@National Basketball Association

[Andrews] “South Sudan came into today’s game as 43.5 point underdogs and instead lost by a single point. Impressive showing.”

[Andrews] “South Sudan came into today’s game as 43.5 point underdogs and instead lost by a single point. Impressive showing.”

by BigButter7


  1. PrinceKarmaa

    taking a page from the lakers playbook for moral victories

  2. Renegadeforever2024

    Imagine they meet in the gold medal game

  3. TheyCallMeTheWizard

    And should’ve won except we got gifted a call. Impressive is a huge understatement. Give those guys some NBA contracts

  4. Individual_Attempt50

    43 points was too disrespectful , I knew that they were a good team

  5. Rosenvial5

    And this is why you actually play games to determine who the best team is instead of declaring the winners of the best national league as the world champions

  6. New_Essay_4869

    They shouldve won. That was a foul on Ant

  7. BearsNecessity

    I do not understand why Jaylen Brown is not on this team.

  8. What was *really* an impressive showing was how much the USA players cleaned up on the bookies!

  9. Significant-Ad5567

    I was rooting for Sudan. Sorry Home Team America. I wanted to see the upset

  10. itsnotyellowfever

    Is Serbia the worst team in their bracket?

  11. What the actual fuck. That’s a spread like I’d imagine for an nba team vs a high school team. How did USA almost lose?

  12. SagalaUso

    They were impressive in their qualifications to get to Paris. A huge accomplishment and then to play like this the US is crazy.

  13. JaderMcDanersStan

    Super impressive. I was lowkey rooting for South Sudan by the end. They play gritty basketball

  14. BigMik_PL

    I can’t stress enough how difficult it is to play a game like this for the US.

    This was one of the most important games in South Sudan’s history. Their players came in to fight tooth and nail every possession.

    For team USA this was a “go out there, get some shots up and don’t get hurt” scrimmage. The whole goal for US these showcases has been mostly to just get in game shape. You can see for stretches when they actually zero in how dominant they are.

    It’s just very very hard to play when there is such a disparity in intensity. It’s pro equivalent of going to LA Fitness to get some shots up and there is a guy there taking it way too seriously and going balls to the wall, not caring if he gets hurt or not guarding people full court.

    From what I’ve seen so far I think the US is gonna blow out every team they are going to play against regardless of how they line up and what Steve Kerr does.

    There is just no path for other teams to beat them.

  15. Shirumbe787

    Team USA lets their opponents score more in the beginning but lets them choke in the last quarter.

  16. nonstopenguins

    shout out to coach Royal Ivey. Ime has low key put together a great coaching staff around him.

  17. PorvaniaAmussa

    Is it, though? Everybody is panicking their ass off. It’s the equivalent of looking at the pre-season and claiming X Team is in danger. Chill tf out lmfao.

  18. efficientshelter69

    Confirms NBA players are ref merchants

  19. I was kinda rooting for South Sudan because they were such underdogs. (And it was only a prelim game.) Damn exciting.

  20. Redsox19681968

    This is Ghana. You, my friend, are shooting for the Sudan.”

  21. Redsox19681968

    This is Ghana. You, my friend, are shooting for the Sudan.”

  22. MaceDestroyers

    Iowa State legend Marial Shayok putting in work for South Sudan.

  23. Party-Benefit-3995

    Jontay probably made a killing on this parlay!

  24. realfakejames

    Exhibition games mean nothing I don’t know how many times y’all need to hear it

    Jokic played like mid in Serbias matchup with the US not a single soul thought that meant anything lmao like when the games matter then clutch your pearls

  25. For South Sudan, it was the finals. For team USA, it was Tuesday.

  26. Man Shoutout to Luol Deng for his work as the president of South Sudan basketball confederation. He definitely contributed to that

  27. AtreusIsBack

    Or maybe this team isn’t quite as good as people think it is. I don’t want to hear any talk about “assembling the Avengers”, lol

  28. Miserable-Lawyer-233

    It’s worse for them to lose by a point. They’d rather get blown out, then get so close and have victory snatched away from them.

  29. They should just all be adopted by a state without a team and join the NBA.

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