@Boston Celtics

Celtics Legend Paul Pierce Fires Back at Panathinaikos Coach’s “World Champions” Jibe: “Joker get dominated yesterday”

Celtics Legend Paul Pierce Fires Back at Panathinaikos Coach’s “World Champions” Jibe: “Joker get dominated yesterday”

by Imaginary-Mouse-1737


  1. BigAustralianBoat2

    The whole world champions thing is ridiculous. Every basketball player in the world wants to be in the NBA. You never hear of anyone wanting to play for their favorite team the Hong Kong Bongrips or whatever.

    I’d bet everything I own the hornets would dominate the Euroleague and sleepwalk to whatever they call their championship.

    So yeah, whoever wins in the NBA are world champions.

  2. claretyportman

    I know I’ll get downvoted for this here but I actually think it’s stupid in both directions. It’s insane to think Panathinaikos wouldn’t get absolutely crushed by the Celtics, but I also think it’s stupid and pointless to use the phrase. A 100m sprinter that beat the hell out of everyone for a full year and smashed the world record by half a second still wouldn’t call himself the world champion unless he won the World Championships, even though he was obviously the best. You can’t really just claim to be the champion of something just because you’re the best. May as well claim to be champions of the universe because we’re surely better at basketball than whatever mysterious life forms are out there. Or the champion of that weird thing they only do in the Netherlands could call themselves the world champion of vaulting over canals with a 50ft pole.

    Celtics are the NBA champions and that’s the top of the tree.

  3. sully9614

    France had 3 players in the top 10 in the draft this year (the first time a country has done that besides America) and that’s not even including the most sought after prospect since LeBron last year. 4 of the 5 best players in the league are international players. James Harden was the last player born in America to win MVP, and tbh besides Tatum idk what other American is immediately in the conversation for next years MVP off the top of my head. Hell, our team had 3 players representing countries that had never had an NBA champion before. The notion that the NBA is strictly an American sport is nonsense, and it’s even more ridiculous to think the Celtics would lose to *anyone* last year, regardless of league.

    Also, the Super Greece League only plays 26 games and a 6 game playoffs to determine the champion. The variables are simply not the same and for the sake of the argument, I’d wonder how they’re team would do for 82 games plus however many playoff games they can get

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