@Miami Heat

Hardly breaking news, but, fastest way for Heat to become a no-doubt top 4 team in East again is Jovic or Ware becoming a VERY GOOD partner alongside Bam. Ware needs time (and time in weight room) but there have been tantalizing flashes, including again today.

Hardly breaking news, but, fastest way for Heat to become a no-doubt top 4 team in East again is Jovic or Ware becoming a VERY GOOD partner alongside Bam. Ware needs time (and time in weight room) but there have been tantalizing flashes, including again today.

by tomgreen99200


  1. SnooPeripherals4884

    If Ware can give us a solid 20 min off the bench by mid-season, with 5-10 of those minutes being along side bam, and also Jovic taking another leap, I think it’s perfectly feasible to get up to the 4 seed with Spo leading the way. I think Ware is going to provide competition for that last starting spot, so I can see Jovic being extra hungry to improve this season.

  2. Cockycent

    To me, Jovic at the 4, Bam at the 5, and Ware as the backup is just the best possibility. Putting pressure on the rookie to start next to Bam is unrealistic.

    He has to consistently hit the 3, even if it is on low volume and he has to guard the 5s that Bam used to defend – Jokic, Embiid, Jarrett, etc.

    He’s already being pushed around by SL 5s, why is there a rush to throw him into hell with NBA level 5s?

  3. BringerOfBricks

    Barry on his pivot phase of the offseason cycle. We’re gonna be contenders soon boys!

  4. PlayBey0nd87

    Bam needs to slide to the 4. It’s long overdue. He can cover ground but he needs to have space to move & not be delegated to trying to contend with everybody else big all the time.

    Jovic has length but may be best at 4. We need Ware to make a leap. We need K Love to give solid 10-15 mins. We need Bryant to be ready to contribute 10-15 mins too.

    Everybody has gotten bigger and longer. Let’s get it Spo.

  5. CreativeInvestorX

    It’s the way of the new CBA. No pick next year means we need to hope these guys can become very, very productive. If the Heat can’t do it, no other team can.

  6. TheRatchetTrombone

    I mean its already there tbh. Jovic looks better and is likely to get Olympics + the training camp and will play the full season. Ware looks too good to be in the gleague and not use his height off the bench. He will get 10-15 mpg and improve through the season, which will lower wear and tear, we wont lose games on revounds, and we will have a consistent closing lineup. Not to mention JJJ and others.

    But Barry please shut up with your whiny ass tone.

  7. old_balance992

    realistically i’m not expecting much from ware but the learning curve for rookie centers isn’t as steep as it is for a rookie point guard. in my opinion the quickest way for the heat to become top 4 is JJJ and Jovic to take a leap and become consistent offensive and defensive contributors every night.

  8. XxxRalphNader

    True believers know the end game is point Jovic 

  9. Verumsemper

    I actually disagree, the key to me is Jaime. If he can give the heat 20 pts a game off the bench, while playing solid defense, he would become the offensive player they need without the defensive weakness of Herro.

  10. pretzeldoggo

    Assuming health, I think you guys will be a top 4 seed anyways.


    Herro-Ware-JJJ-Love-Highsmith-Bryant-Burks is a super solid 1-8/9

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