got Shooters and you would be competing but in Charlotte you’d have an opportunity these other places where there even Miami they need somebody to come off the bench and shoot like there’s but nobody show interest nobody this was like he was sitting on the table for a long time somebody need to get fired like whoever the agent is if it’s Rich Paul you got to find somebody else told you whoever your trainer is you got to get another trainer you got to get another trainer like you got to get like you got to fix this now you got to find lethal shooter you got to talk to him you got to whoever you think can help you change it you got to go that route cuz right now is this is it this this feels like the end this feels like the end I’m not going to even hold you it feels like the end if he don’t fix it this year he’s going to disappear not not from not in the sense of he won’t be in the league but he won’t be relevant like it’s going to be real quiet when it comes to his name it’s going to be real light they used to be

#NBAChev #Subscribe #TorontoRaptors #GaryTrentJr #100ksubs #MilwaukeeBucks

G-MONEY has signed a 1yr Deal with the Milwaukee Bucks.


  1. I like Gary as well. I'm not going to diss him. But he was definitely listening to the wrong people on this. That is too much guaranteed money he left on the table. It was irresponsible, actually, for him to turn down the offer the Raptors gave him. He really should have been able to read the room and recognize that his market value went down because of his inconsistency and not making his shots. The pressure is really on him now to showcase himself for the next contract.

  2. Rich Paul got Bronny a 4 years guaranteed contract with the Lakers. And he got Gary Trent Jr, a proven NBA player, a one year league minimum with Milwaukee……Trent maybe stupid and full of pride but Rich Paul? There's no excuse for a shark like that…..

  3. It suck man. In an economic environment where people are losing there jobs, an excepting pay cuts. For you to not accept that reality in the short term is a bit ignorant.

  4. I wish GTJ all the best and would rather have him on the Raptors than Bruce Brown whose salary is at 23 million. The best part is that GTJ steps right into a starting SG role (Lopez, Giannis, Middleton, Trent Jr, Lillard) on a championship contending team in order to build up his resume for 2025 free agency. For a player that led the entire NBA in wide open 3pt shooting percentage at 51.3% he should get a plethora of wide open looks in Milwaukee. Also, GTJ is one of four players with 500 3-pointers and 300 steals over the past three seasons along with Ant Edwards, Tyrese Haliburton and Fred VanVleet. Btw- to all the people posting that GTJ turned down 15 million from the Raptors… the Raptors never officially offered him a contract at all. IYKYK

  5. He's starting in Milwaukee. And you sound salty. He's playing with Giannis, he will get the most open shots of his career. This is the best spot for him to prove himself.

  6. Okay Chev this has to be said..I’m honestly in the belief of his dad wasn’t a former NBA player he would’ve acted right as well. I don’t think it’s just an over confidence type of thing with him. He grew up around money…

  7. Gary skipped dribbling drills. Only guard that looked down when dribbling. Definitely messed up the bag. I blame Rich Paul and klutch. They did him nasty lol

  8. Doc drew up plays for Malik Beasley so he’s 100% gettin the ball yall juss a lil salty it’s finw

  9. Bro What a Love Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Love Hate Love Hate Hate Hate relationship with G-Money! Glad he's gone TBH, give someone else a chance to shine

  10. The Raptors is a great organization, but GTJ got over confident and greedy. He wanted out of Toronto and didn't play up to his potential in his final year and now go bust your ass for the league minimum.

  11. Bro bet on himself when he was on the worst losing of the Raptors in franchise history wrong time to bet my friend. Fred and Pascal did it when they made a ROTY and all star

  12. With him signing this one year deal in reality he only has 2 months to show his value. He has to come out the gate on fire and finish the season shooting 40 percent from deep and about 80 plus from the line to stay alive in the nba. I wish he would’ve took a 2 year deal from the Raptors because the situation over there is more stable than it’s since the championship year. No more moving pieces and trades. GT could have found his groove in a role and got his shooting percentages where he needed to have them and every now and again go for 30 off the bench then he would be able to have a conversation about 80mill but he missed his opportunity. Smh

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